In this chapter, you’ll learn to use the Color Sensor by adding it to the EXPLOR3R (see Figure 7-1) so the robot can detect colored paper, follow lines, and respond to light signals.
The Color Sensor can detect the color of a surface (in Color mode), the amount of light reflected by a surface (in Reflected Light Intensity mode), or the brightness of ambient light (in Ambient Light Intensity mode), as shown in Figure 7-2.
You’ll create programs for the EXPLOR3R to try out each of these modes using the Wait, Loop, and Switch blocks, much as you’ve already done with the Touch Sensor. You’ll see more applications for this sensor as you build the robots later in the book—for example, LAVA R3X in Chapter 19, which measures reflected light intensity to detect your handshake.
Figure 7-2. The three operation modes of the Color Sensor: Color mode (left), Reflected Light Intensity mode (middle), and Ambient Light Intensity mode (right). The sensor on the right points upward to measure the intensity of light in a room.
Before you begin programming, remove the Touch Sensor attachment from the robot (don’t take it apart though; you’ll need it later). Then, connect the Color Sensor to the robot using the instructions on the next page.
The first operation mode you’ll use is Color mode, in which the sensor can detect the color of surfaces about 1 cm (0.4 inches) away. The sensor is mounted pointing straight down so it can detect the color of the surface beneath the robot.
To test the color measurement, download and print the color reference chart from and position the robot on top of it (if you don’t have a color printer or if the sensor does not detect the colors properly, try using the Mission Pad that comes with the EV3 set). Then, go to the Port View app on the EV3 brick to see the detected color, displayed as a number (see Figure 7-3).
The sensor can distinguish among black (1), blue (2), green (3), yellow (4), red (5), white (6), and brown (7). A 0 measurement indicates that the sensor is not able to detect any color, which may mean that the surface is too far away from the sensor or too close to it.
Programs can use Wait, Loop, and Switch blocks to make decisions based on the sensor value. For example, you can make the robot drive around without going outside the black outline shown in Figure 7-4. To do this, the robot should drive forward until it sees the black line. Then, it should back up, turn around, and move forward in another direction.
First, you need to create the circular test track that you’ll use to test the sensor. The track is composed of a set of tiles printed on standard A4 or US Letter paper. Download and print the tiles from, cut them to size along the dashed line, and use some tape to keep them together so your test track looks just like the one shown in Figure 7-4.
If you’re unable to print the test track, create your own track using some black tape and a light-colored surface, such as white kitchen tiles or a large sheet of plywood.
Figure 7-5 shows the program flow we’ll need to make the robot drive around without leaving the black shape. It’s similar to the wall-avoidance program you made for the Touch Sensor (see Figure 6-7), only this time the program waits until it sees the black line rather than for a button press.
For this program, you’ll use a Wait block in Color Sensor – Compare – Color mode. In this configuration, you can choose a combination of colors that the sensor should look for using the Set of Colors setting. When it sees any of them, the block stops waiting, and the program moves on to the next block. Figure 7-6 shows the finished StayInCircle program with a Wait block configured to wait for a black line. Place the robot inside the black outline on the test track, and run the program to see it in action.
In your next project, you’ll use the Color Sensor to create a line-following robot—a robot that follows the line on your test track. Let’s look at the strategy behind this program.
When the robot is following a black line on a white mat, the sensor will always detect one of two colors: white or black. Therefore, to create a line-following program for a black-and-white environment, you can use a Switch block that looks for the color black. When the sensor sees black, the Switch block triggers a Move Steering block to perform one movement; if it sees another color (white), it performs a different movement, as shown in Figure 7-7.
If the robot sees white, it won’t know which side of the line it’s on. You need to make sure it always stays on only one side of the line; otherwise, it will stray off the line into the white area. You can do this by always driving EXPLOR3R right when it sees black and left when it sees white. If you make the robot drive forward a little as it steers and if you repeat this behavior indefinitely, the robot follows the line. The ColorLine program implements this strategy, as shown in Figure 7-8.
If your robot strays off the line in corners or on sharp curves, make it drive slower (choose 20% instead of 25% speed).
Now let’s have a look at the robot’s behavior as it follows the line. Notice that the robot actually follows the edge of the line. The program keeps adjusting the robot’s steering to the sensor measurement, causing it to zigzag across the edge: As soon as it sees the black line, it tries to move away from it by going right; as soon as it sees the white area, it tries to move back to the line by going left.
As a result, the robot keeps the line to the left of the sensor. This means that if you place the robot on the line such that it follows the circle clockwise, it traces the inner edge of the circle; if you make it drive around counterclockwise, it follows the outer edge. To see this, turn the robot around manually while the program runs to make it follow the line the other way; it should start following the other edge of the line.
Figure 7-7. The EXPLOR3R steers right if it sees the black line (a) and steers left if it sees the white area (b). As it steers, it moves forward, so if you have the program repeat this behavior, you end up with a line-following robot.
Figure 7-8. The ColorLine program. Note that the Move Steering blocks are in On mode. Once the robot starts to turn, it instantly goes back to the beginning of the program to see whether a different color has been detected or whether it should keep turning in the same direction. The On mode just switches on the motors and has the program continue.
The Switch block in the ColorLine program makes the robot go right if the sensor sees the black line. If it sees any other color, such as green or red, it goes left. By changing the Switch block’s mode to Color Sensor – Measure – Color, you can configure the block to do something different for each color.
The ShowColor program in Figure 7-9 changes the brick status light color based on the Color Sensor measurement. The Switch block in this program has four cases, each containing one or more blocks. Each case corresponds to a different color measurement: The status light turns green if the sensor measures green, red if it measures red, and orange if it measures yellow. If no color is detected (), the status light turns off. The program runs the blocks belonging to whichever case it detects when it gets to the Switch block.
Figure 7-9. The ShowColor program. To configure the Switch block with its cases, first select the Color Sensor – Measure – Color mode and add two cases by clicking the + sign twice. Now that your switch has four cases, select the proper color for each. Don’t forget to mark the no-color case as the default by ticking the indicated field.
But what happens if the sensor sees black, blue, white, or brown? If none of the cases match the sensor value, the switch runs the default case, which is marked by a dot, as shown in Figure 7-9. Here, it runs the same blocks that run when no color is detected.
Create the program now and move the sensor over the color reference chart to test it.
The Color Sensor can also measure the brightness of a color in Reflected Light Intensity mode. For example, the sensor can see the difference among white, grey, and black paper by shining a light on the paper and measuring how much light is reflected. The Reflected Light Intensity is measured as a percentage from 0% (very low reflectivity: dark) to 100% (very high reflectivity: light).
Black paper doesn’t reflect much light, resulting in a measurement below 10%. White paper can result in a measurement higher than 60%. To verify these values, go to Port View on the EV3 brick, choose port 3, and select COL-REFLECT (see Figure 7-3 for instructions). Place the robot on the color reference chart that you printed, and observe how the sensor value changes as you move the robot over the bar with various tones of grey.
In Color mode, the sensor could see that the test track was either black or white. Now observe the reflected light measurement as you drag the robot with your hands (very slowly!) from the black line onto the white area of the test track. You’ll notice that the value gradually increases from around 6% (black) to around 62% (white). When the sensor partly sees the black line and partly sees the white paper, the value will be between these two extremes—as if the sensor were seeing a grey surface. You can use this more detailed measurement to improve your line-following robot.
To tell your robot what measurement you consider to be the white area or the black line, you’ll define white and black in your program using a threshold value. You’ll consider a measured value greater than this threshold as white and a measurement lower than this threshold as black. In other words, you take dark grey tones to be black and light grey tones to be white, as shown in Figure 7-11.
Figure 7-11. At the edge of the line, the sensor sees a mix of black and white, resulting in a measurement between these extremes, as if it were seeing a grey surface. The threshold is the average of the sensor value found with the sensor on the black line (a low number) and the one found on the white area (a bigger number). To calculate the average, add both values and divide the total by 2.
You’ll now create a new line-following program that uses Reflected Light Intensity mode and a threshold value to determine whether the sensor is on the black line or on the white area. As before, the robot should turn right if it sees the black line and left if it sees white.
To accomplish this, use a Switch block in Color Sensor – Compare – Reflected Light Intensity mode, as shown in Figure 7-12. Enter the previously calculated threshold in the Threshold Value setting. The Compare Type setting specifies which sensor values make the condition true—that is, which sensor values will make the blocks in the top of the Switch run. You can choose to run the upper blocks when the sensor value meets one of these conditions:
Equal To (=) the threshold
Not Equal To (≠) the threshold
Greater Than (>) the threshold
Greater Than Or Equal To (≥) the threshold
Less Than (<) the threshold
Less Than or Equal To (≤) the threshold
You want the robot to turn to the right if the sensor sees black, which is when the sensor value is less than the threshold, so you can choose that as the condition that triggers the upper set of blocks. Create and run the ReflectedLine1 program now (see Figure 7-12) and test that it performs the same way as the previous program.
The advantage of the Reflected Light Intensity mode is that the robot can measure not only black and white but also a mix of black and white as it moves across the edge of the line. If the robot sees white in the ReflectedLine1 program, it makes a sharp turn to the left to get back to the line.
But sharp turns aren’t necessary if the sensor is close to the line. If the robot measures light grey, a soft left turn might be sufficient to return to the line. This makes the robot follow the line more smoothly, rather than bouncing left and right repeatedly. Soft turns aren’t always enough to return to the line, though, so the robot still needs to take a sharp turn when it’s far off the line (when it sees white).
To determine whether the robot measures black, dark grey, light grey, or white, you need two additional threshold values, midway between the three known values, as shown in Figure 7-13.
The diagram in Figure 7-14 shows how the robot should determine which direction to turn and whether to make a sharp or soft turn. Run the ReflectedLine2 program (see Figure 7-15) to verify that the robot follows the line more smoothly than before. The Brick Status Light blocks help you see whether the robot is making a sharp turn (red) or a soft turn (green) when the program runs.
The Color Sensor can be used to detect the light level in a room or the brightness of a light source using Ambient Light Intensity mode. You’ll use this measurement to see whether the light in your room is on or off. To give the sensor a better view of its surroundings, mount the Color Sensor attachment as shown in Figure 7-16.
Figure 7-16. Remove the Color Sensor from the front of your robot and reattach it to the side. You won’t need any additional LEGO elements. The cable remains connected to input port 3.
Use Port View on the EV3, and choose COL-AMBIENT to see the measurement for ambient light intensity. The sensor value ranges from 0% (very dark) to 100% (very bright). If you cover the sensor with your hand, for example, it should report a value below 5%, while you might get a value near 70% if you hold it near a lamp.
You can measure ambient light intensity in a program with the same methods you used to measure reflected light, but now you’ll use Color Sensor – Compare – Ambient Light Intensity mode. To detect whether the lights in a room are on, for example, the robot can use a Switch block to see whether the sensor value is greater than the threshold value. In this situation, the threshold should be the average of the sensor value measured when the lights are on and when they are off.
Now you’ll create a program that lets you control your robot with light signals in a dark room. You’ll program the robot to drive to the right if it sees a light for more than two seconds and to the left if it sees a shorter light signal. This allows you to control the robot’s direction by switching the lights in the room on and off. This is a simplified form of Morse code, a communication method used before the invention of the telephone.
The robot first uses a Wait block to wait for the light to come on. Then, after waiting two more seconds with another Wait block, the program uses a Switch block to determine whether the light is still on. If so, it turns right; otherwise, it turns left.
Create the MorseCode program, as shown in Figure 7-17, and run the program in a dark room. Alternatively, you can try running it in a room with the lights on while sending light signals with a bright flashlight.
The Color Sensor allows your robot to sense its environment by detecting color, reflected light intensity, and ambient light intensity. Robots use measurements from this sensor to perform various kinds of tasks. For example, you’ve made the EXPLOR3R follow lines and respond to light signals.
You’ve also learned to calculate threshold values and compare them to sensor values to have your robot detect changes in its environment. The robot used a threshold to determine whether it saw a black line and whether the light in a room was on. Threshold values are also useful for other sensors, and we’ll use them again later.
The Color Sensor is a versatile device, and there are many more cool ways to use it. Try solving some of the Discoveries to see what you can invent!