Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page


GOD | What is god

Does god exist

Why do people believe in god

Do we need the concept of God

RELIGION | What is a religion

Did god make religion

Do we need religion

Why do we have religions

Can religions improve societies

Can religions improve people

RELIGIOUS PHILOSOPHIES | Is there a spiritual world

Are humans better than other life forms

Are spirits real

Is there afterlife

Is there sin or virtue

Is there destiny

Is there positive energy or negative energy

Are miracles really miracles

Does stars, other planets, moon determine our future or our character

Does fasting or avoiding certain foods make you a better person in terms of behavior and character

Will we lose morality without religions

Is praying of any help

Is reading religious books helpful

Do we have any god given duties

Are females inferior to males

Is sex impure

Are omens true

How can we make sense of ourselves and our surroundings

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