
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


##any wildcard, Allowing Any Elements or Attributes from a Particular Namespace
##local wildcard, Allowing Any Elements or Attributes from a Particular Namespace
##other wildcard, Allowing Any Elements or Attributes from a Particular Namespace
##targetNamespace wildcard, Allowing Any Elements or Attributes from a Particular Namespace
() (parentheses) group character, Oring and Grouping
- (minus sign) for ranges in user-defined character classes, User-defined character classes
. (period) wildcard character, Wildcard
<Emphasis>Namespaces in XML<Default Para Font>, Controlling Namespaces
[] (square brackets) for user-defined character classes, User-defined character classes
\ (slash) escape character, The Simplest Possible Patterns, Special Characters, User-defined character classes
special characters, Special Characters
user-defined character classes, User-defined character classes
\( special character, Special Characters
\) special character, Special Characters
\* special character, Special Characters
\+ special character, Special Characters
\- special character, Special Characters
\. special character, Special Characters
\? special character, Special Characters
\[ special character, Special Characters
\\ special character, Special Characters
\] special character, Special Characters
\^ special character, Special Characters
\{ special character, Special Characters
\| special character, Special Characters
\} special character, Special Characters
^ (caret) for negating lists in user-defined character classes, User-defined character classes
| (vertical bar) or character, Oring and Grouping


abstract attribute, Defining Complex Types, Abstract elements, Abstract elements, Abstract complex types
complex type definitions and, Abstract complex types
defining head elements, Abstract elements
substitution groups and, Abstract elements
Academia Sinica Computing Centre, Schematron
accessors, polymorphic, Defining Simple Types
adornments, schema, The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element
#all value (block attribute), Block attribute, Block attribute
ambiguous content models, Unique Particle Attribution Rule
anonymous vs. named datatypes, Named Versus Anonymous Types
##any wildcard, Allowing Any Elements or Attributes from a Particular Namespace
anySimpleType type, What About anySimpleType?
Apache’s XNI, APIs
atomic datatypes, deriving list datatypes from, Derivation By List, List Datatypes
atoms in patterns, Quantifying, Back to Our Library, Special Characters, Wildcard, Character Classes, User-defined character classes, User-defined character classes, User-defined character classes, Oring and Grouping, Oring and Grouping
character classes and, Character Classes, User-defined character classes
group character, Oring and Grouping
or character, Oring and Grouping
special characters, Special Characters
user-defined character classes, User-defined character classes, User-defined character classes
wildcard character, Wildcard
attribute groups, Element and attribute groups, Redefinition of Element and Attribute Groups, Restriction, Extension, Restriction, Restriction, Restriction, Attributes
defining, Attributes
redefining, Redefinition of Element and Attribute Groups, Restriction, Extension, Restriction, Restriction
by extension, Extension
by restriction, Restriction, Restriction
rules for, vs. complex types, Restriction
attributeFormDefault attribute, To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?, To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?
attributes, Our First Schema, Our First Schema, Our First Schema, Working From the Structure of the Instance Document, Working From the Structure of the Instance Document, Russian Doll and Object-Oriented Design, xs:ID and xs:IDREF , To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?, XML Attributes, XML Attributes, XLink Attributes
creating classified lists of, Our First Schema
defining, Our First Schema, Our First Schema, Working From the Structure of the Instance Document, Working From the Structure of the Instance Document, Russian Doll and Object-Oriented Design, xs:ID and xs:IDREF
globally, Our First Schema, Our First Schema
locally, Working From the Structure of the Instance Document, Working From the Structure of the Instance Document, Russian Doll and Object-Oriented Design
using xs:ID and xs:IDREF types, xs:ID and xs:IDREF
qualified vs. unqualified, To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?
XLink, XLink Attributes
XML, XML Attributes, XML Attributes


base attribute, referencing simple type definitions with, Creation of Simple Content Models
base64 encoding, predefined datatype for, Binary string-encoded datatypes
BasicLatin Unicode block, Unicode blocks
binary string-encoded datatypes, Binary string-encoded datatypes
binding, Data Binding, Early Binding Tools
data, Data Binding
early vs. late, Early Binding Tools
block attribute, Defining Complex Types, Block attribute, Block attribute, Blocking complex types
complex type definitions and, Blocking complex types
substitution groups and, Block attribute, Block attribute
blockDefault attribute, Block attribute
blocks, Unicode, Unicode character classes
Bourret, Ronald, Data Binding, The W3C XML Schema Family
Bray, Tim, Unique Particle Attribution Rule
British Summer Time (BST), The Realm of ISO 8601
BST (British Summer Time), The Realm of ISO 8601


\c character class, Classical Perl character classes
\C character class, Classical Perl character classes
Canonical XML and namespace prefixes, Namespace Declarations
categories, Unicode, Unicode character classes
chameleon schemas, Splitting Schema Components
character classes, Character Classes, User-defined character classes
children elements, Our First Schema, Depth Versus Modularity?
recursive schemas and, Depth Versus Modularity?
Clark, James, Unique Particle Attribution Rule, Intrusive Modeling Tools, The RELAX NG Family, RELAX NG
“classical” Perl character classes, Classical Perl character classes
co-occurrence constraints, Using xs:key and xs:unique As Co-occurrence Constraints
Codd, E. F., Defining Nil (Null) Values
collapsed strings, Collapsed Strings, Binary string-encoded datatypes
comma-separated-value lists, not described by XML Schema, List Datatypes
comments, The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element, The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element, XML 1.0 Comments
adding to schemas, using xs:annotation element, The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element, The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element
XML 1.0, XML 1.0 Comments
complements of character classes, User-defined character classes
complex content models, Our First Schema, Our First Schema, Creation of Complex Content, Derivation by extension, Derivation by extension, Derivation by restriction, Derivation by restriction, Asymmetry of these two methods, Derivation between complex and mixed content models, As complex content models, Back to Our Library, Back to Our Library, Back to Our Library, Back to Our Library, Defining Complex Types
asymmetry of derivation methods, Asymmetry of these two methods
creating, Creation of Complex Content, As complex content models
empty content models as, As complex content models
defining, Our First Schema
derivation by extension, Derivation by extension, Derivation by extension, Back to Our Library
derivation by restriction, Derivation by restriction, Derivation by restriction, Back to Our Library, Defining Complex Types
deriving from mixed contents, Derivation between complex and mixed content models
example of, Back to Our Library, Back to Our Library
complex datatypes, Our First Schema, Our First Schema, Creating Complex Datatypes, Derivation or Groups, Creation Versus Derivation, Creation of Simple Content Models, Creation of Complex Content, Creating Mixed Content Models, Creation of Empty Content Models, Schema Inclusion, Redefining of Simple and Complex Types, Simplifying the Library, Defining Complex Types, Defining Complex Types, Blocking complex types, Final complex types, Abstract complex types, Elements, Elements
abstract attribute and, Abstract complex types
block attribute and, Blocking complex types
creating, Creating Complex Datatypes, Derivation or Groups, Creation Versus Derivation, Creation of Simple Content Models, Creation of Complex Content, Creating Mixed Content Models, Creation of Empty Content Models
vs. deriving, Creation Versus Derivation
with complex content models, Creation of Complex Content
with empty content models, Creation of Empty Content Models
with mixed content models, Creating Mixed Content Models
with simple content models, Creation of Simple Content Models
defining, Our First Schema, Defining Complex Types, Defining Complex Types, Elements
globally, Elements
extensibility features of different styles, Elements
final attribute and, Final complex types
included schemas, Schema Inclusion, Simplifying the Library
example of, Simplifying the Library
redefining, Redefining of Simple and Complex Types
composite fields, defining, Composite Fields
compositors (element roles), Compositors and particles
Consistent Declaration Rule, Consistent Declaration Rule, Using xs:key and xs:unique As Co-occurrence Constraints, Defining Complex Types
co-occurrence constraints as workaround to, Using xs:key and xs:unique As Co-occurrence Constraints
xsi:type as workaround against, Defining Complex Types
constraints, Uniqueness, Composite Fields, Keys, Key References, Using xs:key and xs:unique As Co-occurrence Constraints
co-occurrence, Using xs:key and xs:unique As Co-occurrence Constraints
composite fields and, Composite Fields
key elements and, Keys, Key References
testing for uniqueness, Uniqueness
content models, Our First Schema, Creating Complex Datatypes, Content Models, Element and attribute groups, Unique Particle Attribution Rule, Limitations on unordered content models, Using xs:choice instead of xs:all , Creating Building Blocks, Simplifying the Library, Using xs:key and xs:unique As Co-occurrence Constraints, Defining Complex Types, The Need for Open Schemas
(see also complex content models; mixed content models; simple content models)
allowing two for same element, Defining Complex Types
co-occurrence constraints and, Using xs:key and xs:unique As Co-occurrence Constraints
deterministic vs. nondeterministic, Unique Particle Attribution Rule
open schemas and, The Need for Open Schemas
relationship between child text/element nodes and, Content Models
reusable attributes/elements, creating, Element and attribute groups, Creating Building Blocks, Simplifying the Library
unordered, limitations on, Limitations on unordered content models, Using xs:choice instead of xs:all
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), The Realm of ISO 8601, The Realm of ISO 8601
counting words with regular expressions, Counting words
Cowan, John, The W3C XML Schema Family


\d character class, Classical Perl character classes
\D character class, Classical Perl character classes
datatypes, Using Predefined Simple Datatypes, Using Predefined Simple Datatypes, Lexical and Value Spaces, Back to Our Library, String Datatypes, Binary string-encoded datatypes, Numeric Datatypes, xs:boolean , Decimal Types, Decimal Types, Float Datatypes, Date and Time Datatypes, Datatypes, Date and Time Datatypes, Datatypes, List Types, Back to Our Library, Back to Our Library, Integer and derived datatypes, Decimals, Multiple Restrictions and Fixed Attribute, Fixed facets, Back to Our Library, Back to Our Library, Using Regular Expressions to Specify Simple Datatypes, Creating Complex Datatypes, Derivation by restriction, Datatype Reference Guide, Example
(see also entries under xs:)
adding constraints on, Back to Our Library, Back to Our Library
applying new restrictions to, Multiple Restrictions and Fixed Attribute, Fixed facets
complex, Creating Complex Datatypes (see complex datatypes)
date, Date and Time Datatypes, Datatypes
decimal, Decimal Types, Decimal Types, Decimals
facets for, Decimals
float, Float Datatypes
lexical and value spaces, Lexical and Value Spaces, Back to Our Library
list, List Types (see list datatypes)
numeric, Numeric Datatypes, xs:boolean , Integer and derived datatypes
facets for, Integer and derived datatypes
predefined, Using Predefined Simple Datatypes, Back to Our Library, Back to Our Library
used in schemas, Back to Our Library, Back to Our Library
reference guide of, Datatype Reference Guide, Example
restricting, Derivation by restriction
simple, Using Regular Expressions to Specify Simple Datatypes (see simple datatypes)
string, String Datatypes, Binary string-encoded datatypes
time, Date and Time Datatypes, Datatypes
date datatypes, Date and Time Datatypes, Datatypes, Date and time datatypes, Datetimes, Back to Our Library, Back to Our Library
constraining when no time zones are needed, Back to Our Library, Back to Our Library
facets for, Date and time datatypes
regular expressions and, Datetimes
datetime datatypes, Datetimes (see date datatypes time datatypes)
DCD (Document Content Description for XML) proposal, The W3C XML Schema Family
DDML (Document Definition Markup Language or XSchema) proposal, The W3C XML Schema Family
decimal datatypes, facets for, Decimals
decimal types, Decimal Types, Decimal Types
declarations, namespace, Namespace Declarations, Namespace Declarations
default namespaces, Namespaces Present Two Challenges to Schema Languages, To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?, To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?, Disruptive Attributes, Namespaces and XPath Expressions, Importing Schemas with No Namespaces
importing schemas with no namespaces, Importing Schemas with No Namespaces
not applied to, To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?, Disruptive Attributes, Namespaces and XPath Expressions
attributes, To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?, Disruptive Attributes
XPath expressions, Namespaces and XPath Expressions
using target namespaces as, To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?
derivation methods, Creating Simple Datatypes, Derivation By Restriction, Fixed facets, Derivation By List, List Datatypes, Derivation By Union, Beware of the Order, Derivation by extension, Derivation by restriction, Comparison of these two methods, Derivation by extension, Derivation by extension, Derivation by restriction, Asymmetry of these two methods, Asymmetry of these two methods, Derivation by extension, Derivation by restriction, Derivation by extension, Derivation by restriction, Back to Our Library, Back to Our Library, Defining Simple Types, Defining Complex Types, Restricting substitution groups, Controlling Derivations, Other Components and Redefinitions
asymmetry of, Asymmetry of these two methods, Asymmetry of these two methods
controlling usage of, Controlling Derivations, Other Components and Redefinitions
by extension, Derivation by extension, Derivation by extension, Derivation by extension, Derivation by extension, Derivation by extension, Back to Our Library
of complex content complex types, Derivation by extension, Derivation by extension, Back to Our Library
of empty content complex types, Derivation by extension
of mixed content complex types, Derivation by extension
of simple content complex types, Derivation by extension
importance of order, Beware of the Order
by list, Derivation By List, List Datatypes
by restriction, Derivation By Restriction, Fixed facets, Derivation by restriction, Comparison of these two methods, Derivation by restriction, Derivation by restriction, Derivation by restriction, Back to Our Library, Defining Complex Types, Restricting substitution groups
of complex content complex types, Derivation by restriction, Back to Our Library, Defining Complex Types, Restricting substitution groups
of empty content complex types, Derivation by restriction
of mixed content complex types, Derivation by restriction
of simple content complex types, Derivation by restriction, Comparison of these two methods
by union, Derivation By Union, Defining Simple Types
deterministic content models, Unique Particle Attribution Rule, Unique Particle Attribution Rule
Document Content Description for XML (DCD) proposal, The W3C XML Schema Family
Document Definition Markup Language or XSchema (DDML) proposal, The W3C XML Schema Family
Document Schema Definition Language (DSDL), ISO: DSDL
Document Type Definitions (DTDs), W3C XML Schema, The DTD Family, XML DTDs
sample application, XML DTDs
documenting, Documentation, Documenting Schemas
schemas, Documenting Schemas
XML vocabularies, Documentation
DOM Level 3 specification, W3C XML Schema’s impact on, DOM
DSDL (Document Schema Definition Language), ISO: DSDL
DTDs (Document Type Definitions), W3C XML Schema, The DTD Family, XML DTDs
sample application, XML DTDs
Dublin Core elements, allowed in schema annotations, The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element
duration, datatype for, Datatypes


element groups, Element and attribute groups, Redefinition of Element and Attribute Groups, Extension, Restriction, Substitution Groups, Traditional Declarations or Substitution Groups?, Elements, Elements
defining, Elements, Elements
extensibility of, using substitution groups, Substitution Groups
redefining, Redefinition of Element and Attribute Groups, Extension, Restriction
by extension, Extension
by restriction, Restriction
vs. substitution groups, Traditional Declarations or Substitution Groups?
element types, Our First Schema, Where Have the Element Types Gone?, Defining Element Types, Defining Complex Types, Defining Element Types, Defining Complex Types
changed from XML 1.0 Recommendation, Where Have the Element Types Gone?
defining, Defining Element Types, Defining Complex Types
simple vs. complex, Our First Schema
xsi:type attribute and, Defining Element Types, Defining Complex Types
elementFormDefault attribute, To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?, To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?
elements, Our First Schema, Our First Schema, Our First Schema, Working From the Structure of the Instance Document, Working From the Structure of the Instance Document, Russian Doll and Object-Oriented Design, xs:ID and xs:IDREF , Elements, Abstract elements, Elements, Foreign Attributes, Elements Reference Guide, Attributes
controlling derivations, Elements, Abstract elements
creating classified lists of, Our First Schema
defining, Our First Schema, Our First Schema, Working From the Structure of the Instance Document, Working From the Structure of the Instance Document, Russian Doll and Object-Oriented Design, xs:ID and xs:IDREF
globally, Our First Schema, Our First Schema
locally, Working From the Structure of the Instance Document, Working From the Structure of the Instance Document, Russian Doll and Object-Oriented Design
using xs:ID and xs:IDREF types, xs:ID and xs:IDREF
foreign attributes accepted by, Foreign Attributes
global, Elements (see global elements)
reference guide of, Elements Reference Guide, Attributes
empty content models, Our First Schema, Creation of Empty Content Models, Derivation by extension, Derivation by restriction, Simple or Complex Content Models for Empty Content Models?, Back to Our Library, Defining Nil (Null) Values
creating, Creation of Empty Content Models
defining, Back to Our Library
derivation by extension, Derivation by extension
derivation by restriction, Derivation by restriction
simple vs. complex types for, Simple or Complex Content Models for Empty Content Models?
vs. null elements, Defining Nil (Null) Values
encodings, datatypes for, Binary string-encoded datatypes
English, Joe, Unique Particle Attribution Rule
error messages and schema extensions, Schema Extensions: Error Messages
errors, detecting using validation, Validation
escape character (\), The Simplest Possible Patterns, Special Characters, User-defined character classes
special characters, Special Characters
user-defined character classes, User-defined character classes
Examplotron schema language, Examplotron, Examplotron
sample application, Examplotron
extensible schemas, Creating Extensible Schemas, Splitting Schema Components
extension, derivation by, Derivation by extension (see derivation methods, by extension)
extensions, schema, Schema Extensions: Error Messages
external parsed entities, using instead of xs:include and xs:reference, External Parsed Entities


facets, Facets, List datatypes, Whitespace collapsed strings, xs:pattern , Other strings, Multiple Restrictions and Fixed Attribute, Fixed facets, Fixed facets, Using Regular Expressions to Specify Simple Datatypes, Back to Our Library
fixed attribute and, Fixed facets
multiple restrictions and, Multiple Restrictions and Fixed Attribute, Fixed facets
non-whitespace-collapsed strings, Other strings
restricting lexical space of simple datatypes, Using Regular Expressions to Specify Simple Datatypes, Back to Our Library
whitespace-collapsed strings, Whitespace collapsed strings, xs:pattern
final attribute, Final elements, Final complex types, Simple Types, final and fixed Attributes
complex type definitions and, Final complex types
extensible schemas and, final and fixed Attributes
simple type definitions and, Simple Types
substitution groups and, Final elements
finalDefault attribute, Final elements, Simple Types
simple type definitions and, Simple Types
substitution groups and, Final elements
finite state machines (FSM), Unique Particle Attribution Rule
firewalls, Validation, Firewalls Against Diversity
open vs. closed, Firewalls Against Diversity
validating documents and, Validation
fixed attribute, Fixed facets, Simple Types, final and fixed Attributes
controlling derivation of simple types, Simple Types
extensible schemas and, final and fixed Attributes
included in facets, Fixed facets
flat schema design, Our First Schema, Flat Design, Global Components, Depth Versus Modularity?, When It’s Similar, Show It
creating readable schemas, When It’s Similar, Show It
recursive schema and, Depth Versus Modularity?
flexible schemas, creating, Creating Extensible Schemas, Splitting Schema Components
float datatypes, Float Datatypes, Numeric and Float Types
regular expressions and, Numeric and Float Types
FSM (finite state machines), Unique Particle Attribution Rule


head elements of substitution groups, Using substitution groups, Abstract elements
defining, using abstract attribute, Abstract elements
hexadecimal encoding, predefined datatype for, Binary string-encoded datatypes


\i character class, Classical Perl character classes
\I character class, Classical Perl character classes
identifiers, Tokenss, xs:ID and xs:IDREF , ID/IDREF Versus xs:key/xs:keyref
xs:ID and xs:IDREF types, xs:ID and xs:IDREF , ID/IDREF Versus xs:key/xs:keyref
imported schemas, Referencing Other Namespaces, Namespace Behavior of Imported Components, Splitting Schema Components
namespace behavior of, Namespace Behavior of Imported Components
referencing other namespaces, Referencing Other Namespaces
splitting schema components, Splitting Schema Components
included schemas, Schema Inclusion with Redefinition (see schemas, inclusion xs\include element)
instance documents, The Instance Document, Working From the Structure of the Instance Document, Working From the Structure of the Instance Document, Adapting the structure of your document, Adapting the structure of your document, Using xs:key and xs:unique As Co-occurrence Constraints, Associating Schemas with Instance Documents, Associating Schemas with Instance Documents, Defining Simple Types, Defining Complex Types, Defining Complex Types, Defining Nil (Null) Values
adapting to constraints of xs:all (outside a group), Adapting the structure of your document, Adapting the structure of your document
associating schemas with, Associating Schemas with Instance Documents, Associating Schemas with Instance Documents
co-occurrence constraints in, Using xs:key and xs:unique As Co-occurrence Constraints
creating, The Instance Document
defining complex types in, Defining Complex Types, Defining Complex Types
defining simple types in, Defining Simple Types
locally defining components, Working From the Structure of the Instance Document, Working From the Structure of the Instance Document
null values in, Defining Nil (Null) Values
intersections of character classes, User-defined character classes
ISO 8601 standard and date/time formats, The Realm of ISO 8601, The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element
ISO DSDL (Document Schema Definition Language), ISO: DSDL
itemType attribute, List Datatypes


Jelliffe, Rick, Schematron


Kawaguchi, Kohsuke, Derivation or Groups
keys/key references, defining, Keys, Key References


Macherius, Ingo, The W3C XML Schema Family
maxOccurs attribute, Our First Schema, Compositors and particles, Extension
compositors and particles, Compositors and particles
extending attribute/element groups, issues with, Extension
minOccurs attribute, Our First Schema, Compositors and particles, Extension
compositors and particles, Compositors and particles
extending attribute/element groups, issues with, Extension
mixed attribute, Content Models
mixed content models, Our First Schema, Creating Mixed Content Models, Derivation by extension, Derivation by restriction, Derivation between complex and mixed content models, The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element
creating, Creating Mixed Content Models
derivation by extension, Derivation by extension
derivation by restriction, Derivation by restriction
deriving from complex contents, Derivation between complex and mixed content models
xs:annotation element and, The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element
modeling tools for schema languages, Intrusive Modeling Tools
modularity of W3C XML Schema, W3C XML Schema Is Modular, Depth Versus Modularity?, Depth Versus Modularity?
vs. depth of schemas, Depth Versus Modularity?, Depth Versus Modularity?
Murata, Makoto, Unique Particle Attribution Rule, The RELAX NG Family, RELAX NG


\n special character (new line), Special Characters
name tokens, datatypes for, Tokenss
named vs. anonymous datatypes, Named Versus Anonymous Types
namespace attribute, Allowing Any Elements or Attributes from a Particular Namespace
namespaces, Controlling Namespaces, Allowing Any Elements or Attributes from a Particular Namespace, Namespaces Present Two Challenges to Schema Languages, Namespaces Present Two Challenges to Schema Languages, Namespaces Present Two Challenges to Schema Languages, Namespaces Present Two Challenges to Schema Languages, Namespaces Present Two Challenges to Schema Languages, Namespace Declarations, Namespace Declarations, Namespace Declarations, Namespace Declarations, Namespace Declarations, To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?, To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?, To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?, To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?, Namespaces and XPath Expressions, Namespaces and XPath Expressions, Referencing Other Namespaces, Referencing Other Namespaces, XML Attributes, XML Attributes, XML Attributes, Namespace Behavior of Imported Components, Importing Schemas with No Namespaces, Importing Schemas with No Namespaces, Chameleon Design, Chameleon Design, Allowing Any Elements or Attributes from a Particular Namespace, Allowing Any Elements or Attributes from a Particular Namespace
accommodating attributes/elements from other, Allowing Any Elements or Attributes from a Particular Namespace, Allowing Any Elements or Attributes from a Particular Namespace
behavior of imported schemas, Namespace Behavior of Imported Components
challenges presented to schema languages, Namespaces Present Two Challenges to Schema Languages, Namespaces Present Two Challenges to Schema Languages
declarations, Namespace Declarations, Namespace Declarations
default, Namespaces Present Two Challenges to Schema Languages (see default namespaces)
importing schemas with no namespaces, Importing Schemas with No Namespaces, Importing Schemas with No Namespaces
including schemas using xs:include and xs:redefine, Chameleon Design, Chameleon Design
prefixes, Namespaces Present Two Challenges to Schema Languages, Namespaces Present Two Challenges to Schema Languages, Namespace Declarations, Namespace Declarations, To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?, To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?, To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?, To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?, Namespaces and XPath Expressions, XML Attributes
controversy with, Namespace Declarations
declaring, in XPath expressions, Namespaces and XPath Expressions
defining in schemas, To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?, To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?
issues with, Namespaces Present Two Challenges to Schema Languages, Namespaces Present Two Challenges to Schema Languages
namespace declarations and, Namespace Declarations
qualified/unqualified attributes, To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?, To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?
XML 1.0 namespace, XML Attributes
referencing other namespaces, Referencing Other Namespaces, Referencing Other Namespaces
target, Namespace Declarations (see target namespaces)
XML 1.0 namespace, XML Attributes, XML Attributes
XPath expressions and, Namespaces and XPath Expressions
Namespaces in XML, Disruptive Attributes
qualified/unqualified attributes, Disruptive Attributes
negating lists in user-defined character classes, User-defined character classes
nil values, defining, Defining Nil (Null) Values
nillable attribute, Defining Nil (Null) Values
noncolonized names, datatypes for, Tokenss
nondeterministic content models, Unique Particle Attribution Rule, Unique Particle Attribution Rule
normalized strings, Whitespace Processing, Normalized Strings
notations, Notations
null values, defining, Defining Nil (Null) Values
numeric datatypes, Numeric Datatypes, xs:boolean , Integer and derived datatypes, Numeric and Float Types
facets for, Integer and derived datatypes
regular expressions and, Numeric and Float Types


OASIS Technical Committee, The RELAX NG Family
object-oriented design and Russian doll design, Russian Doll and Object-Oriented Design
object-oriented XML schema languages, Object-Oriented XML Schema Languages
open schemas, need for, The Need for Open Schemas
or character (|), Oring and Grouping
##other wildcard, Allowing Any Elements or Attributes from a Particular Namespace


Paoli, Jean, Unique Particle Attribution Rule
parentheses () group character, Oring and Grouping
parsed spaces, Lexical and Value Spaces
particles (element roles), Compositors and particles
patterns, Using Regular Expressions to Specify Simple Datatypes, The Swiss Army Knife, Back to Our Library, The Simplest Possible Patterns, Quantifying, Quantifying, Common Patterns
(see also regular expressions)
atoms in, Quantifying (see atoms in patterns)
commonly used, Common Patterns
constraining simple datatypes, The Swiss Army Knife, Back to Our Library
quantifiers in, Quantifying
simplest forms of, The Simplest Possible Patterns
period (.) wildcard character, Wildcard
Perl character classes, Classical Perl character classes
polymorphic accessors, Defining Simple Types
Post Schema Validation Infoset, PSVI Serialization (see PSVI)
predefined datatypes, Using Predefined Simple Datatypes, Back to Our Library
used in schemas, Back to Our Library
prefixes, namespace, Namespaces Present Two Challenges to Schema Languages (see namespaces, prefixes)
processContents attribute, Allowing Any Elements or Attributes from a Particular Namespace, Associating Schemas with Instance Documents, Wildcards
associating schemas with instance documents, Associating Schemas with Instance Documents
open schemas and, Wildcards
processing instructions, XML 1.0 Comments
PSVI (Post Schema Validation Infoset), XLink Attributes, Defining Simple Types, Object-Oriented XML Schema Languages, PSVI Serialization
defining simple types, Defining Simple Types
defining XLink attributes, XLink Attributes
object-oriented XML schema languages and, Object-Oriented XML Schema Languages
serialization, PSVI Serialization


qualified names, Qualified names
qualified vs. unqualified attributes, To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?
quantifiers in patterns, Quantifying
querying support for XML documents, Querying Support


\r special character (carriage return), Special Characters
ranges in user-defined character classes, defining, User-defined character classes
RDF (Resources Description Framework) specification, Where Have the Element Types Gone?, RDF
element types and, Where Have the Element Types Gone?
W3C XML Schema’s impact on, RDF
recursive schemas, Depth Versus Modularity?
redefinition, schema inclusion with, Schema Inclusion with Redefinition, Restriction, Schema Inclusion with Redefinition
(see also xs:redefine element)
refer attribute (xs:keyref element), Namespaces and XPath Expressions
regular expressions, Using Regular Expressions to Specify Simple Datatypes, Using Regular Expressions to Specify Simple Datatypes
(see also patterns)
specifying simple datatypes with, Using Regular Expressions to Specify Simple Datatypes
relative XPath expressions, defining constraints with, Uniqueness
RELAX NG schema language, Intrusive Modeling Tools, The RELAX NG Family, RELAX NG, Example
sample application, RELAX NG, Example
restrictions, Derivation By Restriction, Multiple Restrictions and Fixed Attribute, Fixed facets, Restriction, Restriction, Restricting substitution groups
applying new ones to datatypes, Multiple Restrictions and Fixed Attribute, Fixed facets
derivation by, Derivation By Restriction (see derivation methods, by restriction)
redefining attribute/element groups, Restriction, Restriction
of substitution groups, Restricting substitution groups
reusable attributes/elements, Element and attribute groups, Creating Building Blocks, Simplifying the Library
creating, Element and attribute groups, Creating Building Blocks, Simplifying the Library
reusable schemas, creating, Creating Extensible Schemas
rule-based XML schema languages, Rule-Based XML Schema Languages
Russian doll design, Russian Doll and Object-Oriented Design, Elements, Elements, Attributes, Think Globally
defining attributes using, Attributes
defining elements using, Elements, Elements
documenting schemas, Think Globally
object orientation and, Russian Doll and Object-Oriented Design


\s character class, Classical Perl character classes
\S character class, Classical Perl character classes
SAF (Schema Adjunct Framework), The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element, Foreign Attributes
foreign attributes and, Foreign Attributes
schema adornments (SAF), The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element
schema extensions and error messages, Schema Extensions: Error Messages
Schema for Object-Oriented XML (SOX) proposal, The W3C XML Schema Family
schema languages, What Is a XML Schema Language? (see XML schema languages)
schema validators, Associating Schemas with Instance Documents, Defining Element Types
guessing element types, Defining Element Types
locating schemas, Associating Schemas with Instance Documents
schema-based XML-RPC, defining, Defining Simple Types
schemaLocation attribute, Schema Inclusion with Redefinition
schemas, Our First Schema, Our First Schema, Our First Schema, Our First Schema, Our First Schema, Flat Design, Global Components, Flat Design, Global Components, Lexical and Value Spaces, Back to Our Library, Lexical and Value Spaces, Lexical and Value Spaces, Back to Our Library, Back to Our Library, Back to Our Library, Back to Our Library, Back to Our Library, Back to Our Library, Schema Inclusion, Schema Inclusion, Schema Inclusion with Redefinition, Restriction, Simplifying the Library, Simplifying the Library, Namespace Declarations, Namespace Declarations, To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?, Referencing Other Namespaces, Referencing Other Namespaces, Namespace Behavior of Imported Components, Namespace Behavior of Imported Components, Importing Schemas with No Namespaces, Importing Schemas with No Namespaces, Chameleon Design, Chameleon Design, Associating Schemas with Instance Documents, Associating Schemas with Instance Documents, Associating Schemas with Instance Documents, Associating Schemas with Instance Documents, Creating Extensible Schemas, Splitting Schema Components, Splitting Schema Components, The Need for Open Schemas, Documenting Schemas, Which One and What For?
adding constraints on datatypes, Back to Our Library, Back to Our Library
associating, with instance documents, Associating Schemas with Instance Documents, Associating Schemas with Instance Documents
attributes, Our First Schema (see attributes)
creating, Our First Schema, Our First Schema
documenting, Documenting Schemas, Which One and What For?
elements, Our First Schema (see elements)
extensible, Creating Extensible Schemas
flat design style, Our First Schema, Flat Design, Global Components
global components, Flat Design, Global Components
importing, with no namespaces, Importing Schemas with No Namespaces, Importing Schemas with No Namespaces
inclusion, Schema Inclusion, Schema Inclusion, Schema Inclusion with Redefinition, Restriction, Simplifying the Library, Simplifying the Library, Chameleon Design, Chameleon Design
isolating simple/complex type definitions, Simplifying the Library, Simplifying the Library
using xs:include and xs:redefine, Chameleon Design, Chameleon Design
with redefinition, Schema Inclusion with Redefinition, Restriction
lexical spaces, Lexical and Value Spaces, Back to Our Library
locating, Associating Schemas with Instance Documents, Associating Schemas with Instance Documents
namespace behavior of imported components, Namespace Behavior of Imported Components, Namespace Behavior of Imported Components
namespace declarations, Namespace Declarations, Namespace Declarations
open, The Need for Open Schemas
patterns used in, Back to Our Library, Back to Our Library
qualified/unqualified attributes and elements, To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?
referencing other namespaces, Referencing Other Namespaces, Referencing Other Namespaces
regular expressions used in, Back to Our Library, Back to Our Library
splitting components, Splitting Schema Components, Splitting Schema Components
value spaces, Lexical and Value Spaces, Lexical and Value Spaces
Schematron schema language, The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element, Rule-Based XML Schema Languages, Schematron, Schematron
sample application, Schematron
xs:appinfo element and, The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element
serialization spaces, Lexical and Value Spaces
serialization, PSVI, PSVI Serialization
sets, manipulating, User-defined character classes
Sharpe, Peter, Unique Particle Attribution Rule
simple content models, Our First Schema, Our First Schema, Creation of Simple Content Models, Derivation by extension, Derivation by restriction, Comparison of these two methods, As simple content models
creating, Creation of Simple Content Models, As simple content models
empty content models as, As simple content models
defining, Our First Schema
derivation by extension, Derivation by extension
derivation by restriction, Derivation by restriction, Comparison of these two methods
simple datatypes, Our First Schema, Our First Schema, Using Predefined Simple Datatypes, Back to Our Library, Back to Our Library, Creating Simple Datatypes, Back to Our Library, Some Oddities of Simple Types, Using or Abusing Lists to Change the Behavior of Length Constraining Facets, Using Regular Expressions to Specify Simple Datatypes, Back to Our Library, Simple Versus Complex Types, Schema Inclusion, Redefining of Simple and Complex Types, Simplifying the Library, Simplifying the Library, Defining Simple Types, Defining Simple Types, Simple Types, Attributes, Attributes
complications with, Some Oddities of Simple Types, Using or Abusing Lists to Change the Behavior of Length Constraining Facets
controlling derivations, Simple Types
creating, Creating Simple Datatypes, Back to Our Library
defining, Our First Schema, Defining Simple Types, Defining Simple Types, Attributes
globally, Attributes
extensibility features of different styles, Attributes
included schemas, Schema Inclusion, Simplifying the Library, Simplifying the Library
example of, Simplifying the Library, Simplifying the Library
redefining, Redefining of Simple and Complex Types
specifying, using regular expressions, Using Regular Expressions to Specify Simple Datatypes, Back to Our Library
used in schemas, Back to Our Library, Back to Our Library
vs. complex datatypes, Simple Versus Complex Types
slash (\) escape character, The Simplest Possible Patterns, Special Characters, User-defined character classes
special characters, Special Characters
user-defined character classes, User-defined character classes
SOX (Schema for Object-Oriented XML) proposal, The W3C XML Schema Family
spaces, replacing whitespace with, Whitespace Processing
special characters (atoms), Special Characters
splitting schema components, Splitting Schema Components, Splitting Schema Components
St. Laurent, Simon, The W3C XML Schema Family
string datatypes, String Datatypes, Binary string-encoded datatypes, String Datatypes
regular expressions and, String Datatypes
strings, Whitespace Processing, Normalized Strings, Collapsed Strings, Binary string-encoded datatypes, Tokenss, Back to Our Library
collapsed, Collapsed Strings, Binary string-encoded datatypes
limiting size of, Back to Our Library
normalized, Whitespace Processing, Normalized Strings
tokenized, Tokenss
substitution groups, Substitution Groups, Using substitution groups, Using substitution groups, Trees of substitution groups, Traditional Declarations or Substitution Groups?, Restricting substitution groups, Controlling Derivations, Other Components and Redefinitions, And Substitution Groups?
controlling usage of derivations, Controlling Derivations, Other Components and Redefinitions
defining content models using, Using substitution groups
head elements of, Using substitution groups
open schemas and, And Substitution Groups?
restricting, Restricting substitution groups
trees of, Trees of substitution groups
vs. element groups, Traditional Declarations or Substitution Groups?
substitutionGroup attribute, Using substitution groups, Traditional Declarations or Substitution Groups?
SVG, allowed in schema annotations, The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element
Swiss army knife, metaphor for regular expressions, The Swiss Army Knife


\t special character (tab), Special Characters
target namespaces, Namespace Declarations, To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?, To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?, To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?, To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?, Namespace Behavior of Imported Components, Namespace Behavior of Imported Components, Importing Schemas with No Namespaces, Chameleon Design, Chameleon Design, Associating Schemas with Instance Documents, Associating Schemas with Instance Documents, Associating Schemas with Instance Documents
defining prefixes in schemas for, To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?, To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?
importing schemas, Namespace Behavior of Imported Components, Namespace Behavior of Imported Components, Importing Schemas with No Namespaces
with no namespaces, Importing Schemas with No Namespaces
qualified/unqualified attributes and elements, To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?, To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?
xs:include and xs:redefine elements, Chameleon Design, Chameleon Design
xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute and, Associating Schemas with Instance Documents
xsi:schemaLocation attribute and, Associating Schemas with Instance Documents, Associating Schemas with Instance Documents
targetNamespace attribute, Namespace Declarations, Namespace Declarations
##targetNamespace wildcard, Allowing Any Elements or Attributes from a Particular Namespace
text nodes, Our First Schema, Derivation by restriction
restricting length of, Derivation by restriction
Thompson, Henry S., PSVI Serialization
time datatypes, Date and Time Datatypes, Datatypes, Date and time datatypes, Datetimes
facets for, Date and time datatypes
regular expressions and, Datetimes
time zones, The Realm of ISO 8601, Datatypes, Datatypes, xs:enumeration , Time zones
ISO 8601 standard and, The Realm of ISO 8601
specifying using datatypes, Datatypes, Datatypes
specifying using patterns, Time zones
xs:enumeration facet and, xs:enumeration
Tobin, Richard, PSVI Serialization
tokenized strings, Tokenss
tokens, Tokenss, Tokenss
trees of substitution groups, Trees of substitution groups
TREX (Tree Regular Expressions for XML) schema, The RELAX NG Family
type attribute, referencing global definitions, Named Versus Anonymous Types
type substitutions and block attribute, Block attribute, Block attribute


Unicode, Unicode character classes, Unicode character classes, Unicode character classes, Unicode blocks
blocks, Unicode character classes, Unicode blocks
checking string datatypes, Unicode blocks
categories, Unicode character classes
character classes, Unicode character classes
union, Derivation By Union, User-defined character classes, Defining Simple Types
of character classes, User-defined character classes
derivation by, Derivation By Union, Defining Simple Types
Unique Particle Attribution Rule, Unique Particle Attribution Rule, Defining Complex Types
xsi:type as workaround against, Defining Complex Types
uniqueness, defining tests for, Uniqueness, Key References
unordered content models, limitations on, Limitations on unordered content models, Using xs:choice instead of xs:all
unparsed entities, datatypes for, Tokenss
unqualified vs. qualified attributes, To Qualify Or Not to Qualify?
URIs, URIs, Namespace Declarations, XML Attributes, Allowing Any Elements or Attributes from a Particular Namespace, Associating Schemas with Instance Documents, Associating Schemas with Instance Documents
absolute vs. relative, Associating Schemas with Instance Documents
namespace attribute and, Allowing Any Elements or Attributes from a Particular Namespace
referencing schemas with target namespaces, Associating Schemas with Instance Documents
targetNamespace attribute and, Namespace Declarations
using schemas at original locations, XML Attributes
xs:anyURI datatype, URIs
user-defined character classes, User-defined character classes, User-defined character classes


\w character class, Classical Perl character classes
\W character class, Classical Perl character classes
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), W3C XML Schema
W3C XML Schema, W3C XML Schema, W3C XML Schema Is Modular, Depth Versus Modularity?, Depth Versus Modularity?, The Simplest Possible Patterns, Time zones, Unique Particle Attribution Rule, Consistent Declaration Rule, Namespace Declarations, Elements Reference Guide, Attributes, Datatype Reference Guide, Example, The W3C XML Schema Family, The W3C XML Schema Family, Work in Progress, Schema Extensions: Error Messages
Consistent Declaration Rule, Consistent Declaration Rule
datatypes reference guide, Datatype Reference Guide, Example
elements reference guide, Elements Reference Guide, Attributes
modularity of, W3C XML Schema Is Modular, Depth Versus Modularity?, Depth Versus Modularity?
vs. depth of schemas, Depth Versus Modularity?, Depth Versus Modularity?
namespace prefixes, Namespace Declarations
pattern matching in, The Simplest Possible Patterns
proposal, The W3C XML Schema Family
proposals submitted, The W3C XML Schema Family
time zone support in, Time zones
Unique Particle Attribution Rule, Unique Particle Attribution Rule
works in progress, Work in Progress, Schema Extensions: Error Messages
whitespace collapse, Whitespace Processing, Back to Our Library, Whitespace collapsed strings, xs:pattern
facets for, Whitespace collapsed strings, xs:pattern
whitespace processing, Lexical and Value Spaces, String Datatypes, Collapsed Strings, Binary string-encoded datatypes, List Datatypes
collapsed strings and, Collapsed Strings, Binary string-encoded datatypes
defining atomic datatypes that allow whitespace, List Datatypes
exceptions in, String Datatypes
lexical spaces and, Lexical and Value Spaces
whitespace replacement, Whitespace Processing, No Whitespace Replacement
xs:string and xs:normalizedString types, No Whitespace Replacement
wildcard character (.), Wildcard
wildcards, Allowing Any Elements or Attributes from a Particular Namespace, Wildcards
accommodating attributes/elements from other namespaces, Allowing Any Elements or Attributes from a Particular Namespace
creating open schemas, Wildcards
words, counting, Counting words
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), W3C XML Schema


XDR (XML-Data-Reduced) proposal, The W3C XML Schema Family
XDuce programming language, The RELAX NG Family
Xerces Native Interface (XNI), APIs
XForms specification, Guided Editing
XHTML, allowed in schema annotations, The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element
XInclude specification, XInclude, XPath, XSLT, and XQuery
using instead of xs:include and xs:reference, XInclude
W3C XML Schema’s impact on, XPath, XSLT, and XQuery
XLink specification, XLink Attributes, The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element, Foreign Attributes, XPath, XSLT, and XQuery
attributes, XLink Attributes
foreign attributes accepted by, Foreign Attributes
linking resources in schema annotations, The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element
W3C XML Schema’s impact on, XPath, XSLT, and XQuery
xlink:href attribute, Schemas for XML, XML Base and XLink
XML 1.0 comments, XML 1.0 Comments
XML 1.0 namespace, XML Attributes, XML Attributes
XML attributes, XML Attributes, XML Attributes
XML Data Binding Resources, Data Binding
XML documents, Validation, Querying Support, Data Binding, Guided Editing, W3C XML Schema Is Both About Structure and Datatyping, The Need for Open Schemas, Early Binding Tools
binding, Data Binding, Early Binding Tools
data, Data Binding
early vs. late, Early Binding Tools
guided editing, Guided Editing
open schemas and, The Need for Open Schemas
querying support for, Querying Support
validating, Validation, W3C XML Schema Is Both About Structure and Datatyping
XML schema languages, Namespaces Present Two Challenges to Schema Languages, Namespaces Present Two Challenges to Schema Languages, What Is a XML Schema Language?, Decisions, Firewalls Against Diversity, Intrusive Modeling Tools, Classification of XML Schema Languages, A Short History of XML Schema Languages, Examplotron, Sample Application, Decisions
challenges presented by namespaces to, Namespaces Present Two Challenges to Schema Languages, Namespaces Present Two Challenges to Schema Languages
classifying, Classification of XML Schema Languages
history of, A Short History of XML Schema Languages, Examplotron
modeling tools, Intrusive Modeling Tools
open vs. closed, Firewalls Against Diversity
sample applications, Sample Application, Decisions
XML vocabularies, documenting, Documentation
XML-Data proposal, W3C XML Schema, The W3C XML Schema Family
XML-Data-Reduced (XDR) proposal, The W3C XML Schema Family
xml:base attribute, XML Attributes, XML Attributes
xml:lang attribute, XML Attributes, XML Attributes
xml:space attribute, XML Attributes, XML Attributes
XNI (Xerces Native Interface), APIs
XPath specification, Querying Support, XPath-Based Identity Checks, Permitted XPath Expressions, Permitted XPath Expressions, Namespaces and XPath Expressions, The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element, XPath, XSLT, and XQuery
embedded Schematron rules and, The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element
identity checks, XPath-Based Identity Checks, Permitted XPath Expressions
namespaces and, Namespaces and XPath Expressions
permitted XPath expressions, Permitted XPath Expressions
querying support and, Querying Support
W3C XML Schema’s impact on, XPath, XSLT, and XQuery
XPointer specification, XInclude, XPath, XSLT, and XQuery
W3C XML Schema’s impact on, XPath, XSLT, and XQuery
XQuery specification, Querying Support, XPath, XSLT, and XQuery
W3C XML Schema’s impact on, XPath, XSLT, and XQuery
xs:all (outside a group), Compositors and particles, Limitations of xs:all , Limitations of xs:all , Adapting the structure of your document, Adapting the structure of your document, Using xs:choice instead of xs:all , Using a “Traditional” Group, xs:all(outside a group)
adapting document structures to constraints of, Adapting the structure of your document, Adapting the structure of your document
limitations of, Limitations of xs:all , Limitations of xs:all
role as compositor, Compositors and particles, Using a “Traditional” Group
using xs:choice (outside a group) instead, Using xs:choice instead of xs:all
xs:all (within a group), xs:all(within a group)
xs:annotation element, The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element, The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element, xs:annotation
xs:any element, Allowing Any Elements or Attributes from a Particular Namespace, Associating Schemas with Instance Documents, xs:any
xs:anyAttribute element, Allowing Any Elements or Attributes from a Particular Namespace, xs:anyAttribute, Attributes
xs:anyType type, Using substitution groups
xs:anyURI type, URIs, URIs, xs:anyURI
constraining strings with regular expressions, URIs
xs:appinfo element, Wildcards, The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element, The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element, The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element, xs:appinfo, Attributes
schema adornments and, The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element
source attribute and, The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element
xs:annotation element and, The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element
xs:attribute (global definition), xs:attribute(global definition)
xs:attribute (reference or local definition), xs:attribute(reference or local definition), Attributes
xs:attributeGroup (global definition), Element and attribute groups, xs:attributeGroup(global definition)
xs:attributeGroup (reference), xs:attributeGroup(reference)
xs:base64Binary type, Binary string-encoded datatypes, xs:base64Binary
xs:boolean type, xs:boolean , Booleans, xs:boolean
facets for, Booleans
xs:byte type, Decimal Types, Integer and derived datatypes, xs:byte
facets for, Integer and derived datatypes
xs:choice (outside a group), Compositors and particles, Using xs:choice instead of xs:all , Derivation by extension, Extension, Substitution Groups, Using a “Traditional” Group, Extension of xs:choice through group redefinitions, Restricting substitution groups, xs:choice(outside a group)
avoiding use of, when redefining groups, Extension
complex content, deriving by extension, Derivation by extension
compositors and particles, Compositors and particles
creating, using substitution groups, Substitution Groups, Using a “Traditional” Group
derivation by restriction, Restricting substitution groups
extending, through group redefinitions, Extension of xs:choice through group redefinitions
using instead of xs:all (outside a group), Using xs:choice instead of xs:all
xs:choice (within a group), xs:choice(within a group)
xs:complexContent element, xs:complexContent
xs:complexType (global definition), Depth Versus Modularity?, Creating Simple Datatypes, Creation of Complex Content, Creating Mixed Content Models, xs:complexType(global definition)
creating, Creation of Complex Content, Creating Mixed Content Models
complex content models, Creation of Complex Content
mixed content models, Creating Mixed Content Models
vs. xs:simpleType (global definition), Creating Simple Datatypes
xs:complexType (local definition), xs:complexType(local definition)
xs:date type, Datatypes, Date and time datatypes, xs:pattern , xs:date
facets for, Date and time datatypes, xs:pattern
xs:dateTime type, Datatypes, Date and time datatypes, xs:pattern , xs:dateTime
facets for, Date and time datatypes, xs:pattern
xs:decimal type, Decimal Types, Decimals, xs:decimal
facets for, Decimals
xs:documentation element, The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element, The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element, xs:documentation
source attribute and, The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element
xs:annotation element and, The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element
xs:double type, Float Datatypes, Float datatypes, xs:double
facets for, Float datatypes
xs:duration type, Datatypes, Date and time datatypes, xs:pattern , Time zones, xs:duration
defining datatypes with complete sort order, Time zones
facets for, Date and time datatypes, xs:pattern
xs:element (global definition), Our First Schema, Creation of Complex Content, Compositors and particles, xs:element(global definition), Attributes
compositors and particles, Compositors and particles
creating complex contents, Creation of Complex Content
xs:element (reference or local definition), xs:element(reference or local definition), Attributes
xs:element (within xs:all), xs:element(within xs:all), Attributes
xs:ENTITIES type, List Types, List datatypes, List Datatypes, xs:ENTITIES
facets for, List datatypes
xs:ENTITY type, Tokenss, xs:ENTITY
xs:enumeration facet, xs:enumeration , xs:enumeration , xs:enumeration , xs:pattern , List Datatypes, Derivation By Union, The Simplest Possible Patterns, xs:enumeration
date and time datatypes, xs:enumeration , xs:pattern
float datatypes, xs:enumeration
list datatypes and, List Datatypes
patterns and, The Simplest Possible Patterns
union datatype and, Derivation By Union
whitespace-collapsed strings, xs:enumeration
xs:extension (complex content), xs:extension(complex content)
xs:extension (simple content), xs:extension(simple content)
xs:field element, Permitted XPath Expressions, xs:field
permitted XPath expressions, Permitted XPath Expressions
xs:float type, Float Datatypes, Float datatypes, xs:float
facets for, Float datatypes
xs:fractionDigits facet, xs:fractionDigits , Fixed format, xs:fractionDigits
fixing maximum number of digits, Fixed format
xs:gDay type, Datatypes, Date and time datatypes, xs:pattern , xs:gDay
facets for, Date and time datatypes, xs:pattern
xs:gMonth type, Datatypes, Date and time datatypes, xs:pattern , xs:gMonth
facets for, Date and time datatypes, xs:pattern
xs:gMonthDay type, Datatypes, Date and time datatypes, xs:pattern , xs:gMonthDay
facets for, Date and time datatypes, xs:pattern
xs:group (definition), Depth Versus Modularity?, xs:group(definition)
xs:group (reference), xs:group(reference)
xs:gYear type, Datatypes, Date and time datatypes, xs:pattern , xs:gYear
facets for, Date and time datatypes, xs:pattern
xs:gYearMonth type, Datatypes, Date and time datatypes, xs:pattern , xs:gYearMonth
facets for, Date and time datatypes, xs:pattern
xs:hexBinary type, Binary string-encoded datatypes, xs:hexBinary
xs:ID type, Tokenss, xs:ID and xs:IDREF , XPath-Based Identity Checks, ID/IDREF Versus xs:key/xs:keyref , xs:ID
vs. xs:key/xs:keyref elements, ID/IDREF Versus xs:key/xs:keyref
XPath-based identity checks for, XPath-Based Identity Checks
xs:IDREF type, Tokenss, xs:ID and xs:IDREF , XPath-Based Identity Checks, ID/IDREF Versus xs:key/xs:keyref , xs:IDREF
vs. xs:key/xs:keyref elements, ID/IDREF Versus xs:key/xs:keyref
XPath-based identity checks for, XPath-Based Identity Checks
xs:IDREFS type, List Types, List datatypes, List Datatypes, xs:ID and xs:IDREF , xs:IDREFS
facets for, List datatypes
xs:import element, Referencing Other Namespaces, Namespace Behavior of Imported Components, Namespace Behavior of Imported Components, Splitting Schema Components, xs:import, Attributes
namespace behavior of imported components, Namespace Behavior of Imported Components, Namespace Behavior of Imported Components
splitting schema components, Splitting Schema Components
xs:include element, Schema Inclusion, Schema Inclusion, Other Alternatives, XInclude, Chameleon Design, Chameleon Design, Splitting Schema Components, xs:include
alternatives to, Other Alternatives, XInclude
schema inclusions and, Schema Inclusion, Schema Inclusion
splitting schema components, Splitting Schema Components
target namespaces and, Chameleon Design, Chameleon Design
xs:int type, Decimal Types, Integer and derived datatypes, xs:int
facets for, Integer and derived datatypes
xs:integer type, Decimal Types, Integer and derived datatypes, xs:integer
facets for, Integer and derived datatypes
xs:key/xs:keyref elements, Keys, Key References, ID/IDREF Versus xs:key/xs:keyref , Using xs:key and xs:unique As Co-occurrence Constraints, Namespaces and XPath Expressions, xs:key, Attributes
as co-occurrence constraints, Using xs:key and xs:unique As Co-occurrence Constraints
defining prefixes for namespaces, Namespaces and XPath Expressions
vs. xs:ID/xs:IDREF types, ID/IDREF Versus xs:key/xs:keyref
xs:language type, Tokenss, xs:language
xs:length facet, xs:length , Facet that cannot be changed, List Datatypes, Back to Our Library, xs:length
adding constraints on datatypes, Back to Our Library
list datatypes and, List Datatypes
redefining not allowed, Facet that cannot be changed
xs:list element, List Datatypes, xs:list
xs:long type, Decimal Types, Integer and derived datatypes, xs:long
facets for, Integer and derived datatypes
xs:maxExclusive facet, xs:maxExclusive , xs:maxExclusive , xs:maxExclusive
date and time datatypes, xs:maxExclusive
float datatypes, xs:maxExclusive
xs:maxInclusive facet, xs:maxInclusive , xs:maxInclusive , xs:maxInclusive
date and time datatypes, xs:maxInclusive
float datatypes, xs:maxInclusive
xs:maxLength facet, xs:maxLength , List Datatypes, Using or Abusing Lists to Change the Behavior of Length Constraining Facets, xs:maxLength
changing behavior of facets, Using or Abusing Lists to Change the Behavior of Length Constraining Facets
list datatypes and, List Datatypes
xs:minExclusive facet, xs:minExclusive , xs:minExclusive , xs:minExclusive
date and time datatypes, xs:minExclusive
float datatypes, xs:minExclusive
xs:minInclusive facet, xs:minInclusive , xs:minInclusive , xs:minInclusive
date and time datatypes, xs:minInclusive
float datatypes, xs:minInclusive
xs:minLength facet, xs:minLength , List Datatypes, Using or Abusing Lists to Change the Behavior of Length Constraining Facets, xs:minLength
changing behavior of facets, Using or Abusing Lists to Change the Behavior of Length Constraining Facets
list datatypes and, List Datatypes
xs:Name type, Tokenss, xs:Name
xs:NCName type, Tokenss, xs:ID and xs:IDREF , xs:NCName
xs:negativeInteger type, Decimal Types, Integer and derived datatypes, xs:negativeInteger
facets for, Integer and derived datatypes
xs:NMTOKEN type, Tokenss, xs:NMTOKEN
xs:NMTOKENS type, List Types, List datatypes, List Datatypes, xs:NMTOKENS
facets for, List datatypes
xs:nonNegativeInteger type, Decimal Types, Integer and derived datatypes, xs:nonNegativeInteger
facets for, Integer and derived datatypes
xs:nonPositiveInteger type, Decimal Types, Integer and derived datatypes, xs:nonPositiveInteger
facets for, Integer and derived datatypes
xs:normalizedString type, Whitespace Processing, Other strings, xs:normalizedString
facets for, Other strings
xs:notation element, xs:notation
xs:NOTATION type, Notations, xs:enumeration , xs:NOTATION
xs:enumeration facet and, xs:enumeration
xs:pattern facet, xs:pattern , xs:pattern , xs:pattern , xs:pattern , Facet that performs the intersection of the lexical spaces, Derivation By Union, The Simplest Possible Patterns, Back to Our Library, Quantifying, Wildcard, Character Classes, User-defined character classes, xs:pattern
booleans and, xs:pattern
character classes and, Character Classes, User-defined character classes
date and time datatypes, xs:pattern
float datatypes, xs:pattern
performing intersection of lexical spaces, Facet that performs the intersection of the lexical spaces
quantifiers and, Quantifying
union datatype and, Derivation By Union
whitespace-collapsed strings, xs:pattern
wildcard character and, Wildcard
xs:positiveInteger type, Decimal Types, Integer and derived datatypes, xs:positiveInteger
facets for, Integer and derived datatypes
xs:QName type, Qualified names, xs:QName
xs:redefine element, Redefining of Simple and Complex Types, Extension, Restriction, Restriction, Other Alternatives, XInclude, Chameleon Design, Chameleon Design, Extension of xs:choice through group redefinitions, Splitting Schema Components, xs:redefine, Attributes
alternatives to, Other Alternatives, XInclude
attribute/element groups, Extension, Restriction, Restriction
by extension, Extension
by restriction, Restriction, Restriction
extending xs:choice (outside a group), Extension of xs:choice through group redefinitions
simple/complex types, Redefining of Simple and Complex Types
splitting schema components, Splitting Schema Components
target namespaces and, Chameleon Design, Chameleon Design
xs:restriction (complex content), xs:restriction(complex content)
xs:restriction (simple content), xs:restriction(simple content)
xs:restriction (simple type), Derivation By Restriction, Fixed facets, xs:restriction(simple type)
xs:schema element, Flat Design, Global Components, Namespace Declarations, Block attribute, Blocking complex types, xs:schema
blockDefault attribute of, Block attribute
blocking complex types, Blocking complex types
global components, Flat Design, Global Components
namespace declarations and, Namespace Declarations
xs:selector element, Permitted XPath Expressions, ID/IDREF Versus xs:key/xs:keyref , xs:selector
defining, using ID/IDREF types, ID/IDREF Versus xs:key/xs:keyref
permitted XPath expressions, Permitted XPath Expressions
xs:sequence (outside a group), Creation of Complex Content, Compositors and particles, xs:sequence(outside a group)
compositors and particles, Compositors and particles
creating complex content, Creation of Complex Content
xs:sequence (within a group), xs:sequence(within a group)
xs:short type, Decimal Types, Integer and derived datatypes, xs:short
facets for, Integer and derived datatypes
xs:simpleContent element, xs:simpleContent
xs:simpleType (global definition), Creating Simple Datatypes, List Datatypes, Simple Types, xs:simpleType(global definition)
defining list datatypes, List Datatypes
xs:simpleType (local definition), xs:simpleType(local definition)
xs:string type, Whitespace Processing, Other strings, xs:string
facets for, Other strings
xs:time type, Datatypes, Date and time datatypes, xs:pattern , xs:time
facets for, Date and time datatypes, xs:pattern
xs:token type, Tokenss, xs:token
xs:totalDigits facet, xs:totalDigits , Fixed format, Back to Our Library, xs:totalDigits
adding constraints on datatypes, Back to Our Library
fixing maximum number of digits, Fixed format
xs:union element, Derivation By Union, xs:union
xs:unique element, Key References, Key References, Using xs:key and xs:unique As Co-occurrence Constraints, Namespaces and XPath Expressions, xs:unique
as co-occurrence constraint, Using xs:key and xs:unique As Co-occurrence Constraints
defining prefixes for namespaces, Namespaces and XPath Expressions
key references and, Key References, Key References
xs:unsignedByte type, Decimal Types, Integer and derived datatypes, xs:unsignedByte
facets for, Integer and derived datatypes
xs:unsignedInt type, Decimal Types, Integer and derived datatypes, xs:unsignedInt
facets for, Integer and derived datatypes
xs:unsignedLong type, Decimal Types, Integer and derived datatypes, xs:unsignedLong
facets for, Integer and derived datatypes
xs:unsignedShort type, Decimal Types, Integer and derived datatypes, xs:unsignedShort
facets for, Integer and derived datatypes
xs:whiteSpace facet, xs:whiteSpace , Facet that does its job before the lexical space, List Datatypes, xs:whiteSpace
list datatypes and, List Datatypes
multiple facet definitions and, Facet that does its job before the lexical space
xsi:nil attribute, Defining Nil (Null) Values
xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute, Associating Schemas with Instance Documents
xsi:schemaLocation attribute, Associating Schemas with Instance Documents, Associating Schemas with Instance Documents
xsi:type attribute, Defining Element Types, Defining Complex Types, Block attribute, Block attribute, xsi:type
block attribute and, Block attribute, Block attribute
creating open schemas, xsi:type
XSLT specification, Querying Support, The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element, XPath, XSLT, and XQuery
embedding code snippets in schema annotations, The W3C XML Schema Annotation Element
querying support and, Querying Support
W3C XML Schema’s impact on, XPath, XSLT, and XQuery


zeros, removing, Leading zeros