As your gut lining starts to heal you can begin to detox your body further. Remember that during the four-week elemental diet you’re still detoxing your body through the foods you’re eating, particularly if you’re also having adequate amounts of water. You can start further detoxing on week two of the four-week protocol if you feel up to it, or wait until you feel ready. The elemental diet also detoxifies the body, so you don’t have to be concerned that you’re not doing all you can – small steps are better than big ones. It’s taken years for your condition to arise, so healing, especially natural healing, takes time, and having patience is important. Another factor in waiting to start phase two at least two weeks into the four-week elemental diet is that once you’ve improved your digestion, this will greatly improve your detoxification capabilities.
The increase of symptoms we feel when embarking on a detox program is often known as a detox reaction or a Herxheimer reaction. These reactions occur when the body tries to eliminate toxins at a faster rate than they can be properly disposed of. Often you may feel worse, with additional flu-like symptoms and headaches, and conclude that the treatment isn’t working. Yet these reactions are in fact signs that your body is beginning the process of cleansing itself of impurities, toxins and imbalances. The increased reactions are temporary and can occur immediately or within several days or weeks. In some cases, the symptoms can be identical to the health issues you may be experiencing, so it can be really confusing.
The type of detox reaction you’ll experience will depend on your level of health or the severity of your present health condition. As old bacteria die off and are replaced by new healthy tissue, the toxins within the bacteria (endotoxins) are released into the body. The more severe the initial state of your body, the more bacteria are present. With larger quantities of bacteria come an increased number of endotoxins and hence a stronger cleansing reaction. This is when it’s really important to rest and try to help the detox process along.
A very simple method for avoiding or decreasing detox reactions is to ensure adequate hydration and mineral consumption. It’s important to drink as much water as possible, to flush the toxins from your body. Having your daily green juice will provide essential nutrients that your body can absorb easily.
Another hydrator and detoxer to include in your morning routine is lemon juice in warm water. It’s a good digestive aid and can alleviate symptoms of indigestion, stomach pain and bloating because the bowels are aided in eliminating waste more efficiently, thus controlling constipation and diarrhoea. Lemon has strong antibacterial, antiviral and immune-boosting powers, and is an effective liver cleanser. Lemons contain natural citric acid, calcium, magnesium, copper, folic acid, iron, vitamin B6, vitamin C and bioflavonoids to promote immunity and fight infection; the juice also makes a useful gargle for sore throats and mouth ulcers. They are a very good source of dietary fibre, which helps promote good gut bacteria. Make sure you’re including your daily warm water and lemon to help the detox process along. To stimulate your adrenal glands, you can add a pinch of Celtic sea salt to your morning drink.
Fill the kettle with filtered water, boil, then allow it to cool to a comfortable warmth. Squeeze half a fresh lemon (or pour 3 tablespoons freshly squeezed additive-free juice) into a cup or heat-resistant glass and add the water. Wait 20–30 minutes before consuming. Drink first thing in the morning. Some people like to drink it through a straw as the acid in lemon can affect your tooth enamel. If you’re out and about, most eateries and cafés will be able to accommodate you if you ask for hot water and lemon.
Before you embark on your morning shower or bath, spend a few minutes practising dry skin brushing. This mainstay of the Ayurvedic way of life helps you detox and excrete impurities through your skin – the largest and most important eliminative organ. Your skin is usually the last organ to benefit from nutrients in the body, yet it’s the first to show signs of an imbalance or deficiency. Dry skin brushing activates the lymphatic system by aiding the flow of lymph through the body. It stimulates the liver and adrenal glands, helping them decongest and dump their toxins.
Dry skin brushing has many benefits. It:
Invest in a long-handled bath brush with natural bristles (not synthetic ones, which can damage the skin and be harsh and irritating). The brush needs to be kept dry and should pass once over every part of your body except your face. Use long strokes – there’s no need to scrub – and go back and forth in a circular motion. You should only brush towards the heart. To keep the brush fresh, wash it with soap and water every couple of weeks and let it dry naturally. A loofah can also be used.
Find a quiet place to make your meditation session special. Sit in a comfortable position or lie down, and start by focusing on the area of your body that’s causing you anxiety, discomfort, pain or inflammation. You’ll notice that when you bring your awareness and attention to that part of your body or mind, your body will tense up automatically. That’s how we’re accustomed to dealing with pain. Breathe for a moment into your belly (taking deep breaths to the bottom of your lungs by engaging your diaphragm) and focus on your breath, imagining you’re truly resting the part of your body that’s in pain. Don’t try to fix it, just focus on letting it rest intentionally.
Do this exercise anywhere and whenever you’re in pain. It will allow you to truly rest and restore energy to that area. Bingo!
Before we begin, let’s get into the right headspace and set an intention to truly promote healing. Remember, stress is one of the factors leading to an unhappy gut, so try to lessen any stressors you may currently have in your life. It’s also time to embrace your intuition and start to flex your ‘Mr or Mrs No’ muscle. That might mean saying no to people or invitations, and placing your people-pleaser tendencies on the backburner both personally and professionally.
It’s time for a dose of self-care and nourishment so that you can preserve your most valuable resource: you! To begin, set your intention to heal and then just trust your gut.
Sometimes the most productive thing to do is give yourself a rest and indulge in the joy of missing out. I know it’s difficult when you have family, a job and responsibilities, but being a rebel can have its rewards. Begin by setting a few new ground rules that can help you to preserve your energy. This will enable you to recharge and rejuvenate. Make a conscious effort to switch off from your computer, devices and screens and take time off. Rest is essential for your wellbeing, and helps you fast-track your gut healing.
An important practice to incorporate during the first four weeks and beyond is the healing art of oil pulling. Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic ritual that has been credited with the rectification of many illnesses, including digestive troubles. The practice has an incredibly detoxifying effect, killing yeasts, bad bacteria, parasites, fungi and viruses in the mouth, including candida and streptococcus. By killing these microorganisms in the mouth, you’ll prevent them from causing secondary infections in the gut, which can contribute to a range of illnesses throughout your body.
In Ayurvedic practices there are two oil-pulling techniques, kavala and gandusa. When you are practising kavala, you fill your mouth with liquid then close your mouth and hold the liquid there for a couple of minutes. After this, you begin to swirl the liquid around the mouth, then spit it out. The process shouldn’t exceed more than three or four minutes and it is repeated two or three times. Gandusa is a different technique whereby you hold the liquid still in the mouth for three to five minutes and do not swish it around. You then spit the liquid out and repeat the process.
To oil pull with coconut oil, simply place 1 tablespoon extra virgin cold-pressed coconut oil in your mouth upon rising. It’s best done on an empty stomach and before you’ve consumed any liquids. Swish the oil around your mouth for 10–20 minutes before spitting out.
Never swallow the oil, which will be full of bacteria. Brush your teeth thoroughly afterwards, to remove any excess oil. It’s best to buy a specific toothbrush for oil pulling, and wash it thoroughly using 3 per cent hydrogen peroxide solution to prevent bad bacteria building up.
Including this simple ritual in your day will provide other benefits, including whiter teeth, clearer skin, healthier gums, fresher breath, clearer sinuses, for women better regulated menstrual cycles, an improved lymphatic system, better sleep and increased energy. It’s a brilliant, simple practice that will provide immense health benefits. It’s well worth the swish!
Adding a couple of drops of oregano oil to your coconut oil will increase the bad-bug-killing capacity of your oil-pulling regime. Oregano oil is a potent antifungal and antibacterial agent. But beware – it’s pretty strong-tasting!
Make time for yourself to have an Epsom salts bath at least twice a week. When you have a bath with Epsom salts, the magnesium sulfate is absorbed through the skin, and draws toxins from the body. It also sedates the nervous system to relax you completely, reduces swelling, loosens muscles, relieves muscular aches and pains, and is even a natural emollient and exfoliator.
As Epsom salts soak up excess oil from hair, they can be added to your favourite shampoo when your hair is extra oily. Add about 60 ml (2 fl oz/¼ cup) while you’re shampooing. When it comes time for conditioning, pour lemon juice through your hair for a natural rinse.
The best way to make an Epsom salts bath is to add 500 ml (17 fl oz/2 cups) Epsom salts to a warm bath while the water is running. Once the bath is at the right level and temperature for you, climb in slowly and let your body soak for 15–20 minutes.
If you have one available to you, try to visit a sauna or steam room to relax your muscles and promote sweating and detoxing through the skin. It’s a therapeutic way to improve your circulation and create more effective blood flow through your body while cleansing. Heat has an analgesic, or pain relieving, effect on your body. It also helps you relax and unwind, and reduces tension in your muscles.
Saltwater flushes and enemas can also aid detoxification. You can read more about them on my website.
As discussed in Part One, a number of supplements can be used as natural antimicrobial options. They all have varying levels of antiviral, antifungal (and so anti-yeast) and anti-parasitic action. They include garlic, oil of oregano, black walnut, burdock root, goldenseal, olive leaf extract, grapefruit seed extract and pau d’arco. The table overleaf gives a breakdown of what each supplement does.
When healing myself I used natural garlic only, as I was staying away from supplements, but if you prefer you can use any of them to help the process. The most powerful ones are olive leaf extract and oil of oregano. They both taste extremely bitter and aren’t very palatable, but if you’re going to take them, follow your naturopath’s directions and start with really small amounts.
It’s important to remember with any antibiotic therapy to follow up with probiotics to repopulate the gut. If you don’t want to use fresh garlic, then taking it in capsule form (odourless) is okay. Some people are susceptible to bloating and gas when consuming garlic, so your choice of natural antibiotic needs to be a personal one. I ate garlic raw every day and it really helped with my symptoms. It’s extremely effective against yeast, fungal and viral infections.
During phase two of my healing I included a natural cleansing formula called diatomaceous earth. As many gut issues can be traced back to an unclean and inefficient digestive tract, I used diatomaceous earth to help clean out the accumulated build-up of waste, toxins, heavy metals and mucus in my digestive tract. It’s also antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and anti-parasitic. Food-grade diatomaceous earth can be purchased online.
Once my digestive system was cleaned, I noticed I had better digestion and waste removal, and increased nutrient absorption. As mentioned earlier, 70–80 per cent of your immune system is located inside your digestive system, and a clean digestive tract helps the immune system work more efficiently. Importantly, the process of regularly and gently cleaning your pipes is a better option than constant dramatic colon purges and enemas.
Your digestive tract is like your teeth, in that plaque and waste continually build up there, so it’s beneficial to ‘sweep away’ these impurities on a daily basis and keep your colon toned, clean and efficient.
OIL OF OREGANO | Contains carvacrol and thymol, two powerful phenols that have the ability to kill harmful microbes in the body. It’s a strong antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties. It’s also antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and anti-parasitic. It’s effective in killing staphylococcus bacteria. Good for short-term use. Very strong-tasting. |
BURDOCK ROOT | Helps eliminate heavy metals from the body. The plant is antibacterial, antifungal and carminative (prevents gas). It has soothing, mucilaginous properties and can be taken as a supplement or a tea. Note that burdock has been associated with poisonings because some products have been contaminated with root of belladonna (deadly nightshade), which contains a poisonous chemical called atropine. |
BLACK WALNUT | Contains astringent compounds that shrink inflamed tissues of the digestive system and help kill parasites. It can be effective in enhancing the elimination of various microbes from the bowel. It’s also recognised by herbalists as a thyroid stimulant, since it’s relatively rich in the trace mineral iodine. The tannins in black walnut encourage the elimination of unwanted microbes in the colon, as the acidic nature of tannins makes life uncomfortable for the alkaline-loving yeasts and microbes that can infect the bowel. It also contains bitter compounds that are antifungal and decrease the secretion of fluids in the digestive system. |
GOLDENSEAL | Helpful in managing diarrhoea and can assist with intestinal infections. A goldenseal tea can be used for three months to detoxify the body. It can also help support the immune system. Taking too much goldenseal for more than three months can lead to problems of the digestive tract, including constipation and diarrhoea. It may also trigger extreme states of stress and, in some cases, delirium hallucinations. |
OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT | The leaf of the olive tree contains an active phytochemical called oleuropein, which can help eliminate viruses and bacteria from within the digestive tract. Oleuropein foils viruses in a number of different ways, including: interfering with the amino acid production processes needed for viruses to replicate; penetrating infected cells and irreversibly inhibiting the ability of viruses to replicate; and neutralising enzymes needed for replication and growth of viruses. Olive leaf extract contains flavonoids, which have been found to have strong anti-inflammatory benefits. It’s also antiviral and effective against Candida albicans. It has a very overpowering taste. |
GRAPEFRUIT SEED EXTRACT | Can be taken by mouth for bacterial, viral and fungal infections, including yeast infections. Grapefruit seed extract helps alkalise the body and stimulates the immune system. Again, it has a very overpowering taste and can irritate the digestive tract in some people. |
PAU D’ARCO | Contains a chemical called lapachol, which gives the herb its strong immunity-boosting capability. It helps remove impurities, or toxins, from the body and balance bacteria in the gut. Tea is a good way to consume it. |
Now that you’ve been detoxing your body and healing your gut, your body will have used alkaline minerals such as calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium to process cellular debris and counter increased uric acid production. It’s important to ensure that you’re consuming adequate amounts of these minerals in your diet and that you’re absorbing them too. If not, the body will remove calcium and magnesium from your bones and teeth to combat the lost minerals.
One of the most important vitamins to include when detoxing is vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant that helps the body break down toxins, allowing them to be flushed out of the body. A diet high in vitamin C–rich foods also works to stabilise free radicals, lowering the risk of chronic diseases.
As I was detoxing, I included a Supercharged Shake to help me with vitamin and mineral deficiencies on the days I felt exhausted and depleted. I created this fortifying shake because it not only delivers vitamins and minerals, but also recharges your immune system. I used non-synthetic powders and included calcium citrate, magnesium citrate, dairy-free probiotic powder (see below) and vitamin C. The best time to have this shake is at breakfast. Combining it with good fats, such as a tablespoon of coconut oil, will help your body absorb the nutrients faster. I wouldn’t recommend having it every day, but it’s good to consume three times a week when you’re healing.
Along with the Supercharged Shake, I took krill oil about three times a week; it’s a potent anti-inflammatory and I used it to help my arthritic symptoms and boost my immune system. When I was healing, however, I preferred to stick to food and keep my supplements at a very low level.
Many of the gut programs you’ll see include endless lists of supplements that aren’t always necessary, don’t take the individual into account and are also expensive. By following my simple protocol and doing things naturally, you’ll be taking things slowly and not overwhelming your body with synthetic supplements. If you do, however, decide to take supplements, it’s good to ensure they’re non-synthetic and contain no additives or sugars, and that you speak with your healthcare provider about dosages and timings.
Some of the optional vitamins and minerals that support gut and autoimmune health, which you could look into to relieve your individual symptoms, are:
Included in my Supercharged Shake is a high-potency, dairy-free probiotic powder to add beneficial flora back into the gut. It’s important to do this once you’ve detoxed and cleansed your body, and have eliminated bacteria and yeasts from your gut. Probiotics are live microorganisms that are similar to the ‘good bacteria’ found in a healthy human gut. Probiotics are available through foods or dietary supplements such as tablets and powders. Part of the problem with using cheap over-the-counter probiotics is that they consist of only a few strains, and are expensive. Look for brands that are non-synthetic and offer the full spectrum of probiotics, and speak to your naturopath about identifying which strains will be beneficial for you and your own particular condition and symptoms.
You’ll find a list of probiotic foods you can include in your diet to boost your good gut flora. In addition to probiotics, you may read about prebiotics being beneficial for gut healing. Prebiotics are indigestible carbohydrates that create balance in gut flora by promoting the growth and multiplication of beneficial probiotic microorganisms and preventing the growth of harmful bacteria. When you’re looking for a probiotic, check if it has added fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) and/or inulin. These are prebiotic substances touted as aiding the proliferation of good bacteria, but a lot of FOS is manufactured via chemical synthesis and can cause abdominal distress, especially in people with an overabundance of bad bacteria. For this reason, it’s important to find the best probiotic that works for you and to look for natural prebiotics from your food. Flip over to discover Discover here which foods are prebiotic.
Here are nine symptom-soothing natural healers that have edged their way into mainstream medicine:
UPON RISING: Dry skin brushing followed by a hot shower. While you’re in the shower, use extra virgin coconut oil to oil pull. There’s a step-by-step guide for dry skin brushing and for oil pulling.
EARLY MORNING: Enjoy a glass of hot water with lemon and add 1 teaspoon chopped raw garlic, or make your Supercharged Shake.
BREAKFAST: Have a healing juice or smoothie like my Avocado Lassi or Berry Burst Smoothie.
MID-MORNING: If you’re taking an antimicrobial or supplements, take them now.
MORNING TEA: Drink a Curative Coffee and if you’ve finished the four-week elemental phase, snack on Lemony Herb Crackers (see my website) and dips. There’s a bunch of delicious recipes that can take you from breakfast to midnight snacks on my website.
LUNCH: Enjoy some immune-boosting garlic soup.
AFTERNOON TEA: Savour an Overnight Edible Smoothie.
DINNER: If you’re still on the protocol, enjoy White Fish Soup with Saffron, Celery, Leek and Thyme Soup, Lemongrass Thai Soup, or another soup made from sautéed, steamed or roasted vegetables combined with herbs, spices and Celtic or Himalayan sea salt. Blend with bone broth, Vegetable Stock or filtered water. For a creamier soup, blend with coconut milk. If you’re not on the protocol at this stage, enjoy an easily digestible meal, such as Shepherd’s Pie with Cauliflower Mash or gluten-free Supercharged Lasagna (see my website for recipes).
NIGHT: Relax and soak in an Epsom salts bath.