
AA technique see active analysis (AA) technique

Abhinavagupta 235

abhinaya (bodily expression) 237, 238n1

A Cooperative Species (Gintis) 333

acting programme 282

acting technique 1578; actions and language 1868; case study of 1878; cognitive skills 15860; emotion and 10510; framework of 1645; Lecoq’s conceptualisation of 178; lying and 160; metacomments 1714; performance 1705; script-oriented process 180; self-regulation and emotion regulation 1624; social skills 1612; training programme 180

Action in Perception 2004 (Noë) 206, 208

action-oriented mirror neurons 208

ACTIVE see Advanced Cognitive Training for Independent and Vital Elderly (ACTIVE)

active aesthetic 308

active analysis (AA) technique 12, 216, 62, 180

active experiencing (AE) 283

active inferences 702

activity approach 305

The Actor, Image, and Action: Acting and Cognitive Neuroscience (Blair) 13

actors’ analytic strategy 283

actor-spectator relationship 200

actor training 60, 173, 177, 207

Adams, M. J. 305

Adeimantus 241

A Doll’s House (Ibsen) 231

Advanced Cognitive Training for Independent and Vital Elderly (ACTIVE) 281

AE see active experiencing (AE)

A Future Made Together (Pellicano) 324

Aizawa, Ken 7

‘ALBA Emoting’ (Bloch) 11112

Alzheimer’s disease 280, 288

analytic conceptual model 308

Anderson, Kevin 211

Anthropocene 3346

anticipation 38

A Perna Esquerda de Tchaikovski (Rodrigues) 255

Apocalypse Now (Coppola) 340

Applied Theatre approach 295, 298

archaeological remains 66; active inferences 702; mask 6870; seeing place 668

Arenberg, D. 281

Asad, Talal 124

Asperger syndrome 318

Association for Standardized Patient Educators (ASPE) 293

A Streetcar Named Desire (Williams) 220, 231

Athenian drama 702

attention: audiences of 2212; Bayesian inference 219; bottom-up processes 217; cross-modal studies 218; decision-making process 216; in empirical and philosophical literature 21620; endogenous attention 217; eye-gaze guidance and visual search 218; free energy 216; theatre and performance, theory of 2201; top-down vs. bottom-up picture 217

Austin, J. L. 125, 126

autism spectrum: bi-lingual vocabularies 318; case study of 317; cognitive perspectives 3202; definitions of 31617; disability, social model of 318; drama specialists 319; empathic engagement 321; holistic process 319; and imagination 31617; medical model 316; neurotypical cognitive base 319; and new materialisms 3224; novel approach 31720; onomatopoeic sound painting 322; participatory futures 3247; play-based method 320; post-dramatic paradigms 318; practice-based training methods 320, 322; process-based approaches 319; relational practices 3224

autonomy 5, 319

autopoiesis: definition of 196; notion of 196, 198, 343, 344, 349

Banbury, S. P. 307

Barnfather, Mick 49

Barrows, Howard 294

Barsalou, Lawrence 5

Barthes, R. 67

Basak, C. 287

Bateson, George 42, 170

BaYaka Pygmy tribes 338

Bayesian inference 219

Beckett, Samuel 240

Bedny, G. 305

behaviouralism 23

Belekian, Krikor 182

Berkowitz, Aaron L. 35

Berthoz, Alain 199, 208, 211

Beyreuth Theatre 231

Bharata 235; abhinaya, kinds of 238n1; rasa works according to 236

bharatanatyam (Indian classical dance) 208

Blair, Rhonda 1314, 15, 18, 60, 64, 11011, 321

Bläsing, Bettina 80

blending theory 227

blind offers 301

Bloch, Susannah 11112

BMC Medical Education 295

Boal, Augusto 295, 297

body schema 199, 209, 311

Boehm, Chris 338

Boelke, Oswald 304

Bogart, Anne 63

Bonneuil, Christophe 335

Bourdieu, Pierre 128

Bowles, Samuel 333

Boyd, Robert 119, 331, 334

Brack, Judge 217

Bradby, David 183

brain/body physical system 239, 240

Brook, Peter 203

Brown, Trisha 76

Bull, Nina 108

Burbage, Richard 230

Cacioppo, John 109

Calvo-Merino, Beatriz 208

Carlson, Marvin 230

Carnicke, Sharon 1112, 60, 178

Cartesian cognitive model 208

Castellucci, Romeo 248, 253

Chalmers, David J. 7, 203

Chambers, P. R. 305

Chance, Sarah 59

Charlottesville community 141

Chekhov, Michael 60, 62, 64, 107

Chicago Symphony 285

Chomsky, Noam 118, 229

Choreographing Empathy: Kinesthesia in Performance 2011 (Foster) 208

Churchill, Caryl 14, 958

Clare, Ysabel 17

Clark, Andy 7, 38, 58, 72, 250, 292, 307

Close, Del 30, 122

closed offers 31

cognition approach, ‘mind’ problem 307

Cognition in the Wild 1995 (Hutchins) 78, 264

cognitive ecology/distributed cognition 13; advantage of 265; early modern English theatre 26570; model of 264; Plautine drama 266; Puppet theatre, handspring 2713; script-driven models 268; textual analysis 266

cognitive enhancement techniques 281

cognitive linguistics 225, 226

cognitive mechanism 204; ‘interdisciplinary matrix’ of 206; organism-centred perspective 205

cognitive theory 320

cognitivism 3

cognitivist models 197

college-age student-actors 281

192, Giovanna 6, 14, 103, 104, 192, 235, 237, 238, 343, 349

commedia dell’arte (theatre) 268, 269

Committeri, Giorgi 209

communication, evolution of 11823

community-based participatory research models 324

complex choreographed dance 281

Computational Theory of Mind (CTM) 3

The concept of the face production: fluency, disfluency and aesthetic experience 24952; Son of God 2489; Son of God Redux 2523

conceptual integration networks 2269; cognitive linguists 226, 228; comprehending language 227

connectability 446

connectionism 3, 4, 5, 346

Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge (Wilson) 330

constraints, concept of 13, 52, 54, 81, 273, 278

controlling offers 31

Conty, Jean-Marie 183

Conversation Frame 257, 260

Cook, Amy 60, 93, 321

Coppola, Francis Ford 340

Cornford, Tom 62

Cosmides, Leda 59

Craig, Kenneth 10910

Crane, Mary Thomas 228

Croft, D. G. 306

Crohn Schmitt, Natalie 16

Crutzen, Paul 335

Crying to Laugh production 88

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly 249

Cultural Evolution: Society, Technology, Language, and: Religion (Richerson) 333

Culture and the Evolutionary Process (Richerson) 331

‘Culture Box’ 299

Damasio, Antonio 14, 1821, 38, 101, 102, 104, 136, 141, 232

da Messina, Antonello 248

dance improvisation 756; dynamical systems theory 789; entrainment and attention 7980; genealogy 76; performance presence 768; procedural memory and kinaesthetic perception 79

dance, physical experience of: conceptual tool 259; conversation frame 25960; as dialogue, dialogue in 2601; life story of 257; performance, conversation structure of 2559; ‘performing’ movement 258; Prokovief ’s foot 2589; tradition theory 208

Darwin, Charles 39

Darwinian revolution 239

Dasté, Jean 183

Death of a Salesman (Miller) 204, 211

DeBettingnies, Brooke 1634

Decroux, Etienne 183

Deep History (Shryock) 333

default mode network (DMN) 251, 252

Dehaene, S. 69

Dennehy, Brian 211

Descartes’ Error (Damasio) 1820, 232

Descartes, Rene 232

DeSoto-Jackson, Rachel 297

De Spain, Kent 80

devised theatre 489; importance of process 501; improvisatory performances 49; improvisers 50; Lecoq, Jacques 515; limitations 4950; multi-modal approach 512; playwrights 49

DeZutter, Stacy 51, 55, 293

Dharwadker, Vinay 236

Dietrich, Arne 50, 53

distributed cognition 78, 70

DMN see default mode network (DMN)

Donald, Merlin 119, 121, 184

dramatic dialogue 283

Drinko, Clayton 40, 121

Dr. Strangelove 340

Dunbar, Robin 119

Duo 7980

Durkheim, Emile 124

dynamical systems theory (DST) 6, 12, 52, 55, 789, 104, 182

dynamiques 1856

Eagleman, David 240

early modern English playing companies: comedies of Plautus 2668; commedia dell’arte, Cognitive artefacts in 26870

Ecce Homo 248

Ekman, Paul 105, 108, 180, 349

Eliade, Mircea 124

The Emancipated Spectator (Rancière) 247

embedded cognition 7, 50, 913, 95, 98, 1312, 179, 197, 2267, 233, 305, 3078, 321

‘embedded world view’ 305

Embodied Acting (Kemp) 1, 49, 52

embodied cognition 45, 589, 91, 1789; Shakespeare performance 614; Zunshine, Lisa 5960

The Embodied Mind: Cognitive Science and Human Experience (Thompson) 3, 205

emotion 6, 1015; acting on 11012; and acting theory 10510; and self-regulation 163

emotional contagion 712

empathy 67, 1367

enaction model 1967

enactive affordances 182

enactive cognition 57, 92

enactivism 3, 1034

Endo, Yoshiro 38

Endsley, M. R. 305, 306, 313

Engaging Audiences: A Cognitive Approach to Spectating in the Theatre 2008 (McConachie) 207

Engle, Randi 173

Enlightenment 84

entertainment 75, 7980, 84

epistemic cognition 849

‘error taxonomy’ 305

eudaimonia 241, 243

Eustis, Oskar 230

Evans, Bonnie 316

Evans, Mark 172

Evolution in Four Dimensions (Jablonka) 332

Experts of the Everyday: The Theatre of Rimini Protokoll 150

explicit learning system 778

extended cognition 92

Falls, Robert 211

Fauconnier, Gilles 92, 22730

fear attitude 334

Federal Theatre Project (FTP) 1478

feelings, emotions and 1012

The Feeling Body (Colombetti) 235

The Feeling Body: Affective Science Meets the Enactive Mind (Thompson) 6

The Feeling of What Happens: Body and Emotion in the Making of Consciousness (Damasio) 1819

Feng, Dan 25, 26

Fergusson, Francis 109

Fiadeiro, João 45

fictive interaction 256

Filler, Louis 1378

Fini, Chiara 209

fir branch model of improvisation 44

Flanagan, Hallie 147

Flavell, J. 145

Flow (Csikszentmihalyi) 249

Fodor, Jerry 3

Foner, Eric 138

Forsythe, William 76

‘Forum Theatre’ method 299

Foster, Annette 325

Foster, Susan Leigh 77, 81, 208

4E cognition 913, 321; Light Shining in Buckinghamshire 958; Our Town 934

Fox, Jonathan 33

Fox, Michael D. 251

Frankfurt, Harry 2412

Freeman, Donald 228

Freeman, Walter J. 6

Frisch, Michael 136, 137

Frith, Uta 317

Fukuyama, Francis 340

functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) 3, 40, 69, 71, 121, 210

Gallagher, Shaun 4, 94, 96, 120, 204, 206

Gallese, Vittorio 54, 109, 120, 1278, 135, 137, 185, 209, 292

Gallwey, W. T. 310

game breaking phase 35

game building phase 35

‘game of the scene’ 32

Gellhorn, Ernst 107

Gemenne, François 335

General System Theory (Ludwig) 195

Genes, Mind, and Culture (Lumsden) 331

gesamtkunstwerk (Beyreuth Theatre) 231

gesture community see 100 Migrations’ communities of gesture

Gibson, J. J. 8, 64, 95, 181, 207

Gilrain, Jenny 53, 54

Gintis, Herbert 333, 338

Glaucon 241

Glenberg, Arthur M. 54, 61

Gobert, R. Darren 232

Godfrey-Smith, Peter 330, 331

Goffman, Erving 171

Goffmann, Irving 42

Goldberg, Moses 84

Goldman, Alvin 58

Goldstein, Thalia R. 1634

Goossens, L. 281

Gordon, Robert 22, 109

Great Reckonings in Little Room: On the Phenomenology of Theatre (States) 205

Greek theatre 66; active inferences 702; mask 6870; seeing place 668

Green, B. 310

Grotowski, Jerzy 111, 196

‘Habits Interview’ 298

Hagen, Uta 106

Hahn, Daniela 150

Halpern, Charna 122

Halprin, Anna 76

Hamilton (Miranda) 340

Hamilton, Clive 335

Hamlet (Shakespeare) 217

Han Chinese 339

Hancock, P. A. 305

Hansen, Pil 13

Happé, Francesca 317

Harpin, Anna 320, 321

Haskell, Thomas 331

Hatfield, Elaine 109, 110

Hausman, C. P. 281

Hay, Deborah 76

Hayles, Katherine 324

Heal, Jane 22

health-care professionals 204; behavioural interaction in 293; case study 296; cognitive science and empathy 2923; ‘embodied simulation,’ concept of 292, 294; empathy, conceptual framework of 292; ensemble-led approach 295; intergroup dialogue approach 297; ‘learning-by-doing’ approaches 293; non-verbal communication 297; performance-based testing 294; simulated patients 294300; theatrical expertise 291

Hedda Gabler (Ibsen) 217

Heddon, Deirdre 49

Heidegger, Martin 205

Heider, Fritz 22

Hein, Grit 137, 140

Hellenistic New Comedy 267

Hempel, Carl 331

Henderson, Ame 76

Henrich, Joseph 333, 334

Henry, Gregg 230

Higashida, Naoki 317

high-impact practices (HIPs) 1446

Hirstein, William 249

Hogan, Patrick 1389

Hollis Doyle (television show) 230

Holocene assumptions 336

Home-Cook, George 210

Homeland (dramas) 230

homeostasis 101

Homo erectus 11822, 337

House Divided (Lincoln) 1401

House of Cards (dramas) 230

How Brains Make Up Their Minds (Freeman) 6

How the Body Shapes the Mind 2005 (Gallagher) 4, 206

Hrdy, Sarah 11921

human cognition: characteristics of 197; conceptual integration 346; distributed cognition 348; eclectic nature 273; embodied action 197; empathic mesh 199; 4E cognition 91; Hutchins, Edwin 348; model properties of 55; motor-cognitive layer 200; natural habitat, study of 264; representational models 197

human motor behaviour 200

Humphrey, Caroline 125

100 Migrations’ communities of gesture 1358; division 13840; valuing 1402

Hunter Heartbeat Method 320

Hunter, Kelly 320

Husserl, Edmund 199, 204, 205

Hutchins, Edward 78, 51, 174, 264, 307, 312, 320

Hutto, Daniel 45

Ibsen, Henrik 217

iliopsoas muscle system 309

Image Theatre method 299

Imagining Autism project 31720

implicit learning system 778, 306

implicit memory 79

improvisation 29

see also problem solving, improvisation; specific language of improvisation;; AA technique 25; awareness 80

‘information processing framework’ 305

Institute of Medicine (IOM) 296

integrating performance history: Anthropocene 3346; co-evolution and deep history 3314; Homo sapiens, evolution of 3312; political epistemology 335; predispositions, performing 33641

integrative performance practice (IPP) 304, 308

intergroup dialogue approach 297

International School of Theatre and Mime 183

interprofessional healthcare simulation 295

IOM see Institute of Medicine (IOM)

Iordanou, Kalypso 834, 86

IPP see integrative performance practice (IPP)

IUP see University of Pennsylvania (IUP)

Jablonka, Eva 332

Jackman, Christopher 60

Jacob, Norton 130

James, William 104, 239, 240, 242

Jeannerod, Marc 208

Jefferson, Thomas 135

Jenkins, Harold 230

Johansson, Gunnar 208

Johnson, Kim 122

Johnson, Mark 4, 54, 58, 60, 63, 92, 97, 135, 136, 178

Johnson-Laird, Philip Nicholas 3940

Johnstone, Keith 303

jokes attitude 323

Jones, Basil 271

Jones, Bill T. 1357

Jones, Toby 50, 52, 53

Jousse, Marcel 183

Julius Caesar (play) 60, 192, 225, 230

Kaegi, Stefan 150

Kagan, Jerome 1089

Kahnemann, Daniel 40, 239

Karrenbauer, Jörg 150, 151

Kaufman, Jonathan 153

Kaufman, Scott 317

Keller, Peter E. 80

Kelso, J. A. Scott 55

Kemp, R. 1, 15, 58, 63, 11011, 117

Kempe, Will 230

Kentridge, William 272

kinaesthetic perception 79

kinesthetic empathy 712

King Lear (Shakespeare) 61, 63

Kirsh, D. 70

Klein, Jeanne 13, 59

Knight, Chris 338

Kohler, Adrian 271

Kubrick, Stanley 340

Kuh, George D. 145

Laban, Rudolf 63, 111

Laginha, Mário 255

Laidlaw, James 125

Lakoff, George 4, 58, 60, 63, 92, 97, 135, 178, 227

Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste 39

Lamb, M. J. 332

Langlois, Charles 333

Language and Mind (Chomsky) 118

language comprehension 227

Late Pleistocene Appropriates (LPAs) 338

Latour, Bruno 335

Latour, States 335

Lebow, Richard Ned 140

Lecoq, Jacques 515, 60, 63, 111, 116, 117, 178, 17988

Lecoq, Pascale 179

Le Corps Poetique (Lecoq) 183

LeDoux, Joseph 14, 102, 104, 107

‘Le fonds poetique commun’ 1825

Lerner, Matthew 163, 317

Levinas, Emmanuel 205

Levin, Daniel T. 219

Levi-Strauss, Claude 124

Lewis, Jerome 122, 338

Liberal Education and America’s Promise (LEAP) 144

Life of Galileo (Brecht) 339

Light Shining in Buckinghamshire (Churchill) 14, 958

Lincoln (Sondheim) 340

list-learning task 283

Litwin, H. 286

The Living Newspaper project 1456; Federal Theatre Project 1478; final Treatment Paper 1545; HIPs 146; metacognitive experiences 1514; Rimini Protokoll 1501; Smith, Anna Deavere 14850

Loman, Biff 211

Loman, Willy 211

Long Day’s Journey Into Night (O’Neill) 231

Lösel, Gunter 12, 123

Lotze, Rudolf 207

L.O.V.E.™ approach 298

LPAs see Late Pleistocene Appropriates (LPAs)

Luhmann, Niclas 446

Lumsden, Charles 331

Lutterbie, J. 15, 55, 11011

Lyne, Raphael 228

Macbeth (Shakespeare) 228, 243

Macbeth, Lady 243, 244

MacCaw, Dick 172

MacIntosh, Peggy 298

MacNeill, David 623, 186

Madam Secretary (drama) 230

Malabou, Catherine 247

Malafouris, L. 69

Malle, Bertram F. 24, 25

Malzacher, Florian 150

Marceaux, Marcel 183

Marcoen, A. 281

Marowitz, Charles 110

Marsella, Stacy 21, 24

Marshall, C. W. 266

Martin, John 208

masks 6870

material engagement theory (MET) 69

materialist theory 239

Matlock, Teenie 229

Maturana, Humberto 196

Mauss, Marcel 124

Mbendjele tribe 338, 339

McConachie, Bruce 22, 51, 127, 172, 173, 207, 230

Meineck, Peter 1213

Meisner, Sanford 106

Meister, D. 305

mental-physical-emotional interactions 282

mental space theory 227

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 1257, 205, 206, 209, 246, 321

metacognition 145

metacomments 1714

Metaphors We Live By (Johnson) 4

meta-theatre 255

Meyerhold, Vsevolod 3, 60, 111

Michaelien, Kourken 264

Michelet, Jules 333

middle field, metaphor of 3089

Midgelow, Vida 78, 80

Miller, Arthur 204, 240, 244

Miller, George A. 3

Milling, Jane 49

Mills, Bruce 316

mimicry 109, 183, 186

miming, concept of 1834

Mind in Life (Thompson) 6, 206

A Mind So Rare: The Evolution of Human Consciousness 119

‘Minute Conversations’ 298

Miranda, Lin Manuel 340

Mirodan, Vladimir 14

mirror neuron system (MNS) 6, 120, 121, 1278, 352

mirror-neuron theory 208

Mistaken Guilt on a Train 256

Mitchell, Jon P. 127

Mitkonstitution, definition of 199

moola banda 310

Moore, T. J. 266

Moral Origins: The Evolution of Virtue, Altruism, and Shame (Boehm) 338

More of a Family production 85

Mormon temple ritual 12832

Mother Courage and Her Children (Brecht) 339

Mothers and Others (Hrdy) 120

Motor Cognition: What Actions Tell the Self (Jeannerod) 208

The Moving Body (Lecoq) 183

Myin, E. 310

Napier, Mick 32

naturalistic style 221

Nature (Crutzen) 335

The Nātyashāstra 235, 236

Neisser, Ulric 64

neo-Darwinian algorithm 3940

neo-Lamarckian algorithm 3940

neo-Lamarckian mode 45

neuroscience 11

neuroscientific research 291

Neutral Mask (Lecoq) 524, 1801

Newell, Allan 368

decision circle model 378

Nicholson, Helen 320, 321

Noë, Alva 92, 94, 96, 206, 226, 232, 310

Noh masks 69

non-autistic authors 316

Not by Genes Alone (Richerson) 331, 332

Nouchi, R. 287

Núñez, Rafael E. 60, 229

Obama, Barack 135

Ohio Impromptu 1981 (Beckett) 240

Oliver, Bill 211

O’Neill, Eugene 231

One-Third of a Nation 148

On the Origin of Species (Darwin) 333

On the Road: A Search for American Character (Smith) 149

open offers 31

O’Regan, J. K. 310

Origins of the Modern Mind: Three Stages in the Evolution of Culture and Cognition (Donald) 119

Our Town (Wilder) 1314, 934, 96

Paldi, Nir 545

Panksepp, Jaak 14, 1034

Pavis, Patrice 23

Pavlov, Ivan 16

Paxton, Steve 76, 778

perception-action cycle 6

Perdekamp Emotional Method (PEM) 112

Perdekamp, Stephan 112

performance: active analysis technique 25; of caring course 297; spectator’s activity of 200; types of 1089

performative body schema 199, 200

performing arts 1989

Perner, J. 234

Petit, Jean Luc 199

Pew, R. W. 305

Phedre (Racine) 232

The Phenomenological Mind (Gallagher) 206

phenomenological reduction 205

Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences (Sheets-Johnstone) 206

Phenomenology of Dance 1966 (Sheets-Johnstone) 205

Phillips-Silver, Jessica 80

Piggott, J. 305

Pipe Dream production 88

Pitches, Jonathan 16

Plato’s moral theory 68

Plautus, Titus Maccius 266

The Player’s Passion (Roach) 16

playwriting attitude 33

Pleistocene communication performance 11823

Pollock, Jackson 250, 251

Power, Camilla 338

prediction process 389

predictive goal representation 50

predictive processing model 7, 3840, 192, 2923, 307, 345, 353

pre-post tests 283

Pressing, Jeff 35

Previc, F. 678

primary-care physicians 291

primitive emotional contagion 109

The Principles of Psychology 1890 (James) 239

problem solving, improvisation: anticipation 38; Luhmann, Niklas and connectability 446; prediction process 389; selection and emergence 3940; SOAR model 368; social emergence 424; synchronisation of movement and ASM 412

procedural memory 75, 79

professional acting instruction: acting expertise, nature of 2823; acting programme 282; ‘acting tools’ 284; actor/director/acting teacher 2867; actors’ analytic strategy 283; art appreciation group 285; dramatic dialogue 283, 285; effectiveness, evidence of 283; experimental procedure 284; experiment, overall rationale of 286; list-learning task 283; pilot study 283; pre-post tests 283; protocol analysis and empirical methodology 282; spontaneous and truthful performance 284; studies, experimental procedure 2834; US intervention, overview of 2845; vocal improvement 285; word-for-word retention 282

proprioception 4, 209, 353

psychological gesture 623

Psychology: Briefer Course 1892(James) 239

The Psychology of Interpersonal Relations (Heider) 22

Public Theater’s production 225

Ramachandran, V.S. 249

Rancière, Jacques 246, 247, 251, 253

randomized controlled trials 281

Rappaport, Roy 1258, 132

rasa 2358

rasa shringāra 237

Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices 281

The Reason I Jump: one boy’s voice from the silence of autism (Higashida) 317

Reason, Matthew 208

Reber, Rolf 24951

reflective-orientational activity 304

reflective quality 305

relishing, act of 235

Remote Houston 150

representationalism 5

Republic (Plato) 241

Reynolds, Dee 208

Ribot, Théodule 17, 21, 106

Richards, Samuel 130

Richerson, Peter J. 119, 331, 333, 334

Rimini Protokoll 1501, 1534

Ritchie, Donald A. 138

ritual: Mormon temple’ case 12832; perceptual phenomena 1268; performative theory 1256; study of 1245; transmitting culture 128

Rizzolatti, Giacomo 320

Roach, Joseph 16

Robertson-Tchabo, E. A. 255, 258, 281

Rogoff, Barbara 145

Rokem, Freddie 137

Role-Playing and Identity: The Limits of Theatre as Metaphor (Wilshire) 205

Rosch, Eleanor 3, 135, 206, 307

Rosenzweig, Ray 137

SA see situated awareness (SA)

Salmon, P. M. 312

Sanskrit aesthetic treatise 235

Sarco-Thomas, Malaika 78

Sartori, Amleto 180

Sartre, Jean-Paul 205

Sawyer, Keith 30, 424, 51, 55, 293

Sax, William 128

Scandal 230

Schieffelin, Edward 126

Schmidt, Charles F. 24

scientific objectivity, cultural hegemony of 196

script-processing approaches 282

‘Scusi! Scusi! Scusi!’ (story) 249

Sechenov, Ivan 16

The Secret of Our Success (Henrich) 333

‘seeing place’ 668

Seif-El-Nasr, M. 21

Seifert, Colleen 174

Seignobos, Charles 333

sense-making process 2001

Seymour, Laura 60

Shakespeare’s Brain (Crane) 228

Shakespeare’s play 219, 2256; Hamlet 229; Julius Caesar 225, 230; Macbeth 228, 243

Shaughnessy, Nicola 173, 320

Sheets-Johnstone, Maxine 109, 205, 210

Shephard, David 30

Shiovitz-Ezra, S. 286

Shklovsky, Victor 251

short-term memory (STM) 307, 309

shringāra (love) 236

Shryock, Andrew 333, 334

Sills, Paul 30

Simmel, Marianne 22

Simonov, Pavel 16

Simons, Daniel J. 219

simulated patients (SPs) 293

simulation theory 22

Singer, Tania 137, 140

singing 285

situated awareness (SA) 304; active aesthetic 308; active middle field 304; adaptive capability 306; applications of 304; awareness, modes of 309; definition of 304; human operator, mind of 306; implicit learning 306; implicit memory 306; information, processing of 307; making technology 306; pre-reflectively conscious 311; product approach 305; psychological components of 305; technology-led view 307; three-part breathing practice 310

Situation Rooms (Protokoll) 151

Smail, Daniel Lord 333

Smith, A. D. 14850, 153

Smith, G. E. 287

Smith, K. 305

Smith, Linda B. 789

Snow, C. P. 331

Snyder, Abraham 251

SOAR model 368

Social Darwinism 334

social emergence 424

Socrates 241

Sofianidis, George 80

Sondheim, Steven 340

specific language of improvisation: doing best 33; embodiment 35; fear 334; game building and game breaking 35; game of the scene 32; grass-root level 301; hedging and waffling 33; jokes 323; playwriting 33; risk taking 34; sacred simplicity 35; self-forgetting 34; storytelling 312

Spolin, Viola 30, 32, 33, 34, 121

Standardized Patient 294, 295

Stanislavski, Konstantin 178

Stanislavsky in Focus (Carnicke) 1112

Stanislavsky, Konstantin 1516, 60, 106, 109, 111; AA and ToM 216; cognitive science 1618; Damasio, Antonio and 1821; influential acting System 15

The Stanislavsky Method and the Physiology of Emotion (Simonov) 16

Stanton, N. A. 305, 307

Stein, Edith 205

Stein, Gertrude 246

Stevens, Catherine J. 137

Stewart, John 3

‘sthāyi bhāva’ 236

stimulus (vibhāva) 236

STM see short-term memory (STM)

storytelling rule 312

Strange Tools (Noë) 232

Strasberg, Lee 3, 16, 111

Straw-Man theatre 231

Sul concetto di volto nel figlio di Dio (Castellucci) 248

Surfing Uncertainty: Prediction, Action and the Embodied Mind (Clark) 7, 250, 292

Sutton, John 264

Swan Lake (dance) 256

Sweetser, Eve 229

Swiss cognitive and developmental researchers 280

Symposium (Plato) 242, 243

systems theory: autopoiesis 196; ecological approach 196; enaction model 1967; environment, notion of 196; epistemological consequences 195; revolution of 1956; systemic approach 198

Talk to Me: Listening Between the Lines (Smith) 148

Talmy, Leonard 256

Tchaikovsky’s Left Leg (Rodrigues) 255, 258, 260

technology-saturated society 298

Tenney, Y. J. 305

The Anthropocene and the Global Environmental Crisis (Hamilton) 335

theatre cultures, Grotowski’s definition of 196

theatre for young audiences (TYA) 13, 834; epistemic cognition 846; evidence 869

Theatresports™ 268

Theatrical Improvisation, Consciousness, and Cognition (Drinko) 121

Thelen, David 137

Thelen, Esther 789, 182

theory of mind (ToM) 216, 137

Thompson, Evan 3, 67, 103, 120, 135, 205, 208, 307, 311

Tomasello, Michael 119, 337

Tooby, John 59

‘Tout bouge’ 179

Tragedy, Greek 180

Trimingham, Melissa 320

Triple-A Plowed Under 148

Trump, Donald 225

Truth in Comedy 1212

Tunstall, Darren 1213

Turchin, Peter 333

Turner, Mark 92, 22730

Twilight: Los Angeles (Smith) 149

Uithol, S. 109

University and Community Action for Racial Equity (UCARE) 141

University of Pennsylvania (IUP) 292

University of Virginia (UVa) 1412

Utterback, Neil 60

Valkenburg, Patti M. 84

Van Deusen, Maria 12932

van Schaik, Carel 338

Varela, F. J. 307

Varela, Francisco J. 3, 135, 167, 196, 205, 206

Varieties of Presence (Noë) 232

Verhaeghen, P. 281

Vippassna Walking Meditation 311

‘virtue ethics’ 241

von Bertalanffy, Ludwig 195

von Helmholtz, Hermann 207

Vygotsky, L. S. 145, 153

Warburton, Edward 60

War Horse 194, 2713

watching movement: audience and performer 203; extra-theatrical environments 211; kinetic/kinaesthetic attention 211; movement, perception, kinaesthesia 20710; ‘natural attitude’ 204; neuroscientists study movement 21013; perceptual system operates 203; phenomenology and cognitive science 2047

Waterhouse, Elizabeth 80

Watson, Ian 173

Watts, Riley 80

The Way We Think (Fauconnier) 229

Western moral theory 241

Whyman, Rose 17

Wilder, Thornton 13, 91, 934

Wilshire, Bruce 1312, 205

Wilson, E. O. 330, 331

Wimmer, Heinz 24

Wojciehowski, Hannah 137

Wolf Child production 87

Wood, D. B. 149

Wood, Lyn-Dell 13940

Woodruff, Wilford 130

Wyman, Emily 122

yes-and principle 44, 122

Zahavi, Dan 206

Zarrilli, Phillip 207

Zlatev, Jordan 119

Zunshine, Lisa 5960, 63, 64

Zwaan, R. A. 108