
Abayomi, 1–3, 7, 9, 19, 35, 278

abuse of system, 158, 217, 233, 234

access, 7–8, 16–17, 54–55, 225, 226

accountability, 139, 146, 148, 149

actions, tracking, 158–59

active participation, 109

adaptability, 176–77, 268–69

Adobe, 244

advertising, 195–96

advocacy, 23–24, 49, 111

Airbnb, 57

ambiguity, 155–56

American Physical Society, 139

Amnesty International, 18

Anderson, Chris, 46, 47

Android platform, 65

Ansari XPRIZE, xviii

Apache, 6, 26

Apple, 6, 58, 128

approachability, 69–70

Ardour, 44, 52, 66

Areas of Expertise, 172–75

Ariely, Dan, 17

assets, building, 68–69

assumptions, 137, 271

asynchronous access, 54

attendance, 157

attendees, summit, 247–49

audience personas, 100, 108–19

    in Bacon Method, 33

    choosing, 109–12

    content for, 194–95

    creating, 114–16

    examples of, 116–19

    on Incentives Map, 230–32

    On-Ramp Model for, 131, 135–38

    Participation Framework for, 130

    prioritizing, 112–13

    productive participation by, 162–67

    and relatedness, 107


    access to, 7–8

    assumptions about, 137

    and community strategy, 13

    irrational decision making by, 101–8

    for local communities, 5

    surprising, 73–74

    understanding your, 33, 99–100

authenticity, 75, 111, 183, 224

authority, 55–56, 200–201

Author persona, 166–67

automated measuring of condition, 217–18

autonomy, 105–6, 123

awareness, 22–24, 59–61, 192

Axe Change service, 14

Axe-Fx processors, 49–50

backlog, 150–51

Bacon Method, 32–34

Bahns, Angela, 47

Bassett, Angela, 237

Battlefield, 24, 128, 228

behavioral economics, 102–4

Bell, Alexander Graham, 153

belonging, sense of, 15, 18, 20, 143, 187, 215

Bennington, Chester, 183, 184

Big Rocks, 33, 88–96

    and cadence-based cycles, 168–70

    in community strategy, 94–95

    and critical dimensions, 157, 161

    defined, 88–89

    departmental alignment on, 263

    examples of, 91–94

    format and key components of, 89–91

    and Quarterly Delivery Plan, 34, 145–46, 148, 149

    realistic thinking about, 95–96

Black Lives Matter, 18

blocked (status), 147

blogs, 193, 275

Bosch, 13

brand awareness, 24, 59–60

brand recognition, 85

Branson, Richard, 190

Buffer, 214

Build Skills stage, 132, 136, 137

business cards, 241–42

buy-in, 67, 85

cadence, operating on, 34, 264–66

Cadence-Based Community Cycle, 167–70, 264

Canonical, 1, 121, 151, 167, 245

capabilities, persona, 114, 116–18

Capital One, 13

career experience, 83

CasinoCoin, 244

Casual members, 129, 140–42

    advancing, 196–97

    engagement with, 198–99

    incentivizing, 219, 221, 226–27

    maturity model for, 166

    mentoring, 203

CEOs, reporting to, 260

certainty, 105

Champions model, 49–52, 63–64, 66–67, 113, 260

chat channel, 250

check-ins, 267

civility, 187

clarity, 69–72, 138–39, 234

closing party, 250

coaching, 82–83, 205–6

Coca-Cola, 57

Coffee Bean Rewards app, 145

Colbert, Stephen, 73–74

collaboration, 8–9, 74–75, 185–86

Collaborators model, 52–56, 64–67, 86, 260,

    see also Inner Collaborator community;

    Outer Collaborator community

commitment, 122

communication, 121

Community Associate, 255

Community Belonging Path, 16–20

community building, 14

    additional resources on, 274–76

    Bacon Method of, 32–34

    as chronological journey, 127–28

    consultations on, 276–77

    continuing to learn about, 272–74

    defining your value for, 77–78

    end-to-end experience in, 125–26

    fundamentals of, 15–16

    getting started with, 37–38, 62

    key principles of, 67–74

    monitoring activities related to, 206–8

    risks associated with, 154–55

    tools for, 8

    see also successful community building

community–community engagement, 157

community culture, 30–31, 70–72, 179–88

Community Director, 254–58, 260

Community Engagement Model(s), 49–67

    in Bacon Method, 33–34

    Champions model, 49–52

    Collaborators model, 52–59

    and Community Value Statement, 80

    Consumers model, 45–48

    importance of selecting, 43–45

    and marketing/public awareness, 59–61

    scenarios for selecting, 61–67

Community Evangelist, 255


    defined, 13–15

    digital, 2–3, 5–13, 237

    experimenting in, 123

    foundational trends in, 7–9

    future of, 35, 277–79

    local, 3–5

    power of, 7

    social dynamics of, 15–16

    value generated by, 20–29

Community Launch Timeline Template, 191

Community Leadership Summit, 179, 239

community management staff, 254–61

Community Managers, 78, 125, 126, 195, 255–56, 260–61

Community Mission, 40–43, 169

Community Mission Statement, 42, 80, 113

Community On-Ramp Model, 33–34, 130–38

community overview cards, 241–42

Community Participation Framework, 128–45

    building community based on, 151–52

    and building engagement, 138–44

    Community On-Ramp Model in, 130–38

    described, 128–30

    engagement strategy to move members

    along, 196–206

    focusing on creativity and momentum in, 209

    incentives and rewards in, 145

    incentives on, 211–13

    incentivizing transitions in, 218–22, 226–27

    mentoring in, 202–6

Community Personal Scaling Curve, 184

Community Persona Maturity Model, 163–67

Community Promise, 70–71

Community Specialist, 255

community strategy, 30

    Big Rocks in, 94–95

    changing, 96, 208

    control over and collaboration on, 74–75

    Core members’ contributions to, 201

    execution of, 253–54

    importance of, 13

    integration of, in organization, 261–68

    learning from implementation of, 268–69

    planning, 39

    Regular members in, 143

    risks with, 29–32

    and SCARF model, 105–8

    variability in, 30

community summits, 245–51

    finalizing attendees and content for, 247–49

    follow through after, 250–51

    running, 249–50

    structure for, 246–47

community value, 164–67

Community Value Proposition, 175

Community Value Statement, 80–88

    and Big Rocks, 89, 95

    in cadence-based cycle, 169

    maintaining focus on, 97

    and on-ramp design, 135–36

    prioritizing audience personas based on, 113

    updating, 83–84, 87–88

    value for community members in, 80–84

    value for organization in, 84–88

company–community engagement, 157

competitions, 194

complete (status), 147

CompuServe, 5

conditions, for incentives, 216–18, 230–32

Conference Checklist, 241

conferences, 194, 195, 239, 240–43


    desire for, 9

    for Regular members, 200

constructive criticism, 122–23

consultations, on community building, 276–77

Consumers model, 45–48, 62–63, 260


    for community summits, 247–49

    in Growth Strategy, 192–95

    for launch, 189

    as source of value, 82

Content Creators (persona), 110–11, 113–15

content development

    in Champion communities, 49–50

    in Collaborator communities, 52–56

    by communities, 26–27

    as source of value, 82, 86–87

contests, 194

contributions, to communities, 17, 19


    over community strategy, 74–75

    over Regular members, 143

co-organizing events, 239

Core members, 129, 140

    advancement for, 196–97

    characteristics of, 143–44

    at community summits, 242

    engagement with, 201–2

    incentivizing, 215, 219–20, 222, 227

    maturity model for, 165, 166–67

    mentoring for, 203, 205

    percentage of, 141

creativity, 209

critical dimensions, 156–58, 161

criticism, 122–23, 176

cross-functional communities, 88

crowdfunding, 23–24

Cruz, Ted, 73–74

culture, community, see community culture

Culture Cores, 181–88

customer engagement, 20–22

customer growth, as source of value, 85

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system, 21

Cycle Planning, 168

Cycle Reviews, 268

dashboards, 160–61

data analysis, 207, 208

Davis, Miles, 182

Debian, 6, 26

decision making

    irrationality of, 101–8

    pragmatism about, 184

    SCARF model of behavior, 104–8

    System 1 and 2 thinking, 102–3

    unpopular decisions, 186

decision paralysis, 38, 106

dedicated events, organizing, 239–40

delayed (status), 147


    commitment to, 263–64

    successful, 162, 167–70

delivery, as critical dimension, 157

delivery plans, see Quarterly Delivery Plan

demonstrations, 194, 244

departmental alignment, 263–64

developer community, Big Rocks for, 93–94

Developer Relations personnel, 255

Developers (persona), 111, 114, 115

Diamandis, Peter, 40

Dickinson, Emily, 211

difficulty, of condition, 217

diffusion chain, 54

Digg, 12–13

digital communities

    early, 5–7

    evolution of, 9–13

    foundational trends in, 7–9

    in-person events for, 237

    as local and global communities, 2–3

digital interaction, and in-person events, 251

digital training, 243–44

dignity, 17

discipline, for community building, 31

Discourse, 66, 228, 233, 267

discovery, in gamification, 233

discussion forums, 49

Disney, 128

Docker, 12, 56

documentation, 274

domain expertise, 256, 257

Dreamforce conference, 22

Drupal, 204

Early Adopter program, 189–90

Editorial Calendar, 192–95

education (about product or service)

    in communities, 24–25

    as source of value, 82

efficiency, as critical dimension, 157

ego calibration, 234–35

empathy, 186–87


    openness for, 182–83

    training and mentoring for, 266–68

empowerment, 55–56, 222

end-to-end experience, 59, 125–26


    as Area of Expertise, 174

    Big Rocks related to, 93–94

    with community, 72

    in Community On-Ramp Model, 133–34, 136, 137

    and Community Participation Framework, 138–44

    in Community Participation Framework, 129

    at conferences, 242

    critical dimensions related to, 157

    customer and user, 20–22

    and Growth Strategy, 192

    positivity and, 185

    quality of, 159

    rules for engaging with community

    members, 119–22

    and submarine incentives, 226

    and understanding audience, 99–100

Engagement Strategy, 181, 196–206

engineering department, community leadership staff reporting to, 260

equal opportunity, in Collaborator communities, 55, 58–59

estimated units, on Incentives Map, 231, 232

Event Evolution Path, 238–40

Event Organizers (persona), 111, 114–15, 117–18


    in-person, see in-person events

    online, 193

Everett, Noah, 224


    of community strategy, 253–54, 268

    successful, 162, 167–70


    clear, 70–72

    in gamification, 234

    in great experience, 127

    related to Big Rocks, 95–96

experience, of audience persona, 114, 116, 118

experimentation, 123, 171

    to build organizational capabilities, 206–8

    with events, 251


    of community leadership staff, 256, 257

    of community members, 28

    in digital communities, 8

    as source of value, 83

Exploding Kittens game, 24

extrinsic rewards, 214, 215, 216

    on Incentives Map, 231

    submarine incentives for, 224–25

Facebook, 13, 24

failure, as opportunity for improvement, 151


    in SCARF model, 107–8

    of submarine incentives, 225


    as audience persona, 110, 113

    community model for, 44, 62–63

fears, of audience persona, 114–15, 117, 118

Fedora, 66, 264


    about audience personas, 116

    on Big Rocks, 94–95

    from communities, 72–73

    and community culture, 186

    from Core members, 202

    on mission statement, 41

    on Organizational Capabilities Maturity Model, 176

    in peer-based review, 204

    from Regular members, 143, 200

Figment community, 10

Final Fantasy, 128

financial commitment, and creating value, 96

Firefox, 23, 209

Fitbit, 139, 145


    for community building, 31

    on Community Value Statement, 97

follow through

    after community summits, 250–51

    after conferences, 242–43

formal experience, 114

forums, 91–92, 158

founders, community leadership staff reporting to, 260

Four Rules for Measuring Effectively, 156–61

Fractal Audio Systems, 14–15, 49–50

freeloaders, 54

fun, in community experience, 84

gamification, 232–35

Garmin, 190

GitHub, 24

global communities, digital communities as local and, 2–3

Global Learning XPRIZE Community, 189


GNU community, 6


    for community summit sessions, 249

    of Core members, serving, 202

    for employee participation with community, 267

    in incentives, 214

    on Incentives Map, 230–32

    for new hires, 259

Google, 13, 57, 58, 65, 128

Gordon-Levitt, Dan, 11–12

Gordon-Levitt, Joseph, 11–12, 219

governance, in Inner Collaborator communities, 66

gratification, 120, 127

group dynamics, 100, 119–22

group experiences, referral halo for, 61

grow, willingness to, 257

Growth (Area of Expertise), 174

growth, as critical dimension, 157

Growth Strategy, 181, 188–96

    growth plan, 192–96

    launch plan, 189–91

guest speakers, 238–39

habits, building, 142, 267

HackerOne, 69–70, 194, 214

Harley Owners Group, 132


    asking community members for, 120, 144

    as source of value, 82

high-level objectives, see Big Rocks

hiring, 27–29, 256

hiring away approach, 258–59

HITRECORD, 11–12, 219

Hoffman, Reid, 152 community, 81

humility, 187, 257

hypothesis testing, 207–8, 271–72

IBM, 6

idealism, 153–54

IGN (Imagine Games Network), 47–48

Ikea Effect, 101–2


    in Community Belonging Path, 18

    and Engagement Strategy, 199

    multiplying, with communities, 2, 3, 9

imperfections, 188

imposter syndrome, 142

inauthentic participation, 233

incentives, xvii–xviii, 197

    in Community Participation Framework, 145

    on Community Participation Framework, 211–13

    components of, 213–18

    in Growth Strategy, 196

    maintaining personal touch with, 235

    in Outer Collaborator communities, 65

    power of offering, 213–18

    stated vs. submarine, 218–27

Incentives Map, 34, 229–32

Incentive Transition Points, 218–19

    stated incentives for, 221–22

    submarine incentives for, 226–27


    building engagement with, 140

    in Community Participation Framework, 130

Incubation stage, 171, 172

independent authenticity, 111

Indiegogo, 23

individual value, 164–67

influence, psychological importance of, 71

Influencing phase (Product Success Model), 52


    in community, 121

    in digital communities, 8

infrastructure, for launch, 189

Inner Collaborator community, 56–58, 65–67, 86, 229

Inner Developers (persona), 111

in-person events

    community summits, 245–51

    conferences, 240–43

    and digital training vs. training workshops, 243–45

    Event Evolution Path and strategy for, 238–40

    fusion of digital interactions and, 251

    in Growth Strategy, 195

    launch, 190–91

    in local communities, 4–5

    managing, 237–38

    value of, 77–78

in progress (status), 147

insight, from communities, 28, 72–73

intangible value, 78–79, 83

Integration stage, 171–72

Intel, 57

intentionality, 39, 69–70, 187

Intention stage, 171, 172

internal communities, 13

    Community Engagement Model for, 66–67

    importance of culture for, 180

    personal interaction in, 185

    value of, for community members, 83

Internet, 5–7, see also digital communities

Internet Explorer, 23

intrinsic rewards, 215, 224–25

involved teams, on Quarterly Delivery Plan, 147, 148

Iron Maiden, 39

Jeep, 139

Jenkins, 26

job candidates, community members as, 27–29

job descriptions, community leadership staff, 258

Jokosher, 199

jQuery, 204

Kahneman, Daniel, 102

karma (Reddit), 228

Key Initiatives, for Big Rocks, 90, 91–93

keynote addresses, 245–47

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), 90–94

    cadence-based cycles for delivery of work on, 169, 170

    on Quarterly Delivery Plan, 146, 148–50

    tracking progress on, 159–60, 160–61

Kickstarter, 12, 23

Kubernetes, 26, 53, 66, 134, 204

labor, community members as source of, 120

The Late Show with Stephen Colbert (television series), 73–74

launch event, 190–91

launch plan, 189–91

leaders, community, 3, 4


    as Area of Expertise, 174

    and autonomy in organizations, 123

    clear and objective, 69–70

    in community culture, 186

    community involvement by, 262

    by Core members, 144

    in Inner Collaborator communities, 66

leadership value, 165, 167

lead generation, 28–29

A League of Their Own (film), 39


    about community building, 272–74

    from community strategy implementation, 268–69

Learning phase (Product Success Model), 51

Lego, 9, 10

Lego Ideas, 10

Lenovo, 57

Leonardo da Vinci, 37

Lindbergh, Charles, xvii

Linkin Park, 183

Linux, 6, 26, 273–74

Linux Foundation, 26, 74

live stream, 250

local communities

    decline of, 3–5

    digital communities as global and, 2–3

The Long Tail (Anderson), 46

Ma, Jack, 77

Ma Jian, 125

Make:, 195

Management (Area of Expertise), 173–74

marketing, 22–24

    audience personas in, 108–9

    and Community Engagement Model, 59–61

    as source of value, 85

marketing department, community leadership staff reporting to, 260

Mastering phase (Product Success Model), 51–52

Mattermost, 214

maturity models, 34

    Community Persona Maturity Model, 163–67

    Organizational Capabilities Maturity Model, 171–76

meaningful work, 9, 17–18, 27, 41

measurable condition, 217

measurable goals, 160

measurable value, in Community Persona

    Maturity Model, 164–65

measuring effectively, rules for, 156–61

meeting people, as source of value, 82


    after conferences, 242–43

    with conference attendees, 241

    in local communities, 4–5, 133

meetups, organizing, 239


    for Casual members, 142

    for community-building employees, 267–68

    for community leadership staff, 256

    by community members, 29

    in Community Participation Framework, 202–6

    of new hires, 259

    as source of value, 82–83

meritocracy, 55

message boards, 5–6

Metal Gear Solid, 128

Metrics (Area of Expertise), 175

Mickos, Mårten, 69–70, 74, 262

Microsoft, 6, 13, 23

Minecraft, 25

Minecraft Forum, 25

Minecraft Wiki, 25

Minimum Viable Product, 68–69

mission statements, 32, 42, 80, 113

momentum, in Engagement Strategy, 198

momentum effect, 209

    in Growth Strategy, 188, 195

    in marketing and brand/product awareness, 60–61


    for audience persona, 114, 117, 118

    for community members, 119–20

Mozilla, 23

MySpace, 12–13

NAMM music show, 239

need, for community, 30

networking, 28–29, 242

New York Times, 23

Nextcloud, 134

niche interests, 45–47

Nintendo, 9, 228

norms, cultural, 70, 130, 180, 182

notification, 147, 148

not started (status), 147

objectives, see also Big Rocks

objectivity, of leadership, 69–70

onboarding, 107

    in Community Participation Framework, 129

    Community Persona Maturity Model for members in, 164, 165–66

    gamification for, 233

    importance of, 130–31

    in Outer Collaborator communities, 65

online events, 193

On-Ramp members, incentivizing, 218–19, 221, 226–27

openness, 182–84

open-source code, 26, 53

open-source communities, 57–58, 261

Open Source community, 10

OpenStack, 26

optimization, in Engagement Strategy, 199–200

Optimizing phase (Product Success Model), 51

organizational capabilities

    building, with communities, 27–29

    cadence-based cycles for building, 265–66

    executing strategy to build, 253–54

    experimentation to build, 206–8

    success in terms of building, 162, 171–76

organizational experience, of community members, 122

organizational values, and community culture, 182–88


    community members as labor for, 120

    identifying value for, 84–88

    integration of community strategy in, 261–68

    internal communities at, 13

    leadership and autonomy in, 123

Orteig Prize, xvii

Outer Collaborator community, 56–59, 64–65, 86

Outer Developers (persona), 111–12, 136–37


    of Big Rocks, 90, 91

    in cadence-based cycles, 168–69

    on Incentives Map, 231, 232

    on Quarterly Delivery Plan, 147, 148

Participant Rewards Peak, 215–16


    active, 109

    audience personas and types of, 109

    by Casual members, 142

    in Consumer communities, 48

    inauthentic, 233

    productive, 162–67

PayPal, 13, 57

Pebble Smartwatch, 23

peer-based review, 203–5

peer-review process, 55

peer support, 139–40

peer value, 164–67

Peloton, 133, 233

Penney, James Cash, 253

people person, 256–57

perfection, 268–69

performance review, community engagement in, 262

permanence, of communities, 14

personal interaction, 184–85, 199

personal touch

    with incentives, 235

    and submarine awards, 222–26

personal validation, 120, 224–25

personas, audience, see audience personas

Photoshop “Magic Minute” videos, 244

PlayStation, 233

podcasts, 194

Pop!_OS, 264

positivity, 185

postponed (status), 147

pragmatism, 184


    of audience personas, 112–13

    of community leadership staff requirements, 257

    of community within organization, 262–63

    of goals for incentives, 214

prizes, incentive, xvii–xviii

problem solving, in Community On-Ramp Model, 134, 136, 137

Procter & Gamble, 9, 10

product development, 25–27

product enhancement, 86

productive participation, success as, 162–67

Product Success Model, 50–52

product team, community leadership staff reporting to, 261


    of in-person events, 239

    of job openings, 258

promotions, 193

publication, of reputation scores, 229

public communities, 13, 179–80

pull requests, 204

Pulp Fiction (film), 127

Quarterly Community Strategy, 162, 167–70

Quarterly Delivery Plan, 145–51, 182, 189, 192

    in Bacon Method, 34

    and Big Rocks, 89, 90

    in cadence-based cycles, 168–70

    components of, 146–47

    for departmental alignment, 263

    examples of, 147–48

    and Organizational Capabilities Maturity Model, 176

    principles of building, 149–51

Quarterly Reviews, 268


    answering community members’, 134

    asking, 51, 85, 134, 273

quiet community members, engaging, 122

Random House, 10

React Native, 134

realistic objectives, 89–90, 95–96, 149–50

real-time chat channel, 250

recordings, of digital training sessions, 244

recruitment, 86, 258–59

Reddit, 24, 228

Reddit Science community, 45

Reddit Sneakers community, 45

Red Hat, 25–26, 56, 261

referral halo, 60–61, 188

referrals, hiring through, 258

Regular members, 129, 140–43

    advancement of, 196–97

    at community summits, 242

    engagement with, 199–201

    incentivizing, 214, 215, 219, 221–22, 227

    maturity model for, 165, 166

    mentoring for, 203, 205

relatedness, in SCARF model, 106–7

relationship building

    at conferences, 242

    in Engagement Strategy, 199


    with community, 72

    value generation in, 79

representativeness, 217

reputation score, 48, 228–29

respect, for Core members, 144

responsiveness, 198

retention, 157


    community strategy, 268

    Organizational Capabilities Maturity Model, 175

    Quarterly Delivery Plan, 150


    for audience persona, 115, 117, 118

    in Community Participation Framework, 145

    for Core members, 201

    in Growth Strategy, 196

    in incentives, 212, 214–16

    on Incentives Map, 230, 232


    with community building, 154–55

    with community strategy, 29–32

Rock, David, 104

role models, 186

round-table discussions, 246

Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de, 137

Salesforce, 9, 21–22

Salesforce Success Community, 21–22

Salesforce Trailblazer Community, 21–22

sales leads, community members as, 120–21

sales team, interactions of community and, 29, 87, 120–21

Samsung, 128

SAP, 10

SAP Community Network, 10

satisfaction, 215

scaling up, 202–6

SCARF model of behavior, 104–8, 121, 141

SCORECast, 239

Scott, Bon, 62

Seasoned Advice community, 63–64

SecondLife, 26, 27

self-direction, 139

self-respect, 17


    attending conference, 241

    community summit, 248–49

Setup Tools stage, 132, 136, 137

shared interests, 45–47

shared projects, in communities, 52–54

Shinoda, Mike, 183–84

Shuttleworth, Mark, 1

Sierra Club, 18

siloing, 171–72, 186

simplicity, of on-ramp steps, 137

skills development, 233

    in Community On-Ramp Model, 133, 136, 137

    organizational, 162, 171–76

    as source of value, 82

    training for, 206, 243–45

skills gap, 192

small events, co-organizing, 239

Smallwood, Rod, 39

social capital, 19

social media, 193, 276

societies, behavior in, 211–12

Software Development Kit (SDK), 65

Solve Problems stage, 132–33, 136, 137

Space X, 40

speaking, at conferences, 238–39, 241

specialization, 45–47

specific goals, 160

Spirit of St. Louis (Lindbergh), xvii

StackOverflow, 139

Stallman, Richard, 6

Standards of Practice, 171

Star Citizen, 12, 26

Star Trek (television series), 43–44

stated incentives, 220–22, 230, 232


    as incentive, 212

    on Incentives Map, 231, 232

    and reputation scores, 229

    as reward, 225

    in SCARF model, 104–5

    tracking, with Quarterly Delivery Plan, 147–50

Strategy (Area of Expertise), 173

subjectivity, 156

submarine incentives, 220, 222–27, 231–32

successful community building, 15, 30

    key areas for tracking success, 161–76

    nonlinear path to, 176–77

    realistic vision of, 153–54

    unambiguous measures of, 155–61

summits, community, see community summits

Summit Session Structure, 248–49


    in communities, 24–25

    as source of value, 85

Support (persona), 110, 113, 116–17

    Community Persona Maturity Model for, 165, 166

    on-ramp for, 136

Swisscom, 57

System 1 thinking, 102, 103

System 2 thinking, 102–3

Tangible Engagement stage, 132–33, 136, 137

Tangible Validation stage, 134, 135, 136, 137

tangible value, 78, 79, 83

Tarantino, Quentin, 127

target audience personas, see audience personas

target quarter, on Incentives Map, 230–32

teasers, 190


    in community building, 30–31

    development of, in communities, 25–27

    for gamification, 235

    value for organization related to, 86

ten-minute rule, 131

TensorFlow, 57–58


    of critical dimensions, 156–58

    hypotheses, 271–72

    of on-ramp, 138

themed campaigns, 193

Thinking Fast and Slow (Kahneman), 102

time commitment

    for community building, 31–32

    with conferences, 240

    for creating value, 96

Tooling (Area of Expertise), 174


    in community building, 266–67

    digital vs. in-person events for, 243–45

    mentoring as, 206

    workshops for, 244–45

Trek BBS, 44, 45, 63

Trudell, John, 99

trust, 72, 121, 200–201

trust model, 267

tutorials, 194–95

Twitpic, 224

Twitter, 57

Uber, 12

Ubuntu (operating system), 1–3, 35, 59–60, 167, 232–33, 264

Ubuntu Developer Summit, 232, 245, 250

Ubuntu Open Week, 139–40

unambigiously measurable metrics, 90

unambiguous measures of success, 155–61

uncertainty, 105, 141–42

under review (status), 147

unit cost, on Incentives Map, 231, 232

United, 145

Unity (product), 121

Usenet, 5

user engagement, 20–22

user growth

    Big Rocks for, 91–92

    as source of value, 85

Users (persona), 110


    in Community On-Ramp Model, 134–36, 135–37

    in Engagement Strategy, 198, 200

    measuring, 158–59

validation, for community members, 120

value, 77–88

    adding, as responsibility of leaders, 3

    in Collaborator communities, 53

    community, 164–67

    of community building, 266

    for community members, 80–84

    from conference participation, 241–43

    creating Community Value Statement, 80–88

    defining your, in community building, 33, 77–78

    demonstrating, in Why Participate? stage, 132, 135

    generating, by communities, 19–29

    in great experiences, 127

    and Ikea Effect, 101–2

    individual, 164–67

    leadership, 165, 167

    for organization, 84–88

    peer, 164–67

    tangible vs. intangible, 78–79

value statements, 32, see also Community Value Statement

van Engelen, Alexander (Yek), 49–50

Van Gogh, Vincent, 179

Velshi, Ali, 187

video games, stated incentives in, 220

videos, 195

video shows, 194

Virgin Galactic, 40

Virgin Red, 190

vision, 40–41

    of community, 121–22

    maintaining focus on, 43

    of successful community building, 153–54

vocational experience, 114

vulnerability, 273

Walli, Stephen, 131

Walton, Izaak, 271

webinars, 194, 206, 244–45

Whitehurst, Jim, 25, 261

Why Participate? stage, 132, 135, 136

Wikipedia, 10

wikis, 49

Wordpress, 26

workflow changes, 55, 42, 94, 119, 167, 195, 258, 275–77

XBOX Live, 10

XPRIZE, xvii–xviii, 40, 189

Yerkes Dodson scale, 215

Zemlin, Jim, 74–75

Ziff Davis LLC, 47