This chapter provides a fast introduction to developing Web applications in Angular. After covering some of the high-level aspects of Angular, you can quickly grasp many of the code samples that are discussed in later chapters (but some code samples are more extensive). At the same time, keep in mind that you need to invest additional time and effort to acquire a deeper understanding of Angular.


The Angular code samples in this book are based on the Angular production code that was released in March 2017.

Another important consideration is your learning style: you might prefer to read the details regarding the “scaffolding” for Angular applications before you delve into the first code sample. However, it’s perfectly acceptable to skim the introductory portion of this chapter, then quickly “get into the weeds” with the first Angular sample code in this chapter, and later review the initial portion again.

The first part of this chapter discusses the design goals of Angular and some new features, such as components, modules, and one-way data binding. The second part of this chapter discusses the Angular command-line interface (CLI), which is a command-line tool for generating Angular applications.


The Angular projects in this book are based on version 1.0.0 of ng (which is the Angular CLI) for creating Angular 4 applications.

There are several points to keep in mind before you read this chapter. First, this book provides many examples of Angular applications, so the details about Angular concepts, design goals, and architecture are “lighter” than what you might find in 500-page books. However, you can find useful information in online articles by Victor Savkin (and other people).

Second, you can create Angular applications using ECMA5, ES6, and TypeScript. However, the main recommendation is to develop Angular applications using ES6 or TypeScript; in fact, all the code samples in this book use TypeScript, which makes the transpilation process (performed “behind the scenes”) straightforward. Third, no previous experience with Angular is required, but some knowledge can obviously be helpful.



When you copy a project directory from the companion disc, if the node_modules directory is not present, then copy the top-level node_modules directory that has been soft-linked inside that project directory (which is true for most of the sample applications).

Supported Versions of Angular: How It Works

In case you didn’t already know, the Angular landscape is moving fast, starting from the production release of Angular 4 in March 2017 and extending through Angular 7, which is scheduled for September 2018.

Each upcoming release (starting with Angular 6 in 2018) will probably support only two earlier versions of Angular. For example, Angular 6 will support Angular 4 and Angular 5, whereas Angular 7 will support Angular 6 and Angular 5 (but not Angular 4).

In addition, there is a sort of “duality” in the naming convention for Angular: upcoming Angular releases specify a version number, but Angular without a version number is the official name for Angular 2 and beyond (whereas AngularJS is the official name for version 1.x).

Another important goal of the Angular core team during this development process is to minimize breaking changes and ensure that such changes will have minimal impact with respect to upgrading to new versions of Angular.


Despite the version numbers for future production code releases, Angular 2 and beyond is officially known as Angular.

The Reason for Skipping Angular 3

The core Angular libraries are in All of them are versioned the same way, but distributed as different Node-based packages:

@angular/core v2.3.0

@angular/compiler v2.3.0

@angular/compiler-cli v2.3.0

@angular/http v2.3.0

@angular/router v3.3.0

As you can see, the version number for the router package differs from the version number of the other packages. The simplest way to make the version numbers identical was to use version 4 instead of version 3, which in turn resulted in skipping Angular 3.

TypeScript Version

Upgrading the TypeScript dependency from v1.8 to v2.1 (or higher) does involve a breaking change. Fortunately, upgrading from Angular version 2 to version 4 (and beyond) does not involve a major rewrite, just a change in a few core libraries.

The Angular team has developed an automatic upgrade process, and the tool that they use might also become available for general use (possibly during 2017).


The Angular 2 applications in this book use version 2.2.2 of the TypeScript compiler.

Moving from Angular 2 to Angular

This section is optional if you are working with the latest release of Angular, which automatically includes all the features that were introduced in Angular 2.x beyond Angular 2.0.

A brief synopsis of several Angular 2.x releases is provided below because the new features were added to Angular 2 (but they are not part of Angular 2.0). In addition, the version of TypeScript has changed.

First, Angular 2.2 was released in November 2016; this version provides ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation compatibility and is discussed in more detail in Chapter 10. Next, Google released Angular 2.3 in December 2016, which includes the Angular Language Service for integrating with integrated development environments (IDEs). This service provides type completion and error-checking with Angular Templates. Moreover, object inheritance for components is featured in this service.

Regarding the version of TypeScript: Angular 2 used TypeScript 1.8, whereas the initial production release of Angular 4 uses TypeScript 2.1.6 (or higher), which involves some relatively small breaking changes.

What You Need to Learn for Angular Applications

Angular applications in this book are written in TypeScript, but you also need to acquire a basic proficiency in the following technologies:

ImageNodeJS (npm)

ImageECMA5, ES6, and TypeScript

ImageWebpack 2.2 (or higher)

The following subsections contain more information about the items in the preceding list.


The code samples in this book require node v6.x.x (or higher) and npm 4.x.x (or higher). Determine the version on your machine with the following commands in a terminal:

node -v

npm -v

If necessary, navigate to the NodeJS home page to download a more recent version of the node executable. If you have not worked with Node, read an online tutorial to understand the purpose of the following commands:

Imagenpm install –g webpack

Imagenpm install webpack@latest –save

Imagenpm start

ECMA5, ES6, and TypeScript

You need to learn the basic concepts of ES6 and TypeScript, and their respective home pages contain plenty of information to help you get started. In particular, learn about arrow functions, classes, template strings, and module loaders. Other useful features include the spread and rest operators (you will encounter them in Chapter 7). As you will see in subsequent chapters, Angular applications rely heavily on dynamic templates, which frequently involve interpolation (via the “{{}}” syntax) of variables.

Knowledge of ES6 is helpful if you plan to write Angular applications with TypeScript. Fortunately, the following website provides an online “playground” and links for documentation and code samples for TypeScript:

Familiarity with ECMA5 is also useful: for example, the filter() function is handy (e.g., with Angular Pipes), and the map() function can be useful when you combine Observables with HTTP requests in Angular applications. Other functions, such as merge() and flatten(), can also be useful, and you can learn about them and other functions on an as-needed basis.

You also need a basic understanding of Promises and Observables. Angular with TypeScript favors Observables, as do the code samples in this book, but you will encounter online code samples that use Promises. Avail yourself of online resources regarding ECMA5, Promises, and Observables.

Angular takes advantage of ES6 features such as components and classes, as well as features that are part of TypeScript, such as annotations and its type system. TypeScript is preferred over ECMA5or ES6 because (1) TypeScript supports all the features of ES6, and (2) TypeScript provides an optional type inferencing system that can catch many errors for you.

As for scaffolding tools, Webpack has become the de facto standard for Angular applications. Webpack (version 2.2 or higher) has become the de facto standard scaffolding tool for Angular applications, and its home page is located here:

If you have not worked with Webpack, learn about the features of version 2.x (and bypass version 1.x).

Some additional relevant details: You can develop Angular applications in Electron, Webstorm, and Visual Studio Code. Check their respective websites for pricing and feature support. Finally, the following link includes style-related guidelines as well as “best practices” for developing Angular applications:

Glance through the preceding link to familiarize yourself with its content, and then you will know when to read the relevant sections as you progress through the chapters in this book.

A High-Level View of Angular

Angular was designed as a platform that supports Angular applications in a browser and supports server-side rendering and Angular applications on mobile devices. The first aspect—rendering Angular applications in browsers—is the focus of the chapters in this book. The second aspect—Angular Universal (aka server-side rendering)—is discussed briefly in Chapter 6. In essence, server-side rendering creates the “first view” of an Angular application on a server instead of a browser. Because browsers do not need to construct this view, they can render a view more quickly and create a faster perceived load time. The third aspect—Angular applications on mobile devices—is discussed in Chapter 8.

Angular also has a component-based architecture, where components are organized in a treelike structure (the same is true of Angular modules, as you will see in Chapter 5). Angular also supports powerful technologies that you will learn to become proficient in writing Angular applications. The simplest way to create an Angular application is to use the Angular CLI (discussed in detail later), which generates the required files for an Angular application from the command line.

Some of the important features of Angular are listed here:

ImageOne-way data binding

Image“Tree shaking”

ImageChange detection

ImageStyle encapsulation

The first two features are briefly discussed below and the third feature is discussed in Chapter 2, where the code sample will make more sense to you than in this chapter.

Because the production version of Angular 4 was in March 2017, and additional “point” releases have been released (e.g., 4.1), it’s possible that the latter releases will cause breaking changes in some of the code samples in this book. Consequently, you might need to modify application programming interface (API) calls in the affected code samples or change some import statements. You can always consult the online documentation regarding changes between consecutive releases of Angular:

One-Way Data Binding in Angular

Angular provides declarative one-way binding as the default behavior (but you can switch to two-way binding if you wish to do so). One-way binding acts as a unidirectional change propagation that provides two advantages over two-way data binding: (1) an improvement in performance because of eliminating the $digest cycle and watchers in Angular 1.x, and (2) a reduction in code complexity. Angular also supports stateful, reactive, and immutable models. The meaning of the previous statement will become clearer as you work with Angular applications.

Angular applications involve defining a top-level (“root”) module that references a Component that in turn specifies an HTML element (via a mandatory selector property) that is the “parent” element of the Component. The definition of the Component involves a so-called “decorator,” which includes a selector property and a template property (or a templateUrl property).

The template property includes a mixture of HTML and custom markup (which can be placed in a separate file and then referenced via the templateUrl property). In addition, the Component is immediately followed by a TypeScript class definition that includes “backing code” that is associated with component-related variables that appear in the template property. These details will become much clearer after you have worked with some Angular applications.


The templateUrl property and styleUrls property refer to files, whereas the template property and styles property refer to inline code.

Tree Shaking an Angular Application

Tree shaking refers to “pruning” the unnecessary files from an Angular project (other technologies have the same concept), just like shaking the dead branches from a tree, in order to create a production version of an Angular application. This production version can be significantly smaller, and hence require less loading time. Webpack 2 and Angular AOT support tree shaking, and you will see an example with AOT in Chapter 10.

A High-Level View of Angular Applications

Angular applications consist of a combination of built-in components and custom components (the latter are written by you), each of which is typically defined in a separate TypeScript file (with a ts extension). Each component specifies its dependencies via import statements. There are various types of dependencies available in Angular, such as directives and pipes (discussed later in this chapter).

A custom directive is essentially the contents of a TypeScript file that defines a component. Thus, a custom directive consists of import statements, a Component decorator, and an exported TypeScript class.

Angular provides built-in directives, such as *ngIf (for “if” logic) and *ngFor (for loops). These two directives are also called structural directives because they modify the content of an HTML page.

Angular built-in pipes include date and numeric items (currency, decimal, number, and percent), whereas custom pipes are defined by you.

In addition, TypeScript classes use a decorator (which is a built-in function) that provides metadata to a class, its members, or its method arguments. Decorators are easy to identify because they always have the @ prefix. Angular provides a number of built-in decorators, such as @Component() and @NgModule.

This concludes the high-level introduction to Angular features. The next portion of this chapter introduces the Angular CLI, which is used throughout this book to create Angular applications.

The Angular CLI

During the beta releases of Angular, developers used a manual process to create applications, or they used a “starter” or “seed” project (often available on GitHub). However, those projects are often out of date after new releases of Angular are available. Hence, the code samples in this book are based on the Angular CLI, which is the official Angular application generator from Google.

The Angular CLI is a command-line tool called ng that generates complete Angular applications, including test-related code, and (by default) also launches npm install to install required files in node_modules. The home page for the Angular CLI is located here:

The Angular CLI generates a configuration file called package.json to manage the necessary dependencies and their version numbers. After generating an Angular application, navigate to the node_modules subdirectory, and you will see an assortment of Angular subdirectories that contain files that are required for Angular applications.

The Angular CLI is a superior alternative to using “starter” projects or creating projects manually, and its feature set will continue to improve over time.

Installing the Angular CLI

You need to perform several steps to install the Angular CLI. First uninstall the previous CLI (if you installed an older version) with this command:

sudo npm uninstall -g angular-cli

npm cache clean

Next, install the new CLI with this command (note the new package name):

[sudo] npm install -g @angular/cli

Create a new project called hello-world with Angular 4 as follows:

ng new hello-world

The Angular CLI provides everything except your custom code, and also requires noticeably more time to install than starter applications. Second, the Angular CLI enables you to generate new components, routers, and so forth, which are possible with starter applications. Third, the Angular CLI is based purely on TypeScript, and the generated application includes the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) files tsconfig.json, tslint.json, typedoc.json, and typings.json. On the other hand, the starter applications tend to use Webpack, which involves the configuration file webpack.config.js, which includes information for Angular applications.

Features of the Angular CLI

The ng executable supports various options, and some command-line invocations are shown here:

ng new app-root-name

ng build

ng deploy

ng e2e

ng generate <component-type>

ng generate route

ng generate ...

ng lint

ng serve

ng test

ng x18n

The ng g option is equivalent to the ng generate option, which enables you to generate an Angular custom Component, an Angular Pipe (discussed in Chapter 5), and so forth. The ng x18n option extracts i18n messages from source code. The next section shows you an example of generating an Angular custom Component in an application, and the contents of the files that are automatically generated for you.

The default prefix is app for components (e.g., <app-root></app-root>), but you can specify a different prefix with this invocation:

ng new app-root-name –prefix abc


Angular applications created via ng always contain the src/app directory.

Information about upgrading the Angular CLI is located here:

Documentation for the Angular CLI is located here:

Now that you have an understanding of some of the features of the ng utility, let’s create our first Angular application, which is the topic of the next section.

A “Hello World” Application via the Angular CLI

Navigate to a convenient directory and create an Angular application called myapp with the following command:

ng new myapp


Earlier versions of ng require an --ng4 switch.

After the preceding command has completed, navigate inside the new project:

cd myapp

Launch the Angular application with the following command:

ng serve

The preceding command automatically launches a browser session at the following URL:


You will see the following displayed in your screen:

app works!

The preceding string is specified in the template property in the file app/app.component.ts.


The template property (or the templateUrl property) is where you will place custom code that will generate HTML output, which is then inserted into the <app-root> element in the index.html Web page.

The Structure of an Angular Application

When you invoke the ng command to create an Angular application, here are the files that are automatically created:


dist/ (details omitted)

e2e/ (details omitted)




















The dist subdirectory includes the compiled project and JavaScript bundle, whereas the e2e subdirectory includes files for end-to-end testing (invoke the command ng test to execute the tests).

The file app.component.ts (shown in bold) includes custom TypeScript code in the code samples in this book, and (to a lesser extent) you might need to update the file app.module.ts. You will modify index.html when you need to include JavaScript <script> elements (for jQuery, Bootstrap, and so forth), and the styles.css file is for global Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) style rules (if any).

Finally, the files angular-cli.json, package.json, and tslint.json are configuration files for ng, npm, and tslint, respectively. Note that when you invoke the command ng lint, it invokes the tslint utility, which in turn relies on the file tslint.json.

The Naming Convention for Angular Project Files

The files in the app subdirectory have a naming convention that comprises three parts: the type of functionality, whether it’s a component or module, and a suffix that indicates the type of code. For example, the TypeScript file app.component.ts includes component-related code for the application, whereas the TypeScript file app.module.ts includes module-related code. In addition, the file app.component.css contains CSS selectors for the component, and app.component.html contains HTML markup for the same component.

The next portion of this chapter contains two sections: The first part discusses the contents of index.html and various JavaScript configuration related files, and the second part discusses application-related files that are contained in the app subdirectory. Alas, reading these sections is a “long slog,” and although it’s recommended that you read them, feel free to skim this section and return after you have launched your first Angular application. There are trade-offs with both reading styles, so proceed with this material in the manner that best suits your learning style.

Now let’s take a look at the contents of the HTML Web page index.html, which is the main Web page for our Angular application.

The index.html Web Page

Listing 1.1 displays the contents of index.html for a new Angular application that is generated from the command line via the ng utility.

LISTING 1.1: index.html


Listing 1.1 is minimalistic: Only the custom <app-root> element (which you will see in the selector property in app/app.component.ts) gives you an indication that this Web page is part of an Angular application.


The JavaScript dependencies are dynamically inserted in index.html by the Angular CLI during the “build” of the project.

Before we delve into the TypeScript files in an Angular application, let’s take a quick detour to understand how import statements work in Angular applications. Feel free to skip the next section if you are already familiar with import and export statements in Angular.

Exporting and Importing Packages and Classes (Optional)

Keep in mind the following point: Every TypeScript class that is imported in a TypeScript file must be exported in the TypeScript file where that class is defined. You will see many examples of import and export statements; in fact, this is true of every Angular application in this book.

There are 2 common types of import statements: one type involves importing packages from Angular modules, and the other type involves importing custom classes (written by you). Here is the syntax for both types:

import {some-package-name}   from 'some-angular-module';

import {some-class }         from 'my-custom-class';

Here is an example of both types of import statements:

import { NgModule }     from '@angular/core';

import {EmpComponent}   from './emp.component';

In the preceding code snippet, the NgModule package is imported from the @angular/core module that is located in the node_modules directory. The EmpComponent class is a custom class that is defined and exported in the TypeScript file emp.component.ts.

In the second import statement, the “./” prefix is required when a custom class is imported from a TypeScript file, and notice the omission of the “.ts” suffix.

The next several sections discuss three application-related TypeScript files in the src/app subdirectory: main.ts, app.component.ts, and app.module.ts. These files are the bootstrap file, the main module, and the main component class, respectively, for this Angular application.

Here is the condensed explanation of the purpose of these three files: Angular uses main.ts as the initial “entry point” to bootstrap the Angular module AppModule (defined in app.module.ts), which in turn includes the component AppComponent (defined in app.component.ts), as well as any other custom components (and modules) that you have imported into AppModule.

Moreover, these three files are located in the src/app subdirectory, which is also where you place custom components (and modules), or some suitable subdirectory of src/app whose name is based on its feature.

The Bootstrap File main.ts

Listing 1.2 displays the contents of main.ts in the src subdirectory (not the src/app subdirectory) that imports and bootstraps the top-level Angular module AppModule.

LISTING 1.2: main.ts



The first line of code in Listing 1.2 is an import statement that is needed for the conditional logic later in the code listing. The second import statement that you will see in many Angular code samples, and it’s necessary for launching Angular applications on desktops and laptops.

The third import statement involves the top-level module of Angular applications, which in turn contains all the custom components and services that are included in this Angular module. The fourth import statement contains environment-related information that is used in the next conditional logic snippet: if the current application is in production mode, the enableProdMode()function is executed.

The final line of code is the actual bootstrapping process, which involves rendering the code in app.component.ts in a browser.

The Top-Level Module File app.module.ts

Listing 1.3 displays the contents of app.module.ts (located in the src/app subdirectory) that exports the top-level Angular module AppModule.

LISTING 1.3: app.module.ts


Listing 1.3 includes two import statements that import BrowserModule, NgModule, FormsModule, HttpModule, and BrowserModule, all of which are part of Angular. The last import statement imports the class AppComponent, which is the top-level component illustrated in Listing 1.4.


Angular dependencies always contain the @ symbol, whereas custom dependencies specify a relative path to TypeScript files.

Next, the @NgModule decorator includes an object with various properties (discussed in the next section). These properties specify metadata for the class AppModule, which is exported in the final line of code. The metadata in AppModule involves the following properties, each of which is an array of values: imports, providers, declarations, exports, and bootstrap.

In Listing 1.3, the array properties declarations, imports, and bootstrap are non-null, whereas the providers property is an empty array. This metadata is required for Angular to bootstrap the code in AppComponent, which in turn contains the details of what is rendered (e.g., an <h1> element) and where it is rendered (e.g., the app-root element in index.html).

Now let’s take a closer look at the purpose of each array-based property in the @NgModule decorator to understand their purpose.

The MetaData in @NgModule

The imports array includes modules that are required for this application, such as BrowserModule, and some optional modules (e.g., FormModule) for this application. The imports array is not transitive: if module A imports module B and module B imports module C, then module C is not imported into module A.

Next, the providers array is an array of application-wide services for this Angular application. A service is something that provides behind-the-scenes functionality that is not visible in the application. The providers array includes any injectable services that have been defined via the @Injectable decorator (discussed later).

The declarations array consists of components that are required for this application, such as the AppComponent, and also custom components, directives, and pipes, all of which have (module-level) private scope. Specifically, private scope means that everything in the declarations array is accessible only via other components, directives, and pipes that are declared in the same module.

Keep in mind that components listed in the declarations property must be exported from their respective component-related files. For example, AppComponent is exported from app.component.ts (shown later), which enables you to import it in app.module.ts and also specify it in the declarations property.

The exports array includes components, directives, and pipes that are required in other components in the application.

The schemas array includes the value CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA, which provides additional information that is “external” to the application; see the example in Chapter 2 and the example in Chapter 5.

Finally, the bootstrap array includes the name of the component that will be “bootstrapped” when the Angular application is launched in a browser.


In general, it’s advisable to bootstrap only one component via the bootstrap property.

The Top-Level Component File app.component.ts

Listing 1.4 displays the contents of app.component.ts (located in the src/app subdirectory) that exports the top-level Angular component AppComponent.

LISTING 1.4: app.component.ts


Listing 1.4 starts with an import statement for the Angular @Component decorator to define metadata for the class AppComponent. At a minimum, the metadata involves two properties: selector and template. Except for routing-related components, both of these properties are required in custom components. In this example, the selector property specifies the custom element app-root (which you can change) that you saw in the HTML Web page index.html.

The template property specifies the HTML markup that will be inserted in the custom element app-root. In this example, the markup is an <h1> element containing some text. The final line of code in Listing 1.4 is an export statement that makes the AppComponent class available for import in other TypeScript files, such as app.module.ts, which is shown in Listing 1.3.


The files main.ts, app.component.ts, and app.module.ts are in the src/app subdirectory for all the Angular projects in this book.

Launch your Angular application by navigating to the root directory and entering the following command from a shell:

ng serve

The next section discusses Angular template syntax, which you will use in your custom code in the template property.

A Simple Angular Template

As you saw in Listing 1.4, the file app.component.ts includes a template property with an <h1> element that contains a single line of text. However, Angular enables you to specify multiple lines of text when you place everything inside a pair of matching backticks (“``”). This syntax (introduced in ES6) is used heavily in Angular applications, and it conveniently supports variable interpolation.

Listing 1.5 displays the contents of a new app.component.ts file, which has more content than Listing 1.4. This code sample illustrates how to use interpolation in a template property.

LISTING 1.5: app.component.ts



Listing 1.5 includes two <h3> elements; the first is a simple text string and the second includes “curly braces” to reference data values that are defined in the class AppComponent. Angular uses something called interpolation with the elements of the literal object emp and then substitutes the variables inside the curly braces with their actual values in the second <h3> element.

Working with Components in Angular

An Angular application is a tree of nested components, where the top-level component is the application. The components define the user interface (UI) elements, screens, and routes. In general, organize Angular applications by placing each custom component in a TypeScript file and then import that same TypeScript file in the “main” file (which is often named app.component.ts), which includes the top-level component.

The Metadata in Components

Angular components are often a combination of an @Component decorator and a class definition that can optionally contain a constructor. A simple example is shown here:


The preceding @Component decorator includes several properties, some of which are mandatory and others are optional. Let’s look at both types in the preceding code block.

The selector property is mandatory, and it specifies the HTML element (whether it’s an existing element or a custom element) that serves as the “root” of an Angular application.

Next, the template property (or a templateUrl property) is mandatory, and it includes a mixture of markup, interpolated variables, and TypeScript code. One important detail: the template property requires backticks when its definition spans multiple lines.

The directives property is an optional property that specifies an array of components that are treated as nested components. In this example, the directives property specifies the component EmpComponent, which is also imported (via an import statement) near the beginning of the code block. Notice that the import statement does not contain the @ symbol, which means that EmpComponent is a custom component defined in the file emp/emp.component.ts.

Stateful versus Stateless Components in Angular

In high-level terms, a stateful component retains information that is relevant to other parts of the same Angular application. On the other hand, stateless components do not maintain an application state, nor do they request or fetch data: they are passed data via property bindings from another component (such as its parent).

The code samples in this book are usually a combination of stateful components, stateless components, and sometimes “value objects,” which are instances of custom classes that model different entities (such as an employee, customer, student, and so forth).

You will see an example of a presentational component in Chapter 2. In the meantime, a good article that delves into stateful and stateless components is located here:

Generating Components with the Angular CLI

Earlier you saw some of the options for the ng utility, and this section discusses how to use the generate option. In addition, here are some self-explanatory examples:

ng generate component mycomp

ng generate directive mydir

ng generate pipe mypipe

ng generate route myroute

ng generate service mycomp

The following commands are equivalent to their counterparts in the preceding list, except that they use short aliases:

ng g c mycomp

ng g d mydir

ng g p mypipe

ng g r myroute

ng g s mycomp

The preceding commands create new files that are located in new subdirectories of src/app. For example, the command ng g c mycomp creates the subdirectory src/app/mycomp and populates it with files (discussed later).

If you do not want to create a new subdirectory, use the option –flat and the new files will be placed in src/app instead of src/app/mycomp.

Now let’s invoke the following command in an Angular application to generate a student component:

ng g c student

After the preceding command has completed, you will see the following output:

installing component

create src/app/student/student.component.css

create src/app/student/student.component.html

create src/app/student/student.component.spec.ts

create src/app/student/student.component.ts

As you can see, the preceding output displays four new files: a CSS file, an HTML file, a TypeScript test file, and a component definition file.

Listing 1.6 displays the contents of student.component.ts that contains the code for the student component.

LISTING 1.6: student.component.ts




When you use ng to create a custom component, ng inserts an import statement in app.module.ts and updates the declarations property with a reference to the new custom component.

For your convenience, ng also generates a test file when you generate a component from the command line. In particular, Listing 1.7 displays the contents of the test file called student.component.spec.ts.

LISTING 1.7: student.component.spec.ts


Listing 1.7 includes import statements to make various components available to this test file, including the StudentComponent that is defined in Listing 1.6.

The autogenerated contents of student.component.html are shown here:


student works!


As you can see, the file student.component.html is minimalistic, and you are free to add application-related HTML markup in this file.

Note that the file student.component.css is currently empty; add any CSS selectors that you need for styling purposes.

One other detail: ng enables you to create a component inside an existing component. For example, the following command creates a profile component inside the student component:

ng g component student/profile

You must invoke the preceding command from the student subdirectory, otherwise you will see the following error message:

You have to be inside an angular-cli project in order to use the generate command.

When you are ready, create a production build of an Angular application with the following command:

ng build --prod

Keep in mind that you can significantly reduce the size of an Angular application via AOT, which is discussed in more detail in Chapter 10.

Syntax, Attributes, and Properties in Angular

Angular introduced the square brackets “[]” notation for attributes and properties, as well as the parentheses “()” notation for functions that handle events. This new syntax is actually valid HTML5 syntax. Here is an example of a code snippet that specifies an attribute and a function:

<foo [bar]= "x+1" (baz)="doSomething()">Hello World</foo>

An example that specifies a property and a function is shown here:

<button [disabled]="!inputIsValid" (click)="authenticate()" >Login </button>

An example of a data-related element with a custom element is shown here:

<my-chart [data]="myData" (drag)="handleDrag()"></my-chart>

The new syntax in the preceding code snippet eliminates the need for many built-in directives, as you will see later in this chapter.

Attributes versus Properties in Angular

Keep in mind the following distinction: A property can specify a complex model, whereas an attribute can only specify a string. For example, in Angular 1.x you can write the following:

<my-directive foo="{{something}}"></my-directive>

The corresponding code in Angular (which does not require interpolation) is shown here:

<my-directive [foo]="something"></my-directive>

The new architecture for Angular provides improved performance and a mechanism for developing “cleaner” Angular applications that can be developed, enhanced, and maintained more quickly.

The next section contains a code sample involving a <button> element, which is probably one of the most common UI controls in HTML Web pages.

Displaying a Button in Angular

After having soldiered through all the code listings in this chapter, and also reading explanations about their purpose, you might be wondering if application development in Angular is going to be a long and tedious process. Fortunately, you can create many basic applications with a small amount of code. When you are ready to create medium-sized applications, you can take advantage of the component-based nature of Angular applications to incrementally add new components (and modules).

As a simple example, the file app.component.ts in this section includes all the custom code for this Angular application. The ng utility was used to generate all the files in this code sample, and you won’t need to tinker manually with those other files.


Copy the directory ButtonClick from the companion disc into a convenient location. Listing 1.8 displays the contents of app.component.ts that illustrates how to render a <button> element and respond to click events by displaying the number of times that users have clicked the <button> element during the current session.

LISTING 1.8: app.component.ts


Listing 1.8 starts with an import statement that appears in app.component.ts, which you will see in every code sample in this book. This statement gives you access to the Component decorator, which injects metadata into the TypeScript class called AppComponent. When the TypeScript compiler transpiles (converts) the TypeScript code into ECMA5, the metadata will also be included to run the Angular application in modern browsers.

The required selector property specifies a value of app-root, which is the custom element (listed in index.html) that serves as the “container” where the content of the template element is rendered.

In this example, the template property includes a <button> element that responds to click events and a <p> element whose contents are updated when users click the <button> element. As you can see, the value of the term (click) is the clickMe() function (defined in the AppComponent class), which increments and then displays the value of the clickCount variable.

In addition, the styles property specifies a value of red for the <button> element. The styles property is an example of component style, which means that the styles only apply to the template of the given component.


FIGURE 1.1 A <button> Element that Responds to Click Events.

In effect, Angular applies CSS locally instead of globally by generating unique attributes that are visible when you click the Elements tab in Chrome Web Inspector.

More detailed information regarding component styles in Angular is located here:

The next portion of Listing 1.8 is the definition of the AppComponent class that includes the clickCount variable, which is incremented in the clickMe() function.

Navigate to the src subdirectory of this application and invoke the following command:

ng serve

Figure 1.1 displays the browser output from this Angular application. You can also see the file main.bundle.js, which includes minified “tree shaken” code, which is discussed in more detail in Chapter 10.

Element versus Property

In Listing 1.8, the selector property matched the element <app-root></app-root> in the HTML page index.html:

selector: 'app-root'

However, you can also specify a property instead of an element. For example, suppose that index.html includes the following element:

<div app-root>Loading. . .</div>

You also need to modify the selector property as follows:

selector: '[app-root]'


This chapter started with a description of the Angular version numbers, prerequisites for Angular, and an overview of Angular and its hierarchical component-based structure.

Next you learned about the Angular CLI utility ng and how to create an Angular “Hello world” application with the ng utility. You also learned about the TypeScript files main.ts, app.component.ts, and app.module.ts, which contain TypeScript code for an Angular application. Next you learned about the reason for transpiling the code in an Angular application into ECMA5. Finally, you saw the code for an Angular application that displays a <button> element that also responds to click events.