1. The Conquest of Eden: Possession and Dominion in Early Virginia
2. Powhatans Abroad: Virginia Indians in England
3. John Smith Maps Virginia: Knowledge, Rhetoric, and Politics
4. The Politics of Pathos: Richard Frethorne's Letters Home
5. The Specter of Spain in John Smith's Colonial Writing
6. The White Othello: Turkey and Virginia in John Smith's True Travels
7. England, Morocco, and Global Geopolitical Upheaval
8. Irish Colonies and the Americas
Part III. American Metamorphosis
9. Hunger in Early Virginia: Indians and English Facing Off over Excess, Want, and Need
10. Between “Plain Wilderness” and “Goodly Corn Fields”: Representing Land Use in Early Virginia
11. Settling with Slavery: Human Bondage in the Early Anglo-Atlantic World
12. “We All Smoke Here”: Behn's The Widdow Ranter and the Invention of American Identity