
The main subject entries of this book will be found listed in alphabetical order in the table of Contents at the beginning of the book, on pages v-ix. This index is intended as a supplement to the table of Contents serving to indicate subjects, places and people mentioned in the articles, in addition to those actually named in the article headings.


Abbots Bromley, 259

Aberdeen, 77

Abracadabra, 105

Abraham the Jew, 142–143

Acorns, 321

Aeon of Horus, 75

Alchemists, 91, 134, 278

Alraun, 237

Amber, 149–150

Amoun, 103

Ankh, 6, 356

Aphrodisiacs, 226

Apple, 30–31

Aquarian Age, xv, 22, 328

Aristotle, 260

Arthur, King, 29, 31, 57, 284, 363

Ashdown Forest, 73, 118–119

Astral body, 19, 337

Auldearne, 72

Awen, 58


Bacon, Francis, 80, 142, 237

Bamberg, 317

Baptism, 110

Barddas, 277

Basque Witches, 208–209

Beggars’ Brotherhoods, 330–332

Beltane, 45

Berbers, 105

Besant-Scott, Mrs, 153–154

Black magic, xvi, 231–232

Blackwood, Algernon, 337

Blandford, 49

Blavatsky, Madame, 18, 266, 281

‘Blooding’ of witches, 269–271

Boleyn, Anne, 88

Bone, Mrs Ray, 68

Borderline energies, 278

Borrow, George, 162, 171

Boscastle, 37, 66

Bothwell, Earl of, 291–292

Bourton-on-the-Water, 66

Brahan Seer, The, 130

Braid, Dr James, 189

Bredon Hill, 173

Bretforton, 68

Brewham, 72

Brighton, 76, 224, 259, 308–309, 340

British Museum, 54, 103, 339

Brutus the Trojan, 91

Buchan, John, 43

Buckland, Dr Raymond, 327–328

Bull fight, 184

Bull’s pizzle, 141–142

Bufotenin, 125

Buxted, 320


Cabala (Kabbala, Qabalah), 4

Campden Wonder, The, 68

Candle-burning, 135–137

Cannibalism, 285–286, 338–340

Canterbury, 189

Canute, King, 219

Caroline, Princess of Wales, 192–193

Castle of Glamis, 291

Castle of Killin, 131

Castle Rising, 60

Castleton, 160

Catton, 318

Cellini, Benvenuto, 107–108

Celtic year, 45, 98–99

Cerne Giant, 133

Cernunnos, 10, 26, 34, 40, 181, 183, 184, 250

Cerridwen, 30, 58, 97–98, 291

Charlton, 139

Charms, 6

‘Cheiro’, 262

Chelmsford, 352

Children as accusers, 222

Chipping Campden, 68

Christmas, 259, 358–359

Christmas tree, 323

Cider, 30

Cockle-bread, 229

College of Heralds, 73


Black, 108

Blue, 5, 112

Green, 111, 160

Red, 136, 160, 238

White, 69

Of the Gaelic Airts, 1–2

Co-Masonry, 153

Cone of Power, 27, 65, 77

Consciousness, five states of, 348

Cornwall, 45, 66, 133, 357

Cowrie shells, 61

Creed, witches’, 35–36, 350

Cresswell Crags, 60

Croglin, 334

Crowley Aleister, 36, 65, 80, 117, 157, 205–206, 231, 308, 312 (See also CONTENTS)

Crystal-gazing, 300, 301


Daraul, Arkon, 101, 104

Darvellgadarn, 99

Deasil, 2, 65

Dee, Dr John, 9, 301, 364 (See also CONTENTS)

De Lancre, Pierre, 208–209, 210–211, 305, 339

Devil’s Door, 251

Devil-worship, 43

Devonshire, 97, 271

Dianic cult, 13–14, 53–54, 64, 224, 248, 345

Divine King, 8, 169, 249, 285, 286, 289

Dornoch, 51

Dorset, 95–96, 286

Dozmary Pool, 351

Dragon, 250

Drugs, xvi

Druids, 277, 284, 306, 321–322, 358

Duncan, Helen, 222

Durer, Albrecht, 254


East Anglia, 176–180, 187

Eastry, 61

Elder tree, 322–323

Elizabeth I, Queen, 79, 191, 221

Emerald Tablet, 21,279

Endor, Witch of, 35, 41

Enochian language, 80

Ephesian letters, 18

Essex, 176–177

Evans, George Ewart, 187

Evelyn, John, 322

Exeter, 352

Exeter Cathedral, 264

Extra-terrestrial beings, 82


Fairy-rings, 78

Fascinum, 274

Fates, The Three, 283

Fellowship of Crotona, 153

Festivals, Druidic, 98–99, 293

Fetish, 124

Fire-drake, 324–325

Fleming, Ian, 79

Foliate mask, 160

Forres, 315

Fortune, Dion, 206, 245

Foundation sacrifices, 287–288

Fox, George, 173

Frazer, Sir James, 13, 209

Freemasonry, 46, 150, 156–157, 203, 233, 346

Fylfot, 356


Gardner, Gerald, xiii, 42, 70, 102, 103, 328, 349 (See also CONTENTS)

Gaule, John, 180

Germany, witchcraft in modern, 271–272

Giants, Atlantean, 82

Ginseng, 228

Glamis, Lady, 291

Glanvil, Joseph, 71–72, 204, 296–297

Glastonbury, 29, 363

Gorer, Geoffrey, 281

Gowdie, Isobel, 50, 72, 141–142, 201

Graffiti, 251

Grail, 30, 57, 312, 363

Graves, Robert, xiii, 4, 11, 57, 169

Great Beast, The, 74

Great Leighs, 352–353

Great Pyramid 1, 250

Green Children, The, 121

Grimoires, 24, 43, 62, 65, 82, 115, 231, 273

Groups of three witches, 346

Guernsey, 294


Hag stones, 175

Hands as amulets, 112–113

Harvey, 129

Hastings, 76

Hawkins, Professor Gerald S., 306

Heathen, 119–120

Heist, Roy, 325, 329

Hell, 87

Hell Fire Clubs, 44

Herbals, 23, 170, 237

Hereford, 46

Hermes Trismegistus, 21, 279

Herne, 174, 184

Herodias, 54, 90

Hethel, Witch of, 320–321

Hexenhaus, The, 317

Hexerai, 326

Hex signs, 326

Hitler, rites against, 97, 155, 330

Holsworthy Church, 288

Holt, Chief Justice, 222

Honorius the Theban, 5

Hope Diamond, 131

Horn Dance, 259

Horn Fair 139

Horns, 183–184, 185

Horoscope, 21, 23

Horse brasses, 5, 185

Horseman’s Word, Society of the, 186

Horsham, 52

Horseshoe, 187–188

Howard, Raymond, 24

Hu Gadarn, 99, 294

Hunting magic, 7, 59, 182

Huysmans, Joris-Karl, 199


Isis, 12, 54, 139, 170, 245, 363

Isle of Man, 38, 50, 154, 174, 178

Italian witchcraft, 12–17, 64, 90, 224


James I, King, 40–41, 89, 123, 178, 221–222, 291–292

Janus, 209–210

Jesus, xvi, 255

Jet, 149–150

Jung, Carl Gustav, 14, 66, 94, 147


Kabbala, see Cabala

Kahunas, 278

Kali Yuga, 266

Kamea, 256

Karma, 283, 284, 329

Karnak, 181

Kilkenny, 212–216

Kirk, The Reverend Robert, 121–123, 128

Knaresborough, 246

Knights Templars, 32, 102, 107, 357

Knots, 113

Kriyashakti, 20

Kruse, Johann, 271–273


Lancashire witches, 172–173, 192, 297

Leamington Spa, 74

Leland, Charles Godfrey, xiii, xvii, 12–17, 34, 48, 96, 98, 161, 245, 253, 281, 303, 344–345, 351 (See also CONTENTS)

Lethbridge, T. C., 278

Lévi, Eliphas, 18, 33, 81, 337

Lincoln, 126

Lincoln Imp, 250

Lingam, 273

London Stone, 91

Long Compton, 67, 270

Lord of Misrule, 359

Lothian, 137

Lucifer, 14, 81–82, 183

Lugh, 217–218

Lupercalia, 8, 139–140

Lyons Cathedral, 56

Lytton Bulwer, 83, 278


Macbeth, 1, 57, 117, 169, 171

Madonna, 92, 161

Magi, 232, 253

Magic mirror, 302, 303

Maiden Castle, 285–286

Malleus Maleficarum, 202, 220, 309

Malmesbury, 346

Maltwood, Mrs K. E., 363

Mandala, 66, 363

Mano cornuta, 112–113

Mano in fica, 112–113

Masks, 28, 50, 104, 201, 204, 274

Mathers, S. L. MacGregor, 34, 74, 231

Matriarchy, 8, 13, 168

Maypole, 48, 133

Mazes, 77–78

Medea, 8, 57

Megalithic yard, 307

Men-an-tol, 133

Menhirs, 263, 276, 305

Meon Hill, 66, 67, 174, 248

Mesmerism, 190

Mexico, witches in, 26, 52, 200

Microcosm, 266

Miles, Anton, 29

Minoan Crete, 184, 355

Montespan, Madame de, 44

More, Henry, 19, 344

Morris dancers, 104

Mortlake, 80

Moses, 181, 273

Mumming plays, 359–360

Murray, Margaret, xiii, 8, 10, 67, 71, 95, 118, 158, 201, 205, 216, 217, 218, 275, 289, 294 (See also CONTENTS)

Museums, witchcraft, 37–38, 66–67, 154,178, 300

Music and witchcraft, 111, 147

Mystery cults, 9, 12, 139, 151, 245–246


Nailsea glass, 341–342


of familiars, 2, 126

of the Goddess, 90, 169

of Power, 62, 115–116,206

of the Sabbat, 294

Nature spirits, 20, 86, 107, 128, 305

Neanderthal Man, 61

Need-fire, 46

Netherbury, 123

New Forest, 73, 153–154, 217

Nicknames, 69

Nightmare, 175, 202

Norfolk, 24, 60, 130, 193–194

Northumberland, 297

Norton, Rosaleen, 27–28

Numerology, 4


Oaktrees, 321–322

O’Donnell, Elliott, 165–166, 318, 320

Ogham, 4–5

Ohta, Dr Victor, 287

Old Calendar, 67

Order of the Golden Dawn, 74, 231, 233, 312

Orgone energy, 136, 280

Osculum infame, 106, 209, 210

Osiris, 14

Ozark Mountains, 325–326


Paganhill, 133

Paracelsus, 21, 37, 124, 189

Peacocks’ feathers, 213

Pendle Hill, 172–173

Perfumes, 195–197

Peuckert, Dr Erich-Will, 146–147

Phallus, artificial, 48, 201, 211, 274–275

Pharmacy, 169

Piddinghoe, 275

Place names:

of the Devil, 86

of fire rituals, 45

Plantagenets, 48, 158–159, 289–291

Pliny, 5, 156, 170, 253, 324

Plotinus, 284

Plymouth, 97

Porta, Giovanni Battista, 143–146

Price, Henry, 47–48, 353–354

Prince Regent, 192–193

Providence, 258

Psychology, 6, 93, 94, 170, 189

Pumpkin lanterns, 164


Qabalah, 4, 34, 102

Queen of Elphame, 120, 123


Ram of Mendes, 183

Randolph, Vance, 325–326

Reculver, 287

Reich, Wilhelm, 136, 280, 329

Remy, Nicholas, 51, 220, 315

Rex Nemorensis, 209

Robbins, Rossell Hope, 72, 275, 313

Roberts, Susan, 330

Robin Goodfellow, 71

Rollright Stones, 67–68, 304

Rosemary’s Baby, 85, 199, 239, 330

Round towers, 275

Rudston, 276

Rufus, William, 217, 288–289

Runes, 4


Sabbath, Jewish, 294

Sacred Marriage, 134

Sade, Marquis de, 44

Salem, Massachusetts, 222, 327

Salt, 294, 296

Samhain, 164

Satan, 42, 81–82

Satanism, xvi, 37, 63, 83, 286, 329–330, 344–345

School of Night, The, 81

Schultheis, Judge Heinrich von, 316

Scot, Reginald, 145, 160

Scott, Sir Walter, 120, 127, 128

Scottish witch trials, 51, 72, 122, 126–127, 204–205, 222, 291, 314

Seven Rays, 21

Sex rites, 133–134

Shah, Idries, 100, 102, 103

Shepherds’ crowns, 149, 266

Sherborne, 81

Sheila-na-Gig, 251

Shiva, 10, 14, 34, 263, 273

Shrine, witch’s, 347

Shropshire, 92, 174, 269–270

Skull and crossed bones, 31, 299

Socrates, 85

Somerset, 30,46, 72, 297, 350–351, 363

Spence, Lewis, 26, 30, 97

Spiritualism, 18, 56–57, 127, 165, 223, 308, 344

Star stones, 266

Steyning, 322, 323

Stone Age, vx, 7, 27, 58–62, 182

Stonehenge, 100, 306, 364

Stone of Destiny, 291, 312

St Paul, 9

St Paul’s Cathedral, 91

Sturston, 130

Suffolk, 121, 176, 318

Sufis, 101–107

Summers, Montague, 144–146, 219, 275 (See also CONTENTS)

Swastika, 6, 356, 357

‘Swimming’ of witches, 177–178

Symbolism, 93–94, 177–178

Symbols, magical, 6


Tanat, 66

Tate, Sharon, 239–242, 284

Tattooing, 205

Tattvas, 277

Thessaly, witches of 11, 184

Thom, Professor Alexander, 307

Thomas the Rhymer, 120, 123

Three Degrees of witchcraft, 346

Thugs, 285

‘Thunder stones’, 149

Tibet, 24, 311

Tichbourne Dole, 129–130

Tides, 243, 257, 293

Toads, 124–125

Toledo, 101, 170

Tongue, Ruth, 297

Transvestism, 34

Tree Cult, 318

Tring, 268–269

Trotula, 170–171

Tuatha De Danaan, 291, 312


Underground country, 120–121


Vietnam War, 330

Villa of the Mysteries, 139, 253

Virginity, 106, 211

Voodoo, 37, 188, 196, 224, 226, 325


Walpurgis Night, 47, 64, 98, 293, 299

Walsh, John, 123

Walton, Charles, 67

Warboys, 331

Warlock, 344

Weapons, magical, 4, 311–312

Weir, Major, 167

Wesley, John, 222

Wheatley, Dennis, 63, 308

Whittlewood Forest, 290

Widdershins, 2, 65

Wild Hunt, 29, 87, 97, 174, 184, 225, 259

Williamson, Cecil H., 266–267

Williamson, Hugh Ross, 68, 102, 217

Wincanton, 72

Winds, 1, 357

Witch boxes, 178

Witch prickers, 88, 180

Witch’s teat, 89

Withering, Dr William, 92

Wolsey, Cardinal, 347–348

Wookey Hole, 61

World Tree, 323

Wright, Thomas, 9–10, 33, 120–121, 253–254, 334–355

Wyre Forest, 49


Y Lin Troin, 91

Yoni, 273

York, 41

York Minster, 358

Yorkshire, 48, 246–248, 276


Zeus Lycaeus, 338, 340

Zoroastrianism, 81