

ABCDE model, reframing negative thinking, 3637, 105

acute trauma, 4

administrator support

creating a TIC program, 90

TIC, 86

adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), 56, 8, 14, 16, 17, 27, 54, 60, 77

advocacy, 92

aggressive behaviors, sign of toxic stress, 23

anxiety, trauma and, 17


music, and dance, 35

supporting play in the center, 67

assault, 13

A Terrible Thing Happened (Holmes), 45

attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), trauma and, 17

autism, trauma and, 17

automobile crashes, 12


Berman, Dr. Marc, 102

bibliotherapy, 4446, 66. 87

B is for Breathe: The ABCs of Coping with Fussy and Frustrating Feelings (Boyd), 46

blocks, supporting play in the center, 65

blogs, 84


for children with trauma experience, 4446

sample reading experience, 45

brain development

circuits and connections, 19

experience, brain connections and, 20

burnout, 96


calming center, 41, 44, 56, 82

celebrate joys of life, 38

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), study on childhood trauma, 56

challenging behaviors, positive guidance, 3233, 35


connecting with, 5060

educators as a critical resource, 3

positive interactions with, 5859

relationships with peers, 5354

trauma effects on brains, 1925

trauma prevalence, 2

Children’s Defense Fund, poverty definition, 8

Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA 2020), 84

Circle Preschool Program, 90

cognition and academic learning, trauma effects, 20

compassion fatigue, 5, 97

complex trauma, 4

connecting with children, 5060

cooking, supporting play in the center, 67


effects on children’s resilience, 29

trauma and, 16


death and dying talk, sign of toxic stress, 24

deployment, 11

depression, trauma and, 17

development, trauma effects on, 22

developmentally appropriate practice (DAP), 4

differing influences, children’s trauma experiences, 2829

disability, trauma and, 17

discovery, supporting play in the center, 66

divorce or separation, ACE, 5

domestic violence, ACE, 5

Don’t Feed the Worry Bug (Green), 46

Dotson, Lauren, 91

dramatic play, supporting play in the center, 65


eating pattern changes, sign of toxic stress, 2

educator–family meetings, 8081

educators (teachers)

advocacy, 92

connecting with families, 7984

as a critical resource, 3

partnering with families, 7284

print and digital resources for, 109110

supporting families in supporting children, 7778

training in trauma response, 1

use of technology, 8384

video clips and webinars for, 110

web resources for, 110

Elmer and the Flood (McKee), 59

emotional abuse, 7

emotional disturbance, trauma and, 17

emotional neglect, ACE, 5

emotions, learning regulation of, 3032

empathic distress, 97

empathy distress fatigue, 97

empathy fatigue, 97

engagement, definition, 74

enrichment of children’s lives, 3738

enuresis, sign of toxic stress, 24

environmental supports

books, 4446

children with history of trauma, 4243

daily schedule, 4648

physical environment, 4041, 49

environment for learning, 4049

emotional, social, physical and learning needs, 4041

materials and equipment, 4143

Erikson Institute, Technology in Early Childhood Center policy statement, 84

experiences with trauma, differing influences on, 2829

expulsion, 34

eye contact, toxic stress and, 25


family, 7284

family discord, 8

family dynamics, trauma and, 3

family dysfunction and household instability, 7

family–educator meetings, 8081

family engagement, 74

practices, 7576

principles, 74

trauma-informed, 77

family-inclusive language, 73

family separation, 1011

family volunteering and participating in projects, 82

fearfulness, sign of toxic stress, 24

fight behaviors, 24

financial insecurity and poverty, 89

Firenze’s Light (Collaço), 46

flight behaviors, 2224

forest bathing (shinrin-yoku), 57, 102

foster care, 72

Foundation for a Mindful Society, 101

Four Rs framework, TIC, 86

free play, 64

freeze behaviors, 25

friendship difficulties, sign of toxic stress, 25

friendships, preschool and kindergarten, 53


gender, trauma and, 17

Gilliam, Walter, 34

Greater Richmond Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN), 90

guided play, 64

gun violence, 12


handouts for families, 114117


approach, 2, 3, 5, 26, 38

environment, 40

heightened vigilance, sign of toxic stress, 24

hobbies, 104105

home visits, 51, 79

hookup move, 31

household and family (category 1, trauma causes), 69


I Am Peace: A Book of Mindfulness (Verde), 46

ignoring directions, sign of toxic stress, 25

inability to calm down, sign of toxic stress, 23

inappropriate sexual behavior, sign of toxic stress, 23

incarceration of family member, 1011

ACE, 5

informal meetings, arrival and departure times, 79

intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), trauma and, 17


journaling, 104


Kindness Starts with You (Stagg), 46


language and communication, trauma effects, 23

learning, trauma effects, 22, 23

learning centers, 48

supporting free and guided play in, 6568

library, supporting play in the center, 66

loss, 9


Massachusetts Advocates for Children, Flexible Framework, 90

materials and equipment, learning and healing, 4143

math and manipulatives, supporting play in the center, 65

Meditation Is an Open Sky: Mindfulness for Kids (Stewart), 56

mental illness of family member, ACE, 5

microaggressions, 15, 29

migrants, 10

mindfulness, 5457

cognitive and performance skills, 55

forest bathing, 57, 102

incorporation into a program, 5556

in self-care, 102

special considerations in trauma, 5657

why it works, 55

mood swings, sign of toxic stress, 24

multitiered system of support (MTSS), 27

music and movement, supporting play in the center, 66


National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN), 96

National Scientific Council on the Developing Child, definition of adversity, 6

natural and human-made disasters, 12

need for control, sign of toxic stress, 23

negative thinking, 3637

self-care and, 105

toxic stress, sign of, 24

neglect, definition, 7


oppositional defiance disorder, trauma and, 17

optimism, 36, 37, 103

outdoors, supporting play in the center, 68

over-dependence on others, toxic stress, 25

over- or under-reacting to touch, sign of toxic stress, 25

overreacting to sounds or textures, sign of toxic stress, 25


PBS Parents, song with Daniel Tiger, 56

peer groups, support, 106

personal injury, 13

personality changes, in toxic stress, 24

photo-based newsletters, 83

physical abuse

ACE, 5

definition, 6

physical complaints, sign of toxic stress, 24

physical development, trauma effects, 23

physical environment, 4041, 49

physical neglect, ACE, 5

Planting Seeds: Practicing Mindfulness with Children (Thich Nhat Hanh), 56

play, 6171

allowing enough time, 70

benefits in healing, 6162, 70, 71

impact of trauma on, 63

offer of joy and hope, 71

repetitiveness, 71

rights of children, 62

types, 64

use in addressing trauma effects, 64

violence in, 70

playful learning, 64

in distressed children, 68

versus play therapy, 69

play therapy, versus playful learning, 69

positive guidance, children’s challenging behaviors, 3233, 35

posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 5, 14, 69, 96

poverty and financial insecurity, 89

preschool schedule, sample, 47

psychoterratic, 102

Pullman, Sir Philip, 37

punitive discipline techniques, 33


racism, role in trauma, 1415

reflective supervision, 106

refugees, 1011

refusal to participate in activities, sign of toxic stress, 25

Reggio Emilia approach, 40


children with their peers, 5354

effects on children’s resilience, 30

fostering of, 5052

mindfulness as a tool for building, 5456

repetitiveness, to desensitize children to fears, 71

repetitive play, traumatic events, 24

resilience, goal for every child, 2930

resource parents, 72

role model, 35, 105

rude or defiant behavior, sign of toxic stress, 23


safety worries, sign of toxic stress, 24

SAMHSA, Four Rs framework and six principles of TIC, 86

sand and water, supporting play in the center, 67

schedule, structure and, 4648

secondary trauma, 5

awareness, 98

self-care and, 9899

secondary traumatic stress/compassion fatigue, 9697

self-care, 95108

make a plan, 107108

for secondary trauma, 9899

strategies, 98108

self-confidence lacking, sign of toxic stress, 25

self-harm, sign of toxic stress, 23

sensory integration disorder, trauma and, 17

separation anxiety, sign of toxic stress, 24

serve-and-return interactions, neuronal connections, 20

severe and chronic illness, 8

sexual abuse

ACE, 5

definition, 7

shinrin-yoku (forest bathing), 57, 102

singular pronouns, use in this book, 2

Sitting Still Like a Frog: Mindfulness Exercises for Kids (Snel), 56

skill regression, sign of toxic stress, 24

sleep pattern changes, sign of toxic stress, 24

SMART goals, in a self-care plan, 107108

social and emotional development, trauma effects, 23

Sorrels, Barbara, 50

strengths-based approach to teaching, 2728, 74, 86


body’s reactions to, 21

responding to, 2021

structure, daily schedule, 4648

substance abuse in family member, ACE, 5


tantrums, sign of toxic stress, 23

teaching children with trauma, 2639

principle 1, 27

principle 2, 2728

principle 3, 2829

principle 4, 2930

principle 5, 3032

principle 6, 3235

principle 7, 35

principle 8, 3637

principle 9, 3738

principle 10, 38

principle 11, 39

teaching-related stress, 96

technology, sharing information with families, 8384

terrorism, 13

texts and emails, educators and families, 83

The Adventures of Beekle: The Unimaginary Friend (Santat), 54

time-in, 33

time management, 100

time-out policies, 33

Tornadoes! (Gibbons), 59

toxic stress, 2122


categories, 4, 613

causes, 6

connecting with children, 5060

definition, 4

development and, 2223

effects on brains of children, 2021

environmental supports for children, 4243

firsthand, 4

impact on play, 63

influence of other factors on experience of, 1617

key concepts, 5

mindfulness in children, 5457

picture books, 111

prevalence of, 2

responses are individual, 18

role of racism in, 1415

secondhand, 5

teaching children with, 2639

understanding, 12

trauma-informed approach, for all children, 27

trauma-informed care (TIC), 23

Four Rs framework and six principles, 86

roles and responsibilities, 8688

schools and communities, 8591

what it looks like in action, 86, 89

working with administrators, 9091

trauma-informed family engagement, 77

trauma-informed mindfulness, 56

Trauma-Informed Virginia, 9394

trauma recurrence worries, sign of toxic stress, 24

traumatic grief response, 9


Under Deadman’s Skin: Discovering the Meaning of Children’s Violent Play (Katch), 70

United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), play as a universal right, 62

unwilling to try new things, sign of toxic stress, 25


verbal abuse, ACE, 5

verbal abuse of others, sign of toxic stress, 23

vicarious trauma, 5, 97

violence, as part of play, 70

violence and disaster, 1213

volunteering, family, 82


website or Instagram, 83

What to Do When It’s Not Fair … (Toner & Freeland), 46

withdrawal from activities, sign of toxic stress, 25

witnessing violence, 13

workshops, 81


zero-tolerance policies, 33

Zero to Three, reflective supervision, 102