
Chapter One

1.  Yanina Vas'kovskaia, ‘Kak Yushchenko ssylali na krainii server’, Novaia gazeta, no. 89, 2 December 2004.

2.  Remarks by Ruslan Kniazevych in testimony to the Supreme Court, 2 December 2004,

3.  Vasyl Koval and Yurii Butusov, ‘The Presidential Administration Consultant: “According to Our Data, Yushchenko Led the Election All the Time Of the Vote Count”’, Dzerkalo tyzhnia, no. 52, 25–30 December 2004.

4.  The findings can be found in English at

5.  Author's interview with Oleksii Solohubenko of the BBC, 2 February 2005.

6.  ‘How Yanukovych Forged the Elections. Headquarters' Telephone Talks Intercepted’, 24 November 2004, Translation somewhat adapted from the original Ukrainian. The original transcripts were published as ‘Yak Yanukovych fal'syfikuvav vybory’ on the Ukraïns'ka pravda website in three parts. Part one appeared on 24 November 2004 at, followed by part two on 25 November at; and part three on 26 November at The tapes themselves can be found at

7.  In 1973 Medvedchuk served two months for assault. His connections in the local komsomol secured his early release. Given the black PR spewed out by Medvedchuk's TV channels about Yushchenko and the ‘Nashisty’, it is ironic that Medvedchuk's father is alleged to have served in the Arbeitsamt (Employment Office) during the Nazi occupation, the bureau that rounded up Ukrainians for slave labour in the Third Reich. See Dmytro Chobit, Nartsys. Shtrykhy do politychnoho portreta Viktora Medvedchuka, (Kiev: Prosvita, 2001).

8.  Yurii Butusov, ‘Ide poliuvaniia na “krotiv”, ide poliuvannia!’, Dzerkalo tyzhnia, no. 51, 18–24 December 2004.

9.  Yuliia Mostova, ‘Tumannist Yanukovycha’, Dzerkalo tyzhnia, no. 25, 26 June–2 July 2004.

10. Calculation by the Committee of Voters of Ukraine; see; 24 November 2004. This analysis is in English and contains an excellent map showing just how and where turnout went up in the second round.

11. Dmitrii Marunich, ‘Georgii [Heorhii] Kirpa: “chelovek-lokomotiv”’, 18 March 2003,

12. ‘Ukraine: Prime Minister Assaults Minister of Transport’, 7 December 2004,

Chapter Two

1.  See; Vadim Vavilov, ‘Krestnyi otets Yanukovych’, Nezavisimaia gazeta, 18 June 2004,

2.  BBC News online, 24 November 2004,

3.  See the article at

4.  ‘V 1993 godu Kuchma uchastvoval v pokhishchenii DM 12 mln’, 18 September 2000,; and ‘Allegations about “death squadrons” operating in Ukraine’, 3 April 2002,

5.  Oleksandr Bilets'kyi, ‘Donets'kyi “Shvets’”, Dzerkalo tyzhnia, no. 45, 22–28 November 2003.

6.  ‘Rinat Akhmetov. Chast I’, 28 October 2004,

7.  Dmitrii Midich, ‘Mova po fene’, Profil, no. 33, 13 September 2004.

8.  Theodore H. Friedgut, Iuzovka and Revolution. Volume II: Politics and Revolution in Russia's Donbass, 1869–1924, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994), p. 152. (Donbas is the Ukranian spelling.)

9.  Ivan Lozowy, from an unpublished letter to the Spectator, via The Ukraine List, #289, 28 November 2004; Ivan Kolos, ‘Bombs and Smashing Heads’, 20 October 2004,

10. See the map showing death rates reproduced at

11. See the book-length attack, with its own website, at; and the story at

12. Financial Times, 28 January 2000 and 31 March 2001. See also the IMF statement at

13. A summary is still available at

14. Mel'nichenko, Kto est' kto. Na divane prezidenta Kuchmy (Kiev: 2002), p. 28.

15. The fullest available biography of Tymoshenko can be found at

16. See the story in Komsomol'skaia pravda – Ukraina, 4 February 2005, at

17. Matthew Brzezinski, Casino Moscow, (New York: Touchstone, 2002), p. 137.

18. Oleg El'tsov, ‘Gazovaia printsessa Ukrainy’, FreeLanceBureau, 28 September 2000, also available at

19. Kost' Bondarenko, Atlanty i kariatydy, (L'viv: Kal'variia, 2000), p. 96; Raymond Bonner, ‘Ukraine Staggers on Path to the Free Market’, New York Times, 9 April 1997.

20. Yurii Zushchik, ‘Zhenshchina s proshlym’, Korrespondent, (Ukraine), 19 February 2005, p. 21.

21. Mel'nichenko, Kto est' kto. Na divane prezidenta Kuchmy, pp. 19 and 23.

22. ‘Tymoshenko accused of stealing $1 billion’, Kyiv Post, 8 February 2001.

23. Navi Abdullaev, ‘Russia Adds Fuel To Fire in Ukraine’, Moscow Times, 9 August 2001.

Chapter Three

1.  ‘Speech of L. Kravchuk on Ukrainian TV (19 August 1991)’, in Les Taniuk (ed.), Khronika oporu, (Kiev: Vik-Dnipro, 1991), pp. 102–3.

2.  Vasyl' Kremen, Dmytro Tabachnyk and Vasyl' Tkachenko, Ukraïna: al'ternatyvy postupu. Krytyka istorychnoho dosvidu, (Kiev: ARC-Ukraine, 1996), p. 465.

3.  Anatolii Ben', Syndykat, (Kiev: Pravdy i sudu, 2004), p. 58.

4.  Mykola Semena, ‘Leonid Hrach: dos'e ochyma opozytsiinoho zhurnalista’, dated no more exactly than ‘2003’,

5.  Serhiy Rudenko, ‘Serhiy Tyhypko: A to Z’, 18 December 2002,; Alexander Gorobets, ‘Ukraine's Anti-Mafia Against Lazarenko #2’, 16 January 2002,

6.  The Germans only held out for four days when the Red Army returned in 1944.

7.  Alexander J. Motyl, ‘Structural Constraints and Starting Points: The Logic of Systematic Change in Ukraine and Russia’, Comparative Politics, vol. 29, no. 4 (July 1997), pp. 433–447.

8.  Peter Byrne interview with Vladimir Malinkovich,

9.  Sasha Volkova, ‘Brainy Don i Kuchma’, 25 May 2004,

10. John Thornhill and Charles Clover, ‘Why are the Slavs Poor?’, Financial Times, 21 August 1999.

11. Wprost, 20 October 2002.

12. Ukrainian Weekly, 31 October 2004.

13. Kost' Bondarenko, Atlanty i kariatydy z-pid “dakhu” Prezydenta, (L'viv: Kal'variia, 2000), pp. 45–6.

14. Ivan Lozowy, ‘There Will Be Only One’, The Ukrainian Insider, vol. 3, no. 2, 8 October 2003, via The Ukraine List, # 215.

15. Evgenii Bulavka, ‘“Boikie” rukhovtsy vystupili v roli predvybornogo rupora?’, 10 January 2002,

16. Kost' Bondarenko, ‘Naperedodni prem”ieriady’, 10 January 2005,

17. The Russian swearword лядь (bliad′) literally means ‘whore’, but is used indiscriminately, like the English word ‘fuck’.

18. J. V. Koshiw, Beheaded: The Killing of a Journalist, (Reading: Artemia Press, 2003), pp. 42–3. A slightly different translation can be found in ‘New Tape Translation of Kuchma Allegedly Ordering Falsification of Presidential Election Returns’, Kyiv Post, 14 February, 2001. Mel'nychenko does not date his recordings as precisely as the 2004 ‘Zoriany’ tapes.

19. See the ‘Parliamentary Review’ for 1999 at

20. Yurii Zushchik, ‘Zhenshchina s proshlym’, Korrespondent, (Ukraine), 19 February 2005, p. 22.

21. Anders Åslund, ‘Ukraine's Return to Economic Growth’, Post-Soviet Geography and Economics, vol. 42, no. 5 (July–August 2001), pp. 313–28. The figures for the electricity industry are on p. 320, and those for subsidy elimination are on p. 318.

22. Oleh Havrysh, ‘The Presidential Oil and Gas Scheme: Part Two – Gas’, 24 April 2005,

23. EIU Country Report: Ukraine, April 2001, p. 17.

24. ‘Will Ukraine Abolish Kolkhozes?’, RFE/RL Poland, Belarus and Ukraine Report, vol. 1, no. 28, 14 December 1999.

25. Åslund, ‘Ukraine's Return to Economic Growth’, p. 320.

26. Secondhand remarks by Mykola Melnychenko (Ukranian spelling is Mel'nychenko), interviewed by Radio Liberty on 29 December 2000. See

27. Koshiw, Beheaded, p. 186.

28. Ivan Lozowy, ‘Kinakh Appointment Overshadowed by State Secretaries’, The Ukraine Insider, vol. 1, no. 3, 1 June 2001, via The Ukraine List, # 140, reports allegations by the outgoing Yushchenko government that the money was paid to ensure the Communists ensured the appointment of his successor Anatolii Kinakh (by abstaining in the key vote).

29. A full list can be found in the book by the veteran dissident and deputy, Levko Luk”ianenko, Neznyshchennist', (Kiev: Diokor, 2003), pp. 58–62.

30. See the extracted interview dated 3 April 2005 at

Chapter Four

1.  ‘Vse pro Oleksandra Volkova’, 5 September 2000,

2.  Many useful materials relating to the Gongadze case can be found at a site set up by the British National Union of Journalists, at

3.  This is the underlying thesis in J. V. Koshiw's study of the Gongadze affair, Beheaded; The Killing of a Journalist. See also the claims made by ex-KGB man Aleksandr Litvinenko, who had many contacts with Melnychenko in exile, at,20050401004.

4.  Author's interview with Peter Byrne, 21 February 2005.

5.  All extracts are from Koshiw, Beheaded, pp. 69–78. See also the alternative transcription at

6.  This account relies on the invaluable collection of documents by Leonid Kapeliushnyi, Zhertovna krov: Daidzhest-doslidzhennia, (Kiev: Dzerkalo tyzhnia, 2004).

7.  ‘Was the Prosecutor-General Bribed?’, RFE/RL Organised Crime and Terrorism Watch, vol. 2, no. 15, 19 April 2002.

8.  See Roman Kupchnisky, ‘The Gongadze Case’, RFE/RL Organised Crime and Corruption Watch, vol. 4, no. 16, 6 August 2004 at, for a detailed investigation of the Gongadze case and the role of the three procurators. All quotes are taken from this source.

9.  The Independent's key article is reproduced, in English, at

10. ‘“Srazy posle viborov samii zhestokii poriadok…”. Nove vid maiora Mel'nychenka’, 11 February 2001,

11. Koshiw, Beheaded, p. 58.

12. Ibid., p. 68.

13. Nikolai Mel'nichenko [the Russian spelling of Mykola Mel'nychenko], Kto est' kto. Na divane prezidenta Kuchmy, (Kiev: 2002), p. 40.

14. Adapted from ibid., p. 10. Compare Koshiw's translation in Beheaded, p. 235.

15. Mel'nichenko, pp. 32–3.

16. The author was present at two of the demonstrations in February 2001.

17. Georgii Pocheptsov, Informatsiia i dezinformatsiia, (Kiev: Nika-tsentr, 2001), pp. 184–97.

18. ‘Ukraine's leaders appeal to the nation’, BBC Monitoring, 14 February 2001,­media_reports/1168935.stm.

19. As quoted in ‘Vice Premier in Charge of European Integration Affairs Oleh Rybachuk. Unofficial Biography’, 4 February 2005,

20. ‘Making Revolution: Q&A with Dmytro Potekhin’, Kyiv Post, 24 February 2005.

21. ‘Lyst Mel'nychenka’, 21 October 2004,

22. Yabloko is the Russian for ‘apple’. The name came from its original leaders' surnames: Georgii Yavlinskii, Yurii Boldyrev and Vladimir Lukin. But although Yabluko is the Ukrainian for ‘apple’, its leaders were not the same.

23. It was supposed to suggest an image of hardy youth, of a new, meritocratic generation of reluctant politicians.

24. See the detailed analysis of the exit poll at

25. RFE/RL Newsline, 16 April 2002.

26. Volodymyr Boiko, ‘Vybory po-donets'komu: rozhul zakonnosty ta pravoporiadku’, Ukraïns'ka pravda, 10 April 2002.

27. Mykola Formazov, ‘Ukraine's Local Tycoon Wrestles with Donetsk Group for Control over Port City of Mariupol’, BBC Monitoring Service, 3 April 2004, translated from the Ostrov website, 26 March 2004.

28. Mykola Riabchuk, ‘“Bezlad” zarady “zlahody”’, Krytyka, no. 4 (April) 2002, pp. 6–13. For the CVU analysis, see

29. Sharon Lafraniere, ‘Scare Tactics on the Rise in Ukraine’, Washington Post, 18 December 2002.

30. ‘Pivmil'iona dolariv SShA za vykhid z “Nashoï Ukraïny” – Orobets’,, 20 December 2002.

31. ‘The Price of Lytvyn’, 20 May 2002,

Chapter Five

1.  ‘Is Yushchenko's Our Ukraine Kuchma's Political Project?’, RFE/RL Poland, Belarus and Ukraine Report, vol. 3, no. 36, 25 September 2001.

2.  Mel'nichenko, Kto est' kto. Na divane prezidenta Kuchmy, pp. 108 and 109.

3.  Interview with Mykola Martynenko, Zinchenko's deputy responsible for these organisational questions, 20 April 2005,

4.  Oleksandr Solantai, ‘Pravda pro PORU ochyma zseredyny’, 15 April 2005,

5.  Ivan Haivanovich, ‘Peremozhnyi shliakh do PORAzky?’, 20 December 2004,

6.  Author's interview with Inna Pidluska, 2 February 2005.

7.  ‘Making Revolution: Q&A with Dmytro Potekhin’, Kyiv Post, 24 February 2005.

8.  Author's interview with Peter Byrne, 21 February 2005.

9.  ‘“Oranzhevoe” perekrashivanie’, 31 January 2005,

10. Author's interviews with Inna Pidluska, 2 February 2005, and Rostyslav Pavlenko, 22 February 2005.

11. The alleged document ‘Ne upustit shans!’ was published at, dated 26 February 2004, and was predicated on Moroz's desire to preserve and ‘expand his resource base’.

12. Author's interview with Oleksii Haran', 22 February 2005.

13. Author's interview with Rostyslav Pavlenko, 22 February 2005.

14. Oleksii Holobuts'kyi et al., Kandydat u Prezydenty Ukraïny Oleksandr Moroz: mozhlyvi stsenariï rozvytku sytuatsiï, (Kiev: AMS, 2004), also available at

15. The document was published in three parts on the Ukraïns'ka pravda website. The first part, ‘Tretii termin Kuchmy. Yak tse povynno bulo buti’, appeared on 25 June 2004, at; the second, ‘Tretii termin Kuchmy. Yak tse povynno bulo buti. Chastyna 2’, appeared on 30 June, at; and the third, ‘Tretii termin Kuchmy. Yak tse povynno bulo buti. Chastyna 3, zakliuchna’, on 1 July, at

16. ‘Vytik materialiv v plan Yanukovycha na druhyi tur: teshcha, Fradkov i rukh proty Yushchenka’, 8 November 2004,

17. See the report at

18. Ratushniak was no man of conviction. He was elected as an independent, joined For A United Ukraine in May 2002, People's Power in June, and Democratic Initiatives in October 2002. He became an independent again in September 2003, defected to Yushchenko's Our Ukraine in October and then joined Yanukovych's Regions of Ukraine in December 2003. He became an independent again in May 2004, and ended up in Lytvyn's People's Agrarian Party in December 2004. Source:

19. Alexandra Prymachenko, ‘Pin-Point Blasting’, Dzerkalo tyzhnia, no. 35, 4–10 September 2004.

20. Tetiana Nikolaienko, ‘Troieshchyna – kashyrs'ke shose Yanukovycha?’, 29 August 2004,

21. ‘SBU pidtverdzhuie, shcho UNP ne terorysty’, 16 December 2004, www2.pravda.

22. Author's interview with Rostyslav Pavlenko, 22 February 2005.

23. ‘Platyv molodshyi Kliuiev. Tse dokazano telefonnymy rozmovamy…’, 29 April 2005, This is a transcript of a programme on 1 + 1. See also

24. See Our Ukraine's claims at, and ‘62%voted for Baloha – Exit Poll’, 22 April 2004,

25. Nezavisimaia gazeta, 27 July and 3 August 2004.

26. ‘Deputatskaia lapa’, Korrespondent, (Ukraine), no. 6, 19 February 2005.

27. Yuliia Mostova, ‘Tumannist’ Yanukovycha', Dzerkalo tyzhnia, no. 25, 26 June–2 July 2004.

28. Valerii Khmel'ko, ‘Prezidentskie vybory 2004 goda v Ukraine: sotsiologicheskie aspekty’.

29. Author's conversation with Volodymyr Paniotto of KIIS, 16 April 2005.

30. Andrew Wilson, Virtual Politics: Faking Democracy in the Post-Soviet World, (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2005).

31. Andrei Kurkov, Penguin Lost, (London: Harvill, 2002), pp. 65, 53 and 52.

32. Quoted in Caroline McGregor, ‘Russia Sending Political Consultants to Ukraine’, Moscow Times, 21 July 2004.

33. Interview with Pavlovskii, Nezavisimaia gazeta, 7 December 2004.

34. Julie Corwin, ‘Moscow Ponders How Ukraine was “Lost”’, RFE/RL Belarus and Ukraine Report, vol. 7, no. 2, 12 January 2005.

35. ‘Rosiis'ke lobi Yanukovycha – chy ye kryminal'nyi slid?’, 12 November 2004,

36. Interview with Pavlovskii in L'vivs'ka hazeta, 4 February 2005; Confirmed by Volodymyr Polokhalo, author's interview, 25 February 2005.

37. Author's interview with Hryhorii Pocheptsov, 25 February 2005.

38. Ibid.

39. Francesca Mereu, ‘Spin Doctors Blame Yanukovych’, Moscow Times, 30 November 2004.

40. Author's interview with Piotr Shchedrovitskii, 3 November 2002.

41. ‘Ukraine's Future on the Line’, Jane's Intelligence Digest, 1 October 2004, at­jid/jid041001_1_n.shtml.

42. ‘Tretii termin Kuchmy’, as note 15 above.

43. ‘Vytik materialiv v plan Yanukovycha na druhyi tur.’

44. See the number crunching at

45. ‘Tretii termin Kuchmy’, as note 15 above.

46. Andrii Duda, ‘“Natsyky” z Bankovoï’, 17 May 2004,

47. Holobuts'kyi et al., Segodniashnie lidery Ukrainy: primerka roli prezidenta, p. 237.

48. Chysta hazeta, no. 4 (September) 2004.

49. Originally published in Postup, 14 October 2004. See the translation ‘An Open Letter from Twelve Apolitical Writers about Choice and the Elections’ at

50. ‘An Open Letter from Representatives of Ukraine's Cultural Intelligentsia’,

51. Holobuts'kyi et al., Segodniashnie lidery Ukrainy: primerka roli prezidenta, pp. 235–6 and 14.

52. Maksim Zharov, ‘Ya. stanovitsia Yu.: final'nyi akkord ukrainskikh vyborov’, Russkii zhurnal, 17 November 2004.

53. Aleksandr Maslak, ‘Mify o Yushchenko’, 25 November 2004,

54. Oleg Varfolomeyev, ‘Yanukovych has Moscow Patriarchate on His Side’, Eurasia Daily Monitor, vol. 1, no. 127, 15 November 2004.

55. Michael Bourdeaux, ‘Independent Churches win new respect’, 8 January 2005,,,1-118-1429937,00.html.

56. Quoted in

57. Remarks to the author, 16 March 2005.

58. ‘Chornukha proty Yushchenka’, 6 October 2004,

59. See the report at

60. ‘Kozak vydav piar Pavlovskoho dlia Yanukovycha’, 16 November 2004,

61. Luba Shara, ‘Promoting Yanukovych in Washington DC: Oops, He Did It Again!’, 14 November 2004,

62. Vasyl' Yaremenko, ‘Yevre_ v Ukra_ni s'ohodni: real'nist’ bez mifiv' (‘Jews in Ukraine Today: Reality Without Myths’), and ‘Mif pro ukra_ns'kyi antysemityzm’ (‘The Myth of Ukrainian Anti-Semitism’), Sil's'ki visti, 30 September and 15 November 2003.

63. From Our Ukraine's version of events at

64. Volodymyr Boiko, ‘Taiemnytsi “tainoï vecheri’, 1 October 2004,

65. Interviewed in The Times, 1 April 2005.

66. Interviewed in R.I. Chyrva et al. (eds.), Viktor Yushchenko: Viriu! Znaiu! Mozhemo!, (Kiev: In Yure, 2004), p. 149.

67. Interview with Satsiuk in Stolichnye novosti, no. 48, 22–28 December 2004, at See also C. J. Chivers, ‘A Dinner in Ukraine Made for Agatha Christie’, New York Times, 20 December 2004.

68. AdReport, ‘Zhak Sehela skomprometuvav Yushchenka za zamovlennia Pinchuka?’, 7 October 2004,

69. See, and Yushchenko's reply at

70. The video could be viewed at the Ukraïns'ka pravda website, as of the date of access on 4 October 2004, at

71. Interviewed on ‘Good Morning America’, 12 December 2004;

72. Adapted from the English translation made at The transcription of the original programme is at

73. Author's interview with Rostyslav Pavlenko, 22 February 2005.

74. ‘Kerivnyk MVC znaie, yakyi deputat suprovodzhuvav otrutu dlia Yushchenha’, 4 February 2005,

75. Cited in Mereu, ‘Spin Doctors Blame Yanukovych’.

Chapter Six

1.  Valerii Khmel'ko, ‘Prezidentskie vybory 2004 goda v Ukraine: sotsiologicheskie aspekty’.

2.  Author's conversation with Valerii Khmel'ko, 24 February 2005.

3.  See also the translations at; and

4.  Yurii Butusov, ‘Ide poliuvannia na “krotiv”, ide poliuvannia!’, Dzerkalo tyzhnia, no. 51, 18–24 December 2004.

5.  ‘Medvedchuk likviduie svidchennia pro fal'syfikatsiiu vyboriv’, 1 December 2004,

6.  Holobuts'kyi et al., Segodniashnie lidery Ukrainy: primerka roli prezidenta: VIII Kandidaty v prezidenty Ukrainy, pp. 11 and 13; Mykola Velychko, ‘“Yanukovych? Kozak?” – “Yaka vam riznytsia?”’, 27 August 2004,

7.  Adrian Karatnycky, ‘Ukraine's Orange Revolution’, Foreign Affairs, vol. 84, no. 2 (March–April) 2005, pp. 35–52, at p. 36.

8.  Press release from the Committee of Voters of Ukraine,, 25 November 2004.

9.  See

10. ‘Yushchenko's Team Found Out How Bilokon Helped Falsify the Election’, 20 December 2004,

11. ‘The Party of Regions and the SDPU(o) Were the Ones that Hired Most of the Additional Trains During the Elections’, 14 January 2005,

12. Author's interview with Rostyslav Pavlenko, 22 February 2005.

13. Source: official results at

14. Ukrainian Weekly, 7 November 2004.

15. Volodymyr Paniotto, ‘Ukraine: Presidential Elections 2004 and the Orange Revolution’,

16. Serhii Taran, Director of the Institute of Mass Information, ‘Sotsiolohichni doslidzhennia staiut’ na pokaznykom ob”iektyvnosti vyboriv, a zvychainoiu politychnoiu tekhnolohiieiu', 8 October 2004,

17. Tatiana Silana (Tetiana Sylina), ‘Exit Poll: Long Ordeal’, Dzerkalo tyzhnia, no. 45, 6–12 November 2004.

18. See the site and the reporting at on 31 October and 1 November 2004.

19. ‘Ekzyt-pol Pavlovs'koho pokazav peremohu Yushchenka’, 18 November 2004,

20. Author's conversation with Valerii Khmel'ko, 24 February 2005.

21. ‘Yushchenko zavershyv paralel'nyi pidrakhunok – vin vyhrav 1.3 per cent’, 9 November 2004,

22. Vasyl' Koval' and Yurii Butusov, ‘Konsul'tant AP Liudmyla Hrebeniuk: “za nashymy danymy, Yushchenko buv uves” chas liderom u khodi pidrakhunku holosiv!’, Dzerkalo tyzhnia, no. 52, 25–30 December 2004.

23. From the CEC site at and from the running score kept at

24. Maksym Vital'chenko, ‘Kirovohrad. Epitsentr protystoiannia’, 3 November 2004,

25. ‘Shcho narakhuvaly v TsVK?’, 2 November 2004,

26. ‘Novosti iz kuluarov Tsentrizbirkoma: kto-to iz komandy Yushchenko slivaet informatsiiu Medvedchuku’, 2 November 2004,

27. Author's conversation with Valerii Khmel'ko, 24 February 2005.

28. ‘Fal'syfikatsiia bude mizh 1 i 2 hodynoiu nochi. Poroshenko radyt’ ne pyty horilku', 19 November 2004,

29. See, 24 November 2004.

30. ‘Fal'sifikatsiia v Zapadnoi Ukraine sostavila dva milliona golosov!’,

31. Information provided by OSCE observers.

32. Jackson Diehl, ‘Putin's Unchallenged Imperialism’, Washington Post, 25 October 2004.

33. Mariia Barinova, ‘Proekt Rossiia’, Profil’, no. 43, 22 November 2004, at

34. Yuliia Stepanenko, ‘Komanda Yanukovicha potratit na vtoroi tur vyborov $95 mln’, 18 November 2004,

35. The figures were published in official media such as Holos Ukraïny, 14 January 2005.

36. Stephen Velychenko, ‘Behind the Scenes in the Provinces (Final Phase)’, via The Ukraine List, #332, 11 January 2005.

37. Calculation by the Committee of Voters of Ukraine. See, 24 November 2004; author's interview with Rostyslav Pavlenko, 22 February 2005.

38. Author's interview with Rostyslav Pavlenko, 22 February 2005.

39. ‘Poperedni resul'taty ekspertnoï otsinky vytrat kandydativ na vyborchu kampaniiu 2004 r.’, posted 24 December 2004, See also the analysis at

40. Author's interview with Rostyslav Pavlenko, 22 February 2005.

41. Simon Jenkins, ‘When is a mob not really a mob? Why, when it's our mob, of course’, The Times, 1 December 2004.

42. John Laughland, ‘The revolution televised’, Guardian, 27 November 2004.

Chapter Seven

1.  Author's interview with Volodymyr Polokhalo, 25 February 2005.

2.  Tet'iana Sylina et al., ‘Anatomiia dushi maidany’, Dzerkalo tyzhnia, no. 50, 11–17 December 2004.

3.  Serhii Rakhmanin, ‘Ad”iutanty ïkh prevoskhodytelstv-2’, Dzerkalo tyzhnia, no. 31, 7–13 August 2004.

4.  Interview with Martynenko, 20 April 2005,

5.  Ibid.

6.  Serhii Sledz', ‘Davyd Zhvaniia – ministr MNS’, Dzerkalo tyzhnia, no. 4, 5–11 February 2005.

7.  Interview with Martynenko.

8.  Leonid Amchuk, ‘Aleksandr Tretiakov: U nas ne bylo amerikanskikh deneg. Na revoliutsiiu perechislili 20 millionov griven’, 22 December 2004,

9.  Author's interview with Valentin Yakushik, 24 February 2005.

10. Sylina et al., ‘Anatomiia dushi maidany’.

11. Conversation with author, 31 January 2005.

12. Volodymyr Paniotto, ‘Ukraine: Presidential Elections 2004 and the Orange Revolution’, doc.

13. Peter Byrne, ‘SBU officer reveals insurrection plans’, Kyiv Post, 20 December 2004.

14. Jeffry Groton, ‘Living through a revolution’, St Petersburg Times, 24 December 2004.

15. ‘Zakulisnaia istoriia revoliutsii’. See note 34 below.

16. Rostyslav Pavlenko, comments by email, 18 March 2005.

17. Sergei Varshavchik, ‘Na Ukraine proizoshla informatsionnaia revoliutsiia’, Nezavisimaia gazeta, 10 December 2004.

18. Bohdan Klid, ‘PORA Coordinator, Vladyslav Kaskiv, Speaks in Edmonton on the Invitation of CIUS’, 21 April 2005, via The Ukraine List, #345, 22 April 2005.

19. All figures from Andrei Demartino, ‘Tainye voiny PR’, Versii i kommentarii, no. 4 (February) 2005. As of April 2005, the Yanukovych game could still be found at

20. According to the not particularly reliable Mykhailo Brods'kyi, interviewed in Ukraïna moloda, 18 March 2005.

21. To read the lyrics, see∼hfilip/Razom_Nas_Bahato.htm, or; to hear the song see

22. Aleksandar Vasovic, ‘Far right flexes during Ukraine “revolution”’,­2002138664_ukraine03.html.

23. From the CD prepared by Volodymyr Lytvyn, Ukraïna-2004: Podiï, dokumenty, fakty, posted at, and translated by Olga Bogatyrenko for The Ukraine List, #340, 9 March 2005.

24. See Chervonenko's interview, dated 29 March 2005, at

25. Andrei Piontkovskii speaking on Ekho Moskvy, 25 January 2005, Piontkovskii is reporting the words of Viacheslav Nikonov and foreign minister Ivanov.

26. Quoted in C. J. Chivers, ‘Back Channels: A Crackdown Averted. How Top Spies in Ukraine Changed the Nation's Path’, New York Times, 17 January 2005.

27. Mykola Tomenko, ‘Sshybka Leonida Kuchmy, abo taiemnytsia avtorstva knyzhky “Ukraïna – ne Rosiia”’, Dzerkalo tyzhnia, no. 45, 22–28 November 2003.

28. Chivers, ‘Back Channels’, passim.

29. Konrad Schuller, ‘Der Befehl wurde nicht befolgt’, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 20 December 2004, translated as ‘The Command was not Obeyed’, in The Ukraine List, #318, 20 December 2004.

30. ‘SBU nakanune bol'shikh peremen’, in four parts: 5 January,; 6 January,; 8 January,; and 14 January,

31. See the interview, dated 12 April 2005, at

32. Interviewed in Polityka, 18 December 2004. An English translation was made available via The Ukraine List, #323, 24 December 2004.

33. See also the interview with Kwaśniewski in the Wall Street Journal, 17 February 2005.

34. See the story in Gazeta Wyborcza, translated as ‘Zakulisnaia istoriia revoliutsii’, 18 April 2005,

35. Le Nouvel Observateur, 25 November 2004.

36. Daniel McLaughlin, ‘Walesa says he averted Ukraine clashes’, Observer, 1 May 2005.

37. ‘Zakulisnaia istoriia revoliutsii’.

38. Ibid.

39. Kwaśniewski, op. cit.

40. Peter Savodnik, ‘Ukraine: The Washington Connection’, New York Review of Books, vol. LII, no. 2, 10 February 2005, p. 42.

41. ‘Ukraine on brink of “civil war”’, 24 November 2004,

42. As note 23 above.

43. An obvious example would be The Times editorial on 1 December 2004, ‘Kuchma's Moment’, which stated that ‘he could … have tipped his country into open conflict, and his restraint so far should be commended’. See also Peter Finn, ‘Old Divisions Resurface in Ukraine’, Washington Post, 29 November 2004.

44. Yuliia Mostova, ‘Ukraïna rozbylasia na shchastia?’, Dzerkalo tyzhnia, no. 50, 11–17 December 2004.

45. From part 2 of the translation of the Lytvyn material, posted at, via The Ukraine List, #341, 19 March 2005.

46. ‘Ukrainian paper says “reliable” judges installed before elections’, 10 December 2003, republished from the BBC,

47. ‘Disobedient Judge Sentenced to Two Years of Jail’, 29 March 2004, www.glavred. info/eng/print.php?news=104022638.

48. Mel'nichenko, Kto est' kto. Na divane prezidenta Kuchmy, p. 9. Compare the translation made by Kyiv Post, 8 February 2001.

49. The text was published at A translation can be found at The Ukraine List, #298, 3 December 2004.

50. Kuchma's remarks in an interview with the New York Times, 6 December 2004.

51. ‘Putin Meets Kuchma and Slams A Repeat Vote’, Moscow Times, 3 December 2004.

52. Isabel Allende, The House of the Spirits, (London: Black Swan edition, 1986), p. 350.

53. Poll by the Kiev International Institute of Sociology and the Razumkov Centre, Gazeta po-kievski, no. 147, 11 November 2004.

54. Remarks by Volodymyr Paniotto in public and to the author, ASN conference, New York, 15 April 2005.

55. See the press release dated 27 December 2004, and other document links at

56. Dominique Arel, Third Annual Cambridge–Stasiuk Program Lecture on Contemporary Ukraine, ‘The Orange Revolution: Analysis and Implications of the 2004 Presidential Elections in Ukraine’, Cambridge.pdf.

Chapter Eight

1.  ‘Kravchenko's suicide note has been shown. He blames Kuchma’, 5 March 2005,

2.  Volodymyr Tsvil, quoted in Oleg Varfolomeyev, ‘Berezovsky Threatens to Open Pandora's Box Created by Fugitive Ukrainian Bodyguard’, Eurasia Daily Monitor, vol. 2, no. 65, 4 April 2005.

3.  See Melnychenko's statement, dated 29 April 2005, at

4.  RFE/RL Newsline, vol. 9, no. 9, 14 January 2005.

5.  ‘Z ostannimy nezakonnymy diiamy uriadu Yanukoycha maie rozbiratysia Henprokuratura – Viktor Yushchenko’, 30 December 2004,

6.  ‘7 kryminal'nykh sprav dlia vidomstva Bakaia. Kuchma ne khotiv viddaty dachu Yushchenku’, 22 March 2005,

7.  ‘Kurochkin is under investigation. The arrests are under way!’, 16 March 2005,

8.  See the news report at

9.  ‘Bakai i Kuchma poderybynaly sanatoriï sekretnymy ukazymy’, 11 February 2005,

10. RFE/RL Newsline, 15 March 2005.

11. ‘Kuchma forever…’, 4 February 2005,

12. ‘Bezsmertnyi ne holosuvatyme na “shantazhystku” Tymoshenko’, 25 January 2005,

13. Oleksandr Morozov, ‘Chotyry zapytannia do Yushchenka. P”iat’ zapytan' do Tymoshenka', 26 January 2005, The article includes a fax copy of the document, from which all quotes are taken.

14. Kost' Bondarenko, ‘Naperedodni prem”ieriady’, 10 January 2005;

15. Luba Shara, ‘Minister Zvarych, Could Be Another Fake Professor?’, 18 April 2005,

16. For a strong critique listing such measures, see Serhii Rakhmanin, ‘Persha chytannia’, Dzerkalo tyzhnia, no. 9, 12–18 March 2005.

17. ‘“Pora!” formuie reiestr obitsianok Yushchenka, shchob “havkaty” na n'oho’. 25 January 2005,

18. Author's interview with Rostyslav Pavlenko, 22 February 2005.

19. ‘Hard Times for Akhmetov and Pinchuk’, 30 April 2005,

20. ‘Ukraine economy: Betting on a tax windfall’, online analysis by the Economist Intelligence Unit, 30 March 2005, article&doc_id=208165420.

21. Andrew Wilson, Ukrainian Nationalism in the 1990s: A Minority Faith, (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1997).

22. ‘Rozhromnyi vystup Yushchenka v Donets'ku’, 13 February 2005,

23. Yuliia Mostova, ‘Tumannist’ Yanukovycha', Dzerkalo tyzhnia, no. 25, 26 June–2 July 2004.

24. Opinion poll by KIIS. See ‘Dumky i pohliady naselennia Ukraïny – berezen 2005 r.’,

25. Yurii Butusov, ‘Donets'k v epokhu fraktsiinoï rozdroblenosti’, Dzerkalo tyzhnia, no. 15, 23 April–6 May 2005.

Chapter Nine

1.  Pavlovskii interview in Nezavisimaia gazeta, 7 December 2004.

2.  Francesca Mereu, ‘Spin Doctors Blame Yanukovych’, Moscow Times, 30 November 2004.

3.  Gleb Pavlovskii, ‘Revoliutsiia, ee vozhdi i ee tekhnologii’, 6 December 2004,

4.  See the interview dated 5 November 2004,

5.  Pavlovskii in Nezavisimaia gazeta, 7 December 2004.

6.  Julie Corwin, ‘Moscow Ponders How Ukraine was “Lost”’, RFE/RL Belarus and Ukraine Report, vol. 7, no. 2, 12 January 2005.

7.  ‘O sviaziakh Yushchenka i Berezovskogo’, 27 October 2004,

8.  See the linked article by Elena Serebriakova, ‘Berezovskii prislal gontsa k Yushchenko', dated 19 October 2004.

9.  Dmitrii Sretenskii and Valdimir Sereda, ‘“Oranzhevaia revoliutsiia”: sdelano v Rossii’,

10. ‘Ukrainskie oshibki Kremlia’, 25 November 2004,

11. Alexander Militsky, ‘Viktor Yushchenko and Britney Spears: Post-Democracy, Ukrainian Fashion’, The Russia Journal (a Pavlovskii paper), 14 February 2005.

12. Cited in Mereu, ‘Spin Doctors Blame Yanukovych’.

13. Pavlovskii interview in Nezavisimaia gazeta, 7 December 2004.

14. Author's interview with Peter Byrne, 21 November 2004.

15. Aleksandr Dugin, ‘“Dve Ukrainy”: geopolitika krizisa i karta grazhdanskoi’, Izvestiia, 29 November 2004.

16. Aleksandr Dugin, ‘Rossiia uzhe pobedila na Ukraine, potomu chto ne sdalas’ bez boia', Komsomol'skaia pravda, 1 December 2004.

17. Konstantin Zatulin, ‘Bor'ba za Ukrainu: chto dal'she?’, Vremia novosti, 3 February 2005.

18. Aleksandr Dugin, Osnovy geopolitiki. Geopoliticheskoe budushchee Rossii, (Moscow: Arktogeia, second edition, 1999), pp. 800–1.

19. Interview with Marat Gel'man, ‘Ukraina – zerkalo dlia Putina’, 23 December 2004,

20. Varvara Zhlutenko, ‘Putin's Energy Maneuver (sic)’, Den', 22 April 2005.

21. ‘Sovetnik iz Rossii’, Korrespondent, (Ukraine), no. 6, 19 February 2005.

22. Cited in Vladimir Socor, ‘Kremlin Redefining Policy in “Post-Soviet Space”’, Eurasia Daily Monitor, vol. 2, no. 27, 8 February 2005.

23. Zatulin, ‘Bor'ba za Ukrainu: chto dal'she?’

24. Ekaterina Kuznetsova, ‘Moskva sleduet podderzhat’ evropeiskii vybor Ukrainy: “oranzhevaia revoliutsiia” mozhet priblizit' moment “vozvrashcheniia” Rossii v Evropu', Nezavisimaia gazeta, 9 February 2005.

25. Kyiv Post, 25 January 2005.

26. Should anyone be interested in reading his speech, it is at

27. Information for the fiscal year 2004, dated 17 August 2004,

28. See, 17 March 2005.

29. Ruzanna Stepanian, ‘Opposition Vows Another Push For Regime Change’,, 8 April 2005.

30. See the joint statement dated 4 April 2005 at

31. ‘Why Zimbabwe Is Not Ukraine’, Christian Science Monitor, 5 April 2005.

32. Jonathan Steele, ‘Ukraine's postmodern coup d'etat’, Guardian, 26 November 2004.

33. Jonathan Steele, ‘Not a good way to start a democracy’, Guardian, 31 December 2004.

34. Ian Traynor, ‘US campaign behind the turmoil in Kiev’, Guardian, 26 November 2004; Nick Paton Walsh, ‘Inquiry sought into claims of US funding’, idem, 13 December 2004.

35. See the original at

36. Matt Kelley, ‘US Money Helped Opposition in Ukraine’, Associated Press, 10 December 2004.

37. See, dated January 2003.

38. See, dated January 2004.

39. See, dated 13 September 2004. These figures are therefore more provisional. Joel Brinkley, ‘Dollars for Democracy? US Aid to Ukraine Challenged’, New York Times, 21 December 2004, quotes $97 million in the fiscal year that ended on 31 October 2004, including approximately $28 million for democracy-building projects.

40. See

41. See

42. Chicago Tribune, 18 March 2005.

43. ‘Congressman accuses US Government of supporting Viktor Yushchenko’, ICPS Newsletter, no. 258, 20 December, 2004, at, via UKL #320, 22 December 2004.

44. Brinkley, ‘Dollars for Democracy?’.

45. ‘Ministry of Economy: America Did Not Finance Yushchenko's Campaign’, 30 December 2004,, via The Ukraine List, #335, 20 January 2005.

46. See the statement by Freedom House, dated 22 November 2004, at

47. Washington Post, 2 January 2005.

48. Author's conversation with Valerii Khmel'ko, 25 February 2005.

49. Author's interviews with Peter Byrne, 21 February 2005, and Rostyslav Pavlenko, 22 February 2005. Vladyslav Kaskiv, et al., ‘PORA – Vanguard of Democracy’, at

50. Oleksandr Solantai, ‘Pravda pro PORU ochyma zseredyny’, 15 April 2005,

51. Jeremy Bransten, ‘Ukraine: Part Homegrown Uprising, Part Imported Production?’, 20 December 2004,; John Simpson and Marcus Tanner, ‘Serb Activists Helped Inspire Ukrainian Protests’, 26 November 2004,

52. Roger Cohen, ‘Who Really Brought Down Milosevic?’, New York Times Magazine, 26 November 2000,

53. Vital' Silitski, ‘Hrantavy skandal’, in Valer Bulhakaw (ed.), Miastsovyia vybary w nainowshai paliitychnai historyi Belarusi, (Minsk: Arche, 2003), pp. 109–114; Christian Science Monitor, 10 September 2001; Ian Traynor, ‘Belarussian [sic] foils dictator-buster … for now’, Guardian, 14 September 2001.

54. According to Natalia Antelava, ‘How to Stage a Revolution’, 4 December 2003,; the US spent $2.4 million in Georgia on democracy support, and the local Renaissance Foundation spent $350,000.

55. The press release at, 8 February 2005, implies that the website was closer to the centre of the ‘Ukrainian democracy movement’ than it actually was.

56. Quoted in Kelley, ‘US Money Helped Opposition in Ukraine’.

57. Information provided by Inna Pidluska of the Europe-XXI Foundation, Kiev.

58. Nick Paton Walsh, ‘The radicals with vested interest in orange victory’, Guardian, 30 November 2004.

59. Steele, ‘Ukraine's postmodern coup d'etat’; Traynor, ‘US campaign behind the turmoil in Kiev’; Mark Almond, ‘The price of People Power’, Guardian, 7 December 2004.

60. ‘Rund 180 Millionen Euro aus Kredit der Deutschen Bank verschwunden’, 18 March 2005,

61. See her remarks to CNN, 20 April 2005, at­rice.dougherty/index.html.

62. Ira Strauss, ‘In Ukraine, Western Media Mirrored Kremlin’, Moscow Times, 1 February 2005.

63. For web reproductions, see;; and Jonathan Steele's article was reprinted in the government paper Rossiiskaia gazeta, and in the Kremlin sounding-board Komsomolskaia pravda, 29 November 2004, and in the Luzhkov-backed Moskovskii komsomolets, 30 November 2004.

64. Gazeta Wyborcza. 5 January 2005.

65. Remarks by senior EU officials to the author, February 2005.

66. R. I. Chyrva et al. (eds.), Viktor Yushchenko: Viriu! Znaiu! Mozhemo!, (Kiev: In Yure, 2004), p. 176.

67. The official text is at

68. Marek Matraszek, ‘Ukraine, Poland, and a free world’, 2 December 2004,

69. Interviewed in Polityka, 18 December 2004.

70. ‘Russian Political Scientist Blames Polish Conspiracy for Ukraine Election Crisis’, 25 November 2004,

71. Cited in Mereu, ‘Spin Doctors Blame Yanukovych’.

72. Quoted in Julie Corwin, ‘Analysis: A Sign of the Times’,

73. Robert Kagan, Of Paradise and Power: America and Europe in the New World Order, (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2003).

74. Interview with Radek Sikorski, 15 February 2005,­pubID.21979,projectID.11/pub_detail.asp. See also the debate at

75. See his remarks at the National Review Online, dated 26 December 2004,

76. Radek Sikorski, ‘Back in the (Former) USSR’, 23 December 2004,

77. See

78. The speech can be found at, dated 6 April 2005.

79. For a prescient view of Ukraine's potential contribution, see Yurii Shcherbak, Ukraïna: vyklyk i vybir. Perspektyvy Ukraïny v hlobalizovanomu sviti XXI stolittia, (Kiev: Dukh i litera, 2004).

80. Michael Meacher, ‘One for oil and oil for one’, Spectator, 5 March 2005.

81. Susan B. Glasser and Peter Baker, ‘What Comes After Rose, Orange and Tulip?’, Washington Post, 3 April 2005.

82. Richard Holbrooke, ‘From “Tent City” to NATO’, Washington Post, 14 December 2004.

83. Patrick J. Buchanan, ‘What Are We Up to – in Ukraine?’, 6 December 2004,

84. Leonid Kuchma, Ukraïna – ne Rosiia, (Moscow: Vremia, 2003), p. 97.

Chapter Ten

1.  A phrase coined by Anders Åslund, to whom it had the positive connotation of proving Ukraine's ‘market’ reforms were beginning to develop a real middle class. Cf the PR piece by Kost' Bondarenko, ‘Sistema BYUT, ili Blok Yushchenko-Tymoshenko’, dated July–August 2004,

2.  Theda Skocpol, States and Social Revolutions: A Comparative Analysis of France, Russia and China, (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1979), p. 4.

3.  Anders Åslund, ‘Ukraine Whole and Free: What I saw at the orange revolution’, Weekly Standard, 27 December 2004.

4.  Author's interview with Volodymyr Polokhalo, 25 February 2005.

5.  These points were originally made with greater clarity by Jessica Allina-Pisano, at the ASN conference in New York, 15 April 2005.

6.  Wilson, Virtual Politics.

7.  Author's interview with Volodymyr Polokhalo, 25 February 2005.

8.  Ibid.

9.  ‘Ya ne bazhaiu pani Tymoshenko opynytysia v sytuatsiï pana Zhvaniï’, L'vivs'ka hazeta, 4 February 2005,

10. See Greg Walters, ‘100 Days On, Trouble Hits Orange Kingdom’, Moscow Times, 3 May 2005; Anders Åslund, ‘Betraying a Revolution’, Washington Post, 18 May 2005.