Chapter 1: Your memory, my memory
Chapter 3: Memory and creativity
Chapter 4: The power of association
Chapter 5: Dimensions of association
Chapter 6: Chains of association
Chapter 8: Eureka! My first successful attempt
Chapter 9: Devising the Journey Method
Chapter 10: Using the Journey Method
Chapter 11: Evidence for the Journey Method
Chapter 12: Top 5 tips for creating a memory journey bank
Chapter 13: Spinning the memory plates
Chapter 14: From cards to numbers
Chapter 15: The Dominic System
Chapter 16: Double pairs and complex images
Chapter 17: Becoming card sharp: multiple decks
Chapter 18: Getting up to speed
Chapter 19: Decoding the brain: From techniques to technology
Chapter 20: The first World Memory Championships
Chapter 21: Championship practice: Binary digits
Chapter 22: Championship practice: Names and faces
Chapter 23: Championship practice: Abstract images
Chapter 24: The memory champion’s life: Making speeches
Chapter 25: The memory champion’s life: How to be a fact factory
Chapter 26: Using the tools: Study and learning
Chapter 27: Using the tools: Everyday ways to train your memory
Chapter 28: Using the tools: Just for fun
Chapter 29: Age equals experience, not forgetfulness!
Chapter 30: I’ve done all that, now what can I expect?
Chapter 31: Look at what you can do now!