ABM (anti-ballistic missile), 281
acceleration of gravity, 37, 38, 82
aces (pilots), 188
acoustic torpedo, 218
active sonar, 216
Adrianople, 49
Adrianople, Battle of, 49
Afghanistan, 23
Agincourt, Battle of, 53
airplanes in World War II, 234
Akkadian Empire, 24
Albacore, 221
Albert of Wallenstein, 99, 100
alchemists, 60
Alexander the Great, 33
alpha particles, 247
Alsos Mission, 269
American Civil War, 131
American entry into World War II, 231
American Revolutionary War, 135
ampere, 125
Ampere, Andre, 126
Anderson, Herbert, 264
angle of attack, 175
Anthony, 48
Apollo program, 280
Archimedes’ principle, 33, 150, 211, 212
Archimedes’ screw, 33
arquebus, 88
atmospheric drag, 112
Babylonia, 28
Babylonians, 24
Bacon, Roger, 61
ballast tanks, 213
ballistic coefficient, 159
ballistic pendulum, 111
balloons (Civil War), 149
barbarians, 49
Bataan, 232
battery, 125
Battle of France, 226
Battle of Hastings, 51
Battle of the Bulge, 234
Battle of Waterloo, 122
bazooka, 240
Ben Hur, 22
Bernoulli, Daniel, 166
beta particles, 247
Big Bertha, 184
Big Willy, 194
binoculars, 203
Bishop, Billy, 188
Black Bart, 62
Black, Joseph, 108
Bleriot, Louis, 179
Bletchley Park, 223
blitzkrieg, 225, 226, 230, 240
Bloch, Felix, 263
blockade (Civil War) 144
Boelcke, Oswald, 188
Bolton, Mather, 109
bombe, 244
Boone Daniel, 135
Borgia, Cesare, 70
Bowen, Edward, 228
Boyle's law, 115
Bragg, William, 199
Brattain, Walter, 288, 290, 291
Breit Gregory, 253
British Enfield rifle, 135, 138
British system, 36
bronze, 23
Bronze Age, 24
Caesar, 48
calculus, 101
Cambria, Battle of, 194
caravel, 91
carbine, 136
Carthaginians, 47
Castile, 64
catapult, 32
Cavalla, 221
Cavendish, Henry, 118
cavity magnetron, 209
center of mass, 92
centripetal force, 114
CH system, 228
Chadwick, James, 245
Charles's law, 152
CHL system, 228
chlorine gas, 192
Christian IV, 99
Church, Gilbert, 267
Churchill, Winston, 193, 194, 226, 244
circumference of earth, 29
clean bomb, 279
coherent light, 286
Colbert, John Baptiste, 106
Colossus, Mark I, 244
Colt, Samuel, 132
Columbus, 91
commutator, 142
composite bow, 43
Compton, Arthur, 259
computers during World War II, 243
conduction band, 289
Confederate States of America, 137
conservation of momentum, 38
Cooke, William, 140
copper, 23
Corona satellites, 292
Corsair, 234
cosmic rays, 263
Coulomb, Charles, 124
Crécy, Battle of, 52
cruise missile, 234
Davy, Humphrey, 126
Descartes, Rene, 114
deuterium, 274
diffusion, 255
doping, 290
Doppler, Christian, 205
Dornberger, Walter, 237
downwash, 175
dyne, 37
early guns of war, 87
earth as giant magnet, 94
e-bomb, 294
Edward III, 52
Egypt, 24
Einstein, Albert, 193, 246, 255, 256, 257, 282
Eisenhower, Dwight, 233
electric and magnetic fields, 126
electric field, 197
electric field lines, 95, 128, 129
electric generator, 128
electric motor, 128
electromagnetic field, 197
electromagnetic induction, 127
electromagnetic pulse, 294, 295
electromagnetic spectrum, 199
electromagnetic waves, 197, 198
electron volt, 252
elevator, 178
Elizabeth (Queen of Belgium), 256
energy, 39
energy band, 288
energy level, 282
Enewetak Atoll, 276
English Revolution, 107
Estes, 277
excited state, 283
Faraday, Michael, 126, 139, 142
Farragut, David, 147
Fat Man, 267
Ferdinand, Franz, 185
Ferdinand II, 98
Fermi, Enrico, 247–50, 253–56, 263–65, 274
Feynman, Richard, 263
first airplanes, 165
flaps, 177
Flowers, Tommy, 244
Flyer I, 170
Flyer II, III, 172
Flying Circus, 188
Foch, General, 196
Fokker, Anthony, 187
force, 36
form factor, 160
form friction, 176
Franklin, Benjamin, 124
Fritz X, 241
fulcrum, 41
fusion, 273
gain medium, 286
Galileo's ballistics, 81
Galvani, Luigi, 124
gamma rays, 199
Gamow, George, 253
gaseous diffusion, 266
Gatling, Richard, 143
Geiger Counter, 248
German atomic bomb, 269
German U-boats, 190–91, 195, 219, 220, 229
Gettysburg, 138
Gettysburg, Battle of, 138, 139
giant crossbow of Leonardo, 75
Goeben, 190
Göring, Hermann, 230
Gould, Gordon, 287
GPS, 215
Grant, Ulysses, 139
gravity, 38
Great Henry, 93
Greeks, 28
Greenwich, England, 97
grenade launchers, 295
Gribeauval, Jean-Baptiste, 118–20
ground state, 282
Groves, Leslie, 261, 262, 266, 267, 269
Guadalcanal, 232
gunpowder, 59
gyroscopic inertia, 215
Habsburgs, 99
half-life, 248
Hall, Albert, 208
hand cannon, 62
hand grenades, 184
Hanford, Washington, 267
Hanley, Maurice, 193
Hannibal, 47
Harper's Ferry rifle, 135
Harrison, John, 98
Hartford, 147
Hayden, Lance, 188
HEAT warhead, 240
heavy water, 256
Heisenberg, Werner, 255, 257, 260, 261, 270
Henry VIII, 92
Henry rifle, 136
Hermes drone, 293
Herschel, William, 199
Hertz's apparatus, 198
Hertz (unit), 200
HESH warhead, 240
Heston, Charlton, 22
Hickman, Clarence, 240
Hiroshima, 271
Holland, John, 211
Hooke, Robert, 102
Housatonic, 149
Howard, Edward, 131
Howard, Fred, 170
Hundred Years’ War, 52, 63, 64
Huns, 50
Hurley, 148
Hurley, Horace, 148
Huygens, Christiaan, 107, 114–16
hydrogen, 118
hydroplane, 213
Immelmann, Max, 188
impact depth, 164
impulse, 37
incoherent light, 286
induced friction, 176
induction coil, 128
Industrial Revolution, 105
invisible rays, 197
iron, 23
Iron Age, 23
ironclads, 144
isotope, 254
Istanbul, 65
Ivy Mike, 276
Iwo Jima, 232
James II, 66
Janissaries, 65
Japanese zero, 234
jet airplane, 235
Joan of Arc, 64
John I, 90
Joliot-Curie, Frederic, 247, 248, 255
Joliet-Curie, Irene, 245, 255, 257
kamikaze, 232
Kennedy, John, 280
Kentucky rifle, 135
Keyhole-class spy satellites, 292
k factor, 264
Krupp, 224
Lake, Simon, 211
Landships committee, 193
laser weapons, 287
latitude, 96
law of conservation of mass, 118
law of gravity, 101
Lawrence, Ernest, 259, 261, 262
Le Mat revolver, 136
Lee, James, 183
Lee, Robert, 138
Leibniz, 101
Leonardo da Vinci, 69, 70, 89, 144, 165, 193
Leonardo's attitude toward war, 77
Leonardo's military inventions, 72, 73, 74–76
Lewis gun, 182
Leyden jar, 124
Leyte Gulf, Battle of, 232
light, 203
Lincoln, Abraham, 137, 139, 144
Lion, the (cannon), 66
liquid-fueled rocket, 238
lithium deuteride, 278
Little Boy, 267
Little Willy, 194
loadstone, 94
long-range missiles, 280
Lorentz machine, 244
Louis XIV, 106
Louis XVI, 117
Love, Thaddeus, 149
Lugar, 183
machine gun, 181
machines, 41
madfaa, 61
magnetic field, 197
magnetic field of earth, 95
Maiman, Theodor, 287
Manhattan project, 261, 265, 268
Mannock, Mick, 188
Mariotte, Edme, 166
mass number, 254
matchlock, 88
Mauser Gewehr, 183
Maxim, Hiram, 182
maximum range ( of gun), 160
Meade, George, 138
mechanical equivalent of heat, 123,
Megiddo, 15
mercury fulminate, 131
metallurgy, 23
metric system, 36
Midway Island, 232
Milemete, Walter, 62
military compass (Galileo), 83
Minié, Claude, 133
Minnesota, 145
MIRV (multiple independent re-entry vehicle), 280, 281
MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), 210
Mitchell, Billy, 189
Mobile Bay, Battle of, 147
moderator, 256
momentum, 37
M1 Garand, 242
Mons, Battle of, 186
Mons Meg (cannon), 66
Monte San Giovanni, 67
Morse, Samuel, 141
mortar, 184
mouseion, 33
Munroe, Charles, 240
musketeers, 88
Mussolini, 224
Mustang, 234
mustard gas, 192
Nagasaki, 271
Napoleon, 117, 119, 120, 121, 122
Napoleon (cannon), 136
Napoleon's weapons, 119
navigation (of submarine), 215
negative charge, 95
Nelson, Horatio, 120
Newcomen, Thomas, 107
Newton, Isaac, 36, 38, 100, 101
Nicholas, Czar, 195
night-vision device, 204
Nimitz, Chester, 232
Norden, Carl, 241
Norton, John, 133
n-type semiconductor, 291
nuclear fusion, 273
nuclear reactor, 256, 264, 265
nuclear submarine, 281
Oak Ridge, Tennessee, 266
objective (telescope lens), 203
Octavius, 48
Oersted, Hans Christian, 125, 126
Ohain, Hans von, 235
ohm, 125
Ohm, Georg, 125
Ohm's law, 125
Oliphant, Mark, 259
onager, 17, 30, 31, 32, 35, 45, 46, 48
Oppenheimer, Robert, 259–63, 268, 274, 275
oxygen, 118
Pacioli, Luca, 71
Panda Committee, 276
particle beams, 295
passive sonar, 216
Pearl Harbor, 231
Peierls, Rudolf, 258
Pemberton, Henry, 110
percussion cap, 131
periscope, 214
Pershing, General, 196
Persia, 23
Persian Empire, 28
Philip II, 33
Philip VI, 52
phlogiston theory, 118
Phoenicia, 28
phosgene, 192
photon, 282
physics of hydrogen bomb, 277–79
physics of longbow, 54
physics of propeller, 146
physics of submarines, 212
Pickett, Brigadier General, 138
ping, 216
Pioneer II, 148
pitch axis, 179
Pitot, Henri, 166
Pixii, Hippolyte, 142
plutonium, 259
Poland (attack on), 226
Pollock, 220
population inversion, 284, 285
Porro, Ignazio, 203
positive charge, 95
precession, 160
Preece, William, 201
Prince Henry, 90
Princeton, 145
propeller (submarine), 213
proton, 246
proximity fuse, 241
p-type semiconductor, 290
pulley, 41
Punic Wars, 47
pusher design, 170
Rabi, Isidor, 255
radar jamming, 229
radioactive decay, 247
radio transmission, 201
radio waves, 200
Reaper drone, 292
recoil of cannon, 66
recurved bow, 43
Red Baron (Manfred von Richthofen), 188
reflecting telescope, 203
refracting telescope, 203
relay (telegraph), 140
resistance, 125
Richthofen, Manfred von, 188
Rickenbacker, Eddie, 189
rifling of gun barrel, 161, 162
Ritter, Johann, 199
Robinson, John, 108
robots, 295
roll axis, 179
Röntgen, Wilhelm, 13, 199, 202
Roosevelt, President (Franklin D.), 255, 256, 259, 261, 267
rotational inertia, 134
Roxburgh Castle, 66
Royal Society, 115
rudder, 178
Rumford, Count, 122
Sachs, Alexander, 256
Sagres, 90
satellites, 291
Schawlow, Arthur, 287
Schwartz, Berthold, 62
screw, 41
screw propeller, 144
scutum, 48
Seaborg, Glenn, 259
Selleck, Tom, 136
Serber, Robert, 263
Sharps, Christian, 136
Sharps rifle, 136
sheer drag, 56
Shokaku, 221
six shooter, 132
skin friction, 176
Smeaton, John, 166
Smeaton's coefficient, 166, 170
Smith, Francis, 144
solenoid, 126
solid-state physics, 288
Solomon Islands, 232
Somme, Battle of, 194
sonobuoy, 217
sound suppressor, 155
specific heat, 123
Spencer, Christopher, 135
Spencer rifle, 135
spontaneous emission, 283
Sputnik, 280
spy satellites, 292
stability of bullet, 161
Stern, Otto, 253
stimulated emission, 282
stopping power, 164
Strange, Louis, 187
Strassmann, Fritz, 250
Stuka, 225
submachine gun, 242
supercavitation, 218
Swedish intervention, 99
Szilard, Leo, 253, 255, 256, 271
Taiho, 221
Tecumseh, 147
telescope (Galileo), 84
Teller, Edward, 253, 263, 274–76
Tennessee, 147
terminal ballistics, 163
Thales, 28
thermal diffusion, 266
Thompson, Benjamin, 122
three-axis control, 167
thrust, 173
Tiglath-pileser III, 24, 26, 27
Tigris River, 24
Titan, 115
Titanic, 191
Toscanelli, 91
touchhole, 88
Townes, Charles, 285, 286, 287
tractor design, 180
trajectory of bullet, 161
transistor, 288
transitional ballistics, 155
Treaty of Versailles, 196, 224
Trinity, 267
triode, 288
tritium, 274
Truman, Harry, 233, 267, 269, 271, 275
turbojet, 236
Turing, Alan, 244
Ulam, Stanislaw, 275, 276, 278
Ulam-Teller design, 275, 276, 278
Uranverein (Uranium Society), 257, 258
V-1 rocket, 239
V-2 attacks on London, 239
valence band, 289
Valens (Roman emperor), 49, 50
velocity of bullet, 111
Vemork, Norway, 257
Verrocchio, 69
versorium, 94
Vickers Company, 182
viscosity, 176
Volta, Alessandro, 124
war at sea, 90
Watson-Watt, Robert, 227
wavelength, 200
wave theory of light, 115
Weber, Joseph, 284
Weizsäcker, Carl, 258
Wellington, General, 122
Welsh, 54
Wheatstone, Charles, 140
Whitehead, Robert, 217
Whittle, Frank, 235
work, 41
World War I, 181
Wright, Orville, 167
Wright, Wilbur, 167
x-ray laser, 295
Yamamoto, 232
yaw axis, 179
Young, Thomas, 115
Zinn, Walter, 264
Zuse, Konrad, 243