Abstract digital forensics model 199
Actionable intelligence 223
Adverts 115–116
Agora Forum 31–32
Agora Market 31–32
Akamai 247
Alexa’s interface 155
AlphaBay 27–30, 32–34, 38, 40, 44, 140, 141, 233, 235, 236, 253
Alpha release 228
Amazon 30, 103, 163, 173, 189, 230, 231
Amazon Elastic MapReduce 173
American Internal Revenue Service 212
Anonymous 49–50
Anti-forensics analysis 203
Antivirus (AV) vendors 14
Apache Flink 171
Apache Flume 171, 173, 174
Apache Hadoop 169
Apache Hive 171
Apple Market 30
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) 15, 171
Arbor threat map 246, 247
ARPANET network 123–127, 135
Artificial intelligence (AI) technology 164, 177
Assassinations 20, 36
Atlantis black market 32
ATM malware 38
ATM PIN pad skimmers and malware 110
Australian cybercrime online report 6
Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) report 10
Backdoor, Trojans 70–71
Bad apple attack 58–59
BadRabbit malware 104
BEC see Business email compromise (BEC)
Behavioral malware detection 89–90
Bing_LinkedIn_cache 215
Bitcoins 26, 137–138, 184, 242
ATMs 188
BTC-e 191–192
fraud 42
laundering, arrests of 41, 190, 191
logo 185
mixers 189, 236
property exchanges 189–190
Blockchain technology 41
Blue Sky marketplace 32
Bot Herders 117–118
Botnets 12, 39–40, 78, 238
Browser vulnerabilities 59
BTC-e 191–192
Business email compromise (BEC) 96–97
Cabin Cr3w 196
Caravan marketplace 32
Cash-out strategy 78–79, 85
C&C servers see Command and Control (C&C) servers
Charlie Hebdo attack 112
Chat rooms 220
Checkpoint threat map 245
Child pornography 21–22, 38, 108–109
Cloud-based malware detection 91–92
Cloudflare 57, 58
Cloud network 15–16
Cloud Nine 41
Code injection attacks (CIA) 4
Command and Control (C&C) servers 246
Communication channels, for terrorists 35
Communication services 61
Compact network topology 15
Computer crimes 5, 96
Computer security see Cybersecurity
Confidentiality, integrity and availability (CIA) 4
Content analyzing techniques 147–148
surfacevs. deep web 148–149
surfacing deep web content 150–151
traditional web crawlers mechanism 149–150
Counterfeit currency, dark net 110–111
Crime patterns
hacking-as-a-service 238–239
ivory/rhino horn trade 241–242
money laundering through cryptocurrencies 235–236
preferred cryptocurrency 242
sale listings, increased malware for 239–240
stolen data listings sale 240–241
terrorism, on dark web 237–238
Crime threats 18–23
Cryptocurrencies 119, 184–186, 242,see also Bitcoins
fraud 52
laundering schemes 190–192
Monero 190
and money laundering 186–188, 235–236
Crypto market 184–186
Crysis ransomware 11
CTA see Cumulative timeline analysis (CTA)
Cuckoo Sandbox 88
Cumulative timeline analysis (CTA) 18
Customer data mining 252
Cyberattacks 95
Cyberbullying 58
Cybercrime 5–6
categorization of 13
cybersecurityvs., 6
Cybercrime activities 95
business email compromise 96–97
computer fraud 96
data breach 97–98
data exfiltration 111–113
email account compromise 100
Locky 104
malware 100–101
malware-as-a-service 116–118
monetization of 113–116
money laundering 118–119
phishing 101–103
ransomware 103–104
through dark net 108–111
Cybercrime-as-a-service 207–208
Cybercriminals 13, 78, 227
Cyber extortion 106–107
Cyber patrols 251–253
Cybersecurity 4–5, 12
vs. cybercrime 6
experts in 194, 197, 207
risks and pitfalls in 10
tools for 227
Cyberspace 4, 106
malware in 14–16
threats in 12
Cyberterrorism 105–106
Cyberwarfare 107–108
Dark net 9, 131–132, 135
cybercrime activities through 108–111
ISIS website on 139
Darknet Heroes League 32
Dark net trade disruptions 253–255
Dark web 8
Dark web crime, implication of 9–12
Dark web threat intelligence 212
DARPA see Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
Data breach 97–98
Data dumps, on dark net 111, 112, 163, 202, 240
Data exfiltration 111–113
Data gathering 206
DDoS see Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS)
DEA see Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
Deep web 8, 9, 128, 130–131
information retrieval process 143–144
levels of 7
surfacing 143
Deep web sites analysis
content type 154
log analysis 155–158
overlap analysis 152–153
popularity of 155
search engines 151–152
size of 153–154
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) 108, 248
Denial-of-service (DoS) attacks 69, 99–100, 106, 107, 133, 206, 237
DFRWS see Digital Forensics Framework (DFRWS)
Digital forensic models 197–201
Digital Forensics Framework (DFRWS) 198–199
Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) 12, 33, 39–40, 71, 72, 99, 100, 207, 208, 237, 238, 246
Domain Name System (DNS) 40, 126, 127
DoS attacks see Denial-of-service (DoS) attacks
Dread Pirate Roberts 26, 192, 193, 196
Dream market 28–29, 234
Driving licenses 37
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) 192
Drugs 34
in dark net 108
transactions of 21
Dyn 99
Dynamic/behavioral malware analysis 86–88
DynDNS 39–40
Eavesdropping 54–55
E-commerce services 61
Email account compromise 100
Email-based malware 15
Emails 133–134
Email service 61–62
Email worms 69–70
Enterprise networks 14
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software 212
ERP software see Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software
EternalBlue 117
acquisition 195–196
assessment 194–195
examination 196–197
Evolution, of dark web 228
continuity 232–235
security, privacy and usability 228–230
trust-based markets 231–232
user interface design, improvements in 230–231
Exit node block 57–58
Exit scam 42
Exploit kits
on dark net 111
surfaced on Russian markets 113
Exploit malware 71
Exploit writers 116–117
Extortion 113–114
Facebook 22, 64, 135
Fake documents, on dark net 110
Fake identity 37
Fake websites 111
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) 22, 32, 34, 183, 193, 212, 228, 233, 249
Fight Club 31
File storage services 62
Financial data 210–211
Financially motivated attacks 15
Financial malware schemes 77, 79, 82
Financial services 62
Fingerprinting malware detection 88–89
FireEye threat map 246
Firefox browsers 230
Forensic investigation
evidence collection 192
scope for 193–197
toolkits 201–203
Forensics 182–184
Forensic toolkit (FTK) 201–203
Fortinet 244–245
FoxAcid 59–60
Fraud, on dark net 36–37
Freedom Hosting 59
Free Haven 62
Freenet 136, 228, 230
Galactic network 122–123
Global network 126
Google Dorks 217–220, 222
Google hacking 130, 222
commands for 218, 219
to find open source intelligence 219–220
Government level, of cybercrime 13
Graph-matching technique 86
Greek mythology 232
Hacking 35
Google hacking 130, 218–220, 222
of government websites 105
groups of 49
tools and services 25
Hacking-as-a-service 209, 238–239
Hadoop 172, 175
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) 170, 173, 174
Hansa 28, 140, 142, 233, 253
HavenCo 136
HDFS see Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
HDP see Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP)
Heuristics-based malware detection 89, 90
Hidden services
mapping of 252
monitoring of 252–253
High Quality Euro Bills (HQEB) 34
Hive QL 170, 171
Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) 173
Human trafficking 19–20, 108–109
Hybrid Analysis 88
Hydra 232
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 122
Illegal Wildlife Trade 38
Individual level, of cybercrime 13
Information technology (IT) 3
Insecure interface 15
Instagram 64
Instant messaging (IM)
Integrated digital investigation process 200–201
Intellectual property 210–211
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) 102
International Telecommunications Union (ITU) 4
Internet 3, 121, 122
deep web information retrieval process 143–144
emails 133–134
hidden web evolution 135–143
hosting 134–135
internet relay chat 132–133
origins of 122–126
Usenet 133, 134
World Wide Web 128–132
Internet of Things (IoT) 40, 100
Internet relay chat (IRC) 132–133
Interpol 5, 38, 241
Invisible/hidden web 7
IoT see Internet of Things (IoT)
IRC see Internet relay chat (IRC)
IRS see Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Islamic State of Iraq (ISIS) 22, 43
IT security see Cybersecurity
ITU see International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
Ivory horn trade 241–242
Jaql 171
JavaScript code 228, 229
Kali Linux 214
Kaspersky threat map 243–244
Key Hitches 12
Know Your Customer (KYC) laws 188
LinkedIn 64
Locky malware 11, 104
Log analysis 155–158, 161–162
analyzing files 173–175
policy guidelines for 164–166
tools 169–172
Login details, theft of 116
L33TER 31
Machine learning 177
Mac Operating System (Mac OS) 229
Malicious activities, in dark web 14–16
Maltego 214
Malware 11, 67–68
analysis of 85–86
dynamic/behavioral 86–88
static 86, 87
classification of
Trojans 70–75
viruses 68–69
worms 69–70
criminal business model of 77
cash-out strategy 78–79
infrastructure and target selection 78
source code setup and infection 77
value chains 79–85
cybercrime activities 100–101
in cyberspace 14–16
defense against 18
detection techniques
behavioral 89–90
cloud-based 91–92
heuristics-based 89, 90
signature-based/fingerprinting 88–89
dynamic analysis 17–18
purpose of 75–76
for sale 38–39
static analysis 16–17
taxonomy of 14
Malware-as-a-service 116–118
Malwarebytes 228
Malware writers 118
Man-in-the-middle attack, on untargeted victims 79–81
MAPI see Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI)
MapReduce 170, 171, 175
Marketplace profiling 253
Memex 248–249, 252
Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) 70
Mirai botnet 238
Mobile malware attacks 15
Monero 190, 242
Monetization, of cybercrime activities 113–116
Money laundering 118–119
cryptocurrencies and 186–188
through cryptocurrencies 235–236
Money muling elaboration 83
MS Outlook services 70
MushBud 31
Name Node 174
National Security Agency (NSA) 35, 64–65, 139, 183
National Vulnerability Database 210
NATO see North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Natural language processing (NLP) 176
NCP see Network Control Protocol (NCP)
Netflow analysis 155–157
Network Control Protocol (NCP) 124, 125
Network investigative technique (NIT) 249
Net worm 70
News archives 62–63
NIT see Network investigative technique (NIT)
NLP see Natural language processing (NLP)
Non-prior knowledge-based methods 143–144
Normal routing method 51
Norse threat map 244
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 106
NotPetya ransomware 104
NSA see National Security Agency (NSA)
Onion routing 51–52
Open source intelligence 205–206
dark web threat intelligence 212–213
data gathering
chat rooms 220
from dark web 222–224
direct conversations 221
market listings 221–222
gathering focus 209–212
Google Dorks 217–220
Maltego 214
Recon-Ng 214–215
security intelligence 206–207
companies 208–209
cybercrime-as-a-service 207–208
rising Return on Investment 208
Shodan 216–218
theHarvester 215–216
Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model 48
Operating systems 69
Operation Onymous 254, 255
“Operation Torpedo” 249
Outlaw Market 33
Overlap analysis 152–153
PayPal 27, 102, 103, 115, 212
Peer-to-peer network 62
Personally identifiable information (PII) 211
PETYA ransomware 11
Phishing 101–103, 111, 114–115, 211
Pig Latin 170–171
PII see Personally identifiable information (PII)
Pirate Bay 62
Pornography industry 20
P2P worm 70
Prior knowledge-based methods 143–144
Property level, of cybercrime 13
Proxy server 51
Public Key Cryptography 52
Public web 8
Purse.io 189, 190
Q-32 computer 123, 124
RAMP see Russian Anonymous Marketplace (RAMP)
Ransomware 10–11, 103–104
RATs see Remote Access Trojans (RATs)
RealDeal Market 33
Recon-Ng 214–215
Relay network 56
Remote access tool value chain 81–83
Remote Access Trojans (RATs) 15
Republican National Committee (RNC) 97
Return on Investment (ROI) 208
Rhino horn trade 241–242
RNC see Republican National Committee (RNC)
Rogue nodes 228
Rootkit virus 69, 71
Russian Anonymous Marketplace (RAMP) 33–34
Rust code 229
Sale listings, increased malware for 239–240
SAMSAM ransomware 11
Sandbox detection 203
Scareware 12
Script kiddies 239
Search engines 63–64, 203, 222
Sex trade 108–109
Sex trafficking 19–20
Shadow Brokers 240
Sheep Marketplace 33
Shodan 216–218, 222
Signature-based malware detection 88–89
Silk Road 26, 27, 36, 139, 234, 235, 250, 253
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) 70, 122
SMS attacks 116
SMTP see Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
Social media 13, 64
Social network (SN) attacks 12
Social sites, monitoring of 252
SQL–MapReduce functions 175
SSL see Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol
State-of-the-art mitigating techniques 247–248
cyber patrols 251–253
dark net trade disruptions 253–255
informants 249–250
Memex 248–249
network investigative technique 249
postal interception 250–251
undercover operations and tracking 250
Static malware analysis 86, 87
Stoned 100, 30
Stuxnet 105, 107, 210
Surface web 3, 9, 128–130
Surfacing deep web content 150–151
SurfWatch 208
Telegram platform 43
Teradata Aster 174
Terrorism 42–43, 237–238
Text analytics 175–177
theHarvester 215–216
The Onion Router (Tor) network 8, 47–49, 142, 157, 228–230, 234, 248
bad apple attack 58–59
browser 60
interface 230, 231
vulnerabilities 59
deep web and 60–61
eavesdropping 54–55
exit node block 57–58
FoxAcid 59–60
hidden services 61–64
protect user privacy 48
traffic analysis 55–57
usage 49–50
users of 64–65
website fingerprinting 54
working pattern of 51–53
Threat landscape
black markets
Agora Market and Forum 31–32
AlphaBay 27–28
Atlantis 32
Dream Market 28–29
drugs 30
Fight Club 31
Hansa 28
Outlaw Market 33
QualityKing 30–31
Russian Anonymous Marketplace 33–34
Silk Road 26
weapons 35
criminal activities 25–26
Threat mapping 242–243
Akamai 247
Arbor Networks 246, 247
Checkpoint 245
Kaspersky 243–244
Norse 244
Trend Micro 246
TLS Protocol see Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol
Tor hidden service protocol 60
Tor network see The Onion Router (Tor) network
Tor project 51, 229
Tor relay 48, 52, 53
Traditional web crawlers mechanism 149–150
Traffic analysis 55–57
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) 125, 126
Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol 48, 49
Trend Micro 246
Trojan-Banker 72
Trojan-Clicker 72
Trojan Horses 11
Trojans 70–76
ArcBomb 71–72
downloader 72–73
Dropper, FakeAV and IM platforms 73
malicious tools 75
proxy 73–74
ransoms and SMSs 74
spy 75
Trust-based markets 231–232
Trusted environments 223
Twitter 64
TX-2 computer 123
Ubiquiti Networks 96, 97
UK guns and ammo 34
Ulbricht, Ross 27, 36, 139, 140, 193–196, 215, 250
Unique Resource Locators (URLs) 60, 126, 135, 149, 150
Unstructured data
analysis of 163, 170
extracting information from 175–177
Up-to-date antivirus programs 88
USA/EU Fake Documents Store 34
USB adaptors 39
Usenet 133, 134
User interface (UI) 59
User interface design, improvements in 230–231
User profiling 229
US law enforcement agencies 22
Value chains, of malware business 79–81
Vigilante hacker 140, 141
Virtualization 15–16
Virtual machine (VM) 15, 203
Viruses 68–69
VMRay 88
WannaCry ransomware 11, 88, 104, 203, 209, 240
WeaponsGuy 183, 253
Weapons, on dark net 109–110
cybercriminal activities 109
illegal goods and services 35
Web content analysis 161–163
benefits of 163–165
responsibility for maintenance of 168
risk assessment 166–167
risk mitigation 167–168
Web hosts 134–135
Website fingerprinting 54
Internal Revenue Service 115
ISIS, on dark net 139
Whistle-blowing sites 63
WikiLeaks 41, 49, 63, 98, 228
World Wide Web (WWW) 3, 7, 122, 126–127, 148
dark net 131–132
deep web 130–131
surface web characteristics 129–130
visible and deep 128
Worms 11, 69–70
Yahoo 97, 129, 208, 221–222
YARN 173
YouTube 22
Zombies 12, 13, 237–238