In programming, just as in life, certain things need to be done at once while others can be put off until later. When you postpone a task, you may enter it in your mental or paper “to-do” list and classify it by its type or importance. When you delegate the task or finally get around to doing it yourself, you cross it off the list. This chapter shows you how your VBA procedures can memorize important pieces of information for use in later statements or calculations. You will learn how a procedure can keep a “to-do” entry in a variable, how variables are declared, and how they relate to data types and constants.
You can create procedures that control many features of Microsoft Excel through the use of Visual Basic for Applications. You can also control a large number of other applications. The power of Visual Basic comes from its ability to control and manage various objects. But what is an object?
An object is a thing you can control with VBA. Workbooks, a worksheet, a range in a worksheet, a chart, and a toolbar are just a few examples of the objects you may want to control while working in Excel. Excel contains a multitude of objects that you can manipulate in different ways. All of these objects are organized in a hierarchy. Some objects may contain other objects. For example, Microsoft Excel is an Application object. The Application object contains other objects, such as workbooks or command bars. The Workbook object may contain other objects, such as worksheets or charts. In this chapter, you will learn how to control the following Excel objects: Range, Window, Worksheet, Workbook, and Application. You begin by learning about the Range object. You can’t do much work in spreadsheets unless you know how to manipulate ranges of cells.
Certain objects look alike. For example, if you open a new workbook and examine its worksheets, you won’t see any differences. A group of like objects is called a collection. A Worksheets collection includes all worksheets in a particular workbook. Collections are also objects. In Microsoft Excel, the most frequently used collections are:
• Workbooks collection—represents all currently open workbooks.
• Worksheets collection—represents all the Worksheet objects in the specified or active workbook. Each Worksheet object represents a worksheet.
• Sheets collection—represents all the sheets in the specified or active workbook. The Sheets collection can contain Chart or Worksheet objects.
• Windows collection—represents all the Window objects in Microsoft Excel. The Windows collection for the Application object contains all the windows in the application, whereas the Windows collection for the Workbook object contains only the windows in the specified workbook.
When you work with collections, you can perform the same action on all the objects in the collection.
Each object has some characteristics that allow you to describe the object. In Visual Basic, the object’s characteristics are called properties. For example, a Workbook object has a Name property, and the Range object has such properties as Column, Font, Formula, Name, Row, Style, and Value. The object properties can be set. When you set an object’s property, you control its appearance or its position. Object properties can take on only one specific value at any one time. For example, the active workbook can’t be called two different names at the same time.
The most difficult part of Visual Basic is to understand the fact that some properties can also be objects. Let’s consider the Range object. You can change the appearance of the selected range of cells by setting the Font property. But the font can have a different name (Times New Roman, Arial, …), different size (10, 12, 14, …), and different style (bold, italic, underline, …). These are font properties. If the font has properties, then the font is also an object.
Properties are great. They let you change the look of the object, but how can you control the actions? Before you can make Excel carry out some tasks, you need to know another term. Objects have methods. Each action you want the object to perform is called a method. The most important Visual Basic method is the Add
method, which you can use to add a new workbook or worksheet. Objects can use various methods. For example, the Range object has special methods that allow you to clear the cell contents (ClearContents
method), formats (ClearFormats
method), and both contents and formats (Clear
method). Other methods allow objects to be selected, copied, or moved.
Methods can have optional parameters that specify how the method is to be carried out. For example, the Workbook object has a method called Close
. You can close any open workbook using this method. If there are changes to the workbook, Microsoft Excel will display a message prompting you to save the changes. You can use the Close
method with the SaveChanges
parameter set to False to close the workbook and discard any changes that have been made to it, as in the following example:
Workbooks("Chap01_ExcelPrimer.xlsm").Close SaveChanges:=False
When you learn new things, theory can give you the necessary background, but how do you really know what’s where? All the available Excel objects as well as their properties and methods can be looked up in the online Excel Object Model Reference that you can access by choosing Help | Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Help in the Visual Basic Editor window. Figure 3.1 illustrates the Excel Object Model Reference in the online help. This page can be accessed via the following link:
FIGURE 3.1. In your VBA programming work, always refer to the Excel Object Model Reference that contains documentation for all the objects, properties, methods, and events contained in the Excel object model.
Objects are listed alphabetically for easy perusal, and when you click the object you will see object subcategories that list the object’s properties, methods, and events. Reading the object model reference is a great way to learn about Excel objects and collections of objects. The time you spend here will pay big dividends later when you need to write complex VBA procedures from scratch. A good way to get started is to always look up objects that you come across in Excel programming texts or example procedures. Now take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the main Excel object—Application. This object allows you to specify application-level properties and execute application-level methods. You saw several examples of working with the Application object in Chapter 2.
Now that you know the basic elements of VBA (objects, properties, and methods), it’s time to start using them. But how do you combine objects, properties, and methods into correct language structures? Every language has grammar rules that people follow in order to make themselves understood. Whether you communicate in English, Spanish, French, or another language, you apply certain rules to your writing and speech. In programming, we use the term syntax to specify language rules. You can look up the syntax of each object, property, or method in the online help or in the Object Browser window.
To make sure Excel always understands what you mean, just stick to the following rules:
If the property does not have arguments, the syntax is as follows:
Object is a placeholder. It is where you should place the name of the actual object that you are trying to access. Property is also a placeholder. Here you place the name of the object’s characteristics. For example, to refer to the value entered in cell A4 on your worksheet, you can write the following instruction:
Notice that there is a period between the name of the object and its property.
When you need to access the property of an object that is contained within several other objects, you must include the names of all objects in turn, separated by the dot operator, as shown here:
This example references the Weight property of the Line object and refers to the second object in the collection of Shapes located in the active worksheet.
Some properties require one or more arguments. For example, when using the Offset property, you can select a cell relative to the active cell. The Offset property requires two arguments. The first argument indicates the row number (rowOffset
), and the second one determines the column number (columnOffset
In this example, assuming the active cell is A1, Offset(3, 2)
will reference the cell located three rows down and two columns to the right of cell A1. In other words, cell C4 is referenced. Because the arguments placed within parentheses are often difficult to understand, it’s common practice to precede the value of the argument with its name, as in the following example:
ActiveCell.Offset(rowOffset:=3, columnOffset:=2)
Notice that a colon and an equals sign always follow the named arguments. When you use the named arguments, you can list them in any order. The foregoing instruction can also be written as follows:
ActiveCell.Offset(columnOffset:=2, rowOffset:=3)
The revised instruction does not change the meaning; you are still referencing cell C4 assuming that A1 is the active cell. However, if you transpose the arguments in a statement that does not use named arguments, you will end up referencing another cell. For example, the statement ActiveCell.Offset(2, 3)
will reference cell D3 instead of C4.
Object.Property = Value
Value is a new value that you want to assign to the property of the object. The value can be:
• A number. The following instruction enters the number 25 in cell A4.
• Text entered in quotes. The following instruction changes the font of the active cell to Times New Roman.
ActiveCell.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"
• A logical value (True or False). The following instruction applies bold formatting to the active cell.
ActiveCell.Font.Bold = True
Variable = Object.Property
Variable is the name of the storage location where Visual Basic is going to store the property setting. You will learn about variables later in this chapter.
This instruction saves the current value of cell A4 in the variable named CellValue
If the method does not have arguments, the syntax is as follows:
Object is a placeholder. It is where you should place the name of the actual object that you are trying to access. Method is also a placeholder. Here you place the name of the action you want to perform on the object. For example, to clear the contents in cell A4, use the following instruction:
If the method requires arguments, the syntax is as follows:
Object.Method (argument1, argument2, … argumentN)
For example, using the GoTo
method, you can quickly select any range in a workbook. The syntax of the GoTo
method is shown here:
Object.GoTo(Reference, Scroll)
The Reference
argument is the destination cell or range. The Scroll
argument can be set to True to scroll through the window or to False to not scroll through the window. For example, the following VBA statement selects cell P100 in Sheet1 and scrolls through the window:
Application.GoTo Reference:=Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("P100"), Scroll:=True
The foregoing instruction did not fit on one line, so it was broken into sections using the special line continuation character (the underscore), described in the next section.
Suppose you want to delete the contents of cell A4. To do this manually, you would select cell A4 and press the Delete key on your keyboard. To perform the same operation using Visual Basic, you first need to find out how to make Excel select an appropriate cell. Cell A4, like any other worksheet cell, is represented by the Range object. Visual Basic does not have a Delete method for deleting contents of cells. Instead, you should use the ClearContents
method, as in the following example:
Notice the dot operator between the name of the object and its method. This instruction removes the contents of cell A4. However, how do you make Excel delete the contents of cell A4 located in the first sheet of the Chap03_ExcelPrimer.xlsm workbook? Let’s also assume that there are several workbooks open. If you don’t want to end up deleting the contents of cell A4 from the wrong workbook or worksheet, you must write a detailed instruction so that Visual Basic knows where to locate the necessary cell:
The foregoing instruction should be written on one line and read from right to left as follows: Clear the contents of cell A4, which is part of a range located in a worksheet named Sheet1 contained in a workbook named Chap03_ExcelPrimer.xlsm, which in turn is part of the Excel application. Be sure to include the letter “s” at the end of the collection names: Workbooks and Worksheets. All references to the names of workbooks, worksheets, and cells must be enclosed in quotation marks.
When you start writing complete VBA procedures from scratch, you will need to know how to break up a long VBA statement into two or more lines to make your procedure more readable. Visual Basic has a special line continuation character that can be used at the end of a line to indicate that the next line is a continuation of the previous one, as in the following example:
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlMultiply, SkipBlanks: =False, Transpose:=False
The line continuation character is the underscore (_). You must precede the underscore with a space.
You can use the line continuation character in your code before or after:
• Operators; for example: &, +, Like, NOT, AND
• A comma
• An equals sign
• An assignment operator (:=)
You cannot use the line continuation character between a colon and an equals sign. For example, the following use of the continuation character is not recognized by Visual Basic:
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste: =xlValues, Operation: =xlMultiply, SkipBlanks: =False, Transpose: =False
Also, you may not use the line continuation character within text enclosed in quotes. For example, the following usage of the underscore is invalid:
MsgBox "To continue the long instruction, use the line continuation character."
Instead, break it up as follows:
MsgBox "To continue the long instruction, use the " & "line continuation character."
In Chapter 2, while working in the Immediate window, you tried several Visual Basic instructions that returned some information. For example, when you entered ?Rows.Count
, you found out that there are 1,048,576 rows in a worksheet. However, when you write Visual Basic procedures outside of the Immediate window, you can’t use the question mark. If you want to know the result after executing a particular instruction, you must tell Visual Basic to memorize it. In programming, results returned by Visual Basic instructions can be written to variables. Since variables can hold various types of data, the next section focuses on introducing you to VBA data types. Once you understand the basics of data types, it will be easy to tackle the variable part.
When you create Visual Basic procedures, you have a purpose in mind: You want to manipulate data. Because your procedures will handle different kinds of information, you should understand how Visual Basic stores data. The data type determines how the data is stored in the computer’s memory. For example, data can be stored as a number, text, date, object, and so on. If you forget to tell Visual Basic the type of your data, it assigns the Variant data type. The Variant type has the ability to figure out on its own what kind of data is being manipulated and then take on that type.
The Visual Basic data types are shown in Table 3.1. In addition to the built-in data types, you can define your own data types. Because data types take up different amounts of space in the computer’s memory, some of them are more expensive than others. Therefore, to conserve memory and make your procedure run faster, you should select the data type that uses the least amount of bytes and, at the same time, is capable of handling the data that your procedure has to manipulate.
TABLE 3.1. VBA data types |
Data Type (Name) |
Size (Bytes) |
Description |
Boolean |
2 |
Stores a value of True (0) or False (−1). |
Byte |
1 |
A number in the range of 0 to 255. |
Integer |
2 |
A number in the range of −32,768 to 32,767. The type declaration character for Integer is the percent sign (%). |
Long (Long integer) |
4 |
A number in the range of −2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. The type declaration character for Long is the ampersand (&). |
LongLong (LongLong integer) |
8 |
Stored as a signed 64-bit (8-byte) number ranging in value from −9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. The type declaration character for LongLong is the caret (^). LongLong is a valid declared type only on 64-bit platforms. |
LongPtr (Long integer on 32-bit systems; LongLong integer on 64-bit systems) |
4 on 32-bit 8 on 64-bit |
Numbers ranging in value from −2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 on 32-bit systems; −9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 on 64-bit systems. Using LongPtr enables writing code that can run in both 32-bit and 64-bit environments. |
Single (single-precision floating-point) |
4 |
Single-precision floating-point real number ranging in value from −3.402823E38 to −1.401298E–45 for negative values and from 1.401298E–45 to 3.402823E38 for positive values. The type declaration character for Single is the exclamation point (!). |
Double (double-precision floating-point) |
8 |
Double-precision floating-point real number in the range of −1.79769313486231E308 to −4.94065645841247E–324 for negative values and 4.94065645841247E–324 to 1.79769313486231E308 for positive values. The type declaration character for Double is the number sign (#). |
Currency (scaled integer) |
8 |
(scaled integer) Monetary values used in fixed-point calculations: −922,337,203,685,477.5808 to 922,337,203,685,477.5807. The type declaration character for Currency is the at sign (@). |
Decimal |
14 |
96-bit (12-byte) signed integer scaled by a variable power of 10. The power of 10 scaling factor specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point, and ranges from 0 to 28. With no decimal point (scale of 0), the largest value is +/−79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335. With 28 decimal places, the largest value is +/−7.9228162514264337593543950335. The smallest nonzero value is +/−0.0000000000000000000000000001. You cannot declare a variable to be of type Decimal. You must use the Variant data type. Use the
Date |
8 |
Date from January 1, 100, to December 31, 9999, and times from 0:00:00 to 23:59:59. Date literals must be enclosed within number signs (#)—for example: #January 1, 2011# |
String (variable-length) |
10 bytes + string length |
A variable-length string can contain up to approximately 2 billion characters. The type declaration character for String is the dollar sign ($). |
Length of string |
A fixed-length string can contain 1 to approximately 65,400 characters. |
Object |
4 |
Object variable used to refer to any Excel object. Use the |
Variant (with numbers) |
16 |
Any numeric value up to the size of a Double. |
Variant (with characters) |
22 bytes + string length |
Any valid nonnumeric data type in the same range as for a variable-length string. |
User-Defined (using Type) |
One or more elements |
A data type you define using the
A variable is simply a name that is used to refer to an item of data. Each time you want to remember a result of a VBA instruction, think of a name that will represent it. For example, if the number 1,048,576 has to remind you of the total number of rows in a worksheet (a very important piece of information when you want to bring external data into Excel), you can make up a name such as AllRows, NumOfRows, or TotalRows, and so on. The names of variables can contain characters, numbers, and some punctuation marks, except for the following: , # $ % & @ !
The name of a variable cannot begin with a number or contain a space. If you want the name of the variable to include more than one word, use the underscore (_) as a separator. Although the name of a variable can contain as many as 254 characters, it’s best to use short and simple variable names. Using short names will save you typing time when you need to refer to the variable in your Visual Basic procedure. Visual Basic doesn’t care whether you use uppercase or lowercase letters in variable names, but most programmers use lowercase letters. For variable names that are made up of one or more words, you may want to use title case, as in the names NumOfRows and First_Name.
Reserved Words Can’t Be Used for Variable Names |
You can use any label you want for a variable name, except for the reserved words that VBA uses. Visual Basic statements and certain other words that have a special meaning in VBA cannot be used as names of variables. For example, words such as Name, Len, Empty, Local, Currency, or Exit will generate an error message if used as a variable name.
Meaningful Variable Names |
Give variables names that can help you remember their roles. Some programmers use a prefix to identify the type of a variable. A variable name that begins with “str” (for example, strName) can be quickly recognized within the code of your procedure as the one holding the text string.
You can create a variable by declaring it with a special command or by just using it in a statement. When you declare your variable, you make Visual Basic aware of the variable’s name and data type. This is called explicit variable declaration. There are several advantages to explicit variable declaration:
• Explicit variable declaration speeds up the execution of your procedure. Because Visual Basic knows the data type, it reserves only as much memory as is absolutely necessary to store the data.
• Explicit variable declaration makes your code easier to read and understand because all the variables are listed at the very beginning of the procedure.
• Explicit variable declaration helps prevent errors caused by misspelled variable names. Visual Basic automatically corrects the variable name based on the spelling used in the variable declaration.
If you don’t let Visual Basic know about the variable prior to using it, you are implicitly telling VBA that you want to create this variable. Variables declared implicitly are automatically assigned the Variant data type (see Table 3.1 in the previous section). Although implicit variable declaration is convenient (it allows you to create variables on the fly and assign values without knowing in advance the data type of the values being assigned), it can cause several problems, as outlined here:
• If you misspell a variable name in your procedure, Visual Basic may display a runtime error or create a new variable. You are guaranteed to waste some time troubleshooting problems that could have been easily avoided had you declared your variable at the beginning of the procedure.
• Because Visual Basic does not know what type of data your variable will store, it assigns it a Variant data type. This causes your procedure to run slower because Visual Basic has to check the data type every time it deals with your variable. Because a Variant can store any type of data, Visual Basic has to reserve more memory to store your data.
You declare a variable with the Dim
keyword. Dim
stands for dimension. The Dim
keyword is followed by the name of the variable and then the variable type.
Suppose you want the procedure to display the age of an employee. Before you can calculate the age, you must tell the procedure the employee’s date of birth. To do this, you declare a variable called DateOfBirth
, as follows:
Dim DateOfBirth As Date
Notice that the Dim
keyword is followed by the name of the variable (DateOfBirth
). This name can be anything you choose, as long as it is not one of the VBA keywords. Specify the data type the variable will hold by placing the As
keyword after its name, followed by one of the data types from Table 4.1. The Date data type tells Visual Basic that the variable DateOfBirth
will store a date. To store the employee’s age, declare the age
variable as follows:
Dim age As Integer
The age
variable will store the number of years between today’s date and the employee’s date of birth. Because age
is displayed as a whole number, this variable has been assigned the Integer data type.
You may also want your procedure to keep track of the employee’s name, so you declare another variable to hold the employee’s first and last name:
Because the word “Name” is on the VBA list of reserved words, using it in your VBA procedure would guarantee an error. To hold the employee’s full name, call the variable FullName
and declare it as the String data type, because the data it will hold is text.
Declaring variables is regarded as a good programming practice because it makes programs easier to read and helps prevent certain types of errors.
Informal Variables |
Variables that are not explicitly declared with
Now that you know how to declare your variables, let’s take a look at a procedure that uses them:
Sub AgeCalc()
' variable declaration
Dim FullName As String
Dim DateOfBirth As Date
Dim age As Integer
' assign values to variables
FullName = "John Smith"
DateOfBirth = #01/03/1981#
' calculate age
age = Year(Now())-Year(DateOfBirth)
' print results to the Immediate window
Debug.Print FullName & " is " & age & " years old."
End Sub
The variables are declared at the beginning of the procedure in which they are going to be used. In this procedure, the variables are declared on separate lines. If you want, you can declare several variables on the same line, separating each variable name with a comma, as shown here:
Dim FullName As String, DateOfBirth As Date, age As Integer
Notice that the Dim
keyword appears only once at the beginning of the variable declaration line.
When Visual Basic executes the variable declaration statements, it creates the variables with the specified names and reserves memory space to store their values. Then specific values are assigned to these variables.
To assign a value to a variable, begin with a variable name followed by an equals sign. The value entered to the right of the equals sign is the data you want to store in the variable. The data you enter here must be of the type determined by the variable declaration. Text data should be surrounded by quotation marks, and dates by the # characters.
Using the data supplied by the DateOfBirth
variable, Visual Basic calculates the age of an employee and stores the result of the calculation in the age
variable. Then the full name of the employee as well as the age is printed to the Immediate window using the instruction Debug.Print
. When the Visual Basic procedure has executed, you must view the Immediate window to see the results.
Let’s see what happens when you declare a variable with the incorrect data type. The purpose of the following procedure is to calculate the total number of rows in a worksheet and then display the results in a dialog box.
Sub HowManyRows()
Dim NumOfRows As Integer
NumOfRows = Rows.Count
MsgBox "The worksheet has " & NumOfRows & " rows."
End Sub
A wrong data type can cause an error. In the foregoing procedure, when Visual Basic attempts to write the result of the Rows.Count
statement to the variable NumOfRows
, the procedure fails and Excel displays the message “Run-time error 6—Overflow.” This error results from selecting an invalid data type for that variable. The number of rows in a spreadsheet does not fit the Integer data range. To correct the problem, you should choose a data type that can accommodate a larger number:
Sub HowManyRows2()
Dim NumOfRows As Long
NumOfRows = Rows.Count
MsgBox "The worksheet has " & NumOfRows & " rows."
End Sub
You can also correct the problem caused by the assignment of the wrong data type in the first example by deleting the variable type (As Integer
). When you rerun the procedure, Visual Basic will assign to your variable the Variant data type. Although Variants use up more memory than any other variable type and also slow down the speed at which your procedures run (because Visual Basic has to do extra work to check the Variant’s context), when it comes to short procedures, the cost of using Variants is barely noticeable.
What Is the Variable Type? |
You can quickly find out the type of a variable used in your procedure by right-clicking the variable name and selecting Quick Info from the shortcut menu. |
Concatenation |
You can combine two or more strings to form a new string. The joining operation is called concatenation. You have seen examples of concatenated strings in the foregoing AgeCalc and HowManyRows2 procedures. Concatenation is represented by an ampersand character (&). For instance, |
If you don’t specify the variable’s data type in the Dim
statement, you end up with an untyped variable. Untyped variables in VBA are always Variant data types. It’s highly recommended that you create typed variables. When you declare a variable of a certain data type, your VBA procedure runs faster because Visual Basic does not have to stop to analyze the Variant variable to determine its type.
Visual Basic can work with many types of numeric variables. Integer variables can hold only whole numbers from −32,768 to 32,767. Other types of numeric variables are Long, Single, Double, and Currency. Long variables can hold whole numbers in the range −2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. Unlike the Integer and Long variables, the Single and Double variables can hold decimals. String variables are used to refer to text. When you declare a variable of String data type, you can tell Visual Basic how long the string should be—for instance:
Dim extension As String * 3
declares a fixed-length String variable named extension
that is three characters long. If you don’t assign a specific length, the String variable will be dynamic. This means that Visual Basic will make enough space in computer memory to handle whatever amount of text is assigned to it.
After you declare a variable, you can store only the type of information in it that you determined in the declaration statement. Assigning string values to numeric variables or numeric values to string variables results in the error message “Type mismatch” or causes Visual Basic to modify the value. For example, if your variable was declared to hold whole numbers and your data uses decimals, Visual Basic will disregard the decimals and use only the whole part of the number. When you run the MyNumber procedure shown here, Visual Basic modifies the data to fit the variable’s data type (Integer), and instead of 23.11 the variable ends up holding a value of 23.
Sub MyNumber()
Dim myNum As Integer
myNum = 23.11
MsgBox myNum
End Sub
If you don’t declare a variable with a Dim
statement, you can still designate a type for it by using a special character at the end of the variable name. To declare the FirstName
variable as String, you can append the dollar sign to the variable name:
Dim FirstName$
This declaration is the same as Dim FirstName As String
. The type declaration characters are shown in Table 3.2.
Notice that the type declaration characters can be used only with six data types. To use the type declaration character, append the character to the end of the variable name.
TABLE 3.2. Type declaration characters |
Data Type |
Character |
Integer |
% |
Long |
& |
Single |
! |
Double |
# |
Currency |
@ |
String |
$ |
In the AgeCalc2 procedure here we use two type declaration characters shown in Table 3.2.
Sub AgeCalc2()
' variable declaration
Dim FullName$
Dim DateOfBirth As Date
Dim age%
' assign values to variables
FullName$ = "John Smith"
DateOfBirth = #1/3/1981#
' calculate age
age% = Year(Now()) - Year(DateOfBirth)
' print results to the Immediate window
Debug.Print FullName$ & " is " & age% & " years old."
End Sub
Declaring Typed Variables |
The variable type can be indicated by the As
keyword or a type symbol. If you don’t add the type symbol or the As
command, the variable will be the default data type Variant.
Now that you know how to name and declare variables and have seen examples of using variables in complete procedures, let’s gain experience using them. In Hands-On 3.1 we will begin by creating a variable and assigning it a specific value.
Please note files for the “Hands-On” project may be found on the companion CD-ROM. |
1. Open a new workbook and save it as C:\VBAPrimerExcel_ByExample\Chap03_ExcelPrimer.xlsm.
2. Activate the Visual Basic Editor window.
3. In the Project Explorer window, select the new project VBAProject (Chap03_ExcelPrimer.xlsm) and in the Properties window change its name to Chapter 3.
4. Choose Insert | Module to add a new module to the Chapter 3 (Chap03_ExcelPrimer.xlsm) VBA project.
5. While the Module1 is selected, use the Properties window to change its name to Variables.
6. In the Code window, enter the CalcCost procedure shown here:
Sub CalcCost()
slsPrice = 35
slsTax = 0.085
Range("A1").Formula = "The cost of calculator"
Range("A4").Formula = "Price"
Range("B4").Formula = slsPrice
Range("A5").Formula = "Sales Tax"
Range("A6").Formula = "Cost"
Range("B5").Formula = slsPrice * slsTax
cost = slsPrice + (slsPrice * slsTax)
With Range("B6")
.Formula = cost
.NumberFormat = "0.00"
End With
strMsg = "The calculator total is $" & cost & "."
Range("A8").Formula = strMsg
End Sub
The foregoing procedure calculates the cost of purchasing a calculator using the following assumptions: The price of a calculator is $35 and the sales tax equals 8.5%.
The procedure uses four variables: slsPrice
, slsTax
, cost
, and strMsg
. Because none of these variables have been explicitly declared, they all have the same data type—Variant. The variables slsPrice
and slsTax
were created by assigning some values to variable names at the beginning of the procedure. The cost
variable was assigned a value that is a result of a calculation: slsPrice + (slsPrice * slsTax)
. The cost calculation uses the values supplied by the slsPrice
and slsTax
variables. The strMsg
variable puts together a text message to the user. This message is then entered as a complete sentence in a worksheet cell. When you assign values to variables, place an equals sign after the name of the variable. After the equals sign, you should enter the value of the variable. This can be a number, a formula, or text surrounded by quotation marks. While the values assigned to the variables slsPrice
, slsTax
, and cost
are easily understood, the value stored in the strMsg
variable is a little more involved. Let’s examine the contents of the strMsg
strMsg = "The calculator total is $ " & cost & "."
• The string "The calculator total is "
is surrounded by quotation marks. Notice that there is an extra space before the ending quotation marks.
• The dollar sign inside the quotes is used to denote the Currency data type. Because the dollar symbol is a character, it is surrounded by the quotes.
• The & character allows another string or the contents of a variable to be appended to the string. The & character must be used every time you want to append a new piece of information to the previous string.
• The cost
variable is a placeholder. The actual cost of the calculator will be displayed here when the procedure runs.
• The & character attaches yet another string.
• The period is surrounded by quotes. When you require a period at the end of a sentence, you must attach it separately when it follows the name of the variable.
Variable Initialization |
When Visual Basic creates a new variable, it initializes the variable. Variables assume their default value. Numerical variables are set to zero (0), Boolean variables are initialized to False, String variables are set to the empty string ( |
Now let’s execute the CalcCost procedure.
7. Position the cursor anywhere within the CalcCost procedure and choose Run | Run Sub/UserForm.
When you run this procedure, Visual Basic may display the following message: “Compile error: Variable not defined.” If this happens, click OK to close the message box. Visual Basic will select the slsPrice
variable and highlight the name of the CalcCost procedure. The title bar displays “Microsoft Visual Basic – Chap03_ExcelPrimer.xlsm [break].” The Visual Basic break mode allows you to correct the problem before you continue. Later in this book, you will learn how to fix problems in break mode. For now, exit this mode by choosing Run | Reset. Now go to the top of the Code window and delete the statement Option Explicit
that appears on the first line. The Option Explicit
statement means that all variables used within this module must be formally declared. You will learn about this statement in the next section. When the Option Explicit
statement is removed from the Code window, choose Run | Run Sub/UserForm to rerun the procedure. This time, Visual Basic goes to work with no objections.
8. After the procedure has finished executing, press Alt+F11 to switch to Microsoft Excel.
The result of the procedure should match Figure 3.2.
FIGURE 3.2. The VBA procedure can enter data and calculate results in a worksheet.
Cell A8 displays the contents of the strMsg
variable. Notice that the cost entered in cell B6 has two decimal places, while the cost in strMsg
displays three decimals. To display the cost of a calculator with two decimal places in cell A8, you must apply the required format not to the cell but to the cost
variable itself.
VBA has special functions that allow you to change the format of data. To change the format of the cost
variable, you will now use the Format
function. This function has the following syntax:
Format(expression, format)
where expression
is a value or variable that you want to format and format
is the type of format you want to apply.
9. In the VBE window, select the entire code of the CalcCost procedure and copy and paste it below the current procedure on the first empty line. Add some spacing between the two procedures by pressing Enter two times after the first procedure End Sub keywords.
10. Change the name of the copied procedure to CalcCost_Modified.
11. Change the calculation of the cost
variable in the CalcCost procedure:
cost = Format(slsPrice + (slsPrice * slsTax), "0.00")
12. Replace the With…End With
block of instructions with the following:
Range("B6").Formula = cost
13. Replace the statement Range("B5").Formula = slsPrice * slsTax
with the following instruction:
Range("B5").Formula = Format((slsPrice * slsTax), "0.00")
14. Rerun the modified procedure.
After running the procedure the text displayed in cell A8 shows the cost of the calculator formatted with two decimal places.
After trying out the CalcCost procedure, you may wonder why you should bother declaring variables if Visual Basic can handle undeclared variables so well. The CalcCost procedure is very short, so you don’t need to worry about how many bytes of memory will be consumed each time Visual Basic uses the Variant variable. In short procedures, however, it is not the memory that matters but the mistakes you are bound to make when typing variable names. What will happen if the second time you use the cost
variable you omit the “o” and refer to it as cst
Range("B6").Formula = cst
What will you end up with if instead of slsTax
you use the word Tax
in the formula?
Cost = Format(slsPrice + (slsPrice * Tax), "0.00")
The result of the CalcCost procedure after introducing these two mistakes is shown in Figure 3.3.
FIGURE 3.3. Misspelling variable names will produce incorrect results.
Notice that in Figure 3.3 cell B6 does not show a value because Visual Basic does not find the assignment statement for the cst
variable. Because Visual Basic does not know the sales tax, it displays the price of the calculator (see cell A8) as the total cost. Visual Basic does not guess. It simply does what you tell it to do. This brings us to the next section, which explains how to make sure this kind of error doesn’t occur.
If you have made changes in the variable names as described earlier, be sure to replace the names of the variables |
Visual Basic has the Option Explicit
statement that automatically reminds you to formally declare all your variables. This statement has to be entered at the top of each of your modules. The Option Explicit
statement will cause Visual Basic to generate an error message when you try to run a procedure that contains undeclared variables as demonstrated in Hands-On 3.2.
Hands-On 3.2. Writing a VBA Procedure with Explicitly Declared Variables |
This Hands-On requires prior completion of Hands-On 3.1.
1. Return to the Code window where you entered the CalcCost procedure.
2. At the top of the module window (in the first line), type Option Explicit and press Enter. Excel will display the statement in blue.
3. Run the CalcCost procedure. Visual Basic displays the error message “Compile error: Variable not defined.”
4. Click OK to exit the message box.
Visual Basic highlights the name of the variable slsPrice
. Now you have to formally declare this variable. When you declare the slsPrice
variable and rerun your procedure, Visual Basic will generate the same error as soon as it encounters another variable name that was not declared.
5. Choose Run | Reset to reset the VBA project.
6. Enter the following declarations at the beginning of the CalcCost procedure:
' declaration of variables
Dim slsPrice As Currency
Dim slsTax As Single
Dim cost As Currency
Dim strMsg As String
The revised CalcCost procedure is shown here:
Sub CalcCost()
' declaration of variables
Dim slsPrice As Currency
Dim slsTax As Single
Dim cost As Currency
Dim strMsg As String
slsPrice = 35
slsTax = 0.085
Range("A1").Formula = "The cost of calculator"
Range("A4").Formula = "Price"
Range("B4").Formula = slsPrice
Range("A5").Formula = "Sales Tax"
Range("A6").Formula = "Cost"
Range("B5").Formula = Format((slsPrice * slsTax), "0.00")
cost = Format(slsPrice + (slsPrice * slsTax), "0.00")
Range("B6").Formula = cost
strMsg = "The calculator total is $" & cost & "."
Range("A8").Formula = strMsg
End Sub
7. Rerun the procedure to ensure that Excel no longer displays the error.
Option Explicit in Every Module |
To automatically include Option Explicit
in every new module you create, follow these steps:
• Make sure that the Require Variable Declaration check box is selected in the Options dialog box (Editor tab).
• Choose OK to close the Options dialog box.
From now on, every new module will be added with the Option Explicit
statement in line 1. If you want to require variables to be explicitly declared in a previously created module, you must enter the Option Explicit
statement manually by editing the module yourself.
Option Explicit
forces formal (explicit) declaration of all variables in a particular module. One big advantage of using Option Explicit
is that any mistyping of the variable name will be detected at compile time (when Visual Basic attempts to translate the source code to executable code). If included, the Option Explicit
statement must appear in a module before any procedures.
Variables can have different ranges of influence in a VBA procedure. The term scope defines the availability of a particular variable to the same procedure, other procedures, and other VBA projects.
Variables can have the following three levels of scope in Visual Basic for Applications:
• Procedure-level scope
• Module-level scope
• Project-level scope
From this chapter, you already know how to declare a variable by using the Dim
keyword. The position of the Dim
keyword in the module sheet determines the scope of a variable. Variables declared with the Dim
keyword placed within a VBA procedure have a procedure-level scope.
Procedure-level variables are frequently referred to as local variables. Local variables can be used only in the procedure in which they were declared. Undeclared variables always have a procedure-level scope. A variable’s name must be unique within its scope. This means that you cannot declare two variables with the same name in the same procedure. However, you can use the same variable name in different procedures. In other words, the CalcCost procedure can have the slsTax
variable, and the ExpenseRep procedure in the same module can have its own variable called slsTax
. Both variables are independent of each other.
Local variables help save computer memory. As soon as the procedure ends, the variable dies and Visual Basic returns the memory space used by the variable to the computer. In programming, however, you often want the variable to be available to other VBA procedures after the procedure in which the variable was declared has finished running. This situation requires that you change the scope of a variable. Instead of a procedure-level variable, you want to declare a module-level variable. To declare a module-level variable, you must place the Dim
keyword at the top of the module sheet before any procedures (just below the Option Explicit
keyword). For instance, to make the slsTax
variable available to any other procedure in the Variables module, declare the slsTax
variable in the following way:
Option Explicit
Dim slsTax As Single
Sub CalcCost()
…Instructions of the procedure…
End Sub
In the foregoing example, the Dim
keyword is located at the top of the module, below the Option Explicit
statement. Before you can see how this works, you need another procedure that uses the slsTax
variable. In Hands-On 3.3 we will write a new VBA procedure named ExpenseRep.
Hands-On 3.3. Writing a VBA Procedure with a Module-Level Variable |
1. In the Code window, cut the declaration line Dim slsTax As Single in the Variables module from the CalcCost procedure and paste it at the top of the module sheet below the Option Explicit
2. In the same module where the CalcCost procedure is located, enter the code of the ExpenseRep procedure as shown here:
Sub ExpenseRep()
Dim slsPrice As Currency
Dim cost As Currency
slsPrice = 55.99
cost = slsPrice + (slsPrice * slsTax)
MsgBox slsTax
MsgBox cost
End Sub
The ExpenseRep procedure declares two Currency type variables: slsPrice
and cost
. The slsPrice
variable is then assigned a value of 55.99. The slsPrice
variable is independent of the slsPrice
variable that is declared within the CalcCost procedure.
The ExpenseRep procedure calculates the cost of a purchase. The cost includes the sales tax stored in the slsTax
variable. Because the sales tax is the same as the one used in the CalcCost procedure, the slsTax
variable has been declared at the module level.
3. Run the ExpenseRep procedure.
Because you have not yet run the CalcCost procedure, Visual Basic does not know the value of the slsTax
variable, so it displays zero in the first message box.
4. Run the CalcCost procedure.
After Visual Basic executes the CalcCost procedure that you revised in Hands-On 3.2, the contents of the slsTax
variable equals 0.085. If slsTax
were a local variable, the contents of this variable would be empty upon the termination of the CalcCost procedure.
When you run the CalcCost procedure, Visual Basic erases the contents of all the variables except for the slsTax
variable, which was declared at a module level.
5. Run the ExpenseRep procedure again.
As soon as you attempt to calculate the cost by running the ExpenseRep procedure, Visual Basic retrieves the value of the slsTax
variable and uses it in the calculation.
Private Variables |
When you declare variables at a module level, you can use the |
Private variables are available only to the procedures that are part of the module where they were declared. Private variables are always declared at the top of the module after the |
Module-level variables that are declared with the Public
keyword (instead of Dim
) have project-level scope. This means that they can be used in any Visual Basic for Applications module. When you want to work with a variable in all the procedures in all the open VBA projects, you must declare it with the Public
keyword—for instance:
Option Explicit
Public slsTax As Single
Sub CalcCost()
…procedure statements…
End Sub
Notice that the slsTax
variable declared at the top of the module with the Public
keyword will now be available to any other procedure in the VBA project.
In addition to scope, variables have a lifetime. The lifetime of a variable determines how long a variable retains its value. Module-level and project-level variables preserve their values as long as the project is open. Visual Basic, however, can reinitialize these variables if required by the program’s logic. Local variables declared with the Dim statement lose their values when a procedure has finished. Local variables have a lifetime as long as a procedure is running, and they are reinitialized every time the program is run. Visual Basic allows you to extend the lifetime of a local variable by changing the way it is declared.
When you find an instruction in a VBA procedure that assigns a value to a variable, you can quickly locate the definition of the variable by selecting the variable name and pressing Shift+F2 or choosing View | Definition. Visual Basic will jump to the variable declaration line. Press Ctrl+Shift+F2 or choose View | Last Position to return your mouse pointer to its previous position.
You can find out the type of a variable by using one of the VBA built-in functions. The VarType
function returns an integer indicating the type of a variable. Figure 3.4 displays the VarType
function’s syntax and the values it returns. Let’s try using the VarType
function in the Immediate window.
FIGURE 3.4. With the built-in VarType function, you can learn the data type the variable holds.
1. In the Visual Basic Editor window, choose View | Immediate Window.
2. Type the following statements that assign values to variables:
age = 18
birthdate = #1/1/1981#
firstName = "John"
3. Now ask Visual Basic what type of data each of the variables holds:
When you press Enter, Visual Basic returns 2. As shown in Figure 3.4, the number 2 represents the Integer data type. If you type:
Visual Basic returns 7 for Date. If you make a mistake in the variable name (let’s say you type birthday, instead of birthdate), Visual Basic returns zero (0). If you type:
Visual Basic tells you that the value stored in the variable firstName
is a String type (8).
The contents of a variable can change while your procedure is executing. If your procedure needs to refer to unchanged values over and over again, you should use constants. A constant is like a named variable that always refers to the same value. Visual Basic requires that you declare constants before you use them. Declare constants by using the Const
statement, as in the following examples:
Const dialogName = "Enter Data" As String
Const slsTax = 8.5
Const ColorIdx = 3
A constant, like a variable, has a scope. To make a constant available within a single procedure, declare it at the procedure level, just below the name of the procedure—for instance:
Sub WedAnniv()
Const Age As Integer = 25
MsgBox (Age)
End Sub
If you want to use a constant in all the procedures of a module, use the Private
keyword in front of the Const
statement—for instance:
Private Const driveLetter As String = "C:"
The Private
constant has to be declared at the top of the module, just before the first Sub
statement. If you want to make a constant available to all modules in the workbook, use the Public
keyword in front of the Const
statement—for instance:
Public Const NumOfChars As Integer = 255
The Public
constant has to be declared at the top of the module, just before the first Sub
statement. When declaring a constant, you can use any one of the following data types: Boolean, Byte, Integer, Long, Currency, Single, Double, Date, String, or Variant.
Like variables, several constants can be declared on one line if separated by commas—for instance:
Const Age As Integer = 25, City As String = "Denver"
Using constants makes your VBA procedures more readable and easier to maintain. For example, if you refer to a certain value several times in your procedure, use a constant instead of the value. This way, if the value changes (for example, the sales tax goes up), you can simply change the value in the declaration of the Const
statement instead of tracking down every occurrence of that value.
Both Microsoft Excel and Visual Basic for Applications have a long list of predefined constants that do not need to be declared. These built-in constants can be looked up using the Object Browser window. Let’s proceed to Hands-On 3.5, where we open the Object Browser to take a look at the list of Excel constants.
1. In the Visual Basic Editor window, choose View | Object Browser.
2. In the Project/Library list box, click the drop-down arrow and select Excel.
3. Enter constants as the search text in the Search box and press Enter or click the Search button. Visual Basic shows the result of the search in the Search Results area.
4. Scroll down in the Classes list box to locate and then select Constants as shown in Figure 3.5. The right side of the Object Browser window displays a list of all built-in constants that are available in the Microsoft Excel object library. Notice that the names of all the constants begin with the prefix “xl.”
FIGURE 3.5. Use the Object Browser to look up any built-in constant.
5. To look up VBA constants, choose VBA in the Project/Library list box (see Figure 3.6). Notice that the names of the VBA built-in constants begin with the prefix “vb.”
FIGURE 3.6. The names of VBA constants begin with the “vb” prefix.
While VBA handles a lot of data type conversion automatically in the background, it also provides a number of data conversion functions (see Table 3.3) that allow you to convert one data type to another. These functions should be used in situations where you want to show the result of an operation as a particular data type rather than the default data type. For example, instead of showing the result of your calculation as an integer or single-precision or double-precision number, you may want to use the CCur
function to force currency arithmetic, as in the following example procedure:
TABLE 3.3. VBA data type conversion functions |
Conversion Function |
Return Type |
Description |
Boolean |
Any valid string or numeric expression |
Byte |
0 to 255 |
Currency |
−922,337,203,685,477.5808 to 922,337,203,685,477.5807 |
Date |
Any valid date expression |
Double |
−1.79769313486231E308 to –-4.94065645841247E-324 for negative values; 4.94065645841247E-324 to 1.79769313486232E308 for positive values. |
Decimal |
+/−79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335 for zero-scaled numbers—that is, numbers with no decimal places. For numbers with 28 decimal places, the range is +/−7.9228162514264337593543950335. The smallest possible nonzero number is 0.0000000000000000000000000001. |
Integer |
−32,768 to 32,767; fractions are rounded. |
Long |
−2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647; fractions are rounded. |
LongLong |
−9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807; fractions are rounded. (Valid on 64-bit platforms only.) |
LongPtr |
−2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 on 32-bit systems; −9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 on 64-bit systems. Fractions are rounded for 32-bit and 64-bit systems. |
Single |
−3.402823E38 to −1.401298E-45 for negative values; 1.401298E-45 to 3.402823E38 for positive values. |
String |
Returns for
Variant |
Same range as Double for numerics. Same range as String for nonnumeric. |
Sub ShowMoney()
'declare variables of two different types
Dim myAmount As Single
Dim myMoneyAmount As Currency
myAmount = 345.34
myMoneyAmount = CCur(myAmount)
Debug.Print "Amount = $" & myMoneyAmount
End Sub
When using the CCur
function, currency options are recognized depending on the locale setting of your computer. The same holds true for the CDate
function. By using this function you can ensure that the date is formatted according to the locale setting of your system. Use the IsDate
function to determine whether a return value can be converted to date or time.
'assume you have entered Jan 1 2016 in cell A1
Dim myEntry As String
Dim myRangeValue As Date
myEntry = Sheet2.Range("A1").Value
If IsDate(myEntry) Then
myRangeValue = CDate(myEntry)
End If
Debug.Print myRangeValue
End Sub
In cases where you need to round the value to the nearest even number, you will find the CInt
and Clng
functions quite handy, as demonstrated in the following procedure:
Sub ShowInteger()
'declare variables of two different types
Dim myAmount As Single
Dim myIntAmount As Integer
myAmount = 345.64
myIntAmount = CInt(myAmount)
Debug.Print "Original Amount = " & myAmount
Debug.Print "New Amount = " & myIntAmount
End Sub
As you can see in the code of the foregoing procedures, the syntax for the VBA conversion functions is as follows:
where variablename
is the name of a variable, a constant, or an expression (like x + y) that evaluates to a particular data type.
1. Select Insert | Module to insert a new module into the Chapter 3 (Chap03_ExcelPrimer.xslm) project.
2. Use the Properties window to rename the module to DataTypeConversion.
3. Enter the code of the procedures introduced in this section: ShowMoney, ConvertToDate, and ShowInteger.
4. Insert a new worksheet into current workbook and enter Jan 1 2016 in cell A1.
5. Run each procedure and check the results in the Immediate window.
A variable declared with the Static
keyword is a special type of local variable. Static variables are declared at the procedure level. Unlike local variables declared with the Dim
keyword, static variables do not lose their contents when the program is not in their procedure. For example, when a VBA procedure with a static variable calls another procedure, after Visual Basic executes the statements of the called procedure and returns to the calling procedure, the static variable still retains the original value. The CostOfPurchase procedure shown in Hands-On 3.7 demonstrates the use of the static variable named allPurchase
. Notice how this variable keeps track of the running total.
Hands-On 3.7. Writing a VBA Procedure with a Static Variable |
1. In the Code window of the Variables module, write the following procedure:
Sub CostOfPurchase()
' declare variables
Static allPurchase
Dim newPurchase As String
Dim purchCost As Single
newPurchase = InputBox("Enter the cost of a purchase:")
purchCost = CSng(newPurchase)
allPurchase = allPurchase + purchCost
' display results
MsgBox "The cost of a new purchase is: " & newPurchase
MsgBox "The running cost is: " & allPurchase
End Sub
The foregoing procedure begins with declaring a static variable named allPurchase
and two other local variables: newPurchase
and purchCost
. The InputBox
function used in this procedure displays a dialog box and waits for the user to enter the value. As soon as you input the value and click OK, Visual Basic assigns this value to the variable newPurchase
The InputBox
function is discussed in detail in Chapter 4. Because the result of the InputBox
function is always a string, the newPurchase
variable was declared as the String data type. You can’t, however, use strings in mathematical calculations. That’s why the next instruction uses a type conversion function (CSng
) to translate the text value into a numeric variable of the Single data type. The CSng
function requires one argument—the value you want to translate. To find out more about the CSng
function, position the insertion point anywhere within the word CSng
and press F1. The number obtained as the result of the CSng
function is then stored in the variable purchCost
The next instruction, allPurchase = allPurchase + purchCost
, adds to the current purchase value the new value supplied by the InputBox
2. Position the cursor anywhere within the CostOfPurchase
procedure and press F5. When the dialog box appears, enter a number. For example, enter 100 and click OK or press Enter. Visual Basic displays the message “The cost of a new purchase is: 100.” Click OK in the message box. Visual Basic displays the second message “The running cost is: 100.”
3. When you run this procedure for the first time, the content of the allPurchase
variable is the same as the content of the purchCost
4. Rerun the same procedure. When the input dialog appears, enter another number. For example, enter 50 and click OK or press Enter. Visual Basic displays the message “The cost of a new purchase is: 50.” Click OK in the message box. Visual Basic displays the second message “The running cost is: 150.”
5. When you run the procedure the second time, the value of the static variable is increased by the new value supplied in the dialog box. You can run the CostOfPurchase
procedure as many times as you want. The allPurchase
variable will keep the running total for as long as the project is open.
The variables that you’ve learned in the preceding sections are used to store data. Storing data is the main reason for using “normal” variables in your procedures. In addition to the normal variables that store data, there are special variables that refer to the Visual Basic objects. These variables are called object variables. In Chapter 2, you worked with several objects in the Immediate window. Now you will learn how you can represent an object with the object variable.
Object variables don’t store data; instead, they tell where the data is located. For example, with the object variable you can tell Visual Basic that the data is located in cell E10 of a worksheet. Object variables make it easy to locate data. When writing Visual Basic procedures, you often need to write long instructions, such as:
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(10, 5).Select
Instead of using long references to the object, you can declare an object variable that will tell Visual Basic where the data is located. Object variables are declared similarly to the variables you already know. The only difference is that after the As
keyword, you enter the word Object
as the data type—for instance:
Dim myRange As Object
The foregoing statement declares the object variable named myRange
Well, it’s not enough to declare the object variable. You also have to assign a specific value to the object variable before you can use this variable in your procedure. Assign a value to the object variable by using the Set
keyword. The Set
keyword must be followed by the equals sign and the value that the variable will refer to—for example:
Set myRange = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(10, 5))
This statement assigns a value to the object variable myRange
. This value refers to cells A1:E10 in Sheet1. If you omit the word Set
, Visual Basic will respond with an error message—“Run-time error 91: Object variable or With block variable not set.”
Again, it’s time to see a practical example.
1. In the Code window of the Variables module, write the following procedure:
Sub UseObjVariable()
Dim myRange As Object
Set myRange = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(10, 5))
myRange.BorderAround Weight:=xlMedium
With myRange.Interior
.ColorIndex = 6
.Pattern = xlSolid
End With
Set myRange = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range(Cells(12, 5), Cells(12, 10))
myRange.Value = 54
Debug.Print IsObject(myRange)
End Sub
Let’s examine the code of the UseObjVariable procedure line by line. The procedure begins with the declaration of the object variable myRange
. The next statement sets the object variable myRange
to the range A1:E10 on Sheet2. From now on, every time you want to reference this range, instead of using the entire object’s address, you’ll use the shortcut—the name of the object variable. The purpose of this procedure is to create a border around the range A1:E10. Instead of writing a long instruction:
Worksheets("Sheet2").Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(10, 5)).BorderAround Weight:=xlMedium
you can take a shortcut by using the name of the object variable:
myRange.BorderAround Weight:=xlMedium
The next series of statements changes the color of the selected range of cells (A1:E10). Again, you don’t need to write the long instruction to reference the object that you want to manipulate. Instead of the full object name, you can use the myRange
object variable. The next statement assigns a new reference to the object variable myRange
. Visual Basic forgets the old reference, and the next time you use myRange
, it refers to another range (E12:J12).
After the number 54 is entered in the new range (E12:J12), the procedure shows you how you can make sure that a specific variable is of the Object type. The instruction Debug.Print IsObject(myRange)
will enter True in the Immediate window if myRange
is an object variable. IsObject
is a VBA function that indicates whether a specific value represents an object variable.
2. Position the cursor anywhere within the UseObjVariable procedure and press F5.
Advantages of Using Object Variables |
• They can be used instead of the actual object. • They are shorter and easier to remember than the actual values to which they point. • You can change their meaning while your procedure is running. |
The object variable can refer to any type of object. Because Visual Basic has many types of objects, it’s a good idea to create object variables that refer to a particular type of object to make your programs more readable and faster. For instance, in the UseObjVariable procedure (see the previous section), instead of the generic object variable (Object
), you can declare the myRange
object variable as a Range object:
Dim myRange As Range
If you want to refer to a particular worksheet, then you can declare the Worksheet object:
Dim mySheet As Worksheet
Set mySheet = Worksheets("Marketing")
When the object variable is no longer needed, you can assign Nothing to it. This frees up memory and system resources:
Set mySheet = Nothing
This chapter introduced several new VBA concepts, such as data types, variables, and constants. You learned how to declare various types of variables and define their types. You also saw the difference between a variable and a constant. Now that you know what variables are and how to use them, you are capable of creating VBA procedures that can manipulate data in more meaningful ways than you saw in previous chapters.
In the next chapter, you will expand your VBA knowledge by learning how to write custom function procedures. In addition, you will learn about built-in functions that will allow your VBA procedure to interact with users.