
adat 157, 160

adivasi 311313, 315, 318320, 322

Aga Khan Trust for Culture 2728, 46

Ajanta 339, 341342, 347

Amaravati 7879

Andong Recommendation (2006) 44

Angkor Wat 143

Angkorian kingdom 174175, 179

appropriation of culture 174175, 178

apsara 173

archaeology: colonial 6364, 70, 80, 82; Buddhist 80

Archaeological Survey of India 45, 80, 328, 336, 343

Architecture: Chinese 2; traditional/vernacular 51; Indian 81

art history 342, 345347

ASEAN Declaration on Cultural Heritage (2000) 146

Asian Academy of Heritage Management (AAHM) 103104

authenticity 43, 5862, 161, 256, 355

Ayutthaya 171, 174176

Bamiyan Buddha 64

Bodh Gaya 7677

borders 56

Buddhism 303; and art 56; history of 56, 79, 340, 345; and India 79, 340, 341, 343; and impermanence 57; and relationship with Hinduism 77, 82; and sacred objects 57; and temples 301, 306; and texts 56

Buitenzorg Botanical Gardens, 8788

Burra Charter 103, 146

Cambodia 170172, 174, 176, 178179

Charter for the Conservation of Historic Towns and Urban Areas (1987) 269

China Principles (1998) 40

Chinese Communist Party (CCP) 129, 218221, 224, 230; international policy 135; and moral education 132; political philosophies 133; and traditional culture 130132, 134135

Chinese settlement in Southeast Asia 352353

Cold War 172, 178179, 202

colonialism 10; and archaeology 80, 342, 343; and coloniality 2325; and knowledge production 1011, 82; and policies 7374, 8889, 9294, 302, 314316; and post-colonialism 284, 291292, 318

communism 202203, 213; history of in Asia 203, 210, 222; and modernity 205; and nationalism 204, 209; and regimes 206

community participation 257, 261, 274

Community Reconciliation Procedures (CRPs) 156157, 160

conflict 157158; and resolution 156, 157158

Confucianism 132133

conservation: Asian approaches 4144, 48, 62, 140, 295; and community led 4849, 52; and contests between conservation and development 1617, 50, 117, 120, 242, 260261, 312; and discourse 100; history of 40, 6263; legislation 63; management 101103; organizations 2728; and policies 4547, 236; traditional construction and restoration techniques 42, 51, 100; training 5152, 105106; urban 269273, 275

Conservation International (organization) 27

Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (2003) 26, 30, 139, 145148, 155, 159, 161, 295, 353

Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage (2001) 139

Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expression (2005) 139, 143

crafts, traditional 100101, 354

craftsmanship 51, 100101

cultural heritage management 102103

Cultural Heritage Protection Act (Korea) 43

cultural resource management (CRM) 101

Cultural Revolution, the 130, 220221, 229, 299

customary law 141, 149150, 156, 159

Declaration on the Conservation of the Setting of Heritage Structures, Sites and Areas (Xi’an 2005) 269

Declaration on Heritage and Metropolis in Asia and the Pacific (2007) 269

development 78, 13, 1517, 30, 237, 253, 255, 257, 260, 287, 288; and neoliberal 19; and sustainable 18, 25

East India Company 73, 78

East Timor 155, 156, 158, 160

EFEO (École Française d’Extrême-Orient) 63

Enlightenment 910, 21, 205, 296, 304

environmental movements 320321

Falun Gong 214

Fondazione Zegna 28

Georgetown, Malaysia 85, 272

Getty Conservation Institute 27

globalization 311313

Gunung Mulu National Park, Malaysia 85

Ha Long Bay 253254

Hare Krishna 330

Henry Luce Foundation 28

heritage: and aid and cultural diplomacy 2829; and commodification of 257; contestations of 12, 238; conventions and declarations 40, 44, 61, 69, 139, 141144, 146149, 154, 249, 269, 273, 295; destruction and loss of 23, 64, 238, 240, 244, 255256, 260, 305306; discourse 162, 168169, 250; Eurocentric notions of 55, 244, 295, 353; and governance 27, 29, 141, 149; and identity 169; and local needs 256, 259260; and nationalism 207209, 212, 220221; perceptions of 239241, 243244, 251, 256, 303; and politics of 228, 250; and post-colonial 211, 236, 240; and religious 7374; and state abuses of 143; and tourism 207, 220221, 239, 243; and urban 270275; and vernacular 49, 303

Heritage House 236, 257

Hinduism 76, 329335; and relationship with Buddhism 77, 82

Hoi An Protocols (2005) 4041, 45, 143, 146, 295

Hue 208

Hu Jintao 130 131, 134

ICCROM 27, 40, 103


Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH) 46, 336

Indigenous peoples 159, 161, 182; and land rights 320321; and natural heritage 190191, 311312, 314317, 319320, 322

intangible heritage 353; and community involvement/participation 145, 147, 149; and conventions and legislation 139143, 145150, 154155, 161, 353; definition of 140, 153154; raising awareness of 144145; safeguarding 140141, 143144, 147149, 155, 353354; and tourism 144; and transmission of knowledge 11, 148, 154, 354355

integrated conservation and development projects (ICDP) 189

International Charter on the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Sites (1964) 61

International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) 28, 102, 113, 116, 123, 127, 248, 250; and Thailand 49

International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966) 142

International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 27, 113, 127, 248, 250, 253254

Javan rhinoceros 8687

Jiang Zemin 129130

Jongmyo Declaration on the Protection and Use of World Heritage (2004) 44

Katha 333335

Khmer 169; and heritage 179; and identity 178; and Northern 170173, 176179

Khmer Rouge 23

Kinabalu National Park, Malaysia 85

Komodo: dragon 8587, 9194; island 85, 87, 89, 91; National Park 85, 95

Korean National University of Cultural Heritage 47

Kui 177179

kung fu 353362

landscapes 305, 316317; cultural 141, 273274; historic urban 273274; sacred 69, 300301, 303, 306, 316, 319, 322

Lee Foundation 28

Lijiang, World Heritage Site 120121

Long March 222, 228

Lorentz National Park 85

Luang Prabang 116117, 119, 143, 207, 234, 236239, 241, 243244, 256257, 259, 261

Mahabodhi Temple 75, 77

Mao Zedong 130, 132, 222

Marxism 205206

Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity (2001) 154, 353

Melaka 85, 275

memory 20, 58; collective 56

Millennium Development Goals 13

mobility 20

modernity 8, 17, 1920, 256; and alternative 21; and Asia 297298, 302303, 307, 344; and globalization 286, 288289; India 285288; indigenous 288, 292; and tradition 2122, 305

modernization theorists 17

moladok 241242

Moluccas 157, 159160

nahe biti 155156, 160

Nara Document on Authenticity (1994) 40, 44, 48, 61, 115, 146, 295

National Museum of India 46

nationalism 2322, 297, 298

nature: and animal trade 9091; and conservation 189; and destruction 17, 190, 192, 311312; history of in Indonesia 8791; and legislation 88, 9092, 94; and resource management 183184, 186, 189, 191; safeguarding 13, 192193

Naxi 121

Netherlands East Indies 87

NGO 2930

non-timber forest products (NTFP) 190192

nostalgia 230, 235, 238241

Okinawa Declaration on Intangible and Tangible Cultural Heritage (2004) 40, 146147

oral tradition 333335

Orientalism 5, 10, 25, 258259, 341

outstanding universal value 251, 256

Pathet Lao 201

pela 157, 159160

pilgrimage 330332

Preah Vihear, Temple 124, 176

Proclamation of Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity (2001) 353

Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park 85

rainforest marketing 190

Recommendation Concerning the Safeguarding and Contemporary Role of Historic Areas (Nairobi 1976) 269

Recommendation on the Safeguarding of Traditional Culture and Folklore (1989) 146

Red Tourism 215, 218222, 226, 228, 230

relics 5960

religion: and heritage 329331, 336; popular (folk) 298300, 302, 304, 306307, 317; and reform 298299

revival 178; and cultural heritage 168169, 177; and religion 304; state led 173; and tradition 159, 161

Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras 85, 260

rights: cultural 142; human 143

Rinca 85, 91

ritual 160

Rockefeller Foundation 28

sacred forests 319

Sanchi, World Heritage site 59

Seoul Declaration on Heritage and the Metropolis in Asia and the Pacific (2007) 40, 44, 48

Seoul Declaration on Tourism in Asia’s Historic Towns and Villages (2005) 44

Shanghai Charter (2002) 40, 146

Shanghai Expo 14, 129

Shinto 344

social capital 159

soft law 146147

soft power 135

spirit of place 237

Sungryemoon 48

Sukhothai 171, 174, 301, 303

Surin 172, 176177, 179

sustainability 1213, 15; and environment 1718; and heritage tourism 16

tak baad 237238, 244

temples 73, 75, 77, 8283

The Agreement on Biological Diversity 25

Thailand 171174; history 169, 175176

Thang Long Citadel 120, 123, 208

Tibet 27

tourism 213, 226, 334335; and attrition of heritage sites 257, 261; cultural 271; development 18, 255; global industry 18, 26; heritage 16, 26, 121, 237, 252254, 257, 259, 261, 331; mass tourism 332

traditional justice mechanisms 154160, 162

Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra (World Heritage Site) 85, 95

Tubbataha Reefs National Park, Philippines 85

Ujung Kulon 86, 8891, 94; National Park 85, 95

UNESCO 28, 40, 119, 124, 144, 234, 238, 256257; and Asia-Pacific Awards Program 44; critiques of 114116, 122, 125, 235, 241243, 251, 259; and cultural politics 122123; operating procedures 114116, 126; and States Parties 120, 123124, 144, 149; and World Heritage Committee 113114

Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) 142

UNESCO Convention Concerning the Protection of the World’s Cultural and Natural Heritage (1972) 69, 102, 114, 124, 154, 269

UNESCO Declaration on Cultural Diversity (2001) 146

UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007) 147

United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET) 156

urban; and creative spaces 1415; and development 67, 15, 287289; and heritage 1415, 270275, 289

Vieng Xay Caves, Lao 201

Vienna Memorandum on World Heritage and Contemporary Architecture–Managing the Historic Urban Landscape 269, 273

Vrindavan 329, 330, 334336

Wen Jiabao 131

Wheeler, Morimer 80

world fairs 12

World Heritage 26, 28, 127, 208, 244, 248249, 259, 252, 260, 267; and designation 19, 95, 120; and politics 120, 124, 208; sites 69, 85, 95, 120, 207, 234, 236, 251, 253, 261, 272

World Monuments Fund 27

World Wildlife Fund 27

Xi’An Declaration (2005) 4041, 147

Yamato Declaration (2004) 4041, 147

Yan’an 222, 224, 228229

Yatra 332333