- adverbiality30
- agony aunt columns2
- airport fiction24
- annihilation25
- anthropomorphisation49
- antithesis32
- antonymy181
- artificial intelligence (AI)163
- Australia52
- banter172
- bathos116
- BNC (British National Corpus)150
- ‘bodice rippers’24
- body language143
- broad truth conditions173
- Canada
- irony, pragmatics of172
- characterisation46
- civilization83
- COBUILD Corpus (Collins Birmingham University International Language Database)150
- cognition of attention47
- compound words31
- constructive approach23
- contradiction181
- corpus linguistics44
- creation theory142
- creative metaphor
- crime and retribution genre120
- cubism60
- defamiliarization
- definition of81
- democracy
- concept of141
- denotation137
- descriptive approach23
- devotional poetry22
- diagrammatic taxis
- disposition57
- double entendres83
- eavesdropping70
- echoic irony
- ecocriticism44
- elitism143
- entailment64
- epigraphs19
- epistemology140
- epithets31
- experimental psychology175
- eye-tracking44
- fables136
- Facebook175
- facial expression143
- Falklands war116
- false starts154
- fantasy fiction136
- fictive nation133
- folk beliefs6
- forensic linguistics173
- formulaic phrases166
- functional prose65
- iconography46
- imagination119
- imperatives92
- incrementum32
- intentional fallacy139
- internal world105
- interruption154
- irony27, 102
- as bicoherence174
- context-determined173
- echoic model of (use/mention distinction)173
- forensic contexts173
- implicit and explicit aspects173
- as indirect negation173
- irony inducing expressions176
- modelling situational irony 180fig.
- neo-Gricean perspective173
- as pretence173
- relevant inappropriateness173
- reversal of evaluation173
- sexism and173
- surreal elements173
- television shows173
- temporality and181
- verbal174
- language change27
- langue and parole162
- Latin maxims19
- Leitmotiv46
- levelling patterns179
- lifestyle magazines173
- line-length12
- linguistic arbitrariness42
- linguistic patterning37
- listing31
- literary critics131
- literary framing46
- literary meaning42
- literature teaching167
- logic
- Marxist criticism44
- materialist approach140
- mathematics46
- medieval madrigals2
- mental processing123
- metrical schemes5
- metrical stress14
- miners’ strike116
- monoculturalism116
- monosyllabic words18
- Monty Python sketches132n3
- morphemes42
- musical design33
- Narrator’s Presentation of Speech (NPS)104
- Narrator’s Presentation of Voice (NPV)106
- Narrator’s Representation of Speech (NRS)104
- national identity
- natural law29
- natural sciences141
- neologisms27
- New Criticism45
- New Historicism146
- nonsense talk144
- para-repetition
- paratext139
- parenthesis94
- participiality30
- pastiche3
- perlocutionary theory135
- personification91
- philology33
- phonemes42
- poetic function129
- portmanteau124
- positivism42
- possible worlds137
- power of discourse131
- prescriptivism27
- press briefings69
- presupposition137
- prosopopoeia
- definition82
- psycholinguistics44
- public debate66
- Public Transaction English (PTE)66
- Punch and Judy shows144
- punctuation63
- Reader Reception Theory (RRT)140
- realism13
- reductionism143
- referential function129
- reflectors102
- reformulation124
- rhetoric1, 4, 7
- analysis
- Anglo-Saxon poetry5
- arrangement
- Ciceronian60
- comic writers as rhetoricians33
- copia67
- detective fiction131
- discursive skills of60
- dispositio60
- as distraction31
- elocutio57
- of entertainment31
- epideictic (of praise)89
- ethos62
- facundia67
- Greek and Roman rhetoricians24
- of instruction31
- kairos60
- literariness of63
- locus64
- memoria69
- Nash’s model of rhetorical relationships 58f.70
- paideia69
- of performance31
- of pleasure32
- political acts68
- power of6
- Quintilian’s student of12
- Renaissance advice manuals on24
- rhetorical claims68
- rhetorical compulsion64
- rhetorical design of prose25
- rhetorical devices
- rhetorical speech73
- scope of24
- semiology and135
- sentence layout23
- skills of31
- sonnet practice17
- subtlety of32
- subversive power of132
- as trickery63
- sarcasm172
- self-discovery genre120
- semiology135
- sexism173
- simile124
- situational irony
- socialization of losses73
- subjectivity44
- teasing172
- temporality
- terza rima21
- text-reception125
- textual properties139
- textual theory144
- textuality162
- topic switching154
- transcendence25