A | B | C | D | E
F | G | H | I | J
K | L | M | N | O
P | R | S | T | U
V | W | Y | Z
Acid-loving plants, 28, 160, 166
Adhesive tape, in pest control, 41, 170
Aerators, hand or power, 123
Air conditioners, indoor gardening and, 163
Air purifiers, houseplants as, 150
Alcohol: disinfecting with, 121, 170
in pest control, 23, 24, 169, 171
in weed control, 125, 128, 130–31
Algae, ridding ponds of, 37
Allies, 73–85
birds as, 74–75
housing for, 180–82
reptiles and amphibians as, 77–78, 82, 182
worms as, 85. See also Beneficial insects
Aloe vera, 155
Aluminum foil, in pest control, 70–71
Ammonia, in pest control, 60, 61, 64
carpenter, 61
Aphid lions, 76
Aphids, 28, 29, 30, 31, 41, 70, 79, 85, 167, 168, 170, 171
Apple blossoms, 174
protecting from pests, 13, 32, 40, 68
Aquarium water, for houseplants, 166
Armyworms, 122
Artworks, from castoffs, 135
Aspirin, as disease fighter, 22, 34
Baby powder, in pest control, 70
Backing boards, 18
Bagworms, 42
Baking soda: as ant preventive, 48
as disease fighter, 22, 33, 35
Balloons, as bird deterrents, 58
Bamboo plant supports, growing your own, 7
Banana peels, feeding roses with, 103
Bark: as disease fighter, 34
Barley straw, as algae deterrent, 37
Barrels: catching rainwater in, 10, 165
Basil Sun Tea, 28
Basters, indoor pests and, 168
Bats, 76
houses for, 181
Beer, trapping slugs with, 51
Bees, houses for, 80, 81, 180–81
Beetles: asparagus, 31
in lawns, 122–23
ridding plants of, 11, 28, 29, 31, 43–44, 45, 69, 83. See also Japanese beetles
Beetle Buster, 31
Beneficial insects, 130
attracting, 23, 28, 31, 73, 76, 78–81, 83–84, 111, 177–81
housing for, 180–81
plants for, 177–79
purchasing and releasing into garden, 41, 44, 51, 69, 189, 190
Berry-bearing shrubs, for birds, 75
Birdbaths, 141
floating bouquets in, 136
Birds, 122
as allies, 74–75
deterrents for, 16, 58–59, 91, 95, 96
Blight, 35
Boosters (potions), 25–28, 161
Borage, lacewings and, 76
Borders, decorative, 134
Boric acid, in pest control, 22, 47, 49, 53
Bottles: in pest control, 60
Bouquets, floating, 136
Bran, in slug control, 51
Branches: blossoming, 174
making trellises and arbors with, 139
Bubble wrap, insulating with, 8
Buckets, leaky, 17
Buckwheat, as cover crop, 126
Bugs, 95
attracting allies in fight against, 73–85
repellents and preventives for, 55–57, 68–69
ridding plants of, 3, 11, 17, 39–53
stings or bites of, 53, 71. See also Beneficial insects; specific bugs
booster potion for, 27
Bumblebees, housing for, 80, 81, 180–81
Burlap, snagging gypsy moths on, 46
Burning debris, 40
Bushel baskets, planting in, 8
Butterflies, attracting, 80, 81
Buttermilk Shake, 31
Cabbage loopers, 28, 29, 31, 40
Camellias, 28, 89, 160, 166, 187
Candleholders, as outdoor decor, 136–37
Cankers, 34
Canning jars, candles in, 136
in pest control, 22, 33, 35, 46
Cardboard: collars made of, 47
in weed control, 131
Carpenter ants, 61
Cars: drying flowers or herbs in, 18
as temporary greenhouses, 95
Carts, for tools, 15
Castor oil: feeding ferns with, 165
Cats, houseplants and, 174
Cedar posts, bee havens in, 180
Charcoal, activated, 158
Chervil, 154
Chickens, pests eaten by, 41, 45, 122
Chicken wire: in pest control, 59, 63, 70
in winter protection, 103
Chili powder, in pest control, 22
Chimes, as bird deterrents, 58
Chimney flues, 142
Chinch bugs, 44–45
Citrus: growing, 28, 161, 169, 186
starting seeds in rinds of, 92
Clematis, 108
Click beetles, 45
Clover, as cover crop, 126
Coffee cans, for yard cleanup, 18
Coffee grounds: for acid-loving plants, 160
Cologne, in pest control, 170
Color, in outdoor decor, 137
Colorado potato beetles, 43, 66
Comfrey, in potions, 27–28
Compost, 99–100, 113–17, 120, 123, 124
concealing behind willow screen, 115
containers for, 116
screening, 5
Conifers, winter protection for, 113
Containers (planters): booster potions for, 26–28
covering drainage holes in, 9, 157
for indoor gardening, 156
insulating, 8
junkyard finds, 140–41
repotting and, 157–58
staging areas for, 138
starter pots for seeds, 6, 92–93
unconventional, 8–9, 13, 140, 142, 143, 145
weeders for, 3
white crusting along rims of, 158. See also Terra–cotta pots
Copper, 145
in pest control, 67
Cornell Formula, 35
Corn gluten meal, in weed control, 22, 127–28, 130
Cornmeal, in pest control, 48, 56
Corn rootworm, 69
Cover crops, 126
Crabgrass, 127
Crab shells, as calcium source, 25
Crows, deterrents for, 59
Cucumber beetles, 28, 29, 31, 43, 44, 69
Cup plant, 81
Currants, bird deterrents for, 59
Cuttings, propagation of, 100–103, 106
Daisy grubbers, 124
Decollate snails, 51
Delphinium, in pest control, 30
Diatomaceous earth, 24, 36, 49, 52, 61, 67
disposing of plant matter and, 18
indoor gardening and, 156, 162, 164, 166, 167, 171–72
potions in control of, 22, 23, 32, 33–37. See also Fungal diseases; specific diseases
Division, propagation by, 109–10
Dog hair, as deterrent, 64, 70, 96
Dogwoods, 89
Doors, handles and pulls for, 143
Downspouts, planting in, 145
Drafts, houseplants and, 163
Drainage holes: covering, 9, 158
soil loss through, 159
Ducks, pests eaten by, 50–51, 122
Egg cartons, starting seeds in, 92, 108
Eggplants, 25
Eggs, rotten, as deer deterrent, 64
Electric wire, in pest control, 66
Epsom salts, in boosters, 22, 25, 27
Essential oils, in pest control, 23, 30, 71
Fences, 137
trompe l’oeil, 134
willow screens, 115
Fertilizers, 2, 3, 18, 85, 120, 126
booster potions, 22, 23, 25–28
de-icing with, 105
indoor gardening and, 159–61
Ficus, 150, 164, 169, 171, 185
Fingernails, protecting, 2
Firefly larvae (glowworms), 51, 78–79
First aid (Gardenside), 46, 53, 71, 124, 127, 129
Fishing line, in pest control, 62, 63
Flats, recycling, 5
Fleas, 30
Floating row covers, 62, 66, 69, 96
Flour, in pest control, 23, 31, 40
Flowerpots. See Containers; Terra-cotta pots
Flowers: drying, 18
harvesting, 4
Fluorescent lights, 188
Forsythia, 174
Frogs, 77
Frost damage, preventing, 26
Fruit liqueurs, 12
protecting from pests, 6, 13, 47, 49, 58–59. See also specific fruits
Fungal diseases: damping-off, 33, 92, 166
indoor gardening and, 156, 162, 164, 166
potions and, 22, 23, 32–36. See also Mildew
Funnels, trapping bugs with, 44
Gardenias, 166
Garlic: in disease control, 32, 36
forcing, 172
harvesting, 4
in pest control, 42, 60, 61, 64, 66, 69, 70
Garlic Soup, 32
Gas leaks, ficus and, 171
Geese, yard help from, 122, 126
Gelatin, as plant booster, 160
Glass, green, for rosemary, 102
Gloves: growing plants in, 137
keeping pests out of, 2
spraying and, 24
Glue, for pruning cuts, 23
Goats, 128
Gooseberries, bird deterrents for, 59
Gophers, 60
as candleholders, 136–37
Grapefruit rinds: planting in, 92
in slug control, 50
Grass clippings, 113, 117, 120, 121, 123, 124
Gravel mulch, 91
Grip aids, 12
Gro-lights, 187
in lawns, 122–23
Guinea fowl, pests eaten by, 41
Gutters, planting in, 145
Gypsy moths, 46
Hair clippings, as deterrent, 64, 67, 70, 96
Hanging plants, watering, 167
Harvesting: baskets for, 3
hanging in bunches after, 4
washing foods outside after, 7
Hawthorns, 89
Healthy Hollyhock Spray, 33
Heaters: for seed starting, 94
solar, 16
Hedges, cutting windows in, 143
Herbal Brew, 31
drying, 18
growing indoors, 154
harvesting, 4
High-intensity discharge (HID) lights, 188
Hinder, 64
Hoes, removing weeds with, 124, 125
Hold-alls, 12
Hollyhocks, 33
Holly leaves, as barrier, 69
Honey, as ant lure, 23
Hornworms, 81
Horseradish, containing the roots of, 19
Hose guides, 13
Hoses: perching atop spade handles, 17
pest deterrents made from, 16
soaker, 124
storing, 145
Hosiery: drainage holes and, 9, 157
ripening fruit and, 6
Houseflies, 30
Houseplants, 149–75
exposures for, 187–88
health benefits of, 149–50
talking to, 169. See also Indoor gardening
Humidity, houseplants and, 163, 175
Ice: de-icers for, 105
lighting fixtures made of, 137
Incandescent bulbs, 187
Indoor gardening, 149–75
feeding in, 159–61
grooming in, 161
light for, 150, 152–53, 185–88
materials for, 156–59
pests and, 167–72
plants suitable for, 153–55, 185–87
repotting and, 157–58
sick plants and, 171–72
temporary transplants in, 175
tools for, 154
vacation time and, 172–73
watering in, 151, 162–67, 172–73
in winter, 160, 163. See also Houseplants
Insects. See Beneficial insects; Bugs; specific insects
Iris, bearded, 109–10
Japanese beetles, 30, 42, 43, 44, 122, 123
Jerusalem crickets, 78
Junkyard finds, 140–41
Kelp: feeding with, 23, 26, 108, 159–60
in pest control, 168
Kelp Cocktail, 26
Kitchen utensils: as gardening tools, 2–3, 43, 67, 92, 154
in wind chimes, 58
Kitchen waste, in compost, 117
Kraft paper, as mulch, 112
Lacewings, 76
Ladders, 11
Larkspur, in pest control, 30
Laundry baskets, for harvest, 3, 7
Lawns, 119–23
pests in, 122–23
watering and tending, 120
Leaves: arranging in whimsical designs, 136
as disease fighter, 34
Light: for houseplants, 152, 187–88
outdoor, 136–37
Liqueurs, fruit, 12
Liquidambar pods, 69–70
Lizards, 77
Loopers, 28, 29, 31, 40, 75, 78
Lupine, 89
Maggots, 40
Maggot Martini, 32
Mailbox storage units, 142
Manure tea, 26–27
Manzanita, 89
Markers: for seeds, 94. See also Plant labels
Matchsticks, as preventive, 57
Mealybugs, 30, 79, 167, 168, 170
rinds of, as slug lures, 50
Mildew, 22, 34, 35, 36, 156, 162, 164, 166
Milk containers, 14
Milk spray, 34
Mint, 17, 24, 31, 46, 110, 154
Mites, 28, 30, 41, 78, 79, 171
predatory, 83
Molasses, 23
in booster potions, 26–28
Mold, on soil surface, 167
Moths, 76
Mulch, 66, 84, 85, 99–100, 108, 111–13, 120
seed planting and, 91
in weed control, 124, 126, 130
Mulching mowers, 121
Murphy’s Oil Soap, 31, 169, 171
Mylar, in pest control, 58, 62
Nesting materials, 75
Netting, in pest control, 59, 63, 69
Newspaper: in compost, 117
earwig traps made of, 46
Nitrogen, 27, 113, 117, 120, 127
signs of deficiency of, 160
Oak leaves, in potions, 28
Oiling tools, 3
Oils, in potions, 22, 23, 25, 33, 35
Oleanders, 60
Onions: harvesting, 4
in pest control, 66
for insect stings, 71
Orange cleaning products, 30
Oregano, 154
Organic fertilizers, 159–60
Paper: as mulch, 111, 112–13. See also Newspaper
Paper bags: as blanching collars, 14
planting in, 13
ripening apples in, 13
Paper cups, starting seeds in, 92
Paper Planting Tapes, 90
Paper towels, 3
Parsley, 154
Peace lilies, 150
Peonies, 43
tree, 89
Pests: indoor gardening and, 167–72
repellents and preventives for, 16, 55–71. See also Bugs; specific pests
Photos, 4–5
pruning dilemmas and, 5
refreshing your memory with, 4
Pipe, 142
as dibber, 94
invasive plants and, 19
Plantain, 124
Planters. See Containers
Plant supports, 6–8
avoiding injury with, 18
growing your own bamboo for, 7
wire, 7–8. See also Trellises
Plastic jugs: in pest control, 61, 62
scoopers made with, 14
weed-whacking or mowing and, 107
Plastic, solarization and, 130
Poison oak or ivy, 126, 128–29
first aid for contact with, 127, 129
Ponds: algae control in, 37
cleaning, 18
instant, 12
Potato bugs, 45
Potatoes, 35, 42, 45, 57, 66, 108
as propagation aid, 101
trapping wireworms with, 45
for cuttings, 100–101, 102, 103
disease fighters, 22, 23, 32, 33–37
for houseplants, 165, 168, 169
for pest control, 21–23, 25, 28–32, 168, 169
spraying tips for, 24
supplies for, 22–23
Produce boxes, planting in, 8
Propagation: from cuttings, 100–103, 106
by division, 109–10. See also Seeds
Propane torches: in pest control, 40
in weed control, 125
Pruning: of houseplants, 161
planning and, 5
sealing cuts from, 23
Pumpkins, 11
throne for, 106–7
Radish markers, 94
Rain gauges, 120
Rainwater, watering with, 10, 165
Rakes, dethatching, 122
Raspberries, bird deterrents for, 59
Redbuds, 89
Red pepper, in pest control, 24, 29, 66
Red wagons, 15–16
Repotting, 157–58
Roofs, rose-festooned, 104
Rooting compounds, 100–101
Roots, of container plants, 156–57, 158
Rose Tonic, 35
propagating cuttings of, 102
Roses, 6, 23, 33, 35, 42, 43, 63, 102–4
propagation of, 102–3
on roof, 104
winter wrap for, 103
Rust flies, 57
Salt, 105
buildup of, along pot rims, 158
Sand: for cuttings, 106
as de-icer, 105
Saucers, for houseplants, 158
Saucy Spray, 29
Savory, 154
Scab, 40
Scarecrows, 58
Scoopers, 14
Scouring pads, in pest control, 61
Screen: covering drainage holes with, 9, 157
in pest control, 67
Seaweed. See Kelp
Seedlings, 33
thinning, 96
true leaves of, 95
Seed packets: laminated, as plant labels, 10
open, sealing, 2
organizing, 6
Seeds, 87–97
heating soil for, 94
large, preparing for planting, 89
pressing into flower beds, 17
saving and storing, 97
scarifying, 89
soil cover for, 88
starter pots for, 6, 92–93, 108
Sewer pipes, 142
Sheets, shaking pests onto, 43
Shelf-lining paper, trapping pests with, 46, 49
Shells, decorative use of, 140
Shingles, attracting bats with, 76
Showers, for houseplants, 164
Skippers, 80
Sleds, trapping bugs with, 11
protecting containers from, 9
Snakes: as allies, 82
deterrents painted like, 16
Soaker hoses, 124
Soap, 125
bars of, as pest deterrents, 63
in pest control, 9, 23, 24, 25, 29, 31, 32, 33, 35, 41, 45, 60, 168, 169, 171
protecting fingernails with, 2
Socks, recycling in garden, 6
Sod webworms, 122
Soil, 99–100
de-icers and, 105
indoor gardening and, 156, 159
testing water penetration in, 120
Solar heaters, 16
Songbirds, attracting, 17
Sowbugs, 83
Soy sauce, in earwig traps, 46
Spades, perching hoses on, 17
Sphinx moths, 81
Spider mites, 31
Spined soldier bugs, 44
Spirea, 174
Spittlebug nymphs, 41
Splinters, 124
Spraying tips, 24
Spring, blossoming branches and, 174
Squashes, 11, 14, 17–18, 19, 71
Stakes, 13
avoiding injury with, 18. See also Plant supports
Stinging nettles, 3
Storage, unconventional, 138, 142
as algae deterrent, 37
Strawberries, 143
Strawberry or tomato baskets: as cloches, 6, 9
starting seeds in, 6
String, 4
bird deterrents made with, 59
Sugar, in pest control, 31, 48, 53, 59, 79
Sulfur, 27
Sun(light): charting movements of, 5
indoor gardening and, 150, 152–53, 161, 185–88
reflecting in garden, 18, 71, 140
solarizing soil with, 130
Sundials, living, 144
Sunflowers, 56–57, 74, 79, 80, 181
Sun scald, 68
Sweet gum pods, 69–70
Sweet peas, 89
Syrphid flies, 85
Tabasco sauce, in pest control, 23, 66
Tabasco Zap, 29
Talking to and touching houseplants, 169
Tea, leftover, for houseplants, 166
Tepee-shaped trellises, 139
Terra-cotta pots, 156
as abodes for allies, 78, 81, 83, 180–81
borders of, 134
as cloches, 11
as hose guides, 13
hose storage on, 145
planting in tower of, 143
presoaking, 156
repairing, 135
as twine dispensers, 7
Thrips, 70
twine dispensers for, 6, 7. See also Plant supports
Tiger beetles, 41
Tiles, chimney flue or sewer, 142
Tin cans: as cutworm collars, 56
perching veggies on, 17–18
Toilet paper planting tape, 90–91
Tomato baskets. See Strawberry or tomato baskets
Tomato blight, 71
Tomatoes, 25, 35, 56–57, 70–71
Tomato mosaic, 34
Tool handles: grip aids for, 12
painting measurements on, 9
Tools, 1–19
carts for, 15
for indoor gardening, 154
kitchen utensils as, 2–3, 43, 67, 92, 154
oiling, 3
worn-out, decorative uses for, 143–44
Totem storage, 138
Trash can lids, as instant ponds, 12
Trash cans: composting in, 116
as hold-alls, 12
Trees: planting, 117
Tree trunk furniture, 143
Trellises: constructed with branches, 139
materials for, 7
tying plants to, 4
wooden ladders as, 11
Trench composting, 117
Trichogramma wasps, 69
True leaves, 95
Turtles, 77
Undies, dirty, as pest deterrent, 63
Urea, as de-icer, 105
Urine, in pest control, 64
Vacations, houseplant care during, 172–73
Vacuums, in pest control, 43, 45, 48, 170
Vanilla extract, in pest control, 70
Vegetable broth, for houseplants, 166
Vegetable oil, in potions, 23, 25
Vegetables: harvesting, 3, 7. See also specific vegetables
Velcro tie-ups, 7
Vinegar, 165
in pest control, 23, 29, 33, 48, 61, 168
in weed control, 125, 128, 130–31
Viruses, 70
Walls, trompe l’oeil, 134
Wardian cases, 175
Wasps, trichogramma, 69
Water: attracting allies with, 75, 77, 79
attracting songbirds with, 17
boiling, in weed control, 126, 128–29
Watercress, 107
Watering: barrels throughout garden for, 10
hanging plants, 167
houseplants, 151, 162–67, 172–73
lawns, 120
underground containers with drainage holes for, 14
Watering cans, as twine dispensers, 6
animal labor and, 45, 122, 126, 129
Welcome signs, 143
Wheat, for cats, 174
Wheelbarrows, planting in, 8
Wheeled helpers, 15
Wicks, watering with, 173
making screens with, 115
in potions, 34, 100–101, 102, 103
Wind chimes, as bird deterrents, 58
Windows: in hedges, 143
on walls or fences, 134
Wind tunnels, 60
Winter: indoor gardening in, 160, 163
mulch for, 112
protecting plants in, 103, 113
Wire plant supports, 7–8
Wireworms, 45
Wisteria, 89
Woodchucks, 70
Worm bins, 183–85
in old red wagon, 15–16
Wound dressings, 124
Zen-like garden sculptures, 145
Zucchini, 18