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Abundance Bakery, 89–92

Albert, Derrion, 118

Algren, Nelson, 6, 9

Ali, Muhammad, 88

Allensworth, Elaine, 126

American Dream, 7, 14, 24–5, 56, 84, 106

Angelou, Maya, 35, 111

Armstrong, Louis, 87

Ashton, Philip, 26–7

Ball, Bill, 89–92

Baltimore, Maryland, 3, 6–7, 24, 210, 217

Bank of America, 26

Bashaw, Michael, 143

Basie, Count, 87

Beck, Glenn, 163

Ben Sar Ahmadiel, Zarakyah, 163

Berry, Brian J. L., 51

Beverly Area Planning Association (BAPA), 51–3. See also Chicago neighborhoods, communities, and parks: Beverly

Bilandic, Michael, 190

Bittman, Mark, 141

Black, Timuel, 97

Black Lives Matter, 7, 208

black elite, 18, 203–4

Black Entertainment Television (BET), 22

Black History Month, 87

Black Metropolis (Drake and Cayton), 43, 45, 96, 199

black middle class, 2, 36, 51–2, 76, 85, 127, 203

and Bronzeville, 85–8, 93–6, 99–100

and Chatham, 11–23, 29, 196

and class distinctions, 22–3

and gentrification, 216

and the media, 13–14

and Queens, New York, 151

and schools, 112, 127, 132

and West Chatham, 132

and white middle class, 16, 19, 27

black politics, 186–8, 197, 199–206. See also politics

“black tax,” 22–4, 27–9

Black Youth Project, 163, 200

Blacks in Green, 147

Blanc Gallery, 92–3

Bogira, Steve, 130–1, 221–2

Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo, 210–11

Boyd, Michelle R., 96–7

Brooks, DeAndre, 149

Brooks, Gwendolyn, 6, 36, 42, 87

Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, 37

Brown, Dorothy, 25, 27–9, 32, 34

Brown, Michael, 6

Brown v. Board of Education, 112–13, 117, 136

Buchanan v. Warley, 41

Bullard, Robert, 95

Burge, Jon, 202

Burke, Ed, 196

Burnett, Leo, 68

Burnham, Daniel, 6

Burris, Roland, 12, 199

Burroughs, Mary, 115–116

Burroughs, Tony, 115–16, 118

“buying black,” 14–15, 22

Byrne, Jane, 190–2, 194

Cambry, Emile, Jr., 220–1

Candyman (film), 63

Carruthers, Charlene, 200–201

Carter, Jimmy, 119

Catlett, Elizabeth, 42

Cayton, Horace, 43, 45, 96

Cermak, Anton, 187

Chatham (South Side neighborhood), 2, 11–39, 76–8, 88

author’s childhood home, 11–14, 109, 112, 127, 211

author’s family’s move to Beverly from, 33–4

black-owned businesses, 14–15

Chatham Food Center 151

and collective efficacy, 30

and crime, 29–30

history of, 21–2

and housing crisis, 25–7, 31–2

as middle-market neighborhood, 25

vacant housing, 31–2

Chatham Avalon Park Community Council, 15, 30, 77

Checkerboard Lounge, 98

Chicago, Illinois, 1–9

“Black Belt,” 14, 21, 34, 38, 40, 42–6, 59, 63–5, 70, 88, 96, 115–16, 186, 189, 199

Black Metropolis, 40–8, 87

Commission on Human Relations, 49

Great Chicago Fire, 6

and Great Migration, 7, 13, 36, 40, 53, 56, 59, 86, 96–7, 163, 187

Jim Crow era, 35–48

and Lake Michigan, 6

landmarks, 16, 101, 103

North Side, 2, 17, 31, 39, 47, 60, 65, 76, 85, 125, 131–2, 135, 150, 156–7, 185, 196, 221

public transportation, 17–18, 22, 38–9, 83, 85, 89, 102, 133, 213

race riot of 1919, 212

skyline, 6, 66, 81, 159

Summer Dance, 8–9

West Side, 7, 50, 62–3, 121, 142, 161, 167, 170, 188, 198, 202, 216

and white flight, 48–53

See also Chicago neighborhoods, communities and parks; South Side

Chicago Home Theater Festival, 221

Chicago Housing Authority (CHA), 60–9, 71–82

HUD takeover of, 66

Plan for Transformation, 60, 66–9, 71–6, 81

See also housing; public housing

Chicago neighborhoods, communities, and parks

Avalon Park, 16

Beverly, 17, 33–4, 51–3, 109–10, 127, 129, 132–3, 221

Bridgeport, 190, 212–16

Bronzeville, 83–108, 121, 154, 163–4, 196, 211, 213, 218

Chinatown, 17, 102

Douglas, 86, 88, 90, 97, 102

Edison Park, 34

Englewood, 49, 74–5, 124, 137–8, 140–1, 143–4, 146–54, 157, 161–2, 177, 211, 219–20

Grand Boulevard, 86, 90, 97, 102

Grant Park, 8, 73

Greater Grand Crossing, 76, 221

Gresham, 76

Hyde Park, 27, 46, 85, 108, 154, 164, 185, 196, 201, 216, 219

Jackson Park Highlands, 16

Lincoln Park, 76

Mandrake Park, 99

Morgan Park, 34, 53, 127–9, 133

North Kenwood, 86, 218

Oakland, 86, 90

Olympia Fields (suburb), 95

Park Manor, 39, 48–9

Pill Hill, 16

Pilsen, 94, 102

Roseland, 16, 63, 74, 118, 139, 163

South Shore, 16, 74, 211

Washington Heights, 16

West Chesterfield, 115

Wicker Park, 17

Woodlawn, 38–9, 44, 46, 48, 74–5, 118, 211

See also Chatham

Chicago Public Schools (CPS), 109–36

Burnside Elementary sit-in, 115–16

Chicago Board of Education, 110, 115–17, 119–20

desegregated busing, 17, 110–11, 119

desegregation consent decree, 110, 112, 129–31

Freedom Day boycotts, 117

and Hauser Report, 118–19

and housing patterns, 134

integration efforts, 110, 115–19

lack of diversity, 112–15

magnet schools, 109, 112, 119–20, 130–1, 134–6

overcrowding, 43, 115–18, 120

race achievement gap, 130–1

racial enrollment (2014–2015), 114

school closings, 121–2, 136

and social capital, 125–6

teachers, 126

Webb v. the Chicago Board of Education, 117–18

See also schools

Chicago Urban League, 37, 47, 49

Chi-Raq (film), 160

Cisneros, Henry, 66

Civil Rights Act of 1964, 117, 119

Civil Rights Bill of 1988, 22

Clinton, Bill, 67, 100

Coalition to Protect Public Housing, 75

Cobb, Delmarie, 196–7

Cole, Nat King, 12, 87

collective efficacy, 30

Common, 2, 151–2

Cooke, Sam, 2, 87

Cooley High, 63

Cornelius, Don, 8

Corrigan v. Buckley, 41

Cosby Show, The, 13

Countrywide Financial, 26

criminal justice system

and Bronzeville, 103, 105

community policing, 30, 163–5

police brutality, 6, 7, 52, 163, 201, 207–12

policing and crime, 103, 165–6, 170–1, 174, 177–9

and politics, 188, 199, 201–2, 205

and schools, 117, 128

crime and violence, 159–81

Chicago Crime Tour, 166–7

and “Chiraq” nickname, 159–62, 174–5, 181

and the media, 167–77

prevention, 176–81

statistics, 161–8, 177–9

and urban Marshall Plan, 179–80

See also fear

Daley, Richard J., 41, 50–1, 59–61, 63, 113, 119, 183, 187, 189–90, 212

Daley, Richard M., 18, 60–1, 66–7, 98, 100, 102–3, 142, 183, 186, 191–3, 197–9, 202–3, 206, 212–13

retirement of, 202

Dan Ryan Expressway, 69, 86–7

Danns, Dionne, 113

Davis, Danny, 203

Davis, Dantrell, 67, 172

Davis, Naomi, 147–8, 151

Dawson, Michael, 186–8, 204–5

Dawson, William, 187–8

De Priest, Oscar, 87, 186

Demby, Gene, 173

Denton, Nancy, 5, 43

Detroit, Michigan, 3, 24, 144–7, 162, 177, 192

Dickerson, Earl, 45, 47–8

Dirksen, Everett, 119

Dorsey, Thomas, 42

Double V Campaign, 37

Dowell, Pat, 99, 105

Drake, St. Clair, 43, 96

drug trade, 29, 89, 104, 143–4

crack cocaine, 16, 22, 104

decriminalization, 179

and hood fatigue, 84

and public housing, 60–1, 65, 76–7

and War on Drugs, 22, 205

Duncan, Arne, 171

economic crisis, 19, 26, 31, 84. See also housing bubble and crisis

education. See Brown v. Board of Education; Chicago Public Schools (CPS); schools

Ellington, Duke, 87

Emanuel, Rahm, 146, 183, 201–3

employment, 19, 43, 65, 73, 126, 142, 146, 148, 157, 177, 179, 204–5. See also unemployment

Empowerment Zones (EZs), 100–101

Evans, Tim, 196–201

Fair Housing Act, 5–6, 216, 223

Farrakhan, Louis, 21, 191

fear, 21, 36, 50–3, 56

and black Chicagoans, 30, 163–4

fear complex, 30

and the media, 160–1, 169–76

and white criminality, 168

Federal Housing Administration, 26, 32, 42, 50

Ferguson, Missouri, 6, 7, 210, 217

Fleming, J. R., 203

Flowers, Leana, 88–9, 91–2, 98–9

food access, 137–58

corner stores, 151–5

food deserts, 137–58, 161

neighborhood-owned grocers, 151

restaurants, 155–8

urban agriculture, 148–50

Foxx, Redd, 11, 87

Gainer, Bridget, 31–2, 107, 224

Gallagher, Mari, 141–2

Garcia, Jesus “Chuy,” 203

Gardner, Ed, 163, 191

Gautreaux v. Chicago Housing Authority, 81

gentrification, 68, 83–108

defined, 84

and education, 135

and food access, 140, 144, 147

gentrification index, 216

and Jim Crow nostalgia, 95–7

and politics, 97–103

and retail, 89–95

“gentrifier,” 84

Gentry, James “Jimmy,” 87

Gerri’s Palm Tavern, 98

Gill, Johnny, 17

Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 5

Giuliani, Rudy, 162

Good Times, 62

Gray, Freddie, 6

Green, Paul, 195

Grow Greater Englewood, 149–50

Growing Home, Inc., 148–9

Haider, Don, 194

Hannah-Jones, Nikole, 6

Hansberry, Carl, 44, 46–7

Hansberry, Lorraine, 44–7, 121

Hansberry v. Lee, 44–5, 121

Harlem, New York, 2, 87, 99–100

Harold Washington Party, 198

Harper, Sonya, 148–50, 157

Harsh, Vivian, 87

Hearst, William Randolph, 168

Henderson, Kimberly, 122–6, 132–4

hip-hop, 22, 159, 163–4, 214

hip-hop culture, 91–2

historically black colleges, 22, 125. See also Howard University

Holli, Melvin G., 195

Holt, Blair, 172

Holt, Lobeta, 61–2

Home Owners’ Loan Corporation, 41–2

Hoop Dreams, 62

Hoover, J. Edgar, 47


appraisal, 31–2, 48, 108, 194

brokers, 32, 51, 53, 107

contract buying, 50

home ownership, 7, 16, 19–26, 32, 39, 41–2, 53, 79, 83, 101, 106–7

hood fatigue, 84–5, 105, 108

mixed-income communities, 60–1, 67–73, 78–81, 90, 99

mortgage interest deduction, 32

residential mobility programs, 223–4

restrictive agreements, 44–7

segregation, 36–8

subsidized housing voucher program (Section 8), 20, 61–2, 73–82

super vouchers, 76, 81–2

See also public housing

housing bubble and crisis, 4, 26, 53, 86, 88, 90, 106. See also economic crisis

Howard University, 12, 44, 56, 124, 225

Hunt, D. Bradford, 65

Hurricane Katrina, 144, 205, 210

Hyde Park Property Owners, Inc., 46–7

Hynes, Tom, 194–5

Hyra, Derek S., 100–101

Inner-City Muslim Action Network (IMAN), 152–4

Jackson, Jesse, Jr., 2, 205

Jackson, Jesse, Sr., 22, 190–1, 195–6

Jackson, Mahalia, 12, 21, 38

Jackson, Michael, 12, 22

Jackson Park Highlands, 16

Jacob, John E., 180

Jarrett, Valerie, 64, 101, 198

Jefferson, Alaine, 72, 79

Jemison, Mae, 128

Jim Crow era, 1, 6–7, 35–48, 56

Jim Crow nostalgia, 96–7

Johnson, Bennett, 189

Johnson, Ethel, 49

Johnson, John H., 87

Johnson, Roscoe, 49

Johnson Product Company, 14

Johnson Publishing Company, 87

Kaba, Mariame, 160

Kerner Commission (Report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders), 5–6, 217

Khan, Chaka, 2

Kids Off the Block, 163

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 50–1, 99, 109, 159, 191, 210

Kirk, Mark, 177–8

Kocoras, Charles P., 129

Kohn, Henry, 48

Kotlowitz, Alex, 63

Krysan, Maria, 3

Lake Meadows high-rises, 87–8

Lane, Vincent, 67

Latiker, Diane, 163

Lee, Anna, 44–5

Lee, Lisa Yun, 220

Lee, Spike, 88, 160

Lewis, Karen, 203

Los Angeles, California, 161, 192

Louis, Joe, 87

Madigan, Lisa, 26

Maria’s Packaged Goods & Community Bar, 214–15

Marshall Field’s department store, 38–9

Marszewski, Ed, 214–15

Marszewski, Maria, 214–15

Martin, Trayvon, 163

Massey, Douglas, 4–5, 43, 223–4

McAfee, Kimberley, 74–5

McClain, Leanita, 193–4

McCormick Place (convention center), 102–3

McDonald, Laquan, 201

McMillian, Tracie, 147

Mell, Richard, 196

Metcalfe, Ralph, 189

Michaeli, Ethan, 66

middle class. See black middle class

middle-market neighborhoods, 25

Mollison, Irvin C., 121

Moore, Barbara, 70, 82

Moseley Braun, Carol, 186, 203

Motley, Archibald, Jr., 42, 87

Muhammad, Elijah, 191

Muhammad, Khalil Gibran, 168–9

Muwakkil, Salim, 179


Nashville, Tennessee, 35–6, 55–6

Nation of Islam, 22, 191

New Deal, 41–2, 63

New York City, 2–3, 65, 87, 99–100, 151, 161, 167

Northwestern University, 18–19, 69, 189, 194, 217

Novara, Marisa, 224

Oakwood Cemetery, 57

Oakwood Shores (mixed-income development), 69, 99

Obama, Barack, 18, 27–8, 64, 101, 185

administration, 202, 223

and Bud Billiken Parade, 88

and coalition politics, 204–6

endorsement of Dorothy Tillman, 99

inauguration, 172

South Side “Obama factor,” 164–5

South Side as political home of, 2, 186

South Side income and taxes, 27–8

Obama, Michelle, 27–8, 151, 198

2015 King College Prep High School commencement speech, 211

Let’s Move program, 140

South Side household income and taxes, 27–8

South Side native, 2

Obejas, Achy, 218–19

Oliver, Gerri, 98

Orfield, Gary, 112–13, 120, 126–7, 130, 134–5, 217

Orfield, Myron, 135

Orr, David, 196

Overton, Anthony, 87, 103, 121–2

Palmer, Lu, 190, 197–8

Papachristos, Andrew, 176–7

Parks, Gordon, 42

Pattillo, Mary, 16, 19, 26, 217–18

Pendleton, Hadiya, 172

Pilditch, Walter, 128–9

Pilgrim Baptist Church, 42, 87

Point DuSable, Jean Baptiste, 40

police. See criminal justice system

politics, 183–206

black politics, 186–8, 197, 199–206

coalition politics, 185–6, 191, 195, 205–6

and neoliberalism, 204

voting, 201

See also individual politicians

Pollan, Michael, 141

Popkin, Sue, 78

Preckwinkle, Toni, 203

Price, Randy, 103–5

Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN), 176

protests, 5–7, 115–16, 163, 188

public housing, 8, 20, 39, 120, 171, 183, 185, 188, 201, 203

in Bronzeville, 85, 88, 101

Cabrini-Green, 60, 62–3, 67–9, 71, 80, 135, 172, 190

demolition of, 8, 60, 66, 70–2, 81, 85, 100

and Gautreaux v. Chicago Housing Authority, 80–1

Henry Horner Homes, 63, 71, 80

Ida B. Wells Homes, 99

Robert Taylor Homes, 59–61, 64–5, 68–72, 75, 82, 90, 112

Parkside of Old Town, 60

public housing authority, 223

Stateway Gardens, 69, 71–2, 74–5, 79

See also housing

Quinn Chapel A.M.E. Church, 40

racism, 1, 7, 213–15, 223

and black neighborhoods, 23, 32, 52, 115

“Chiraq” as, 160

and criminal justice system, 7, 166, 210

and education, 115, 117, 129, 132, 134–5

and food access, 139, 143–5

and health care, 116

and housing, 32, 40, 44–6

and Jim Crow era, 35

and politics, 187, 193

and white segregation, 210

Randolph, A. Philip, 37, 180

Ransom, Lou, 178

Rawls, Loud, 97–8

Reagan, Ronald, veto of 1988 Civil Rights Bill, 22

Reagan era, 22, 70, 185, 191

redlining, 4, 18, 31–3, 42, 95, 178

Redmond, James, 119

Robb, Walter, 143–7

Rome, Cliff, 92–3

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 63, 187

Roosevelt College, 49, 189

Roosevelt University, 65

Royko, Mike, 39, 187–8, 195

Rush, Bobby, 177, 199

Sacramento, California, 3

Sampson, Robert, 7, 29–30, 94–5, 219

Savage, Gus, 189

Scarborough, Joe, 163

Selassie, Haile, 88

Sandburg, Carl, 6

Sawyer, Eugene, 196–9


Beasley Elementary, 112

Bogan High School, 118

Burnside Elementary, 115–116, 118

Fenger High School, 118

Gillespie Elementary, 115–16

Irvin C. Mollison Elementary, 109, 120–5, 132–4

Lane Tech High School, 133

Lenart Elementary Regional Gifted Center, 132–3

McDade Classical Elementary School, 131, 133

Morgan Park High School, 127–9, 133

Perry Elementary, 115

Poe Elementary Classical School, 131, 133

Sutherland Elementary, 110–12, 133

See also Chicago Public Schools (CPS)

Seals, L. Anton, Jr., 150–1, 157, 197

segregation, 1–9, 17–18, 210–12, 216–25

black compared with other racial and ethnic groups, 43–4

and black middle class, 17–19, 22–3

and crime and violence, 160–1, 164–5, 178–81

and education, 109–36

and food access, 139–58

and housing, 36–43, 46–8, 51, 60–1, 66–7, 73–5, 80–2, 85–8

and politics, 198–200, 204

romanticizing of, 43, 95–7

segregation tax, 24, 27–9

and self-selection/self-identification, 225

solutions, 217–25

Shelley v. Kraemer, 14, 21, 48, 51, 63, 87

Silver, Nate, 3

Sinclair, Upton, 6

Smith, Janet, 222

Soft Sheen Products, 14, 163, 191

Soul Train, 8–9

South Side

black cultural nationalist theater, 225

and “Chiraq,” 159–60

and the media, 165, 169

and Moore’s childhood and family, 2, 11–17, 20, 38–40, 54–7, 211

and politics, 185–91, 199–201

and race/class debate, 8

and retail leakage, 95

and torture of arrestees, 201–2

unemployment, 216

and white flight, 48–53, 63

See also Chatham; Chicago neighborhoods, communities and parks; Chicago Public Schools (CPS); crime and violence; food; gentrification; housing

South Side Community Arts Center, 42, 87

Squires, Gregory, 23–4, 27

Sullivan, Louis, 87

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), 138–9

Supreme Life, 44, 103

Tate, Keith, 30–1, 77–8

Taylor, Koko, 2

Taylor, Robert, 64–5. See also Robert Taylor Homes

Tefera, Nicole, 174–6

Thompson, Dhyia, 93–4

Thompson, Janelle, 123

Till, Emmett, 38

Tillman, Dorothy, 97–9

Travis, Dempsey, 189

Truman, Harry, 88, 121

Underground Railroad, 40

unemployment, 1, 20, 60, 88, 137, 143, 161, 178–80, 200, 216

University of Chicago, 38, 44–6, 85, 108, 172, 176, 179, 186, 188, 204, 219

Consortium on Chicago School Research, 125–6

“uppity” blacks, 35, 207–12

urban renewal, 86–7, 100, 183

Vale, Lawrence J., 73

vertical segregation, 8, 61

Veterans Administration, 42

Vilsack, Tom, 145

violence. See crime and violence; criminal justice system

Voisin, Dexter, 172

Vrdolyak, Ed “Fast Eddie,” 192–5, 198

Walgreens, 151

Walmart, 85, 142–3, 151

Washington, Harold, 2, 22, 53, 57, 184–7, 189, 191, 195, 198–200, 202, 205–6

Waters, Muddy, 36

WBEZ-Chicago Public Media, 3

Wells, Ida B., 40, 57, 69, 85

West, Kanye, 6

Westhaven Park Tower, 80

Weston, James, 59, 64

white flight, 18–19, 48–53, 63, 87, 109, 118, 178, 192

white segregation 210–11

Whole Foods, 140, 142–8, 154–5

Wilkerson, Isabel, 40

Williams, Daniel Hale, 87

Williams, Juan, 162

Williams, Orrin, 157

Willis, Benjamin, 117–19

Wilson, Ben, 16, 172

Winfrey, Oprah, 18, 22, 63, 88, 155

Wood, Elizabeth, 63–5

Worrill, Conrad, 191, 196, 198, 200, 205–6

Wortham, Thomas, IV, 29

Wright, Patricia A., 75

Wright, Richard, 36, 42, 87

WVON, 196–7