A Tentative Overview of Boston-Area Documentary FilmmakingEthnographic Film and Personal DocumentaryPragmatism: Learning from ExperienceThe Mission of American Ethnographic Film and Personal Documentary: The Cambridge TurnSubjects for Further ResearchAcknowledgments


Lorna and John Marshall

Beginnings: Lorna Marshall and First FilmJohn Marshall: The HuntersIdylls of the !KungPedagogyExpulsion from Eden: Bitter Melons and N!ai, the Story of a !Kung WomanThe Pittsburgh Police Films and Brakhage’s EyesPutting Down the Camera and Picking Up the ShovelThe Road Taken: A Kalahari FamilyA Process in Time


Robert Gardner

East Coast/West Coast: Early ExperimentsGardner and the MarshallsDead BirdsThe Experience of Filmmaking as Thought ProcessRobert Fulton: Reality’s Invisible—“Serious Playing Around”Screening Room: Midnight MoviesCity Symphony: Forest of BlissThe Return of the Repressed: Ika HandsStill Journeying On: Unfinished Examinations of a LifeStudio7Arts: Sharon Lockhart’s Double Tide and Robert Fenz’s Correspondence


Timothy Asch

Dodoth Morning and the Ethnographic DeadpanAsch and the YanomamoThe Ax Fight


Ed Pincus and the Emergence of Personal Documentary

The Miriam Weinstein Quartet and Richard P. Rogers’s Elephants: Fragments of an ArgumentEd Pincus’s Diaries (1971–1976)Alfred Guzzetti: Family Portrait SittingsGuzzetti: It’s a Small WorldGuzzetti: Time Exposure


Alfred Guzzetti and Personal Cinema

AirExperimental Video: “Language Lessons”Scylla and CharybdisStill Point


Ross McElwee

Finding a Muse: CharleenFinding a Voice: Ann Schaetzel’s Breaking and Entering and McElwee’s BackyardDopplegänger: Sherman’s MarchNesting Dolls: Time IndefiniteOn the Road Again: Six O’Clock NewsOccupational Hazards: Bright LeavesOrpheus: In Paraguay and Photographic Memory


Robb Moss

Riverdogs: A Possible EdenThe Tourist: “Freelance Editing”Voyage of Life: The Same River Twice


Panorama: Other Approaches to Personal Documentary

Steven Ascher and Jeanne Jordan: Families in TransitionMichel Negroponte: Getting InvolvedLeacock and LalondeThe Subject Rebels: Nina Davenport’s Films and Ed Pincus and Lucia Small’s The Axe in the AtticThe Political Is the Personal: John Gianvito’s Profit Motive and the Whispering Wind and Jeff Daniel Silva’s Balkan RhapsodiesAlexander Olch’s The Windmill Movie: “This Little Séance of Flickering Light”Amie Siegel’s DDR/DDR


Lucien Castaing-Taylor and Sensory Ethnography

Ilisa Barbash, Lucien Castaing-Taylor, and Sweetgrass“Sheeple”: Castaing-Taylor’s Audio-Video InstallationsThe Sensory Ethnography Lab: J.P. Sniadecki, Stephanie Spray, Véréna Paravel, and Leviathan

Appendix: Sources for Films

