Obama and FDR: A Misleading Analogy
Profits, Wages, and Inequality
Lessons for the Tax System from the Bettencourt Affair
Enough of GDP, Let’s Go Back to National Income
Who Will Be the Winners of the Crisis?
Record Bank Profits: A Matter of Politics
Does Liliane Bettencourt Pay Taxes?
Toward a Calm Debate on the Wealth Tax
The Scandal of the Irish Bank Bailout
Japan: Private Wealth, Public Debts
Greece: For a European Bank Tax
Rethinking the European Project—and Fast
Protectionism: A Useful Weapon . . . for Lack of Anything Better
François Hollande, a New Roosevelt for Europe?
The What and Why of Federalism
Merkhollande and the Eurozone: Shortsighted Selfishness
The Italian Elections: Europe’s Responsibility
Slavery: Reparations Through Transparency
A New Europe to Overcome the Crisis
Libé: What Does It Mean to Be Free?
The Exorbitant Cost of Being a Small Country
Capital According to Carlos Fuentes
2015: What Shocks Can Get Europe Moving?
Spreading the Democratic Revolution to the Rest of Europe
The Double Hardship of the Working Class
Must Debts Always Be Paid Back?