Adams, Charles B., 219–20, 230, 242–43
Admin Box, 81–82
Air Commandos: control of, 123, 124, 149; criticism of, 121–22; enthusiasm for concept, 204; establishment of, 122–23, 149–50, 151; organizational structure of, 150–52; personnel for, 151–52; principles for use of, 122, 149; service groups to support, 150–51; survival of concept, 249–50. See also 1st Air Commandos (1st ACG); Project 9; 2nd Air Commandos (2nd ACG); 3rd Air Commandos (3rd ACG)
Air Transport Command (ATC), 138–39, 151–52
airborne engineers company, 39, 73, 74, 76, 80, 97, 104
Airdrome Squadron (ADS), 126, 136, 151, 154, 155, 205, 206
Akyab Island, 45, 46–47, 48, 183, 184, 190–91
Alexander, Scott M., 229
Alison, John R.: ACG creation, viii–ix; Arnold, correspondence with, 17; belly tank installation, 244; bomber support for LRPGs, 64; Broadway airfield construction, 97; Broadway command of, 95, 98; C-47 flight, 100–101; career of, 14, 15–19; character of, 14; decorations awarded to, 18; Eisenhower, meeting with, 123; Fifth Air Force, move to, 230; glider landings at Broadway, 95, 96–97; glider training, 38; initiative of, 29; Mindanao plans, 209; nickname for, 14; Operation Thursday, 70; Piccadilly, 88, 91; Project 9, viii, 3, 14, 19, 23, 25–26, 34; restrictions against flying, 78–79; return to U.S., 118, 123; 2nd ACG training, 157; survival of ACG concept, 249; 3rd ACG planning, 203, 204; vertical envelopment plan, 124; YR-4s, acquisition of, 35
animals, 49, 67, 68, 87, 138, 160
Anisakan airfield, 107, 109–10, 111, 113, 117, 118
Any Place, Any Time, Anywhere, 82, 250
Arakan, Burma, vii, 5, 7, 9, 45, 48, 75, 172
Arnold, Henry H. “Hap”: ACG, additional units of, 122–23, 149–50, 203; ACG, principles for use of, 122, 124, 149; ACG, use of, 155–56, 249; ACG creation, ix–x, 3; Air Blitz Unit, 10–11; aircraft support offer, viii, 11, 13–14; Alison, correspondence with, 17; bomber support for LRPGs, 65; British operations in Burma, 123; C-47 replacement, 61; command arrangements, 43; fighter squadron activation, 125; 1st ACG, 38–39, 122; in Iceland, 29; LRPG interest of, 10–11; opinion of Alison and Cochran, 29; Project 9, viii, 23–26, 32; at Quadrant Conference, viii; redesignation of 5318th Provisional, 70; report on USAAF activities, 249; Wingate, meeting with, 10
Arnold, William W., 34
Ash, Paul B., 154
Aswell, Ulysses S., 206
Auchinleck, Claude, 12, 44–46, 47, 48–49, 51, 55
Aungban airfield, 107, 113–14, 143
B-25H Mitchells, 64–65, 71, 79, 85, 104–5, 120, 127, 139–40
Balchen, Bernt, 29
Baldwin, John E. A., 44, 81–82, 88, 90, 91, 100, 121
Ball, Alfred J. “Jack”, Jr., 152, 197
Ball, Marion C., 132
Barry, Henry, 126
Beasley, David C., 126
Beck, Robert A., 167
Bishop, Wayne, 168–69
Bleecker, John C., Jr., 243
Boebel, Richard W., 33, 93, 103
bombing missions: airfields, 108–11, 112–14, 117, 118–20, 131–35, 140–41, 143, 166, 174–82, 184–88; Biscuit Bomber missions, 224; bridges, 115–16, 135, 140, 141, 142–43; control system, 105; dive-bombing attack, 77–78; enemy ships, 225; Formosa, 225–30; Luzon, 218–20; Night Intruder Section, 139–40; oil refineries, 143; Operation Eruption, 133–35; Operation L, 131–33; radar stations, 181; road reconnaissance missions, 117; supply installations, 105–6, 117
Bonham, Ernest C., 34
Borrow, George, 84
Brackett, Robert, 97
British IV Corps: air transport need requirements, 54; Burma operations planning, 47; interest in and contributions to Burma operations, 11–12, 47, 50, 123; Operation Multivite, 144–45; 2nd ACG support for, 165–66, 188, 190–91; tasks after LRPG disruptions, 9
Broadway, Burma: airfield at, 95, 96–97; closing of, 103; command of, 88, 95, 98; decision to only use, 91; defense of, 101; glider landings at, 94–97; Japanese assault on, 101–2, 103; Olson’s command of, 88; radio communication, 95–96, 97–98; reconnassiance flights, 87, 89; success of missions to, 101; supply missions, 98
Brodie, Thomas, 52
Brook, Charles, 170–71
Brooke, Alan, 44
Brookfield, Donald S., 153
Brown, Joe E., 241
Bulack, Joseph T., 240
Burger, Roy, 169–70
Burma, 6; ACG use in, x; air transport need requirements, 47, 49, 54–55; Allies’ offensives in, x, 11–12; end of war in, 199; HA-GO (Z Operation), 75; Japanese control of, vii, 5; plans for operations in, 47–50, 69; priority of operations in, 44–47; rainy season in, viii, 9; strategic value of, 184; supply missions, 78; withdrawal from, 190. See also Thursday, Operation
Buxton, William E., 154, 177, 178, 188
C-47 Skytrain: character of pilots, 36; characteristics and capabilities of, 30; combat operations record, 120; glider training, 37–38, 61; gliders tow arrangement, 38, 85; inspection of, 57; loading of, 86, 87, 88; loss of, 224; LRPG use of, 10; maneuvers, 66, 68; reactivated 1st ACG use of, 126; request for, 32, 71; runway needs for, 99; supply missions, 63, 80; training maneuvers, 62, 63
Calasiao airfield, 221–22, 223
Calvert, Michael “Mad Mike”, 5, 52, 90, 91, 95, 96–98, 104, 105
Caniff, Milton, 14–15
Cannon, John K., 23
Carter, Charles C., Jr., 206
Carter, Olin B., 112, 114, 119, 126
Casey, Patrick H., 34, 73, 74, 80, 95
Chambers, Robert, 64
Chase, Levi R., Jr,: bombing missions, 174–78, 184, 185; command arrangements, 152, 164; decorations awarded to, 187; IV Corps, support for, 165; Operation Multivite, 144, 145; rescue mission, 182–83; return to U.S., 197; rice paddy landing, 181–83; in Tunisia, 22
Chennault, Claire, vii, 15, 18, 43, 54
Cherry, William T., Jr., 33–34, 66, 91–92, 94
Chiang Kai-Shek, vii, 12, 15, 42, 127–29, 137–38
Childs, Milford N., 206
China: air route for, 46, 48; priority of operations in, 45–46; 2nd ACG in, 247; strength of, 11; supplies for, 44–45
China–Burma–India (CBI) theater, vii, 8, 12, 127–29
Chindits: aircraft support for, 49, 62–63, 77–78, 79–80, 105–6; flights over assault area, 60; formation of, viii, 5; Indaw, march to, 79–80, 83–85; Mutaguchi’s opinion of, 94; name, source of, viii, 5; Operation Longcloth, 5, 7; supplies for, 80, 85, 103–4; terrain covered by, 80; troops in, viii, 5; withdrawal of, 127, 156
Chindwin River, ix, 7, 47–48, 79–80, 83–84, 93
Chinese forces: air transport need requirements, 54; P-40s for, 15; supplies for, vii; withdrawal of, 128, 137–39, 159–60
Chowringhee, Burma, 90, 98–100, 101
Churchill, Winston: Burmese operations, concern about, 11, 12; CCS’s report to, 46–47; Mountbatten appointment, 13; Operation Longcloth, 7–8; Operation Thursday, 101; at Quadrant Conference, viii, 8; Southeast Asia Command creation, 12–13; Wingate, meeting with, 8; Wingate, messages to, 53
Clark, McGinnis, 193–94
Clegg, Williams G., 159
Coble, Walter M., 244
Cochran, Philip G.: ACG creation, viii; Air Commando designation, 70; animals, airlifting of, 49; attitude of, complaints about, 86; bomber support for LRPGs, 64–65; bombing missions, 77–78; Broadway, 95–96, 101; Burma operations, 69; career of, 14, 19–23; character of, 14; Chindwin River crossing meeting, 84; comic strip based on, 14–15; copilots, request for, 86; decorations awarded to, 23; Dixie airfield evacuation, 103; 1st ACG, bases for, 57; 1st ACG, capabilities of, 62–63; 1st ACG, independence of, 122; flight to India, 39–40; glider maneuvers, 61–62, 65–67; glider mission, 88; on glider pilots, 38; glider training, 38, 61; gliders, loading of, 86; gliders, recall of, 96; gliders, responsibility for, 86–87; gliders, use of, 54–56; Hailakandi airfield as headquarters, 59; in Iceland, 29; initiative of, 29; Lalaghat, conditions at, 73–74; landing sites, changing, 91; Mountbatten, relationship with, 27, 29; Mountbatten’s L-5 flight, 69–70; Mountbatten’s speech to troops, 67–68; at NATC, 23; Operation Thursday, 70, 101; pep talk to glider crew, 59; Piccadilly, elimination of landings at, 91; Project 9, viii, 3, 14, 23–26; Pursuit Squadron command, 15, 19–20; reconnassiance flight and photos, 88–90; reconnassiance flights, 87; restrictions against flying, 78–79; return to U.S., 118, 123; survival of ACG concept, 249–50; 3rd ACG planning, 204; Wingate, concern about health of, 53–54; Wingate, meeting with, 27–28; YR-4s, acquisition of, 35
Cole, Richard E., 35
Collins, Edward C., 76
Combat Cargo Groups (CCGs), 122, 124, 137, 150
Combat Cargo Task Force, 127, 137, 144, 145, 150, 163
Combined Chiefs of Staff (CCS), 12, 46–47, 150, 158
Commando Division, 11
Coogan, John L. “Jackie”, 36
Cox’s Bazaar airfield, 80, 164
Crawford, Henry A., 152
Crossbow, 165
Crouch, L. H., 152
Curdes, Louis E., 206–7, 226–28, 239
Davidson, Howard C., 42, 44, 155
Davis, Robert, 237
DC-3s. See C-47 Skytrain
DeBolt, Arthur R.: career of, 152; CBI, movement to, 158; command arrangements, 152, 154; at Kalaikunda, 161; Kalaikunda accommodations, 162; Operation Multivite, 144; recovery of Pryor, 196; return to U.S., 197; training of 2nd ACG, 157
DeSalvo, Joseph A., 97
Devine, Andy, 19
Don Muang airfield, x, 175–79, 185, 186–87, 188, 248–49
Douglas C-47
Skytrain. See C-47 Skytrain
Dracula, Operation, 190, 192–93, 195–96
Driscoll, Patrick J., 37
Easley, John H., 206
Eason, Walter R., 175, 181, 182–84
East, Lee E., 198
Eastern Air Command (EAC), 44, 124–25, 137
Edmonds, Earl Y., 238
Edwards, Oliver M., 238
Edwards, Wilbur H., 34
Eichhelberger, Robert L., 222
Engelhardt, Charles L., 33
Enloe, Cortez, F., 102
Eruption, Operation, 133–35
Eubank, Eugene L., 35
Evans, Frederick W., 127
Everhart, Sylvester, 229
Fazio, Frank, 108
Fergusson, Bernard E.: aircraft support for, 79–80; capabilities of 1st ACG, 62–63; Chindwin River crossing, 83–84; command arrangements, 52; Indaw, march to, 79–80, 83–85, 91; light planes, test for, 63–64; supply dump, destruction of, 104
Fighter Groups, 20–23
Fighter Section (1st ACG): aerial combat, 77–78, 112, 117–18, 119–20; aggressiveness of, 131–33; combat operations record, 120; command arrangements, 126; at Fenny, 140–41; planes for, 115; units assigned to, 125. See also P-51A Mustang
Fighter Section (3rd ACG), 230
Fighter-Reconnaissance Squadrons (2nd ACG): command arrangements, 153, 154; decorations awarded to, 188; designation of, 152; experience of pilots, 153; IV Corps, support for, 165–66; rockets, use of, 164; Sinthe airfield, 166–67; training for, 152–53; training of, 157
Fighter-Reconnaissance Squadrons (3rd ACG): arrival at Tanauan, 214; bombing missions, 218–20, 224–30; command arrangements, 206; experience of pilots, 204–5; support for Sixth Army, 224–25; takeoffs and landings in pairs, 214
1st Air Commandos (1st ACG): aerial rockets, use of, 108; Boston Detachment, 129–31; capabilities of, 62–63; combat operations record, 120; command arrangements, 126; control of, 38, 70, 127, 145, 150; creation of, viii–ix, 3; demand for, x; doubts about abilities of, ix; equipment for, ix; Glider Section organization, 58; hostility toward, 59, 121; inactivation of, 247; independence of, 121, 122; maneuvers, 65–70; mission of, ix; motto of, 82; official designation of group, 102–3; Operation Thursday, 70; operations assignment, 38–39; organizational structure of, 125; performance of, ix, 120, 122, 133, 149, 248; personnel for, 32–34, 118; photo reconnaissance missions, 77; planes for, 124, 126; provisional designation, 102; reactivation of, 125, 126; redesignation of 5318th Provisional, 70; service groups to support, 150–51; supplies for, 72–73; training for, 60–61, 127; as Wingate’s private air force, 59–60, 121. See also bombing missions
Fishburn, James R., 179, 182–83, 184
5318th Provisional Air Unit designation, 58, 70
“Forces of Long-Range Penetration” (Wingate), 9
Forcey, Paul G., 35, 63, 113, 114, 118
Formosa (Taiwan), 208–9, 222, 225–30, 231, 235, 244–46
Fortier, Durward J., 239–40
Foster, Charles L., 206
French, Herbert R., 244–45
Fuller, Floyd W., 206
Gabu airfield, 233–34, 235–40, 242–43, 244, 246
Galahad (Merrill’s Marauders), ix, 10, 52, 79, 127, 156
Galloway, R. L., 181
Gapen, Robert D., 145
Gaty, Clinton B.: bomber support, 64, 105; Chindwin River crossing meeting, 84; 1st ACG command, 118, 126; Lalaghat airfield commander, 59; light planes, command of, 103; Operation Multivite, 144; Project 9 assignment, 34; training for 1st ACG, 127
Gideon Force, 4
Giffard, George, 42
Giles, Barney M., 25, 26, 152, 249
Gilhausen, William, 113, 118, 119
Gill, William H., 237
Gilliam, Julian, 180–81
Gillmore, A. H., 52
Gilmore, Richard T., 143
gliders, 31; accident between, 82; airfields for, 58–59; assembly of, 57–58; character of pilots, 36; characteristics and capabilities of, 31; combat mission, 82–83; combat operations record, 120; crashes and tow rope failures, 92–94; early release of, 92; equipment for, 37; evacuation of wounded with, 87, 129, 136; loading of, 85–86, 92; loss of, 120; LRPG use of, 10, 54–56; maneuvers, 65–69; pep talk to crew of, 59; Project 9 use of, 30; reactivated 1st ACG use of, 126; request for, 32; supply missions, 83–84, 103–4, 136; takeoff and pickup training, 37–38, 60–61; test flights, 58; 3rd ACG glider pilots, 217, 238–39; tow positions, 38, 85; training for, 58, 60–62; value of, 56
Goodwin, John H., 154
Gooney Bird, 30. See also C-47 Skytrain
Gordon, Matthew M., Jr., 153
Gotham, John E., 82–83
Greenspan, Irving A., 89–90
Griffin, Leo J., 154
Griffiss, Townsend E., 16–17
Gross, Robert E., 154
Grosvenor, William, Jr., 153, 183
Grubworm, Operation, 138–39, 159–60
Gumble, Herbert H., 197
Gumption I, Operation, 191–92
Hailakandi airfield: abandonment of, 120; airfield construction, 73, 76; Cochran’s headquarters at, 59; inspection of, 58, 59; Japanese attack on, 111–12; Japanese reconnaissance over, 76; monsoon season and, 118; RAF base at, 86; supplies for, 73
Halsey, William F., 209
Handy, Thomas T., 150
Hanna, John R., 188
Harkins, Edward, 193
Harman, Carter, 116–17
Hartzer, Carl, Jr., 77–78
Haunt, A. E., 141
Hawkins, William B., 153, 184, 197, 198
Heho airfield, 107, 109, 113, 140, 143
Heito Airdrome, 239
helicopters: character of pilots, 36; LRPG use of, 10, 11; Project 9 use of, 31; request for, 32; YR-4 helicopters, acquisition of, 34–35; YR-4 helicopters, characteristics and capabilities of, 31; YR- 4 helicopters, rescue missions, 116–17
Herring, D. C., 82
Herring, Woodson S., 206
Hettema, Harold, Jr., 181, 182, 183
Hmawbi airfield, 107, 134–35, 174–75, 179, 181–82, 184–85
Hopkins, Harry, 16
horses and mules, 49, 67, 68, 87, 138, 160
House, Charles E., 245–46
Howe, Harmon V., 206
Hump Route, vii, 12, 43, 44–45, 46, 150, 159–60
Huntington, Clifford, 226
Hurley, Patrick J., 128–29
Hyatt, Earle, 238
Imphal, India, ix, 9, 44–45, 46, 74–76, 102, 111
Indaw, Burma, 48–50, 79–80, 83–85
India Command, 44, 50, 51, 53, 54, 59
Irrawaddy River, 90, 99, 112, 189
Isgrigg, William N., 221
Japan, surrender of, 246
Japanese Army Air Force (JAAF): aircraft, disappearance of, 141, 174; aircraft and personnel, replacement of, 114; aircraft used by, 107; airfields of, 107, 184; in CBI theater, vii, 5; counterattacks by, viii, ix, 9; effectiveness of, 171, 174; interception of, 112; knowledge of landing sites, 93–94; sentais, 107; surrender agreement, 199; withdrawal of, 184
Jennette, John H., 34
Kalaikunda airfield, 158, 161, 162, 171–72, 191, 196–97
Kalberer, Klem F., 204, 206, 221, 223, 230, 238
Kaufman, Arthur, 154
Kawlin, 119
Keller, Holly, 110
Kelly, Everett L., 132
Kelly, Gene A., 97
Kelting, John A., 35
Kenney, George C., 10–11, 156, 203–4, 222
Kent, Paul C., 180
Kimbrough, Edwin R., 152
Kinney, Robert D., 82
Krikoroff, Paul G., 243
Krout, Vincent, 207
Krueger, Walter, 222
L, Operation, 131–33
L-1 Vigilant, 30, 32, 37, 38, 57, 62, 116, 127
L-5 Sentinels: assembly of, 57, 127; characteristics and capabilities of, 30; fuel for, 130; L-5B, 163, 221; loss of, 80, 81; modifications to, 129–30, 244; reactivated 1st ACG use of, 126; request for, 32; supply missions, 37, 80; test for, 63–64; training with, 37, 38, 62
Lair, Walter C., 135–36
Lairmore, Glenn E., 226–27, 236
Lalaghat airfield, 58–59, 73–74, 76, 86, 87, 88, 118, 120
Lalitpur, 58, 62, 65–67, 127, 163
Laoag, Luzon, 233, 235. See also Gabu airfield
Larimore, Glenn E., 219
Lawrence, T. E., 4
Lawton, Richard R., 230
Ledo, India, 44–45, 46, 79–80, 150
LeFan, Charles H., 182
Lehecka, William C., 34
Lentaigne, William D. A., 52
Lewis, John K “Buddy”, 35
Liaison Squadrons: command arrangements, 126, 154, 206; 1st ACG, 126; missions of, 136; 2nd ACG, 153, 154, 157, 163, 172–73, 190–91, 197–99; 3rd ACG, 205, 206, 213, 218, 222, 223–24, 238
Light Plane Section 3rd ACG, 223, 230
light planes: combat operations record, 120; command of, 103; evacuation of wounded with, 11, 13–14, 28, 30, 81; respect for squadrons, 249; squadron organization and assignments, 79–81, 103; test for, 64. See also L-1 Vigilant; L-5 Sentinels
Limbaugh, Rush H., Jr., 206
Lingayen, Luzon, 235
Long, Roy H., Jr., 195
Longcloth, Operation, viii, 5, 7
Long-Range Penetration Groups (LRPGs): aircraft support for, 5, 10, 11, 13–14, 27–28, 30; benefits of, viii; bomber support for, 28, 31, 64–65; development of, vii–viii, 3, 5; employment of, 9–10; “Forces of Long-Range Penetration” memorandum, 9; formation of, 10; objectives of, 9, 55; planning for, 47–50, 54–56; priority of operations, 46–47; resources for, 54; skepticism about, 46, 47, 48, 50; timing of attacks, 9; training for, 52; troops for, 10, 51–52. See also Special Forces (3rd Indian Division)
Lowry, Brents M., 141
Lukacs, Benedict, 198
Lundberg, Benjamin F., 185–86
Luzon: accommodations at, 220–21; airfield construction, 218; campaign on, 208, 217, 222–23, 242; control of, 235; Japanese troops on, 217; 3rd ACG move to, 220–22
Lynch, George, 215
Lynn, Roland, 110, 126, 131–32, 134, 142–43
Lyons, Herman G. “Doc”, 185, 193
Mabalacat Field, 234
MacArthur, Douglas, 12, 208–9, 217, 223, 242, 246
MacKenzie, Malcolm, 185–86, 187, 196
Mahony, Grant, 33, 35, 101–2, 108, 109–10, 113–14, 117–18, 214–15
Mahurin, Walker M., 206, 207, 214, 218–19, 230, 241, 248
Mandalay, Burma: Allied forces control of, x; bombing missions, 77–78; 1st ACG advance to, 156; importance of, 189; Mandalay–Lashio–Mandalay–Bhamo line of communication, 9; Mandalay–Myitkyina railway line, viii, 7; Mandalay–Rangoon railway line, 142–43
Mangaldan airfield, 218, 224, 230–31, 232, 234
Manila campaign, 222–23
Mansi-Katha, 47
Marshall, George C., viii, 10, 41, 52, 150, 190
Marshall, William C., 180, 186, 193, 194
Martin, Nesbit L., 68
Matousek, Glen, 170
Matterhorn Project, 76
Maurel, Anthony J., 154
McDonell. Donald P., 223–24
McKay, Archie L., 138
McKee, George R., Jr., 154
McNeill, Robert M., 239
Mead, Fergus, Jr., 240
Medical Dispensary, Aviation, 126, 154, 205
Meiktila: airfield, 135, 140, 165, 191; battle for, 168–71, 172–73; Japanese troops in, 166; Operation Multivite, 144–45, 164–65
Menter, Marvin, 226
Merchant, Frank B., 139–40
Merrill’s Marauders (Galahad), ix, 10, 52, 79, 127, 156
Meyer, Boniface J., 182
Meyer, John, 114
Miller, Donald V., 78
Mindoro, 215–17
Mingaladon airfield, 107, 131–32, 134, 143, 174–75, 179, 181, 182, 184–85
Minsin, 82–83
Mitchell, William, 213
Modine, Warren, 178
Moist, Robert E., 33
Momyer, William W., 22
Moncrief, Bernard H., 240
monsoon season: airfields and, 118; in Burma, viii; at Mangaldan airfield, 232, 234; operations in Thailand, 196; timing of operations and, viii, 9
Mooney, George W., 244–45
Moore, Temple C., 33
Morris, Robert H., 184
Morris, Stanley G., 194
Moulmein airfield, 174, 180, 181, 182, 188
Mountbatten, Louis: ACG, use of, 122, 124, 149; Air Commando designation, 70; aircraft in Burma, 190; Arnold, meeting with, 13–14; Burma operations, 69; career of, 13; Chinese forces, withdrawal of, 137; Cochran, relationship with, 27, 29; command arrangements, 41–43, 47; command headquarters, 125; Don Muang airfield raid, 179; EAC reorganization, 137; 1st ACG control, 38; 1st ACG, support for, 59; HA-GO (Z Operation), 75; injury to, 88; L-5 flight, 69–70; LRPGs, planning for use of, 55; maneuvers, 68–70; Operation Thursday, 101; Peirse, relationship with, 43; priority of Burma operations, 44; SEAC commander appointment, 13, 52–53; speech to troops, 67–68; Thailand, operations in, 190; Wingate’s convalescence, 53
mules, 49, 67, 68, 87, 138, 160
Mullins, Lee “Moon”, 132
Multivite, Operation, 144–45, 164–65
Murray, Lester, 110
Myitkyina, Burma, 48, 138, 197–99
Neff, William H., 80
Nelson, Ford R., 154
Nevins, John F., 198
Nienaber, Estil I., 93
Night Intruder Section, 139–40, 145
Noble, John B., 154
Northern Combat Area Command (NCAC), 42, 129
O’Berry, Martin, 110
Ogden, Kenneth, 239
oil refineries, bombing of, 143
Old, William D.: aircraft control by, 86; C-47 flight, 100; Chowringhee, flight to, 99; Cochran, opinion of, 86; command arrangements, 44; Lalaghat, conditions at, 73; landings and clearings survey flights, 71–72; Operation Thursday, 60, 70–72, 86, 88, 96; supply missions, 70–72, 98; Tamu, alternative to, 76; Wingate, opinion of, 85
Oldaker, Williams, 198
Olson, Arvid E., 19, 95; Broadway, command of, 88; Gabu field, command of, 235; glider tow rope failure, 92; Joe Brown flight, 241; on Leyte, 212; LRPGs, planning for use of, 54; overseas movement, 210; Project 9 assignment, 33; restrictions against flying, 78–79; return to U.S., 118, 248; TCS, use of, 210; 3rd ACG, close support mission, 237; 3rd ACG command, 204, 206; 3rd ACG, mission of, 205–6; 3rd ACG, restructuring of, 223, 230
Onbauk airfield, 107, 109, 110–11
P-38 fighter, 31
P-40 fighters, 15–16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 209–10
P-47 Thunderbolts, 23, 31, 32, 36, 39, 126, 127, 133–34, 141, 142–43
P-51A Mustang: assembly of, 58; bombs carried by, 77, 79; characteristics and capabilities of, 31; combat operations record, 120; depth charges training, 63; Japanese planes, interception of, 112; light planes, test for, 63; loss of, 77–78; retirement of, 127; substitution of, 39; success of missions of, 85; telephone and telegraph wires, cutting of, 106; training maneuvers, 62. See also bombing missions
P-51B Mustang, 115
P-51D Mustang: aerial rockets, use of, 164; delivery of, 162, 209–10; markings for, 162–63; takeoffs and landings, four-ship, 231; takeoffs and landings in pairs, 214; 3rd ACG use of, 214
Page, Robert C., 34, 39–40, 61
parapacks for supply deliveries, 37, 56
Park, Keith, 179
Parrott, Bishop, 82
Pearle, Edwin W., 182
Peleliu landing, 209
Petit, Robert L., 33, 63, 79, 114, 115, 124
Philippines: ACG use in, x, 203; deterioration of situation in, 184; Reno V plan, 208–9; strength of Japanese in, 209. See also Luzon
Photographic Reconnaissance Force, 125, 137
photographic unit, 76
Piccadilly, Burma, 87, 88, 89–90, 91
Pitts, Younger, 114, 134, 141, 142
polio, 237
Postlewait, Andrew, 108
Price, Earl, 143
Price, John H., Jr., 82–83
Price, William G., III, 206
prisoners of war (POWs), 78, 119, 135, 143, 183, 186, 187, 195, 196, 240
Project 9: aircraft for, 25, 28, 30–31; Arnold’s plan for, viii, 25–26; barriers to, 54; commander for, 26; 5318th Provisional Air Unit designation, 58, 70; meeting about, 27–28; mission statement, 27; morale of personnel, 39; organizational structure for, 26–27; personnel for, 32–34, 35–36; priority of operations, 46–47; rainy season in Burma, viii; recruitment for, viii, 3, 14, 23–26; resources for, 26–27, 29–32, 54; resources for, transport to India, 39; show-stealing effort, 26, 29–30; timetable for, 28; training for, 36, 37; transport to India, 39–40. See also 1st Air Commandos (1st ACG)
Project X, 151
Pryor, Roger C.: bailout from plane, 182; bombing missions, 176, 179, 180; command arrangements, 154; experience of, 153; IV Corps, support for, 165; recovery of, 195, 196; rescue mission, 183–84
Quadrant Conference, viii, 8–10, 12, 44–47
radio stations, 242
Rangoon: JAAF airfield, 107; Operation Dracula, 190, 192–93, 195–96; Operation Eruption, 133–35; Operation L, 131–33
Raynak, John, Jr., 198
Rebori, Andrew P., 34, 36, 37, 80, 103, 157
Reynolds, William L., 154
Richards, Paul E., 222
Richardson, Elmer W., 206, 210, 230
Richlin, Padie, 154
Richmond, K., 33
Roosevelt, Franklin D., viii, 8, 10, 46–47, 128–29, 208–9
Rose, Vincent J., 34
Royal Air Force (RAF): air superiority, 190; bases for, 86; Bengal Command, 44; bomber support for LRPGs, 28, 31, 64; command arrangements, 43–44; hostility toward 1st ACG, 59; Operation Thursday, ix; squadrons in TCC, 60
Russell, Bert, 169
Russhon, Charles L. “Rush”: C-47 flight, 100–101; career of, 76; combat camera unit, 76; glider landing at Broad way, 95; Joe Brown appearance, 241; Project 9 assignment, 34; reconnassiance flight and photos, 88–90; 3rd ACG assignment, 207
San Nicolas, Luzon, 234–35
Sarangani Bay, 208–9
Sartor, Samuel O., 230
Satterstrom, John E., 206, 230
Scalley, Robert, 227
Schneider, Erle H., 110
2nd Air Commandos (2nd ACG): activation of, 152; CBI, movement to, 158–59, 160–61; command arrangements, 152–53, 154; control of, 150, 155, 163; creation of, ix; demand for, x; inactivation of, 247–48; markings for planes of, 162–63; Operation Grubworm, 159–60; organizational structure of, 125; performance of, 248–49; planes for, 124, 162–63; readiness dates, 155; return to U.S., 199; service groups to support, 150–51, 155; training of, 156–58; transfers from, 197–99; use of, 155–56
Setnor, Joe, 135
77th Indian Brigade, viii, 5. See also Chindits
Shaw, Troy C., 82
Shenam Saddle, 75
Shwebo airfield, 77, 79, 107, 108, 109, 110–11, 117, 118
Shwebo–Myitkina railway, 9
Sikorsky, Igor, 31
Sikorsky XR-4 helicopters, 31. See also helicopters
Singkaling Hkamti, 83
Singletary, Joseph, 236
Sinzweya, 81
Skalin, Peter, 126
Slater, Frank J., 154
Slim, William J.: Box, Battle of the, 81; Broadway, decision to only use, 91; command arrangements, 42; 1st ACG as private air force for Wingate, 59; 1st ACG, control of, 70; HA-GO (Z Operation), 75; Operation Multivite, 144; Operation Thursday, 71, 88; Rangoon, capture of, 190; reconnassiance flight and photos, 90; 2nd ACG, success of, 165
Slocumb, Tyler H., 154
Smith, Robert T. “Tadpole”, 33, 65, 67–68, 77, 78, 89, 118
Smith, Samson, 33
Snecker, Thomas P., 224
Solomon, Bertram E., 206
Somerville, James, 42
Sorenson, Sherard A., 184
Southeast Asia Command (SEAC), 12–13, 41–44, 133–34
Spann, Bobby J., 177–78, 181, 182, 183–84
Special Forces (3rd Indian Division): command arrangements, 52, 53; 1st ACG as private air force for, 59–60; formation of, 55; gliders to transport, 54–56; headquarters of, 53; maneuvers, 65–70; Operation Thursday, 70, 71; supplies for, 56, 63, 72; training of, 52, 61; troop strength, 52; withdrawal of, 127
Special Night Squads, 4
Stewart, Ray E., 126
Stillwell, Joseph “Vinegar Joe”: Air Commandos, use of, 156; air transport need requirements, 47, 54; character of, 42; Chiang, relationship with, 127–29; Chindits, use of, 127; command arrangements, 41, 42, 43, 52; evacuation of wounded, 79; 1st ACG assignment, 38; Operation Thursday, ix; removal of, 128, 129, 156
Stinson Field, 220
Stone, Charles B., III, 42
Strategic Force, 44
Stratemeyer, George: ACG, use of, 124, 156; bomber support for LRPGs, 64–65; bombing missions, success of, 111; Broadway, activity at, 100; C-47 replacement, 61; command arrangements, 43, 44; command headquarters, 125; Don Muang airfield raid, 176, 179, 187, 188; EAC command appointment, 44; EAC reorganization, 125, 137; fighter squadron activation, 125; 1st ACG, control of, 70; 1st ACG, dissolution of, 121–22; 1st ACG reactivation, 125; 1st ACG resources, 38–39; Operation L, 131, 132; Operation Multivite, 145; Operation Thursday, 88; reconnassiance flight and photos, 90; use of 2nd ACG, 155
Sultan, Daniel I., 128, 129, 137–38
Symes, G. W., 52–53
Taiwan (Formosa), 208–9, 222, 225–30, 231, 235, 244–46
Tamu, Burma, 74, 75–76, 80, 102
Taylor, William H., Jr.: airfields for gliders, 58–59; asleep on airfield, 69; Burma operations, 69; glider accident, 82; glider assembly, 57–58; glider landing at Broadway, 94–95; glider maneuvers, 61–62, 65–67, 68; Glider Section organization, 58; glider takeoff and pickup training, 37–38; gliders, loading of, 86; illness of, 59, 61; pep talk to glider crew, 59; personnel recruitment, 36; Piccadilly, elimination of landings at, 91; Project 9 assignment, 34
Tazeo Noboru, 94
telephone and telegraph wires, 106, 238
Tempest, Robert L., 163
Terhune, Charles H., Jr., 248
Thibodeau, Earl J., 215
3rd Air Commandos (3rd ACG): activation of, 204–5; command arrangements, 206–7; creation of, ix; demand for, x; discharge from, 241–42; experience of pilots, 206–7; glider pilots, 217, 238–39; inactivation of, 248; in Japan, 248; mission of, 205–6, 208–9; move to Luzon, 220–22; movement of, effort required for, 222; organizational structure of, 125, 204; overseas movement, 209–12; performance of, 249; planes for, 124, 207–8; recreational activities, 240–41; restructuring of, 223, 230, 239; southwest Pacific, movement to, 158; takeoffs and landings, four-ship, 231; takeoffs and landings in pairs, 214; training of, 157, 205, 208
3rd Indian Division. See Special Forces (3rd Indian Division)
Thomas, Clarence, 206
Thursday, Operation: delay to start of, 91; landings and clearings survey flights, 71–72; losses during, ix; planning for, 70–72; preparations for, 85–87; purpose of, ix; success of, ix–x, 101, 149, 248, 250; training for, 82; troops and equipment for, ix
Tillou, John B., 243
Tom, Ngon T., 80
Tomaro, Michael, 230
Toungoo airfield, 166, 190, 195
Troop Carrier Command (TCC): command arrangements, 44; copilots, request for, 86; dissolution of, 125; forces in, 60; glider test flights, 58; Operation Thursday, ix, 60, 70; planes to tow gliders, 72, 86; supply missions, 70–72, 80, 103–4
Troop Carrier Section (3rd ACG), 230
Troop Carrier Squadron, Commando: 2nd ACG, 153, 154, 158–60, 163, 165, 191, 197; 3rd ACG, 205, 206, 210, 215–17, 224, 227–28
Troop Carrier Squadrons (TCS) 1st ACG, 60, 72, 80, 126, 138–39
Tudor, William T., 215
Tulihal, India, 86
Tulloch, Derek, 50, 53, 60, 70–71, 76
Tulloch, Donald C., 126
UC-64A Noorduyn Norseman: assembly of, 127; belly tank installation, 244; character of pilots, 36; characteristics and capabilities of, 30–31; delivery of, 239; reactivated 1st ACG use of, 126; request for, 32; supply missions, 86, 98
Ulery, Vincent L., 37, 126, 145
United States: Burmese operations, committment to, 11–12; China views of, 11
U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command, 250
U.S. Army Air Forces (USAAF): 5307th Composite Unit (Provisional), 52; air superiority, 190; bases for, 86; command arrangements, 43–44; 1st ACG under control of, 70; squadrons in TCC, 60
Van Wagner, Fred H., 126
Vandenberg, Hoyt S., 14, 24, 25, 26, 123
vertical envelopment, 124
Villa Verde Trail, 230, 232, 236–37
Wagner, Barrett D., 236
Waugh, Walter R., Jr., 81
Wavell, Archibald, 5, 7, 12, 53
Wedemeyer, Albert C., 42, 129, 137
Weesner, Hilton D., 135
Wells, Kenneth L., 82
Wheeler, Raymond A., 129
White, Edwin B., 34
Whitehead, Ennis, 222
Wilkerson, Steven H., 206
Wilkins, Malcom, 142
Williams, Marshal T. M., 70
Williams, Thomas J., 243
Williams, Volie A., 222
Wilson, William, 182
Wimer, Dean E., 179, 186–87, 196
Wingate, Orde C.: air transport need requirements, 71; Broadway, decision to only use, 91; Broadway, light planes to, 97–98; Broadway, radio communication from, 95–96; Burma operations, 69; career of, 4–5; character of, 3–4; Chindwin River crossing meeting, 84–85; Chowringhee, decision to abandon, 99; Churchill, meeting with, 8; Churchill, messages from, 53; Cochran, meeting with, 27–28; Cochran’s name for, 14; death of, ix, 104–5; 1st ACG as private air force for, 59–60, 121; 1st ACG, capabilities of, 62; “Forces of Long-Range Penetration” memorandum, 9; Gideon Force, 4; hostility toward, 51, 121; illness of, 50–51, 52–53; Imphal and Kohima, offensives in, 74–76; landings and clearings survey flights, 71, 72; LRPG development, vii–viii, 3, 5; LRPG employment, 9–10, 11; LRPGs, planning for use of, 47, 54–56; LRPGs, strategy for use of, 50; maneuvers, 65–67, 68–69; Operation Longcloth, 5, 7; Operation Thursday, 70, 101; at Quadrant Conference, viii, 8–10; reconnassiance flights, 87, 90; Roosevelt, meeting with, 10; skepticism about LRPGs, 46; Special Forces training, 61; Special Night Squads, 4; suicide attempt, 4; supply dropping expertise of, 85; troops for LRPGs, 51–52
Wingo, Raymond E., 243
wounded soldiers, evacuation of: airfields for, 136; from Broadway, 97–98; gliders for, 87, 129, 136; from Kabaw Valley, 129; light planes for, 11, 13–14, 28, 30, 64, 129–30; from Luzon, 222, 223; from Meiktila, 172–73
Yazagyo airstrip, 129–31
Zayatkwin airfield, 107, 134, 179, 180
Ziegler, Jack S., 154