
1.2.1 Anna Pavlova’s tours represented through a list, a map, and a network
1.3.1 Lost in drawing
1.3.2 Crying goose
1.3.3 Angular and full of energy. Adult’s collage of Ride the Beast by Scottish Ballet
1.5.1 Hexagonal structure of benzene
1.5.2 Model of the hyperbolic plane constructed from hexagons and heptagons
1.6.1 Anna’s image
1.6.2 Selection of postcards made
1.6.3 Outline of research and instructions included on postcards
1.8.1 Using the story-wire
1.8.2 Small objects such as leaves are used to represent narrative characters
1.8.3 An action results in a mark on the ground and ends with a deictic gesture in the air
2.12.1 (a) Visualizing data from financial trends; (b) the tree of life; (c) cholera incidence; (d) partisanship in senate voting patterns; (e) climate change trends; (f) poems; (g) the evolution of On the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin
2.12.2 Anscombe’s Quartet, as seen as raw data and simple exploratory statistics
2.12.3 Visualizing Anscombe’s Quartet
2.12.4 Reducing the effectiveness of Anscombe’s Quartet
2.12.5 Further variations on Anscombe’s Quartet
2.12.6 Paired examples of the same data visualized in different areas of Design Space
2.12.7 Visualizing two data series with contrasting demands
2.12.8 Making comparisons within a single chart
2.12.9 Visualizing cholera incidence
3.4.1 DIY culture, electronic art and design
3.4.2 Do-It-With-Others
3.5.1 results of a query for right-wing extremist groups in Spain
3.5.2 Simple spreadsheet with names of groups and URLs per group
3.5.3 Associative query-snowballing technique, second iteration
3.6.1 Sensory ethnography of the social order of traffic
3.6.2 Jen Southern ‘Searcher’, taking frames from rescue dog-mounted video
3.6.3 Moving with the troubles of digital tracking
3.8.1 Aerocene launches at White Sands
3.8.2 Museo Aero Solar
3.8.3 Aerocene Gemini, Free Flight
4.2.1 Charting a London South Asian textile shop
4.2.2 Animal research facility: re-diagramming relations
4.2.3 An international biology research facility
4.2.4 Map Mice
4.2.5 Swarm
4.2.6 Symbol and stuff
4.2.7 Lab Cleanliness: ink and bleach
5.5.1 Ballot for Constitución referendum
5.10.1 PermaLamb: 100 percent pure Kiwi transgenics
5.10.2 PermaLamb: track the National PermaLamb Flock
5.10.3 PermaLamb: designed for easy shedding and wool gathering
5.10.4 PermaLamb: designed for gentle and compassionate slaughter
5.15.1 The Energy Babble