

3DES (Triple Data Encryption Standard), ESP, 301

6to4 prefix (IPv6 addresses), 314

802.1Q, 18, 24-26

2001, DB8::/32 prefix and IPv6 router configuration, 324


? (question mark), JUNOS operating system, 161


AAA (Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting), 281

ABR (area border routers), 112

access layer, 6

access-list 100 deny udp any any eq 161 command, ACL configuration, 273

access-list 100 deny udp any any eq snmp command, ACL configuration, 274

access-list permit ip any any command, ACL configuration, 274

accounting (security), 281

ACK (Acknowledgment) packets, TCP three-way handshakes, 230

ACL (Access Lists), 270-272. See also filter lists

access-list 100 deny udp any any eq 161 command, 273

access-list 100 deny udp any any eq snmp command, 274

access-list permit ip any any command, 274

configure terminal command, 273

edge routers, 273-275

extended ACL, 273

false TCP headers, 278

hosts, 277

ip access-group 100 out command, 274

IP addresses, stopping data traffic from, 277-278

permit ip any any command, 274-276

placement of, 274

remote data hosts, stopping data traffic from, 277

router logging, 283-285

show access-list 100 command, 274

show access-list command, 275-276

SMB, 273-275

standard ACL, 273

UDP, 276

AD (Administrative Distance), 71

address family ipv6 command, IPv6 Internet routing via BGP4+, 413

Address field (show ip eigrp neighbors command), 125

administration (Linux), 389

Is system-config- * command, 385

security, 387

system-config- [tool-name] command, 385

system-config-date command, 386

system-config-network command, 388

administration commands (Linux)

df command, 363

df -kh command, 364

history command, 364

kill [PID] command, 361

kill -9 [PID] command, 361

man command, 358-359

mount command, 358, 362

ps command, 358-361

shutdown command, 358, 364

shutdown -h now command, 364

su command, 358, 362

Tab key shortcut, 364

umount command, 364

up arrow shortcut, 364

advertise_connected policies, Juniper router route redistribution, 179

advertise_isis policies, Juniper router route redistribution, 179

advertise_rip policies, Juniper router route redistribution, 179

advertise_static policies, Juniper router route redistribution, 180

advertising networks, 75

AES (Advance Encryption Standard)

ESP, 301

WPA2, 291

AF33 (Assured Forwarding class 3), VoIP class maps, 441

AH (Authentication Headers), troubleshooting VPN tunnels, 300

allow-snmp term (filter lists), 279

AMI (alternate mark inversion), 38

anycast IPv6 addresses, 314

AP (access points), NSEL and IS-IS, 113

APIPA (Automatic Private IP Addressing), 196

Area ID, IS-IS, 112

areas (OSPF), 102, 105

A records (Address records), DNS, 214, 218-219

ARIN (American Registry for Internet Numbers), IP address assignments, 191

ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)

broadcasts, IP address management, 200

forensics, 236

arp-a command, 237

ARP replies, 241

ARP requests, 241

show-arp command, 237

AS (Autonomous Systems), 191, 401

ASN (Autonomous Systems Numbers), AS and BGP Internet routing, 401

at (ATM), 164

ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode), 41-44, 164

atm framing cbitplcp command, 43

ATM ports, configuring, 38-44

atm scrambling cell-payload command, 43


AAA, 281

AH, troubleshooting VPN tunnels, 300

CCMP, 291

CHAP, troubleshooting VPN tunnels, 299

data packets, 247

EAP, troubleshooting VPN tunnels, 299

LEAP, wireless network security, 291

open authentication, 290

PAP, troubleshooting VPN tunnels, 299


VPN tunnels, troubleshooting, 299

wireless network security, 292

sharekey authentication, 290

TACACS+, 281

authoritative name servers, DNS, 212

authorization, 281


B8ZS (bipolar 8 zero substitution), 38

backbones (OSPF), 102


BDR, OSPF configuration, 108

router configuration files, 54, 85-88

bandwidth command, EIGRP load balancing/redundancy, 126-127

bandwidth route metric (dynamic routing), 72

Bash (Bourne again shell) files, Linux, 346

BDR (Backup Designated Routers), OSPF configuration, 108

beacons, wireless network security, 290

BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), 400

address family ipv6 command, 413

AS, 401

autonomous-system [AS_Number] command, 416

BGP Best Path Selection Algorithm, 410-412

BGP4+, IPv6 Internet routing, 413

configuring, 401-409

eBGP, 401

EGP, 401

family inet6 command, 419

iBGP, 401

IPv6 Internet routing

BGP4+, 413

troubleshooting, 413-415

ISP connections, 402-409

Juniper router configuration, 415-420

neighbor [ip address] remote [as number] command, 402-403

neighbor IPv6_address activate command, 413

neighbor IPv6_address remote as AS_Number command, 413

Networking Challenge scenarios, 409-410

network IPv6_network command, 413

no bgp default ipv4 unicast command, 413

peering, 401

router bgp AS command, 402

set group [BGP-group_name] neighbor [next_hop_address] command, 416

set group [BGP-group_name] type [external/internal] command, 417

set router-id [ip_address] command, 416

sh ip bgp neighbor command, 406-408

sh ip bgp sum command, 404-405

sh ip int brief command, 403

sh ip route command, 408

show bgp ipv6 unicast ? command, 415

show bgp ipv6 unicast summary command, 413

show bgp neighbor command, 418

show ip bgp commnd, 411-412

show ip bgp sum command, 417

show route protocol bgp command, 418-419

sh show running-configuration (sh run) command, 408

binding, DHCP IP address deployments, 202

block-snmp term (filter lists), 279

boot services (Linux), enabling/disabling, 382-384

BOOTP (Bootstrap Protocol), IP address management, 195

BPDU filter, 288

BPDU guard, switch security, 288

broadcast domains, 16

buffer, VoIP QoS, 439


C (routing table code), 59

cable. See also wireless networks

fiber-optic, 7

twisted-pair, 7

campus networks, 4

access layer, 6

cable, 7

core layer, 5

data flow, 6

distribution layer, 5

gateways, 15

IP address ranges, 8

IP assignments, 15

IP host addresses, 11-14

IP subnet design, 7-15

media, selecting, 6, 7

physical network design, 4-7

redundancy, 5

routed networks, 28-44


configuration file backups, 54, 85-88

three-router networks, 56

two-router networks, 57-58

routing protocols

distance vector protocols, 73-85

dynamic routing, 54, 70-74, 101-129

hybrid routing protocols, 101, 119-129

ip route command, 58-60

link state protocols, 74, 101-118

netstat -r command, 55

OSPF, 134-137

RIP, 75-85, 130-133, 137

RIPv2, 82-83

route print command, 55

routing loops, 75

routing redistribution, 129-143

routing table code C, 59

routing table code S, 59

show ip route (sh ip route) command, 58-61

static routing, 54-55, 58-70

TFTP, 54, 85-88

subnetworks, 9-11

supernets, 11

VLAN, 16-28

wireless networks, 7

cat command

Linux networking, 375

printing file contents in Linux, 346

CBWFQ (class-based weighted fair queuing), VoIP data traffic, 440

CCMP (Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code Protocol), WPA2, 291

ccTLDs (country-code top-level domains), 190

cd command, changing directories in Linux, 348-349

cd files command, changing working directories to files in Linux, 352

CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol)

router security, 283

switch security, 289

CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol), troubleshooting VPN tunnels, 299

chgrp command, changing file group ownership in Linux, 357

chkconfig command, enabling/disabling boot services, 382-384

chmod command, changing file/directory permissions in Linux, 353-355

chown command, changing file ownership in Linux, 356

CIDR (classless interdomain routing), 8-14

Class A IP addresses, 8

Class B IP addresses, 8

Class C IP addresses, 8

classful addressing, 75

class maps, VoIP QoS configuration, 440-441

class network addresses, 75

CLNS (Connectionless Network Service), 112, 115-118

clns routing command, IS-IS IPv6 routing, 326

CLOSE-WAIT TCP connection state, 233

CLOSED TCP connection state, 233

CNAME records (Canonical Name records), DNS, 215-216

cnls routing command, 114

CODEC (coders/decoders), VoIP and, 432

collectors (flow), protocol analysis/forensics, 250

command line (Linux), 343

commit and- quit command

IS-IS configuration on Juniper routers, 177

Juniper router route redistribution, 179

OSPF configuration on Juniper routers, 174

RIP configuration on Juniper routers, 172

commit command, Juniper routers

hostname configuration, 167

RIP configuration, 172

confidentiality (data packets), 247

configuration hardening, routers, 280-283

configure command, Juniper routers

IS-IS configuration, 175

OSPF configuration, 173

conf t (configure terminal) command, 62

ACL router configuration, 273

BGP, ISP connections, 402-403

EIGRP configuration, 121

OSPF configuration, 106

SNMP configuration, 244

connection-oriented protocols, 230

contiguous networks, 76

convergence, dynamic routing, 72

copy run start command, RIP configuration, 81

copy running-configuration startup-configuration (copy run start) command, 66

copying files in Linux, 352

core layer, 5

cost paths, 68

cost route metric (dynamic routing), 73

country domains, DNS, 210

cp command, copying files in Linux, 352

CQ (custom queuing), VoIP data traffic, 440

crypto key generate rsa command, router security, 281

CSU/DSU (channel service unit/data service unit), 38


DAD (Duplicate Address Detection), IPv6, 318

data encapsulation

encapsulation (encap) command, 39

s hint s0/0 command, 40

data filtering

DHCP filtering, 260-261

FTP filtering, 256-258

Wireshark protocol analyzer, 251-261

data flow, campus networks, 6

data packets

ACK packets, TCP three-way handshakes, 230

authentication, 247

captures via Wireshark, 243-244

confidentiality, 247

DHCP, 198-199

FIN packets, 232

integrity, 247

packet filtering, 270

pps, storm control, 287

SYN packets, TCP three-way handshakes, 230

SYN-ACK packets, firewall analysis of, 271

SYN+ACK packets, TCP three-way handshakes, 230

VoIP packets, 442, 445-449

buffer, 439

jitter, 438, 451

network equipment MAC addresses table, 443

network latency, 439, 451

packet sequence numbers, 432

queuing, 439, 440

RTCP, 432

RTP headers, 432

telephone call packet codes for call processors table, 443

timestamps, 432

WRED, 439

data speeds, 7

data traffic analysis

collectors (flow), 250

Jflow, 250

NetFlow, 250-251

Sflow, 250


configuring, 244-250

MIB, 244

snmp community [community string], 245

SNMPv2, 247

SNMPv3, 247-250

datagrams, 66-67, 309

DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks, 270

dead time (routers), OSPF configuration, 108

default gateways, 54-55

default metric bandwidth delay reliability load MTU command, route redistribution, 140

default version control, RIPv2 configuration, 83

delay command, EIGRP load balancing/redundancy, 127

delay route metric (dynamic routing), 73

deleting files from Linux, 351

DES (Data Encryption Standard), ESP, 301

description command, BGP and ISP connections, 402

destination unreachable error messages, 68

df command (Linux), 363

df -kh command (Linux), 364

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)

filtering, Wireshark protocol analyzer, 260-261

IP address management

ARP broadcasts, 200

binding, 202

DHCP ACK messages, 196

DHCP Discover messages, 195

DHCP Offer messages, 196

DHCP Request messages, 196

ipconfig/release command, 196

ipconfig/renew, 196

ip helper command, 197

MT ACK data packets, 199

MT Discover data packets, 198

MT Offer data packets, 198

MT Request data packets, 198

show ip dhcp binding command, 202

show ip dhcp pool command, 202

SOHO deployments, 201-203

unicast packages, 197

Diffee-Hellman key exchange algorithm (IKE), troubleshooting VPN tunnels, 301

Dig (Domain Information Groper), DNS, 211-214

Dijkstra, E.W., 74, 102

directed broadcasts, smurf attacks, 269

discontiguous networks, 76

displaying Juniper router interfaces, 166-167

distance vector protocols, 73-74

IS-IS route redistribution, 137

RIP, 76

classful addressing, 75

class network addresses, 75

configuring, 77-81

copy run start command, 81

ip address command, 77

limitations of, 82

Network Challenge example, 84-85

network command, 75, 79

no shut command, 77

route redistribution, 130-133, 137

router rip command, 75-79

routing loops, 75

show ip interface brief (sh ip int brief) command, 78

show ip protocol (sh ip protocol) command, 78

show ip route (sh ip route) command, 79, 82

show running-configuration (sh run) command, 79-81

RIPv2, configuring, 82-83

distribution layer, campus networks, 5

dmesg command, troubleshooting Linux boot processes, 378

DMZ (demilitarized zones), firewalls, 272

DNS (Domain Name Services)

authoritiative name servers, 212

country domains, 210

Dig, 211-214

forward DNS, 209

FQDN, 213

Linux and, 376

local server administration example, 218

lookup utilities, 211-213

networks, adding clients to, 218-219

nslookup command, 211-213

A records, 214

CNAME records, 215

MX records, 216

NS records, 216

PTR records, 215

SoA, 214

SRV records, 218

TXT records, 217

PQDN, 213

reverse DNS, 209

Root Hints file (root hints), 209

root servers, 209


A records, 214, 218-219

CNAME records, 215-216

MX records, 216-217

NS records, 216

PTR records, 215

SoA, 214

SRV records, 217-218

TXT records, 217

TLD, 210

tree hierarchy, 210-213

whois command, 212

domain names

ccTLDs, 190

DNS, 209

A records, 214, 218-219

authoritative name servers, 212

CNAME records, 215-216

country domains, 210

Dig, 211-214

dynamically adding clients to networks, 219

forward DNS, 209

FQDN, 213

local server administration example, 218

lookup utilities, 211-213

manually adding clients to networks, 218

MX records, 216-217

nslookup command, 211-218

NS records, 216

PQDN, 213

PTR records, 215

reverse DNS, 209

Root Hints file (root hints), 209

root servers, 209

RR, 214-219

SoA, 214

TLD, 210

tree hierarchy, 210-213

TXT records, 217-218

whois command, 212

domain registrars, 192

FQDN, 213

gTLDs, 190

IANA, 190

IDN language table registry, 191, 190

int, 190

managing, 190

PQDN, 213

TLD, 192

whois protocol, 192-195

DoS (Denial of Service) attacks, 268

double-colon notation (IPv6), 312

DR (Designated Routers), 108

DS (digital signal), 37

DSCP (Differentiated Services Code Point) values, VoIP class maps, 441

DTP (Dynamic Trunking Protocol), switch security, 289

DUAL Finite State Machine (EIGRP), 120

dynamic NAT (Network Address Translation), 206

dynamic routing protocols, 54, 70

AD, 71

convergence, 72

distance vector protocols, 73-74

hybrid routing protocols, 101, 119-129

link state protocols

EIGRP, 101

hello packets, 74, 101-102, 143-146

IS-IS, 101, 112-119

OSPF, 74, 101-112, 132-137

load balancing, 72


bandwidth, 72

cost, 73

delay, 73

hop count, 72-73

load, 73

reliability, 72

ticks, 73

path determination, 72

prefix length, 71

Dynamic VLAN (Virtual Local Area Networks), 18

dynamic/private ports, 228


E2 network routes, OSPF route redistribution, 134

E911 (Enhanced 911), VoIP and, 442

EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol)

VPN tunnels, troubleshooting, 299

wireless network security, 291

eBGP (external Border Gateway Protocol), BGP Internet routing, 401

echo requests, ICMP forensics, 241

edge routers, ACL configuration, 273-275

edit interfaces ge-0/0/0 command, Juniper router IP address assignments, 168

edit policy options command, Juniper router route redistribution, 179

edit protocols rip command, RIP configuration on Juniper routers, 171

edit routing-options static command, STATIC route configuration on Juniper routers, 169

Educause, TLD registration, 192

EF (Expedited Forwarding), VoIP class maps, 441

EGP (Exterior Gateway Protocol), BGP Internet routing, 401

EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol), 101, 119

bandwidth command, 126-127

configuring, 121-125

conf t command, 121

delay command, 127

DUAL Finite State Machine, 120

EX, 138

hello packets, 120

IP addresses, 121

IPv6 routing, 325-326

load balancing, 125-128

Neighbor Discovery Recovery, 120

network command, 121-124

Networking Challenge examples, 128-129

Protocol Dependent Modules, 120

redundancy, 125-128

Reliable Transport Protocol, 120

route redistribution, 133-141

router eigrp [AS-number] command, 121-124

sh ip eigrp neighbors command, 125

sh ip int brief command, 122

sh ip protocol command, 121-123

sh ip route command, 122-125

show ip eigrp topology command, 126-128

show ip route command, 136

show ip route eigrp topology command, 127

sh run command, 122

subnet masks, 121

enable secret command, EXEC level passwords and router security, 280

encapsulation (encap) command, 39


3DES, 301

AES, 291, 301

CHAP, troubleshooting VPN tunnels, 299

DES, 301

HTTP, 282-283

HTTPS, 282-283

SNMP, 282

Type 5, router security, 280

Type 7, router security, 280

equal-cost load balancing, 68. See also load balancing

ERRDISABLE state, switchport security, 286-287

error messages, destination unreachable errors, 68

ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload), troubleshooting VPN tunnels, 300

ESTABLISHED TCP connection state, 233

Ethernet cards, 371

eui-64, IPv6 addresses, 321

everything-else term (filter lists), 279

EXEC level passwords, 280

executable (x) permissions in Linux, 355

EX (external EIGRP type), 138

exit interfaces, static routing, 63-64

export advertise_static policies, Juniper router route redistribution, 180

export command, Juniper router route redistribution, 180

extended ACL (Access Lists), 273


failing threshold (storm control), 287

FEE80::/64 subnet prefix (IPv6), 318

fiber-optic cable, 7

FIFO (First in, First out) status, VoIP data traffic, 439

filtering data

DHCP filtering, 260-261

FTP filtering, 256-258

Wireshark protocol analyzer, 251-261

filter lists, 278-279. See also ACL (Access Lists)

FIN packets, 232

FIN-WAIT-1 TCP connection state, 233

FIN-WAIT-2 TCP connection state, 233

Firefox, 368

firewalls, 270

DMZ, 272

open networks and, 272

placement of, 272

show firewall command, filter lists, 279

spoofs and, 271

stateful firewalls, 271

SYN-ACK packets, 271

web servers and, 271

first queued position (VoIP data traffic), 439

flat networks, 17

floating static routes, 68-69

forensics/protocol analysis

ARP forensics, 236-237, 241

collectors (flow), 250

ICMP forensics, 237-242

Jflow, 250

NetFlow, 250

ping command, 238, 241

Sflow, 250

SNMP, 244-250

TCP forensics, netstat command, 234-235

TCP three-way handshakes, 230-233

TCP/UDP ports, 228-229

UDP forensics, 233-235

Wireshark protocol analyzer, 239-241

data filtering, 251-261

data packet captures, 243-244

DHCP filtering, 260-261

FTP filtering, 256-258

right-click filtering logic rules, 258-259

forward DNS (Domain Name Services), 209

FP (Format Prefix), IPv6 addresses, 314

FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Names), 213

fstab files (Linux), 362

FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

filtering, Wireshark protocol analyzer, 256-258

Linux FTP client, 376-377

ncftp, Linux and, 376-377

full IPv6 addresses, 311


gateway addresses, routed networks, 30

gateways, 15

default gateways, 54-55

gateway of last resort, 61

loopbacks, 55

VoIP gateways, 434

global addresses (IP addresses), 205

global unicast addresses, 313

GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation), VPN, 293-294

gTLDs (generic top-level domains), 190

H.323 signaling technique, PSTN and, 431

hacked (security), defining, 270

HDLC (high-level data link control), 38-40

hello packets

hello intervals, 143

IGP, 145

link state protocols, 74, 101-102, 143-146

Neighbor Discovery Recovery (EIGRP), 120

network masks, 143


RID, 144

router dead intervals, 143

help, JUNOS operating system, 161

hexadecimal IPv6 addresses, converting IPv4 addresses to, 312

H field (show ip eigrp neighbors command), 125

hidden files, viewing in Linux, 346

high-end routers, core layer, 5

history command (Linux), 364

Hold field (show ip eigrp neighbors command), 125

hop count route metric (dynamic routing), 72-73


Juniper routers, configuring in, 167

Linux, changing in, 377

hosts, defining, 277

HP Procurve switches, configuring, 27-28

HTTP (Hyper-text Transfer Protocol), encryption, 282-283

HTTP ports, 228


httpd.conf files, 370

yum install httpd command, 368

HTTPS ports, 228

HTTPS, encryption, 282-283

hubs, 6

hybrid routing protocols

EIGRP, 101, 119

bandwidth command, 126-127

configuring, 121-125

conf t command, 121

delay command, 127

DUAL Finite State Machine, 120

EX, 138

IP addresses, 121

load balancing, 125-128

Neighbor Discovery Recovery, 120

network command, 121-124

Networking Challenge examples, 128-129

Protocol Dependent Modules, 120

redundancy, 125-128

Reliable Transport Protocol, 120

route redistribution, 133-141

router eigrp [AS-number] command, 121-124

sh ip eigrp neighbors command, 125

sh ip int brief command, 122

sh ip protocol command, 121-123

sh ip route command, 122-125

show ip eigrp topology command, 126-128

show ip route eigrp topology command, 127

sh run command, 122

subnet masks, 121


redistribute connected command, 142

redistribute static command, 142

route redistribution, 133, 141-143

show ip route command, 142

show ip route isis command, 142-143


IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority), 190-191

iBGP (internal Border Gateway Protocol), BGP Internet routing, 401

ICANN (Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers)

IANA and, 191

well known/reserved ports, 228

ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol), forensics, 237-238, 241-242

IDN (Internationalized Domain Name) language table registry, 191

IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force), OSPF development, 101

ifconfig command

IPv6 connections, troubleshooting, 327

Linux networking, 371

ifdown command, Linux networking, 372

ifup command, Linux networking, 372

IGP (Interior Gateway Protocol)

hello packets, 145

OSPF development, 101

IKE (Internet Key Exchange), troubleshooting VPN tunnels, 301, 190

inet, 167

integrity (data packets), 247

integrated IS-IS. See IS-IS

interface cost, OSPF load balancing, 110

Interface field (show ip eigrp neighbors command), 125

Interface ID, IPv6 addresses, 315

interface identifier (IPv6 addresses), 313

interface VLAN 1, 21

Internal Ethernet Interface (Juniper routers, permanent interfaces), 166

Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) Properties window (Windows 7), 316-317

Internet routing

BGP, 400

address family ipv6 command, 413

AS, 401

ASN, 401

autonomous-system [AS_Number] command, 416

BGP4+, 413

BGP Best Path Selection Algorithm, 410-412

configuring, 401-409

eBGP, 401

EGP, 401

iBGP, 401

IPv6 Internet routing, 413-415

ISP connections, 402-409

Juniper router configuration, 415-420

neighbor [ip address] remote [as number] command, 402-403

neighbor IPv6_address activate command, 413

neighbor IPv6_address remote as AS_Number command, 413

Networking Challenge scenarios, 409-410

network IPv6_network command, 413

no bgp default ipv4 unicast command, 413

peering, 401

router bgp AS command, 402

set group [BGP-group_name] neighbor [next_hop_address] command, 416

set group [BGP-group_name] type [external/internal] command, 417

set router-id [ip_address] command, 416

sh ip bgp neighbor command, 406-408

sh ip bgp sum command, 404-405

sh ip int brief command, 403

sh ip route command, 408

show bgp ipv6 unicast ? command, 415

show bgp ipv6 unicast summary command, 413

show ip bgp command, 411-412

show running-configuration (sh run) command, 408

Internet connections, configuring, 400-409

IPv6, troubleshooting, 413-415

stubby areas, 400

totally stubby areas, 400

WAN connections, 398-400

Internet sockets, 228

InterVLAN routing, configuring, 35-37

int (intergovernmental) domain registries, 190

int Gig3/1 command, IPv6 router configuration, 320

intranets, 8

int tunnel0 command, VPN virtual interface configuration (router to router), 295

ip access-group 100 out command, ACL configuration, 274

ip address command, RIP configuration, 77

IP addresses

APIPA, 196

ARIN, 191

BOOTP, 195

campus networks, 8

CIDR, 8-14

Class A IP addresses, 8

Class B IP addresses, 8

Class C IP addresses, 8


ARP broadcasts, 200

binding, 202

DHCP ACK messages, 196

DHCP Discover messages, 195

DHCP Offer messages, 196

DHCP Request messages, 196

ipconfig/release command, 196

ipconfig/renew command, 196

ip helper command, 197

MT ACK data packets, 199

MT Discover data packets, 198

MT Offer data packets, 198

MT Request data packets, 198

show ip dhcp binding command, 202

show ip dhcp pool command, 202

SOHO deployments, 201-203

unicast packages, 197


authoritative name servers, 212

country domains, 210

Dig, 211-214

forward DNS, 209

lookup utilities, 211-213

nslookup command, 211-218

reverse DNS, 209

Root Hints file (root hints), 209

root servers, 209

TLD, 210

tree hierarchy, 210-213

whois command, 212

EIGRP configuration, 121

global addresses, 205

hosts, 277

IANA, 191

Juniper routers, assigning addresses in, 168

lease time, 195

local addresses, 205

NAT, 8, 204-208

number resource management, 191

PAT, 8, 204, 207

preferred keyword, 168

primary IP addresses, 35

private IP addresses, translating, 8

secondary IP addresses, 35

stopping data traffic from, ACL configuration, 277-278

UDP, 198

VLAN, assigning to, 21

whois protocol, 192-195

ip address [ip address] [subnet mask] command, BGP and ISP connections, 402

ip address [ip_address] [subnet_mask] secondary command, 35

IP assignments, campus networks, 15

ipconfig command, troubleshooting IPv6 connections, 327

ipconfig/release command, IP address management, 196

ipconfig/renew command, IP address management, 196

ip flow ingress command, NetFlow configuration, 251

ip helper command, IP address management, 197

IP host addresses, campus networks, 11-14

IPng. See IPv6

ip ospf cost command, OSPF load balancing, 110

ip route-cache flow command, NetFlow configuration, 251

ip route command, 58-62

ip router isis command, IS-IS configuration, 114

ip routing command, 37, 114

IPSec (IP security), 300, 310

IP subnet design, campus networks, 7-15

IP telephony. See VoIP

IP tunnels, 293, 299

IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4)

address conversion to IPv6 hexadecimal addresses, 312

datagrams, 309

IPv6 comparisons to, 308, 311

V4ADDR, 315

IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6)

6to4 prefix, 314

anycast IPv6 addresses, 314

connections, troubleshooting, 327-328

DAD, 318

datagrams, 309

double-colon notation, 312

EIGRP routing, 325-326

FE80::/64 subnet prefix, 318

FP, 314

full IPv6 addresses, 311

global unicast addresses, 313

Interface ID, 315

interface identifier, 313

Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6) Properties window settings (Windows 7), 316-317

Internet routing, 413-415

IPSec, 310

IPv4 address conversion to IPv6 hexadecimal address example, 312

IPv4 comparisons to, 308, 311

IPv6 stateless autoconfiguration, 318

IS-IS routing, 326

link local addresses, 318

Local Area Connections Properties window settings (Windows 7/Windows XP), 315

multicast IPv6 addresses, 314

Neighbor Solicitation messages, 318

network prefix, 313

OSPFv3 routing, 325

prefix length, 313

Privacy Extensions for Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (RFC 4941), 319

RIP routing, 324

router configuration, 2001 and DB8::/32 prefix, 320-324

SLAAC, 311

SLA ID, 315

static routing, 324

TLA ID (0x2002), 314

unicast IPv6 addresses, 313

ipv6 address ipv6 interfaced address command, IPv6 router configuration, 321

ipv6 eigrp as_number command, EIGRP IPv6 routing, 326

ipv6 enable command, IPv6 router configuration, 320

ipv6 ospf process_id area area_id command, OPFv3 IPv6 routing, 325

ipv6 router eigrp as_number command, EIGRP IPv6 routing, 326

ipv6 router isis command, IS-IS IPv6 routing, 326

ipv6 router ospf process_id command, OPFv3 IPv6 routing, 325

ipv6 unicast-routing command, IPv6 router configuration, 320

ISAKMP (Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol), troubleshooting VPN tunnels, 301

IS-IS (Intermediate System-Intermediate System), 101

ABR, 112

Area ID, 112

CLNS, 112, 115-116

configuring, 114-118

IPv6 routing, 326

Juniper routers, 175-180

L1 routers, 112

L2 routers, 112

load balancing, 117-118

NET, 112

Networking Challenge example, 118-119

NSEL, 113

redistribute connected command, 142

redistribute isis IS-IS_Level command, 141

redistribute static command, 142

redundancy, 117-118

route redistribution, 133, 137, 141-143

show ip route command, 142

show ip route isis command, 142-143

System ID, 113

ISL (Inter-Switch Link), VLAN tagging, 24

ISP (Internet Service Providers), 8, 402-409

Is system-config- * command, Linux system administration, 385


Jflow, 250

jitter, VoIP QoS, 438, 451

Juniper routers

at (ATM), 164

BGP configuration, 415-420

inet, 167

IS-IS configurations, 175-178

JUNOS operating system, 160-169

multi-services cards, 164

oc-3 connections, 164

oc-12 connections, 164

OSPF configurations, 173-175

permanent interfaces, 166

PIC, 164

ping command, 165

RIP configurations, 171-172

route redistribution, 178-181

show interfaces brief command, 166-167

STATIC route configurations, 169-170

t2/ds3 cards, 164

transient interfaces, 166

JUNOS operating system

family inet6 command, 419

filter lists, 278-279

help, 161

operational mode, 160-165

Out of Band Management statements, 164

re0 {and re1}, 164

router configuration mode, 166-169

show ? command, 162

<show c spacebar> command, 162

show configuration command, 163

<show in spacebar> command, 162

show version command, 163


kill [PID] command (Linux), 361

kill -9 [PID] command (Linux), 361

L1 routers, 112

L2 routers, 112

L2F (Layer 2 Forwarding) protocol, troubleshooting VPN tunnels, 300

L2TP (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol), troubleshooting VPN tunnels, 300

language table registry (domain names), 191

LAN (Local Area Networks), 6, 16. See also campus networks

LAST_ACK TCP connection state, 233

last command, Linux security, 380-381

latency (networks), VoIP QoS, 439, 451

Layer 2 switches

access layer, 6

broadcast domains, 16

core layer, 5

flat networks, 17

VLAN, IP address assignments, 21

Layer 3 addressing. See network addresses

Layer 3 networks. See routed networks

Layer 3 switches, core layer, 5

LEAP (Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol), wireless network security, 291

lease time, IP addresses, 195

line passwords, router security, 280

link local addresses (IPv6), 318

link state protocols, 74

EIGRP, 101, 136

hello packets, 74, 101-102, 143-146

IS-IS, 101

ABR, 112

Area ID, 112

CLNS, 112, 115-118

cnls routing command, 114

configuring, 113-117

ip router isis command, 114

ip routing command, 114

L1/L2 routers, 112

L1 routers, 112

L2 routers, 112

load balancing, 117, 118

NET, 112

Network Challenge example, 118-119

NSEL, 113

redistribute isis IS-IS_Level command, 141

redundancy, 117-118

router isis command, 114

sh ip protocol command, 114

show clns is neighbors command, 115-116

show ip int brief command, 113

show ip route (sh ip route) command, 114

show ip route isis (sh ip route isis) command, 115

show ip route isis command, 117-118

show isis neighbor command, 116

sh run command, 116

System ID, 113

OSPF, 74

advantages/disadvantages of, 103

areas, 102, 105

backbones, 102

BDR, 108

configuring, 103-108

conf t command, 106

dead time, 108

DR, 108

E2 network routes, 134

hello packets, 102, 143-146

ip ospf cost command, 110

load balancing, 109-110

LSA, 101

neighbor ID, 108

network command, 105

Networking Challenge exercises, 111-112

network numbers, 105

redistribute connected command, 134

redistribute connected subnets command, 134

redistribute ospf command, 141

redistribute static command, 135

redistribute static subnets command, 135

redundancy, 109-110

route flapping, 103

router ospf [process id] command, 104-106

routing redistribution, 132-137

sh ip int brief command, 104-106

sh ip ospf interface command, 109

sh ip ospf neighbor command, 108

sh ip protocol command, 108

sh ip route command, 107

sh ip route ospf command, 107

show ip ospf neighbor command, 134

show ip route command, 134-135

show ip route interface command, 109

show ip route ospf command, 134, 137

state of FULL, 108

VLSM, 102

wild card bits, 105


administration commands

df command, 363

df -kh command, 364

history command, 364

kill [PID] command, 361

kill -9 [PID] command, 361

man command, 358-359

mount command, 358, 362

ps command, 358-361

shutdown command, 358, 364

shutdown -h now command, 364

su command, 358, 362

Tab key shortcut, 364

umount command, 364

up arrow shortcut, 364

applications, installing/uninstalling, 365-371

cat command, 346

cd command, 348-349, 352

chgrp command, 357

chkconfig command, 382-384

chmod command, 353-355

chown command, 356

command line, 343

cp command, 352

df command, 363-364


changing, 348-349

changing permissions of, 353-355

changing working directories to files, 352

executable (x) permissions, 355

httpd.conf files, 370

making directories, 350

permission attribute settings table, 353-354

printing working (current) directory, 349-352

removing directories, 350

resolv.conf directory, 376

dmesg command, 378

DNS service, 376

executable (x) permissions, 355


attributes of, 345

Bash files, 346

changing directories, 348-349

changing group ownership of, 357

changing ownership of, 356

changing permissions of, 353-355

changing working directories to files, 352

copying, 352

deleting, 351

displaying contents of, 346

executable (x) permissions, 355

fstab files, 362

httpd.conf files, 370

listing, 344-346, 352

making directories, 350

moving, 351

password files, 348

permission attribute settings table, 353-354

printing contents to screen, 346

printing working (current) directory, 349-352

removing directories, 350

renaming, 351

viewing hidden files, 346

Firefox, 368

FTP client, 376-377

history command, 364

httpd, 368-370

ifconfig command, 371

ifdown command, 372

ifup command, 372

Is system-config- * command, 385

kill [PID] command, 361

kill -9 [PID] command, 361

last command, 380-381

lo, 371

logging onto, 339

ls command, 344-346, 352

ls -l command, 344

ls -la command, 346, 352

man command, 358-359

mkdir command, 350

more command, 346

mount command, 358, 362

mv command, 351

netstat -ap command, 384


cat command, 375

changing hostnames, 377

DNS service, 376

Ethernet cards, 371

FTP client, 376-377

ifconfig command, 371

ifdown command, 372

ifup command, 372

lo, 371

network start command, 373-374

network stop command, 373

route add default gw command, 373

SSH installations, 375-376

network start command, 373-374

network stop command, 373

nmap command, 382

ps command, 358-361

pwd command, 349-352

reboot command, 379-380

rm command, 351

rmdir command, 350

root access, 339

route add default gw command, 373

route cat command, 375


last command, 380-381

nmap command, 382

password files, 348

system administration, 387

w command, 381

who command, 381

shutdown command, 358, 364

shutdown -h now command, 364

SSH installations, 375-376

su command, 358, 362

system administration, 389

Is system-config- * command, 385

security, 387

system-config- [tool-name] command, 385

system-config-date command, 386

system-config-network command, 388

Tab key shortcut, 364

telnet, 366


boot processes, 378-379

boot services, 382-384

network connections, 384

umount command, 364

UNIX versus, 338

up arrow shortcut, 364

user accounts, adding, 340-341

w command, 381

who command, 381

YUM, installing/uninstalling applications via, 365-371

LISTEN TCP connection state, 233

lo (loopbacks), Linux, 371

load balancing, 68. See also equal-cost load balancing

dynamic routing, 72

EIGRP, 125-128

IS-IS, 117-118

OSPF, 109-110

load route metric (dynamic routing), 73

local addresses (IP addresses), 205

Local Area Connections Properties window (Windows XP/Windows 7), IPv6 network settings, 315

local user accounts, router security, 280

logging (security), routers, 283-285

logical addresses, 29

logical networks, DMZ, 272

lookup utilities, DNS, 211-213

loopbacks, 55, 371

loops (routing), 75

LSA (link state advertisements), 101

ls command, listing files in Linux, 344-346, 352

ls -l command, listing files in Linux, 344

ls -la command, listing files in Linux, 346, 352


MAC addresses, switchport security, 286

man (manual) command (Linux), 358-359

man yum command (Linux, YUM), 365

Management Ethernet Interface (Juniper routers, permanent interfaces), 166

{master} mode (routers), 161

MD5 hashing algorithm (CHAP), troubleshooting VPN tunnels, 299

media, selecting for campus networks, 6-7

metrics, dynamic routing, 72-73

MIB (Management Information Base), SNMP, 244

minimum ones density, 38

mkdir command, making directories in Linux, 350

MLD (Mulitcast Listener Discovery), IPv6 router configuration, 320

MLS (multilayer switches), 32-33

more command, displaying file contents in Linux, 346

mount command (Linux), 358, 362

moving files in Linux, 351

MT ACK data packets, IP address management, 199

MT Discover data packets, IP address management, 198

MT Offer data packets, IP address management, 198

MT Request data packets, IP address management, 198

multicast IPv6 addresses, 314

multi-homed Internet connections, 400

multiple LAN (Local Area Networks), 16

multiple VLAN (Virtual Local Area Networks), trunk ports, 24-26

multiplexing, TDM and VoIP, 433

multi-services cards, 164

mv command, moving/renaming files in Linux, 351

MX records (Mail Exchange records), DNS, 216-217


name-Sales command, 27

name servers (authoritative), DNS, 212

naming files in Linux, 351

NAT (Network Address Translation), 8, 204-205

dynamic NAT, 206

NAT overload. See PAT

show ip nat translation, 207-208

static NAT, 206

ncftp and Linux, 376-377

ND (neighbor discovery) protocol, IPv6 router configuration, 322

Neighbor Discovery Recovery (EIGRP), 120

neighbor ID, OSPF configuration, 108

neighbor [ip address] remote [as number] command, 402-403

neighbor IPv6_address activate command, 413

neighbor IPv6_address remote as AS_Number command, 413

Neighbor Solicitation messages (IPv6), 318

NET (Network Entity Title), IS-IS, 112

NetFlow, 250-251

net masks (Linux), 371

netstat -ap command, troubleshooting Linux network connections, 384

netstat command, TCP/UDP forensics, 234-235

netstat –r command, 55

network addresses, 29

network command, 75

EIGRP configuration, 121-124

OSPF configuration, 105

RIP configuration, 79

network IPv6_network command, 413

network latency, VoIP QoS, 439, 451

network masks, 143

network numbers, OSPF configuration, 105. See also subnets

network prefix (IPv6 addresses), 313

network start command, Linux networking, 373-374

network stop command, Linux networking, 373

Networking Challenge exercises

BGP, 409-410

EIGRP, 128-129

IS-IS, 118-119

OSPF, 111-112

RIP, 84-85

static routing, 70


advertising, 75

campus networks, 4

access layer, 6

core layer, 5

data flow, 6

designing, 4-15

distance vector protocols, 73-85

distribution layer, 5

dynamic routing protocols, 54, 70-74, 101-129

fiber-optic cable, 7

gateways, 15

hybrid routing protocols, 101, 119-129

IP address ranges, 8

IP subnet design, 7-15

link state protocols, 74, 101-119

media selection, 6-7

OSPF, 134-137

physical network design, 4-7

redundancy, 5

RIP, 75-85, 130-133, 137

RIPv2, 82-83

routed networks, 28-44

router configuration file backups, 54, 85-88

routing protocols, 54

routing redistribution, 129-143

static routing protocols, 54-55, 58-70

subnetworks, 9-11

supernets, 11

TFTP, 54, 85-88

three-router networks, 56

twisted-pair cable, 7

two-router networks, 57-58

VLAN, 16-28

wireless networks, 7

contiguous networks, 76

discontiguous networks, 76

domain names

ccTLDs, 190

DNS, 209-219

domain registrars, 192

FQDN, 213

gTLDs, 190

IANA, 190

IDN language table registry, 191, 190

int, 190

managing, 190

PQDN, 213

TLD, 192

whois protocol, 192-195

flat networks, 17

forensics/protocol analysis, 228

ARP forensics, 236-237, 241

ARP replies, 241

collectors (flow), 250

data filtering, 251-261

DHCP filtering, 260-261

FTP filtering, 256-258

ICMP forensics, 237-242

Jflow, 250

NetFlow, 250-251

ping command, 238, 241

Sflow, 250

SNMP, 244-250

TCP forensics, 234-235

TCP three-way handshakes, 230-233

TCP/UDP ports, 228-229

UDP, 233-235

Wireshark protocol analyzer, 239-244, 251-261

IP addresses

APIPA, 196

ARIN, 191

ARP broadcasts, 200

binding, 202

BOOTP, 195

DHCP, 195-203

DNS, 209-218

dynamic NAT, 206

global addresses, 205

IANA, 191

ipconfig/release command, 196

ipconfig/renew command, 196

ip helper command, 197

lease time, 195

local addresses, 205

MT ACK data packets, 199

MT Discover data packets, 198

MT Offer data packets, 198

MT Request data packets, 198

NAT, 204-208

number resource management, 191

PAT, 204, 207

SOHO DHCP deployments, 201-203

static NAT, 206

UDP, 198

unicast packages, 197

whois protocol, 192-194

IP assignments, campus networks, 15

IP host addresses, campus networks, 11-14


access layer, 6

campus networks, 4

multiple LAN, 16

sizes of, 16


adding user accounts, 340-341

Bash files, 346

cat command, 375

cd command, 348-349, 352

changing file directories, 348-349

changing file/directory permissions, 353-355

changing file group ownership, 357

changing file ownership, 356

changing hostnames, 377

changing working directories to files, 352

chgrp command, 357

chkconfig command, 382-384

chmod command, 353-355

chown command, 356

command line, 343

copying, 352

cp command, 352

deleting, 351

df command, 363

df -kh command, 364

displaying file contents, 346

dmesg command, 378

DNS service, 376

Ethernet cards, 371

executable (x) permissions, 355

file attributes tables, 345

file/directory attribute settings table, 353-354

Firefox, 368

fstab files, 362

FTP client, 376-377

history command, 364

httpd, 368

httpd.conf files, 370

ifconfig command, 371

ifdown command, 372

ifup command, 372

installing/uninstalling applications, 365-371

Is system-config- * command, 385

kill [PID] command, 361

kill -9 [PID] command, 361

last command, 380-381

listing files, 344-346, 352

lo, 371

logging onto, 339

ls command, 344-346, 352

ls -la command, 346, 352

ls -l command, 344

making directories, 350

man command, 358-359

mkdir command, 350

more command, 346

mount command, 358, 362

moving, 351

mv command, 351

netstat -ap command, 384

network start command, 373-374

network stop command, 373

networking, 371-377

nmap command, 382

password files, 348

print command, 346

printing file contents to screen, 346

printing working (current) directories, 349-352

ps command, 358-361

pwd command, 349-352

reboot command, 379-380

removing directories, 350

renaming, 351

resolv.conf directory, 376

rm command, 351

rmdir command, 350

root access, 339

route add default gw command, 373

security, 380-382, 387

shutdown command, 358, 364

shutdown -h now command, 364

SSH installations, 375-376

su command, 358, 362

system administration, 385-389

system-config- [tool-name] command, 385

system-config-date command, 386

system-config-network command, 388

Tab key shortcut, 364

telnet, 366

troubleshooting boot process, 378-380

troubleshooting boot services, 382-384

troubleshooting network connections, 384

umount command, 364

UNIX versus, 338

up arrow shortcut, 364

viewing hidden files, 346

w command, 381

who command, 381

YUM, 365-371

logical networks, DMZ, 272

open networks and firewalls, 272

physical networks

campus networks, 4-7

DMZ, 272

protocol assignments, 191

PSTN, 430-431

routed networks, 28

ATM, 41-44

atm framing cbitplcp command, 43

ATM port configuration, 37-44

atm scrambling cell-payload command, 43

encapsulation (encap) command, 39

gateway addresses, 30

InterVLAN routing configuration, 35-37

ip routing command, 37

logical addresses, 29

MLS, 32-33

network addresses, 29

network segments, 31

no shut command, 39

port configuration, 33-35

router interfaces, 29

router on a stick, 35

routers, 29-30

routing tables, 30

serial port configuration, 37-44

service-module tl command, 40

show atm vc command, 43

show atm vc interface atml/0.33 command, 44

show controller atm slot/port command, 44

show controller Tl slot/port command, 41


SVC, 42

SVI, 37

VCC, 42

VCI, 42

VPC, 42

VPI, 42

VWIC, 40, 41

WAN, 33

WIC, 40

wire speed routing, 32


ACL, 270-278, 283-285

DDoS attacks, 270

directed broadcasts, smurf attacks, 269

DoS attacks, 268

edge routers, 273-275

filter lists, 278-279

firewalls, 270-272

hacked, definition of, 270

HTTP, 282-283

HTTPS, 282-283

IP addresses, stopping data traffic from, 277-278

logging, 283-285

packet filtering, 270

proxy servers, 270

remote data hosts, stopping data traffic from, 277

routers, 279-285

SMB, 273-275

smurf attacks, 268-269

SNMP, 282

spoofs, 268, 271

stateful firewalls, 271

switches, 285-289

SYN attacks, 268

TCP headers, 278

UDP, 276

subnet masks, 32

Subnet, NET, 31

TCP/IP, telnet, 366

UNIX versus Linux, 338

VLAN, 16-17

802.1Q, 18, 24-26

configuring, 18-23

Dynamic VLAN, 18

HP Procurve switches, 27-28

interface VLAN 1, 21

IP address assignments, 21

name-Sales command, 27

no shutdown command, 21

port-based VLAN, 17

protocol-based VLAN, 17

show interface command, 22

show interface status command, 22

show running-config (sh run) command, 22-23

show vlan 2 command, 28

show vlan brief command, 20

show vlan command, 18-20, 27

show vlan name vlan-name command, 21

show vlan vlan-id command, 21

Static VLAN, 18, 26

switchport access vlan vlan-id command, 20

switchport mode access command, 20

tag-based VLAN, 17

tagged Port_number command, 28

tagging, 23-26

trunk ports, 24-25

vlan 2 command, 27

vlan database command, 19

VLAN ID, 18-19

VLAN tagging, 18

VoIP, 440

VTP, 289

VoIP, 430

buffer, 439

class maps, 440-441

CODEC, 432

complete IP telephony solutions, 436-437

configuration example, 440-442

data packets, 442-449

E911, 442

gateways, 434

H.323 signaling technique, 431

jitter, 438, 451

network latency, 439, 451

packet sequence numbers, 432

PBX, 430, 433-437

PCM digital signals, 431

policy maps, 440

PSTN, 430

QoS, 438-442, 451

queuing, 439-440

RTCP, 432

RTP headers, 432

security, 440, 449-451

signaling, 430

SIP signaling technique, 431

SS7 signaling technique, 431

SSIP signaling technique, 431

TDM, 433

tie line replacements (PBX), 433-435

timestamps, 432

upgrading PBX, 435-436

VLAN, 440

WRED, 439


GRE, 293-294

IP tunnels, 293, 299

remote-access VPN, 293

security, 292-301

site-to-site VPN, 293

tunnels, troubleshooting, 299-301

virtual interface configuration (router to router), 294-298

WAN, 33

wireless networks

campus networks, 7

data speeds, 7

security, 289-292

nmap command, Linux security, 382

no auto-summary command, RIPv2 configuration, 83

no bgp default ipv4-unicast command, 413

no ip directed broadcast command, directed broadcasts in smurf attacks, 269

nonauthoritative answers, DNS lookup utilities, 213

no service config command, router security, 283

no service tcp-small-servers command, router security, 282

no service udp-small-servers command, router security, 282

no shut command, 39, 62, 77

no shutdown command, 21

no switchport command, 35

NSEL (Network Service Access Point Selector), IS-IS, 113

nslookup command, DNS, 211, 213

A records, 214

CNAME records, 215

MX records, 216

NS records, 216

PTR records, 215

SoA, 214

SRV records, 218

TXT records, 217

NS records (Name Server records), DNS, 216

NTP (Network Time Protocol), 284

null0 interfaces, static routing, 64-65


oc-3 connections, Juniper routers, 164

oc-12 connections, Juniper routers, 164

open authentication, wireless network security, 290

open networks and firewalls, 272

openssh, Linux SSH installations, 375

operational mode (JUNOS), 160-165

OSPF (Open Shortest Path First), 74, 101

advantages/disadvantages of, 103

areas, 102, 105

backbones, 102

configuring, 103

areas, 105

BDR, 108

conf t command, 106

dead time, 108

DR, 108

neighbor ID, 108

network command, 105

network numbers, 105

router ospf [process id] command, 104-106

sh ip int brief command, 104-106

sh ip ospf interface command, 109

sh ip ospf neighbor command, 108

sh ip protocol command, 108

sh ip route command, 107

sh ip route ospf command, 107

state of FULL, 108

wild card bits, 105

E2 network routes, 134

export advertise_static command, 180

Juniper router configurations, 173-175

hello packets, 101-102, 143-146

load balancing, 109-110

LSA, 101

Networking Challenge exercises, 111-112

redistribute connected command, 134

redistribute connected subnets command, 134

redistribute ospf command, 141

redistribute static command, 135

redistribute static subnets command, 135

redundancy, 109-110

route flapping, 103

routing redistribution, 132-137

set ospf export advertise_static command, 180

show ip ospf neighbor command, 134

show ip route command, 134-135

show ip route ospf command, 134, 137

VLSM, 102

OSPFIGP (Open Shortest Path First Interior Gateway Protocol), hello packets, 145

OSPFv3 routing, IPv6, 325

Out of Band Management statements, JUNOS operating system, 164

overloading routers, 8

ownership (Linux files), changing, 356-357


packets (data)

ACK packets, TCP three-way handshakes, 230

authentication, 247

captures via Wireshark, 243-244

confidentiality, 247

DHCP, 198-199

FIN packets, 232

integrity, 247

packet filtering, 270

pps, storm control, 287

SYN packets, TCP three-way handshakes, 230

SYN-ACK packets, firewall analysis of, 271

SYN+ACK packets, TCP three-way handshakes, 230

VoIP packets, 442, 445-449

buffer, 439

jitter, 438, 451

network equipment MAC addresses table, 443

network latency, 439, 451

packet sequence numbers, 432

queuing, 439-440

RTCP, 432

RTP headers, 432

telephone call packet codes for call processors table, 443

timestamps, 432

WRED, 439

PAP (Password Authentication Protocol), troubleshooting VPN tunnels, 299


Linux password files, 348

PAP, troubleshooting VPN tunnels, 299

router security, 280

path determination, dynamic routing, 72

PAT (Port Address Translation), 8, 204, 207

PBX (Private Branch Exchanges) and VoIP, 430

complete IP telephony solutions, switching to, 436-437

PBX upgrades, 435-436

tie lines, replacing, 433-435

PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) digital signals and VoIP, 431

peering, BGP Internet routing, 401

permanent interfaces (Juniper routers), 166

permissions (Linux files/directories), changing, 353-355

permit ip any any command, ACL configuration, 274-276

physical networks

DMZ, 272

campus networks, 4-7

PIC (Physical Interface Cards), 164

PID (Process ID) field, ps (processes) command (Linux), 360

ping command, 241

ICMP forensics, 238-239, 242

Juniper routers, 165

VPN virtual interface configuration (router to router), 297

ping6 command, troubleshooting IPv6 connections, 327

policy maps, VoIP QoS configuration, 440


ATM ports, configuring, 37-44

routed ports, configuring, 33-35

security, 286-287

serial ports, configuring, 37-44

STP, 288

TCP/UDP ports, 228-229

VLAN, 17

PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol), 38, 299

pps (packets per second), storm control, 287

PPTP (Point to Point Tunneling Protocol), troubleshooting VPN tunnels, 299

PQ (priority queuing), VoIP data traffic, 440

PQDN (Partial Qualified Domain Names), 213

preferred keyword (IP address statements), 168

prefix length

dynamic routing, 71

IPv6 addresses, 313

primary IP addresses, 35

Privacy Extensions for Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (RFC 4941), IPv6, 319

private IP addresses, translating, 8

private/dynamic ports, 228

protected violation action (switchport security), 286

protocol analysis/forensics, 228

ARP forensics, 236

arp-a command, 237

ARP replies, 241

ARP requests, 241

show-arp command, 237

collectors (flow), 250

ICMP forensics, 237

echo requests, 241

ping command, 238-239, 242

Jflow, 250

NetFlow, 250-251

ping command, 238, 241

Sflow, 250


configuring, 244-250

MIB, 244

snmp community [community string], 245

SNMPv2, 247

SNMPv3, 247-250

TCP forensics, netstat command, 234-235

TCP three-way handshakes, 230-233

TCP/UDP ports, 228-229

UDP, 233-235

Wireshark protocol analyzer, 239-241

data filtering, 251-261

data packet captures, 243-244

DHCP filtering, 260-261

FTP filtering, 256-258

right-click filtering logic rules, 258-259

protocol-based VLAN (Virtual Local Area Networks), 17

Protocol Dependent Modules (EIGRP), 120

protocols, assigning, 191

proxy servers, 270

ps (processes) command (Linux), 358-361

PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Networks), VoIP and, 430-431

PTR records (Pointer records), DNS, 215

pwd command, printing working (current) directory in Linux, 349-352


Q Cnt (Queue Count) field (show ip eigrp neighbors command), 125

QoS (Quality of Service), VoIP and, 438

buffer, 439

class maps, 440-441

configuration example, 440-442

jitter, 438, 451

network latency, 439, 451

policy maps, 440

queuing, 439-440

WRED, 439

question mark (?), JUNOS operating system, 161

queuing, VoIP QoS, 439-440

RA (Router Advertisement) messages, IPv6 router configuration, 322

RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service), 281

VPN tunnels, troubleshooting, 299

wireless network security, 292

re0 {and re1}, JUNOS operating system, 164

reboot command, troubleshooting Linux boot processes, 379-380

redistribute connected command, 132-134, 138, 142

redistribute connected subnets command, 134

redistribute eigrp AS_id [metric 0-16777214] command, 137

redistribute eigrp AS_number metric 0-16 command, 133

redistribute isis IS-IS_Level command, 137, 141

redistribute isis IS-IS_number metric 0-16 command, 133

redistribute ospf command, 141

redistribute ospf process_id 0-16 command, 133

redistribute rip command, 137

redistribute rip metric bandwidth delay reliability load MTU command, 140

redistribute static command, 132, 135, 138, 142

redistribute static subnets command, 135

redistribution connected command, 131

redistribution protocol command, 131


campus networks, 5

core layer, 5

EIGRP, 125-128

IS-IS, 117-118

OSPF, 109-110

registered ports, 228

relays (VoIP). See gateways; VoIP, gateways

reliability route metric (dynamic routing), 72

Reliable Transport Protocol (EIGRP), 120

remote-access VPN (Virtual Private Networks), 293

remote data hosts, stopping data traffic from, 277

renaming files in Linux, 351

reserved/well known ports, 228

resolv.conf directory (Linux), 376

restrict violation action (switchport security), 286

reverse DNS (Domain Name Services), 209

RID (Router ID), hello packets, 144

RIP (Routing Information Protocol)

classful addressing, 75

class network addresses, 75

configuring, 77-81

copy run start command, 81

ip address command, 77

IPv6, 324

Juniper routers

route configuration, 171-172

route redistribution, 179

limitations of, 82

Network Challenge example, 84-85

network command, 75, 79

no shut command, 77

route redistribution, 130-133, 137

router rip command, 75-79

routing loops, 75

show ip interface brief (sh ip int brief) command, 78

show ip protocol (sh ip protocol) command, 78

show ip route (sh ip route) command, 79, 82

show running-configuration (sh run) command, 79-81

RIPng (Routing Information Protocol next generation), IPv6 RIP routing, 324

rip-tag, IPv6 RIP routing, 325

RIPv2 (Routing Information Protocol version 2)

configuring, 82-83

default version control, 83

no auto-summary command, 83

router rip command, 82-83

show ip protocol (sh ip protocol) command, 83

version 2 command, 83

RIR (Regional Internet Registries), 191

rising threshold (storm control), 287

rm command, deleting files from Linux, 351

rmdir command, removing directories from Linux, 350

root access (Linux), 339

Root Hints file (root hints), DNS, 209

root servers (DNS), 209

route add default gw command, Linux networking, 373

routed networks, 28, 33

ATM, 41-44

atm framing cbitplcp command, 43

ATM ports, configuring, 37-44

atm scrambling cell-payload command, 43

encapsulation (encap) command, 39

gateway addresses, 30

InterVLAN routing, configuring, 35-37

ip routing command, 37

logical addresses, 29

MLS, 32-33

network addresses, 29

network segments, 31

no shut command, 39

ports, configuring, 33-35

router interfaces, 29

router on a stick, 35

routers, 29-30

routing tables, 30

serial ports, configuring, 37-44

service-module tl command, 40

show atm vc command, 43

show atm vc interface atml/0.33 command, 44

show controller atm slot/port command, 44

show controller Tl slot/port command, 41


SVC, 42

SVI, 37

VCC, 42

VCI, 42

VPC, 42

VPI, 42

VWIC, 40-41

WAN, 33

WIC, 40

wire speed routing, 32

route flapping, 103

route print command, 55

router bgp AS command, BGP and ISP connections, 402

router configuration mode (JUNOS)

command/prompt summary table, 169

commit command, 167

hostname configuration, 167

IP address assignments, 168

router interfaces, displaying, 166-167

router dead intervals, hello packets, 143

router eigrp [AS-number] command, EIGRP configuration, 121-124

router isis command, 114, 326

router ospf [process id] command, OSPF configuration, 104-106

router rip command, 75

RIP configuration, 77-79

RIPv2 configuration, 82-83

routers, 29-30

ABR, 112

BDR, OSPF configuration, 108

BGP, 400

address family ipv6 command, 413

AS, 401

ASN, 401

autonomous-system [AS_Number] command, 416

BGP4+, 413

BGP Best Path Selection Algorithm, 410-412

configuring, 401-409

eBGP, 401

EGP, 401

family inet6 command, 419

iBGP, 401

IPv6 Internet routing, 413-415

ISP connections, 402-409

Juniper router configuration, 415-420

neighbor [ip address] remote [as number] command, 402-403

neighbor IPv6_address activate command, 413

neighbor IPv6_address remote as AS_Number command, 413

Networking Challenge scenarios, 409-410

network IPv6_network command, 413

no bgp default ipv4 unicast command, 413

peering, 401

router bgp AS command, 402

set group [BGP-group_name] neighbor [next_hop_address] command, 416

set group [BGP-group_name] type [external/internal] command, 417

set router-id [ip_address] command, 416

sh ip bgp neighbor command, 406-408

sh ip bgp sum command, 404-405

sh ip int brief command, 403

sh ip route command, 408

show bgp ipv6 unicast ? command, 415

show bgp ipv6 unicast summary command, 413

show bgp neighbor command, 418

show ip bgp command, 411-412

show ip bgp sum command, 417

show route protocol bgp command, 418-419

show running-configuration (sh run) command, 408

configuration file backups, 54, 85-88

dead time, OSPF configuration, 108

DR, 108

edge routers, ACL, 273-275

high-end routers, 5

Internet routing

BGP, 400-409

Internet connections, 400-401

IPv6 Internet routing, 413-415

multi-homed connections, 400

stubby areas, 400

totally stubby areas, 400

WAN connections, 398-400

IPv6 router configuration

2001, DB8::/32 prefix, 324

eui-64, 321

int Gig3/1 commnd, 320

ipv6 address ipv6 interface address command, 321

ipv6 enable command, 320

ipv6 unicast-routing, 320

MLD, 320

ND protocol, 322

RA messages, 322

Router Solicitation messages, 322

show ipv6 interface command, 321

show ipv6 interface gigabitEthernet 3/1 command, 322

IPv6 routing

EIGRP routing, 325-326

IS-IS routing, 326

OSPFv3 routing, 325

RIP routing, 324

static routing, 324

Juniper routers, 160

at (ATM), 164

BGP configuration, 415-420

commit command, 167

inet, 167

IS-IS configurations, 175-178

JUNOS operating system, 160

multi-services cards, 164

oc-3 connections, 164

oc-12 connections, 164

operational mode (JUNOS operating system), 160-165

OSPF configurations, 173-175

permanent interfaces, 166

PIC, 164

ping command, 165

RIP configurations, 171-172

router configuration mode (JUNOS operating system), 166-169

route redistribution, 178-181

show interfaces brief command, 166-167

STATIC route configurations, 169-170

t3/ds3 cards, 164

transient interfaces, 166

L1 routers, 112

L2 routers, 112

logical addresses, 29

{master} mode, 161

NAT, 8

network addresses, 29

NTP, 284

overloading, 8

route distribution, Juniper routers, 178-181

router interfaces, 29

router on a stick, 35

routing protocols, 54

AD summary table, 71

distance vector protocols, 73-85

dynamic routing, 54, 70-74, 101-129

hybrid routing protocols, 101, 119-129

ip route command, 58-60

link state protocols, 74, 101-119

netstat -r command, 55

OSPF, 134-137

RIP, 75-85, 130-133, 137

route print command, 55

routing loops, 75

routing redistribution, 129-143

routing table code C, 59

routing table code S, 59

show ip route (sh ip route) command, 58-61

static routing, 54-70

TFTP, 54, 85-88

security, 279

AAA, 281

access, 280-282

CDP, 283

configuration hardening, 280-283

crypto key generate rsa command, 281

enable security command, 280

encryption, 280

EXEC level passwords, 280

line passwords, 280

local user accounts, 280

logging, 283-285

no service config command, 283

no service tcp-small-servers command, 282

no service udp-small-servers command, 282


router services, 282-283

RXA keys, 281

service-password encryption command, 280

TACACS+, 281

transport input none command, 281

transport input ssh command, 281

username admin privilege 10 password @dmlnp@$$wd command, 281

username [name] privilege [level] password [password_string] command, 280

state of FULL, OSPF configuration, 108

three-router campus networks, 56

two-router campus networks, 57-58

VPN, virtual interface configuration, 294-298

WRED, 439

Router Solicitation messages, IPv6 router configuration, 322

routing loops, 75

routing protocols, 54

AD summary table, 71

distance vector protocols

IS-IS, 137

RIP, 75-85, 130-133, 137

RIPv2, 82-83

dynamic routing, 54, 70

AD, 71

bandwidth metric, 72

convergence, 72

cost metric, 73

delay metric, 73

distance vector protocols, 73-74

hop count metric, 72-73

hybrid routing protocols, 101, 119-129

link state protocols, 74, 101-119

load balancing, 72

load metric, 73

metrics, 72

path determination, 72

prefix length, 71

reliability metric, 72

ticks metric, 73

hybrid routing protocols, 101, 119-129

ip route command, 58-60

link state protocols

EIGRP, 101

IS-IS, 101, 112-119

OSPF, 74, 101-112, 132-137

netstat -r command, 55

route print command, 55

route redistribution, 129

default metric bandwidth delay reliability load MTU command, 140

EIGRP, 133-141

IS-IS, 133, 141-143

Juniper routers, 178-181

OSPF, 132-137

rdistribute connected command, 134

rdistribute connected subnets command, 134

reasons for, 129-130

redistribute connected command, 132, 138

redistribute isis IS-IS_Level command, 141

redistribute ospf command, 141

redistribute ospf process_id 0-16 command, 133

redistribute rip metric bandwidth delay reliability load MTU command, 140

redistribute static command, 132, 135, 138

redistribute static subnets command, 135

redistribution connected command, 131

redistribution protocol command, 131

RIP, 130-133, 137

sh ip route command, 136

sh ip route rip command, 132-133

show ip ospf neighbor command, 134

show ip route command, 131-135

show ip route ospf command, 134, 137

show ip route rip command, 131

routing loops, 75

routing tables, 59

show ip route (sh ip route) command, 58-61

static routing, 54, 58-60

configuration command summary table, 69

configure terminal (conf t) command, 62

configuring, 61-69

copy running-configuration startup-configuration (copy run start) command, 66

cost paths, 68

datagrams, 66-67

default gateways, 54-55

equal-cost load balancing, 68

exit interfaces, 63-64

floating static routes, 68-69

gateway of last resort, 61

ip route command, 62

load balancing, 68

loopbacks, 55

Network Challenge example, 70

no shut command, 62

null0 interfaces, 64-65

show ip interface brief (sh ip int brief) command, 62

show ip route command, 64

show ip route (sh ip route) command, 69

show ip route static (sh ip route static) command, 62-63

show running-config (sh run) command, 65

show startup-config (sh run) command, 65

traceroute destination-ip-address command, 66-67

tracert destination-ip-address command, 67-68

variable length subnet masking, 58

write memory (wr m) command, 66

TFTP, 54, 85-88

routing tables, 30

RR (Resource Records), DNS

A records, 214, 218-219

CNAME records, 215-216

MX records, 216-217

NS records, 216

PTR records, 215

SoA, 214

SRV records, 217-218

TXT records, 217

RSA keys, router security, 281

RTCP (Real Time Control Protocol), VoIP and, 432

RTO (Retransmission Timeout) field (show ip eigrp neighbors command), 125

RTP (Real Time Protocol) headers, VoIP and, 432


S (routing table code), 59

secondary IP addresses, 35


AAA, 281

accounting, 281

ACL, 270-272

access-list 100 deny udp any any ee snmp command, 274

access-list 100 deny udp any any eq 161 command, 273

access-list permit ip any any command, 274

configure terminal command, 273

edge routers, 273-275

extended ACL, 273

false TCP headers, 278

hosts, 277

ip access-group 100 out command, 274

IP addresses, stopping data traffic from, 277-278

permit ip any any command, 274-276

placement of, 274

remote data hosts, stopping data traffic from, 277

router logging, 283-285

show access-list 100 command, 274

show access-list command, 275-276

SMB, 273-275

standard ACL, 273

UDP, 276

AH, troubleshooting VPN tunnels, 300


AAA, 281

CCMP, 291

LEAP, 291

open authentication, 290


sharekey authentication, 290

authorization, 281

DDoS attacks, 270

DoS attacks, 268


3DES, 301

AES, 291, 301

CHAP, 299

DES, 301

HTTP, 282-283

HTTPS, 282-283

SNMP, 282

Type 5 encryption, 280

Type 7 encryption, 280

ESP, troubleshooting VPN tunnels, 300

filter lists, 278-279

firewalls, 270

DMZ, 272

open networks and, 272

placement of, 272

SN-ACK packets, 271

spoofs and, 271

stateful firewalls, 271

web servers and, 271

hacked, defining, 270

HTTP, 282-283

HTTPS, 282-283

IPSec, 300, 310


last command, 380-381

nmap command, 382

password files, 348

system administration, 387

w command, 381

who command, 381

logging, routers, 283-285

packet filtering, 270

passwords, Linux password files, 348

ports (switches), 286-288

proxy servers, 270

routers, 279

AAA, 281

access, 280-282

CDP, 283

configuration hardening, 280-283

crypto key generate rsa command, 281

enable secret command, 280

encryption, 280

EXEC level passwords, 280

line passwords, 280

local user accounts, 280

logging, 283-285

no service config command, 283

no service tcp-small-servers command, 282

no service udp-small-servers command, 282


router services, 282-283

RSA keys, 281

service-password encryption command, 280

TACACS+, 281

transport input non command, 281

transport input ssh command, 281

username admin privilege 10 password @dmlnp@$$wd command, 281

username [name] privilege [level] password [password_string] command, 280

smurf attacks, 268-269

SNMP, 282

spoofs, 268, 271

switches, 285-289

SYN attacks, 268

TCP headers, 278

TKIP, 291

VoIP, 440, 449-451

VPN, 292-294

troubleshooting tunnels, 299-301

virtual interface configuration, 295-298

WEP, 290

wireless networks, 289-292

WPA, 291

WPA2, 291

Seq Num (Sequence Number) field (show ip eigrp neighbors command), 125

serial ports, configuring, 37-44


authoritative name servers, DNS, 212

proxy servers, 270

root servers (DNS), 209

web servers and firewalls, 271

service-module tl command, 40

service-password encryption command, 280

set address command, Juniper router IP address assignments, 168

set metric value command, OSPF configuration on Juniper routers, 175

set ospf export advertise_static command, Juniper router route redistribution, 180

set policy statement command, Juniper router route redistribution, 179

set protocols command, OSPF configuration on Juniper routers, 173

set protocols isis interface command, IS-IS configuration on Juniper routers, 175

set protocols ospf area area interface interface hello-interval seconds dead-interval seconds command, 173

Sflow (Sampled Flow), 250

SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm-1), ESP, 301

sharekey authentication, wireless network security, 290

sh int s0/0 command, 40

sh int tunnel 0 command, VPN virtual interface configuration (router to router), 296-297

sh ip bgp neighbor command, BGP and ISP connections, 406-408

sh ip bgp sum command, BGP and ISP connections, 404-405

sh ip eigrp neighbors command, EIGRP configuration, 125

sh ip int brief command

BGP, ISP connections, 403

EIGRP configuration, 122

OSPF configuration, 104-106

VPN virtual interface configuration (router to router), 296-297

sh ip ospf interface command, OSPF configuration, 109

sh ip ospf neighbor command, OSPF configuration, 108

sh ip protocol command

EIGRP configuration, 121-123

IS-IS configuration, 114

OSPF configuration, 108

sh ip route command

BGP, ISP connections, 408

EIGRP configuration, 122-125

OSPF configuration, 107

route redistribution, 136

sh ip route ospf command, 107

sh ip route rip command, 132-133

show access-list 100 command, 274

show access-list command, 275-276

show-arp command, ARP forensics, 237

show atm vc command, 43

show atm vc interface atml/0.33 command, 44

show bgp ipv6 unicast ? command, IPv6 Internet routing, 415

show bgp ipv6 unicast summary command, IPv6 Internet routing, 413

show clns interface command, IS-IS load balancing, 118

show clns is neighbors command, IS-IS configuration, 115-116

show ? command, JUNOS operating system, 162

show command, Juniper router route redistribution, 180

show configuration command, JUNOS operating system, 163

show controller atm slot/port command, 44

show controller Tl slot/port command, 41

<show c spacebar> command, JUNOS operating system, 162

show firewall command, filter lists, 279

<show in spacebar> command, JUNOS operating system, 162

show interface command, 22

show interfaces brief command, Juniper routers, 166-167

show interfaces Io0 command, IS-IS configuration on Juniper routers, 176

show interface status command, 22

show interfaces trunk command, 26

show ip bgp command, displaying contents of BGP routing tables, 411-412

show ip dhcp binding command, 202

show ip dhcp pool command, 202

show ip eigrp neighbor command, EIGRP route redistribution, 137

show ip eigrp topology command, EIGRP load balancing/redundancy, 126-128

show ip flow export command, NetFlow configuration, 251

show ip int brief command, IS-IS configuration, 113

show ip interface brief (sh ip int br) command, 34, 39

show ip interface brief (sh ip int brief) command, 62, 78

show ip nat translation command, NAT configuration, 207-208

show ip ospf neighbor command, route redistribution, 134

show ip protocol (sh ip protocol) command

RIP configuration, 78

RIPv2 configuration, 83

show ip route command, 64

EIGRP route redistribution, 138

OSPF load balancing, 109

route redistribution, 131-135, 142

show ip route eigrp command, 137, 141

show ip route eigrp topology command, 127

show ip route isis command


configuring, 115

load balancing, 117

route redistribution, 142-143

show ip route ospf command, 134, 137

show ip route rip command, 131

show ip route (sh ip route) command, 58-61, 69

IS-IS configuration, 114

RIP configuration, 79, 82

show ip route static (sh ip route static) command, 62-63

show ipv6 interface command, IPv6 router configuration, 321

show ipv6 interface gigabitEthernet 3/1 command, IPv6 router configuration, 322

show isis adjacency command, IS-IS configuration on Juniper routers, 177

show isis neighbor command, IS-IS configuratuon, 116

show ospf interface command, 174

show ospf neighbor command, 174

show rip neighbor command, 171

show route command, 172

show route protocol isis command, 177

show route protocol ospf command, 174

show route protocol rip command, 172

show route protocol static command, STATIC route configuration on Juniper routers, 170

show run command, VPN virtual interface configuration (router to router), 298

show running-config command, IPv6 router configuration, 321

show running-config (sh run) command, 22-23, 65

show running-configuration (sh run) command

BGP, ISP connections, 408

RIP configuration, 79-81

show startup-config (sh run) command, 65

show version command, JUNOS operating system, 163

show vlan 2 command, 28

show vlan brief command, 20

show vlan command, 18-20, 27

show vlan id vlan-id command, 21

show vlan name vlan-name command, 21

sh run command

EIGRP configuration, 122

IS-IS configuration, 116

shutdown command (Linux), 358, 364

shutdown -h now command (Linux), 364

shutdown violation action (switchport security), 286


H.323 signaling technique, 431

PSTN and VoIP, 430

SIP signaling technique, 431

SS7 signaling technique, 431

SSIP signaling technique, 431

SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) signaling technique, PSTN and, 431

site-to-site VPN (Virtual Private Networks), 293

SLAAC (Stateless Address Autoconfiguration), 311

SLA ID (Site Level Aggregation Identifier), IPv6 addresses, 315

SMB (Server Message Block), 273-275

smurf attacks, 268-269

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)

access-list 100 deny udp any any eq snmp command, 274

allow-snmp term, filter lists, 279

configuring, 244-250

encryption, 282

MIB, 244

snmp community [community string], 245

SNMPv2, 247

SNMPv3, 247-250

SoA (Start of Authority), DNS, 214

SOHO (small office/home office) DHCP deployments, IP address management, 201-203

SONET (Synchronous Optical Networks), 33

spanning-tree bpdufilter enable command, 288

spanning-tree portfast bpdufilter default command, 288

SPF (Sender Policy Framework), TXT records, 217

SPIT (Spam over Internet Telephony), 440

spoofs, 268, 271

SRTP (Secure Real Time Protocol), VoIP security, 450

SRTT (Smooth Round Trip Time) field (show ip eigrp neighbors command), 125

SRV records (Service records), DNS, 217-218

SS7 signaling technique, PSTN and, 431

ssh [destination] command, Linux SSH installations, 376

SSH (Secure Shell), Linux installations, 375-376

SSID (Service Set Identifiers), wireless network security, 290

SSIP (Secure Session Initiation Protocol) signaling technique, PSTN and, 431

standard ACL (Access Lists), 273

stateful firewalls, 271

stateless autoconfiguration (IPv6 addresses), 318

state of FULL, OSPF configuration, 108

static NAT (Network Address Translation), 206

STATIC routes, Juniper routers

configuring, 169-170

route redistribution, 180

static routing protocols, 54, 60

configuring, 61

commands summary table, 69

configure terminal (conf t) command, 62

copy running-configuration startup-configuration (copy run start) command, 66

datagrams, 66-67

destination unreachable error messages, 68

exit interfaces, 63-64

ip route command, 62

no shut command, 62

null0 interfaces, 64-65

show ip interface brief (sh ip int brief) command, 62

show ip route command, 64

show ip route (sh ip route) command, 69

show ip route static (sh ip route static) command, 62-63

show running-config (sh run) command, 65

show startup-config (sh run) command, 65

traceroute destination-ip-address command, 66-67

tracert destination-ip-address command, 67

write memory (wr m) command, 66

cost paths, 68

default gateways, 54-55

equal-cost load balancing, 68

floating static routes, 68-69

gateway of last resort, 61

ip route command, 58-60

IPv6, 324

load balancing, 68

loopbacks, 55

Network Challenge example, 70

show ip route (sh ip route) command, 58-61

variable length subnet masking, 58

Static VLAN (Virtual Local Area Networks), 18, 26

storm control (switchport security), 287

STP (Spanning Tree Protocol), switch security, 288

stubby areas, Internet routing, 400

su (substitute user) command (Linux), 358, 362

subnet masks

CIDR – subnet mask IPs conversions, 10-14

EIGRP configuration, 121

net masks (Linux), 371

network segments, 32

variable length subnet masking, 58


subnets. See also network numbers

campus networks, 9-11

hop counts, 73

IP addresses, SOHO DHCP deployments, 203

NET, 31

redistribute connected subnets command, route redistribution, 134

redistribute static subnets command, OSPF route redistribution, 135

supernets, 11

SVC (Switched Virtual Circuits), 42

SVI (switched virtual interfaces), 37

switch ports, tagged port_number command, 28


HP Procurve switches, configuring, 27-28

Layer 2 switches

access layer, 6

assigning IP addresses to VLAN, 21

broadcast domains, 16

core layer, 5

flat networks, 17

Layer 3 switches, 5

MLS, 32-33


security, 286-287

STP, 288

security, 285

CDP, 289

DTP, 289

ports, 286-288

VTP, 289

WRED, 439

switchport access vlan vlan-id command, 20

switchport mode access command, 20

switchport mode trunk command, 25

switchport port-security command, 286

switchport port-security maximum 2 command, 286

switchport trunk allowed vlan vlan_id command, 25

switchport trunk encapsulation dotlq command, 25

switchport trunk encapsulation isl command, 25

SYN (Synchronizing) attacks, 268

SYN (Synchronizing) packets, TCP three-way handshakes, 230

SYN-RECEIVED TCP connection state, 233

SYN-SENT TCP connection state, 233

SYN+ACK (Synchronizing Acknowledgment) packets

firewall analysis of, 271

TCP three-way handshakes, 230

system-config- [tool-name] command, Linux system administration, 385

system-config-date command, Linux system administration, 386

system-config-network command, Linux system administration, 388

System ID, IS-IS, 113


t3/ds3 cards, 164

Tab key shortcut (Linux), 364

TACACS+ (Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System Plus), 281

tag-based VLAN (Virtual Local Area Networks), 17

tagged port_number command, 28

TCP (Transport Control Protocol), 230

CLOSED connection state, 233

CLOSE-WAIT connection state, 233

connection state table, 232-233

ESTABLISHED connection state, 233

FIN-WAIT-1 connection state, 233

FIN-WAIT-2 connection state, 233

forensics, netstat command, 234-235

headers, security, 278

LAST_ACK connection state, 233

LISTEN connection state, 233

no service tcp-small-servers command, router security, 282

SYN-RECEIVED connection state, 233

SYN-SENT connection state, 233

three-way handshakes, 230-232

TIME-WAIT connection state, 233


Internet sockets, 228

telnet, 366

transport layer protocols, 230

TCP/UDP ports, 228-229

TDM (Time Division Multiplexing), VoIP and, 433

telephony (IP). See VoIP

telnet, 366

terminal monitor (term mon) command, 34

terminal no monitor (term no mon) command, 34

TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol), router configuration file backups, 54, 85-88

three-router campus networks, 56

three-way handshakes (TCP), 230-232

ticks route metric (dynamic routing), 73

tie lines (PBX), replacing, 433-435

time, NTP routers, 284

timestamps, VoIP packets, 432

TIME-WAIT TCP connection state, 233

TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol), wireless network security, 291

TLA ID (0x2002), IPv6 addresses, 314

TLD (Top Level Domains), 192, 210

Tl status, verifying, 41

top command, Juniper router route redistribution, 180

totally stubby areas, Internet routing, 400

traceroute command, VPN virtual interface configuration (router to router), 298

traceroute destination-ip-address command, 66-67

tracert destination-ip-address command, 67

tracert6 command, troubleshooting IPv6 connections, 328

traffic analysis (data)

collectors (flow), 250

Jflow, 250

NetFlow, 250-251

Sflow, 250


configuring, 244-250

MIB, 244

snmp community [community string], 245

SNMPv2, 247

SNMPv3, 247-250

transient interfaces (Juniper routers), 166

transport input none command, router security, 281

transport input ssh command, router security, 281

transport layer protocols, 230


BGP, IPv6 Internet routing, 413-415

IPv6 Internet routing, 413-415


boot processes, 378-380

boot services, 382-384

network connections, 384


buffer, 439

jitter, 438, 451

network latency, 439, 451

queuing, 439-440

WRED, 439

VPN tunnels, 299

trunk ports, 24-26

twisted-pair cable, 7

two-router campus networks, 57-58

TXT records (Text records), DNS, 217

Type 5 encryption, router security, 280

Type 7 encryption, router security, 280


UDP (User Datagram Protocol), 233

ACL configuration, 276

forensics, 234-235

IP address management, 198

no service udp-small-servers command, 282

router security, 282

UDP/TCP ports, 228-229

umount command (Linux), 364

unicast IPv6 addresses, 313

unicast packages, IP address management, 197

unicast routing (IPv6), 320

UNIX versus Linux, 338

up arrow shortcut (Linux), 364

upgrading PBX in VoIP networks, 435-436

Uptime field (show ip eigrp neighbors command), 125

user accounts

Linux, adding in, 340-341

local user accounts, router security, 280

username admin privilege 10 password @dmlnp@$$wd command, router security, 281

username [name] privilege [level] password [password_string] command, router security, 280


V4ADDR, IPv4 addresses, 315

variable length subnet masking, 58

VCC (Virtual Channel Connection), 42

VCI (virtual channel identifiers), 42

Verisign, TLD registration, 192

version 2 command, RIPv2 configuration, 83

violation actions (switchport security), 286

virtual interfaces, configuring (VPN), 294-298

VLAN (Virtual Local Area Networks), 16-18

802.1Q, VLAN tagging, 24-26

configuring, 18-23

Dynamic VLAN, 18

HP Procurve switches, configuring, 27-28

interface VLAN 1, 21

InterVLAN routing, configuring, 35-37

IP addresses, assigning, 21

multiple VLAN, trunk ports, 24-25

name-Sales command, 27

no shutdown command, 21

port-based VLAN, 17

protocol-based VLAN, 17

show interface command, 22

show interface status command, 22

show running-config (sh run) command, 22-23

show vlan 2 command, 28

show vlan brief command, 20

show vlan command, 18-20, 27

show vlan id vlan-id command, 21

show vlan name vlan-name command, 21

Static VLAN, 18, 26

switchport access vlan vlan-id command, 20

switchport mode access command, 20

tag-based VLAN, 17

tagged port_number command, 28

tagging, 23-26

trunk ports, 24-26

vlan 2 command, 27

vlan database command, 19


VLAN tagging, 18

vlan [vlan_id] command, 19

VoIP, 440

VTP, 289

VLSM (variable length subnet masks), OSPF, 102

VoIP (Voice over IP)

class maps, 440-441

CODEC, 432

data packets, 442-449

E911, 442

gateways, 434

H.323 signaling technique, 431

packet sequence numbers, 432

PBX, 430

PBX upgrades, 435-436

switching to complete IP telephony solutions, 436-437

tie line replacements, 433-435

PCM digital signals, 431

policy maps, 440

PSTN, 430

QoS, 438

buffer, 439

class maps, 440-441

configuration example, 440-442

jitter, 438, 451

network latency, 439, 451

policy maps, 440

queuing, 439-440

WRED, 439

queuing, 439-440

relays. See gateways

RTCP, 432

RTP headers, 432

security, 440, 449-451

signaling, 430

SIP signaling technique, 431

SPIT, 440

SRTP, 450

SS7 signaling technique, 431

SSIP signaling technique, 431

TDM, 433

timestamps, 432


buffer, 439

jitter, 438, 451

network latency, 439, 451

queuing, 439-440

WRED, 439

VLAN, 440

VPC (Virtual Path Connection), 42

VPI (Virtual Path Identifiers), 42

VPN (Virtual Private Networks)

GRE, 293-294

IP tunnels, 293, 299

remote-access VPN, 293

security, 292-293

troubleshooting VPN tunnels, 299-301

virtual interface configuration, 294-298

site-to-site VPN, 293

tunnels, troubleshooting, 299-301

virtual interface configuration (router to router), 294-298

VTP (Virtual Trunking Protocol), switch security, 289

VWIC (Voice/WAN interface cards), 40-41


w command, Linux security, 381

WAN (Wide-Area Networks), 33, 398-400

web servers and firewalls, 271

well known/reserved ports, 228

WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy), wireless network security, 290

WFQ (Weighted Fair Queuing), VoIP data traffic, 440

who command, Linux security, 381

whois command, DNS, 212

whois protocol, 192-195

WIC (WAN Interface Cards), 40

wild card bits, OSPF configuration, 105

Windows 7, IPv6 network settings, 315-317

Windows XP, IPv6 network settings, 315

wireless networks. See also cable

campus networks, 7

data speeds, 7

security, 289

authentication, 291-292

beacons, 290

open authentication, 290

sharekey authentication, 290

SSID, 290

TKIP, 291

WEP, 290

WPA, 291

WPA2, 291

Wireshark protocol analyzer, 239-241

data filtering, 251-254

DHCP filtering, 260-261

FTP filtering, 256-258

right-click filtering logic rules, 258-259

data packet captures, 243-244

wire speed routing, 32

WLAN, 290

WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access version 2), wireless network security, 291

WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access), wireless network security, 291

WRED (Weighted Random Early Discard), VoIP QoS, 439

write memory (wr m) command, 66


yum install httpd command (Linux, YUM), 368

yum install openssh-server command, Linux SSH installations, 376

yum list command (Linux, YUM), 365

yum list installed command (Linux, YUM), 366

yum list telnet command (Linux, YUM), 366

yum provides [filename] command (Linux, YUM), 366

yum remove telnet command (Linux, YUM), 366

YUM (Yellowdog Updater, Modified), installing/uninstalling Linux applications, 365-371