New Spirit-Filled Life Bible
Kingdom Equipping Through the Power of the Word
Jack W. Hayford, Litt.D.
Paul G. Chappell, Ph.D. Kenneth C. Ulmer, Ph.D., D.Min.
Judy Brown, Ed.D
Roy Hayden, Ph.D.
Jonathan David Huntzinger, Ph.D.
Gary Matsdorf, M.A.
A Division of Thomas Nelson, Inc.
Spirit-Filled Life® Mission Statement
The mission of Spirit-Filled Life Bibles and reference products is to serve the body of Christ with a broad range of trustworthy products marked by biblical soundness, balanced scholarship and a sense of honor toward the modern-day working of the Holy Spirit. These resources are designed to provide biblical equipping for practical living in God’s kingdom and around the world.
New Spirit-Filled Life® Bible
Copyright © 2002 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
The Holy Bible, New King James Version
Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.
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Introduction to the New Spirit-Filled Life® Bible
Preface to the New King James Version
Books of the Old and New Testaments with Their Abbreviations
Dealing with “Last Things”—The Rapture, Second Coming, and Millennium
In Studying the Book of Revelation
The Holy Spirit and Restoration
Aflame with Passion for World Evangelism
The Believer’s Potential and Pathway for Ministering Healing to the Nations
Understanding Messianic Jewish Ministry
How to Lead a Person to the Savior
The waves of successive seasons of revival blessing throughout church history have left recurring high-water marks. These signs of the Holy Spirit’s surgings across the Earth and throughout time have, as a rule, been the result of God’s signal use of anointed men, whose leadership not only was the spearhead making a holy penetration in their world, but whose name became the designation of that revival era. Accordingly we note the strata of church history by the mention of names, such as Augustine, Aquinas, Luther, Calvin, Knox, Huss, Wesley, Finney, and Moody.
But with the opening of the twentieth century, from out of the wellsprings of the holiness tradition, a revival broke forth, which is distinctive in two ways. First, the wave of renewal it gave rise to in the church internationally has not receded; rather, it has continued to roll forward and to engulf leaders and laity in every historic tradition and contemporary circle of Christianity. Second, this revival has not been characterized by the leadership of any primary personality to set its agenda or establish its style. One historian has referred to the Pentecostal-Charismatic revival as “a movement without a man,” thereby noting the phenomenon that its broadening tide of influence is dynamically global and impacting in every sector of the church. No one can proscribe the movement’s boundaries, none can inscribe his name upon it, and who can describe it in any other way than by Peter’s words at Pentecost: “This is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: ‘ …and in the last days…I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh’” (Acts 2:16, 17)?
As the waves of this renewal have spread, the common denominator of those it engulfs is not a doctrinal position as much as it is a mutual sharing in a new dynamic. This “new” is neither novel nor unprecedented, but simply a rekindling and release of the simplicity and power inherent in the New Testament church—the life and ministry of Jesus continuing in His body today after the manner of the Books of Acts. Because of this, it has characteristically been difficult to prepare a single study Bible to serve this broad community. Their convictions about the Person of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, sinless life, atoning death, literal resurrection, and majestic ascension are essentially in agreement. Their view of the authority of the Word of God and its divine inspiration is absolute and uniformly the same. And their experience of the contemporary operations of the Holy Spirit—whose fullness, fruit, gifts, and works of power are welcomed and realized today as at the church’s inception—is held in general accord. However, by reason of the breadth of their denominational backgrounds, a wide diversity characterizes this band. They will be found at all points of the spectrum on such issues as: 1) Calvinism contrasted with Arminianism; 2) Dispensational contrasted with Covenant theology; 3) Premillennial, Postmillennial, and Amillennial differences in prophetic interpretation; and 4) views and practices on the place and purpose of “speaking in tongues” with reference to the believer’s initial infilling with the Holy Spirit.
The striking fact, given this widely diverse group, is that their movement together reflects not a lack of conviction about those points wherein they view Scripture and experience differently, but a response to the Holy Spirit’s compulsion to give place to another overarching conviction. These leaders choose to let brotherly love prevail in the church, to seek peace and pursue it, and to acknowledge the prayer of our Lord Jesus “that they may be one.” None of these lack biblical depth or theological convictions, but are people who realize Ephesians 4:13’s “unity of the faith” focuses our mutual “knowledge of the Son of God” and not our private textbooks. We meet at the Table of communion—remembering Christ’s cross through which we have all been redeemed; celebrating His body to which we have been called; and testifying to the power of His blood that has redeemed, washed, and justified us from our sins. It is there we have found oneness—under Jesus’ lordship, and where we choose to stand together as more and more of His body grow toward “a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ…speaking the truth in love” (see Eph. 4:13–15).
From this broad context and at this point in God’s dealings throughout Christ’s church globally, we have come to study and to serve, hoping that this Bible may contribute to the ongoing stream of the Holy Spirit’s workings today and tomorrow. The team of scholars, pastor-teachers, writers, and editors express gratitude to God and to the executive leadership of Thomas Nelson Publishers for the privilege of involvement in this historic project. The Spirit-Filled Life® Bible, released in 1991, was the first of its kind, in which a broadly representative team from more than twenty denominations and independent fellowships were banded together to produce a study Bible integrating the Pentecostal-Charismatic viewpoint. In noting this, the Executive Editor and his associates wish to acknowledge the earlier efforts of several Pentecostal teachers and scholars who have provided study Bible resources prior to the landmark event the Spirit-Filled Life® Bible occasioned. While its uniqueness in scope and persons involved distinguishes this present work, it is with gratitude and humility that we salute that worthy group who preceded us in such efforts at leading the people of God into His Word at greater depth.
As Executive Editor, I offer my most respectful thanks to my Christian brothers and sisters who have accomplished the written and editorial work herein. Special personal acknowledgment is also appropriate to my son, Jack Hayford III, for his arduous labors in this project, as well as to Janet Kemp, Susanne Mahdi, Renee McCarter, and John Silver.
May God be pleased to multiply the fruit of the labor of all who have given themselves to present you, the reader-student, with this Bible. We commit this work to Him with the psalmist’s prayer: “And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands for us; yes, establish the work of our hands” (Ps. 90:17).
Jack W. Hayford
Executive Editor
Introductory Addendum to the New Spirit-Filled Life® Bible
With the release of the New Spirit-Filled Life® Bible, a distinct sense of humility is felt, for God has clearly chosen to bless our work as we prayed. Not only has this Bible study and ministry resource found acceptance among multitudes in all parts of the church today, but a constant stream of heartfelt remarks and correspondence has confirmed its personal usefulness and practical ministry value. The sum of the vast majority would distill to one testimony: “This study Bible has deepened my life in Christ and my life in the Holy Spirit, helping me grow and increasing my effectiveness as a servant of Jesus.” For that, and for the fruit being multiplied in the church through the spiritual growth of its members and their ministry, we offer high praise to God.
This Bible’s study resources rest on the foundation of the first Spirit-Filled Life® Bible and the work of two exceptional men, Dr. Sam Middlebrook and Dr. Jerry Horner, who served diligently as Old and New Testament editors, respectively, and whose legacies are reflected in this new work. We also extend our special thanks to the new contributors to this edition—men and women who have enabled us to broaden even further the scope of our pursuit. They not only expanded dimensions of Kingdom Dynamics we offer here, but many articles by respected friends from additional evangelical circles demonstrate their distinct graciousness and their vision for mutuality in the whole body of Christ. With these, we must acknowledge the superb editorial assistance and dedicated diligence of Caroline Erickson in bringing the second edition to fruition, not to mention the splendid editorial group at Nelson. Blessings upon each of these!
In all, we are grateful to offer an enriching resource for any who love the Savior and His Word—a tool for any of the host of believers the Holy Spirit is increasingly blending from varied sectors of Christ’s body. In deepened partnership and spiritual passion, may we pursue the final harvest together.
Jack W. Hayford
Executive Editor
Jack W. Hayford, Litt.D.
Executive Editor
Paul G. Chappell, Ph.D.
Associate Editor
Kenneth C. Ulmer, Ph.D., D.Min.
Associate Editor
Roy Hayden, Ph.D.
Old Testament Editor
Jonathan David Huntzinger, Ph.D., Gary Matsdorf, M.A.
New Testament Editors
Kingdom Dynamics, Word Wealth, Truth-In-Action
Barbara Amos, B.A., M.Div.
Bishop, Faith Deliverance Christian Fellowship, Inc.
Norfolk, Virginia
Biblical Women
Rebecca Hayford Bauer, M.A.
Director of Women’s Ministries, The Church On The Way;
Faculty, The King’s College and Seminary
Van Nuys, CA
The Spirit-Filled Family
Scott G. Bauer, B.A., M.Div., D.Min.
Senior Pastor, The Church On The Way;
Chairman, Board of Trustees, The King’s College and Seminary
Van Nuys, CA
Holy Spirit Fullness
Charles Blake, B.A., M.Div., D.Th.
Bishop / Senior Pastor, West Angeles Church of God in Christ
Los Angeles, CA
Human Worth and Divine Destiny
Reinhard Bonnke, D.D.
Founder and President, Christ for All Nations
Orlando, FL
Aflame with Passion for World Evangelism
LaMar Boschman, D.Min.
Dean, The Worship Institute
Bedford, TX
The Pathway of Praise and Worship
Gerald E. Brooks, Jr.
Senior Pastor
Grace Outreach Center
Plano, TX
Living in the Power and Promise of God’s Word
David Bryant, B.A., M.A. (Biblical Studies), M.A. (Missiology)
Founder and President, Concerts of Prayer International and Proclaim Hope!;
Chairman, America’s National Prayer Committee
New Providence, NJ
Answering Today’s Prayer Awakening
Jamie Buckingham, A.B., B.D., M.R.E., D.H.L.
Author and Founding Pastor, The Tabernacle Church
Melbourne, FL
Traits of Spiritual Leadership
Paul A. Cedar, B.S., M.Div., D.Min., D.D.
Chairman, Mission America Coalition
Palm Desert, CA
The Power of Unity Among Believers
Larry Christenson, B.A., B.Th.
Author; Speaker
Northome, MN
The Spirit-Filled Family
Dennis Corrigan, B.A., B.Div., M.Div.
(Matthew—Romans, Galatians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Philemon, Jude, Revelation)
Beverly “Bam” Crawford, D.D.
Founder and Pastor, Bible Enrichment Fellowship International Church
Inglewood, CA
The Ministry of Angels
Paul F. Crouch, B.A., Litt.D., LL.D.
President, Trinity Broadcasting Network
Tustin, CA
Keys to Walking the Path of Miracles in His Service
Billy Joe Daugherty, B.A., M.A., D.Min.
Senior Pastor, Victory Christian Center
Tulsa, OK
Shepherding Amid the Supernatural
John D. Dawson
Founder, International Reconciliation Coalition
Ventura, CA
Ministering Healing Among the Nations
A. Joy Dawson
International Bible Teacher; Author
Los Angeles, CA
Dick Eastman, B.A., D.D.
President, Every Home for Christ
Colorado Springs, CO
Advancing in Spiritual Warfare
Gerald L. Fry
International Bible Teacher; Author
Founder and Chairman, Mount Herman Ministries
University Place, WA
Moving Into and Through Revival
Steven Fry
President, Messenger Fellowship
Nashville, TN
Growing in Knowing God
Joseph Garlington, Sr., Ph.D.
Bishop / Senior Pastor
Covenant Church of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA
Traits of Spiritual Leadership
Charles Green, B.A., D.Th., Litt.D., D.H.L.
Pastor, Faith Church
New Orleans, LA
The Pathway of Praise and Worship
Jane Hansen, D.D.
President and CEO, Aglow International
Edmonds, WA
Women in God’s Design
Jack W. Hayford, B.A., B.Th., D.D., Litt. D.
Founder and Chancellor, The King’s College and Seminary
Pastor Emeritus, The Church On The Way
Van Nuys, CA
The Kingdom of God; The Word of God; Prophecy and the Scriptures; Godliness and Moral Purity
Christopher J. Hayward
Pastor; President, Cleansing Stream Ministries
Chatsworth, CA
Ministering Deliverance from Bondage
Marilyn Hickey, B.A., D.D.
International Bible Teacher
Marilyn Hickey Ministries
Denver, Colorado
The Ministry of Angels
Roy Hicks, Sr., G.Th., D.D.
Author; Speaker; International Bible Teacher
San Marcos, CA
Living in the Power and Promise of God’s Word
Todd Hunter, B.S., M.A.
Executive Director, Allelon Church Planting;
Pastor, Christ Community of Faith
Yorba Linda, CA
Power Ministry Through God’s Spirit
Freda Lindsay, B.A., D.D., D.H.L.
Founder and Chairman of the Board
Christ for the Nations Institute
Dallas, TX
Biblical Women
Bill McCartney, B.S.
President, Promise Keepers
Denver, CO
The Reconciling Ministry
Dick Mills, B.A., D.D. (assisted by David Michael)
Evangelist and Adjunct Professor
San Jacinto, CA
Word Wealth
Jesse Miranda, B.A., M.R.E., M.S., D.Min.
Distinguished Professor of Urban Studies, Vanguard University; Director, Center for Urban Studies and Ethnic Leadership; President, AMEN
Costa Mesa, CA
Human Worth and Divine Destiny
Leslyn Musch
President, Global Prayer Ministries
Bodega Bay, CA
Lloyd John Ogilvie, B.A., M.Th., D.D., D.H.L.
Chaplain, the United States Senate
Washington, D.C.
The Call to Unity in Christ’s Body
G. E. Patterson
Presiding Bishop, Church of God in Christ;
Pastor, Temple of Deliverance Church of God in Christ
Memphis, TN
Lifestyle Stewardship
Keith W. Phillips, B.A., M.Div., D.Min.
Founder and President, World Impact
Los Angeles, CA
Serving 21st Century Human Need
Fuchsia T. Pickett, D.Th., D.D.
Founder, Fuchsia T. Pickett Ministries; Professor, Christian Life School of Theology; Author; Teacher
Blountville, TN
Christlikeness of Character
Brent Price, B.S., B.Th., M.A., D.Min.
Pastor, Beverly Hills Foursquare Church
Beverly Hills, CA
How to Lead a Person to the Savior
Frederick K. C. Price, D.D.
Founder and Pastor, Crenshaw Christian Center
Los Angeles, CA
God’s Plan for Abundance
Oral Roberts, D.H.L.
Evangelist; Founder and President, Oral Roberts University
Tulsa, OK
Seed Faith
M. G. “Pat” Robertson, B.A., M.Div., J.D., D.D.
Founder and Chairman
The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc.
Virginia Beach, VA
Godliness and Moral Purity
James Robison, D.D.
President, Life Outreach International
Fort Worth, TX
The Holy Spirit and Restoration
James W. Ryle
International Bible Teacher; Author
TruthWorks Ministries
Franklin, TN
Prophetic Dreams and Visions in the Scriptures
Charles Simpson, B.A.
Bible Teacher
Mobile, AL
The Blood of the Covenant
Shira Sorko-Ram, B.A.
Messianic Jewish Pioneer; Author
Tel Aviv, Israel
Understanding Messianic Jewish Ministry
Kenneth C. Ulmer, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., D.Min.
Bishop / Senior Pastor, Teacher
Faithful Central Bible Church
Inglewood, CA
Growth in Life Enrichment
Nathaniel M. Van Cleave, B.A., Th.D., D.D.
Special Conference Speaker / Faculty, Spanish Bible College
Montebello, CA
The Ministry of Divine Healing
Paul Walker, B.A., M.Div., M.Ed., Ph.D.
Senior Pastor Emeritus, Mount Paran Church of God
Atlanta, GA
Chancellor, Division of Education, Church of God International
Cleveland, TN
Holy Spirit Gifts and Power
Raleigh B. Washington, M.Div., D.D., D.Min.
Executive Vice President of Global Ministries, Promise Keepers
Denver, CO
The Reconciling Ministry
Clark Whitten, B.S., M.Div.
Senior Pastor, Calvary Assembly of God
Orlando, FL
Divine Principles of Money Management
Book Introductions, Outlines, and Notes
Arden Conrad Autry, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
2 Corinthians
James Lee Beall, B.A., M.Th., Th.D.
1 and 2 Timothy, Titus
R. Russell Bixler, B.A., M.A., M.Div.
Charles E. Blair, Th.B., D.D., Litt.D.
Paul G. Chappell, B.A., M.Div., Th.M., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Jerry Cook, B.A., B.D.
1 and 2 Samuel, Joel
A. Joy Dawson
Guy P. Duffield, S.T.D., D.D.
Willard S. Elijahson, B.A., M.A., B.D., S.T.M., Th.D.
Howard M. Ervin, A.B., Th.B., B.D., M.A., Th.D.
Ezekiel (coauthored with Roy E. Hayden)
John Garlock, B.A., M.A.
Trevor L. Grizzle, B.A., M.Div., Ph.D.
Wayne A. Grudem, B.A., M.Div., Ph.D.
Roy Edmund Hayden, A.A., B.A., B.Th., B.D., Th.M., M.A., Ph.D.
Jeremiah, Ezekiel (coauthored with Howard M. Ervin), Amos
Jack W. Hayford, B.A., B.Th., D.D., Litt.D.
Ruth, Ephesians
Cheryl Lynn Hetherington, S.T.D., M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.
Charles L. Holman, B.A., B.D., Th.M., Ph.D.
1 and 2 Peter, Jude
Jerry Horner, B.A., M.Div., Th.D.
Galatians, Philippians, 3 John
Richard Duane Israel, B.A., M.Div., M.A., Ph.D.
K. R. “Dick” Iverson, D.Th.
Gary Kinnaman, B.A., M.A.
John Louwerse, B.S., B.C.A., M.A. Ling., M.A. Miss., M.Div., Ph.D.
David Charles Mainse, S.T.M.
Gary Matsdorf, B.A., M.A.
Ronald Mehl, B.Th., D.D.
Sam Middlebrook, B.Th., B.A., M.Div., D.Min.
Hosea, Habakkuk, Haggai
Earl Wesley Morey, B.A., M.Div., Ph.D.
Coleman Cox Phillips, B.Th., B.A., M.Ed., D.D.
Daniel, additional notes for Revelation
Mary LaVonne Phillips, B.R.E., B.S., M.A.
Donald Pickerill, B.Th., B.A., M.A.
Song of Solomon, 1 Corinthians
Timothy Mark Powell, B.S., M.Div., Ph.D.
Obadiah, Nahum
Larry D. Powers, A.A., B.A., M.A.
1 and 2 Kings, 1 and 2 Chronicles
Peter E. Prosser, B.A., B.Th., M.A., Ph.D.
1 and 2 John
Jon Mark Ruthven, B.A., M.A., B.D., Ph.D.
Siegfried Schatzmann, B.A., M.Div., Ph.D.
David Warren Shibley, B.A., M.Div.
Bob G. Slosser, B.A., L.H.D.
Charles W. Snow, Jr., B.S., M.A., Ed.D.
Russell P. Spittler, B.A., M.A., B.D., Ph.D.
1 and 2 Thessalonians
J. Lyle Story, B.A., M.Div., Ph.D.
Matthew, Mark, Luke
James Carroll Tollett, B.A., M.Div., D.Min.
Nathaniel M. Van Cleave, B.A., Th.D., D.D.
Paul B. Watney, B.A., M.A., D.Miss., Ph.D.
William C. Williams, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
Brad H. Young, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
Among its multiple study resources and approaches, the New Spirit-Filled Life® Bible contains a developed coverage of forty-one themes referred to as “Kingdom Dynamics.” This term is derived from abounding biblical and experiential evidence that verifies proven biblical principles and values as essential for the dynamic spread and effective advance of the “gospel of the kingdom” Jesus commissioned to be “preached in all the world as a witness” (Matt. 24:14). Understanding of and faithful attention to these values and truths has always characterized the church where God’s people move in the fullness of power Jesus promised would enable the fulfillment of His commissions (Acts 1:8).
Godly pastors, teachers, evangelists, and other key leaders have contributed to the provision of the wisdom, insight, and spiritual instruction contained in these Kingdom Dynamics articles. Their work has been organized into nine “clusters,” in the spirit of Isaiah 65:8 which notes how “the new wine is found in the cluster” and that “a blessing is in it.” These “clusters,” each representing a general category of spiritual truth, and the component parts of each one expand on key “new wine” principles of Bible-centered, Spirit-filled life and ministry—proven to manifest “blessing” as Jesus’ name is lifted up, souls are drawn to Him, lives are transformed, and the kingdom is advanced through His servants—dynamically enabled to do His will.
Wherever one of these timeless topics is mentioned in Scripture, it is highlighted (keyed with a dove symbol and gray-screened to set it apart from the Bible text). Each entry follows this format: chapter(s) and verse(s) being referenced, title of the particular article under its larger topic (abbreviated form in capital letters), and commentary.
Following a Kingdom Dynamics chain is easy to do. The last line of each entry includes references separated by a slash (/). The reference before the slash takes you to the passage where the preceding Kingdom Dynamic is found (an asterisk in this position indicates that the Kingdom Dynamic you are currently reading is the first in the chain). The reference after the slash takes you to the next passage under that particular theme (an asterisk following the last reference indicates that you have completed the chain and takes you back to the beginning of it). The initials at the end of an entry indicate its author.
Most of the Kingdom Dynamics themes have been addressed by a leader noted for his or her study or emphasis in that area. Please do not miss reading the six topics of interest that are presented in article form following the Book of Revelation, rather than in chain reference form throughout the Bible text. NOTE: We realize that some of the themes treated are subject to differences in interpretation and application. The New Spirit-Filled Life® Bible has included these nonetheless, not as a conclusive endorsement of any but as a representation of truth as applied by some, that we all may study together even at points of difference. Often to do so is to discover that one presumed to be a doctrinal opponent is seen on closer examination to be more in line with one’s own thinking than was first supposed. Thus, the diversity of the themes and approaches offered here may contribute to better understanding as well as expanded enrichment to us all.
Cluster One: Spiritual Foundation Precepts
All dynamics related to believing life are rooted in, flow from, and are authenticated by The Word of God. Jesus settled this in His own description of the priority of the Scriptures to our life, affirming, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matt. 4:4). The rise of all truly durable power-works of the Holy Spirit begin here with vital habits in reading, obeying, feeding upon, studying, and making life-application of the Bible. This growth rises within the redemptive life potential to humankind by one means alone—The Blood of the Covenant. The grounds for the release of all salvation’s dimensions of promise in Christ are because of the Cross where the price of eternal life and kingdom hope was paid. Every believer should understand the history of God’s redemptive requirement of the blood, why Jesus had to die as He did, and how an immeasurable dynamic of spiritual power has been unleashed in the invisible realm through “the blood of the Lamb” (Rev. 12:10, 11). Central to Jesus’ teaching, preaching, and ministry was His introducing and explaining all truth as it related to The Kingdom of God. Relating all life to the realities of God’s reign over and rule in the affairs of life, Jesus pointed the way for each of His redeemed to discover kingdom principles by which God’s power may flow in their daily life. Among these principles, none precedes the priority of Praise and Worship as a lifestyle, as an ongoing pattern of humility before God’s throne, and as a key to realizing the dynamic power of God’s visiting presence.
Cluster Two: Prayer Power Precepts
All believing life begins with and grows in Prayer, the privilege of coming to God’s throne in simple faith. As faith grows, the prayer ministry of Intercession begins to expand the impact of the believer’s prayer life, and victories are learned through Advancing in Spiritual Warfare. The dynamic of faith increases as the principles of Living in the Power and Promise of God’s Word are realized and responded to with biblical wisdom and balance. Joined to His Word, God also gives the praying believer the Holy Spirit’s timely Prophetic Dreams and Visions, which are available to all believers (Acts 2:17) and which are always to be measured and judged by the authority of God’s eternal Word.
Cluster Three: Personal Growth Precepts
Jesus described the relationship of each of His own to Himself as a “vine-branch” relationship (John 15). There is a combination truth of His sovereignty and our responsibility—“abide in Me…without Me you can do nothing.” Our role is to grow in an intimate relationship with Him: His will is to flow His power and fruitfulness through us. Growing in Knowing God provides devotional insights into the beauty and wonder of the Father Himself; Christlikeness of Character develops in each believer as a restored and deepening walk with God increases. Holiness of life in morals and ethics is the natural by-product of the Godliness and Moral Purity of Christ guiding and filling us, and as an accountable responsiveness is shown to our call to continual Growth in Life Enrichment.
Cluster Four: Spiritual Empowerment Precepts