
freedom versus nationalism 6, 161–2
French conquest and Tocqueville 152, 153, 155, 156, 158–62
moral ambiguity 159, 160
Allais, Maurice 221–2, 229
Mont Pèlerin Society 221
Mouvement pour une société libre 221–2
Nobel Prize 228, 229
ancien régime 4, 21, 24, 39, 40, 141
intellectual life 5, 134, 135
liberalism 2, 4, 9, 73, 115
rights movement 291, 292
Anglophobia/Anglophilia 170, 176, 189
Arendt, Hannah 77
Aron, Raymond 2, 35, 57, 217
affinities to Tocqueville 8, 274–88
attitude to intellectuals 282–3
moderation 276–7
revolution 277–82
on capitalism 286–7, 289
dialogue with Hayek 276
Essai sur les libertés 276
‘events’ (May–June 1968) 277–82
‘Fanaticism, Prudence and Faith’ 284
and Kant 284
La révolution introuvable 277
and liberalism 222–3, 276, 277
on liberty 276
and Marxism 286, 288
‘Max Weber and Modern Social Science’ 285
Memoirs 288
moderate tradition 8, 272, 273, 276–7, 283–5, 286, 287–90
political judgement 283–7
reputation 8, 289–90
The Man Against the Tyrants 274
The Opium of the Intellectuals 274, 282
Association pour la liberté économique et le progrès social (ALEPS) 228
Austrian School 215, 220, 227, 228
Barante, Prosper de 18, 23, 26, 117
Bastiat, Frédéric 12, 210, 227
and Cobden 199–200
diffusion of economic knowledge 7, 193, 199–200, 201
self-interest and competition 193, 200–1
Sophismes économiques 200
Baudin, Louis 217, 218, 220, 227, 228
Baudrillart, Henri 203
Bayle, Pierre 48
Beaumont, Gustave de 280, 281
Beauvour, François-Jean, Voyages de M. le Marquis de Chastellus dans L’Amérique septentrionale 176
Becker, Gary 224, 228
Benoist, Alain, Nouvelle Droite 227
Benthamism See utilitarianism
Bentham, Jeremy 143, 144–5, 190, 195
reputation in France 145, 203
Berenson, Edward 117
Bergson, Henri 148
Berlin, Isaiah 57, 76
Biran, Maine de 142
Blaise, Adolphe 198
Blanc, Louis 127
the individual and the state 254–8
doctrine of non-intervention 257
protection from tyranny 256–7
Block, Maurice 203–6
altruism and egoism 203–4
Bloom, Allan 272
Blum, Léon, Front Populaire 212
Bonald, L. G. A. 17, 21, 23, 118
Bonaparte See Napoleon Bonaparte
Bouglé, Célestin 2, 8, 54, 211
practical sociological liberalism 247–8
Bourgeois, Marcel 215
Breyer, Steven, Active Liberty: Interpreting our Democratic Constitution 12
Brissot, Jacques-Pierre 171–81
attitude to Britain 176, 178–81
Bibliothèque philosophique du législateur 171
De la France 176–8
France as saviour of Europe 176–8, 181
French patriotism 173
Lettres sur Saint Paul 172
North America 176, 188
Rome jugée 172
war/liberty and republicanism 172–5, 190
justification for 175, 179–81
and French Republic 179–86
and liberty 169, 170
mercantile domination of Europe 176–7, 180, 181, 184, 188, 189–90
Britain as saviour of Europe 174, 186
Burke 182–3
D’Ivernois 183, 184–5, 187
Gibbon 174, 182
Broglie, Victor de 39, 49
Brooks, David 250
Burke, Edmund 21
Britain as saviour of Europe 182–3
First Letter on a Regicide Peace 182
on moderation 288–9
Cabanis, Pierre-Jean-Georges 78
Capitant, René 212
Catholic Church, and liberalism 128, 129
Catholic liberalism 3, 36, 38, 44–7, 217, 219
relationship with the Holy See 46–7
Catholicism in France 117–19, 120, 127, 129–30
Centre international pour la rénovation du libéralisme (CIRL) 219–20
Chailley, Joseph 203
Channing, William Ellery 124, 125, 126, 129–30, 131
Chevalier, Michel 198
Chicago School 208, 210, 220, 227
Clavière, Étienne 176, 178, 188
De la France 176–8
Cobden, Richard 199–200
Colbert, Jean-Baptiste 70
Comte, Auguste 18, 44, 126, 193, 273, 275
and altruism 202, 203
sociology 202, 203, 239, 240
Comte, Charles 201
Condillac, E. de 17, 141, 144
Condorcet, N. de 173
Constant, Benjamin 1, 2, 3, 44, 190, 272
active in politics 76–7, 78
civil liberty 74, 75, 76, 89
the Coppet group 36, 38, 41, 44
Cours de politique constitutionelle 130
De la religion considérée dans sa source, ses formes et ses développments 120, 123, 124, 125, 129
democratic liberalism 50
fear of despotism 77, 80, 81
general/private interest 42
individualism 73, 124, 132, 300, 305, 306
and the state 31, 48, 255
liberal Protestantism 5, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127
on liberty 30, 73–4, 81, 82–3, 132, 255
on monarchy 79–80
and the Napoleonic system 76–7, 77–9
On the Possibility of a Republican Constitution in a Large Country 74, 77–8, 79–80, 81, 84, 88
On Religion 47
participation 4, 30–1, 80, 197
political liberty 73–83, 89
press freedom 39, 51, 52
Principles of Politics Applicable to All Governments 47, 81–2, 91, 101
and religion 117, 120–4, 128, 129, 132
Republican Constitution 76
republican vision 4, 73, 75, 78, 79, 80–1, 84, 89
Society for Christian Morals 121
spritual dimension 120, 121, 122, 142
‘The Liberty of the Ancients Compared with that of the Moderns’ 9, 12, 18, 30, 74, 77, 82–3
The Principles of Politics 47
and Tocqueville 73–7, 89
universal suffrage 44
utilitarianism/Benthamism 139, 140–1, 148
Constant, Benjamin, critique of the Reign of Terror 5, 90–112
Commentaire sur l’ouvrage de Filangieri 91
Committee of Public Safety 99, 112
‘De l’abréviation des formes’ 91
Des effets de la Terreur 91
due process (les formes) 91, 96–7
departure from 5, 91–2, 94–8, 99, 111–12
protection afforded by 93–5, 111
factional interests 98–101, 112
militarization of justice 108–9
pre-emption 90, 101–10
Revolutionary Tribunals 5, 90–109
right of the state to punish 111
two-track legal system 92, 96, 97
Contract Theory 15, 16, 306
Coppet group, French liberalism 3, 36, 38
contemporary relevance 53–4
individualism 42, 44, 47
Swiss and Protestant heritage 47–8
Coquerel, Athanase, Lettre à M. Guizot 128
corporatism 211, 216, 217, 219
Cousin, Victor 45, 52, 142–3, 144, 234
Déat, Marcel 212
d’Eichthal, Eugène 210
Detoeuf, Auguste
Construction de syndicalisme 216
on liberalism 215, 216, 218, 221
and Lippmann 225
Dieterlen, Pierre 224–5
directionnisme 211, 212
D’Ivernois, François
Britain, France and Europe 183–7
on Napoleon 186–7, 188
Doctrinaires 3, 18–21
atomization 21, 27, 28, 35
balance of power 28
‘democratic’ authority 22
elitism 42–4
in government 22, 37–8, 39
press freedom 49, 52
social structure and change 18, 20, 23, 24–8
sociology/political theory 20, 21, 22, 24, 33, 34, 35
and the state 42, 43
and ultra-royalists 22–3
Dumont, Étienne 2
‘Benthamism’ 136–7, 139, 144
Dumont, Louis 300, 301, 303, 304
Dunoyer, Charles 7, 193, 199, 201–2
De la liberté du travail 201
Dupont-White, Charles, individual and state 258–64
liberty and the rule of law 258–9
state as guardian of liberty 263–4
Dupuy, Jean-Pierre 134
Durkheim, Émile
concept of society 244–5
individual and state 245, 246, 250, 264–7
intermediary bodies 264, 265, 266
political education 266
individualism and liberty 53, 54, 245, 246
nation and state 245
sociological liberalism 239, 244–6
Eclectics 234–6
Enfantin, Prosper 126
English liberal thought 16–17, 24, 33–5
See also Mill, J. S.
English model of the state 6, 25–6, 32–3, 38–9, 50, 58, 169, 170, 254, 272, 273
Montesquieu 58, 59, 60, 62, 63–4, 64–5, 72, 169
Espinas, Alfred, biology, sociology and liberalism 239–41
Des sociétés animales 240
French destruction of 183, 186–7
future of 170–1, 174–5, 182–6
France, champion of free Europe
European Union 249
Flandin, Pierre-Étienne 211, 212
Foucault, Michel 145, 207, 308
Fouillée, Alfred 2, 8, 41, 53, 236
critique of Marxist socialism 242
a liberal synthesis
concept of ‘idée-force’ 241–2
nation and state 243
Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) 210, 220
champion of free Europe 171–81, 184, 185–6, 187–91
destroyer of Europe 183, 186–7
Republic/financial stability 181, 185, 186
Revolutionary Wars 107–9, 174
free mœurs 26, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34
free trade
France and North America 169
versus British mercantilism 6, 180, 188, 189–90
Fried, Charles 12
Friedman, David 224
Friedman, Milton 208, 220, 221, 224, 227, 228, 286
Front Populaire 212, 216, 217, 223, 249
Furet, François 255
Garnier-Pagès, Louis-Antoine 44
Gauchet, Marcel 2, 250, 304
critique of Tocqueville 300, 305–6, 307–8, 310
exit from religion 116, 233
‘Human Rights Are Not a Politics’ 302
‘Individual and State’ 40, 249, 306–10
and Marxism 9, 292, 310
politics of human rights 303–10
rights of man 291, 292
Gibbon, Edward
Britain as saviour of Europe 174, 182
Decline and Fall 171
the future of Europe 171, 174, 175, 182
Gide, Charles 211
Gillaumin, Gilbert-Urbain 193
Gobineau, Arthur de
Essay on the Inequality of Human Races 153
‘scientific racism’ 152, 153–4, 165
Gray, Walter 130
Guizot, François 9, 33, 39, 259
anti-Protestantism 126–30
Catholicism and France 128–9
‘Du catholicisme, du protestantisme et de la philosophie’ 127–8
Essays on the History of France (1822) 19–20
in government 52, 77, 84
History of Civilisation in Europe (1828) 23
and individual liberty 47
leading Doctrinaire 18, 20–1, 23, 24, 26, 36, 37, 38, 41, 43, 77
liberalism 1, 3, 50, 52–3, 127, 235
moderate tradition 272
press role and freedom 49–51
and religion 127–9
social theory 20
universal suffrage 44, 53, 235
Guyot, Yves 210
Halévy, Elie 2, 286
History of the English People 149
L’ère des tyrannies 135
moderate tradition 272, 286
The Growth of Philosophical Radicalism 135, 146
and utilitarianism 134, 135, 145–50
Hayek, Friedrich, and liberalism 12, 38, 207, 208, 214, 215, 218, 220, 221, 224, 228
ideological fall and rise 227
Mont Pèlerin Society 225, 226
neoliberalism 208, 223
The Constitution of Liberty 276
Helvétius, Claude Adrien 195
De l’Esprit 138
Hirchman, A. O. 67
Hoffman, Stanley 274, 277
Holroyd, John 171
Hume, David 17, 75, 169–70
Hunold, Albert, Mont Pèlerin Society 220, 224, 225–6, 228
Idéologues 137, 139, 140, 141, 142, 144
British conquest and Tocqueville 6, 152, 153, 156, 162–4
Hinduism and nationalism 162, 165
individual 9, 47–8
and society 17, 242–3, 294, 304, 305
Coppet group 3, 42, 48
Enlightenment 21
modern 84–5
and Protestantism 126, 128
Renouvier 238
rise of 300, 301, 304
Tocqueville 73, 84–5, 305–6
individual rights 9–12, 248, 291–3
Eclectics 235–6
human rights 236, 293–310
and Marxism 292, 293
politics of 291–310
social/political context 7, 10, 11, 12
Ingram, James 302
Ireland, and Tocqueville 155–8
church, state and people 156
freedom in colonial context 157–8
Jaume, Lucien 57, 115
Journal des économistes 192–3, 198, 199, 203, 210
journalism in France 49
Jouvenel, Bertrand de 228, 272
Du pouvoir 222
Mont Pèlerin Society 221, 222
Kant 38, 236, 284
Kelly, George Armstrong 120
Kergorlay, Louis de 159
Keynes, John Maynard, General Theory 217
Keynesianism 214, 226–7
Koestler, Arthur 295
Kuisel, Richard 209
Laboulaye, Éduard 130–2
La Chronique de mois 173
Lacordaire 3, 36, 45–6, 128
La France libre 217
Lamennais, H. F. R. de 3, 36, 46
Lanautte, A. M. B. de 185
L’Avenir 45, 46
Lavergne, Bernard 217–18
Leduc, Gaston 223, 228
Lefort, Claude 2, 249, 291, 292
human rights and the individual 10, 249, 293–4
human rights, political theory and Marx 10, 293, 294–302, 303, 309
Constant and individualism 300
dissidence/anti-politics 295
individual and society 294
rights and social context 298–9
social anteriority 300
and Tocqueville 300
Le Front socialiste republican français 212
Leoni, Bruno 225
Leoni Institute 228
Lepage, Henri 227
Leroy-Beaulieu, Paul 193, 202
egoism, self-interest and altruism 204
state administration 204–5, 206
Traité théoretique et pratique d’économie politique 204
Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien 246
liberty 9, 12, 15, 169, 170
Aron 276
civil 30–2, 75, 82–3
concept of 3, 4, 16, 24, 29–33, 82–3, 252
Constant 30, 73–4, 81, 82–3, 132, 255
different senses of 30, 31, 75–6, 83–4
Locke 62
Montesquieu 60–1, 62
‘positive’ 88, 276
republican 75–6, 83–4
Lippmann, Walter 220
and the Colloquium 214, 225
concept of liberalism 213, 217
support for ‘New Society’ 227
The Good Society 213, 214, 221
Locke, John 17, 34, 38, 57, 62, 141, 142
Logue, William, From Philosophy to Sociology 250
Machiavelli, Niccolò 80
Discourses 74
British policies 180, 186, 191
and Montesquieu 63–4
Maistre, Joseph de 17, 21, 23, 46, 118, 126
Mallet De Pan, Jacques, Essai historique sur la destruction de la Ligue & de la liberté helvétiques 186
Manent, Pierre 57, 58, 250
An Intellectual History of Liberalism 116
Mantoux, Étienne 216
Marjolin, Robert 217
Marlio, Louis 215, 216, 219–20, 221, 225, 228
Marxism 242, 249, 250, 273, 275
Marx, Karl 20, 225, 239, 300–1
on human rights 292–3, 295–9, 309
‘On the Jewish Question’ 292, 293, 295, 297
Mercier, Ernest 215–16
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 292, 298
Humanism and Terror 295
Phenomenology of Perception 295
Mill, J. S. 17, 18, 152, 202, 223
and French liberalism 33–5
On Liberty 34
Representative Government 34
Mises, Ludwig von 208, 215, 218, 220, 224, 228, 229
moderation, tradition of 8, 271–90
Montesquieu 4, 38, 64, 65, 72, 272
mœurs See free mœurs
Molinari, Gustave de 203, 210
Montalembert, C. F. R. de 3, 36, 45, 46, 47
Montesquieu and liberalism 1, 11, 16, 38, 57–9, 80
concept of moderation 4, 64, 65, 72, 272
customs 63, 64
‘distribution/separation of powers’ 28, 57, 59, 72, 272
doux commerce, theory of 4, 59, 65–9
the English model 58, 59, 60, 62, 63–4, 64–5, 72
on freedom 9
individual rights 61–2
‘invisible hand’, theory of 4, 59, 69–71
liberty, subjective perception of 4, 62, 63–4
Machiavellianism 63–4
Mes pensées 70–1
Persian Letters 67
philosophy of liberty 59–62
political laws/civil laws 61
pursuit of honour 4, 68, 69, 70
republican virtue 58, 60, 62, 87
The Greatness of the Romans and their Decline 80
The Spirit of the Laws 1, 57–72, 169, 272
Mont Pèlerin Society 210, 214, 220–8
Napoleon Bonaparte 50, 138–9
centralized state 4, 21, 36, 38, 42, 81
Conseil d’État 41
the Consulate 76, 77, 78, 79, 188
liberal views of 187–9
Protestant Reformation 119, 120
and Say 188
Napoleonic system and political liberty 78–9, 81, 82
Necker, Jacques
Cours de morale religieuse 119, 120
De l’administration des finances 177, 184
neoliberalism 208–9
Austrian and Chicago Schools 208, 210
constructive/social 213
Ostend Colloquium 210, 224
radical liberalism 210
ultra-liberalism 227
neoliberalism in France 7, 208–29, 217–18, 224
Centre international pour la rénovation du libéralisme (CIRL) 219–20
emergence of the term 211–12
evolution of 223–9
historical development 210–12
‘old’ neo-liberalism 223–4
social liberalism 219–20, 229
state interventionism 208–9, 211, 217, 228–9
the state and the markets 220
‘new economists’ 227, 228
Nisbet, Robert, The Sociological Tradition 21, 24
Nouvelle Droite 227
Noyelle, Henri 211, 212
Orléanistes 41, 43, 53
Ostend Colloquium 210, 225
Paine, Thomas
British mercantile system 179, 185
Rights of Man 178–9
on war 178–9
Pangle, Thomas 57, 58
participation 30, 31, 32, 33, 238
Perrot, Michelle 134
Piate, André 217
Pirou, Gatëan 211, 214
Pitt, William 179, 182, 184, 185
Polanyi, Michael 223
political economy in France 192–207
altruism and self-interest 202–4
Bastiat 199–201
Collège de France 198
Dictionnaire de l’économie politique 203
diffusion of economic knowledge 193, 197, 198, 199, 201, 207
Dunoyer 201–2
function of government 194
governance of industrial society 202–3
governmental–administrative nexus 195–7, 203, 204–6
Journal des économistes 192–3, 198, 199, 203, 210
Leroy-Beaulieu 204–6
and liberalism 206–7
‘new economists’ 227, 228
practical application of 193, 202
Say 194–7
self-interest and market competition 193, 195, 200–1
Societé d’économic politique 192, 199
suppression of 198–9
Popular Front See Front Populaire
Pradt, Abbé de 117
press freedom 3, 48–52
Price, Richard 169
Protestantism See religion in France
Quinet, Edgar 129–30
Lettre sur la situation religieuse et morale de l’Europe 129
Rahe, Paul, Soft Despotism 11–12
Rappard, William 220, 221, 228
Rawls, John 135
Raynaud, Philippe 293, 294
religion in France 126–30, 234–5
anti-Protestantism and Guizot 126–30
Benjamin Constant 120–4
Catholicism 117–19, 120, 127, 129–30
Gauchet, ‘sortie de religion’ 116, 233
Laboulaye 130–2
liberalism and 11, 116
Protestantism 119–20, 124, 126–30, 142
Protestant Reformation 5, 116, 118, 119–20, 123, 128, 129, 133
revivals 116–20
Sismondi 124–6
Unitarianism 5, 116
Renouvier, Charles 8, 250
sociological turn 236–9
republican heritage 3, 37, 41, 73, 75–6, 82, 255
Revolution 39–40, 262–3, 277–81
Revue d’économie politique 216
Ricossa, Sergio 225
Rist, Charles 143
Robespierre, Maximilien 93, 94, 110, 111
Roederer, Pierre-Louis 78
Röpke, Wilhelm 215, 218, 220, 227
Mont Pèlerin Society 224, 225, 228
Rosanvallon, Pierre 43, 115, 300
Rosenblatt, Helena 82
Rothbard, Murray 224, 228
Rougier, Louis 212–13, 220, 221, 228
economic liberalism 213, 214, 224
and the Nouvelle Droite 227
and the Walter Lippmann Colloquium 213–14
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 17, 172
citizens and the state 264, 267
Discourse on the Origin of Inequality 15
Du contrat social 30, 33
participation 33
Royer, Clémence 203
Royer-Collard, Pierre Paul 3, 18, 20–1, 22, 26, 36, 44
centralization and democracy 27–8
press freedom/range 49, 52
Rueff, Jacques 211, 216–17, 218, 220, 221
liberalism 224
neoliberalism 214, 221
Ruggiero, Guido de 115
Rüstow, Alexander 215, 218
Saint-Simon, Henri de 126, 198
Saint-Simonians 33, 126, 131, 144, 198
Salin, Pascal 227–9
Salleron, Louis 211–12
Sánchez-Mejía, M.L. 78
Sartre, Jean-Paul 288, 289
Say, Jean-Baptiste 143, 144, 187–91
convinced republican 187–8
Cours complet d’économie politique pratique 194, 197
free trade versus British mercantilism 188, 189–90
on ‘immaterial services’ 201
‘La Politique pratique’ 190–1, 194, 197
and liberty 190–1
and Napoleon 188–9
North American model 190
political economist 192, 193
self-interest, knowledge and government 7, 194–7, 198
citizen order and security 194–5
education of citizens 197, 198, 199
government–administration nexus 195–7
market competition 195, 196
the ‘minimal state’ 194, 195
Saint-Simonian challenge 198
self-interest 195–6
Traité d’économie politique 6, 188, 190, 192, 193, 195, 196, 197
Say, Leon 203, 210
Schumpeter, J. A. 202
Serre, Hercule de 49
Sewell, William, A Rhetoric of Bourgeois Revolution 138
Siedentop, Larry, characteristics of French liberalism 2–3
Sieyès, Emmanuel-Joseph 40
Simon, Jules 235
Sismondi, J.-C.-L. de 117
anti-Catholic 124, 125–6
and Benjamin Constant 124
Histoire des républiques italiennes 124
Protestantism in France 5, 124–6, 126, 129
‘Revue des progrès des opinions religieuses’ 124
Skinner, Quentin 75–6
Smith, Adam 20, 38, 195, 201, 203, 243
Wealth of Nations 69, 177
social Catholicism 217, 219
social change theory 18
social liberalism 213, 216, 219, 221, 227
‘sociological turn’ in French liberal thought 7–8, 10, 33, 233–51
Eclectics, philosophical liberalism 234–6
Renouvier, Kant and free will 236–9
sociological liberalism 239–48
Bouglé 247–8
Durkheim 244–6
Espinas 239–41
Fouillée 241–3
solidarism 211, 219, 248
Spencer, Herbert 240
Spitz, Jean-Fabien 89
Staël, Madame de 1, 18, 26, 36, 44, 272
Anglophile/Anglophobe 170, 184, 190
attack on Benthamism 139–40
call for peace in Europe 184
constitutional thought 44
De la littérature 119
De l’Allemagne 140
Des circonstances actuelles 119
free mœurs 31
‘individualist’ 3, 44, 48
liberal Protestantism 122, 126, 142
power of French patriotism 184
Reflexions sur la paix adressés à Mr. Pitt et aux Français 184
and the Revolution 39
the state in France 39, 44
and the individual 10, 11, 41
perception of 10, 37, 115, 131, 248, 253, 254, 263–4
Revolution and 40–1
welfare state 248, 249
state intervention 208–9, 209, 211, 217, 257
Stiglitz, Joseph 208
Strauss, Leo 58
Thibaudeau, Antoine-Clair 119
Thibaud, Paul 293
Tocqueville, Alexis de 20, 27, 29, 50, 51, 272, 281
Aron, affinities to 8, 274–88
balance of power 28–9
British conquest of India 6, 152, 153, 156, 162–4
civil liberty 74, 75, 76, 89
and Constant 73–7, 89
on democracy 9–10, 46
Democracy in America (1835–40) 6, 24, 26, 31, 34, 38, 49, 74, 77, 84–6, 88, 89, 146, 152–3, 156, 157, 274, 306
‘democratic revolution’ 22
and the Doctrinaires 26–7
fear of despotism 84, 86, 87, 88
free mœurs 31
individualism 73, 84–5, 300, 305–6
and J. S. Mill 33–5
L’Ancien Régime et la Revolution 39, 146, 283, 306
liberal thought 1, 2, 11, 18, 41, 59
and liberty 31–3
member of the National Assembly 158–60, 161
moderate tradition 272, 281
and modernity 77
political liberty 73, 74, 75, 77, 84–6, 88, 89
political participation 4, 85, 86–7, 88–9
‘positive liberty’ 88–9
Recollections 277, 279, 280, 282
republican vision 4, 33, 73, 75, 84–6, 86–8, 89
Revolution 115, 277–81
Tocqueville, Alexis de, liberalism and imperialism 6, 152–65
Algeria 152, 153, 155, 156, 158–62
America 155, 306
British conquest of India 152, 153, 156, 162
colonialism and conquest 152, 153, 157–8, 163–5
freedom 6, 153, 154, 156–8, 161–2, 165
Ireland, visit to 152, 153, 155–8
nationalism 6, 152, 153, 156, 158, 160, 161–2, 165, 288
rejection of racism 153–4, 165
on war 152–3
See also Algeria, Ireland
Tocqueville, Alexis de, and utilitarianism 134, 145–51
different cultures 146–8
‘Englishness’ 146
new political perspectives 134–5, 150–1
Tracy, Destutt de 120, 142, 143
Trévoux, François 223, 228
Turgot, A.R.J. 16, 169–70
ultra-royalists 22–3, 24, 37
Unitarianism 5, 125–6, 129, 131
United States 29, 191, 194
utilitarianism 5, 34, 136–7, 144
utilitarianism in French liberal thought 5–6, 134–45
attacks on 139–41, 144–5
Biran 142
Constant 139, 140–1
Cousin 142–3
‘Englishness’ 144–5
Staël, Madame de 139–40
current attitude 135–6
Vattel, Emer de 189
Villèle, Jean-Baptiste de 22–3
Villey, Daniel 223, 224, 226–7, 228
Mont Pèlerin Society 226, 228
Vinet, Alexandre 47–8
Essai sur la manifestation des convictions religieuses 48
Von Thadden, Rudolf 42
Walter Lippmann Colloquium 208, 209–10, 212–19, 224, 225, 227, 229
diversity of participants 215–18
Keynesian tendencies 219
‘Liberalism Agenda’ 213–14
the market and the state 215
war for freedom and peace 171, 172–5, 178–9, 182–4, 186–7, 188
justification for 175, 179–80
‘War on Terror’ 5, 90
Weber, Max 274
Weil, Simone 289