
Page references given in italics indicate illustrations.

Abagnale, Frank W., 142–43

acoustics, 79, 181

action: as audience objective, 25, 27, 36, 67–68, 90; language and, 110, 113, 123

Adams, Michael, 105

Adele, 7

adrenaline, 20, 135

advertising, 73–74

Age of Spiritual Machines, The (Kurzweil), 177

air quality, 79, 80–81, 172–73, 181

Alexander, F. M., 130

Alexander Technique, 130–34, 139, 168, 175

Ali, Muhammad, 123–24

alignment: body-message, 115–20; of butterflies, 19–21; creation of, xii; inner, 9–10; around vertical axis, 118–19

Ambady, Nalini, 156–57, 108

Amis, Martin, 97

Anheuser-Busch, 73

Ankara (Turkey), 62–63, 157

annoying expressions, 99–102, 109

anxiety, 139

apologizing, 72, 172, 173

appearance, 10, 82–85

Apple, Fiona, 7

Arcaya, Beret, 134

aromatherapy, 137

Art of Connection, The (Gelb), xii, xiii

association: in Mind Mapping, 45–46, 48; personal, in PROPAR, 60, 70–71, 74, 159; recall using, 43, 60

As You Like It (Shakespeare), 110

Atkinson, Rowan, 7

attention spans, 177

“At the end of the day,” 99–100

“At this moment in time,” 100

“Attracting Assault: Victims’ Nonverbal Cues” (Grayson and Stein), 116

audience: audiovisual aids and, 85–88; benefits for, 25, 63; body language and, 113–14, 124–26; clarifying objectives for, xii–xiii, 24–27, 36; “closing the sale” with, 71–72, 173; comforting thoughts about, 19–21; difficult members, 173–74; expectations of, 19–20; greeting, 157; involvement of, 70–71, 72–73; journaling, 179, 180; knowing nature of, 27–28; needs of, 32–35; as nervous, 17; presentation environment and, 79–82; questions from, 174, 180; RESALE principles used with, 151–52, 153, 156, 157; size of, 18; understanding, 16–17; in virtual presentations, 177. See also audience, empathizing with; rapport, establishing/maintaining

audience, empathizing with: author’s experience, 28–29; difficult members and, 173–74; influence gained through, 149; Mind Mapping, 38; points of influence, 32–35; by professional speakers, 23–24; questions for, 25–27; secrets of, 35–37; self-awareness and, 36–37. See also rapport, establishing/maintaining

audiovisual aids, 85–88, 91, 92, 181, 182. See also videos/videotaping; specific AV type

authenticity, 9–11, 64, 97, 116, 117

authority, 150, 155, 157–58, 159, 174

awareness, 119

“badass,” 101

Balanced Resting State, 131–34, 133, 139

Beethoven, Ludwig van, 82

Bell System, 33–34

benchmarking, 159

Bennis, Warren, 11

Benson-Henry Center for Mind Medicine, 137–38

Bergman, Ingrid, 124

“best practices,” 159

“Be that as it may,” 103

Better Business Bureau, 142

Big Bang Theory, The (TV series), 177

bigotry, 103

billboards, 73, 152–53

“Bless your heart,” 102

Blueprint: The Evolutionary Origins of a Good Society (Christakis), 151

body language: audience size and, 18; authority conveyed by, 155; DOSE and, 137; eye contact, 116, 123–26; gestures, 113, 115, 116, 121–23, 182; integration techniques, 130–39, 133; journaling, 182; language and, 110, 113, 123; likability and, 156–57; message synchronized with, 113–14, 115–16; Mind Mapping, 140; movement, 114, 116, 120–21, 155, 182; stance, 117–20, 155. See also posture; voice

body-message synchrony, 115–20

Bogart, Humphrey, 124

Bone Marrow Cleansing, 138

boredom, 19, 41, 80. See also boring/ineffective presentations

Borges, Jorge Luis, 24

boring/ineffective presentations: audience as mirror of, 27; complex information and, 30; environment and, 80; evaluating reasons for, 21; monotonous delivery and, 127–28; negative recency effect at end of, 73; prevalence of, in academia/business, 19; reasons for, 4–5, 25

Bouhours, Dominique, 95

brain: boredom and, 19; breathing and, 130; connection and, 18; improvement of, 65–66; linear note-making systems and, 41; Mind Mapping and, 52–53; movement and, 120; natural patterns of, 44; pack behavior and, 157; status monitored by, 155

Brain Rules (Medina), 19

breaks, 89, 173

breathing, 119, 130, 139

Britten, Benjamin, 84

Bruce, Lenny, 104–5

Buddha, 159

Bud Light advertising, 73

Buffett, Warren, 1, 2

Bush, Barbara, 16

butterflies, 7, 19–21. See also fear of public speaking

Buzan, Tony, 39, 42, 43, 62, 165

CAN (stress chemical mixture), 135, 137, 139

career, and presentation skills, 3–4

Carlin, George, 105

Casablanca (film; 1942), 124

Catch Me If You Can (Abagnale), 142

caveat emptor, 144–45

Cell Metabolism (journal), 138

centering exercises, 16–17

CEOs, 36

“Chariots of Fire” (Vangelis), 82

checklists, 82, 180

Cher, 7

Chinese, ancient, 113, 117

chocolateopathy, 137, 139

Christakis, Nicholas A., 151

Churchill, Winston, 10, 74, 108

Cialdini, Robert, 149–50, 152, 157

Cicero, 108

Clancy, Tom, 8

Claremont Graduate University, 69

clarity: of association, 45–46; authority conveyed by, 155; defined, 7; learning, 14; of objectives, 24–27, 114; public speaking mastery and, 7–8, 11

classes, 164

Clear and Present Danger (Clancy), 8

Cleese, John, 131

clichés, 95, 96–99, 109

clothing, 82–84, 155, 172, 177

codes, 45

code words, 103

College of Advanced Reading (England), 42

color, 43, 45, 53–54

commonalities, sharing, 157

“common touch, the,” 142

communication skills: importance of, 1; sales as, 147, 148. See also presentation skills

conferences, 176

confidence, 174

confidence monitor, 92

con men, 142–43

connection: with audience, 17–18, 124–26, 137–38, 149; core principle of, xii; with oneself, xii–xiii. See also rapport

corporate hierarchies, Peter Principle in, 2–3

cortisol, 135

Course in Miracles, A, 160

Covid-19 pandemic, 108

creative association, 45

creative thinking, 24

creativity, 97

Croston, Glenn, 6

Csíkszentmihályi, Mihály, 13, 168

Cuddy, Amy, 114–15

Curie, Marie, 44

D’Agostino, Jim, 51–52

Danes, Claire, 124

Darwin, Charles, 44

decision making, 26

defensiveness, 25

Democratic National Convention (1976), 108

Democratic National Convention (2004), 108

demonstrations, 67, 68–70

dendrites, 44

Desai, Mahadev, 9

destressing, 138–39

DiCaprio, Leonardo, 124, 142

Dickens, Charles, 109

Dickinson, Emily, 109

difficult people, 173–74

disclaimer phrases, 102–3

distractions, 90, 120–21

diversity, 177

Domanski, Deborah, 131, 134

dopamine, 135

DOSE (happiness chemical mixture), 135–38, 139

drama, 69

dress codes, 177

DuPont, 31

ease, 62

Edison, Thomas, 44

education, 71, 163–64

effectiveness, 62

egotism, 159–60

Einstein, Albert, 108–9, 110

electronic devices, 4

Elizabeth I (Queen of England), 108

Elizabeth II (Queen of England), 108

emotions: as audience objective, 25, 26–27, 36, 67, 90; as contagious, 26

empathy. See audience, empathizing with

emphasis, 43, 45, 85

endorphins, 135

energy, 119–20

engagement, 150, 152–53, 159

eraser phrases, 102–3

ESPN, 99

ethos, 108

etymology, 106–7

evaluation forms, 164

“everyone” principle, 150, 157–59

“Everything happens for a reason,” 101

exercise, physical, 135–36, 139

exercises, 72–73, 181

Exeter University (England), 42

exhalation, 119

expansion, 119–20

expectations, 19–20

expertise, 31–32

extroversion, 148–49

eye contact, 116, 123–26

facial expression, 113, 116, 136

FAQs, 171–78

“fauxthenticity,” 10

FBI, 142

fear: of missing out (FOMO), 154; of ostracism/rejection, 6; presence with, 85

fear of public speaking: audiences and, 19–21; Mind Mapping, 12; presentation quality and, 4–5; prevalence of, 5, 7; reasons for, 6, 135; storytelling and, 67

fear of public speaking, transforming/overcoming: benefits of, xi, 6–7; clear objectives and, 25; DOSE and, 134–35; freedom from egotism and, 159–60; inner alignment and, 9–10; presence and, 85; professional secrets about, 17; techniques for, 135–38

feedback: author’s experience, 178; high-performance protocol for, 164–67, 179; journaling, 182–83; Mind Mapping and, 53; prepresentation, 91; shyness and, 122; videotaping for, 121

feedback loop, 53

fight-or-flight response, 135

filler words, 72, 96, 104, 114, 129

film, 87

firings, 8

Flint (MI), 28–29

flip charts, 85, 87

flow, 13, 62, 168

flowers, 80, 181

FOMO (fear of missing out), 154

Ford, Harrison, 7, 8

Fox, Megan, 7

Frazier, Joe, 123–24

free association, 46

funny faces, 136

furniture, 80, 181

Future Medical Leaders conference (Univ. of Massachusetts, Lowell), 63–64

Gales, Tammy, 98, 104

Gandhi, Mohandas, 9–10, 74

Gelb, Ken, 13

gestures, 113, 115, 116, 121–23, 182

Gettysburg Address (Lincoln), 108

Gibbs, Joe, 24

gift giving, 151–52

Gillard, Julia, 108

giri (gift-giving rituals), 151

glossophobia, 5. See also fear of public speaking

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 106

Goldwyn, Samuel, 102

Goodman, Gordon, 7

goodness, 143–44

gratitude, 23

Grayson, Betty, 116

Greeks, ancient, 43

grooming, 83, 84

group presentations, 175–76

habits, 114, 116, 121

“hack,” 100

Hall, Greg, 108

“Hallelujah Chorus” (Handel), 82

Hamlet (Shakespeare), 42, 109–10, 123

Handel, George Frederick, 82, 134

handouts, 88

Hare Krishna movement, 151

Hazlitt, Henry, 106

Hempel, Amy, 109

Henry VIII (Shakespeare), 109

Hesse, Hermann, 109

high-performance feedback protocol, 164–67, 179

high-performance presentation journal, 179–83

Hillmann, Chris, 147–48

Hillmann Consulting, 51, 147

Hitler, Adolf, 74

Holbrook, Hal, 131

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 8

homophobia, 103

Houseman, John, 131

Howe, Michael, 42

How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci (Gelb), 64

humility, 163

humor, 69–70, 90, 102, 175

“I don’t mean that in a bad way,” 102–3

“I don’t mean to interrupt, but,” 103

“If it’s meant to be,” 101

ignorance, 4–5

“I Have a Dream” speech (King), 108

images, 41, 43, 44–45, 53–54

“I’m not prejudiced/racist/bigoted/sexist/homophobic, but,” 103

impressions, 41

indebtedness, webs of, 151

inessential language, eliminating: annoying expressions, 99–102; clichés, 96–99; disclaimer/eraser phrases, 102–3; jargon, 103–4; profanity, 104–5

inflection, 116, 127–28

influence: defined, 149; goodness aligned with, 144; points of, 32–35; presentations and, 149–50

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion (Cialdini), 149–50

infomercials, 153–54

information: complex, 30–32, 33, 34, 85, 173, 178; recalling, 41

In Praise of Profanity (Adams), 105

insider phrases, 103

Institute for Psychological Research (Tufts Univ.), 130

insults, 102

interjections, 95, 104. See also filler words

International Jugglers’ Association (IJA), 107

internet, 43–44, 73, 142, 150–51

interruptions, 103

“In the current climate,” 100

“In the final analysis,” 100

“In the Mood” (Miller), 82

“In this day and age,” 100

introductions, 89–90, 155, 180

invocations, 160

Irrera, Dom, 102–3

“It is what it is,” 99

Jack (author’s grandfather), 141–42, 144–45, 154

Jackson, Samuel L., 7

James, LeBron, 109, 136–37

Japan, 151

jargon, 103–4, 109

Jefferson, Thomas, 10

Jobs, Steve, 66

Johnson, Katherine, 44

jokes, telling, 163, 175

Jones, Frank, 130

Jordan, Barbara, 108

Jordan, Michael, 109

journaling, 179–83

Juilliard School, 131

Julius Caesar, 66

“Just sayin’,” 103

Karsenty, Gerard, 138

Keene, Raymond, 43

key words: Mind Mapping and, 41, 43, 45–46, 48, 53–54; note-taking skills and, 42

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 74, 108

Kingsley, Ben, 92

Kipling, Rudyard, 142

KISS (Keep It Simple, Speaker), 29–30, 85, 110

knowledge: about audience, 27–28; as audience objective, 25, 26, 36, 67, 90; “curse of,” 31–32

Kurzweil, Ray, 177

Labalme, Victoria, 151–52

LaBute, Neil, 66–67

Language Instinct, The (Pinker), 106

language skills: body language and, 110; importance of, 95–96; improvement of, 96; Mind Mapping, 111; role models for, 107–10; vocabulary development for, 105–7, 109. See also body language; inessential language, eliminating

Lao Tzu, 128–29, 151

“late-night FM DJ voice,” 126

laughter, 136, 175

lavender, 137

lecterns, 81

Leigh, Jennifer Jason, 131

Lennon, John, 7

Leonard, George, 163

Leonardo da Vinci, 44, 106

lighting, 79, 81, 172–73, 181

likability, 150, 156–57, 159

limbic system, 155, 157

Lincoln, Abraham, 10, 108

linearity, 40, 41

Lishansky, Steve, 144

logic, 19, 26, 41

logistics, 180

logos, 108

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 71–72

Lowell (MA), 63–64

Luhrman, Baz, 124

Macbeth (Shakespeare), 109

Mackay, Harvey, 29

Mao Zedong, 74

market research, 73

Marriage of Figaro (Mozart), 82

Mastery: The Keys to Success and Long-Term Fulfillment (Leonard), 163

McCartney, Paul, 131

McFarland, Keith, 35–36

McKellen, Ian, 131

McLuhan, Marshall, 79

Mead, Margaret, 30, 85

Medina, John, 19

meditation, standing, 117–20, 138

memorability, 62

memory: exercise, 58–60; Mind Map memory method, 54–55, 91, 172; of presentations, 57–58, 60–61

message: body language integrated with, 113–14, 115–16; clarifying, xii–xiii; clear objectives and, 25; delivering, 39; environment used to empower, 79; generating support for, 158–59; repetition of, 65–66; targeting, 27–29; understanding vs. remembering, 57–60

microphone, 88, 181

Miller, Glenn, 82

Mind Map memory method, 54–55, 91, 172

Mind Maps, 169, 184–85; artisanal, 47; author’s experience, 29, 39–40, 78; benefits of, 52–54; of body language, 140; defined, 39; of empathizing with audience, 38; of fear of public speaking, 12; how to use, xiii; of language skills, 111; of Mind Map use, 48, 56; notes from, 81; origins of, 42–43; of presentation environment, 93; of presentations, 47–52, 48, 49, 50, 78, 180; of professional mindset, 22; of PROPAR, 76; remembering, 54–55, 91, 172; RESALE principles, 161; research behind, 41–44; rules of, 44–47; of sales skills/presentations, 161; storing, 183; testimonials, 51–52

Mirko Cro Cop, 123–24

Misogyny Speech (Gillard), 108

mistakes, 20, 173, 178

mnemonics, 43

Mnemosyne (Greek deity), 43

molecule fondling, 31–32, 33, 34, 173, 178

monotone, 173

Montessori, Maria, 108–9

Moth Stories, 107

movement, 114, 116, 120–21, 155, 182

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 82

muggability, 116

music, 82, 136–37, 139, 181

National Institute of Mental Health, 5

National Speakers Association, 183

natural systems, 43–44

negative primacy, 72

negative recency, 73

negativity, 23

Nerval, Gérard de, 97

nervousness, 36–37

nervous system, xii–xiii, 27–29, 119, 150, 152

networks, 43–44

neurons, 44

neuroscience, 26

Newman, Paul, 131

Newton, Isaac, 108

Nicholson, Jeremy, 154–55, 158

“No offense,” 102

norepinephrine, 135

note-taking skills, 42–43, 44

“Not that there’s anything wrong with that,” 103

Obama, Barack, 108

objectives: clarifying, xii–xiii, 24–27, 114; journaling, 179, 180, 182; simplicity for, 29–30

“Ode to Joy” (Beethoven), 82

Olivier, Laurence, 7

On Becoming a Leader (Bennis), 11

online ads, 73

online presentations, 80

online reviews, 142

organization, 46–47

osteocalcin, 138, 139

ostracism, fear of, 6

outlines, 40, 41

outstandingness, 60, 66–70, 72, 74, 159

overselling, 173

overseriousness, 139, 175

Oxford English Dictionary (OED), 147, 149

Oxford University, 99

oxytocin, 135

pack behavior, 157

Passaic (NJ) High School, 13

pathos, 108

pause fillers. See filler words

pauses, 128–30, 171

personal association, 60, 70–71, 74, 159

persuasion, 144, 149–50

Pestalozzi, Johann, 109

Peter, Laurence J., 2–3

Peter Principle, 2–3, 4

Peter Principle, The (Peter), 2–3

Peters, Bernadette, 131

phobias, 5

Pierce, David Hyde, 131

Pink, Daniel, 144, 146–47

Pinker, Steven, 20, 31–32, 106

plants, 80, 181

podiums, 81

posture, 113, 114–15, 116, 155, 157, 182. See also stance

PowerPoint, 85, 86–87, 92

power posing, 114–15, 116

“Power Posing: Brief Nonverbal Displays Affect Neuroendocrine Levels and Risk Tolerance” (Cuddy et al.), 114–15

practice: with audiovisual aids, 85, 86; delivery and, 11; mastery through, 163–64; in presentation environment, 81; timing, 91–92. See also rehearsals

prejudice, 103

preparation, 11, 27, 173, 180

presence: authority conveyed by, 155; body language and, 114–15, 119–20, 139; defined, 7; expansion of, 119–20; with fear, 85; learning, 14; public speaking mastery and, 7–8, 11

presentation environment: audiovisual aids, 85–88, 92; author’s experience, 77–79; basic needs, 90; checklist for, 82, 180; importance of, 79, 82, 90; introductions, 89–90, 155, 180; invocations, 160; journaling, 179, 180–81; Mind Mapping, 93; personal appearance, 82–85, 172; setting up, 77–79; space/room for, 79–82, 92; theater and, 77, 90; timing, 88–89, 171–72; unfavorable, 172–73

presentations: audience involvement in, 70–71, 72–73; breaks during, 89, 173; complex information communicated in, 30–32; feedback on, 164–67; group, 175–76; improvement of, 163–68; influence gained through, 149–50; journaling, 179–83; as learning opportunities, 20–21; mental blocks in middle of, 171; Mind Mapping, 47–52, 48, 49, 50, 78, 180; negative self-talk associated with, 23; preparation for, 27, 40–41, 173, 180; question/answer sessions following, 30; recalling, 60–61 (see also PROPAR); rehearsals for, 90–92, 171–72; remembering material for, 54–55, 90–91; simplifying, 29–30, 85; successful, 35–37; virtual, 80, 177. See also boring/ineffective presentations; presentation environment; presentation skills

presentation skills: audience expectations for, 19–20; authenticity and, 9–11; benefits of, 175; importance of, 3–4, 149–50; learnability of, 149; poor, 8; technical skills vs., 4

primacy effect, 60, 61–64, 72, 159

printing, 42

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 137

profanity, 10, 96, 101, 104–5, 109

professional speaking/speakers: audience connection and, 17–18, 23–24; author’s experience, xi–xii, 13–14, 107, 178; habits unlearned by, 116; language skills in, 95–96, 104; Mind Mapping, 22; mindset of, 15–19, 69–70; objectives set by, 25; RESALE principles used in, 153; role models, 107–10; secrets of, 35–37

promotions, 4

PROPAR: author’s experience, 62–66, 70–71; benefits of, 60–61, 72–75; defined, 60; Mind Mapping, 76; outstandingness, 66–70, 159; personal association, 70–71, 159; primacy effect, 61–64, 159; recency effect, 71–72, 159; repetition, 65–66, 159; RESALE principles combined with, 159–60; theater and, 77, 90

public speaking: changes in, 176–77; connection before, xii–xiii; core principle of, xii; effective, basic elements of, 1–2, 7–8, 11; importance of, 1, 2; mastering art of, 7–9, 163–68, 169; passion for, 167–68; poor, 16; professional mindset for, 15–19; as theater, 77. See also fear of public speaking; fear of public speaking, transforming/overcoming; presentations; presentation skills

punctuality, 72, 88

question-and-answer sessions, 30

questions: answering, 174; for audience feedback, 164; for audience involvement, 70–71; for clarifying objectives, 25–27; FAQs, 171–78; hostile, 173–74; impact on timing, 92; for points of influence, 32–35; preparation for, 180

“Rabbit Candle” (LaBute), 66–67

racism, 103

Radamisto (Handel), 134

rapport: creation of, xii; defined, 18; loss of, 86. See also connection rapport, establishing/maintaining: in advance, 28–29, 137–38; audiovisual aids and, 86; author’s experience, 28–29, 62–64; difficult audience members and, 173–74; eye contact and, 124–26; influence created through, 149; primacy effect and, 61–64; professional mindset and, 17–18

Reader’s Digest, 99

Reagan, Ronald, 108

Real Story of Risk, The (Croston), 6

recency effect, 60, 71–72, 108, 159

reciprocity, 150–52, 159

refreshments, 90

rehearsals, 90–92, 171–72. See also practice

rejection, fear of, 6

relationship building, xii

reminiscence effect, 89

Renoir, Auguste, 163

repetition, 60, 65–66, 72, 74, 159

RESALE principles: authority, 150, 155, 159; benefits of, 150; engagement, 150, 152–53, 159; “everyone” principle, 150, 157–59; likability, 150, 156–57, 159; Mind Mapping, 161; PROPAR combined with, 159–60; reciprocity, 150–52, 159; scarcity, 150, 153–55, 159

research, 11

reticular activating mechanism, 127–28

reviews, 142

Richard II (Shakespeare), 109

role models, 107–10

Romeo and Juliet (film; 1996), 124

rooms, for presentations, 79–82

Rosa (author’s grandmother), 141, 146

Rowling, J. K., 109

Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, 131

Safire, William, 98

sales: as aspect of everyday life, 146–48; assumptions about, 146; defined, 147; goodness aligned with, 144, 146; old-paradigm, 141, 142–43, 144–46

Sales Board, The, 149

sales skills: importance of, 146–47; learnability of, 146, 148–50; Mind Mapping, 161; RESALE principles, 150–59 (see also RESALE principles)

Santa Fe Opera, 134

scarcity, 150, 153–55, 159

Seinfeld, Jerry, 72, 79, 103, 174

self, 9

self-awareness, 36–37

self-investment, 1

self-talk, 20, 23

Selhub, Eva, 137–38

seller-doer model, 147–48

seniority, 172

Sense of Style, The (Pinker), 20

serotonin, 135

sexism, 103

Seyfried, Amanda, 7

shadowboxing, 136

Shakespeare, William, 42, 109–10, 113, 123, 124, 178

shared humanity, creation of sense of, xii

Shor, Bernard (“Toots”), 29

shyness, 122–23

sight lines, 79

Silva, Wanderlei, 123–24

simplicity, 29–30, 85, 110

slang, 103

slides, 86–87

smiling, 118, 156, 157

softening, 119

software programs, 47

Sojourner Truth, 10

Solti, Georg, 131

Soweto (South Africa), 62

space, for presentations, 79–82

Sparks, Duane, 147, 148–49

Specktor, Brandon, 99

speech freedoms, 8

SportsCenter (ESPN show), 99

stage fright, 7, 67. See also fear of public speaking

Stalin, Jozef, 74

stance, 117–20, 155. See also posture

STAND EASE, 117–20, 131, 133, 138–39

Steenburgen, Mary, 131

Stein, Leo, 130–31

Stein, Morris, 116

Stewart, James, 7

Sting (singer/actor), 131

stories/storytelling, 66–70, 163

Streisand, Barbara, 7

stress response, 138–39

“superpowers,” 101–2

Sweet Briar College, 156

symbols, 44–45

synapses, 44

synchrony, body-message, 115–20

synvergent thinking, 53

Szymborska, Wislawa, 109

Tao Te Ching, 120, 128–29

technical information, communicating, 30–32

technical skills, 4

technology, 142

TED Talks, 107

temperature, 80–81, 172–73, 181

tension, 114

“Thanks in advance,” 100

“Thank you for your time,” 100

Thinking as a Science (Hazlitt), 106

thin-slice judgments, 156–57

Thompson, David, 109

time considerations: humor and, 175; mistakes involving, 173; for presentations, 88–89, 180; during rehearsals, 91–92, 171–72

Times of London, 5

Toastmasters, 163–64, 183

toilets, 90

Tolkien, J. R. R., 109

tongue, 118

To Sell Is Human (Pink), 144

triads, 66, 108

Tripadvisor, 142

Tufts University, 130

Turkish Airlines, 62–63

Twain, Mark, 129

Ultimate Sales Revolution, The (Lishansky), 144

University of Massachusetts, Lowell, 63–64

Urban Dictionary, 99, 100

Vangelis, 82

vanilla, 137

video forums, 107

videos/videotaping: as AV aid, 85, 87; feedback using, 121, 165; practice with, 85, 91

virtual presentations, 80, 177

vivacity, 120

vocabulary development, 105–7, 109

voice, 126–30; expressive variations in, 127–28; journaling, 182; “late-night FM DJ,” 126; likability and, 156; mistakes in use of, 173; pauses and, 128–30; projecting, 18, 122; tone of, 113, 116, 126–28, 155, 156; volume of, 116, 127–28

Voltaire, 11, 30

Voss, Chris, 126

Walker, Rob, 66–67

warming-up exercises, 181

Washington, George, 108

Washington Redskins (football team), 24–25

Watts, Alan, 108

Weaver, Sigourney, 131

weight distribution, 119

Weller, Brian, xiii, 84

“whatever,” 102, 103

“When all is said and done,” 100

“When push comes to shove,” 99–100

whiteboards, 80

Wilde, Oscar, 105, 109

“With all due respect,” 102

Wodehouse, P.G., 109

“woke,” 101

Woodward, Joanne, 131

word origins, 106–7

World Memory Championships, 43

writing, 30, 42

writing skills, 1, 2, 20

Yeats, William Butler, 30

Yelp, 142

Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO), 107

Yousafzai, Malala, 10

Zak, Paul J., 69

Zen in the Art of Archery (Herrigel), 168

Zeus (Greek deity), 43

Ziglar, Zig, 146