A New Sensory Self-Awareness: Tools to Experience the Body-To-Brain Connection: Part I 93
American Psychiatric Association 13
Anat Baniel Method
learning the exercises yourself 61
nine essential steps 62–79
resources for 94
Step 1. Movement with attention 63–4
Step 2. The learning switch 64–7
Step 3. Subtlety 67–8
Step 4. Variation 69–71
Step 6. Go slow 73–4
Step 7. Flexible goals 75–6
Step 8. Enthusiasm 76–7
Step 9. Awareness 78
intelligence 15–6
social engagement systems 29
Arrowsmith-Young, B. 49
attention, movement with (ABM Step 1.) 63–4
deficit model of 13–4
as a neuromovement disorder 59, 84
as over-expression of traits 13
pathology unknown 15
seen as brain problem 16
seen as incurable 87
as a spectrum 33
we all have propensity for 89
Autism Revolution: Whole-Body Strategies for Making Life All It Can Be 93
awareness 40–1, 42–3, 45, 63–4, 70, 78
Awareness (ABM Step 9.) 78
Awareness Through Movement: Easy-to-Do Health Exercises to Improve Your Posture, Vision, Imagination and Personal Awareness 93
‘Awareness Through Movement’ (Feldenkrais Method) 84–5
‘awaring’ 78
babies, learning by using their body 39–41, 52–4
Bach-y-Rita, P. 48
Baniel, Anat 50, 52, 58, 59, 62, 63, 66, 71, 76, 77
see also Anat Baniel Method
belief 79
birth trauma 43
babies learning by using 39–41, 52–4
child learning through the 64, 70
effect of social interaction on 35–6
need to re-educate 45–6
neuroplasticity must include 51
Polyvagal Theory emphasis on 22, 31, 33–4
body cont.
unawareness of self physically 63, 70
using to modulate environment 30
see also Anat Baniel Method; nervous system; parasympathetic nervous system; sympathetic-adrenal system
Bothmer, Fritz von 85–6
Botvinick, M.M. 52
autism seen as problem of 16
emphasis on importance of 16
highly developed 43–4
as a quantum system 48, 50, 57, 62, 66
rational part of 58
rehabilitation of 48–9
see also neuroplasticity
Buddhists 43
bullying 38–9
caesarean births 43
Collins, P. 13
continuum, autism as a 33
control 75–6
cues see social cues
defensiveness see polygraph
deficits model of autism 13–4
depression 21
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM-5 13
digestive problems 26
Dispenza, J. 47
distinctions, perceiving 69–71, 76
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) 80–1, 93
encouragement 77
Enthusiasm (ABM Step 8.) 76–7
environmental toxins 43
evaluation see polygraph
exercises see Anat Baniel Method
‘feature detectors’ 36
physical link to 34
see also facial expression
Fight or Flight mode
as adaptive function 19–21
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) 80–1, 93
and social engagement system 29
see also Immobilization mode
Flexible goals (ABM Step 7.) 75–6
‘Functional Integration’ (Feldenkrais Method) 85
giftedness 42–4
Go slow (ABM Step 6.) 73–4
Grandin, Temple 42
Graziano, M.S.A. 52
How the Mind Works 87
identity, immobilization becomes 41
Imagination (ABM Step 5.) 71–3, 79
Immobilization mode
adaptive function of 21
bullying and 38–9
can become default position 40–1
and social engagement system 29
see also Fight or Flight mode
Integrated Listening Systems 83, 94
journal, keeping a 77
Kids Beyond Limits 50, 59, 62, 93
Klin, A. 15
by using the body 39–41, 52–4, 64, 70
forced 65–6
Learning switch, The (ABM Step 2.) 64–7
receptivity to 66–7
to integrate social engagement system 31, 39–41
Learning switch, The (ABM Step 2.) 64–7
Listening Project Protocol, The 82–3, 94
McPartland, J. 15
meta-plasticity 50
Movement with attention (ABM Step 1.) 63–4
Movements That Heal, Rhythmic Movement Training and Primitive Reflex Integration 93
nervous system
disruption to child’s 31–3, 43–4, 54–5
integrating with the social engagement system 45–6
see also parasympathetic nervous system; sympathetic-adrenal system
‘neuro-pruning’ 75
neuromovement disorder, autism as 59, 84
Anat Baniel and 59–61
brain rehabilitation 48–9
meta-plasticity 50
must include the body 51
‘neuro-pruning’ 75
organic nature of 58
scientific developments in 47–50
self-directed 78
‘transference’ in 69
see also Anat Baniel Method
notes, keeping 77
outcomes, performance 75–6
over-expression of traits 13
pace of ABM exercises 60, 73–4
pain, visceral 26
parasympathetic nervous system 23, 26, 59–60
see also Fight or Flight mode
pathology of autism (unknown) 15
performance outcomes 75–6
Pinker, S. 87
plasticity see neuroplasticity
autist’s switched on high 36
the body as a 35–6
Polyvagal Theory
emphasis on the body 22, 31, 33–4
as explanation for autism 88–9
overview of 18–22
Porges, S.W. 23, 26, 27, 28, 33, 34, 35, 39, 82, 90, 94
quantum system, brain as 48, 50, 57, 62, 66
receptivity 66–7
repetition, learning and 65–6
repetitive patterns of behaviour 14
Rolf, Ida 81
Rolfing Structural Integration 81–2, 93–4
scanning see polygraph
self-awareness 40–1, 42–3, 45, 63–4, 70, 78
self-directed neuroplasticity 78
self-image 55–7
sleep disruption 26
Smart Moves: Why Learning Is Not All In Your Head 93
social cues
autists’ inability to give/receive 36
building bigger repertoire of 45
in social interaction 35–8
social engagement system
in animals 29
child’s vagal system diverted away from 31–3, 43–4, 54–5
and Fight or Flight mode 29
function of 28–31
and Immobilization mode 29
integrating with the nervous system 45–6
learning to integrate 31, 39–41
Listening Project Protocol 82–3, 94
works with the vagus nerve 27–8
see also social cues; social interaction
social interaction
deficits in 13
effect on the body 35–6
required for development 35
see also social cues; social engagement system
spectrum, autism as a 33
Steiner Schools 85–6
Structural Integration (Rolfing) 81–2, 93–4
Subtlety (ABM Step 3.) 67–8
survival mode see Fight or Flight mode; Immobilization mode
sympathetic-adrenal system 23–6
see also Fight or Flight mode
tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) 80–1, 93
‘transference’, in neuroplasticity 69
vaccines 43
vagus nerve
and engaging/disengaging with the environment 25–6
major role in the onset of autism 89
works with the social engagement system 27–8
see also Polyvagal Theory
Variation (ABM Step 4.) 69–71
vigilance see polygraph
visceral pain 26
visualization, self- 55–7
white noise, excessive 43