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Aberdeen, Maryland test site, 156


PhD final oral examination, 260–261

PhD preliminary examination, 132–133, 135

PhD publication requirement, 38–39

publications as primary yardstick to measure, 23

research failures of, 185

in science, 7, 17

Afghanistan, 111, 117, 120, 123

Alexander (physician scientist), 48, 49–50

Alexander the Great, 57

American Diver, 73

ammunition during Civil War, 13, 15–16, 86. See also black powder

Anaconda Plan, 64, 65

anxiety and carbon dioxide levels, 52

Aristotle, 57

asphyxiation. See also deaths of Hunley crews

carbon dioxide rates and, 39

death from, described, 39, 268

markers within crew of Hunley, 54–55

rates of oxygen consumption and, 40

Atwater, James W., 127, 129

aviators and partial pressures, 45

Azan, Nick

author’s engagement to, 196–197

author’s parents and, 22

finding Pitt Farm and, 140, 141

getting black powder with, 237, 238

marriage to, 278

at National Archives with author, 96, 97–98

PhD final examination and, 260

relationship with, 21, 140, 199

tests at Farm, 162, 188–191, 197–198

tests at lab, 186

bacteria, 169

Baker, Mrs. E. H., 126–128, 129

Barrow, Robert Ruffin, 66

Barrow, Volumnia, 66

Bass, Cameron R. “Dale”

with author at Warren Lasch Conservation Center, 22–24, 26–27

building model of Hunley, 125

characteristics, 10–11, 79–80

description of, 9

experiment about transmission of blasts, 18

position at Duke, 8–9

suggestion to study HL Hunley, 11

working Hunley and, 19, 20

Bates, Adna, 178, 213, 229–231

Battery Marshall, 233–235, 265

Battle of Bull Run, First, 174

Battle of Shiloh, 174

Bauer, Wilhelm, 59–62, 78

Beauregard, P.G.T., 74, 77, 141

Becker, Arnold, 176, 177, 264

Bennett, Queenie, 170

bilge pumps, 14, 89, 269

black powder

amount in Hunley’s torpedo, 266

amount in Singer’s torpedoes, 16

amount used during battle of ironclads, 106

Azan and, 237, 238

in Civil War ammunition, 15–16

Confederacy’s need for, 101–102

confinement-sensitivity of, 95, 191

described, 90

development of, 90–91

du Pont and, 98

explosions, 94, 95–96

ingredients at time of Civil War, 91–93, 103–104, 106

in land mines, 100

in mines in Charleston Harbor, 106–107

obtained by author for testing, 159–160

performance of, 96, 103–105

quality test of, during Civil War, 94

RE values for, 259

scientific literature about, 125

testing in torpedoes by author, 146–148

testing strength of, 248–249

tests by Harris, 156

transporting impact sensitivity of, 237–238

as used in Civil War rifles, 86

black powder manufacture

dangers of, 83

deaths during, 109–110

by George Washington Rains, 101–105, 106–107, 109–110, 266

instability during, 93–94

last company in America, 94

process during Civil War, 102–107

simplest way, 91

blasts. See explosions

blue light sightings, 225–226, 227, 234, 235

“the Bomb Brothers.” See Rains, Gabriel; Rains, George Washington

bombs, protective suits for, 18

Bourne, William, 58

Brandtaucher (Bauer’s submarine), 59–62

Breach Inlet, 145, 217, 235, 265

Buchanan, Franklin, 73, 74, 130

Bull Run, First Battle of, 174

Bushnell, David, 74

C4, 93, 121, 123

the cable equation, 188

Canandaigua, USS, 178, 223, 225, 228


in black powder, 91–92, 106

food as source of, 171

in human bones, 171–172

carbon dioxide

anxiety and panic attacks induced by, 52

as cause of last crew’s deaths, 32

as cause of second crew’s deaths, 78

experiments on effects on humans of, 48–50, 52

human brain’s response to increase in, 51–52

normally in human body, 51

physical symptoms from inhalation of, 50, 60

rates of, and asphyxiation, 39

removal from air by plants, 171

scrubbed by rebreathers, 32

slow rise of levels of, in Hunley, 51

warning to crew of build up, 52–53

Carlsen, Johan Frederick, 172

background, 173–174

enlistment of, 176

position in Hunley, 177, 264

Carter, Robert, 175–176

Chaffin, Tom, 72

Champion, Howard, 123

charcoal in black powder, 91–92, 103–104

Charleston, South Carolina

attacked by Union forces, 213–214

bombardment of, 141, 180–182, 183, 206, 263

food and ammunition shortages, 13, 182

Charleston Harbor

blockade of, 2, 13, 180–181, 182, 263–264, 265

bombardment of Fort Sumter from, 63–64

as harmonic station, 88–89

mines laid in, 106–107, 178

opening and deepening of mouth of, 272–273

raising of Housatonic, 272

temperatures in, at time of sinking, 178

Charleston Naval Complex Redevelopment Authority, 13

Chatham University, 23

Chen, Justin, 185

Chesnut, James, Jr., 64

Chicora, CSS, 177

Civil War. See also Confederacy; Housatonic, USS; Hunley, HL; Union

advances in military technology, 1–2, 3–4, 16, 96, 100, 116

ammunition and guns, 13, 15–16, 86 See also black powder

background, 63–64, 180, 255

black powder in ammunition, 15–16

black powder ingredients at time of, 91–93, 103–104, 106

black powder manufacturing process during, 102–106

early expectations about length of, 174

fatalities, 169

injuries, 169, 170

quality test of black powder during, 94

reenactors, 84

spies, 127–128

Clawson, Lucas, 99

Clemson University

Grujicic Lab, 245–246

Restoration Institute, 13, 19–20, 22–24, 26–28, 29, 277

CNN website, Hunley as lead story on, 19

Collins, Frank, 177, 264

Confederacy. See also Hunley, HL

American Diver and, 73

assault on Fort Sumter, 63–64

Chicora, 177

Conscription Act, 174–175

David and boats based on David, 129–130, 131, 132, 145

drawings of torpedoes of, 253–254

early submarines rejected by, 73

Etowah, 75

Fish Boat seized by, and renamed Hunley, 74–75

foreign-language speaking units, 176

importance of blockade runners, 105

Indian Chief, 78, 176

manufacture of black powder, 102–105, 106–107, 109–110

need for black powder, 101–102

performance of black powder, 96, 103–105

Pioneer, 69–72, 75

potassium nitrate farms, 105–106

resources available to, 63, 64, 165

reward for destruction of Union ships, 64–65

standard issue rifles, 86

conning towers

in Fish Boat, 73–74

fracture in Hunley’s, 80, 81

Hunley’s described, 35

as only means of entry and exit, 34

test at firing range, 85–87


cases with almost immediate loss of, 50–51

crew’s loss of, 40, 51

useful consciousness data from Moon, 45


funding, 28

spar of Hunley, 16

tank, 14, 26–27

webcams to watch work of, 36

constructive interference, 209

Cooper, Graham, 118, 119

Cornthwait, Lewis, 217, 224

Cousteau, Jacques, 25


friction of, and suffocation, 24

location of, 34–35

operation of, 34

of Turtle, 74

Craven, Charles, 218, 219

crew of Hunley. See also Dixon, Lt. George; pilot

consciousness of, after sinking of ship, 14–15

extraction of, 166

extra pay for “Special Expedition” duty, 177

facial reconstructions of, 28

generation of heat by, 178–179

loss of consciousness by, 40, 51

names of, 28, 172, 176, 177

operation of crank by, 34

origins of, 171–172, 173

positions and condition of, when found, 4, 14, 167, 259

positions of, during missions, 33–34, 37

rates of oxygen consumption by, 40

risks of injuries from pressure wave, 251, 258

smoking by, 28

ventilation of submarine by, 26

warning time until death for, 52–53

window of warning time and gas, 53–54

crew of Hunley: first, 5, 74–77

crew of Hunley: second, 77–78, 140–141

Crisafulli, Michael, 36

Crosby, John, 219, 222, 223, 224

CSS Tiny (author’s model), 189, 197, 203, 206, 208, 210, 238–241, 250

Cussler, Clive, 13, 274

Dahlgren, John, 224

Dantzler, O. M., 233–234, 235

David (Confederate boat), 130, 131, 132

“David boats,” 129–130, 145

Davis, Jefferson, 64, 101


from asphyxiation, 32, 39, 40, 46, 54–55, 268

from carbon dioxide poisoning, 32, 78

constructive interference and, 209

from explosions, 109–110

fight against, as universal instinct, 15

on Housatonic, 22, 269

from shock waves, 115–116, 122–123

deaths of Hunley crews

asphyxiation as cause of, 32, 46, 54–55

asphyxiation in high-carbon dioxide environments in medical literature, 50–51

blast trauma not suspected, 18

carbon dioxide as cause of, 32, 78

described, 268

estimated internal volume of Hunley and, 39–40

risks of, from pressure waves, 251, 258

spar angle of Hunley and, 211

suffocation assumed as cause of, 17

deflagrations, 94, 95

Department of Defense SMART Program, 205

detonations, 94–95

Dixon, Lt. George Erasmus. See also pilot

blue light as signal of success, 225–226

chosen by Hunley as pilot, 77

on conditions needed to take Hunley out, 183–184

death of, 268

injury suffered at Battle of Shiloh, 166, 169–170

items used to identify corpse of, 28, 165–166, 170, 265

physical description of, 264

rate of oxygen consumption by, 40

Union bombardment of Charleston and, 182–183

Drebbel, Cornelis, 58–59

Duff (physician scientist), 48, 49–50

Duke University

author’s office at, 8

author’s research adviser, 8–9

author’s tests at, 185–188

author’s tests at blast test building, 157–158

Chilled Water Plant 2 (CHWP2), 200–202, 203–204, 206–210, 236

hyperbarics department, 43, 49, 278–279

lab meetings of grad students, 80–81

Moon, Richard, 43–44, 45

PhD final oral examination, 260–261

PhD preliminary examination by advisory committee, 132–133, 135

publication as nonnegotiable to obtain PhD from, 38–39

requirements of DoD-funded scholarship for PhD, 205–206

du Pont, Éleuthère Irénée, 98

Dynamic System Advanced Simulation (DYSMAS) program

Harris and, 154–155

problems with, 124–125

purpose of, 9, 11

Edwards, Mark, 59

Emancipation Proclamation, 175

Enola Gay, 276–277

ergometers, 24

Etowah, CSS (Etiwan, CSS), 75


behaviors of everyday objects in path of, 242–243

deaths from, described, 109–110

early research on victims of, 12

effect of, on human bones, 251

elements required for, 92–93

in enclosed areas, 209, 244

of Housatonic described, 219–220

materials for author’s test for PhD, 136–137, 159–160

medical treatment for injuries from, 117–118

nuclear, 116

pressure waves and, 120–121

scaling, 139

tests by author at Duke blast test building, 157–158, 185–188

tests by author at Farm, 139, 152–154, 161–164, 189–191, 196, 197–198, 236–237, 238–242

tests by author in CHWP2, 200–202, 203–204, 206–210, 236

types of, 94–95

types of injuries from, 9, 10, 110–111

underwater, 9–10, 131, 156, 163, 244–246

Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) personnel, 18

the Farm, 135–136, 138–139, 152–154, 157–158, 160–164, 188–191, 189–191, 196, 197–198, 200, 236–237, 238–242

Fatt, Michael Hoo, 151

fire, elements required for, 92–93

firing ranges in North Carolina, 84–87

First Battle of Bull Run, 174

Fish Boat

building of, 73–75

first crew, 75–77

renamed Hunley, 74–75

second crew, 77–78

Flemming, Robert Francis

background, 216

blue light and, 225–226

life after sinking, 228

position on Housatonic, 216–217, 266

rescue of, 223

sighting of Hunley by, 217, 220, 266, 269


blockade of Charleston Harbor and, 13, 182

as concern of World War II doctors, 10

destruction of, by Union forces, 213

as source of carbon, 171

Fortenberry, Brent, 22, 26

Fort Sumter, 63–64, 180, 255

Friends of the Hunley

attempts to work with, 19–20

as guardians of submarine, 28

model of Pioneer, 72

overview of, 13, 277–278

publication by author prohibited by, 38

Ragan and, 71, 72

on snorkel system, 35

time for Hunley to reach where found, 89–90

Fulton, Robert, 74


calculating Hunley’s internal volume, 33, 35, 40

crew’s window of warning time and, 53–54

open-circuit scuba equipment, 25

oxygen percentage in, 44

rebreathers and, 31–32

stalactites of concretion and, 14–15

volume in Drebbel’s submarine, 59

Gillmore, Quincy Adams, 180–181, 253

Glassell, William, 129–130, 132

GOEX, 94

gold coin, 28, 165–166, 170, 265

Gough, John, 218–219, 222, 227–228, 268

grandmother, death of author’s, 198–199

Gray, M. Martin, 158

Green, Joseph F., 223, 226–227

Greg (store clerk), 136–137

Grethe (coal-carrying brig), 173

Grujicic Lab, 245–246

Gulf War, 121

gutta-percha, 188–189, 193

Hagley mills, 103

Hagley Museum (Delaware), 98–99, 248

Haldane, John BS, 48, 49–50, 54

“harmonic stations,” 88

Harris, Greg, 154–156

Harvest Moon, USS, 231

Hasker, Charles, 76

hatches, sealing material for, 34

hemorrhaging, internal, in asphyxiation, 54

Hicks, Brian, 72, 275

Higginson (lieutenant on Housatonic), 224

Hodgkin, Alan, 188

Housatonic, USS, 146. See also torpedo on Hunley

approach of Hunley and, 217–219

crew deaths, 22, 269

crew injuries, 227–228

crew rescue, 221–223

crew’s lives after sinking, 228–229

effect of cold water on crew, 221–223

firing on Hunley, 86, 218, 227

former slaves on, 215

fractured Hunley conning tower and, 80

inquiry into sinking, 224–226, 229

lucky-shot theory, 80, 86–87, 88–89

method of repelling torpedoes, 2

raising of, 272

Singer’s torpedo to blow up, 16

sinking of, 2–4, 219–220, 230–231, 266–269

as target of Hunley, 13

human bones

carbon in, 171–172

condition of, after healing from injuries, 168–169, 171

effect of explosions on, 251

femur, 167–168, 170

signs of life lived in, 177

Hunley, HL, 230. See also crew of Hunley; crew of Hunley: first; crew of Hunley: second; deaths of Hunley crews; spar of Hunley; torpedo on Hunley

angle of approach, 224

author’s 3-D digital recreation, 33, 35, 36–37, 37

author’s model, 150–151, 189, 197, 203, 206, 208, 210, 238–241, 250

computing amount of pressure within, from pressure wave, 247

conditions inside, 178–180

conditions needed to take, into Atlantic, 183–184

construction of, 12

described, 1

dimensions, 33

discovery and raising of, 13, 33, 273–276, 277

distance from bomb during explosion, 17

fired upon, 86, 218, 227

Fish Boat seized by Confederacy and renamed, 74–75

hull, 32, 249

as lead story on CNN website, 19

location when found, 88–89

mission of, 12–13

navigation of, 35

post–Civil War reports of, 272

pressure on, from torpedo, 250

as rebreather problem, 26

signal from, after attack, 234, 235–236

sinking of, 14, 28, 29, 178, 269

speed of, during approach, 224–225

stalactites of concretion, 14–15

suggested by Dale for study, 11

testing of, 130–132

title to and exhibition location of, 275–278

Hunley, Horace

American Diver, 73

appearance of, 65–66, 66

background, 66

as captain of second crew, 77–78

death of, 78, 140–141

Pioneer and, 69, 71

as provider of building funds, 68

testing of Hunley, 132

Hunley Commission, 275, 276, 277–278

Hunley Project,” 13

Huxley, Andrew, 188

hydrogen sulfide, 91

hyperbaric chambers, 41–43

hypercapnia, 52

IEDs, 111, 117, 251

Indian Chief, CSS, 78, 176

injury biomechanics, 9, 251

Iraq, 111, 117, 120, 123

Ives (physician scientist), 48, 49–50

Jacobsen, Maria, 165–166, 174

Jahren, Hope, 135

Jarvis, Tripp, 149, 150, 151–152

Jason (lab tech), 136, 137

Jefferson Davis (privateer), 173–174

Johnson, Daniel L., 122, 123

keel, weights along, necessary for submersion, 14

Kelley, Chris, 83–84, 86–87, 90

Kelly (member of Housatonic crew), 224

Kemp, Francis, 126

Kevlar, 119, 120

Kronegh, Adam Jon, 172–173, 174

Kwolek, Stephanie, 120

Lake, Simon

on air supply in submarines, 31

on Drebbel, 59

story about CSS Pioneer by, 70

land mines

invention of, 100

manufacture of, 193

torpedoes used as, 231

Lee, Robert E., 165

Leeds, Charles, 73

Liberty Arts Foundry, 150

lucky-shot theory, 80, 86–87, 88–89

Lumpkin (first name of crewman unknown), 28

Lumpkin, C., 176, 177

Maltitz, Ian von, 83

Maxwell, James Clerk, 79

McClellan, George, 127

McClintock, James

American Diver, 73

appearance of, 66

background, 66–67

design of Hunley, 79

idea for bomb-laden submarine and, 68–69, 71

knowledge of early submarines, 74

Pioneer and, 69–70

testing of Hunley, 132

McConnell, Glenn, 274–275, 277

Mellor, Susana, 118, 119

military technology, wartime advances in, 116–117

Miller (crew member of Hunley), 176–177, 264

Minié bullets, 86

Monitor, USS, 274

Moon, Richard, 43–44, 45

National Archives, Washington, DC, 96–98

National Park Service, 33

National Underwater Marine Agency (NUMA), 13

Nautilus, 74

Naval History and Heritage Command (NHHC), 13, 275

New Ironsides, USS, 65, 130, 230

Nick. See Azan, Nick

North Carolina firing ranges, 84–87

open-circuit oxygen tanks, 25

Operation Plumbbob, 116

oxygen consumption

measurement of, 24

predictability of human, 24–25

pressure of oxygen and, 44–45

rates of, and asphyxiation, 40

panic attacks and carbon dioxide levels, 52

Parks and Lyons machine shop in Mobile, Alabama, 73

partial pressure concept, 44–45

Pasteur, Louis, 169

Patriots Point Naval and Maritime Museum, 273

Payne, John, 75–76, 77

Phillips, Austin, 162, 163

Phillips, Lodner, 73, 74

Phillips, Mason, 162, 163

Phillips, Michael, 141

photosynthesis, 171

Pickering, Charles Whipple

actions at first alarm, 218, 266

after Housatonic, 229

court of inquiry and, 229

firing on Hunley by, 227

injuries suffered, 227–228, 269

position of, when torpedo struck, 219

rescue of, 223, 269

in water, 220–222

pilot. See also Dixon, Lt. George

coin found on, 28, 165–166, 170

location of, in submarine, 34–35

position of, when ship sunk, 14, 15

Pinkerton, Allan, 127, 128

Pioneer, CSS, 69–72, 75

Pitt, Bert, 141–144

Pitt, Gwen, 142

Pitt Farm. See the Farm

potassium nitrate in black powder, 93, 104–105

pressure waves

from author’s last test, 241

author’s research questions about, 242

computing amount of pressure within Hunley from, 247

damage to humans from, 120–121

damage to structures from, 120

in enclosed areas, 209, 244

measuring, 207–209

risks of injuries from, to crew of Hunley, 251, 258

secondary, 245–246

spar angle and, 210–211

from torpedo on Hunley, 195, 267

“trampoline bounce” and, 250

waveform from, 124, 241

primary blast injuries, 110, 111–116

publications, as primary yardstick to measure academics, 23

quaternary blast injuries, 110–111

Ragan, Mark, 71–72

Rains, Gabriel

in Charleston, 106–107

design iterations of torpedoes, 192–194, 266

family and background, 100, 101

length of spars, 194, 195

nickname, 102

positioning of Hunley torpedo, 250

on torpedoes for attack on Housatonic, 158–159

Rains, George Washington

characteristics, 99–100

family and background, 100–101

manufacture of black powder for Confederacy by, 101–105, 106–107, 109–110, 266

nickname, 102

potassium nitrate farms, 105

on Southern assumption North would not oppose secession, 64

rebreathers, operation of, 25, 31–32

“relative effectiveness” (RE, TNT equivalency), 258–259

Renton (physician scientist), 48, 49–50

researchers. See academics

Ridgaway, Joseph, 177, 264

“risk curves,” 251

Robinson, William, 76

Roy, John, 68–69, 71

Ruffin, Edmund, 141, 145, 254–258, 256

Rye, Kent, 155, 157

saltpeter in black powder, 93, 104–105

Scafuri, Michael

failure to respond to author, 37–38

initial contact with, 20

meeting with, at Warren Lasch Conservation Center, 22–24, 26–27

nondisclosure agreement from, 38, 39

Scheuber, Frederick, 175


characteristics, 7

employability of, 17

Seager, Sara, 7

2nd South Carolina Volunteer Infantry of Union Army, 214

secondary blast injuries, 111

sediment layers and level, 14

Sherman, William Tecumseh, 213

Shiloh, Battle of, 174

Shock, William H., 70, 72

shock waves

behavior of trapped, 121, 123

defining, 120

descriptions of experiencing, 233

development of, 111–113

effect on human body, 113–115

fatalities from, 115–116, 122–123

methods of making, 118–119

World War II bombings, 109, 115

Singer’s torpedoes

amount of black powder in, 16

attachment to spar, 16–17

design of, 158, 254, 255

National Archives drawings, 158, 159, 254, 255

Smith, Darin, 200

snorkel system, 35, 53–54

Soda House, 99

South Carolina Hunley Commission, 13

spar of Hunley

angle of, 210–211, 265, 267

conservation and condition of, 16

described, 1

evidence of deformation from explosion, 240

length, 17, 195

positioning of torpedo and, 132

Gabriel Rains and length of, necessary for safety, 195

Spence, E. Lee, 273, 274, 276

Spy of the Rebellion (Pinkerton), 128

stadia, described, 32

stalactites of concretion, 14–15

Stalcup, Alane, 239, 242

Stalcup, Luke

background, 148, 149

making of science tubes, 160–161

making of test torpedoes, 159

tests at Farm, 152–154, 157–158, 161–164, 189–191, 196, 197–198, 239–242

Sturma, Michael, 233

submarines, history of

American Diver, 73

in ancient world, 57

Bauer, 59–62

Bourne, 58

David and boats of similar design, 130, 131, 132, 145

Drebbel, 58–59

early design concept of a torpedo-carrying, 68

early submarines rejected by Union and Confederacy, 73

Fish Boat, 73–78

hull changes since 1900, 252–253

Nautilus, 74

nickname, 62–63

Pioneer, CSS, 69–72, 75

protective measures against, 145–146

Thetis (British submarine), 47–49

World War I, 252, 271

World War II, 117, 252–253


assumed as cause of death, 17

of buried skiers, 31

friction of crank and, 24

as not cause of death, 32

rebreather problem of Hunley, 26

Restoration Institute failure to pursue, as cause of death, 23

sulfur in black powder, 91, 104

Sullivan’s Island, 144–146, 176, 217, 265

SWAGs (scientific wild-ass guesses), 39

Taylor, G. I., 139, 244

Teddeman, Charles, 215, 228, 229

Teddeman, Jack, 215, 228–229

Teddeman, John, 215, 228, 229, 266

Teddeman, William, 215

tertiary blast injuries, 111

Thetis (British submarine), 47–49

Thetis (Greek goddess), 46

Thomsen (in Bauer’s submarine), 59–62

Thurmond, Strom, 273, 275–276

Tidyman, Philip, 214–215

TNT equivalency (“relative effectiveness,” RE), 258–259


confinement of black powder in, 96

current name for, 2

design iterations of Confederate, 192–194, 266

drawings of Confederate, 253–254

ingredients, 193

Kemp’s “water rockets,” 126

Singer’s, 16, 158, 159, 254, 255

testing by author, 146–148

Union protection against, 145–146

used as land mines, 231

torpedo on Hunley, 255

amount of black powder in, 266

for attack on Housatonic, 158–159, 191–192

copper, 195

design, 266

effect of explosion on Housatonic, 219–220

operation of, 3–4

positioning of, to cause damage, 1–2, 131–132, 194–195, 210, 250

sound of explosion of, 202–203

strength of black powder in, 248–249

trigger design, 158–159

transatlantic telegraph cable, first, 187–188, 193

trauma, human body and patterns of, 22–23

Tubman, Harriet, 214

Turtle, 74

Udelhofen, Matt, 201–202, 206–210

underwater breathing systems, new technology for, 7

underwater cables, 187–188, 193

Union. See also Housatonic, USS

Anaconda Plan to starve South into submission, 64, 65

attack on Charleston, 213–214

blockade of Charleston Harbor, 2, 13, 180–181, 182, 263–264, 265

blockade of Southern ports, 13

bombardment of Charleston area, 141, 180–182, 183, 206, 263

Canandaigua, 178, 223, 225, 228

control of New Orleans, 72–73

destruction of South’s food by, 213

draft, 175

early submarines rejected by, 73

Emancipation Proclamation, 175

former slaves in armed forces of, 214–216

Harvest Moon, 231

Monitor, 274

New Ironsides, 65, 130, 230

protection against submarine attacks, 145–146

resources available to, 63

standard issue rifles, 86

Vanderbilt, 229

Wabash, 224, 228

Vanderbilt, USS, 229

Verne, Jules, 57, 36

Vonnegut, Kurt, 109, 110

Wabash, USS, 224, 228

Waltham Abbey Gunpowder Works (England), 102

Warder, Henry, 85–86, 87, 88, 138–139, 148

Warren Lasch Conservation Center

author’s attempts to work with, 19–20

author’s meeting with Scafuri and Fortenberry at, 22–24, 26–27

described, 27–28

display of Hunley at, 277

lack of physiologist on team, 24, 27

location, 22

publications of, 23

public vote for cause of sinking, 29

role in conservation and preservation of Hunley, 13

“water rockets,” 126

Watson, Baxter

American Diver, 73

background, 66–67, 68

Pioneer and, 69, 71

testing of Hunley, 132

Wescoat, Artha, 181

White, Walter, 91–92

Wicks, James A., 28, 177, 178, 264

Williams, Absolum, 77

Witt (in Bauer’s submarine), 59–62

Wojtylak, Brad

background, 148, 149

black powder obtained from, 159–160

making of science tubes, 160–161

reassignment of, 236

tests at Farm, 161–164, 188–191, 196, 197–198, 239–242

Woolverton, Justin, 52

World War I, 116–117, 252, 271

World War II, 10, 117, 122, 252–253

Wright, Frederick, 102