
Benjamin Rush 7

A page from Dr. Rush’s lecture notes 10

Excerpt from John F. Mifflin’s dream 11

The Dreamer’s Class-Book 45

“The Artist’s Dream” 50

A Dream of Mr. Heman Harris 73

Excerpt from Louisa Park’s diary 83

The Surprising Case of Rachel Baker 99

Letter: Betsy Way Champlain to daughter Eliza 104

Watercolor by Eliza Champlain 105

Thomas De Quincey 109

Ralph Waldo Emerson 131

Edgeworth Female Seminary, Greensboro, North Carolina 164

Secret words pasted in Clay Dillard’s diary 169

Letter: William Lafayette Scott to Clay Dillard 169

Adelaide Case and family 201

Louisa May Alcott 228

“The Dreamers Dine,” a club 245

Page from Julian Hawthorne’s novel, A Dream and a Forgetting 251

“Champion Dreamer,” newspaper headline 252