General Index

Abbate, Carolyn 282
Adam, Fra Salimbene de 36
Adami, Giuseppe 36
Adamo, Mark 204
Adams, John 55 , 204 , 246 , 260–4 , 289–90 , 318 , 330
Adès, Thomas 228
Adlington, Robert 218 , 219
Adorno, Theodor 20 , 80 , 86 , 90 , 95 , 105 , 114 , 122 , 163 , 231 , 248 , 269 , 281
Aeschylus 22 , 52 , 163
Albeniz, Isaac 128
Aldeburgh Festival 213 , 218
Alfano, Franco 34 , 139
alienation technique: ; see Verfremdungseffekt
Anderson, Laurie 207
Anderson, Marian 310
Andriessen, Louis 233 , 234–5
Matthew Passion 234 ,
Orpheus 234 ,
Angerer, Paul 285
Annesley, Charles 322
Ansermet, Ernest 80
Antheil, George 202–3
‘anti-opera’ 182–6 , 195 , 241 , 255 , 257
Antoine, André 81
Apollinaire, Guillaume 113 , 141
Appia, Adolphe 22 , 62 , 336
Aquila, Serafino dall’ 41
Aragon, Louis 250
Argento, Dominick 204 , 207
Aristotle 226
Arnold, Malcolm 285
Artaud, Antonin 246 , 251 , 255
Ashby, Arved 96
Astaire, Adele 296 , 299
Astaire, Fred 296
Astruc, Gabriel 125
Auden, W. H. 14 , 51 , 52 , 58 , 120 , 216
audiences 6 , 147 , 156 , 270 , 321
Auner, Josef 92 , 103
Babbitt, Milton
Fabulous Voyage 233
Bach, Johann Sebastian 105
Bachelet, Alfred 137
Baden-Baden 133
Bahr, Herrmann 150
Baird, Tadeusz 176
Balázs, Béla 67–8 , 271
ballad opera 107
Baragwanath, Nicholas 102
Barbaja, Domenico 308
Barber, Samuel 57 , 206 , 331
Barlach, Ernst 159
Barry, Gerald 285
Bartók, Béla 67–72 , 74 , 168
The Wooden Prince 68
Baudelaire, Charles 62 , 64
Baylis, Lilian 326
Bayreuth 14 , 18 , 21 , 49 , 61–2 , 63 , 125 , 140 , 212 , 312 , 316 , 335 , 337 , 338
Bazin, André 271
Beaumarchais, Pierre-Augustin Caron de 134
Nozze di Figaro, Le 134
Beck, Julian 244
Beckett, Samuel 144
Krapp’s Last Tape 144
Play 245
Beeson, Jack 204 , 206
Beethoven, Ludwig van 87 , 96
Eroica Symphony 178
Beineix, Jean-Jacques 282
Bekker, Paul 109
Bel Geddes, Norman 202
Belcari, Feo 42
Bellini, Vincenzo 27–8 , 107
Benco, Silvio 33–4
Benda, Georg 90
Benelli, Sem 35 , 36
Benjamin, Arthur 285
Benjamin, Walter 184 , 246 , 259
Bennett, Richard Rodney 328
Bennett, Robert Russell 297
Benois, Alexandre 129 , 181
Benvenuti, Giacomo 42
Berberian, Cathy 225
Berg, Alban 24 , 50 , 56 , 65 , 78 , 80–1 , 82 , 83 , 86 , 93–7 , 98 , 100–3 , 112 , 113 , 115 , 155 , 260 , 280–1 , 318 , 329
Violin Concerto 103
Berghaus, Ruth 338
Bergman, Ingmar 253 , 274
Berio, Luciano 56 , 105 , 225 , 227 , 230 , 330
Thema – omaggio a Joyce 227
Visage 227
Berlin 4 , 7 , 19 , 72 , 91 , 115 , 116 , 134 , 146 , 148 , 154 , 302 , 316 , 326 , 336
Berlin, Irving 293 , 303
Berlioz, Hector 191
Symphonie fantastique 191
Bernanos, Georges 142
Bernstein, Leonard 57 , 204 , 205 , 293 , 303 , 329
Mass 301
West Side Story 293 , 296 , 329
Birtwistle, Harrison 82–3 , 209 , 218–20 , 226 , 228 , 235 , 240–1
Bow Down 229 , 238
Pulse Field 237
Verses for Ensembles 241
Bizet, Georges 29
Blacher, Boris 54 , 57 , 163 ,
Blake, David 54
Blaue Reiter, Der 86 , 88
Blei, Franz 116
Bliss, Arthur 285
Blitzstein, Marc 54 , 200 , 201
Bloch, Ernst 57 , 337
Blow, John 212
Blum, Carl Robert 270
Boccaccio, Giovanni 43 , 57
Boito, Arrigo 32
Bolcom, William 199 , 206 , 207
Bond, Edward 54
Borodin, Alexander 13
Boughton, Rutland 209 , 212–13
Boulez, Pierre 61 , 105 , 106 , 114 , 115 , 121 , 221 , 233 , 247 , 265 , 335
Piano Sonata No. 3 226
Brahms, Johannes 17 , 87 , 96 , 115
Brand, Max 153
Brant, Harry 226
Braunfels, Walter 148
Brecht, Bertolt 15 , 23 , 54 , 102 , 112 , 119 , 146 , 156 , 157 , 161 , 182 , 184 , 201 , 229 , 254 , 271 , 324
Trial of Lucullus, The 162
Brecht, George 230
Breil, Joseph Carl 202 , 278
Breton, André 248–9
Breuer, Josef 48 , 91
Studies on Hysteria 48
Breuer, Lee 244
Brinkmann, Reinhold 88 , 97 , 103
Britten, Benjamin 50 , 54 , 56 , 57–8 , 112 , 113 , 161 , 209 , 213–15 , 228 , 236 , 280 , 290 , 306 , 324 , 325 , 328 , 329 , 330 , 332
Brook, Peter 216 , 283
Brown, Julie 93
Bruneau, Alfred 137
Brunel, Raoul 137
Brussels 65 , 135 , 327 , 329 , 339
Bryusov, Valery 189–90
Budapest 68
Büchner, Georg 54 , 56 , 94 ,
Dantons Tod 54 , 163
Woyzeck 56 , 94 , 95
Bülow, Hans von 14
Buenos Aires 51 , 65
Bush, Alan 54
Busoni, Ferruccio 55 , 89 , 107 , 108–11 , 115 , 119 , 146 , 148 , 155 , 156
Busser, Henri 64
Butler, Christopher 97
Butler, Martin 228
Butting, Max 162
Cadman, Charles Wakefield 198 , 202
Cage, John 225 , 237–9 , 245 , 247
4′33″ 226 , 239
Musicircus 237
Theatre Piece 239
Water Music 239
Caldwell, John Thornton 262
Callas, Maria 204 , 283
Calvocoressi, Michel-Dimitri 127
Canteloube, Joseph 136–7
Carner, Mosco 11
Carraud, Gaston 127
Carré, Albert 126
Carter, Elliott 105 , 106 , 233
Caruso, Enrico 313
Caryll, Ivan 293
Casella, Alfredo 26 , 27 , 29 , 40 , 42 , 43–4 , 121 , 139 , 140
La giara 40
Casorati, Felice 39
Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario 139
Caute, David 275
U+010C erha, Friedrich 85
Cervantes, Miguel de 57 , 163
Don Quixote 57 , 128
Chadwick, George Whitefield 198
Chaplin, Charlie 268
Charpentier, Gustave 47 , 62
Chaucer, Geoffrey 57
Chausson, Ernest 47
Chekhov, Anton 179 , 180 , 196
Chéreau, Patrice 316 , 334 , 338
Chevalier, Maurice 299
Chicago 4 , 110 , 182 , 204 , 310
Chirico, Giorgio De 39
Cikker, Ján 175
Cilea, Francesco 11 , 26 , 31
Cocteau, Jean 51–3 , 111 , 135 , 142 , 253 , 281
Colbran, Isabella 308
Colette 131
Collaer, Paul 133 , 134 ,
Cologne 72
commedia dell’arte 49 , 107 , 108 , 110
commerce 98 , 147 , 228 , 269 , 306–20
Conklin, John 207
constructivism 86
Converse, Frederick Shepherd 199 , 202
Copeland, Stewart 285
Copland, Aaron 204 , 280
Appalachian Spring 300
Coppola, Francis Ford 278
Corigliano, John 207 , 280
Coward, Noël 293
Crabbe, George 58
Borough, The 58
Craft, Robert 120
Craig, Gordon 62 , 336
Cross, Jonathan 220
Crosse, Gordon 285
Crozier, Eric 58 , 215
Cui, César 185
Czinner, Paul 274
Dahlhaus, Carl 8 , 9 , 11 , 17 , 18 , 90
Dallapiccola, Luigi 54 , 57 , 139–40 , 330
Tre laudi 140
Damrosch, Walter 197
D’Annunzio, Gabriele 34–7 , 41–2
Parisina 34
Dargomïzhsky, Alexander 185
Davies, Peter Maxwell 209 , 220 , 235
Blind Man’s Buff 235
Eight Songs for a Mad King 237
Vesalii icones 227 , 235 , 237
Davis, Anthony 204
Davison, Stephen 98
Debussy, Claude 11 , 18 , 21 , 31 , 38 , 47 , 60 , 62 , 63–4 , 65 , 66–7 , 70 , 71 , 72–4 , 75–6 , 80 , 81 , 82 , 84 , 94 , 129 , 129–30 , 136 , 140
Jeux 126
Decker, Willy 339
Delannoy, Marcel 57 , 137 , 141
Deleuze, Gilles 247–8 , 249
Delius, Frederick 168 , 209 , 210
DeMille, Cecil B. 268
Denisov, Edison 195
Denzler, Robert 117
Désormière, Roger 60 , 141
Dessau, Paul 161
Diaghilev, Sergey 14 , 112 , 125 , 128 , 181
Dillon, James 233
Philomela 233
Dobrolyubov, Nikolai 187
Dohnányi, Ernst von 108
Schleier der Pierrette, Der 108
Donizetti, Gaetano 107 , 325
Dorus-Gras, Julie 130
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor 57 , 172 , 185
Gambler, The 57
Dove, Jonathan 326
Dresden 15 , 108 , 116 , 269 , 316 , 322
Dülberg, Edward 337
Dürrenmatt, Friedrich 163
Düsseldorf 25
Dukas, Paul 48 , 64–5 , 67–8 , 71 , 74 , 127 , 131 , 132
Dumesnil, René 138
Duncan, Ronald 58 , 216
Durkó, Zsolt 177
Duval, Denise 142
DvoU+0159 ák, Antonin 47 , 309
Dzerzhinsky, Ivan 192
Edwardes, George 293
Egk, Werner 117 , 140 , 159 , 161 , 163
Egorova, Tatiana 274
Einem, Gottfried von 51 , 54 , 117 , 161 , 163
Eisenstein, Sergei 183 , 194 , 280
Eisler, Hanns 15 , 161–2 , 269 , 281
Emmanuel, Maurice 63
Enescu, George 52 , 169–70
Enna, August 270
Eötvös, Péter 177 , 179–80
epic theatre 54 , 102 , 254
Euripides 51
Bacchae 51 , 169
Evans, Peter 210
expressionism 48 , 75 , 76–81 , 84 , 86 , 107 , 115 , 116 , 157 , 159 , 164
Falck, Robert 90
Falla, Manuel de 57 , 127–8
Farrar, Geraldine 268
Fauchois, René 125
Fauré, Gabriel 125 , 127 , 130
Bonne Chanson, La 125
Fauré-Fremiet, Philippe 125
Feher, Friedrich 283
Fehling, Jürgen 337
Felsenstein, Walter 316 , 326
feminism 92 , 93 , 103
Ferneyhough, Brian 233
Shadowtime 233
Ferrari-Trecate, Luigi 43
Fétis, François-Joseph 15
film 40 , 94 , 102 , 205–8 , 253 , 267–90 , 293 , 324
finance 4 , 313–14
Florence 39 , 139
Floyd, Carlisle 204 , 205 , 207
Fluxus 230 , 245 ,
Foerster, Josef 166
Foreman, Richard 244
Forrest, Hamilton 199
Forster, E. M. 58 , 215
Fortner, Wolfgang 163
Forzano, Giovacchino 36
Foss, Lukas 284
Franchetti, Alberto 31 , 35 , 36
Frankfurt 114 , 148
Franklin, Peter 89 , 100
Freeman, Harry Lawrence 199
Freud, Sigmund 48 , 89 , 91 , 150
Studies in Hysteria 151
Interpretation of Dreams 151
Friedrich, Götz 283
Frith, Simon 236
Furtwängler, Wilhelm 116 , 158
gamelan 215
Garden, Mary 62 , 199
Garland, Judy 299
Gatti, Guido M. 29
Gatti-Casazza, Giulio 202
Gavazzeni, Gianandrea 308
Gay, John 119
Gazzelloni, Severino 225
George, Stefan 76 , 88
Gerhard, Anselm 5
Gershwin, George 199–200 , 205 , 292 , 293 , 294 , 298 , 310
Girl Crazy 298
Oh, Kay! 295
Gerster, Ottmar 159 , 161 , 162
Gesamtkunstwerk (total work of art) 15 , 16 , 17 , 47 , 79 , 92 , 212 , 240 , 250 , 277 , 290
Ghedini, Giorgio Federico 42 , 43
Gigli, Beniamino 313
Gilbert and Sullivan 271 , 293 , 294 , 295 , 302
Ginastera, Alberto 51
Giordano, Umberto 11 , 26 , 36
Gladkovsky, Arseny 191
Glass, Philip 55 , 207 , 244–5 , 248 , 249–53 , 254 , 256 , 266 , 280 , 281 , 331
Koyaanisqatsi (film score) 253
Naqoyqaatsi (film score) 253
Glastonbury Festival 212–13
Gobeil, Gilles 227
Vertige inconnu, Le 227
Godard, Jean-Luc 263 , 277
Goebbels, Heiner 242
Black on White 242
Hashirigaki 242
Repetition, The 242
Goebbels, Josef 25 , 158
Goehr, Alexander 220
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 153
Gogol, Nikolay 184 , 185–6
Goldoni, Carlo 40 , 43
Goldstein, Bluma 99 , 100 , 104
Goodman, Alice 262–3 , 318
Goossens, Eugene 270
Gorikker, Vladimir 274
Gough, Orlando 285
Gounod, Charles 29
Gozzi, Carlo 43 , 110 , 121 , 163 , 182 , 183
Graener, Paul 159
Graham, Colin 207 , 286
Grau, Maurice 5
Gregor, Joseph 59
Grieg, Edvard 64 , 210
Griffith, D. W. 278
Griffiths, Paul 100 , 225 , 241
Grovlez, Gabriel 138
Gruenberg, Louis 202
Guastalla, Claudio 36 , 42
Gubbay, Raymond 314
Guiraud, Ernest 63
Guy-Ropartz, Joseph Marie 74
Hahn, Reynaldo 137
Hailey, Christopher 96
Hamburg 9
Handel, George Frederic 44 , 315 , 332 , 334
Hanell, Robert 162
Hanslick, Eduard 8 , 86
Hanson, Howard 202
Haraucourt, Edmond 125
Shylock 125
Harbison, John 207
Harling, Frank 199
Hartmann, Karl Amadeus 117 , 160
Harvey, Jonathan 209 , 221 ,
Hawthorne, Nathaniel 198
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 16 , 86
Heggie, Jake 207
Heine, Heinrich 32
Henze, Hans Werner 51 , 54 , 57 , 121 , 122 , 163 , 164 , 233–4 , 236 , 238 , 280 , 325 , 329
Cubana, La 229–30 , 237 , 238
Tedious Way to Natascha Ungeheuer’s Flat, The 233 , 238
Herbert, Victor 198 , 202 , 292 , 302
Naughty Marietta 292
Hermand, Jost 86
Herrmann, Bernard 206 , 279–80
Citizen Kane (film score) 280
Ghost and Mrs Muir, The (film score) 206
Jane Eyre (film score) 206 , 279
Psycho (film score) 206 , 279
Vertigo (film score) 279
Hertzka, Emil 93 , 95
Herzog, Werner 282
Heyward, DuBose 200
Hindemith, Paul 14 , 25 , 48 , 55 , 98 , 115–17 , 133 , 146 , 154 , 157 , 158–9 , 161 , 280
Hitchcock, Alfred 206
Hitler, Adolf 25 , 55 , 116 , 202
Hobsbawm, Eric 6 , 7 , 13
Hoffmann, E. T. A. 116 , 154
Fräulein von Scuderi, Das 116
Hofmannsthal, Hugo von 48 , 49 , 58–9 , 106 , 107 , 153 , 269
Elektra 48
Hogarth, William 52 , 120
Hoiby, Lee 207
Holloway, Robin 221 , 331
Holmberg, Arthur 250
Holst, Gustav 57 , 209 , 210–11
Nine Hymns from the Rig Veda 211
Holst, Imogen 209 , 213
Holtby, Mary 272
Homer 57
homosexuality 50 , 332
Honegger, Arthur 52 , 113 , 135–6 ,
Jeanne d’Arc au bûcher 135
Nicholas de Flue 136
Roi David, Le 135
Houston 204
Hugo, Valentine 60 , 61
Huillet, Danièle 274
Hummel, Ferdinand 270
Humperdinck, Engelbert 8
Huppertz, Gottfried 278
Huxley, Aldous 120
Ibert, Jacques 136 , 137
Illica, Luigi 31 , 33
International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM) 65
Ives, Charles 226
Jacquot, Benoît 277
Jahn, Wilhelm 9–10
James, Henry 58 , 285
Turn of the Screw, The 58 , 285
Jammes, Francis 132
JanáU+010D ek, LeoU+0161 23–4 , 50 , 72 , 82 , 166–7 , 170 , 171–3 , 257 , 325 , 328 , 332
Jarman, Derek 276
Jarman, Douglas 94 , 95 , 96 , 100 , 102 , 103
Jarnach, Philipp 55
jazz 25 , 48 , 111 , 112 , 113 , 149 , 156 , 159 , 171 , 198–9 , 199 , 203 , 233 , 292 , 298
Jolivet, André 141
Guignol et Pandore 141
Jones, Richard 338
Jones, Sidney 302
Joplin, Scott 178 , 199
Jung, Carl Gustav 50 , 216 , 217
Jusseaume, Lucien 60 , 64
Kabalevsky, Dmitry 195
Kafka, Franz 163 ,
Kagel, Mauricio 227 , 231–2 , 241
Match 227 , 232
Siegfried P 232
Staatstheater 232
Sur scène 232
Transición II 232
Kahan, Sylvia 128
Kallman, Chester 51 , 52 , 120
Kamuf, Peggy 262 , 263
Kandinsky, Wassily 76–7 , 89 , 273
Concerning the Spiritual in Art 76
Kant, Immanuel 86
Karajan, Herbert von 140
Kazantzakis, Nikos 175–6
Keathley, Elizabeth L. 93
Keller, Hans 264
Kerman, Joseph 56 , 93 , 94 , 95 , 327
Kern, Jerome 293 , 298 , 302
Keun, Irmgard 154
Artificial Silk Girl, The 154
Kien, Peter 174
Kiesler, Frederick 202
KieU+015B lowski, Krzysztof 282
Klebe, Giselher 163
Kleiber, Erich 115 , 134
Klemperer, Otto 146 , 336
Klenau, Paul 159
Knussen, Oliver 221
Kodály, Zoltán 167–8
Czinka Panna 168
Háry János 167
Transylvanian Spinning Room, The 167
Kokoschka, Oskar 116 , 273
Kolisch, Rudolf 86
Kollo, Walter 146
Korngold, Erich Wolfgang 87 , 151–2 , 161 , 206 , 278–9
Korngold, Julius 152
Korot, Beryl 259
Kracauer, Siegfried 272
Kramer, Heinz 121
Krása, Hans 160
KU+0159 enek, Ernst 47 , 48 , 98 , 149–50 , 152 , 156 , 161
Kühn, Alfred 21
Künneke, Eduard 156
Kunad, Rainer 162
Kurtág, György 226
Labelle, Nicole 131
Laber, Louis 65
Labroca, Mario 28
Lalo, Pierre 128 , 133
Laloy, Louis 127 , 130 ,
Landowska, Wanda 128
Landowski, Marcel 143–4
Lang, Fritz 278
Lanza, Mario 313
Large, Brian 286
Larsen, Libby 207
Larson, Jonathan 304
Lattuada, Felice 43
Leblanc, Georgette 64
LeFanu, Nicola 235
Lehár, Franz 146 , 158 , 293 , 295 , 296
Leicester, H. Marshall 276
leitmotives 16 , 30 , 81 , 94 , 100 , 137 , 189 , 206 , 277
Leningrad 42 , 182 , 184 , 185 , 191
; see also St Petersburg
Leoncavallo, Ruggero 11 , 26 , 30
Lerner and Loewe 303
My Fair Lady 297 , 303
lesbianism 50
Levy, Marvin David 206
Lewin, David 99
Liebermann, Lowell 207
Liebermann, Rolf 143 , 144 , 274 , 275
Ligeti, György 177–9 , 241 , 330
Aventures 232
Nouvelles aventures 232
Lion, Ferdinand 116
Liszt, Franz 7 , 88
Literaturoper 32 , 56–8 , 67 , 163 , 184 , 185 , 193
Lloyd Webber, Andrew 289 , 301
Locke, Matthew 212
Lockspeiser, Edward 18
London 3–4 , 213 , 306 , 326
London, Kurt 272 ,
Loos, Adolf 335
Lorca, Federico Garcia 163
Losey, Joseph 274–5 , 277
Lothar, Mark 159
Louÿs, Pierre 18 , 136
Lowery, Nigel 338
Lualdi, Adriano 43
Lubitsch, Ernst 299
Lugné-Poë, Aurelien 63
Luhrmann, Baz 314
Lunel, Armand 132 , 133 , 138
MacDermot, Galt
Hair 301
Mackintosh, Cameron 304
Maderna, Bruno 57
Madrid 65 , 127 , 302
Maeterlinck, Maurice 47 , 48 , 62–8 , 72 , 76 , 77–8 , 80 , 81
Ariane et Barbe-Bleue 64–5
Pelléas et Mélisande 48 , 63–5 , 125
Princesse Maleine, La 63
Maffei, Alessandro 32
Magnard, Albéric 137
Mahler, Gustav 7 , 9 , 10 , 87 , 96 , 188 , 198 , 273 , 335
Malina, Judith 244
Malipiero, Gian Francesco 26 , 27 , 33 , 40–2 , 119 , 121 , 138–9
Pantea 40
Mallarmé, Stéphane 62 , 64 , 76
Mamentov, Savva Ivanovich 13
Mann, Thomas 58 , 108 , 109
Death in Venice 58
Manthey, Axel 338
Manzoni, Giacomo 54
Marsh, Roger 235
Dum 235
Kagura 235
Marthaler, Christoph 339
Martin, Frank 57
MartinU+016F , Bohuslav 170–1 , 173–4 , 175–6 , 179
Marx, Karl 157
Mascagni, Pietro 9 , 26 , 29 , 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 36 , 39
Mason, William 317
Massenet, Jules 12 , 29 , 130
Matthus, Siegfried 162
Maupassant, Guy de 144
Mayakovsky, Vladimir 184
Bedbug, The 184
McKellar, Shannon 286
Méliès, Georges 267
melodrama 8–9 , 24 , 26–9 , 32 , 37 , 38 , 40 , 43 , 44 , 62 , 90 , 136 , 188
Melville, Herman 58
Billy Budd 58
Mencken, Alan 304
Mendelssohn, Felix 15
Menotti, Gian Carlo 197 , 200–1 , 206 , 284
Merman, Ethel 299
Messager, André 61 , 131
Messiaen, Olivier 64 , 65 , 134 , 143
Meyerbeer, Giacomo 20 , 30
Meyerhold, Vsevolod 181 , 182–4 , 336
Mielziner, Jo 202
Mihalovici, Marcel 144
Mila, Massimo 138 , 139 , 140
Milan 10 , 31 , 42 , 65 , 134 , 142 , 308
Milhaud, Darius 131 , 132–5
Milhaud, Madeleine 134
Miller, Jonathan 339
minimalism 55 , 244–66
Moholy-Nagy, László 337
Molchanov, Kirill 195
Molière 43 , 49
Bourgeois gentilhomme, Le 49
Monckton, Lionel 293
Monk, Meredith 204 , 207 , 244 , 245 , 254–6 , 265
Montemezzi, Italo 35
Monteverdi, Claudio 41 , 42 , 119 , 139 , 332
Moore, Anthony 285
Moore, Douglas 204 , 205
Moore, Mary Carr 198
Mordden, Ethan 53
Morselli, Ercole Luigi 43
Mortier, Gerard 327 , 329
Moscow 13 , 181 , 184 , 185 , 194 , 195 , 336
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 8 , 14 , 43 , 52 , 53 , 94 , 107 , 110 , 120 , 121 , 153 , 307
Muck, Karl 198
Munich 7 , 76
Muradeli, Vano 195
music theatre 225–43
musicals 6 , 205 , 290 , 292–305
Musorgsky, Modest 13 , 126–7 , 129 , 185 , 188 , 315
Mussolini, Benito 121
Muti, Riccardo 308
Myaskovsky, Nikolay 190
mythology 49 , 51–3
nationalism 53 , 68
Nazi Germany 25 , 54 , 60 , 100 , 116–17 , 121 , 134 , 140 , 150 , 151 , 157–60 , 174 , 177 , 192
Neher, Caspar 25
neo-classicism 29 , 43–4 , 48 , 51–3 , 105–22 , 151 , 153 , 157
Neue Sachlichkeit (new objectivity) 97 , 151 , 156 , 160 , 270
Nevin, Arthur 198
New York 4 , 5 , 65 , 72 , 139 , 195 , 199 , 201–2 , 204 , 244–5 , 298 , 302 , 309
Newman, Danny 310
Nick, Edmund 159
Nietzsche, Friedrich 20
Night Flight (film) 139
NU+014D theatre 215 , 236
Nolde, Emil 159
Nono, Luigi 54 , 230 , 330
Intolleranza 1960 231
Prometeo 241
North, Alex 282
Novák, VitU+011B slav 166
Novello, Ivor 296
number opera 19 , 20 , 37 , 47 , 49 , 100 , 107 , 108 , 110 , 111 , 112 , 113 , 120 , 155 , 315
Nyman, Michael 239 , 247 , 261 , 280
In Re Don Giovanni 247
O’Brien, Richard
Rocky Horror Show, The 301
Offenbach, Jacques 59 , 136 , 141 , 282 , 293 , 302
Oliver, Stephen 57 , 328
O’Neill, Eugene 202
operetta 38 , 106 , 136 , 146 , 147 , 158 , 171 , 293 , 294–8
Ophüls, Max 270
oratorio 99 , 111 , 135 , 136
Orefice, Giacomo 42
Orff, Carl 52 , 119 , 121 , 160 , 161 , 163
Carmina burana 119 , 160
Catulli carmina 161
OstrU+010D il, Otakar 166
Ostrovsky, Alexander 187
Pabst, G. W. 150 , 270–1 , 281
pacifism 54 ,
Paine, John Knowles 198
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da 35 , 107
Missa Papae Marcelli 107
Palmer, Christopher 279
Pappenheim, Marie 78 , 90 , 93
Paris 11 , 15 , 22 , 52 , 60 , 61 , 62 , 64 , 65 , 76 , 85 , 110 , 111 , 112 , 125–6 , 127 , 128 , 137–8 , 140 , 142–3 , 170 , 302
Parker, Horatio 198
Partch, Harry 240
Bewitched, The 240
Delusion of the Fury 240
Paulus, Stephen 207
Pavolini, Corrado 42
Payne, Anthony 210
Pears, Peter 56 , 213
Pechstein, Max 159
Pécoud, Fernand 125
Penderecki, Krzysztof 176–7
Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista 110
Perle, George 101
Perugia 42
Petronius 57
Petrovics, Emil 177
Pfitzner, Hans 9 , 23 , 55 , 87 , 107 , 146 , 148–9
Picker, Tobias 207
Piper, Myfanwy 58 , 216
Pirandello, Luigi 41 , 139
Pizzetti, Ildebrando 27 , 28 , 35 , 36 , 39 , 42
Musiche per “La nave” 35
Pisanella, La 35
La sacra rappresentazione di Abram e d’Isaac 42
Platt, Norman 317
Plomer, William 58 , 216
political opera 53–5 , 164 , 230–5
Pollini, Bernhard Baruch 9
Ponnelle, Jean-Pierre 274
Ponselle, Rosa 202
Pople, Anthony 95
Porter, Cole 293 , 303
Poulenc, Francis 113 , 128 , 134 , 141–2
Animaux modèles, Les 141
Deux marches et un intermède 142
Powell, Michael 271
Prague 65 , 78 , 106 , 150 , 170
Preissová, Gabriella 166
Pressburger, Emeric 271
Previn, André 207 , 331
Prey, Claude 144–5
Prokofiev, Sergey 53 , 57 , 107 , 110–11 , 182–3 , 186–7 , 191 , 192–5 , 280 , 325 , 329
Alexander Nevsky (film score) 280
Classical Symphony 111
Eugene Onegin (incidental music) 193
Ivan the Terrible (film score) 194 , 280
Symphony No. 3 190
Pruslin, Stephen 218
Prussak, Yevgeny 191
psychoanalysis 48 , 91
Puccini, Giacomo 11 , 14 , 20–1 , 26 , 27 , 30 , 31 , 32–3 , 37–9 , 50 , 72 , 107 , 148 , 200 , 268 , 313 , 325 , 327
Puffett, Derrick 94 , 115 , 216–17
Purcell, Henry 212
Pushkin, Alexander 111 , 185
Quadri, Franco 250
Rabaud, Henri 130
radio 164 , 173 , 198 , 202 , 227 , 298
Rakhmaninov, Sergey 185
Raksin, David 280
Ravel, Maurice 113 , 126–7 , 129 , 131–2 , 133
Histoires naturelles 127
recordings 141 , 157 , 268 , 269 , 282–3 , 313 , 323
Reger, Max 113 , 115
Reggio, Godfrey 253
Reich, Steve 242 , 245–6
Desert Music, The 258
Different Trains 246 , 256 , 259
It’s Gonna Rain 245
Pendulum Music 245
Tehillim 258
Reimann, Aribert 81 , 82–4
Reinhardt, Max 268 , 316 , 336
Respighi, Ottorino 28 , 36 , 42 , 43
Boutique fantasque, La 43
Lauda per la natività del Signore 42
Reszke, De, Jean and Edouard 4
Reutter, Hermann 159 , 161
Ribemont-Dessaignes, Georges 171
Rice, Tim 304
Richter, Hans 9
Ricordi, Tito 34
Riesenfeld, Hugo 268 , 278
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay 12–13 , 53 , 54 , 181 , 183
Ringer, Alexander 99
rock opera 301
Rodgers and Hammerstein 293 , 297 , 299 , 300 , 303 ,
Carousel 300
King and I, The 303
Oklahoma! 300
Sound of Music, The 303
South Pacific 303
Three Sisters 300
Rogers, Ginger 296 , 299
Roland-Manuel 133
Roller, Alfred 267 , 268 , 273 , 335–6
Rome 42
Ronsin, Eugène 60
Rosenman, Leonard 280
Rosenthal, Manuel 137
Rosi, Francesco 276
Rosselli, John 11
Rossini, Gioachino 12 , 43 , 44 , 308 , 325
Rota, Nino 282
Rothapfel, Samuel L. 268
Rouché, Jacques 131
Roussel, Albert 130–1
Festin de l’arraignée, Le 131
Rubens, Paul 293
Rudel, Julius 204
Ruders, Poul 309
RudziU+0144 ski, Witold 176
Rupprecht, Philip 213
Rushton, Julian 275
Sabaneev, Leonid 272
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de 139
Vol de nuit 139
Saint-Saëns, Camille 267
L’Assassinat du Duc de Guise (film score) 267
Salzburg 153 , 161 , 274 , 285 , 316 , 327
Sardou, Victorien 32
Satie, Erik 135
Relâche 281
Socrate 135
Sauguet, Henri 138
Scherchen, Hermann 134
Schiffer, Marcus 116
Schiller, Friedrich 163 , 324
Schillings, Max von 151
Schlegel, A. W. von 57
Schloezer, Boris 114
Schmidt, Franz 146
Schmitt, Florent 131
Schmitt-Rottluff, Karl 159
Schnittke, Alfred 195
Schnitzler, Arthur 108
Schoeck, Othmar 110 , 115
Schoenberg, Arnold 65 , 74–6 , 77–80 , 81 , 86 , 87–94 , 95 , 96 , 97–100 , 101 , 103–4 , 105 , 106 , 114–15 , 146 , 150 , 151 , 152 , 234 , 247 , 260 , 273 , 329
Begleitmusik zu einer Lichtspielszene 273
Buch der hängenden Gärten, Das 88
Chamber Symphony No. 1 87 , 95
Eight Songs, Op. 6 90 , 92
Gurrelieder 264
Harmonielehre 76
Klavierstücke , Op. 23 114
Neue Klassizismus, Der , Op. 28 no. 3 114
Pierrot lunaire 92 , 106 , 110 , 234
String Quartet No. 2 88
Suite, Op. 25 114
Survivor from Warsaw, A 103
Three Piano Pieces, Op. 11 88
Two Songs, Op. 14 88
Verklärte Nacht 87
Schoenberg, Gertrud 97
Schopenhauer, Arthur 16
Schreker, Franz 87 , 114 , 146 , 149 , 150–1 , 325
Schubert, Franz 96
Schuch, Ernst von 322
Schuller, Gunther 199
Schwartz, Stephen 301
Schwers, Paul 337
Sciarrino, Salvatore 229
Cailles en sarcophage 229
Infinito nero 229
Lohengrin 229
Vanitas 229
Scribe, Eugène 20
Sellars, Peter 262 , 339
Sessions, Roger 162 ,
sexuality 25 , 49–51 , 53 , 90 , 103 , 115 , 176
Shaffer, Peter
Amadeus 281
Shakespeare, William 56–7 , 83 , 125 , 163 , 326
King Lear 81
Merchant of Venice, The 137
Merry Wives of Windsor, The 57
Midsummer Night’s Dream, A 56–7
Tempest, The 56 , 57
Shapiro, Mikhael 274
Shaporin, Yuri 195
Sharp, William 212
Shebalin, Vissarian 195
Shklovsky, Viktor 182
Shostakovich, Dmitri 183–9 , 195 , 280 , 330
Sibelius, Jan 108
Scaramouche 108
Simms, Bryan 90
singers 4 , 312 , 322–3
Sironi, Mario 39
Slater, Montagu 58 , 216
Smareglia, Antonio 30 , 33
Smyth, Ethel 209
Sondheim, Stephen 205 , 300 , 304 , 329
Sophocles 51–3 , 111 , 135 , 163 , 169
Sousa, John Philip 205 , 302
Sprechgesang (speech-song) 99 , 144 , 170 , 196 , 264 , 333
Sprechstimme : ; see Sprechgesang
St Petersburg 12–13 , 181
; see also Leningrad
Stalin, Josef 186 , 188 , 192 , 194
Stanford, Charles Villiers 209
Stanislavsky, Konstantin 182 , 333
Stein, Gertrude 203 , 251
Stein, Peter 61
Stendhal 138
Stephan, Rudi 148
Still, William Grant 204
Stockhausen, Karlheinz 226–7 , 231 , 239–40 , 247
Alphabet für Liege 241
Gesang der Jünglinge 227
Gruppen 226
Harlekin 240
Helikopter-Streichquartett 242
Inori 240
Klavierstück XIV 242
Kontakte 227 , 231
Musik im Bauch 240
Originale 231
Trans 226
Stramm, August 116
Stratas, Teresa 283
Strauss, Johann 96 , 293
Strauss, Richard 7–8 , 11 , 14 , 18 , 20 , 21 , 31 , 38 , 49–50 , 54 , 58–9 , 72 , 87 , 88 , 90 , 93 , 94 , 114 , 152–3 , 158 , 166 , 316 , 318 , 325 , 329
Sinfonia Domestica 153
Stravinsky, Igor 14 , 18 , 20 , 38 , 51–2 , 105 , 107 , 110–14 , 111 , 119–21 , 129–30 , 181 , 218 , 235 , 284–5 , 315 , 328 , 329
Cantata 121
Canticum sacrum 121
Firebird, The 129
In Memoriam Dylan Thomas 121
Noces, Les 112 , 181
Petrushka 129
Pulcinella 52 , 110 , 113
Rite of Spring, The 14 , 112 , 126 , 129 , 190 , 191
Septet 121
Soldier’s Tale, The 105 , 106 , 235
Symphonies of Wind Instruments 218
Strecker, Heinrich 159
Styne, Jule 303
SuchoU+0148 , Eugene 174–5
Suk, Josef 174
‘Asrael’ Symphony 174
surtitles 312 , 325 , 327
Sutermeister, Heinrich 117
Syberberg, Hans-Jürgen 253 , 276
symbolism 48 , 60–84 , 168 , 189 , 198 , 202
Synge, J. M.
Riders to the Sea 130 , 211 , 216
Szokolay, Sándor 177
Szymanowski, Karol 168–9
Talbot, Howard 293
Tambling, Jeremy 259 , 289
Tarnopolsky, Vladimir 196
Taruskin, Richard 105 , 106
Tatlin, Vladimir 86
Tauber, Richard 313
Taylor, Deems 202
Tchaikovsky, Piotr 12
television 201 , 205 , 207 , 215 , 246 , 260–4 , 284–90
Thalberg, Irving 273
Thomas, Ambroise 29
Thomson, Virgil 113 , 203 , 280
Tikhomirov, Roman 274
Tippett, Michael 50 , 121 , 209 , 216–18 , 285 , 306 , 330
Child of our Time, A 216
Toch, Ernst 157 , 283
Todi, Jacopone da 42
Tolstoy, Leo 53 , 192–4
Torke, Michael 285
Torrefranca, Fausto 26–7
Toscanini, Arturo 308
Trotsky, Leon 184
Tudor, David 225
Turnage, Mark-Anthony 221 , 228
UFA (Universum Film Aktiengesellschaft) 157
Ullmann, Viktor 160 , 174
Valdo-Barbey 60
Vaughan Williams, Ralph 57 , 107 , 113 , 130 , 209 , 210 , 211–12 , 216 , 280
Concerto Accademico 107
Venice 53 , 120
Verdi, Giuseppe 9 , 12 , 14 , 23 , 27 , 28 , 32 , 39 , 47 , 57 , 112 , 113 , 282 , 308 , 315 , 325 , 339
Verfremdungseffekt (alienation technique) 54 , 103 , 112 , 184 , 186 , 229 , 254 , 324
verismo 6 , 7 , 11 , 27 , 29–30 , 33 , 35 , 36 , 38 , 47 , 48 , 50 , 62 , 138 , 199 , 200–1 , 206 , 303
Vian, Boris 134
Vienna 9–10 , 65 , 72 , 87 , 93 , 96 , 103 , 106 , 112 , 146–7 , 273 , 302 , 312 , 335
Viñes, Ricardo 128
Vishnevskaya, Galina 144 , 274
Voltaire 57
Candide 57
Vuillermoz, Emile 127 , 137
Wagner, Cosima 18
Wagner, Richard 3 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 12 , 14–25 , 30 , 47 , 48 , 49 , 51 , 53 , 62 , 63 , 68 , 73 , 74–6 , 77 , 79 , 82 , 84 , 86 , 90 , 94 , 106 , 108 , 125 , 137 , 149 , 166 , 197 , 210–11 , 212–13 , 277 , 307 , 315
Wagner, Siegfried 8 ,
Wagner, Wieland 62 , 312 , 335 , 337
Wagner, Wolfgang 337
Wagner-Régeny, Rudolf 159 , 161
Bergwerk von Falun, Das 161
Prometheus 161
Wakhevich, Georges 283
Walton, William 57 , 280 , 306
Ward, Robert 204
Waterhouse, John 139
Webern, Anton von 65 , 78 , 85 , 86 , 101 , 103 , 121 , 335
Wedekind, Frank 96 , 100 , 150 , 281
Büchse der Pandora, Die 150
Weigl, Petr 285
Weill, Kurt 23 , 25 , 48 , 54 , 102 , 119 , 146 , 156 , 157 , 163 , 200 , 201 , 270–1 , 297 , 303
Neue Orpheus, Der 154
Weimar 7
Weinberger, Jaromir 113
Weir, Judith 209 , 221 , 228
Weisgall, Hugo 204
Welles, Orson 280
Wernicke, Herbert 338
Wessel, Horst 159
Westbrook, Kate and Mike 285
Wexford Festival 322
Whelan, Christopher 285
Whittall, Arnold 214 , 219
Wieler, Jossi 339
Wiene, Robert 268
Williams, John 279
Williams, Margaret 289
Wilson, Robert 55 , 207 , 244 , 249–53 , 265 ,
CIVILwarS 250
Winkler, Max 278
Wishart, Trevor 235
Wörner, Karl H. 90 , 226
Wolf-Ferrari, Ermanno 43 , 57
Woolcock, Penny 289
Young, LaMonte 230 , 245
Composition 1960 No. 2 230
Composition 1960 No. 10 239
Zambello, Francesca 284
Zandonai, Riccardo 28 , 34–5 , 36 , 43 , 325
Zeffirelli, Franco 275–6
Zeitoper (opera of the times) 25 , 47 , 48 , 97 , 114 , 116 , 150 , 151 , 153 , 157 , 203
Zemlinsky, Alexander 65 , 78 , 87 , 94 , 117 , 146 , 151 , 155
Zillig, Winfried 118 , 159 , 163
Zimmermann, Bernd Alois 328
Zimmermann, Udo 84 , 162
Zinovieff, Peter 219
Zola, Emile 12 , 48 , 137
Zurich 108 , 110 , 117 , 148
Zweig, Stefan 49 , 59 , 158