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page numbers give in italics refer to figures


activity categories 17–19, 34, 39–40, 333n4, 334n6, 355n9

aggregate time-use statistics 15–16, 34

Ainsworth Compendium 194

Annual Population Survey (APS) 87–8

Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) 143

annual working time 88

APS (Annual Population Survey) 87–8

ASHE (Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings) 143

audience research 6–7, 335n1


BBC Audience Research Department 6–7, 335n1

bed-times 44–5, 63–4

breakfast 181–5, 186

broadcasting companies 6

busyness 302


Care-giving 40, 68, 69, 132, 340n8

cartoons 1

Centre for Time Use Research (CTUR) 61–2

childcare 20, 21, 28–9, 32, 40, 68, 69, 109–10, 158–9, 314, 339n4, 339n5

children 209–36, 215, 217, 219, 222, 224, 226, 227, 229, 231, 233

church-going 27

class 171–5, 173, 252–4, 253

class/leisure gradient 50–5

cleaning 20, 21, 25, 67

comfort eating 187

committed time 34, 66–71, 67, 273, 301 see also unpaid work

computers see also mobile devices; smartphones; tablets

– and adults 237, 239, 241–4, 242, 257, 259

– and children 209–36, 215, 217, 219, 222, 224, 226, 227, 229, 231, 233

constrained time see committed time

consumption 37–9, 73, 74

contractual activities 34, 71–3, 72 see also paid work

cooking 20, 21, 25, 28, 32, 39, 67, 266, 314

CTUR (Centre for Time Use Research) 61–2

cultural voraciousness 301


daily life 1–2

daily working time 88–91, 89, 92, 94, 97

devices see mobile devices

diaries 5–6 see also household diaries; time-use diaries

digital disintermediation 146

digital revolution in unpaid work 145–6

discretionary time 34, 73, 74, 273, 286 see also consumption; leisure

dissatisfaction 254–6, 255

DIY 314

domestic labour 105–28, 111, 115, 119, 120–8, 162–3 see also care-giving; childcare; household work; unpaid work


eating 167–88, 173, 183

– comfort eating 187

– family meals 178–81, 180

– at home 45, 66

– and mood 185–8

– out 48, 185–6

– social eating 175–81, 177

Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) 7–8


– and childcare 109–10

– as committed time 71, 72

– and domestic labour 107–8, 120–8, 121, 122

– and enjoyment 316–17

– and unsocial hours 102

– and working hours 51–6, 53, 96, 97


– principle of 50, 52–4, 335n10

enjoyment 58, 185–8, 307–23, 310, 311, 315

ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council) 7–8

European Labour Force Survey 9

European Statistical Office (Eurostat) 8–9

exercise 27–8, 48, 189–206, 195, 198, 203

Extended National Product 320, 321


family meals 178–81, 180

family time 151–65, 156

fast-food 187

Flintstones 1

fragmentation of time 290, 291–5, 292, 294, 300–2


gender convergence 21–9, 110–13

gender equality 52, 75–9, 76

gender symmetry 54–6

general household work see household work

GNP (gross national product) 323, 339n2

Gogglebox 342n13

Great Day

– fitting together the components 37–48

– mean daily enjoyment 318–23

– physical activity 201–6

– summary 75–9, 76

– summing 31–7, 35

gross national product (GNP) 323, 339n2


Harmonized European Time Use Survey (HETUS) 8–9

health 167, 169, 199–201, 200, 278–86

HETUS (Harmonized European Time Use Survey) 8–9

home leisure 45–7

homework 355n9

household diaries 6–9

household work 40–2, 66–8, 67, 71, 129–47 see also cleaning; cooking


information and communication technologies (ICT) see technology

input-based valuation 139–43

international time-use 61–79

internet 145, 209–14, 237–8

isowork 54


Jetsons 1


Keynes, John Maynard 2–3


Labour Force Survey (LFS) 87–8

laptops 47

laundry 28


– changes in 20, 25, 28, 36

– and class 50, 52–4

– and consumption 73, 74

– economics of 37–8

– at home 45–7, 46

– and mobile devices 250–2, 251, 262

– and older people 266, 267, 270–2, 271

– out-of-home 47–8, 49, 335n9

– and time pressure 301

leisure society 2–3, 50

LFS (Labour Force Survey) 87–8

life-balance triangle 38–9, 75, 76, 272–81, 274, 276, 280


mealtimes 19, 28, 159–61, 167–88, 173, 183

mean daily enjoyment 317–23, 319

media time 45–7, 238, 262 see also radio; screen time; television

metabolic equivalence scores (METs) 193–206, 195, 198, 203, 344n7

micro-economics of time 38–9

Mill, John Stuart 2, 318

mobile devices see also computers; smartphones; tablets

– and adults 239, 243–60, 244, 246, 248, 249, 251, 253

– and children 209–36, 215, 217, 219, 222, 224, 226, 227, 229, 231, 233

– and family time 164

– and older adults 257, 259

money 38

mood 185–8

mothering 132

Multinational Time Use Study (MTUS) 62

multi-tasking 290, 291–5, 292, 294, 300–2


National Accounts 57–8, 139–40

national happiness 321–3

national income extension accounts 57

National Product 320, 321

necessary time 34, 36, 62–6, 273 see also personal care; sleep

non-market work 132–4 see also unpaid work

non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH) 339n2


objective happiness see enjoyment

occupations 93–6

Office for National Statistics (ONS) 8

older people 240, 256–60, 257, 259, 263–4, 265–86, 268, 269, 276, 280

ONS (Office for National Statistics) 8

opportunity-cost valuation 141–2

optimal matching 16, 332n1

other home leisure 47

out-of-home leisure 47–8, 49, 335n9

output-based valuation 142

over time 88–90


paid work 71–3, 72, 83–104 see also work

– changes in 21–3, 25, 32–3

– enjoyment 313–14

– older people 284–5

PAQs (Physical Activity Questionnaires) 191

part-time work 23, 86

personal care 34, 36, 42, 45, 66

physical activity 27–8, 48, 189–206, 195, 198, 203

Physical Activity Questionnaires (PAQs) 191

population structure 3

principle of emulation 50, 52–4, 335n10

productive activity 146–7

pub-going 48


radio 6, 28

regenerative time see necessary time

relaxation 355n9 see also leisure

replacement-cost valuation 140–1, 142–5

restaurant trade 39

retirement 265–86

rushedness 291, 295–8, 296 see also time pressure


Saturdays 23–5, 24 see also weekends

SCELI (Social Change and Economic Life Initiative) study 8

school homework 355n9

screen time 47, 210, 298, 299

second jobs 84–6

self-employment 86

sequential time-use studies 15–17

sewing 314

shopping 20, 21, 25–7, 32–3, 40, 68–71, 70, 314

sleep 19–20, 36, 42–5, 43, 62–4, 65, 316, 356n14

smartphones 47, 211–12, 237, 243–5 see also mobile devices

SNA (Systems of National Accounts) report (2008) 340n9

social activity 285–6

Social Change and Economic Life Initiative (SCELI) study 8

social class 171–5, 173, 252–4, 253

social eating 175–81, 177

social position 50–1

speed-up society see time pressure

sports 28, 48

Standard Occupational Classification 93–6

stratified diffusion 50, 52–4

stress 254–6, 255, 262–3

Sundays 26, 27–9, 159–65, 160 see also weekends

supply-use balancing 139–40

surveys 6

Systems of National Accounts (SNA) report (2008) 340n9


tablets 47, 237, 243–5 see also mobile devices

technological innovations 3

technology see also computers; mobile devices; smartphones; tablets

– adults 237–56, 244, 246, 248, 249, 251, 253, 255

– children 209–36, 215, 217, 219, 222, 224, 226, 227, 229, 231, 233

– older people 240, 256–60, 257, 259, 263–4

– and time pressure 239–40, 254–6, 255, 262–3, 290–1, 297–8, 299, 302, 304

– time use 260–4

– at work 260–1

teenagers see children

television 6, 28, 158, 161–5, 238, 266 see also leisure

tempograms 17–29, 18, 22, 24, 26

theory of stratified diffusion 50, 52–4

third-person criterion 36

time pressure 289–305, 292, 294

– and technology 239–40, 254–6, 255, 262–3, 290–1, 297–8, 299, 302, 304

Time Use Survey (TUS) 9–12, 87–8

time-use diaries 4–9, 10, 33, 333n5

time-use surveys 6–12

travel agents 145

travelling time for work 86

TUS (Time Use Survey) 9–12, 87–8


unemployment 3, 331n3

unpaid work 20, 21, 23–5, 32–3, 37, 40, 41, 51–2 see also domestic labour; work

– digital revolution 145–6

– measurement 137–9

– older people 268–70, 269, 284–5

– as productive activity 146–7

– value of 129–47, 133, 144, 340n7, 340n11

unsocial hours 96–104, 99, 101

utility 318


Veblen, Thorsten 50

volunteering 286, 314


weekdays 18, 20–1, 22

weekend working 84–6, 88–90, 89

weekends 20–1, 23 see also Saturdays; Sundays

weekly work schedule grids 9, 332n10

weekly working time 86, 87–91, 94, 97

wellbeing 56–9, 199–201, 200, 254–6, 255, 262–3, 273, 278–86, 307

work 3, 20, 21, 29, 36 see also household work; non-market work; paid work; part-time work; unpaid work

work pressure 52

working time 2, 52–6, 53, 55, 76, 84–6, 85