


abandonment, 118–19, 243

ABCs, 28, 30, 182, 249

abstract point of no return (APNR), 246, 249–50, 263

accident rate statistics, 180–82, 212–13

agoraphobia, xiii

air, as gelatin, 68–69

airline, choosing, 211–13

airline, foreign, 213


accidents, 180–82

automatic landing, 180

backup and emergency systems, 176–77, 238–39

bird ingestion, 175

changing direction, 170–72

climbing and descending, 172

engines, 173–75

Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS), 178–79

rudder, 172–73

stability, 169–70

Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS), 177–78

alcohol, 225

Als, Heidelise, 159

Als’s Seven Levels of Arousal, 159–61, 163

amygdalae, 8–9, 28–31, 33–35, 39, 42–46, 73, 146

Anticipatory Anxiety Exercise, 228–30


acceptance of, 242–43

anticipatory, 227–52

in everyday situations, 125–28

apps, 81

arousal, 159–65

Ativan, 223


avoidant, 141–46

insecure, 147–48

secure, 140–41

automatic regulation, 19

autopilot, 25–27


business, 214

complete flight, 199–208

how flying works, 169–82

turbulence, 189–97

weather, 183–87



backup systems, 176–77, 238–39

banking, 170

Barnett, Arnold, 216

Bateman, Don, 178

benzodiazepines, 223–34

Bunn, Tom, 37



calming, sources of, 157

captain, meeting, 217–22, 231

Carter, Carol Sue, 23

categorical thinking, 241

CEO, inner, 25, 28–30, 33–35, 45–46

child psychology, 133–57

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), ix, 19, 253

commitment, 246–52, 260

Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT), 178–79

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 165

Cummings, Truman “Slim,” ix



death, 246–47

decisions, questioning, 240–41

Developmental Psychology, 228

doubt, 1

driving 11/10ths, 164

dynamic stability, 169–70



Ehrlinger, Joyce, 89

elevators, 125–28

emotional regulation, 133–57

empathic attunement, 23, 96–98

Erasure Exercise, 129–31

Erickson, Milton, 244

Executive Function, xiii, xvii–xviii, 33–47

Executive Function overload, 85–90


Anticipatory Anxiety, 228–30

Erasure, 129–31

5-4-3-2-1, 15–17

Strengthening, 103–123

expert, reassuring, 225



fear of flying

celebrities with, ix

courses, 2–3

onset of, 49–57

psychotherapy for, ix

reasons for, xi–xii

role of stress hormones in, 25–47

feelings, forecasting, 237–38

5-4-3-2-1 Exercise, 9, 13, 15–17, 258

Flannagan, Michael J., 213, 217


complete, 199–208

planning, 211–26

simulator, 231–32

tracking, 257–59

videos of, 236–37

flooding, 161–65

Flow (Csikszentmihalyi), 165

flow, 165

Fonagy, Peter, 44



g-force, 71

apps that measure, 81

Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS), 178–79

Guntrip, Harry, 142



imagination, 43–44, 59, 64–65, 257–58

memorized, 253–54

Internal Replica System (IRS), xiv­–xvi, 150, 156



jet stream, 191–92

journal, 259



Kahneman, Daniel, 214–15, 217

kensho, 162

kinesthetic thinking, 114–15

Klonopin, 223



landing, 207–8

lavatory, pilot using, 194–95

Lerner, Jennifer, 37

lightning, 186

Loewenstein, George, 37

Loewi, Otto, 148



maintenance outsourcing, 212

map, 80

Masterson, James, 118, 142, 248

maximizers, 89

media, 255–56

medication, anti-anxiety, 222–25

Melamed, Fred, xviii–xix

memory, 25–27

traumatic, 129

Meuret, Alicia E., 153

mirroring, 142, 152–53

Mobilization System, xiii, xiv, xv, 40

movie, internal, 59–65



news, 256

9/11, 180–81, 256

nursing, 22–23, 96–97



onset of fear of flying

adult, 53

childhood, 51

due to loss, 50–51

due to recognition of vulnerability, 53–54

marriage, 54

no apparent reason, 49–50

pregnancy, 56

teen, 52

when learning to care, 55–56

orbitofrontal cortex, 34

orgasm, 163–64

oxytocin, 23, 95–97, 164, 233



Pan Am, ix, 3

panic, 42–46, 115–17

anticipatory, 234

anxiety about, 233–34

attacks, 152–57

in everyday situations, 125–28

parasympathetic nervous system, 23

parenting, 133–40, 156

pilots’ union, 212

pilots, young, 231–32

Porges, Stephen, xiii, 23, 111, 148–49

private jets, 214

psychic equivalence, , 44, 83, 154, 254

psychological fixation, 40


anxiety in everyday situations, 125–28

arousal, 159–65

automatic regulation, 19–24

emotional regulation, 133–57

Erasure Exercise, 129–31

Executive Function, 33–47

Executive Function overload, 85–90

flight phobia, 1–13

inner CEO, 25–32

inner movie, 59–65

manual regulation, 15–17

onset of flight phobia, 49–57

rumination, 83–84

Strengthening Exercise, 91–124

turbulence in flight, 67–81



reflective function, 85–87, 256–57

reframing, 244–46

regulatory moment, 100–101

relaxation exercises, 21

relaxation techniques, 258

Reticular Activating System (RAS), 75

Right Stuff, The (Wolfe), 251

Ross, Jerilyn, 21, 238

Roth, W. T., 223

rumination, 83–84

runway, 202–3



Satir, Virginia, 244

satisficers, 89

Schore, Allan, 139

seat belt sign, 194

simulated flight, 20–21

Sivak, Michael, 213, 217

SOAR (Seminars On Aeroanxiety Relief), ix–xi, 4

SOAR Chat, 37–40

SOAR methodology, 94

Social Engagement System (SES), xiii–xiv, xvi–xvii, 31, 94–96, 148–50

Souter, David, 52

square breathing, 258

statistics, 212–13, 215–16

storms, 185–86


anticipatory anxiety, 227–52

medication, 222–25

onboard, 220–22

planning and starting flight, 211–26

preboarding, 217–20

ten supportive strategies, 253–60

Strengthening Exercise, 9, 91–124, 233–34

how to conduct, 103–4

in everyday situations, 125–28

Phase One, 104–8

Phase Two, 108–15

Phase Three, 115–17

Phase Four, 118–22

troubleshooting, 122–24

stress hormones, xii–xiii, 8, 25–33, 39–43, 45–46, 93–94

Sullenberger, Sully, 222

synapses, 133–34

Systematic Desensitization, 20, 93–94

Systematic Inhibition, 22–24, 47, 103



takeoff, 92–93

target fixation, 257

terrorism, 180–81

Thinking, Fast and Slow (Kahneman), 214–17

thought stopping, 21

Traffic Collision Avoidance System (TCAS), 177–78

Turbulence Penetration Speed, 72

turbulence, 67–81, 146

clear air turbulence (CAT), 190–91

during descent and landing, 193–94

jet stream, 191–92

lavatory use during, 194–95

psychological effects, 67–82, 195–97

seat belt sign during, 194

types of, 189–90

wind shear, 193

two-mindedness, 137–39



U-P-S-E-T sequence, 137–38

Uvnäs-Moberg, Kerstin, 23



vagus nerve, 148–49

Valentino, Kristin, 152

Valium, 223

venous thromboembolism (VTE), 223, 225

Visual Cliff research, 228–29



weather, 183–87

Wilhelm, F. H., 223

Winnicott, Donald, 73, 140

Wolfe, Tom, 251

World Health Organization, 223



Xanax, 223



Yeager, Charles “Chuck,” 68, 251