Adelante!, 260
Adweek, 5
“Aggressive” women
examples, 68–70
substitutes for “aggressive,” 70, 71–72
Albany Democratic Women’s Club, 186
All Things at Once (Brzezinski), 53
American Psychological Association, 139, 198
American Society of Magazine Editors, 111
Aspen Ideas Festival (2014), 164
Awkward Moment
description/effects, 17–18
White House Summit on Working Families and, 22–24
Barnard College Center for Toddler Development, 160
Bellan-White, Nadja, 113–115
Bharara, Vinit, 240
GE work positions and, 116–117
Women’s Network at GE and, 116–120
Black Entertainment Television (BET), 18, 21
knowing/growing your professional value, 66–67
Pepsi Max example, 43–44
professional brand, 44–45, 55, 111
See also Rebranding; specific individuals
Pierre Bravo, Daniela, 214–217
children communicating needs and, 171–172
description, 159
”enough money” and, 176
feeling success and, 160–161
Galán on, 173–176
guilt manipulation by children, 163
including children in career and, 183–185, 186
McCaskill on, 162–163, 183–186, 190
MSNBC Poll, 131, 131 (fig.), 158–159, 161, 169–170, 178–181, 180 (fig.), 182–183, 182 (fig.)
Nooyi on, 164–168, 169, 170, 190
others judging and, 174–175
personal time and, 172
Pew study (2013), 159–160
vs. SAHM, 159
Sandberg’s strategy, 164
sexist double standard and, 161, 166
Working Women Study Poll, MSNBC, 131, 131 (fig.), 158–159, 161, 169–170, 178–181, 180 (fig.), 182–183, 182 (fig.)
Breadwinner mothers/Brzezinski
blending roles and, 160
disruption awareness, 161–162
fear and, 191–192
others criticism and, 162
overcompensating, 162, 163, 167, 188–189, 275
parent-teacher conference/FaceTime incident, 157–158
personal time and, 172
taking daughters to work and, 168, 184
as two people, 10–14, 49–50, 102–103, 188–189
Brown, Bobbi
on “aggressive” term, 71–72
breadwinner/relationship and, 151–152
professional value and, 61
Brzezinski, Emilie
advice to daughter, 12, 41, 89
artwork and, 5
daughter and, 5, 12, 41, 89, 188, 276, 277–278
in hospital, 12, 41, 276, 277–278
personality/character, 85–86
on women’s professional/inner values, 89
Brzezinski, Mika
background/knowing own value and, 8
Beth (friend), 27
early work experience and, 52–53, 54–55, 106
early work/professional value awareness and, 63–65
Emilie’s college applications and, 79–80
family time and, 1, 4, 6–7, 10, 11, 13, 28, 37–38, 102
feelings about work, 7, 11, 106, 107
growing value of own brand, 8, 104
Hartford, Connecticut work, 54–55
sleeping issues, 4
vs. Thomas’s professional/inner value, 101–102
transitioning from work to home, 11–13
work week/Carlie’s anger, 1–3, 4–7, 11, 13
Brzezinski, Mika/Carlie (daughter)
birth, 247
as infant/fall and, 63–64
rage with mother, 1, 6–7, 10, 11, 13
Brzezinski, Mika/Emilie (daughter)
mother’s visit (John Hopkins University), 5–6
questions to mother, 27
Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 5, 188, 273
Buchanan, Pat, 53
Bucket list, 62–63
Burch, Tory
background, 81–82
professional/inner value and, 81–82
Thrive event and, 39
Bush, George W., 64, 83, 265–266
Bush-Gore election (2000), 64
Bush, Jeb, 94
Campbell, Rachel, 2
Cancer and friendships, 92–93
Cancer journal, 92–93
Cassidy, Emily
background, 226–227
event with Brzezinski/ problems discussion, 227–229
FaceTime parent-teacher conference and, 158
working with Brzezinski and, 225–229
Caterpillar company/Foundation, 59–60
CBS, 63, 65, 168, 230, 242, 245, 266
CBS Evening News, 65
CBS Sunday Morning, 65
Center for Strategic and International Studies, 5
Centre for Ageing Studies, Flinders University, South Australia, 92
Cisneros, Sandra, 260
Clinton, Hillary, 95, 186, 187
Colds and friendships, 92
Coles, Joanna
boundaries and, 212
on Millennials, 208–209, 212–213, 219–220
Comcast, 2
Confidence Code, The: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance—What Women Should Know (Kay), 209
Cosmo column (Brzezinski), 69
Curb Your Enthusiasm, 82
David, Larry, 82
Dee Dee Myers, Inc., 251
Developmental Psychology journal, 198
Dorst, Allison, 69–70
DREAM Act, 214
Duffy, Martha, 58
Education and gender (1991 to 2011), 33
“Elevator pitch” example, 69–70
criticism/stereotypes and, 202–203
failure rates, 201–202
first-impression advice, 203–204
Galán’s advice, 260–261
Essman, Susie, 82–83
Family as ecosystem, 102–104
Brown on, 151–152
conflicted feelings and, 34–35, 126–127, 130–133
family income and, 34
Greer on, 129–130
knowing yourself and, 139–141
Leive on, 153–154
McCaskill on, 141–143, 168–169
managing home/family life and, 35–37
Millennial women and, 34
money issues and, 145–147
MSNBC poll, 130–132, 131 (fig.), 144–145, 149–151, 150 (fig.), 180 (fig.)
Myers on, 147–149
over time and, 127, 129–130, 135–139
phrase use over time, 32
”provider pride” and, 153, 154, 177–178, 273
relationships and, 135–138, 149–152, 150 (fig.)
Rodin on, 134–139, 141, 168–169
Steinberg on, 140–141
See also Breadwinner mothers
Female breadwinner/Brzezinski and husband
background and, 127–128
Brzezinski’s questions on, 153, 154–155
Brzezinski’s raise and, 128–129
”celebrity” and, 138
”extracurricular” work and, 133–134
money and, 145–147
time/family time and, 133, 134, 145
Feminist Movement/effects, 105
Forbes’ World’s Billionaires (2014), 26
48 Hours, 65
Friedrich, Otto, 58
community network and, 89
health/research and, 92–93
time difficulties and, 89–90
Gaines, Jim, 59
Galán, Nely
as breadwinner mother, 173–176
bucket list and, 62–63
”enough money” point and, 176
on giving back, 262–263
going back to school/effects, 258–263
professional value and, 56–57, 173–174
rebranding and, 257–263
Gender work inequalities summary, 26–27
General Electric (GE). See Biocca, Denice
Gillibrand, Kirsten
as breadwinner mother, 181–182
flextime and, 181
mentors and, 186–187
women’s work pay and, 199
Glover Park Group, 251, 252–253
Gore-Bush election (2000), 64
Gorsky, Alex, 121–123
Grass, Betsy, 90
Griffith, Melanie, 32
Gronda, Maria, 217–218
“Having it all,” 97, 104–105, 164, 173, 179–180, 180 (fig.)
Hilton, Paris, 236
Hoffer, Jim
on Brzezinski’s work, 55
Hartford, Connecticut work, 54–55, 128
meeting Brzezinski, 54–55, 128
”Mr. Brzezinski” and, 28
professional brand/work ethic, 54–55
time with wife and, 4, 7, 28, 37–38
See also Female breadwinner/Brzezinski and husband
Hoffman, Lois Wladis and University of Michigan study, 194–197
HomePage, 64
Huffington, Arianna
advice on “not burning out,” 223
conference/Thrive book and, 38–41
Human Performance Initiative of Johnson & Johnson
description/purpose, 120–122, 124
I Don’t Know How She Does It (film), 97
In Spite of Everything: A Memoir (Thomas), 100
Brzezinski working on (summary), 77–78, 274–279
knowing (overview), 46–48, 87–88
knowing yourself and, 139–141
questioning/judging yourself and, 80–81, 83–84
transitioning from work, 102–103
See also Professional/inner values; Professional/personal life balance; specific individuals
InStyle, 238
Into the Wild, 80
Jarrett, Valerie, 93
Jen (Morning Joe stage manager), 2
JetBlue Airways, 246
Johnson & Johnson
flexible work schedule and, 122–123
goals of, 122
Human Performance Initiative, 120–122, 124
Know Your Value tour and, 123–124
Kay, Katty on Millennials, 209–211
King, Gayle, 9
Klein, Tovah, 160
Know Your Value conferences/talks (Brzezinski)
bonus competition, 9–10
description, 3–4
first conference (2014/Hartford, Connecticut), 9–10
Hoffer and, 134
importance to Brzezinski/daughters, 107, 133–134
in Philadelphia, 2–4
sponsor meetings, 4–5
Knowing Your Value: Women, Money, and Getting What You’re Worth (Brzezinski), 3, 8, 13, 15, 66, 67, 113, 114–115, 221
Lagerfeld, Karl, 204–205
Landrieu, Mary, 187
Latchkey kids, 105–106
Leive, Cindi
background, 108–109
on being breadwinner, 153–154, 177–178, 273
growing professional value, 109, 111–112
networking importance, 109–112
personality and, 109
position, 108
Life, 238
Living writer, TIME, 58–59
Local Initiative Support Corporation (LISC), 60
Loewe, 82
Lombardi, Caitlin McPherran and Boston College study, 198
Longevity and friendships, 92
McCain-Palin campaign, 93–94, 95, 266
McCaskill, Claire
breadwinner mothers and, 162–163, 183–186, 190
children feeling included in career, 183–185
family importance and, 165
mentor/role model and, 187
on people pleasing, 187, 190–191
professional/personal life and, 25, 28, 141–143, 163, 165, 168–169
on work responsibility, 223–225
on work security vs. power, 224–225
McCurry, Mike, 266
Mentors importance, 53, 54–55, 58, 69, 85, 108, 119, 186–187, 224, 240–241, 266
burning out and, 223
confidence and, 209–211
criticism/stereotypes, 202
early jobs/getting details right, 212, 213–217
entitlement and, 202, 216, 219–220, 228–229
first impression and, 203–208
inner value/changes over time, 272
knowing value and, 218–220
lunch/soup incident, 213
preparing for interview, 205–206
researching work/other workers and, 219–220
resigning and, 220
social media/problems, 208–211, 228
work culture and, 204–205
work responsibility and, 223–225
work security vs. power, 224–225
Millennials examples
Bravo working with Brzezinski, 214–217
Cassidy working with Brzezinski, 225–229
feeling overqualified and, 212–213
getting coffee and, 214–216
Gronda working with Brzezinski, 217–218
Shetty working with Brzezinski, 229–230
Tracey working with Brzezinski/new job, 220–222
Milly boutique/label, 68, 93, 206, 234–235, 236–237
Moore, Julianne, 39
Morning Joe
description/topics and guests, 1–2, 5, 60, 93, 124, 237, 267
See also specific individuals
Morning Joe/Brzezinski
background/rebranding, 242–243, 263–264
as Brzezinski’s “big job,” 101
celebrity gossip and, 236
joining, 65
moment of clarity and, 236
view of, 250
MSNBC Poll. See Working Women Study Poll, MSNBC
MSNBC website, 124
Muller, Henry, 58
Murphy, Bill, 240
Murphy, Maggie
Maeve (daughter) and, 241–242
inner value/family and, 148–149, 256–257
rebranding, 250–257
relationship/money and, 148–149
self-knowledge and, 253
NBC/NBC Page Program, 124, 214, 217, 245
brand-building and, 111
gender differences and, 110
growing your professional value and, 109, 110–111
guilt feeling and, 110
people-pleasing and, 112–113
Nooyi, Indra
breadwinner mothers and, 164–168, 169, 170, 190
children’s memories and, 167–168
professional/personal life and, 25, 28, 144, 164–168, 169
as two people, 164–168, 169, 170
Obsessed: America’s Food Addiction—and My Own (Brzezinski), 249
Ogilvy & Mather, 113
Ogilvy Africa, 113–115
Olympics/Olympian, 243, 244–245, 246
Palin, Sarah, 93–94, 95, 96, 266
Parker, Sarah Jessica, 97
People, 238
avoiding, 86–87
Brzezinski and, 106–107, 191, 263
as “disease,” 135–136
Mika’s mother and, 41–42, 85–86
politics and, 190–191
problems with, 41–42, 70, 75, 112–113, 135–136, 187
Rodin on, 135–136
women over time and, 135–136
PepsiCo, 25, 164, 165, 167, 169
Pew Research Report (2014), 193
Pew Study (2013), 30, 126, 159–160, 180, 181
Phillips Collection, 5
Pinks and Greens, 69
Positively Connecticut, 247, 248
knowing/integrating, 15, 50–51, 183, 190
overview, 42–43
See also Inner value; Professional value; specific individuals
Professional/personal life balance
Brown on, 152
Brzezinski on (summary), 144
Leive on, 153–154
McCaskill on, 141–143
Myers on, 147–149
Steinberg on, 140–141
See also Female breadwinner; specific individuals
vs. being overly accommodating, 66–67
building basics and, 54–57
college/value as student and, 51–52
entering workplace and, 51–53
Essman and, 82–83
first job and, 52–53
mentors and, 53, 54–55, 58, 69, 85
problem examples, 76–77
questions to ask/answer, 62, 76
shelf life and, 133
White House panelists and, 19–22
See also specific individuals
Professional value examples
Brzezinski, 72, 74–75, 77, 133
Galán, 56–57
Gibbs, 58–59
Sullivan, 59–61
Ralph Lauren, 81–82
advice, 246–247, 249–250, 254–255, 260–261
Galán, 257–263
Murphy, 237–242
Myers, 250–257
overview, 233–234
self-knowledge and, 253
Smith (Diane), 247–249
Smith (Michelle), 234–237
Rich Latina, Rich in Every Way (Galán), 260
Rodin, Judith
advice from teacher, 86–87
background, 18, 20, 138–139, 170
breadwinner mothers and, 170–171, 189–190
on friendship/support systems, 91–92
on people-pleasing, 135–136
professional/personal life and, 25, 86, 87–88, 168–169
White House Summit on Working Families and, 18, 19, 20
Rodriguez, Narciso, 82
Sandberg, Sheryl, 164
Scarborough, Joe
description, 2
Morning Joe, 1–2, 5, 11, 50, 72, 82, 157, 236, 242, 243
Self-esteem and women (summary), 60–61
Shetty, Rashna, 229–230
Simi, Bonny Warner
childhood, 244
rebranding, 243–247
60 Minutes II, 65
Smith, Diane
background work, 248
Brzezinski relationship, 247, 248–249
Smith, Michelle
first-impression advice, 206–208
Milly clothing label, 68, 93, 206, 234–235, 236–237
Snoop Dogg, 43–44
Some Spider, 240
Sorkin, Aaron, 251
Sotomayor, Sonia, 260
Stay-at-home-dads (SAHDS), 35, 36
Steinberg, Amanda, 140–141
finding meaning, 269–270
Huffington/Brzezinski and, 42
questions on, 25–26
for women and, 36–37
Sullivan, Michele
Caterpillar Foundation and, 59–60
inner value and, 60–61
professional value and, 59–61
Talley, Andre Leon, 2, 204–206
Tea Party, 93
Thomas, Susan Gregory
background, 99–100
”big” job/mothering decision, 99–100
life after decision, 100–101, 103, 106
professional brand, 100
Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder (Huffington), 38
Thrive (book) conference
dental problem (Brzezinski), 40–41
purpose, 39
Tracey, Sarah, 220–222
Up to the Minute (CBS), 63
Us, 238
US News & World Report, 99
Vera Wang, 82
View, The, 267
Vreeland, Diana, 204
Wall Street Journal, 99
Wallace, Nicolle
background, 93–94
inner value and, 96
political career and, 93–95, 96
Warhol, Andy, 204
Warner Bros., 148, 251, 254, 256
Washington Post, 99
West Wing, The, 251
White House Summit on Working Families
description/Brzezinski and, 18–24, 85
professional/personal lives question and, 22–24, 85, 164, 170
Williams, Layla-Joy, 68–69
Wintour, Anna, 204
Women’s Network at General Electric
Biocca and, 116–120
buddy system of, 118
flexible work schedules and, 118–120
Working Moms’ Group, 119–120
Women’s Wear Daily, 204–205
Working Girl (film), 32
Working Moms’ Group (GE), 119–120
Working mothers/effects beliefs
attitudes towards working mothers and, 30–31, 33
cultural norms and, 194
debate (starting 1950s), 192–193
description, 193
“obedience” and girls, 197
vs. research, 193–200
Working women/mothers
boss not remembering/crediting your work and, 72–73, 218, 223
caring what others think and, 82–83
changes (1960s to present), 32–33
“commercial/ad” equivalent, 44–45
growing labor parity, 31–32
need for better pay and, 199–200
optimism/pessimism and, 109
paid leave needs and, 200
partner relationship and, 37–38
statistics/descriptions, 26–27, 193
US Census data, 32–33
US Department of Labor data, 33, 193
work security vs. power, 224–225
See also Female breadwinner
Working Women Study Poll, MSNBC
breadwinner mothers, 131, 131 (fig.), 158–159, 161, 169–170, 178–181, 180 (fig.), 182–183, 182 (fig.)
breadwinners, 29–30, 104–105, 106, 130–132, 131 (fig.), 144–145, 147, 158–159, 161, 180 (fig.), 182, 182 (fig.)
female breadwinners, 130–132, 131 (fig.), 144–145, 149–151, 150 (fig.), 180 (fig.)
Yale’s American Psychological
Association Early Career Award, 139