NOTE: Some incidental references by interviewers that are not picked up by Frye have not been indexed. Works are indexed under their author; the date is that of first publication in the language of the title.
Aaron, 1008
Abhorrence, 250
Abortion, 567
Abraham, 870
and Isaac, 285
Abstract expressionism, 908
and counter-absurd, 185
theatre of the, 178
and Zen, 396
Act, defining or free, 33–4, 37, 39–40
Acta Victoriana, NF and, 294, 355, 606
Active vs. passive response, 116, 166, 172, 537, 712
ACTRA (Association of Canadian Television and Radio Artists), 105
Acts of the Apostles, 381
and Eve, 289, 312. See also Fall
Adams, Hazard (b. 1926), 608, 635 & n. 65
Adamson, Joseph (b. 1950): Northrop Frye: A Visionary Life (1993), xliv
Addison, Margaret Eleanor Theodora (1868–1940), 581–2, 946
Adonis, 407
quadrant, 143
Adult education, 68, 72, 440, 639, 750
“Adventures” readers, 994
Advertising, 49
and propaganda, 338, 448, 454, 462, 645, 763, 773
Aeschylus (ca. 525–ca. 456 b.c.e.): Prometheus Bound, 220
Aesthetics, 1072
Affirmative action, 364
Afterlife, 677
Air of Death, The, 99, 104, 110–11, 123–4
Hall Report on, 103
Aitken, Johan Lyall (b. 1953), interviews NF, 190–7
Albee, Edward (b. 1928): Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1962), 251–2
Alchemy, 459
Alexander, Ian, interviews NF, 733–42
Alexander Lectures, 805
Alfred the Great (c.e. 849–99), Robins on, 586
Allegory, 1075
Blake on, 279–80
All in the Family, 748
Altamont Festival, 383
Alter, Robert (b. 1935), 784
The Art of Biblical Narrative (1981), xlvi, 660
Alumni, 439–40
Ambiguity, 411
American Civil War, 892
American Constitution, 688, 894, 977
American literature, 29, 241, 296, 977, 1083
mythology in, 311
regionalism in, 89, 135, 228, 352–3, 458, 499, 530, 646, 724, 978
revolutionary spirit in, 224, 688
American Revolution, 233, 247, 281, 443–4, 654, 894, 958, 977
Blake on, 811
Amos, book of, 637
Amos ‘n’ Andy, 501
Anarchism, in Canada, 92–3
Anderson, Allan, interviews NF, 239–44
Anderson, Don, interviews NF, 656–69
Anderson, Fulton Henry (1895–1968), 584
Anglo-Saxon: poetry, 549
riddle, 547
Animals, death of, 457
Anthropology, 369
comparative, 16
and criticism, 61, 453, 491, 532, 841, 952
Antichrist, 926
Anti-intellectualism, 365, 644–5, 690, 712–13, 747, 891
Anti-Semitism, 378
Antoninus, Brother (pseud. of William Everson) (1912–94), 203
Apathy, 346
Aphel, Donata, interviews NF, 830–1
Aphorisms, 176
NF’s, 1095
Apocalypse, 378–9, 387, 388, 1028
as phase of revelation, 554–5
Apollonian vs. Dionysiac, 381–4
Appearance, and reality, 456
Apuleius, Lucius (b. ca. C.E. 125), 938
Aquarius, Age of, 329, 365, 391
Aquinas, St. Thomas (1225–74), 456, 1058
Archer, Bert, interviews NF, 858–9
Archetypal criticism, 217, 480, 779–81
Archetype(s), 59, 61, 217, 219, 350–1, 480, 655, 753
Jung on, 478
and stereotype, 90
Argentina, 566
Argument, 953
Aristocracy, 350
Aristophanes (ca. 448–ca. 388 B.C.E.), 717
Aristotle (384–322 B.C.E.), 59, 152, 825, 858, 1004, 1027
on anagnorisis, 119
language of, 550
on no word for work of literature, 75
on pity and terror, 251
Metaphysics, 1034
Armatage, Kay, interviews NF, xvi
Arnold, Cliff, interviews NF, 642–55
Arnold, Matthew (1822–88), 193, 337, 582, 802
as liberal, 1072
Art: authority in, 17–18
Blake’s theory of, 258–9, 529, 970
and dream, 394–5
and empire, 235
function of, 858–9
genuine, 55–6
impersonality in, 488–9
importance of, 751
modern, 534
and nature, 265–6
Plato on, 1069
primitivism in, 270
purpose of university study of, 464
and religion, 806
response to, 60–1, 172, 205, 537
simplicity in, 21–2
study of in Canada, 134–5
task of, 238
Artist, and scientist, 70, 528–31, 1068–9
Arts and sciences (as subjects), 529–35
passim, 989, 1031, 1033. See also Humanities
Ascension, the, 288
Ashton, Stephen, interviews NF, 910–15
Associative rhythm, 985
Astrology, 459
popularity of, 391
Athanasius, St. (ca. C.E. 296–373), 926
Athens, 389
Attis, 284–5
Atwood, Margaret (b. 1939), 308, 443, 505, 520, 647, 714, 861, 972, 979, 982, 1037, 1064, 1093
discussion with, 25–6
influence of NF on, 645
Life before Man (1979), 472
Surfacing (1972), 458
Auden, W(ystan) H(ugh) (1907–73), 241
on love, 47
Augustine, St. (c.e. 354–430), 659
and the Bible, 557
on questions about creation, 864
Austen, Jane (1775–1817), 224, 1037
language in, 472–3
Emma (1816), 651
Pride and Prejudice (1813), 473, 651
Australia: literature of, 239, 298, 687, 689–90, 789, 860
Authority: in arts and sciences, 152
free, 412
structure of, 961–2
Autobiography, present popularity of, 315–16
Avatamsaka Sutra, 933
Avison, Margaret (b. 1918), 531
Axis mundi, 1100
Ayre, John (b. 1947), 507
Northrop Frye (1989), xliv, 994, 1036, 1039, 1048, 1050
Aztec religion, 374
Babel, tower of, 157–8, 311, 999
Babylon, 1009–10
as symbol, 558
Babylonian captivity, 873
Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685–1750), 409, 566
as NF’s favourite composer, 742
as voice of music, 489
The Art of the Fugue (1750), 742
St. Matthew Passion (1729), 543
Bachelard, Gaston (1884–1962), 59
Bacon, Francis, Viscount St. Albans and Baron Verulam (1561–1626), 550–1, 940
Baine, Rodney Montgomery (1913–2000), 601
Baker, Carlos (1909–90), 924
Bakhtin, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1895–1975), 1080, 1088
Ballard, Harold G. (1903–90), 1164
Balzac, Honoré de (1799–1856), 43, 62, 228, 446
Le Chef d’oeuvre inconnu (1831), 531
Baptism, 368–9
Barker, Arthur E. (1911–90), 605, 608, 609
Barker, William (b. 1946), interviews NF, xxxiv–xxxv, 700–3
Baroque age, assumptions of, 457
Barth, Karl (1886–1968), 931
Barthes, Roland (1915–80), 453, 456
on rereading, 1034
Bassett, John (1915–98), 341–2
Bastian, Don G., interviews NF, 518–25
Bate, Walter Jackson (1918–99), 322
Bates, Robert (1913–92), 911 & n. 2
Baudelaire, Charles Pierre (1821–67), 77
Bauhaus, 854
Baum, Gregory (b. 1923), discussion with, xxxvii, 32–47
Bear’s son motif, 1045
Beatles, the, 542
Beckett, Samuel Barclay (1906–89), 55
Waiting for Godot (trans. 1954), 45, 53, 56, 178, 179
Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770–1827), 740
Belgium, 77
Belief: and language, 269, 351
professed and actual, 393
Beltane, 376
Benda, Julien (1867–1956): Le Trahison des clercs (1927), 312, 426
Bennett, R(ichard) B(edford) (1870–1947), 183
Béranger, Pierre Jean (1780–1857), 979
Berkeley, University of California at, 991
Berne, Eric Lennard (1910–70), 679–80 & n. 5
Bessinger, Jess Babor, Jr. (1921–94), 610
Bible, 116, 141, 224, 313, 574, 754, 843, 922
Blake and, 925
centrality of, 563–4
demythologizing of, 1007
discontinuity in, 114
and English literature, 666, 753, 755, 863
and expanding of consciousness, 560–1
fall in, 867
as “Great Code of Art,” 518, 546–7, 652, 658, 684, 811, 883, 1057
hearing metaphors in, 340
and history, 267, 373–4, 377, 551–2, 726–7, 782–3, 864–5, 1008–9
as imaginative vision, 1015–16
importance of in education, 161, 191, 324, 340, 364–5, 397–8, 465, 832
influence of, 653–4, 662, 832–5, 902–3, 1060–1
interpretation of, 664–5
language of, 456–7, 550, 659, 774, 1017–18
and literature, 68–9, 161, 301–2, 420, 519–20, 568, 656–7, 668–9, 678–9, 787, 1068, 1099
literary qualities of, 547
and Methodism, 917
monotheism of, 1010
and myth, 49–50, 310–11, 1040–1
and nature, 561–2, 904–5, 908, 929, 1006, 1025
NF and, 571–2, 665–6, 678, 680, 682, 755, 783–7, 1002
NF’s course on (“Symbolism in the Bible”), 291, 302, 351, 365, 420, 424, 569, 631, 666, 674, 787, 830–1, 1002–3, 1088, 1095, 1098
partisan book, 869
patriarchy in, 865–6
revolutionary, 727
seven phases in (see also individual phases), 660
sexual imagery in, 1006–7
as tactless, 572
time in, 1016–17
translation of, 659
truth of, 652–3
as verbal event, 1075
– editions of: Authorized Version (King James Bible) (1611), 548, 572, 1095–6
Revised Standard Version, 572
apocalyptic and demonic, 558. See also Typology
individual images
– narrative of, 862
as comedy, 267, 556–7, 661, 667. See also Frye, GC
Biculturalism, 233–4
Birney, Earle (1904–95):
on lack of ghosts, 648
Down the Long Table (1955), 580, 596, 643, 762
Birtch, George Wellington (1912–88), 593
Bissell, Claude T. (1916–2000), 183, 617, 636
bissett, bill (b. 1939), 184, 188
Black, Max (1909–88), 966
Blacks, 1092
and affirmative action, 364
civil rights for, 36, 155, 991
literature of, 78
Blais, Marie-Claire (b. 1939), 1037
Blake, Edward (1833–1912), 232
Blake, William (1757–1827), 52, 79, 225, 243, 323, 324, 343, 389, 393, 479, 494, 519, 520, 597–8, 682, 764, 765, 787, 794, 964, 967, 1001, 1075, 1098
and the Bible, 753, 755, 863, 922, 925, 1068
his cosmology, 254–63
desire in, 447
four states of existence in, 256
his illuminated MSS as art forms, 280
imagery of, 279–80
NF and, 315, 413–14, 588, 593–5, 602, 649, 677–8, 668, 713, 739, 815, 878, 879–80, 883, 921–2, 930–1, 934, 940, 1056–8, 1087
Orc and Urizen in, 810–11
as prophet, 385–6
his reading, 926–7
his relation to his own time, 929
his reversal of the four-level cosmos, 809, 958–9
and the Romantic movement, 959
as satirist, 938
supposed madness of, 281, 879, 930, 946
his verse form, 278–9
– ideas on: allegory, 279–80
Bible as “Great Code of Art,” 518, 546–7, 652, 658, 684, 811, 883
Christianity and art, 1004
creation, 842–3
double vision, 1057–8
form, 258
general vs. particular, 282
good and evil, 1029
idolatry, 1077
imagination, 879
imagination vs. memory, 928–9
innocence and experience, 810–11
revolution, 811
subject and object, 928
symmetry, 278–82
time and space, 260
vision, 927
– works: Ancient Britons (1809), 256
A Descriptive Catalogue (1809), 258
The Four Zoas (ca. 1796–ca. 1807), 843
Illustrations of the Book of Job (1825), 880, 1021–2
Introduction to Songs of Experience (1794), 257
Island in the Moon (1784), 938
Jerusalem (hymn, 1804–8), 739–40, 806
Jerusalem (Prophecy, 1804–20), 279
Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1793), 938
The Mental Traveller (ca. 1800–4), 842
Milton (1804–8), 671, 739, 812, 921–2, 1087
Prophecies, 278
The Sick Rose (1794), 879
Songs of Innocence (1789), 958, 1056
Songs of Innocence and Experience (1794), 265
The Tyger (1794), 278
Blavatsky, Madame, née Helena Petrovna Hahn (1831–91), 785
Blissett, William (b. 1921), 611
Bloom, Allan David (1930–92), 1032–3
Bloom, Harold (b. 1930), 756, 840–1
The Anxiety of Influence (1973), 812
Blunden, Edmund Charles (1896–1974), 600, 601
Blunt, Sir Anthony (1907–93), 601
Bodkin, Maud (1875–1967):
Archetypal Patterns in Poetry (1934), 480
Body, human, Blake’s representation of, 280–1
Boer War, 895
Boethius Anicius Manlius Severinus (ca. c.e. 480–524), 717
Bogdan, Deanne Gail (b. 1938), interviews NF, xxxii, xxxiii, xxxvii, xlv–xlvi, 790–808
Bolduc, La (Mary Travers) (1894–1941), 123
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich (1906–45), 200
as dialogue with reader, 176
efficiency of, 655, 714–15, 748, 768, 995
importance of, 346–7
sacred, 397. See also Reading
Borges, Jorge Luis (1899–1986), 938
Borson, Roo (b. 1952), 1037
Bosch, Hieronymus (ca. 1460–1516), 394
Bossin, Bob (b. 1946), interviews NF, 79–87
Bourgeoisie: NF belongs to, 566, 934, 970–1
pinnacle of humanity, 334–5, 643
Bowles, Richard Pinch (1864–1960), 589
Boyle, Harry J. (d. 2005), 123, 1114n. 17
Bradley, Andrew Cecil (1851–1935), 471
Brain, hemispheres of, 488, 801
Brazeau, Peter: Parts of a World (1977), 1071
Brecht, Bertolt (1898–1956), 113, 537–8
Breithaupt, Louis Orville (1890–1960), 430
Brett, George Sidney (1879–1944), 584, 587, 591, 640
A History of Psychology (1912–21), 587
Bride imagery in the Bible, 873, 908
Brontë, Charlotte (1816–55):
Jane Eyre (1847), 409
Brontë, Emily (1818–48): Wuthering Heights (1837), 224, 651
Brown, E(dward) K(illoran) (1905–51), 582, 609, 980
Brown, Elizabeth Eedy. See Frye, Elizabeth
Brown, Norman Oliver (1913–2002), 61
Brown, Walter Theodore (1883–1954), 430, 606, 613
Browne, Sir Thomas (1605–82), on nature as art of God, 957
Browning, Robert (1812–89), 696, 1068
Bruner, Jerome Seymour (b. 1915), 765
Brunetta, Gian Piero, interviews NF, 442–4
Bruno, Giordano (1548–1600), 442
Bryson, John N. (1896–1976), 601
Buber, Martin (1878–1965), 176, 834
Buddha, 271
Buddhism, 16, 250, 267, 686, 933, 1009, 1030
in Japan, 833–4
Bultmann, Rudolph Karl (1884–1976), 659, 931, 1007
Bunraku drama, 536–45 passim
Bunyan, John (1628–88): The Pilgrim’s Progress (1678–84), 280, 547, 918
Burckhardt, Jacob Christopher (1818–97), 140
Burke, Edmund (1729–97), 688, 692, 894
Burke, Kenneth (1897–1986), 480
Burke, Stanley (b. 1924), 124
Burning bush episode, 377, 548
Burrill, Gary (b. 1955), interviews NF, 1040–2
Burton, Robert (1577–1640): Anatomy of Melancholy (1621), 531, 936–7
Bush, George, Sr. (b. 1924), 896
Byron, George Gordon (Baron Byron of Rochdale) (1788–1824), 494, 930
and the Biblical tradition, 959–60
life of, 507
Cadieux, Fernand (1925–76), 89
Cain, 1076
California, 130
Callaghan, Barry (b. 1937), 1037
Callaghan, Morley (1903–90), 28, 980
Calley, William, 253
Calvin, John (1509–64), on Book of Revelation, 885, 1061
Cambridge University, 587, 644
Camus, Albert (1913–60), 39
Canada, 1009
anarchic tradition in, 92–3
and British tradition, 723, 724
Centennial of, 51
class divisions in, 331
contrast with and relations to United States (see United States, subhead and Canada)
and fallacy of “new country,” 493
fragmentation in, 136
French (see French Canada)
garrison mentality in, 236, 243–4, 646
identity of, 142, 352–3, 362–3, 442–3, 457–8, 485, 516, 524, 573, 647–8, 1089–93
immigrants in, 102, 208, 233–4
importance of communications in, 88, 90, 95, 117, 457, 972–3, 1094
language question in, 305, 334, 484–5
mythology in, 1054
national character in, 129–37, 335, 566, 888, 976
NF and, 325–6, 506–7, 971–4, 983, 1065, 1093
North–South and East–West axis in, 88, 117–18, 232–3, 972, 973–4
as observant country, 96–101, 230, 233, 241–2, 352
in postnational world, 298
prenational to postnational, 89, 95, 500
publishing in, 505
Puritanism in, 859
regionalism in, 893
repatriation of Constitution of, 688
resources of, 437
separatism in, 88, 308, 485, 492 (see also under Quebec)
small population of, 307
universities in, 277
– culture of, xl, 229, 304, 566
and assimilation of native tradition, 485, 689, 908–9
CBC and, 776–7
English stimulated by growth of French, 516
ethnic contribution to, 485–6, 500
government role in, 497–8, 751
problem of developing, 89–144
provincialism to regionalism in, 905–6, 977–8
regionalism in, 499–505
passim, 724–5
scholarship in, 622
Toryism in, 525. See also CBC, CRTC
– literature of, 294, 356, 428
animals in, 457
argument vs. image in, 130–1, 132, 231–2, 976–7
and Australian literature, 687
English influence on, 97
English stimulated by French, 458
ethnic contribution to, 234, 236
garrison mentality in, 1037
growth of, 77–8, 476, 484, 491, 496, 505, 645, 981–2, 1037
nature in, 235–7
NF as critic of, 103, 422, 481, 686
NF teaches, 583
provincial to regional, 978–80
question of its distinctiveness, 240, 297–8, 492–3, 646–7, 978
read by Canadians, 100
regionalism in, 228, 235, 296–7, 458, 530, 646, 861
value of, 336
development of, 240–2
nature in, 905–6
NF’s approach to, 61–2, 231, 980–1
no Frye school in, 363, 645–6, 980
and the tradition, 240–1
NF’s work for, 242, 704–8, 980
Candid Eye, 91
Canoe, in Canadian culture, 91, 117
Capote, Truman (1924–84): In Cold Blood (1966), 229, 945
Cargill, John, interviews NF, xxxvii, 528–35
Caribbean literature, 502
Carlin, Vince (b. 1944), interviews NF, 770–8
Carlyle, Thomas (1795–1881), 801
Carman, (William) Bliss (1861–1929), poetry of, 235, 241
Carpenter, Edmund (b. 1922), discussion with, 13–22
Carr, Emily (1871–1945), 91
Carroll, Lewis (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson) (1832–98): Alice books, 465
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865), 196, 404
Carter, Cheryl, interviews NF, 766–9
Carter, James Earl (b. 1924), 505
Cartesianism, 457, 657, 730, 755, 928, 995
Castiglione, Baldassarre, Conte di Novilava (1478–1529), 442
Causality, 1009
CAUT (Canadian Association of University Teachers), 625, 631
Cavaliers, 370
Cayley, David, interviews NF, 723–5, 809–13, 916–1035
Northrop Frye in Conversation (1992), xviii, xxxi, xxxiii, xxxv, xxxvii
CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation), 90, 102, 364, 689, 748
contribution to Canadian culture, 104–6, 107, 776–7
role of, 303–5
TV and radio in, 498
U.S. influence on, 100
CBS, 309
CCF (Co-operative Commonwealth Federation), 108, 580, 596, 643, 706, 707, 708, 983
Céline, Louis-Ferdinand (1894–1961), 151–2
Celtic mythology, 376
Cervantes, Miguel de (1547–1616): Don Quixote (1605–15), 960
Change, adaptation to, 146
Chaplin, Sir Charles (Charlie) Spencer (1889–1977), 540, 566
religion of, 901
Charles II (1630–85), 387
Chaucer, Geoffrey (ca. 1345–1400), 152, 167, 194, 231, 311, 937
Chester, Philip, interviews NF, 317–27
Chesterton, G(ilbert) K(eith) (1874–1936), 527, 580
Chiasson, Rodrigue, interviews NF, xxxix, 88–144
Chicago, 1093
Democratic Convention in, 103
School (of criticism), 1081
and poetry, 192
reading habits of, 210–11, 212–13
speech of, 710
China, 117, 135, 444, 898, 971
Communism in, 54
Cultural Revolution in, 52
drama in, 941
and the U.S., 894
Chisholm, Elspeth, interviews NF, 283
Chomsky, (Avril) Noam (b. 1928), 61, 781
as Adonis, 138
and Prometheus, 221
as Word of God, 662. See also Jesus
Christian, William (b. 1945): ed., The Idea File of Harold Adam Innis (1980), 1095
Christianity, 47, 50, 380, 397, 715, 756, 761, 925, 950, 1009
and abhorrence, 250
attitude to Old Testament, 553, 554, 557
authoritarianism in, 842
central myth of, 138
as city religion, 375
and Classical mythology, 225, 834
as comedy, 251
and courtly love, 967
and Eros, 683
foundation of, 391
fundamentalism in, 473–4
iconoclasm in, 859
and Judaism, 378, 754, 786–7, 834–5, 901
and literature, 787–9
its mythology, 753–4
nature in, 139–40
and other religions, 225, 284–5, 373–4
and paganism, 375
and persecution, 675
and prophecy, 385
revolutionary religion, 249, 250, 653, 683
and tragedy, 252
– beliefs of: death, 251
death of Christ, 382
Easter, 285–90
end of world, 54
original sin, 562
salvation, 32–3
suffering servant, 208
Virgin Mary, 1007
world, 38–9. See also Church, Christian
Christie, Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa (1890–1976), 981
Church, 715
and university, 989
– Christian, 730
baptism in, 368–9
and doctrine of salvation, 35–6
foundation of, 381–2
function of, 43–4
as an institution, 49, 204, 208
in Middle Ages, 379, 384. See also Christianity
individual churches
Church of England, 204
Cicero, Marcus Tullius (106–43 b.c.e.), 829
Ciglar-Žanić, Janja, interviews NF, 1082–8
horrors of modern, 151, 265, 272, 345, 346, 529
imagery of in the Bible, 873
positives and negatives of, 906
two, 37–9 passim
Civilization, 390
Class, social: in criticism, 755
and education, 153–5
speech and, 331
Classic, 741
meaning of, 68, 488–9, 767, 947
Classical age: literature of, 318, 350, 683
value of studying, 300, 339, 746
importance of teaching, 69, 161, 168, 191, 340, 465
and poetry, 789
Classics (discipline), 626–7, 750
Cleary, Val, interviews NF, 227–9
Clementi, Muzio (1752–1832), 735, 740, 799
Didone Abbandonata (1821), 741
Clement of Alexandria, St. (ca. c.e. 150–ca. 215), 780
Clichés, 770–1
CNE (Canadian National Exhibition), art at, 705
Coburn, Kathleen (Kay) (1905–91), 356, 587, 589, 593
edits Coleridge, 519, 588, 594, 595, 784
In Pursuit of Coleridge (1977), 595
Cody, Canon Henry John (1868–1951), 589, 609, 613
Cohen, Leonard (b. 1934), 181–2, 302, 443
Let Us Compare Mythologies (1956), 314
Cohn-Bendit, Daniel (b. 1945), 140
Coincidence, 272
Colenso, J(ohn) W(illiam) (1814–83), and Arnold, 968
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772–1834), 76, 928
Coburn edits, 519, 588, 594, 595, 784
on the Logos, 784
Kubla Khan (1816), 963
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (1798), 963
College English Association, interviews NF, xviii
Columbia University, 438
Comedy, and tragedy, 251, 414, 742, 1020, 1076
Comfort, Charles Fraser (1900–94), 464
Commitment, 168
Common Market, 1091
Commonwealth, 688
active and passive in, 125
in education, 192
importance of in Canada (see under Canada)
involvement and detachment in, 113
true and false, 56
Communications, as discipline, 157
Communism, 15, 55, 94, 187, 707, 750, 786
campus, in NF’s day, 580, 596, 643
in Canada, 92
and future-directed hopes, 54
and communication, 125
Comparative literature, 692
at U of T, 623
Computers, 998
NF and, 1039
as tools, 995–6
primary and secondary, 965–6, 1059
term “myth of” regretted, 966
Condensation, 945
Confederation, and Reconfederation, 1089–90
Confucianism, 971
Connelly, Marc (Marcus Cook) (1890–1980): Green Pastures (1930), 393 & n. 16
Conrad, Joseph (1857–1924), 276, 336, 632
Consciousness, 862, 864–5, 996
Contemporary literature, 62, 169, 194, 342–3
and the Bible, 301–2. See also Modern literature
Content. See Form and content
Context, 217
Continuity, loss of in modern age, 715
Convention: literary, 211, 417, 428–9, 480, 649
social, 318
Conversation: language of, 702
nature of, 3–12. See also Dialogue
Cook, Ramsay (b. 1931), interviews NF, 291–302
Cope, J. Samuel, interviews NF, 743
Copernican universe, 1063
Correy, Stan, interviews NF, xli, 656–69
Cosmology, 769
four-level and its reversal, 957–62
and literature, 954
present-day, 392–3
Costa, Richard Hauer, interviews NF, 400–12 passim
Cottafavi, Beppe, interviews NF, 452–4
Couchiching Conference, 13, 595
Couplet, 279
Courage, 248
Courtly love, and the Christian church, 967
Cousteau, Jacques Yves (1910–97), 566
Cowan, Elizabeth, interviews NF, 400–12 passim
Cowan, Gregory, interviews NF, 400–12 passim
Cragg, Arthur Richard (1910–97), 593
Craik, Anne, interviews NF, 744–51
Crane, R(onald) S(almon) (1886–1967), 1081
Crawford, Isabella Valancy (1850–87), 648
Creation, 116
as dawn of consciousness, 548, 862, 864–5
as phase of revelation, 553, 660
– human (creativeness), 71, 77, 115, 185, 238, 315, 447
and convention, 417–18
and divine creation, 447, 1059
Romantic notion of, 490
in Milton, 220
Creighton, Donald Grant (1902–79), 283, 594
John A. Macdonald (1952, 1955), 98
Creighton, John, 594
Criticism, 215, 296, 388, 598, 847–8, 937, 968, 1029
anagogic, 685
classics of, 471
contemporary, 31, 61, 160, 456, 481, 491, 721, 754–5, 805, 841, 948, 953, 984, 999, 1038, 1079–81, 1099
and creativity, 471, 801, 1057
and critic as reviewer, 981
feminist, 845
function of, 75, 661, 882, 954, 1058, 1061–2
and ideology, 947–8
language of, 478–9
learning of, not
learning of literature, 314, 323
and literature, 159–60, 363, 414, 464, 483–4, 491–2, 691–2, 755, 806–7, 828, 981
NF’s, 132, 143, 415, 418–20, 449–51, 455–6, 673, 986–7, 1085–6, 1095
not parasitic, 720, 841, 846, 938–9, 940
phenomenological, 702
precritical experience vs. simultaneous apprehension in, 58–9, 119, 698, 826
progress in, 667
public, 422
rhetorical, 1080
scientific aspect of, 452–3, 532–3, 754, 826, 840–1, 939–40
and social criticism, 1061
and structure, 408–9
and task of critic, 243
value judgments in (see Value judgments)
and the writer, 30, 75, 76, 363. See also Archetypal criticism
New Criticism
Croce, Benedetto (1866–1952), 442
Cromwell, Oliver (1599–1658), 370, 386–7
Crowley, (Edward) Aleister (1875–1947), 375
CRTC (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission), 982
Canadian content regulations of, 90, 95, 233, 362, 503
NF’s work for, xxxviii–xli, 303–5, 308–9, 345, 501, 689, 777, 984, 997–8
role of, 88–144 passim
Crucifixion, 373, 374, 378, 552, 667, 1009
Crusades, 52
CTV, 303
Cuba, 128
Culture, 340
active vs. passive response to, 712
as counter-environment, 544
decentralization in, 107, 427, 501–4, 515, 524, 573, 844–5, 978, 982, 1065, 1091, 1092
as envelope, 512
government role in, 497
importance of, 750–1
mass, 689
popular, 766–7
regionalism in, 299, 492, 507, 646, 724–5, 743
role of opposition in, 498–9
cummings, e(dward) e(stlin) (1894–1962), 242
Currelly, Charles Trick (1876–1957), 599
Curriculum, 68–9
Cuthbert, Art, interviews NF, 413–29
Cycles: in culture, 426, 428–9
in history, 571
in life, 761
and spirals, 1035
Czechoslovakia, 966
Dalí, Salvador (1904–89), 534
Dallas, 748
Daly, Tom (b. 1918), xxxviii, 107
Damon, S(amuel) Foster (1893–1971), 594
Daniells, Roy (1902–79), 356, 593
Dante Alighieri (1265–1321), 311, 409, 420, 678, 787, 843, 951, 967, 968, 1037, 1069
on Bible as comedy, 267
on Christianity as comedy, 251
Eliot on, 1058
on levels of meaning, 665, 828
Convivio, 954
The Divine Comedy, 442, 556, 661, 667
Paradiso, 451
Darwin, Charles Robert (1809–82), 761
Davey, Keith Douglas (b. 1926), 605
Davidson, Rev. Richard (1876–1944), 589
Davies, Russell, interviews NF, 526–7
Davies, (William) Robertson (1913–95), 499, 587, 861, 979, 982, 1037, 1064, 1093
Fifth Business (1970), 458
Davis, Herbert J. (1893–1967), 413, 593–4, 596–7, 598, 599, 739, 921, 935
Death, 885
and life, 285, 290, 1028, 1065–6
principle, 185
and rebirth,
religious perspective on, 269
transcendence of, 200
Decadence, 428
Deconstruction, 805, 828, 832, 845–6, 933, 953, 984, 1038, 1080, 1085. See also Derrida
Defoe, Daniel (1660–1731): A Journal of the Plague Year (1722), 229
DeFord, Irma, interviews NF, xxxii
Delight and instruction, 172, 347, 966
Democracy, 15, 17, 20, 149, 157, 158, 247, 427, 624–5, 709, 712, 716, 973
crisis in, 323
and education, 193
and written records, 347
Demythologizing, 1007
Denmark, 96
Depression, the, 67, 322, 469, 578, 580, 596
De Quincey, Thomas (1785–1859), 77, 251
Derrida, Jacques (1930–2004), 481, 720, 759, 768, 1080
influence of, 756–7
and logocentrism, 984
and NF, 1085
on nuclear language, 729–31
on supplement, 781, 828, 933, 952, 1011
on transcendental signified, 925
Descent pattern, 289
Desire, and creativity, 447
Detachment: and engagement, 66–7, 113, 168, 1070, 1073
in reading literature, 338–9, 403–4
in university studies, 80, 709. See also Withdrawal
Detective stories, 119, 402, 651
convention in, 484
Detroit, 345
Deuteronomy, Book of, 1019
on life and death, 731, 866, 1001
Diagrams, 403
Dialectic, 1028
limits of, 174–89. See also Conversation
Dickens, Charles (1812–70), 62, 540, 572, 836, 937, 1046
levels of language in, 472
The Old Curiosity Shop (1840–41), 541–2
Oliver Twist (1837), 827
The Pickwick Papers (1836–37), 472
Dickinson, Emily Elizabeth (1830–86), 494, 834, 964, 1071
Didacticism, 212
Dido, and Aeneas, 741
Diefenbaker, John George (1895–1979), 776
and the North, 98
Dionysiac. See Appolonian vs. Dionysiac
Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice (1902–84), 534
Discontinuity, 113–15
Discovery, 272
Discussion, importance of, 18
Disney, Walt (Walter Elias) (1901–66), 1064
Donne, John (1572–1631), 463, 1095
Dostoevsky, Fyodor Mikhailovich (1821–81), 831
as prophet, 385
The Idiot (1868–69), 223, 1083
Doughty, Charles Montagu (1843–1926), 588
Downey, David, interviews NF, 860–1
Dragon symbol, 289
emotion in, 537
illusion and reality in, 544, 769
as social art, 541, 718. See also Absurd
Dreams: and art, 394–5
Freud on, 1069
Drugs, 77, 87, 114, 115, 206, 927
“Drunken boat” construct, explained, 961
Dryden, John (1631–1700), Blake on, 279
Dudek, Louis (1918–2001), 169
Duffy, Dennis (b. 1938), interviews NF, xvi
Duncan, Sara Jeanette (1861–1922): The Imperialist (1904), 980
Dunneville, Ont., 111
Dussek, Jan Ladislaw (1760–1812), 735, 799
Dyer, John (1699–1757), 14
Dylan, Bob (Robert Allen Zimmerman) (b. 1941), 110, 397, 474
Earth-mother goddess, 865–6, 904–5, 908
Eastern religions. See Oriental religions
Eco, Umberto (b. 1932): interviews NF, 445–8
The Name of the Rose (1981), 766
Ecology, 909. See also Environmental movement
Economics: and culture, 978, 982, 1091
subject at U of T, 622
Eden, garden of, 655, 867, 872
Edgar, Pelham (1871–1948), 357, 582, 584–5, 588–9, 593, 597, 603, 604, 640, 878, 921
hires Pratt, 521
influence of on NF, 293, 413, 519, 520, 565, 593–4, 599
life and character of, 355–6
as teacher, 586
Henry James: Man and Author (1927), 588
Edmonton, NF’s epiphany in, 922
Education, 114, 182, 183–4, 1031
adjustment theory of, 533
aim of, 23–7, 49, 145–7, 148–9, 151, 166, 569, 690, 709–10, 712, 716, 821, 823, 824–5, 992
and class, 153–5
and dialogue, 55
different routes of, 1033
life-long (see Adult education)
mass, 823
and the media, 70
as militant, 713
modern attitude to, 183
NF on, 765
as re-education, 1034
repetition or habit in, 312–13, 746, 992
structure in, 192–3
theory of, 1097–8. See also Curriculum
Educational contract, 152, 157, 987
Ego, transcending of, 489, 1063
Israel’s exodus from, 289
mythology of, 555
as symbol, 558
Eighteenth century, in U.S. and Canada, 307, 312, 648, 888
Einstein, Albert (1879–1955), 531, 532, 827, 869
effect of, 748–9
McLuhan on, 523, 714–15, 767–8, 844
Elegy, pastoral, 407
Eliade, Mircea (1907–86): on mythical time, 780
The Myth of the Eternal Return (trans. 1954), 377
Eliot, George (Mary Ann Evans) (1819–80): Middlemarch (1871), 784
Eliot, T(homas) S(tearns) (1888–1965), 78, 194, 407, 459, 474, 754, 831, 961, 1017, 1067, 1068
on Blake, 1058
as critic, 471
on explicit vs. real meaning, 405
genuine vs. ideological in, 847
life of, 507
NF and, 697
as reactionary, 962
on reality, 544
After Strange Gods (1934), 962
Gerontion (1920), 287
Preludes (1917), 52
The Waste Land (1922), 240, 491, 697
Elite, valid meaning of, 494–5, 970
Elizabeth I (1533–1603), 817
Elizabethan Age, 703
rhetoric in, 333
and the social arts, 718
Ellmann, Richard (1918–87): Ulysses on the Liffey (1972), 272
El Salvador, 1009
building of, 589–90
NF at, 591–3, 677, 921, 924, 931
Empire, and art, 235
Empire Theatre (Toronto), 586
Empson, William (1906–84), 449, 692
Encounter groups, 125, 204, 315
Endicott, Norman Jamieson (1902–79), 587, 593
Engagement, and detachment, 1070, 1073. See also Commitment
England: art in Victorian, 540, 541
education in, 300
English (discipline), 331
curriculum of, 193–5, 276, 336–7
Department of, at University of Toronto, 162, 582–3, 608–12, 615
Honour Course in, at U of T, xlii–xliii, 475, 609, 618, 622–3
– teaching of in schools, 1097
advice to teachers, 412
and articulateness 463
curriculum of, 159, 164–5, 336, 464–5, 632
and total verbal experience of student, 651, 710, 767, 899. See also Literature: Reading
English (language): and Latin, 333, 746
as medium, 334
English literature: and the Bible, 68–9, 666, 753, 755, 863
influence of on
Canada, 97
value of studying, 703
Entertainment, 347
how to improve, 116–17
and instruction, 172, 303, 766–7
Environment: obliterated, 906–7
environmental movement, 437
Epic, Blake and, 279
Epiphany, NF’s, 739, 795–6, 802, 815–16, 837, 921–3, 1087
Equality, 15
meaning of social, 494–5
Eskimos. See Inuit
Esrock, Ellen, interviews NF, 693–9
Esterhammer, Angela (b. 1961), interviews NF, xxxvii, 528–35
Eternal, 200, 260, 269, 282, 325, 566, 713, 877, 1017
Ethics, 584
Étude magazine, 798
Eucharist, 1077
Euphemism, 158
liberation of Eastern, 1029–30, 1078, 1090
and North
America, 94
Evangelicalism, 33
Evans, John (b. 1929), 636–7
problem of, 245–53
Evolution, 14, 15, 199, 654, 907
teaching of, 365
Exodus, the, 833
counterpart to the Resurrection, 842, 959, 1010, 1061
– Book of, 653
Colenso on, 968
Experience, 917
and knowledge, 1028
precritical, 58–9, 119, 698, 826, 941
Experiment, 529
Ezekiel, 728
Book of, 868
Fabiny, Tibor, interviews NF, 1074–8
Fairley, Barker (1887–1986), 588
Charles M. Doughty (1927), 588
A Study of Goethe (1947), 588
Wilhelm Raabe (1947), 588
Fairy tales, 465
Faith, 901
language of, 676
nature of, 1012–16
Falconer, Robert Alexander (1867–1943), 183, 589
Falkland Islands, 566
Fall (of man): in the Bible, 867, 1023–5
Falstaff, 816
Faludy, Gyorgy (George) (1910–2006), 750
Farber, Jerry (b. 1932): “The Student as Nigger” (1967), 80
Far Eastern Studies, 635
modern writers and, 426
Faulkner, William (1897–1962), 694
as regionalist, 458, 499, 504, 516, 534, 646, 1031
Fawkes, Guy (1570–1606), 376
feminist criticism, 845
Fenians, 892
Fennell, William Oscar (b. 1916), 1014
Ferguson, Max (b. 1925/6), 105
Fiction: and fact, 513–14
popular, 651
Fielding, Henry (1707–54): The History of Tom Jones (1749), 651, 827
Fillion, Bryant (b. 1938), interviews NF, xxxvi, 461–8
Film, 55, 91, 114, 342, 438, 492, 501, 503, 689, 695, 714, 748, 975
and books, 694
and introversion, 998
study of, 165
Findley, Timothy (1930–2002), 443, 505, 982, 1037, 1064
Fine Art, 635
First Statement, 241
Fisher, Douglas Mason (b. 1919), 605
Fisher, Joseph (1907–52), 605, 606, 924 & n. 5
Fishing imagery, 289
Flaubert, Gustave (1821–80), 228, 965
Madame Bovary (1857), 1083
Folklore, 585
Folk songs, 520
Ford, Gerald Rudolph (1913–2006), 896
Ford, Henry (1863–1947), 93, 165
Form: Blake on, 258
and content, 31, 171–2, 214, 216, 218, 273, 402
mathematic vs. living, 280, 281–2
Formalist criticism, 805, 1081
Fortunatus, Venantius (d. ca. c.e. 600), 289
Forza, and froda, 414
Fowke, Edith Fulton (1913–96), 707
and Canada, 891
Resistance press in, 775
Franklin, Benjamin (1706–90), 312, 648, 888
Fraser, Matthew, interviews NF, 469–76
Fraternity, 15
Frazer, Sir James George (1854–1941), 372, 374
The Golden Bough (1907–15), 931–2, 933
Freedom, 14, 18–19, 716, 717, 900
involves discipline, 24–5
and language, 162, 407–8, 411–12
Free trade. See United States, subhead and Canada
Free verse, 213
French, NF’s knowledge of, 577
French Canada, 96, 97, 131, 136, 363, 689, 891, 892
– literature of, 28–9, 100, 138, 505, 1037, 1092
social function of writers in, 234, 458, 476. See also Quebec
Blake’s attitude to, 281, 528, 811, 958
Freud, Sigmund (1856–1939), 447, 456, 663, 713, 810, 834, 845
and “drunken boat” construct, 958, 960–1
on Oedipus complex, 388
as realist, 446
on structure of personality, 387–8
in criticism, 939, 940, 942, 1038
Frost, Leslie Miscampbell (1895–1973), 614
Frost, Robert Lee (1874–1963), 646
Frye, Catharine Mary Maud Howard (Cassie) (NF’s mother 1870–1940), xlv–xlvi, 575, 576, 733, 790–803
passim, 822, 837, 876, 877, 918–19, 923, 1041, 1043–54
passim, 1055
Frye, Elizabeth Eedy Brown (1912–97), 1049, 1050
talks about her marriage, 910–15
Frye, (Eratus) Howard (NF’s brother 1899–1918), xlv, xlvi, 567, 790, 919, 1043, 1045, 1052–3
Frye family, 1044–5
Frye, Helen Kemp (1910–86), 134, 441, 601, 602, 705, 813
courtship of, 1048–9
death of, 808
as eldest daughter, 1050
NF meets, 736
Frye, Herman Edward (1870–1959), 567, 575, 790–803
passim, 876, 918–19, 1043–54 passim
Frye, (Herman) Northrop (1912–91): attitude to notes, 1036–7
his books, 401, 440, 487, 672–3, 739
as Canadian, 325–6, 506–7, 971–3, 983, 1031, 1065, 1093
as Casaubon, 784
his criticism (see under Criticism)
and his critics, 950–1
his difficulty learning languages, 577
his influence, 641, 838–9, 848
interviews with, xv–xvi, xxix–xlvi
as missionary, 318–19, 320, 337
not a novelist or poet, 76, 315, 471, 794, 919
his reputation, 424, 436, 673, 692, 740, 764, 805, 813–14, 863–4, 950, 953, 1163–4n. 3
his role, 717
as speaker, 772
his style, 953
his writing, 65, 425, 493–4, 507–8, 565, 670–5, 804–5, 984–7, 1039
– lectures and speeches: Massey Lec-tures, 506
Royal Bank Address, 440
alternate lives, 777–8
ancestors, 1044–5
childhood, 575–6, 713, 733, 790–2, 803, 917–19, 1043–54 passim
choice of life’s work, 315, 325, 470, 578, 796–7, 1056
early life, 493
education, 48, 433, 576–8, 790, 797, 815, 822, 823, 836–7, 877, 878, 921
landmarks in, 764
mission field, 434, 837–8, 935–6
ordination, 934–5
pattern of, 319–20
as revealed in interviews, xliv–xlvi
second marriage, 910–15
typing contest, 736, 804, 814–15, 878, 920
uneventful, 741
University Professor (title), 440–1
unplanned, 670. See also U of T
places visited
– projected works: retrospect on, 1037
on Shakespeare, 567
Third Book, 61
on Utopian literature, 1039
– self-analysis, 567
late starter, 1045
passivity, 1050–1
his personal myth, 1045–8
reticence, 435
his self-definition, 1095
– as teacher, 71, 86, 327, 1051–2
does not want disciples, 423–4
and honour students, 605
and mythopoeic poetry, 243
prefers undergraduates, 300–1, 597, 644, 995, 1095
teaching feeds his writing, 425, 673–4, 713–14, 838, 878, 984, 1088
as transparent medium, 987–9.
See also Students, NF’s
names of his courses
– works: “Across the River and Out of the Trees” (1980), 622 & n. 59
“The Archetypes of Literature” (1951), 932 & n. 15
BG, 230–8 passim
“The Bible and Literature” (videotapes, 1982), 570–1, 665, 673–4
“The Bridge of Language” (1981), 528, 530
Conclusion to Literary History of Canada (1965), 103
CP, 965
CR, 1003
ed., Design for Learning (1962), 163, 331
EI, 338
FT, 245
“Installation Address as Chancellor” (1978), 623–4
“Letters in Canada: Poetry” (1951–60), 645, 819–20, 974, 980–1, 982
“A Liberal Education” (1945), 146 & n. 2
ed., Literature: Uses of the Imagination (1972–73), 348, 400–3, 409–10, 423, 994, 1100
MC, 51, 146, 151–2, 182, 184, 187, 198, 344
“Men as Trees Walking” (1938), 704 & n. 2
ed., The Practical Imagination (1980), 1100
“The Realistic Oriole” (1957), 963
Review of The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes (1952), 192
“The University and Personal Life” (1969), xxxiii
WTC, 419
– AC, 74, 319, 451, 453, 481, 720, 755, 930, 984, 994
aim of, 59, 348, 416–19, 882, 937, 949
as anatomy, 531–2
centre of, 401–2
on criticism as science, 533, 932–3
fictional modes in, 1083
and FS, 352, 483, 685, 765, 924–5, 936
genesis of, 410, 421, 422, 670, 1079–81
later reflections on, 479
Polemical Introduction to, 414
reception of, 415, 419, 673, 947–50
reversal of seasons in, 932 & n. 15
schematism of, 650
and structuralism, 479, 951–2, 1080
theory of modes in, 944
title of, 936–7
translation of, 477–8, 485, 938
on value judgments, 945–7
– FS, 295, 337, 436, 595, 760, 843
and AC, 352, 483, 685, 765, 924–5, 936
title of, 278
genesis of, 413, 612, 670–1, 739, 922, 924
and Jung, 942
as “myth criticism,” 951, 1080
reception of, 931
– GC, 730, 758, 782, 829, 925, 1036, 1039
aim of, 458, 518, 568–9, 681–4
genesis of, 320, 323, 351–2, 396, 399, 411, 421, 476, 482, 656–7, 670, 674, 765, 1002–3, 1074–5
NF answers questions on, 546–64
passim, 656–69, 674–6, 805 (see also Bible)
reception of, 654, 664, 665, 830–1
translation of, 1094
as twentieth-century book, 680
and the word processor, 573–4
genesis of, 765, 777, 784, 829, 1036, 1039
Frye, Vera (1900–66), 800, 919, 920, 1043
Fulford, Robert (b. 1932): discussion with, 536–45
interviews NF, xxxvii, 496–505
Fuller, (Richard) Buckminster (1895–1983), xxxvi, 465
Funerals, 369
Future: bringing into present, 53, 55
unknowable, 398
Gaebel, Stephen, interviews NF, 766–9
Galbraith, John Kenneth (1908–2006), 507
Gallipoli, 414
Garaudy, Roger (b. 1913), 728
Garner, Hugh (1913–79), 751
Garrison mentality, 117, 236, 243–4, 457, 646, 905
and condominium mentality, 974, 1037
General Course, 618
Generalization, 282
Genesis, Book of, 219, 365, 388, 663, 999, 1018
and Book of Job, 1022
creation in, 116, 548, 660, 865, 866, 1023
and class, 459
George, St., 376
George VI (1895–1952), 898
Gerber, Wallace, 590
German, NF studies, 583
philology in, 160
Ghana, 130
Gideon, 653
Gieseking, Walter W. (1895–1956), 190
Gilbert, Sir William Schwenck (1836–1911), and Sir Arthur Seymour Sullivan (1842–1900), 110
The Gondoliers (1889), 736–7
The Pirates of Penzance (1880), 736
Gilgamesh, epic of, 165
Gilson, Étienne (1884–1978), 980
Ginsberg, Allen (1926–97), 203, 459
Globe and Mail, 360
God: in burning bush, 377
centre and circumference in, 934
communication with, 207
hearing vs. seeing of, 1077
and imagination, 677
NF’s, xliii
of Old Testament, 559–60
suffering, 199
transcendence of, 1014–15
in twentieth century, 41
as verb or linguistic event, 548, 868–71, 1010–11, 1014, 1022
Godard, Jean-Luc (b. 1930), 187
false, 249
and God, 868–9
and metaphor, 1005–6
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749–1832), 967, 968
Going, Cathleen, interviews NF, xxxiv, 264–74
Golden Age, 372
Golden calf, 1008
Golding, Sir William (1911–93), 55
Lord of the Flies (1954), 45
Goliardic poets, 967
Good, and evil, 33, 245, 249, 1028–9
Gorbachev, Mikhail Sergeyevich (b. 1931), 897, 898, 993
Gorjup, Branko (b. 1944), interviews NF, 483–6
Gorlier, Claudio, interviews NF, 449–51
Gosnell, Larry (1923–2004), 124
Gospel, as phase of revelation, 554
authorship of, 652
presentation of Jesus in, 285, 288–9, 1007–8, 1099
Gougeon, Hélène Carroll (1924–2000), interviews NF, 568–74
Gould, Allan M., interviews NF, 565–7
Goya y Lucientes, Francisco José de (1746–1828): The Disasters of War, 446
Gračan, Giga, interviews NF, 1087
Graduate: studies, 616–17
teaching, 644
Grant, George Parkin (1918–88), 299, 457
Grant, John Webster (1919–2006), 434
Grant, (William) Douglas Beattie (1921–69), 610
Granville-Barker, Harley (1877–1946), 471
Graves, Robert von Ranke (1895–1985): The White Goddess (1948), 686
army of, 855–6
and Canada, 706, 723, 891, 974, 976, 978
education in, 168
influence of on Canadian literature, 231, 241, 724
poetry in, 241
regional literature in, 646, 1065
Great Dictator, The, 566
Great men, 571
Greece, ancient: culture of, 311, 686, 1009
history of, 893
mythology of, 572
religion in, 249, 252, 373, 381, 383–4, 1010
tradition of, 785–6
visual culture of, 340
Greene, Graham (1904–91), 43
Greene, Robert (1558–92): Pandosto (1588), 1076
Gregory I, the Great, Pope (ca. 540–604), 659
Grierson, John (1898–1972), 498
Gross, Marty (b. 1948), interviews NF, 536–45
The Lovers’ Exile (1980), 536–45 passim
Group of Seven, 134, 298, 363, 500
Grove, Frederick Philip (1879–1948), 172, 585
A Search for America (1927), 889
Grube, G(eorge) M(aximillian) A(nthony) (1899–1982), 706, 707, 708
Guardiani, Francesco (b. 1949), interviews NF, 840–8
Guggenheim fellowship, NF awarded, 606, 622, 980
Gurus, 113
Guyana, NF in, 502
Gzowski, Peter (1934–2002), interviews NF, xxxii, 813–20
Habit, 369
two kinds of, 412
Haines, Fred (1879–1960), 705
Haist Committee, 627
Hall-Dennis Report, 82
Halloween, 376
Handel, Georg Friedrich (1685–1759): Messiah (1742), 288
Hardy, Thomas (1840–1928), 646, 1065
fate in, 403
Hare Krishna, 368
Harris, Lawren (1885–1970), 134
Harris, Marjorie, interviews NF, 284–90
Harris, Maureen Scott (b. 1943), interviews NF, 512–17
Harron, Don (b. 1924), 367–99, 546–64
interviews NF
Old Charlie Farquharson’s Testament (1978), 652
Hart House, 587
Harvard, 431, 594, 597–8, 629, 639, 1093
Fogg Museum at, 927
Hiring practices at, 610, 611, 614–15
NF at, 606, 622, 651, 698, 787
Harvest and vintage images, in the Bible, 559
Havelock, Eric Alfred (1903–88), 581, 985, 996
Hawthorne, Nathaniel (1804–64), 224
Hazen, Edward Warriner (1860–1929), 595
“HEAP” diagram, CRTC examines, 126–9, 137–43 passim
Hearing vs. seeing, 998–9
in the Bible/religion, 868, 1010, 1077
in different civilizations, 340
metaphors of, 768
Hearne, Samuel (1745–92), 500
Heathenism, 375
Heaven, 572
and hell, 1058
Hébert, Anne (1916–2000), 62, 234
Hebrew (language): Biblical, 659, 783
Blake’s knowledge of, 880
NF’s knowledge of, 1002
Hebrews, Epistle to the, on faith, 1012
Hebrews (people), culture of, 311, 340. See also Israel
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 1086
on propositions or concepts containing their opposites, 562, 676, 953
Heidegger, Martin (1889–1976): on first question of philosophy, 660
Heilsgeschichte, and Weltgeschichte, 1076
Heller, Helen, xxxii
Hémon, Louis (1880–1913): Maria Chapdelaine (1914, 1916), 799
Heraclitus (ca. 540–ca. 480 b.c.e.), 113, 176
Herbert, George (1593–1633), 742
Herman-Sekulič, Maja, interviews NF, 477–82
Herodotus (ca. 485–425 b.c.e.), 893
Heroism, nature of, 247–8
Hesiod (8th c. b.c.e.), 219
Hierarchy, and order, 973
Hill, Melvyn, interviews NF, 254–63
Hiroshige, Ando (1797–1858), 544
History, 551, 566, 573, 745, 938, 1004
in AC, 459
and the Bible, 267–8, 373–4, 652–3, 1008–9
cycles in, 917
doctrine of progress in, 654–5
and myth, 232
objectivity in, 149–50
real, 776
writing of, 781–2
Hitler, Adolf (1889–1945), 167, 181, 188, 247, 898, 926
Hobbes, Thomas (1588–1679), 987
on social contract, 514
Hodgetts, John Edwin (b. 1917), 629
Hodgins, Jack (b. 1938), 499, 505, 520
Hoggart, Richard (b. 1918): The Uses of Literacy (1957), 162
Hokusai, Katsushika (1760–1849), 544
Holmes, Oliver Wendell (1809–94), 64
Holt, Geoffrey E., 583
Holy Spirit, 863
Homer (8th C.B.C.E.), 311, 343, 572, 678, 943–4, 1039
Plato on, 550
abolition of, 81, 150–1, 276, 359, 432, 475, 521, 993
value of, 618–19
Hope, 53
Hope, A(lec) D(erwent) (1907–2000), 687
Hopkins, Gerard Manley (1844–89), on masterpiece, 215
Hopkins, Mark (1802–87), 488
Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus) (65–8 b.c.e.), 318
on delight and instruction, 966
Hosea, Book of, 560
Howard, Alma (Alma Howard Rolleston Ebert) (1913–84), 796
Howard, Donald, 796
Howard, Rev. Eratus Seth (1833–1923), 292, 319, 576, 713, 793, 794–5, 796, 837, 876, 877, 918, 923, 1045, 1048, 1055
Howard family, 1044
Howard, Leslie (1893–1943), 195 & n. 7
Howard, Mary, 795
Howard, Wilbert (1890–1967), 796 & n. 12
Hugo, Victor Marie (1802–85), 979
Humanism, 1072
Classics in, 339
Renaissance, 967
Humanist, and scientist, 277
Centrality of, 1097
changes in, 598
and concern, 169–70
plight of, 318
role of, 744–8
and sciences, 277, 452–3, 528–9, 532, 745
teaching of, 361, 437, 488, 490
thought effeminate, 702
value of study of, 619–20. See also Arts
Hummel, Johann Nepomuk (1778–1837), 735
Hypocrisy, 10
Hysteria, Age of, 313
Ibsen, Henrik (1828–1906), 795
Icelandic peoples, in Canada, 234, 500
Icon, 1077
Identification, in literature, 339
Identity: and metaphor, 457
national, 458
personal, 33, 37, 115, 207, 316, 320
Ideology, 717, 894, 991, 1009, 1029–30
and literature, 847, 858, 947–8
Idolatry, 1077
Ignatieff, Michael (b. 1947), 104, 1051
Illich, Ivan (b. 1926), 995–6
Illusion, and reality, 462, 544
Image(s): in Blake, 280
in politics, 108
Imagination, 180, 182, 516, 745
and literature, 70, 168–9, 454
and national identity, 893
nature of, 170–1
participation in society
through, 49, 56, 268, 338, 456, 461, 492, 514, 515
Romantics on, 928
As vegetable, 239, 352, 515, 530, 724–5, 844–5, 978
Indiana State University, 359
Indians, North American, 307, 485, 1089
assimilation of mythology of, 648, 908–9
Individual, and society, 17, 41, 42, 49, 177, 206, 367–8, 390, 495, 559, 875–6
Industrial Revolution, 281, 654, 958
Infinite, 200, 260, 269, 282, 325, 566, 713, 877, 1017
Inglis, Stuart (b. 1961), interviews NF, 904–9
Innis, Harold Adams (1894–1952), 283, 457, 972, 974, 1094
Innis College, 636
Innocenti, Laura, interviews NF, 826–9
Inquisition, 675
Inspiration, 1076
Intellect, 170
Intelligence, tests of, 154
Intentionality, 59
Introversion, and technology, 311, 344, 347, 975, 998
culture of, 98, 298, 455, 485, 750, 1092
in advertising, 773
in Canadian literature, 647
Irony (mode), 55, 126–8, 169, 204, 216, 222–3, 251–2
– Book of, 868
authorship of, 652
Islam, 675, 715, 787, 905, 950
and the Koran, 397
revolutionary, 653
Israel (Biblical), 869–70
as powerless kingdom, 555–6, 683, 1009–10
Israelites, mechanical ineptness of, 555
Italian (discipline), 635
Italy: Canadian literature in, 443, 482, 860
historicism in, 449
NF’s knowledge of literature of, 442
Jackson, Stanley, interviews NF,23–7
James, Epistle of, on faith, 1015
James I (1566–1625), 817
James, Henry (1843–1916), 224, 404, 767
Edgar on, 588
occult in, 944
The Altar of the Dead (1895), 944
The Sense of the Past (1917), 944
The Turn of the Screw (1898), 944
The Wings of the Dove (1902), 409
James, William (1842–1910), 493
Jameson, Fredric (b. 1934), 1082
Jansenists, 859
Japan, 133, 135, 444, 1163n. 3
Buddhism in, 833–4
drama in, 941
man and nature in, 266–7
puppet plays in (Bunraku), 896. See also Bunraku
Jeffers, Robinson (1887–1962), 117–18
Jefferson, Thomas (1743–1826), 312, 648, 888
Jehovah, 938
Jephthah, 653
Jeremiah, 261
Jesus, 208, 271, 683, 833, 969, 1009, 1022
historical existence of, 552, 782, 1007–8
and Joshua, 558
and Old Testament, 726
– life of: death, 382
harrowing of hell, 289
and the Old Testament, 285, 288–9, 552
pattern of, 254, 285, 287, 288
significance of, 378
sinlessness, 287–8
and metaphor, 1017
by parable, 714
on the talents, 1027
on truth, 900
Jewkes, William Thomas (b. 1928), 401
persecution of, 158
and Shakespeare, 194, 756. See also Judaism
Joan of Arc (ca. 1412–31), 727
and Kafka, 728
– Book of, 663, 944, 1003, 1015
analysis of, 880, 1016, 1019–22
epitome of Bible, 1022
Joblin, Kingsley (1912–2003), 593
John, Gospel of, 288, 785, 900, 1007
Johnson, Barbara (b. 1947), 845
Johnson, Samuel (1709–84), 4, 76, 946
on novelty, 764
Johnston, Alexandra Ferguson (b. 1939), discussion with, 26
Johnston, George Benson (1913–2004), 980
And Jesus, 874
Book of, 378
Jonson, Ben (1572–1637), 530, 967
and Shakespeare, 767, 945, 947, 1084
on Shakespeare, 883–4
Joseph, M(ichael) K(ennedy) (Mike) (1914–81), 601
Joseph (Old Testament), 663
Josephus, Flavius (ca. c.e. 37–100), 555
Joshua, and Jesus, 558
Journalism, challenges of contemporary, 770–8
Journey without Arrival, 362, 457
Jovanovich, William (d. 2001), 400
Joyce, James Augustine Aloysius (1882–1941), 78, 416, 459, 582, 659, 767
Finnegans Wake (1939), 222, 667–8, 730, 945
Ulysses (1922), 222, 272, 378, 491, 662, 871, 1083
Judaeo-Christian tradition, 271
and tragedy, 252
Judaism, 380, 397, 905, 950, 1030
and Christianity, 378, 554, 754, 786–7, 834–5, 901
as revolutionary religion, 249, 250. See also Jews
Judas, 288
Juneau, Pierre (b. 1922), 997
Jung, Carl Gustav (1875–1961), 663
on archetype, 406–7, 478, 779, 942
on collective unconscious, 1069
on individuation, 387
mandalas of, 402
Jungian criticism, 1038
Justice, 14
Kafka, Franz (1883–1924): as prophet, 385
The Trial (1937), 728
Kandinsky, Vasily (1866–1944), 100, 908
Kant, Immanuel (1724–1804), 550, 1086
on purposiveness without purpose, 1069
Critique of Judgment (1790), 1069
Critique of Pure Reason (1781), 965
Kaplan, Justin (b. 1925), interviews NF, 310–16
Kattan, Naïm (b. 1928), interviews NF, xxxiv, 58–62, 74–8
Kaufman, Andrew Frederick (b. 1953), interviews NF, xxxvii, 670–80
Kearns, Lionel (b. 1937), 242
Keats, John (1795–1821), 1086
and Milton, 1068
on poet’s lack of identity, 410, 418
Ode on a Grecian Urn (1820), 609
odes, 586
Kennedy, Leo (b. 1907), 240
Kennedy, Paul, interviews NF, xxxii
Kermode, Sir Frank (b. 1919), 660
Kerouac, Jack (Jean Louis) (1922–69), 336, 632
The Dharma Bums (1958), 276
Keystone Kops, 501
Khmer Rouge, 1001
Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah (1900–89), 675
Kidd, James Robbins (Roby) (1915– 82), interviews NF, 64–73
Kierkegaard, Søren Aabye (1813–55), 270, 482, 881
and “drunken boat” construct, 961
on ethical freedom, 806
King, William Lyon Mackenzie (1874–1950), 308, 516
Kirkwood, Hilda, interviews NF, 704–8
Klinck, Carl Frederick (1908–90): ed., Literary History of Canada (1965), 971
Knight, G(eorge) Wilson (1897–1985), 593
Knister, Raymond (1899–1932): White Narcissus (1929), 980
Knowledge: and experience, 1028
Knowles, Stanley Howard (1908–97), 776
Koening, Wolf, xxxviii
Kogawa, Joy (b. 1935), 714
and the Bible,553
Korean War, 19–20
Kott, Jan (1914–2001): Shakespeare Our Contemporary (1974), 989
Krug, Rev. Charles Arthur (1906–85), 800
Kruger, Arthur M. (b. 1932), 620–1
Labyrinthe, xxxvii–xxxviii, xxxix, 107, 141
Lacan, Jacques (1901–81), 481, 663
Laforgue, Jules (1860–87), 818
Laing, R(onald) D(avid) (1927–89), 178
LaMarsh, Julia (Judy) Verlyn (1924–80), 605
Lampman, Archibald (1861–99),241
Lane, Wilmot Burkmar (1871–1960),584
clarity in, 157–9
contemporary importance of, 657–9
of conversation, 702
criticism and, 954
experiments with, 184
inclusive, 771
literary, 471–3
new approach to, 730
personal vs. impersonal, 772–5
and reality, 456
study of, 163–4
teaching of, 746
uses man, 781, 943. See also Speech
– types of, 165, 405–6, 462, 986
two, 533
Laskin, Bora (1912–84), 433
Last Supper, 287
Latin, 162
NF’s knowledge of, 577
tradition, 785–6
Laurence, Margaret (1926–87), 505, 520, 1064
The Stone Angel (1964), 458
Laurier, Sir Wilfrid (1841–1919), 888
Law, 715
as phase of revelation, 553, 554
Lawrence, D(avid) H(erbert) (1885– 1930), 203, 582, 594, 598, 646, 789, 845, 930
perverse social views of, 755
Lawton, David (b. 1948), interviews NF, xxxvii, 779–89
Layton, Irving (1912–2006), 28, 417, 443, 1064
In the Midst of My Fever (1954), 241
Leacock, Stephen (1869–1944), 132, 356, 979
changing conceptions of, 897–8
League for Social Reconstruction, 581, 596, 643
Leavis, F(rank) R(aymond) (1895–1978), 416, 755
Lee, Alvin A. (b. 1930), and Hope (1929–98): ed., Wish and Nightmare, 401
Lee, Dennis (b. 1939), 86
Discussion with, 26
Leech, Clifford (d. 1977), 608
Leisure, 72
Lemelin, Roger (1919–92), 499
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich (1870–1924), 566, 898, 1090
LePan, Douglas Valentine (1914–98): on country without a mythology, 648
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim (1729–81), 834
Lévesque, Réné (1911–87), 427–8, 566
Lévi-Strauss, Claude (b. 1908), 952
Leviathan, 398–9
Lewis, Cecil Day (1904–72), 241
Lewis, C(live) S(taples) (1898–1963), 602, 643
The Discarded Image (1964),602
Lewis, (Percy) Wyndham (1882–1957), 754
social views of, 426
Lewis, Richard Warrington Baldwin: The American Adam (1955), 311
Leyerle, John Frank (1926–2006), 621
Liberal, NF as, 934, 970–1, 1030
Liberty, 15
Mill on, 1070
Life, 1001–2
and death, 285, 290, 1028, 1065–6
Lincoln, Abraham (1809–65), 889
Gettysburg Address (1863), 411
Lindon, Mathieu, interviews NF,726–8
Line, John (1885–1970), 581, 592
Linear vs. simultaneous apprehension in reading, 119–20, 698, 714–15, 767–8
Linguistics, 162, 533, 598, 721, 1062, 1086
and criticism, 453, 456, 479, 491
linguistic model, 730
Lismer, Arthur (1885–1969), 134
crisis in, 407
Literary symbolism, NF’s graduate course in, 165
authority in, 148
and the Bible, 519–20, 568, 656–7, 668–9, 684, 787, 1003, 1068, 1099
centrality of, 74, 75, 170, 745
and class, 154
condensation and displacement in, 945
as counter-culture, 743
and criticism, 159–60, 414, 453, 483–4, 491–2, 691–2, 755, 806–7, 828
delight and instruction in, 172, 347, 966
does not argue, 953–4
does not
improve, 471
erotic, 698
as existential subject, 67
form and content in, 171–2, 214, 216, 218
function of, 455–6, 457–8, 460
as hampering category, 420
and ideology, 753–4, 847, 947–8, 950–1
and imagination, 70, 168–9, 338, 454
levels of, 159
and mathematics, 71
meaning in, 827
and morality, 714
and myth, 68–9, 161, 452, 513, 657, 950–1, 1080
no word for work of, 75
oral (see Oral culture)
pastness of, xxxiii, 59–60, 76, 167–8, 194, 339, 827, 843, 1051, 1062, 1069
popular, 349, 356–7, 520, 738, 1083–4
precrit-ical experience vs. simultaneous
apprehension in, 58–9, 119, 941
and primary concern, 858, 965–6
regionalism in, 534
and religion, 1062
response to, 844
and social
vision, 454
and style, 775
as total order of words, 295–6, 348, 402, 480, 650, 883
tradition in, 717
value judgments in (see Value judgments)
– teaching of, 68–70, 118, 157, 160, 171, 210–18, 314, 323, 1032
goal of, 408, 461–8 passim, 645
improvements in, 508
as militant activity, 408
and total verbal experience of student, 408, 422–3, 466, 767. See also Contemporary literature
English (discipline)
English literature
Modern literature
individual genres
Lithuania, 1090
Locke, John (1632–1704), 699, 987
on social contract, 514
Essay concerning
Human Understanding (1690), 263
Logic, 846
Logos: Christ as, 138
NF’s diagram of (see “HEAP” diagram)
Long, Marcus (1908–68), xvi
Lord’s Prayer, 473
Love, Christian, 47
Lowell, Mass., 1045
Lower, Arthur Reginald Marsden (1889–1988): Colony to Nation (1946), 977
Lowes, John Livingston (1867–1945),611
Lowry, Christopher (b. 1955), interviews NF, 849–57, 1113–14
Lowry, (Clarence) Malcolm (1909–57): Under the Volcano (1947), 971
Lucian (ca. c.e. 120–80), 938, 1083
Lyly, John (ca. 1554–1606): Euphues: The Anatomy of Wit (1578), 531–2, 937
Lynch, Lawrence E. (1915–2001), discussion with, 13–22
Maccabees, 556
McCarthy, Joseph Raymond (1909–57), 643, 895
McCulley, Joseph (b. 1900), discussion with, 13–22
McCulloch, Don, 83
MacDiarmid, Hugh (Christopher
Murray Grieve) (1892–1978), 646
MacDonald, Brian (b. 1928), 737
Macdonald, Sir John A(lexander) (1815–91), 232, 888, 974
McDougall, Colin (1917–84): Execution (1958), 40 & n. 2
Macdowell, Edward (1860–1906),798
McGann, Jerome, 805 & n. 25
McGibbon, Pauline (1910–2001), 433
MacGillivray, James Robertson (1902–92), 593
Machiavelli, Niccolò (1469–1527), 442
McHugh, Fiona, interviews NF, xvi
MacKinnon, Frank (b. 1919), 105
MacLean, Kenneth (1908–99), 610
MacLennan, Hugh (1907–90), 28
TwoSolitudes (1945), 99
McLuhan, (Herbert) Marshall (1911–80), 56, 283, 328, 457, 610, 611, 972, 985, 1094–5
achievement of, 510–11, 522–3, 526–7, 996–7
on counterenvironment, 488
criticism of, 61
on global village, 844
on hot and
cool media, 527
on linear vs. simultaneous media, 77, 714–15, 767–8
on medium and message, 831
The Gutenberg Galaxy (1962), 522
The Mechanical Bride (1951), 167
Understanding Media (1964), 522
MacLure, Millar (1917–91), 609–10, 611
McManus, Mike, interviews NF, 344–54
McMaster University, 358, 432, 637
Macmillan Co., 505
MacNeice, Louis (1907–63), 241
Macpherson, C(rawford) Brough (1911–87), 993
McPherson, David, interviews NF, 230–8, 275–7
McPherson, Hugo (1921–99), 610
Macpherson, (Jean) Jay (b. 1931), 243, 980
The Boatman (1957), 241
Macpherson Commission, 992–3
Report, xlii–xliii, 359, 618, 623
MacQuarrie, Murray, interviews NF, 51–7
Mailer, Norman Kingsley (1923–2007), 29, 67, 229
The Armies of the Night (1968), 186
Mallarmé, Stéphane (1842–98), 60, 784, 789, 818
Malraux, André (1901–76): The Voices of Silence (1951), 931
Mandel, Eli (Elias Wolf) (1922–92), 645, 654
discussion with, 174–89
Mao Tse-tung (or Zedong) (1893–1976), 379, 969
Marcion (ca. c.e. 100–ca. 165), 222
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (c.e. 121–80), 1010
Maritain, Jacques (1882–1973), 980
Maritimes, 102, 106, 136, 228, 235, 292, 500, 590, 734, 793, 1090
Mark, Gospel of, 785
Marlowe, Christopher (1564–93), 416
Martin, André, interviews NF, xxxix–xl, 88–144
Martin, Douglas (b. 1947), paints NF, 361
Marvell, Andrew (1621–78), 799
Marx, Karl (1818–83), 79, 128, 268, 456, 624, 834
and “drunken boat”
Das Kapital (1867), 850
Marx, Leo (b. 1919): The Machine in the Garden (1964), 311
Marxism, 52, 63, 158, 444, 447, 683, 950
and art, 171
criticism in, 481
and the future, 561
and history, 379
and ideology, 966
limitations of, 200
Morris and, 850
NF and, 67, 761–2, 846–7, 898, 1082
present appeal of, 127
and religion, 38–9
and tragedy, 252
Marxist criticism, 781, 805, 939, 940, 942, 1038
Mary Magdalene, 1007
Mass, black, 375
Massey, Walter Edward Hart (1864–1901), 434
Massey family, 599
Mass media, 49, 56, 342, 488, 501–3, 748, 766
study of, 69–70. See also Media
Mathematics, 324
and imagination, 745
importance of studying, 148–9
as language of sciences, 71, 533
Mauriac, François (1885–1970), 43
polysemous, 664–5
differences in, 30
hot and cool, 527
linear vs. simultaneous, 77, 714–15, 767–8
new, 109–10, 118. See also Electronic media
Mass media
Meech Lake Accord, 1091–2, 1095
Mellor, Bernard (ca. 1918–98), 601
Melville, Herman (1819–91), 219, 224, 225, 311
Mardi and a Voyage Thither (1849), 225
Moby-Dick (1851), 138, 223–4, 398, 937
Memorandum of Understanding, 636, 1135n. 7
Memory: importance of, 745, 821, 1018
two kinds of, 929
Menippus (fl. 250 b.c.e.), 938
Mennonites, 500
Merovingians, 1007
Merton College, NF at, 599, 600–1. See also Oxford
Messiah, 559
as hero of Bible, 557
as Jesus, 1007–8
value of, 530
Metaphorical language. See Language, subhead types of
Methodism, 94, 204, 319, 358, 797, 837, 1047
and NF, 713, 876, 917–18, 922, 1041–2
Mexico, 888
Michelangelo (Michelagniolo di Lodovico Buonarroti) (1475–1564), 865, 930
Michigan State University, 359
Mickleburgh, Bruce (d. 1987), interviews NF, xxxvii, 145–73
Middle Ages, 152, 163, 179, 456, 846, 967, 1035
art in, 395
cathedrals of, 141
church in, 379
closed mythology in, 52
cosmology of, 392
idealization of, 527
levels of meaning in, 664–5
literature in, 513
university in, 71
Middle English, 1037
Mill, Harriet Taylor (1807–58), 853
Mill, John Stuart (1806–73), 801, 969, 971
on liberty, 1070
on poetry, 948
on social contract, 514
“Chapters on Socialism” (1879), 853
Millennium, predictions for, 574, 886
Millennium (Biblical), 886
Miller, Arthur (1915–2005): Death of a Salesman (1949), 25–6
Miller, Henry (1891–1980), 472
Miller, Peter, interviews NF, 28–31
Milton, John (1608–74), 25, 60, 164, 311, 323, 412, 420, 715, 787, 799, 936, 938, 951, 986, 1023–4, 1052
and the Bible, 753, 755, 863, 922, 1068
on Christ, 225
on Classical culture, 225
Daniells on, 593
and English politics, 386–7
on heroism, 247
importance of to NF, 649, 668, 881, 955, 1087
Promethean figures in, 221
teaching of, 987–8
on Word of God in the heart, 226
Areopagitica (1644), 386
Christian Doctrine (pub. 1825), 220
Lycidas (1638), 407
Samson Agonistes (1671), 221, 247
– Paradise Lost (1667), 279, 324, 397, 568, 656, 863, 955, 988, 1002–3, 1075
God in, 957
Satan in, 18
Mind: dedicated vs. trained, 899–900
expansion of, 27
models of, 177
Miner, Marylou, interviews NF, 1067–73
Minorities, rights of, 364
Mishra, Vijay (b. 1945), interviews NF, 685–92
Mithraism, 373
Mithras, 284
Mob, 101, 111, 121–3, 155, 172, 206, 345
alienation in, 41–7
division of attention in, 544
and King Lear, 818
loss of continuity in, 715
and primary concern, 966, 1026
religion in, 77
perverse writers in, 151–2
view of human situation in, 39–47 passim. See also Contemporary literature
Molière (Jean-Baptiste Poquelin) (1622–73): on M. Jourdain’s prose (Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme, 1671), 332, 710
Mollins, Carl (b. 1931), interviews NF, 1089–96
Monasticism, new, 140
Moncton, NF at, 292, 365, 469, 470, 523, 576, 577, 578, 692, 734, 790–805, 836–7, 918–20, 963, 974, 1041, 1043, 1090
Monet, Claude (1840–1926), 130
Monotheism, 1010
Monsieur Verdoux, 566
Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de (1533–92), 48
Montcalm, Louis Joseph, Marquis de (1712–59), 143 & n. 52
Montreal, 92, 97, 144, 236, 307
Moon: cult of, 368
shots at and landings on, 116, 122, 139, 199, 298
Moore, Arthur Bruce Barbour (1906–2004), 613, 983
Moore, Brian (1921–99), 972
Morality: and art, 714
and censorship, 111–12
Moral Rearmament, 204
Morris, Lou A. (1919–2003) and Kay, 707
Morris, William (1834–96): on art and society, 849–57, 970
The Earthly Paradise (1868–70), 851
News from Nowhere (1891), 853
as author, 652
in burning bush episode, 377, 548
and Freud, 387
and Joshua, 558
Mosley, Sir Oswald (1896–1980), 601
Mother goddess. See Earth-mother goddess
Mothers of Invention, 110, 165
Mount Allison University, 800
Movie. See Film
Moyers, Bill (b. 1934), interviews NF, 887–903
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756–91), 742
as voice of music, 489
Don Giovanni (1787), 537
The Magic Flute (1791), 410, 738
Munro, Alice (b. 1931), 443, 520, 725, 978, 979, 982, 1037, 1093
Lives of Girls and Women (1971), 706
Murasaki, Shikibu (978–ca. 1031): The Tale of Genji (1925–33), 542
Musgrave, Susan (b. 1951), 689
Music, 170, 196, 215, 465, 858
form or structure in, 279, 650
impersonality in, 489
modern, 429
NF plays, 565, 734–6, 740, 797–800, 815, 876
in NF’s life, 566, 577–8, 580, 733–42 passim
Mussolini, Benito (1883–1945), 602
Mystery, 783
Mysticism, 207
Myth (mode), reappearance of, from irony, 459
Myth(s), 59, 205, 284, 290, 405, 465, 480
creation of, 513
development of, 827
displacement of, 216
vs. dogma, 269–70
and folk tale, 753
and genre, 224
and history, 551
importance of, 271, 310–11, 484
in individual lives, 1046, 1049
and literature, 68–9, 160–1, 452, 657
mutual intelligibility of, 372
and mythos (story), 296, 660, 942, 945, 1040, 1058
NF’s personal, 760, 791, 1045–8
and poetry, 231–2
and presenttense, 907–8
and projection, 515
and ritual, 369, 452. See also Mythology
Mythological: conditioning, 338, 399, 661, 716
ancestral, 1053–4
Canadian, 648
Greek, 572
importance of, 1058–60
open and closed, 51–7, 716, 1000–1
and science, 769
social, 349–50, 444, 514, 645, 716, 892–5
teaching of, 212. See also Myth
Nabokov, Vladimir (1899–1977): Lolita (1955), 29
Napoleon I (Napoleon Bonaparte) (1769–1821), 247, 811, 818, 842, 930
Napoleonic wars, 528
Narratology, 1079–80
Naturalism, 784
Natural religion, Blake on, 810, 929–30
Nature: Biblical view of, 561–2, 1006
Canadian attitude to, 130, 133
Christian view of, 139–40
and culture, 340
cycle of, 286
idealization of, 958
mankind’s relation to, 200, 265–7, 391, 457, 512, 513, 654, 657, 686–7, 807–8, 849–50, 852, 856–7, 865, 866–7, 904–9, 929, 1024–5
NF’s view of, xliii–xliv
and physics, 323
pollution and exploitation of, 529
transformation of, 389
Nazis, 34, 54, 158, 200, 602–3, 680, 750, 775, 894, 934, 1001
may love art, 714
Nazism: and FS, 765
at Oxford, 643
religious aspect of, 384
NBC, 309
NDP (New Democratic Party), 108, 983
Near Eastern Studies, 615, 626
Negroes. See Blacks
Neoplatonism, archetypes in, 779, 780
Neo-Romanticism, 459
Neptune, 1006
New College, 636
New Criticism, 314, 415, 449, 609, 649, 756, 846, 1081
New England, 102, 235, 734, 793
Newfoundland, 800
New Guinea, 372
Newlove, John (b. 1938), 689
Newman, John Henry, Cardinal (1801–90), 801–2
on education, 970
on university, 70
Lead Kindly Light, 923
Newspapers, 110, 115, 121, 342
New Statesman, 706
Newton, Sir Isaac (1642–1727), 223
Blake on, 257–8, 263, 928, 958, 1062
on the ocean of truth, 320, 902
New Yorker, 706
New Zealand, NF in, 502
NFB (National Film Board), xxxvii–xxxviii, 92, 104–5, 106, 107, 134, 364,
nichol, b(arrie) p(hillip) (1944–88), 184, 186
Nicodemus, Gospel of, 288
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm (1844–1900), 114, 203, 761, 843
and “drunken boat” construct, 961
on will to power, 1029
Nigeria, 96
Nineteenth century, 168
and Hamlet,817
Morris on, 849–57 passim
Nineteenth-century prose, NF’s course in, 801–2
Nixon, Richard Milhouse (1913–94), 894
resignation of, 749
Noah: ark of, 557
Norman, Herbert (1909–57), 643
North America, 889
crisis of confidence in, 322
Northrop, Sarah Ann, 876, 1045
Norway, 472
Nothing, 731–2
Nova Scotia, film censorship in, 543
Novels, 901
and romances, 224
New Testament, 786, 873, 1010, 1014, 1022
on faith, 1012
on hope, 53
language of, 783
mystery in, 783
and Old Testament, 288–9, 552,
557–8, 559, 726, 834, 874, 1007–8, 1060–1
sexual symbolism in, 908
Nuclear war, 731–2
Nuremberg trials, 253
Nursery rhymes, 465
O’Brien, Peter, interviews NF, 1036–9
O’Connor, Father Eric R. (d. 1980), interviews NF, 264–74
O’Connor, (Mary) Flannery (1925–64), 1093
O’Hara, Martin, interviews NF, 264–74
Objectivity, in studies, 149–50, 151
Obscenity, 111–12
Oedipus complex, 388
Ohio State University, 359
OISE (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education), 212
Old English, 1037
Old Testament, 873, 1006, 1009, 1012
Christian view of, 285, 553, 554, 557
language of, 783
and New Testament, 288–9, 552–3, 559, 726, 834, 874, 1007–8, 1060–1
xenophobia in, 683
Oliver, Hugh (b. 1929), interviews NF, xxxvi, xxxvii, 330–43
Oliver & Boyd, 962
Ong, Walter J. (1912–2003), 985
policy on higher education in, 614–16
Ontario College of Education, 592
Ontario Curriculum Institute, 331, 423
Opera, 1084
Opie, Iona (b. 1923) and Peter (1918–92): ed., Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes (1951), 192
Oracle, and wit, 742
Oracular: style, 113
utterance, 176
Oral culture, modern revival of, 76, 204–6, 428–9, 459, 474, 1064
Oratory, 411. See also Rhetoric
Orc, 810–11
cycle, 842
Order, 973
Orient: and Occident, 488
tradition of, 833
– religion of, 381
contrasted with Western religion, 267
Origen (ca. c.e. 185–ca. 254), 780, 786
Original sin, 265, 562, 713, 956
meaning of, 368
Orwell, George (Eric Arthur Blair) (1903–50), 1029–30
1984 (1949), 162, 188, 407, 711, 747, 875, 923, 1000
Osiris, 555
Owen, Ivon, 707
NF at, 12, 294, 470, 598–602, 643–4, 738, 924, 973
in nineteenth century, 856
teaching of English at, 194, 336
Oxford Group, 204
Oxford University Press, 505
Paderewski, Ignace Jan (1860–1941), 580
Page, P(atricia) K(athleen) (b. 1916), 241
Paine, Thomas (Tom) (1737–1809), 230, 386
Painting, 170, 196, 215, 218, 531, 754, 858, 929
abstract, 534
role of rejection in, 498
study of, 270
Pan, 375
Pantomime, 542
meaning of, 882
vision of, 903
Parry, Sir Charles Hubert Hastings (1848–1918), 734, 739–40, 806
Pascal, Blaise (1623–62), 1015
On good and evil, 1029
Past, 398
brought into present, 55
convention, 311–12
elegy, 407
imagery in the Bible, 874
myth, 711
Patriarchy, 1025
in narrative, 661
Patti, Adelina (1843–1919), 1096
on charity, 676
on last supper, 287
letters of,652
on liberty, 956
on spiritual body, 382
Peace, 1001
Pearson, Lester Bowles (1897–1972), 100, 430, 431, 776, 997
Penfield, Wilder (1891–1976), 335
Persia, 893
Peter, St., 381
Pharmakos, in Plato, 1085
Ph.D., 751
NF and, 294
Philosophy, 371, 745, 772, 938, 953
and art, 966
and concealed system,954
and grammar, 746
at University of Toronto, 623, 635
Physics, 907
and art, 908
nuclear, 534
Piaget, Jean (1896–1980): Structuralism (1970), 952
Picard, Laurent (b. 1927), 303
Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni, Comte (1463–94), 834
Pinter, Harold (b. 1930), 55, 178, 339
Pitt, David George (b. 1921): E.J. Pratt (1984–87), 357
Pitt, William “the Younger” (1759–1806), 386
Planck, Max Karl Ernst (1858–1947), 532
Plaskett, John, interviews NF, 430–41
Plateau Committee, 605, 613–14
Plato (ca. 428–ca. 348 b.c.e.), 11, 23, 408, 959–60, 975, 1004, 1085
on archetype, 406
dialogue in, 174–5
language of, 550
and teaching, 156
on wise man’s mind, 177
Republic, 37, 156, 176, 199, 262, 941
Plevano, Roberto, interviews NF, 832–5
Plutarch (ca. c.e. 46–ca. 120), 555
Poe, Edgar Allan (1809–49), 534
“Eureka” (1848), 954
Poem, sometimes used to mean “work of literature,” 75
centrality of, 165, 213, 405, 1097
and Classical mythology, 789
concrete, 242
and convention, 417
and criticism, 363
impersonality in, 418
language of, 188–9, 456, 459, 682
modern, 218
and myth, 231–2
poets as readers of, 195
and religion, 202–3
revival of oral, 428–9, 459, 474, 1064
sound in, 696–7
teaching of, 464–5
thought in, 61, 118, 119, 132, 549, 986, 1056
writing of, 180–1
Poet(s), 228
as hero, 490
preposterous social views of, 67, 962
role of, 492
and scientist, 1068
Political science, 402
at University of Toronto, 622
Politics, 11
and art, 966
and imaginative vision, 1031
language in, 772
and religion, 831
Polysemy, 1085
Polytheism, 1010
Pope, Alexander (1688–1744), Blake on, 279
Popper, Sir Karl Raimond (1902–94), 1000
Popular culture, 422–3
Pornography, 698–9
Portugal, 975
Positivism, 272
Poststructuralism, 846. See also Deconstruction
Pound, Ezra Loomis (1885–1972), 459, 852
perverse social views of, 67, 426, 755, 847, 962
on Usura, 407
Practice, 1034
and faith, 1013. See also Habit
Prang, Margaret (b. 1921), 434
Pratt, E(dwin) J(ohn) (1882–1964), 138, 237, 240, 356, 363, 582, 603, 605, 606, 800
hiring of, 521
influence on NF, 293, 294, 520, 521, 565
life and character of, 357–8
as teacher, 586
Towards the Last Spike (1952), 232, 974
Pre-Raphaelites, 241
Present: and past and future, 398
Preston, Melvin Alexander (b. 1921), xvi
Preview, 241
Priestley, F(rancis) E(thelbert) L(ouis) (1905–88), 610
Primitivism, 270
Princeton, 360, 611, 639, 1093
NF at, 606
Princeton University Press, 924
Pringle, Valerie, interviews NF, 836–9
Professors: diversity among, 627
unionization of, 625–6
doctrine of, 31, 53, 85, 270, 654–5
Projection, 682
Prometheus, 219–23
passim, 834
Promised Land, 558
Propaganda, 460
Prophecy, as phase of revelation, 553, 554
Prophets, 261
Biblical, 727
Language of, 775
religious and secular, 385–6
Propositions: and their negatives, 754, 976
Prose, 165
continuous, 113
and ordinary speech, 319, 330, 332, 710, 985, 1064
Protestantism, 675
anxieties of, 326
Bible in, 664
and individualism, 381
and Roman Catholic Church, 50, 55
and sin, 46
Proust, Marcel (1871–1922), 224, 228, 459
Psalms, 23, 225, 288, 663, 874
and life of Jesus, 552
and criticism, 456
Psychology, 154
as concerned (mythological) subject, 74, 75, 170
and criticism, 217, 453, 478, 480, 491, 532, 841
and literature, 61
Ptolemaic universe, 392
Puccini, Giacomo (1858–1924), 798
Punch and Judy, 540
Punishment, capital, 566–7
Puns, in the Bible, 548–9
Puppet plays, 536–45
passim, 896
Purcell, Henry (1659–95), 791
Purdy, Alfred Wellington (1918–2000), 356
Pynchon, Thomas (b. 1937), 714
Quakers, 124
Quebec Act, 894
Quebec (City), view of, 892, 920
Quebec (province), 90, 93, 102, 103, 136, 894
and Canada, 1090–2
culture of, 688
Quiet Revolution in, 516, 1090
role of artists in, 499
separatism in, 77–8, 326–7, 353, 363–4, 427, 524–5, 573, 1065. See also French Canada
Quest imagery, xxxviii
in twentieth century, 44
either/or, 1027–8
NF and, xxxiii–xxxvi
Raabe, Wilhelm Karl (1831–1910), 588
Rabelais, François (ca. 1493/94–1553), 128–9
Racine, Jean (1639–99), 967
Radicals, 115
Radio, 110, 115, 342, 438, 492, 501, 689, 748, 773
in Canada, 427
early, 792
NF heard on, xxxi
regulation of (see CRTC)
Rand, Ivan (1884–1969), 794
Ransom, John Crowe (1888–1974), on texture, 649
Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio) (1483–1520), 930
Rasky, Harry (1928–2007), interviews NF, 862–86
Reader’s Digest, 63
aloud, 468
importance of, 412, 710, 711, 747, 822, 1033
influence on writing, 341
and leisure, 403–4
process of, 119–20, 405, 698, 714–15
and recreation, 453–4, 462, 720
sequence in, 404
teaching of, 210–11, 214, 215, 330, 335–6. See also Book
Reagan, Ronald Wilson (1911–2004), 761, 893–4
Realism, xlii
philosophical, 456
and romance, 450
stupid, 446
two levels of, 446
Reality, 928
two types of, 70, 74, 170, 340, 1068–9
Reaney, James Crerar (b. 1926), 499, 724–5, 978, 980
discussion with, 3–12
A Suit of Nettles (1958), 28, 241
Blake on, 256
Rebirth, and resurrection, 287, 289
Regionalism, 499
Reid, Gilbert (b. 1942), interviews NF, 455–60, 681–4
Relevance, 167, 195, 211, 215, 276, 300, 302, 992
Religion, 11, 16, 21, 24, 302, 989, 1032
and art, 806
as concerned (mythological) subject, 67, 74, 170
contemporary, 49–50, 53, 56, 77, 198–209
passim, 380–1
and criticism, 491
dialogue in, 176
Dionysiac vs. Apollonian elements in, 381–3
and faith, 1015
and fantasy literature, 447
and infinity, 268–9
as an institution, 367
liberates, 325
and literature, 1062
nature of, 390
NF’s, 795–6, 837, 877, 917, 922–3, 1041–2
and oral teaching, 425
organized vs. individual, 326, 675–6
primitivism in, 270
and science, 14
and the secular, 900
similarities in, 301
students and, 353–4
teaching of, 473
universal intelligibility of, 372
Rembrandt (Rembrandt Harmensz.van Rijn) (1606–69), 120, 135
Renaissance, 442
art in, 395
tragedy in, 252–3
Renoir, Pierre Auguste (1841–1919), 908
Restoration, 370
comedy in, 115
Resurrection, 288–9, 874, 1008, 1014
counterpart to the Exodus, 842, 959, 1010, 1061
evidence for, 563
Revelation: meaning of, 555
phases of, in Bible, 553–5
Calvin on, 1061
ending of, 560
as phase of revelation, 553, 661
two meanings of, 1033
Reynolds, Bruce (b. 1955), interviews NF, xviii, 355–66
Reynolds, Sir Joshua (1723–92), Blake on, 258
in advertising, 462
in the Renaissance, 406
Rhodes Scholars, 194
Rhyme, 163
Rhythm, in conversation, 6
Richards, I(vor) A(rmstrong) (1893–1979), 463, 692
Richardson, John (1796–1852), 227
Richler, Daniel (b. 1957), interviews NF, 1055–66
Richler, Mordecai (1931–2001), 861, 890, 1037, 1064
Riel, Louis (1844–85), 143, 232
Riesman, David (b. 1909), 73
The Lonely Crowd (1950), 41
Rimbaud, (Jean Nicolas) Arthur (1854–91), 60, 104, 118
on dérèglement, 185
and “drunken boat” construct, 961
as prophet, 385
Un Saison en enfer (1873), 114
Ritual: fossilized, 376
Robarts Library, 617
Robbe-Grillet, Alain (b. 1922), 228
Roberts, Sir Charles George Douglas (1860–1943), 241, 724
Orion (1880), 240
Robertson, James, interviews NF, 278–82
Robins, John Daniel (1884–1952), 582, 593, 603, 605, 606, 1003
influence on NF, 293, 520, 565, 585–6
tribute to, 356–7
Robson, John Mercel (1927–95), 610
Rochdale College, 84
Role-playing, 177–8
Roman Catholic Church, 32, 36, 38, 39, 286, 539, 988, 1030, 1047
and the Bible, 664
doctrinaire, 786
prejudice against, 788
and Protestantism, 50, 55, 917
and popular literature, 1082–4
and realism, 450
and Romanticism, 960
as secular scripture, 310
Romance (mode), reappearance of from irony, 459
analogy of with modern age, 380
religion in, 380
Romantic movement/Romanticism, 143, 221, 247, 265, 294, 648, 944
gnosticism in, 222
idea of creativity in, 490
ideology in, 967
on imagination, 171
revolutionary cosmos of, 957–61
and romance, 960
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (1882–1945), 323
Roper, Gordon Herbert (b. 1911), 610
Rosenberg, Alfred (1893–1946): The Myth of the Twentieth Century (1930), 765, 934
Ross, George (1875–1967), 577, 734, 735, 739, 797–8, 806
Rotstein, Abraham (b. 1929), 304
Roughley, Alan (b. 1952), interviews NF, 685–92
Roundheads, 370
Rousseau, Jean Jacques (1712–78), 265, 456, 818, 953
and Blake, 958
on social contract, 514
Royal Society, 599
Royalty, advantages of, 688
Rubens, Peter Paul (1577–1640), 930
Ruddick, Bruce (1913–92), 241
Ruskin, John (1819–1900), 529, 801
and Morris, 849, 850, 852, 857
Russell, Bertrand, 3rd Earl Russell (1872–1970), 580
on concealed system, 954
and propaganda, 337–8
Russia, 117, 133, 230, 444, 966, 1051, 1090
literary language in, 471, 473
and U.S., 158
Ruth, 191
Book of, 378
Rymer, Thomas (1641–1713), on Othello, 415, 946
Sade, Donatien Alphonse François, Marquis de (1740–1814), 958
Saint-Denys-Garneau, Hector de (1912–43), 62, 234
St. Michael’s College (Toronto), 439, 582, 583, 610, 636, 988
Saints, 1063
Salinger, J(erome) D(avid) (b. 1919), 29
The Catcher in the Rye (1951), 472
Salusinszky, Imre (b. 1955), interviews NF, xxxvii, 685–92, 752–65
Samhain, 376
Sandwell, B(ernard) K(eble) (1876–1954), 63
San Quentin prison, 56
Sartre, Jean-Paul (1905–80), 39, 43, 177, 398, 881
Saskatchewan, NF in, 291, 325, 341, 434, 935–6
Satan, cult of, 375
NF and, 938
Significance of, 63
Saussure, Ferdinand de (1857–1913), 658
Savonarola, Girolamo (1452–98), 385
Scandinavia, and Canada, 96, 230
Schatzker, Valerie, interviews NF, xxxvii, 575–641
Schiller, Bill, interviews NF, 821–5
Scholarship, 72, 119, 946, 995
specialization in, 270, 277, 701–2, 763–4, 990, 1032
and teaching, 64, 156, 487, 490
useful and useless, 588–9
Schools, 147
authority in, 153
secondary, 149
Schopenhauer, and “drunken boat” construct, 958, 961
Schubert, Franz (1797–1828): Impromptus, 735
Schumacher, Ernst Friedrich (1911–77): Small Is Beautiful (1973), 725 & n. 982
Science, 66–7, 74, 149, 402, 513, 901, 1004, 1005, 1059
passim; authority in, 490
and humanities, 277, 361, 452–3, 528–9, 532, 744–5, 1068–9
and language, 1011
and mythology, 769
order in, 973
and religion, 14
studies nature, 170, 340, 902–3, 904, 1057
and tragedy, 907
truth in, 17. See also Arts and sciences
Science fiction, 164, 296, 445, 446, 459, 651, 944, 1083
SCM (Student Christian Movement), 595–6
Scott, Duncan Campbell (1862–1947), 237
Scott, Francis Reginald (1899–1985),241
Scott, Sir Walter (1771–1832), 143, 1084
NF reads in youth, 572, 576, 805, 836, 1046
Sculpture, 340
Seaway, 90
Second Vatican Council, 35, 38
Seeley, John R. (b. 1913), 153
Self: nature of, 16–17
real (see Identity, personal)
Semiotics, 456, 533, 721, 1062, 1086
Semon, Larry (1889–1928), 134
Sendak, Maurice (b. 1928), 212
Sennet, Mack (1880–1960), 134
Senses, as filters, 677
in Canada, 88, 308, 485, 492 (see also under Quebec)
Serbo-Croatian, 1094
Sesame Street, 540
in education, 823
and the fall, 867, 872, 1023, 1025
imagery in the Bible, 559, 908
Shackleton, Deborah (b. 1951), interviews NF, xxxii, 487–95
Shakespeare, William (1564–1616), 25, 120, 154, 164, 172, 294, 311, 348, 397, 408, 412, 420, 423, 538, 541, 586, 593, 649, 678, 726, 787, 921, 951, 967
and Jews, 824
morality of, 714
pastness of, 76–7, 167, 194, 634, 817, 882–3, 883–4, 989, 1051–2, 1069
performance of, 566, 1087, 1095–6
popularity of, 767
and popular literature, 1084
time in, 1075–6
uniqueness of, 884–5
value judgments on, 66, 415–16, 463, 466, 480, 508, 530, 651, 828, 945–6, 947
Antony and Cleopatra (1623), 818
Cymbeline (1623), 538
Hamlet (1603), 538, 566, 816, 817–18, 944
Henry V (1600), 247
King John (1623), 819
King Lear (1608), 25–6, 170, 566, 650, 816, 818, 819, 944, 1083
Macbeth (1623), 68, 251, 557, 728, 1083
Measure for Measure (1623), 538
The Merchant of Venice (1600), 756, 824
The Merry Wives of Windsor (1602), 884
A Midsummer Night’s Dream (1600), 928
Othello (1622), 251, 415, 538, 944, 946, 1084
Richard II (1597), 819
Romeo and Juliet (1597), 195–6
Sonnets (1609), 885
The Taming of the Shrew (1623), 884
The Tempest (1623), 450, 526, 538, 544, 562, 566
Titus Andronicus (1623), 884
The Winter’s Tale (1623), 251, 450, 538, 566, 1076, 1084
Shaw, George Bernard (1856–1950), 81, 792, 867
on evolution, 382
on Book of Job, 1020
on youth, 1034
Arms and the Man (1898), 795
Saint Joan (1924), 875
Shaw, (John) Neufville (1915–96), 241
Shea, Albert A. (b. 1916), 707
Shearer, Norma (1902–83), 195
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft (1797–1851): Frankenstein (1818), 419
Shelley, Percy Bysshe (1792–1822), 589, 967, 1086
cosmos of, 959–60
A Defence of Poetry (1821), 953
Ode to the West Wind (1820), 586
Prometheus Unbound (1820), 220, 221, 222, 278, 959
Sherbrooke, NF in, 265, 523, 576, 577, 733, 790, 876, 918, 1043
Shields, Thomas Todhunter (1873–1955), 788 & n. 6
Shinto, 267
Shook, Father Lawrence Kennedy (1909–93), 609
Short story, 706
Sidney, Sir Philip (1554–86), 164
Siena, NF visits, 567
Silversides, Ann (b. 1952), interviews NF, xlv–xlvi, 1043–54
Simplicity, 21–2
Sinclair, Lister (1921–2006), 3–12
Sirluck, Ernest (b. 1918), 617, 623
Sixties movements, 344, 370. See also Student Protest Movement
Sky-father god, 866
Slavery, 842
Sloan, Glenna (b. 1930), interviews NF, 210–18
Slovenia, 1093–4
Smart, Christopher (1722–71), 14
Smith, Arthur James Marshall (1902–80), 240, 241
Smith, Howard Kingsbury (b. 1914), 601
Last Train from Berlin (1942), 600
Smith, Sidney Earle (1897–1959), 613
Smith, Whitney, interviews NF, 718–19
Smith, W(illiam) Lyndon (1905–79): discussion with, 3–12
Smyth, Delmar McCormack, interviews NF, 64–73
Social Gospel, 580–1
Social science, 149, 361, 453, 532, 841
at U of T, 635
Social vision, 7–8, 12, 37, 270, 454, 514, 655, 1016
and literary imagination, 168–9
Social work, vision of goal of, 37, 514, 655, 1016
Sociology, as mythological subject, 74, 75
Socrates (469–399 b.c.e.), 550, 859
death of, 373
and dialectic language, 1005
role in Platonic dialogue, 174–83 passim
as teacher, 23, 489, 987, 1063
his wisdom, 553–4
Solomon, William, 1048
Somerville, Janet, interviews NF, 245–53
Song of Songs, 873
bride in, 1025
Sophocles (ca. 496–405 b.c.e.): Antigone, 819
Souster, Raymond (b. 1921), 243
Soviet Union, 470, 475, 749, 761, 895, 932, 1091
art in, 446
NF in, 1163n. 3
Civil War in, 470
Spanish, 635
Specialization. See under Scholarship
Speech: importance of articulate, xxx, 331–4, 341, 713, 745, 747, 822
rhythm of, 985
Spencer, Theodore (1902–49), 430
Spender, Sir Stephen Harold (1909–95), 241
Spengler, Oswald (1880–1936), 764, 1035
and Toynbee, 380
The Decline of the West (1918), 922, 931–2, 933
Spenser, Edmund (ca. 1552–99), 60, 164, 669, 1095
projected work on, 936
Faerie Queene (1590–96), 670, 936
Spicer, Keith (b. 1934), 1091
Stalin, Joseph (Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili) (1879–1953), 926
Stalinism, 187, 446, 470, 580, 596, 643
Stamberg, Susan (b. 1938), interviews NF, 720–2
Stein, Gertrude (1874–1946), 69, 332
Steiner, George (b. 1929), 151
Language and Silence (1967), 174, 182–3, 188
Stevens, Peter, discussion with, 243
Stevens, Wallace (1879–1955), 118, 127, 314, 404
beliefs of, 964–5
on imperfect as paradise, 561, 882, 1085
and NF, 668, 692, 758–9, 963–4, 1071
and the poetic tradition, 1067–8
supposed conversion of, 1071
Anecdote of the Jar (1923), 265–6
Description without Place (1945), 964
Final Soliloquy of the Interior Paramour (1953), 1067
Forms of the Rock in a Night Hymn (1954), 759
Harmonium (1923), 692, 758, 963, 1071
The Man on the Dump (1923), 266
Not Ideas about the Thing but the Thing Itself (1964), 757–8
Of Mere Being (The Palm at the End of the Mind) (1954), 759, 1067
Prologues to What Is Possible (1954), 759
Stewart, David, interviews NF, 400–12 passim
Stobie, Bill, 594
Stobie, Margaret Roseborough (Peggy) (1909–90), 594, 631
Stock response, 463
Stoker, Bram (1847–1912): Dracula (1897), 824
in NF’s family, 1044–7. See also Mythoi
Stowe, Harriet Beecher (1811–96): Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852), 585
Stratford Shakespearean Festival, 586, 737, 819, 1087
Strauss, David Friedrich (1808–74): Life of Jesus (trans. 1846), 784
Stravinsky, Igor (1882–1971), 429
Structuralism, 453
Structure: in education, 192–3
importance of, 179–82
in literature, 59
and texture, 846. See also Form
Student protest movement, 80–7
passim, 129, 312–13, 359–60, 426–7, 438–9, 446, 476, 581, 619, 623–4, 629–31, 991–3, 1032, 1052
Student(s), 691
active participation of, 467
American vs. Canadian, 307, 506–7
and choice of subjects, 148–9, 276
earnest, 899
and the media, 115
new modes of apprehension among, 119, 120
relation to teachers (see under Teacher(s)); and religion, 353–4
speech of, 710–11
of today, 631–2, 633, 749, 993–4
total verbal experience of, 651, 710, 767, 899
writing style of, 712
– NF’s, 83, 318, 321, 631, 750
their lack of historical sense, 371, 645, 1051–2
new awareness among, 110, 118, 406
NF’s relation with, 423–4, 436–7, 570, 638
postwar, 605
speech of, 1064. See also Student Protest Movement; Youth
Subject, and object, 429, 657–8, 986
Subject(s) (of study): choice of, 148–9, 319
relations between, 156–7
structure in, 146–7
two kinds of, 170
worth of all, 535
Substance, 382
Sun, worship of, 392
Sunday, 369
Surerus, (John) Alvin (1894–1976), 583
Surrealism, 705
Suvin, Darko (b. 1930), 482
Swearing, 6
Sweden, 133
Swedenborg, Emmanuel (1688–1772), 938
Swift, Jonathan (1667–1745), 594, 921
Gulliver’s Travels (1726), 45, 181, 937–8
Switzerland, 96
Symbol(s): in films, 70
social, 117
two meanings of, 780
Symmetry, Blake’s idea of, 278–82
Tansey, Charlotte, interviews NF, 264–74
Tantalus, 1015
Tarot, 459
Taste, history of, 946
Tchaikovsky, Piotr Ilyich (1840–93), 489
Teacher(s): dedicated, 899
good, 197
inadequacies of some, 1100–1
as medium for subject, 82–3, 487–8, 489, 735–6, 802 1063, 1098
NF’s, 714
personal influence of, 640–1
– relation with students, 150, 632–3, 987
importance of, 823–4
at university, 641. See also Teaching
Teaching: graduate, 990
magic in, 161–2
as militant, 320, 488, 489, 690
by parable, 714
personal influence in, 597
repetition in, 190–1
and scholarship, 64, 156, 487, 490
seminar vs. lecture in, 360, 644
and student’s total verbal experience, 651, 710, 767, 899
undergraduate, 990
at university, 81–7 passim.
See also Lecture; Professors; Seminar; Student(s); Teachers; individual subjects
Technology, 88, 108, 139, 142, 299, 484, 529, 573–4, 619
effects of, 995–1000
and introversion, 311, 344, 347, 975
Television, 110, 122, 172, 195, 408, 492, 544, 655, 689, 714, 715, 743, 853, 881, 975
American influence on Canadian, 233
effects of, 114, 115, 118, 308, 313, 342, 347, 438–9, 448, 504, 515, 748–9, 768–9, 773
importance of studying, 824
and introversion, 998–9
mass entertainment on, 501, 503
regulation of (see CRTC); spurious action seen on, 103
violence on, 345–6
Tennessee, 365
Tenniel, Sir John (1820–1914), 196
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord (1809–92), 52, 696, 979
Tenure, 628–9
Teunissen, John J., interviews NF, 219–26
Text, 1011
what? where? 462
Thackeray, William Makepeace (1811–63), 694
Thatcher, Margaret Hilda (b. 1925), 1091
Theology, 450
and art, 966
Thériault, Yves (1915–83), 1037
Thinking: and habit, 746
nature of, 24, 83, 148, 180, 197
nonconceptual, 986, 1005–6, 1017
poetic, 61, 118, 119, 132, 549, 986, 1056
Thirty Years’ War, 761
Thomas, St., doubt of, 562–3
Thomas, Dylan Marlais (1914–53), 407, 646
Thomas More Institute, xvi
Thomist criticism, 939, 940, 942
Thompson, David (1770–1857), 500
Thomson, James (1700–48), 979
Thomson, Tom (1877–1917), 91
Thor, 399
Thucydides (ca. 469–ca. 400 b.c.e.), 782
Histories, 371
Thurber, James Grover (1894–1961): The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (1941), 24, 746
Time, 116
beginning of, 864
Biblical notion of, 653–4
importance of understanding, 633, 634
and the timeless, 290
in tragedy and comedy, 1076
unreality of, 572
– and space: Blake on, 260
ordinary vs. Biblical conception of, 1016–17
transcendence of, 200
Time Magazine, 775
Titan, 143
Titus, Emperor (c.e. 39–81), 873
Tolkien, J(ohn) R(onald) R(euel) (1892–1973), 388, 445, 447, 459, 1083
Tolstoy, Count Leo Nikolayevich (1828–1910), 473, 966
Tomkinson, Constance (b. 1915), 578 & n. 3
Tomkinson, Harold (1885–1944), 578 & n. 3
Toqueville, Alexis Charles Henri Clérel de (1805–59), 101
Toronto, 144, 236, 272, 307, 892
immigration to, 92, 97, 102, 234, 335
in 1930s, 580
Toynbee, Arnold Joseph (1889–1975), 1035
and Spengler, 379–80
Tradition, cultural, 717
Tragedy, 120
and the Bible, 557
and comedy, 414, 742, 1020, 1076
Greek, 557
historical periods favouring, 252–3
and science, 907
Transubstantiation, 382
Traynor, Tim, interviews NF, 28–31
Tree: imagery in the Bible, 379, 663–4, 872
of life and of death, 287, 1023
Trent University, 358
Trinity, the, 1012
Trinity College (Toronto), 431, 439, 583, 593, 608, 610
Trotsky, Leon (alias of Lev Davidovich Bronstein) (1879–1940), 52
Trotskyism, 470, 580, 596, 643, 762
Trudeau, Pierre Elliott (1919–2000), 94, 96, 126, 183, 516, 523, 688, 747, 772
Trusler, Rev. John (1755–1820), 1057 & n. 4
Truth, 17
of correspondence, 405
and language, 1005
in VC inscription, 900–1
in verbal structures, 782–3
Tudor dynasty, 1076
Turkey, 270
Twain, Mark (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) (1835–1910), 15, 224
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884), 472, 695, 824
Typology, 658, 674, 1008–9, 1075
in the Bible, 557–8
UFOs, 391–2
Ukrainians, in Canada, 234, 500
Unconscious, collective, 1069
Underwood Typewriter Co., 920
United Church, 48
NF and, 291, 292, 306, 325–6, 425, 591–2, 676–7, 814, 935, 983, 1011–12, 1056
and union, 326
Bicentennial of, 312
blacks in, 1092
changing consciousness in, 444
culture of, 117–18, 503–4, 889–91
excess in, 1026
fundamentalism in, 365
literature in (see American literature); national character of, 314
NF and, 1064–5
politics in, 895–7
religion in, 381
and Russia, 158
segregation in, 155
social mythology of, 716, 894–5
student movement in, 629
universities in, 364, 433, 611, 614–15, 639–40
and Vietnam, 966
American domination of Canadian universities, 611, 621–2
“Canadianization” of U.S., 443
contrasting histories of, 444, 648
contrasting size of, 972
cultural influence of U.S., 77, 91–2, 97, 121, 122, 150, 233, 241, 332, 501–4, 505, 524–5, 917, 997, 1092–3
difference in frontier and seaboard, 237, 244, 443–4, 457, 646–7, 975–6
difference of power in world, 96, 97, 230
difference re.immigration, 234
different views of revolution, 525, 687–8
economic domination of U.S., 308, 352
similarities and differences, 93–4, 306–7, 312, 888–93
and Star Wars scheme, 761
U.S. consciousness of Canada, 887–8, 889
Unity, and uniformity, 235, 259, 444, 485
University(ies): access to, 155
American influence in Canadian, 121, 150
authority of, 715
as community, 700–1
continuing education in (see Adult education); as engine-room of society, 738
importance of, 690–1
many capable of education in, 615
meaning of word, 1035
medieval, 71
popular prejudice against, 690
teaching at, 81–7
passim, 990
unrest in, 141
value of education in, 23–7, 474–5, 703
and writers, 228
– as institution, 79–80, 152–3, 277, 438
administration of, 606–7, 625–6
continuous, 715
and the establishment, 762
funding of, 620–1
government role in, 639–40
growth of, 616, 749, 760–1, 990
tenure question, 628–9
in adult education, 72
showing reality, 749–50
in society, 361–2, 709, 762–3, 989. See also Professors; Student Protest Movement
University (film), xxxviii
University of Bordeaux, 505
University of British Columbia, 356, 593
University College (Toronto), 361, 413, 582–3, 593, 608, 609–10, 636
University of Guelph, 358, 432
University of Hong Kong, 601
University of Ljubljana, 1094
University of Moncton, 1090
University of Toronto, 283, 700
distinction of, 150, 359, 432, 475, 521, 623–4, 637
Faculty Association of, 626
federation at, 277, 360–1, 431–3, 437, 438, 521–2, 598, 624, 625, 634–7
history of, 575–641 passim
NF as student at, 576, 590–1, 595–8
NF as teacher at, xxxvii, xlii–xliii, 644
undergraduate instruction in, 990. See also English (discipline)
Honour Course
Victoria College
University of Toronto Quarterly. See Frye, “Letters in Canada”
University of Waterloo, 358
Untermeyer, Louis (1885–1977): American Poetry since 1900 (1923), 963
Urizen, 810–11
U-shaped narrative, 351
Utopia, 154
Utopian literature, 1039
Valéry, Paul (1871–1945), 60, 104, 459
on cosmology, 954
Value judgments (in criticism), 62, 66, 714, 973
cannot be taught, 211, 408, 466–7
not the goal of criticism, 415–17, 754
as working assumptions subject to revision, 480, 508, 650–1, 828–9
Values: in education, 150, 157, 170
human, 13–22
Vancouver, 143
Vancouver Island, 499
Van Toorn, Peter (b. 1944), 1037
Varsity, The, interviews NF, 317
Vaughan, Harold Withrow (1908–89), 935
Victoria College/University, 474
Alumni Association of, 439–40
Class of 1933 at, 691, 910, 913
NF as Chancellor of, 430–1, 434, 436, 441
NF as student at, 291–5, 355, 432–3, 469–70, 520–1, 522, 578–85, 642–3, 736–8, 793, 800, 802, 878, 920–1, 1048
NF as teacher and administrator at, xxxvii, 295, 300–1, 584, 595 & nn. 26–7, 603–41
passim, 701, 737, 924, 983–4, 1038
relation to U of T, 431–3, 636
and United Church, 358, 435, 579–80, 590
Velikovsky, Immanuel (1895–1979), 551
Verdi, Giuseppi (1813–1901), 798
Fal-staff (1893), 742
Verlaine, Paul (1844–96), 104
Verne, Jules (1828–1905), 1083
Versailles, 130
Vico, Giambattista (1668–1744), 442, 1035
on verum factum, 810, 842, 928, 1013, 1059
Victorian Age, 540, 541, 703, 706
individualism and art in, 718
literature of, 241
Vidan, Ivo (1927–2003), interviews NF, 1079–88
Vietnam, 1009
War, 36, 187, 313, 470, 631, 749, 895, 966
Vinke, Karen, interviews NF, 766–9
Virgil (Publius Vergilius Maro) (70–19 b.c.e.), 235, 391
Aeneid, 667
Vision: Blake on, 927
double, 1057
Visualization, in reading, 694
Wadsworth, Jerry, interviews NF, 28–31
Waley, Arthur (1889–1969), 542
Wallace, Anthony, discussion with, 3–12
Wallace, Edward Wilson (1880–1941), 589
Wars of the Roses, 1076
Washington, George (1732–99), 888
Wasteneys, Hardolph (1881–1965), 607
Water imagery: in the Bible, 873, 874
and tree imagery in the Bible, 379
Waterloo University, 432
Waterston, Elizabeth (b. 1922), 935
Webber, Christopher, interviews NF, 904–9
Webster, Dr. Clarence (1863–1950), 792 & n. 3
Webster, John (ca. 1580–ca. 1626), 416
The Duchess of Malfi (1623), 26
Weddings, 369
Wellington, Duke of (Arthur Wellesley) (1769–1852), 247
Wells, H(erbert) G(eorge) (1866–1946), 795
Western (genre), 237, 350, 1083
Wheel imagery, 996
Whigs, 444
White, Hayden (b. 1928), 1081–2
White, Patrick (1912–90), 690
Voss (1957), 687
Whitehead, Alfred North (1861–1947): Science and the Modern World (1925), 931, 933
Whitman, Walt (1819–92), 363, 407, 727, 889, 895, 976
Widdicombe, Jane (b. 1943), 543, 574, 808
Wilde, Oscar Fingall O’Flahertie Wills (1854–1900), on effect of music, 800
Will, relaxation of, in writing, 179, 671
Wilson, Edmund (1895–1972), 1064
Wilson, Milton Thomas (b. 1923), 707
Wilson, Tim, interviews NF, 729–32
Wimsatt, William K. (1907–75), on NF, 414–15
Winkler, Donald (b. 1940), interviews NF, 709–17
Winnipeg, 234
Winspear, Mary (d. 1998), 594
Wisdom, 1033
and knowledge, 27, 83, 271, 273
and literature, 663
as phase of revelation, 553–4
Wiseman, Adele (b. 1928): The Sacrifice (1956), 234
Witchcraft, 375
Withdrawal, 1070
vs. involvement in world, 32, 36–41 passim. See also Detachment
Wittgenstein, Ludwig Joseph Johann (1889–1951), 176
Wolfe, James (1727–59), 143 & n. 52
Wolfe, Morris, interviews NF, 506–9
Women: in the Bible, 866
Liberation of, 771
at VC, 581, 604. See also Feminism; Patriarchy
Woodcock, George (1912–94), 422
Woodhouse, A(rthur) S(utherland) P(igott) (1895–1964), 582, 587, 596, 598, 608–10
Woodstock Festival, 383
Woodsworth, Kenneth Chown (1914–2006), 595
Word (of God), 226
Christ as, 662
and words, 730
Words: function of, 290, 405–6, 420
power of, 869–70
as verbal universe, 954
and the Word, 730
Wordsworth, William (1770–1850), 401, 412, 429
on nature, 958
on recollection in tranquillity, 418
The Prelude (1805, 1850), 194
Worlds, two. See Reality, two types of
Work: ethic, 370
and play, 273
World War I, 790, 855, 919, 1043
at U of T, 603–4
Wright, Judith (1915–2000), 687
Wright, Wilbur (1867–1912), and Orville (1871–1948), 1012
Writer: authority of, 690
commercial pressures on, 981
and critic, 30, 75, 76, 492, 981
may have preposterous social views, 426. See also Book
and relaxation of the will, 179, 671
social importance of, 711, 747
and speech, 710–11
teaching of, 196–7, 330–5, 463, 467–8, 985
Yale University, 431, 611, 614–15, 639
Yan, Peter (b. 1963), interviews NF, xxxii, 1097–1101
Yates, Dame Frances (1899–1981): The Art of Memory (1966), 932
Yeats, William Butler (1865–1939), 459, 961
on masks, 543
on poetry, 418
on refuting Hegel, 953
social views of, 67, 426, 755, 934, 962
on wisdom, 185
A Vision (1937), 954
York cycle of plays, 347–8
Yorkville, 208
Young, (George) Paxton (1819–89), 635 & n. 66
Youngblut, Donna, discussion with, 25
Youth, 125
anti-ironic mood among, 126–8
and drugs, 114
ideology of, 448
new modes of perception among, 114, 120
of 1960s, 370
possibility of communication with, 186–7
religious impulse in, 204
and sex, 447
speech of, 747. See also Students
Yugoslavia: AC in, 477–8
literature of, 482
Zachariah, 288
Zanzibar, 168