Praise for On Purpose
Title Page
PART ONE Stand up
01 Purpose driven
The wrong kind of purpose
The right kind of purpose
Insight helps to keep purpose relevant
How purpose informs building your brand and your business
giffgaff – a purpose-driven company
02 Purposeful leadership
It takes conviction
It is more about behaving in a purposeful way than ‘doing good’
Stay true to your purpose as you grow
Purposeful leaders show the way
Purposeful leadership is about behaving, not saying
PART TWO Stand out
03 Infectious communication
Marketing should be a verb, not a noun
Tell a story that people care about
Bigger is not better
When infectious communication goes wrong
How do you engage in infectious communication?
How to use infectious communication
04 Distinctive customer experience
Fix it or feature it
Create a multi-sensory experience
Involve your customers in improving the experience
Reinventing your industry
Don’t ‘flat line’ the customer experience
Best Western – ‘Hotels with personality’
05 Continuous innovation
Constantly innovate in both large and small ways
Drive innovation from a deep understanding of what target customers value
Use your purpose to drive growth
Focus innovation on the things that make you different
Stand out – a summary
PART THREE Stand firm
06 Cult-like culture
Creating the purposeful organization
07 Distinctive employee experience
Turn your employees into fans
Hire for DNA not MBA
Engage and inspire your people to deliver your customer experience ‘on purpose’ through branded experience training
Motivation is a poorly understood concept
Motivating the greatest team on earth
08 Experience measurement
The service profit chain: reloaded
Putting it together
09 Never stand still
That Berber moment…
Get started and keep going
10 On Purpose profile
The On Purpose research findings
Eight practices common to all purpose-led brands
11 How to implement – successfully
The seven deadly sins of customer experience (CX)
The CX Seven Step Guide: ENGAGE
The CX Seven Step Guide: INSIGHT
The CX Seven Step Guide: DEFINE
The CX Seven Step Guide: DESIGN
The CX Seven Step Guide: ALIGN
The CX Seven Step Guide: MEASURE
The CX Seven Step Guide: INNOVATE
12 Putting the principles into practice
Liberty Global Business Services – case study
Advice for other leaders
Premier Inn – case study
Advice for other leaders
On purpose – multichannel
The authors