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aftershocks, c01.1
air quality, c07.1
animals. See pets; wildlife and stray animals
apartments, c02.1, c03.2, c11.3
babies, c10.1
bedside essentials bags, c03.1, photo
beverage extras, c11.1
blankets. See bedding
bodies, myths about, c07.1
bottled water (commercial)
aluminum containers, c04.1, c04.2
cost comparisons with canned water, c04.1
“expiration dates,” c04.1
plastic containers, c04.1
bottling your own water containers, c04.1
budgeting, c02.1
canned water, c04.1, c04.2, c04.3
cards, reunification plan, c06.1, photo
care facilities, emergency plans for, c06.1
caregivers, emergency, c06.1
sheltering in, c09.1
Cascadia Calling, itr.1
Cascadia earthquake, itr.1, c01.2
See also earthquake preparedness
actions to take during and after the event, c14.1
aftershocks, c01.1
barriers to a quick response, c02.1
compared to more localized earthquakes, itr.1, c01.2
“full-rip” events, c01.1
heeding the jolt, c01.1
impacts outside the severe shake zone, c13.1, c13.2
intensity, c01.1
magnitude, c01.1
odds of occurring, c01.1
predicting, and early warning systems, c01.1
severe shake zone, c02.1
tsunami zone, c01.1, c13.2, c13.3
“two-weeks-ready,” reasons for, c02.1
Cascadia Rising experiment, c02.1
Cascadia subduction zone, c01.1, photo
cell phone service, c06.1
charcoal briquets, c11.1, c11.2
clothing and shelter, c09.1
communication and preparedness, c12.1
first-aid and health, c07.1
food and food preparation, c11.1
go-bags, c05.1
home safety, c03.1
hygiene and sanitation, c08.1
location considerations, c13.1
reunification plans, c06.1
special accommodations, c10.1
water storage and safety, c04.1
chemicals. See hazardous household materials
children, c10.1
effects of disasters on/solutions for, c10.1
emergency caregivers for, c06.1
finding help, when alone or in trouble, c06.1
flashlights for, c07.1
infants and small children, c10.1
outdoor enclosures for, c07.1
reunification plans and, c06.1
tasks for, c10.1
vulnerabilities of, c10.1
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS), c11.1
cleanliness. See hygiene
coastal tsunami zone. See tsunami zone
comfort tactics, during separations, c06.1
communication, c12.1
cell phone service, c06.1
checklist for, c12.1
choosing a contact person, c06.1
emergency signals, c12.1
condominiums, c02.1, c03.2, c11.3
contact person, c06.1
cooking. See food preparation
costs, c02.1
cupboards, securing, c03.1
debris, falling, c07.1
deceased, myths about, c07.1
dependencies, substance, c10.1
diapers, c08.1
drinking water. See water
drug dependencies, c10.1
drugs, prescription, c07.1, c10.2
earthquake early warning (EEW) systems, c01.1
earthquake preparedness
See also Cascadia earthquake
actions to take during and after the event, c14.1
getting started, c02.1
“good enough,” aiming for, c02.1
for other earthquakes, itr.1, c01.2
reminders about importance of, itr.1
suggested schedule for, c02.1
SURVIVE guidelines, c06.1, c15.2
“two-weeks-ready,” reasons for, c02.1
electrical power, for medical devices, c10.1
electrical power outages, c03.1, c07.2
emergency kits. See go-bags
emergency signals, c12.1
enclosures, for pets and small children, c07.1
environmental dangers. See hazardous conditions
expenses, c02.1
falling debris, c07.1
family members with special needs, c10.1, c11.2
family reunification plans. See reunification plans
federal assistance, c03.1
fire and smoke, c07.1
fire safety basics, c07.1
folders, preparedness, c12.1
food expiration dates, c11.1
food preparation, c11.1
checklist for, c11.1
cooking methods and fuels, photo, c11.1
cooking supplies, c11.1
fire safety, c07.1
sanitizing surfaces, c08.1
food rotation systems, c11.1, c11.2
food safety, c07.1, c08.2, c11.3
food storage, c11.1
beverage extras, c11.1
family members with special needs, c11.1
how much to store, c11.1
long-term, c11.1, c11.2, c11.3
packaging options, c11.1, c11.2
for pets, c10.1
planning considerations, c11.1
foreshocks, c01.1
freeze-dried food cooking containers, c11.1
freeze-dried foods, c11.1
freezer, storing water in, c04.1
frozen foods, c11.1
fuel supplies, for recovery efforts, c02.1
fuels, for cooking, c11.1
“full-rip” events, c01.1
furniture, anchoring, c03.1
garage sales, c02.1
gas, turning off, c03.1
go-bags, c05.1
bedside essentials bags, c03.1, photo
checklist for, c05.1
commercial vs. homemade, c05.1
for purse or child’s backpack, photo
top priorities for, c05.1
weight vs. needed supplies, c05.1
grills. See food preparation
hallways, c03.1
hand sanitizer, using, c07.1
hand washing, c07.1
hazardous conditions, c07.1
hazardous household materials, c03.1, c07.2
health and safety, c07.1
See also food safety; home safety
basic health requirements, c07.1
checklist for, c07.1
common earthquake injuries and health risks, c07.1
common myths, c07.1
establishing routines, c07.1
first-aid kits and skills, c07.1, c07.2
hazardous conditions, c07.1
medically dependent family members, c10.1
sleep, c07.1
substance dependencies, c10.1
heat exhaustion/heat stroke, c07.1
home, storing supplies in, c02.1, photo, c11.2
home safety, c03.1
checklist for, c03.1
hazardous materials, c03.1, c07.2
retrofitting your house, c03.1, c03.2
structural issues, post-earthquake, c02.1, c09.2
tasks requiring minimal effort, c03.1, photo, c03.2
tasks requiring tools and skills, c03.1, photo, c03.2
hot chocolate, c11.1
household members with special needs, c10.1, c11.2
household reunification plans. See reunification plans
hypothermia, c07.1
infants, c10.1
injuries or illness. See health and safety
insulin, c10.1
insurance, c03.1
intensity, c01.1
“island” concept, c14.1
jolt, heeding the, c01.1
kitchen cabinets, securing, c03.1
magnitude, c01.1
meals ready to eat (MREs), c11.1
medical devices, power for, c10.1
medical needs, complex, c10.1
medical supplies. See first-aid kits
megathrust earthquakes, c01.1
Mormon Church, c11.1
MREs (meals ready to eat), c11.1
myths, common, c07.1
natural water sources, c04.1
nursing and pregnant women, c10.1
office, emergency plans for, c06.1
outdoor enclosures, for pets and small children, c07.1
ovens, solar, c11.1
pans, cooking, c10.1
pit toilets or latrines, c08.1, c08.2
pots, cooking, c10.1
power, for medical devices, c10.1
predicting earthquakes, c01.1
pregnant and nursing women, c10.1
preparedness. See earthquake preparedness
preparedness folders, c12.1
prescription drugs, c07.1, c10.2
propane canisters, c11.1, c11.2, c11.3
purse go-bags, photo
rain-barrel water, c04.1
refrigerated foods, c11.1
resources and links, src.1
response/recovery efforts, barriers to, c02.1
retrofitting your house, c03.1, c03.2
reunification plans, c06.1
adjusting expectations, c06.1
checklist for, c06.1
children finding help, when lost or in trouble, c06.1
choosing a contact person, c06.1
comfort tactics, c06.1
creating your plan, c06.1
emergency caregivers, c06.1
knowing the plan, c06.1
meeting locations, c06.1
plan cards to carry, c06.1, photo
putting your plan into place, c06.1
rocket stoves, c11.1
routines, c07.1
safety. See health and safety
sanitation (toilet) systems, c08.1
checklist for, c08.1
pit toilets or latrines, c08.1, c08.2
privacy, importance of, c08.1
septic systems, c08.1
twin-bucket system, c08.1, photo, c08.2
sanitizing food preparation surfaces, c08.1
sanitizing reusable water containers, c04.1
schedule, preparedness, c02.1
schools, emergency plans for, c06.1
septic systems, c08.1
severe shake zone, c02.1
Shake Alert, c01.1
shaking. See intensity; severe shake zone
signals, emergency, c12.1
sleep, c07.1
smoke and fire, c07.1
social breakdown myths, c07.1
solar ovens, c11.1
storage cupboards, securing, c03.1
storing supplies in the house, c02.1, photo, c11.2
stoves. See food preparation
substance dependencies, c10.1
survival bags. See go-bags
SURVIVE guidelines, c06.1, c15.2
tents and tarp shelters, c09.1, photo
thrift shops, c02.1
toilet paper, c08.1
toilet tank, as source of drinking water, c04.1
toilets. See sanitation systems
checklist for, c13.1
community preparedness, c13.1
maps, c13.1
wave trains, c13.1
twin-bucket sanitation systems, c08.1, photo, c08.2
“two-weeks-ready,” c02.1
utensils, for eating/cooking, c11.1
vacuum-sealed plastic buckets (for food storage), c11.1
vehicles. See cars
challenges of storing, c04.1
checklist for, c04.1
daily needs, c04.1
higher-risk sources, c04.1
nonpotable, sources/uses of, c04.1, c07.2
purification methods, c04.1, photo
safest commercially available sources, c04.1, photo
safest household sources, c04.1
self-bottling, c04.1
sterilizing reusable containers, c04.1
storage locations, c02.1
water bricks, c04.1
water expiration dates, c04.1
water filters, c04.1
water heaters, c03.1, photo, c04.2
water valve, shutting off, c03.1
weather, c07.1
whiskey, c11.1
wildlife and stray animals, c07.1
wood, as cooking fuel, c11.1, c11.2, c11.3
workplace, emergency plans for, c06.1