A note about the index: The pages referenced in this index refer to the page numbers in the print edition. Clicking on a page number will take you to the ebook location that corresponds to the beginning of that page in the print edition. For a comprehensive list of locations of any word or phrase, use your reading system’s search function.
- Bankruptcy, 72, 89, 92–99, 129, 175
- Banks
- ATM transactions, 29, 47–60, 68
- banking apps, 49–54
- banking costs, 59–60
- banking software, 52
- checking accounts, 57–58
- choosing, 47–50, 57–58
- credit unions and, 47–50
- debit card safety, 52–60
- electronic spying, 52
- FDIC insured, 48–49
- fees, 47, 51–54, 58–60
- joint accounts, 48–49
- online banking, 35, 43, 47–52, 58
- overdraft protection, 52–53
- passwords and, 51
- PINs and, 52, 55–56
- savings accounts, 47–60
- security tips for, 51–56
- Bills, prioritizing, 28–30, 61–86. See also Expenses
- Bonds, 210, 222, 242–45. See also Investments
- Bookkeeping tips, 132
- Budgets
- adjusting, 31–32
- apps for, 34–35
- benefits of, 22–26
- categories for, 24–26, 28–30
- creating, 22–30
- customizing, 24–26
- importance of, 22–23
- large purchases, 46
- monitoring, 31–33
- reevaluating, 30–33
- small expenditures, 29, 32–33
- software for, 34–35
- spending leaks, 29, 32–35
- for tracking expenses, 28–30
- wedding budget, 179–80
- Career path, 117–18. See also Job
- Certificates of deposit (CDs), 58
- Children
- childcare expenses, 121–22, 183–85, 208
- child support for, 93, 175, 188
- college savings for, 112–15
- cost of raising, 182–85
- insurance for, 182–83
- student loans, 100–115
- taxes and, 208
- teaching, 185–86
- College savings, 112–15
- Consumer Price Index (CPI), 245
- Cost of living, 119
- Credit, building, 71–83
- Credit cards
- cash advances with, 64, 85, 96
- credit reports and, 71–75, 82
- lost/stolen cards, 68
- managing, 61–86
- passwords and, 69
- paying, 66–70, 75–77, 85–86
- rates on, 62–66, 69–70, 85
- safety tips for, 67–71
- types of, 63–65, 82
- Credit counseling, 79–80
- Creditors, 89–91
- Credit reports, 71–75, 82
- Credit unions, 47–50
- Debit cards, 52–60
- Debt
- credit counseling, 79–80
- debt collectors, 89–91
- managing, 96–97
- paying, 66–70, 75–77
- rule of 72 and, 39–40
- Divorce
- alimony and, 93, 175
- bankruptcy and, 96–97, 175
- child support and, 93, 175, 188
- financial impact of, 81, 93, 96–97, 172–74, 177, 181, 187–92
- health insurance and, 187
- qualified domestic relations order, 188–89
- retirement savings and, 188–92
- Social Security and, 191–92
- Emergency funds, 18, 42–45, 57–58
- Exchange-traded funds (ETFs), 222, 237, 240, 244, 249. See also Investments
- Expenses
- budget for, 22–35
- credit card bills, 61–86
- cutting, 16–21, 27–35, 44–46, 59, 92, 144, 185
- large purchases, 46
- opportunity costs, 27
- prioritizing, 86
- small expenditures, 29, 32–33
- spending leaks, 29, 32–35
- tracking, 28–30
- Finances. See also Expenses; Money
- apps for, 34–35, 49–54, 75, 196–97
- bankruptcy, 72, 89, 92–99, 129, 175
- budget for, 22–35, 179–80
- divorce and, 81, 93, 96–97, 172–74, 177, 181, 187–92
- evaluating, 12–22, 30–33, 75–77
- learning about, 20–21
- managing, 7–35
- marriage and, 175–81
- opportunity costs, 27
- progress with, 12, 19–22, 75–77
- reviewing, 19–22, 30–33
- savings, 36–60
- software for, 34–35, 51–52, 132, 180, 196–97, 203
- Financial planners, 43, 226
- Financial resources, 20–21
- Goals
- breaking down, 18
- decisions about, 16–18
- evaluating, 19–22
- long-term goals, 10, 16–19
- setting, 10–33
- short-term goals, 10, 16–19
- stretching, 17
- writing, 17–18
- Grace periods, 64–65, 85, 101, 105
- Happiness, cost of, 133
- Healthcare, 120–22, 129, 182–83, 187, 218, 227–34
- Home foreclosure, 92, 171–73
- Homeownership
- affordability, 145–61
- buying home, 143–66
- down payment for, 143–46
- home equity, 144–47, 153, 162–70
- home improvements, 162–66
- insurance, 132, 151, 156–61
- mortgage, 145–61, 167–71
- preparing for, 143–55
- refinancing home, 167–69
- taxes and, 151–53, 157–58, 199
- Home, renting, 137–42. See also Rental properties
- Identity theft, 68–69
- Income
- acquiring, 116–33
- adjusted gross income, 114, 218
- boosting, 128–30
- calculating, 30
- gross income, 114, 122, 135, 151–52, 218
- net income, 30, 151
- Inflation, 40–41, 57, 245
- Insurance
- auto insurance, 33, 86, 142, 184, 232–33
- disability insurance, 183, 232–34
- health insurance, 120–22, 129, 182–83, 187, 218, 229–34
- homeowners insurance, 132, 151, 156–61
- life insurance, 13–14, 181, 232–33
- private mortgage insurance, 145–46, 153
- renters’ insurance, 141–42
- Investments
- asset allocation and, 235–38
- bonds, 210, 222, 242–45
- diversifying, 219, 223, 238, 244–48
- exchange-traded funds, 222, 237, 240, 244, 249
- market capitalization, 248
- market indices, 247
- mutual funds, 210, 222, 237, 245–49
- for retirement, 235–49
- risk tolerance and, 235–46
- stocks, 123–24, 210, 222, 235–42, 245
- taxes and, 241–44
- treasury securities, 244–45
- Job. See also Self-employment
- benefits of, 117, 119–24
- boosting income, 128–30
- career path, 117–18
- changing, 210–13
- choosing, 117–18
- evaluating, 117–18, 125–27
- happiness and, 133
- income from, 116–33
- losing, 42, 79, 128–30
- promotions, 125–26
- raises, 125–26
- salary considerations, 116–27
- Liabilities, 12–16, 177–78
- Living together, 174–86. See also Marriage
- Loans
- consolidating, 79–80, 103, 108–15
- creditors, 89–91
- debt collectors, 89–91
- disputes about, 91, 109
- home equity loans, 88, 162–69
- installment loans, 88
- responsibility for, 89–91
- revolving credit, 88
- scams, 83, 91, 97–99
- secured loans, 88
- student loans, 100–115
- types of, 87–91, 101–3
- unsecured loans, 88
- Market capitalization, 248
- Market indices, 247
- Marriage
- children and, 182–86
- financial discussions, 175–81
- prenuptial agreements, 177–78
- preparing for, 175–81
- taxes and, 180, 196–99, 202
- wedding budget, 179–80
- Money. See also Expenses; Finances
- budgeting, 22–35, 179–80
- learning about, 20–21
- managing, 7–35
- marriage and, 175–81
- opportunity costs, 27
- saving, 36–60
- small expenditures, 29
- spending leaks, 29, 32–35
- time value of, 41
- tracking, 28–30
- Money market deposit accounts, 58
- Mortgage
- affordability, 145–61
- annual percentage rates, 150
- choosing, 149
- mortgage insurance, 145–46, 153
- obtaining, 145–46
- prepaying, 170–71
- refinancing, 167–69
- types of, 146–49
- Mutual funds, 210, 222, 237, 245–49. See also Investments
- Net worth
- assets, 12–16
- determining, 12–15, 128
- liabilities, 12–16
- recalculating, 19–20
- reviewing, 19–20
- statement of, 12–15, 19, 33–34, 143
- Qualified domestic relations order (QDRO), 188–89
- Rental properties
- basics of, 137–40
- deposits for, 138–40
- finding, 135–36
- insurance for, 141–42
- leases, 137–40
- roommates, 140
- Retirement
- 401(k) plans, 78–79, 92–93, 122–23, 190–91, 211–24
- 403(b) plans, 211, 215, 219
- 457 plans, 211, 215
- annuities, 224–25
- divorce and, 188–92
- financial planner for, 226
- healthcare and, 227–34
- investing for, 235–49
- IRAs, 48, 114–15, 190–91, 213–24
- planning for, 209–49
- self-employment and, 216, 220–21, 228
- SEPs, 211, 216, 220–21
- Social Security and, 191–92, 225, 227–28
- taxes and, 211–27, 231–32, 241–44
- Rule of 72, 39–40
- Savings
- banking tips, 47–60
- certificates of deposit, 58
- college savings, 112–15
- compound interest, 37–39, 191, 209, 211
- doubling, 39
- emergency funds, 18, 42–45, 57–58
- importance of, 36–60
- increasing, 43–46
- inflation and, 40–41, 57
- for larger purchases, 46
- money market deposit accounts, 58
- options for, 57–60
- protection for, 51–56
- for retirement, 209–49
- rule of 72 and, 39–40
- savings accounts, 47–60
- starting early, 10
- Scams, 51, 67–69, 75, 83, 91, 97–99, 163
- Self-employment, 115, 131–33, 205, 216, 220–21, 228
- Social Security, 191–92, 225, 227–28
- Software, 34–35, 51–52, 132, 180, 196–97, 203
- Spending, cutting, 16–21, 27–35, 44–46, 59, 92, 144, 185
- Spending leaks, 29, 32–35. See also Expenses
- Stocks, 123–24, 210, 222, 235–42, 245. See also Investments
- Stress, reducing, 7–8, 22–24, 75–80, 133
- Student loans
- college savings and, 111–15
- consolidating, 103, 108–15
- defaulting on, 106–8
- deferments, 101–2
- disputes about, 109
- forbearances, 101–2
- managing, 105–9
- paying, 100–108
- tax breaks, 111–12
- types of, 101–3
- Taxes
- accountants, 132, 198–99, 206
- audits, 202–3
- basics of, 194–95
- credits, 206–8
- deductions, 196, 206–8
- filing status, 194–95
- financial decisions and, 199–200
- forms for, 194–201, 204–5
- homeownership and, 151–53, 157–58, 199
- impact of, 193–208
- on investments, 241–44
- marriage and, 180, 196–99, 202
- paying, 195–200, 203–6
- preparing for, 203–5
- records of, 201–3
- refunds, 200
- retirement and, 211–27, 231–32, 241–44
- returns, 194, 196–99
- student loans and, 111–12
- withholding, 194–95, 205, 231