1. Foreword by Paul Krugman   ix
  2. Foreword by Senator William H. Frist, MD   xv
  3. Prologue   xxiii
  4. Introduction   1
  5. I   A Visual Stroll through America’s Health Care Wonderland
  6.   1   U.S. Health Spending and What Drives It   13
  7.   2   Pricing Americans Out of Health Care   41
  8.   3   Some Interesting or Curious Facts about Our Health Care System   47
  9.   4   Who Actually Pays for Health Care?   62
  10.   5   Value for the Money Spent on U.S. Health Care   69
  11. II   Ethical Perspectives on U.S. Health Care
  12.   6   The Social Role of Health Care   81
  13.   7   The Mechanics of Commercial Health Insurance from an Ethical Perspective   85
  14.   8   The Elephant in the Room and the Ethical Vision Baked into Health Reform Proposals   99
  15.   9   The Ethical Vision of the Affordable Care Act of 2010 (Obamacare)   102
  16. 10   The Ethical Vision of the Health Reform Proposals of 2017   110
  17. Conclusion: A Novel (My Own) Reform Proposal   135
  18. Epilogue by Tsung-Mei Cheng   139
  19. Acknowledgments by Tsung-Mei Cheng   169
  20. Notes   173
  21. Index   191