Abura age Puffy brown deep-fried tofu
Agari Green tea served in sushi bars
Aji Spanish or horse mackerel
Akami Lean tuna, cut from the back of the fish
Ama ebi Sweet shrimp, usually served raw
Asari Common clam
Battera Marinated mackerel pressed sushi
Bīru Beer
Bō zushi Log roll sushi
Chakin zushi “Stuffed purse” sushi
Chirashi zushi Scattered sushi
Chū toro Medium fatty tuna, from the upper belly
Daikon Long white radish, also known as mouli
Dashi Basic fish stock
Dashi maki tamago Rolled, sweet omelet
Deba bōchō Type of knife—cleaver
Edomae chirashi zushi Tokyo-style scattered sushi
Fukin Cloth used in the kitchen
Fukusa zushi Sushi wrapped in a thin omelet
Futo maki Thick roll sushi, also known as date maki
Gari Pickled ginger
Gomoku zushi Scattered sushi—“five item sushi”
Gunkan maki Nigiri sushi wrapped with nori to hold loose toppings
Hamachi Yellowtail tuna
Hangiri Wooden rice tub
Hashi Chopsticks
Hikari mono Term for shiny, oily fish
Hirame Term for flatfish with eyes on the left side of the head
Hōchō General term for knives
Hoso maki Thin roll sushi
Hotate gai Scallops
Ika Squid
Ikura Salmon roe
Inari zushi Deep-fried tofu (abura age) stuffed with sushi rice
Iri goma Toasted sesame seeds, can be white or black
Ise ebi Lobster
Itamae Professional chef
Iwashi Sardine
Kaki Oysters
Kampyō Strips of dried gourd
Kani Crab
Karei Term for flatfish with eyes on the right side of the head
Katsuo Bonito
Katsuo bushi Dried bonito flakes
Kazunoko Herring roes
Kome Japanese-style rice
Konbu Kelp, usually dried
Maguro Tuna
Maki zushi Rolled sushi, called nori maki if made with nori seaweed
Makisu Mat made of bamboo strips for making rolled sushi
Matō dai John Dory
Matsukawa “Pine bark method” of fish skin zukuri, or tenderizing
Mirin Sweet rice wine for cooking
Miso shiru Soup made with soy bean paste
Nigiri zushi Hand-formed sushi rice topped with fish, vegetables, or omelet
Nishin Herring
Nori Dark seaweed pressed into thin sheets
Ō toro Fattiest cut of tuna
Ohyō garei Halibut
Omakase Chef’s choice
Oshibako Pressed sushi mold
Oshibori Moistened heated towel
Oshi zushi Pressed sushi
Renkon Lotus roots
Saba Mackerel
Sai bashi Cooking chopsticks
Sake Rice wine—the same word is used for salmon
Sanmai oroshi Three-piece filleting technique for round fish
Sashimi Sliced or prepared raw fish
Shako Mantis shrimp
Shamoji Flat rice-serving spoon
Shari Term for sushi rice
Shiitake Type of Japanese mushroom
Shime saba Vinegar-marinated mackerel
Shiso Japanese mint, perilla
Shita birame Dover sole
Shōyu Japanese soy sauce
Su Rice vinegar
Sui mono Clear soup
Sushi meshi Prepared rice for sushi
Suzuki Sea bass
Tai (also Ma dai) Japanese red snapper
Tako Octopus
Tamago soboro Scrambled eggs
Tamari Wheat-free soy sauce
Tataki Cooking method—rapid searing then cooling of the meat
Temaki-zushi Hand rolled sushi
Temari zushi Sushi balls
Teriyaki sauce Thicker, sweetened soy sauce
Tobiko Flying fish roe
Tofu Soybean curd
Toro Fatty tuna—see chu toro, oho toro
Tsuma/kazari Garnishes/decorations
Uni Sea urchin
Uramaki Inside-out roll sushi
Usuba bōchō Vegetable knife
Usuyaki tamago Thin, pancake omelet
Wakiita “Side chopping board” or assistant sushi chef
Wasabi Green, hot Japanese type of horseradish
Yanagi bōchō Fish knife
Zaru Bamboo strainer or basket
Zāsai Chinese pickled vegetable