The models used in the design of PID controllers are limited to two particular types. One is a first order model while the other is a second order model. If the plant dynamics yield a higher order model, an approximation is often involved to obtain a first order or a second order model so that a PID controller can be designed using a model based approach.
When using model based design methods, a desired closed-loop performance specification is required before commencing. The desired performance is chosen in terms of the locations of the desired closed-loop poles, which reflect the closed- loop response time to reference change and disturbance rejection or in the frequency domain the bandwidth of the desired closed- loop control system. The desired closed-loop performance is often adjusted several times using closed-loop simulation and experimental validation before the designer finds the suitable closed-loop performance.
To design a PI controller, a first order model is used. Although the first order dynamics is the basic unit to form a system, it can also be used to describe a number of commonly encountered physical systems, such as the dynamic relationship between motor torque and angular velocity in the motor control problem, and fluid in-flow rate and fluid level in a fluid vessel control problem.
In the model-based design, a desired closed-loop performance is required to be specified. In the PI controller case, a second order transfer function is used in the specification,
where and
are the natural frequency and damping coefficient for the second order transfer function. These are the free parameters to be selected by the designer as the desired performance specification.
The parameter is often chosen as 1 or 0.707. When
, the poles of the desired closed-loop transfer function (3.1) are the solutions of the polynomial equation,
which are . Namely, we have two identical poles when
. With the second choice of
, the poles are a pair of complex conjugate numbers determined by
With the parameter chosen (either 1 or 0.707), the natural frequency
becomes a closed-loop performance parameter that the user specifies according to the desired closed-loop response requirement. In general, when
is larger, the desired closed-loop response is faster. The parameter
is directly related to the closed-loop response time and the band limit of the closed-loop system, which provide us with the guidelines on its selection. These two aspects are examined.
From the simulation of a step response (3.1) (see Figure 3.1), the response time is inversely proportional to the parameter . Figure 3.1(a) shows that with the damping coefficient
, the total step response time is about
and with
, as shown in Figure 3.1(b), the total step response time is about
. There is another estimate of
that can be used as a guideline for the designer. Here the parameter
is related to the bandwidth of the desired closed-loop control system. For the desired closed-loop transfer function given by (3.1), when
, it can be verified that
at the frequency
. Hence, with the special choice of the damping coefficient
, the natural frequency
is the bandwidth of the closed-loop system, which we can directly use for the closed-loop performance specification. With the choice of
, the bandwidth of the closed-loop system is slightly smaller.
For the first order model, we assume that a first order time constant and a steady state gain
are known to form the Laplace transfer function,
Figure 3.1 Step response of the desired closed-loop transfer function. (a) . (b)
. Key: line (1)
; line (2)
which can also be expressed in the pole–zero form,
where and
For a PI controller, its transfer function is given by
which can be written in the transfer function form,
where and
. We will first find the coefficients
based on the model (3.5), then convert these coefficients into the standard PI controller parameters
The key to the solution of the PI controller parameters is to equate the desired closed-loop poles to the actual closed-loop poles. The locations of the closed-loop poles determine whether the closed-loop system is stable, the closed-loop response time, and the band limit of the closed-loop system.
To this end, we calculate the actual closed-loop system using the design model (3.5) and the controller model (3.7) via the closed-loop transfer function
The closed-loop poles of the actual system are the solutions of the polynomial equation with respect to :
Equation 3.9 is called the closed-loop characteristic equation. Since the model parameters and
are given, the free parameters in (3.9) are the controller parameters
. To find the controller parameters
, the following polynomial equation is set:
where the left-hand side of the equation 3.10 is the polynomial that determines the actual closed-loop poles and the right-hand side is the polynomial that determines the desired closed-loop poles. By equating these two polynomials, the actual closed-loop poles are assigned to the desired closed-loop poles. This controller design technique is called pole assignment controller design.
Now, we compare the coefficients of the polynomial equation 3.10 on both sides:
Solving (3.12) gives
and solving (3.13) gives
With the relationships between ,
(see Equation 3.7), we find the PI controller parameters as
With the PI controller designed, now we study the closed-loop transfer functions for using the traditional PI controller configuration and the IP controller configuration.
For the traditional PI controller configuration (see Figure 1.5), the Laplace transform of the control signal, , is expressed as the function of feedback error signal
using the relation
where and
. The closed- loop transfer function between the reference signal
and the output signal
is then
where is the first order transfer function
. By substituting the transfer functions of controller (
) and the plant transfer function
into (3.20), we obtain the closed-loop transfer function for the PI control system using the traditional implementation:
Note that the denominator of (3.21) is used in the design of the PI controller (see (3.10)), which is made equal to the desired closed-loop characteristic polynomial . By substituting the controller parameters (see (3.14) and (3.15) and the desired closed-loop characteristic polynomial into (3.21), the closed-loop transfer function becomes:
Using the traditional PI controller configuration, the actual closed-loop transfer function between the reference signal and the output is not equal to the desired closed-loop transfer function specified in the design (see in (3.8)). Instead, there is a zero in the closed-loop transfer function at the location determined by the polynomial equation:
which is at . The existence of this zero could cause some overshoot in the step response. One can verify that the closed-loop transfer function (3.22) has a bandwidth larger than
for the choice of
For the IP controller configuration (see Figure 1.7), the control signal is expressed as
The output signal is expressed as
By substituting (3.24) into (3.25), we find the closed-loop transfer function for the alternative configuration as
By the design procedure, the denominator of this transfer function is and the numerator
, therefore the closed-loop transfer function is
which is equal to the desired closed-loop transfer function we specified in the performance specification (see (3.1)).
As for disturbance rejection and measurement noise attenuation, both PI control system configurations have the identical closed- loop transfer function because the structural change introduced in the alternative configuration is only related to how the reference signal is introduced in the feedback loop. We illustrate this point by calculating the closed-loop transfer function between input disturbance and the plant output.
Suppose that an input disturbance has a Laplace transform and it enters the system at the position of plant input. In this case, the plant output is expressed as
To derive the closed-loop transfer function between the input disturbance and the plant output, we assume that the reference signal so to concentrate on the disturbance rejection. When the reference signal
, the control signals from both configurations (see (3.19) and (3.24)) become identical to the transform:
Substituting (3.29) into (3.28), we obtain the closed-loop transfer function between the input disturbance and output
where we have used the design equation in (3.10).
Note that there is a factor in the numerator of the closed-loop transfer function. This factor ensures that the closed-loop control system will reject a step input disturbance without steady- state error. This point will be made clear through the examples in the following section.
Figure 3.3 Closed-loop response of PI control system (Example 3.2). (a) Control signal. (b) Output response. Key: line (1) IP control system; line (2) PI control system.
Second order models are used directly for the design of a PD or a PID controller. In addition, a first order plus delay model is approximated using a second order transfer function model, where the irrational transfer function is approximated using a rational transfer function
that is called first order Padé approximation. If the mathematical model is of higher order, then approximation is made to obtain a second order model in order for the PID controller design to be carried out.
The combination of proportional and derivative (PD) control could be useful in the situation where stabilization of an unstable system is of main concern or in the situation where the system is severely oscillatory.
Because the derivative action will amplify measurement noise (see Chapter 2), a derivative filter is required for the implementation of a PD controller. Thus, the general form of a PD controller is given as
where ,
are the proportional gain, the derivative control gain and the filter time constant, respectively.
For this type of controller design, we assume that the continuous time system is a second order with the transfer function:
It is not a straightforward task to choose the parameters ,
based on the second order model (3.35). However, the PD controller can be converted into the classical lead-lag compensator that has the following form:
where the parameters ,
are related to
via the relations below:
The lead-lag compensator in (3.36) can be designed by positioning the desired closed-loop poles on the left half of the complex plane.
With the lead-lag compensator, the actual closed-loop characteristic polynomial is a third order, which is
By choosing a third order desired closed-loop characteristic polynomial having the following form,
and letting , we obtain the following linear equations:
The parameters are found via the solution of the linear equations as
The polynomial equation is called Diophantine equation, which is the essential step for finding the controller parameters in the pole assignment controller design. The matrix with the dimensions
in (3.40) is called the Sylvester matrix, which is required to be invertible in the pole assignment controller design.
The following tutorial summarizes the computational procedure for finding the parameters for the PD controller with filter. We will use this program later on for applications.
For many applications, the second order model is simplified as
and the PD controller parameters have the following solutions:
When designing a PID controller, the pole–zero cancellation technique is widely used in the application field. The main reason behind this practice is that with the pole–zero cancellation technique, the controller parameter calculations become very simple and can be performed using pencil on the back of an envelope. However, there are two important rules regarding the pole–zero cancellation technique. Firstly, an unstable pole or zero in the system should not be canceled because the cancellation will lead to an internally unstable system, for the reason that the canceled pole or zero is still part of desired closed-loop poles (see Section 2.5). Secondly, a stable pole close to the imaginary axis, which is a pole corresponding to a large time constant, in the system should not be canceled because the slow pole will re-appear to become the dominant pole in the closed-loop response to input disturbance, and as a result, slow disturbance rejection will occur (see the sensitivity analysis in Chapter 2). As a general rule, a stable pole or zero could be canceled if its position is on the left-hand side of the desired closed-loop poles on the complex plane. Additionally, it is the faster stable pole in the plant model that gets canceled.
We assume that there are two poles in a second order model and both are real, stable poles. With these assumptions, the transfer function is expressed as
where is positive and
The PID controller is assumed to have the ideal structure,
and an implementation filter will be added at the implementation stage with a small parameter chosen by the designer (see Section 1.2). This means that the parameter
will not be considered in the design stage. We will deploy a technique called pole–zero cancellation in the PID controller design, and with this technique the controller parameter solutions become very simple.
We re-write the PID controller given in (3.47) into the transfer function form,
By comparing (3.48) with (3.47), we have the relationships,
Thus, we find the parameters in (3.48) first, then convert them into the PID controller parameters required in the implementation stage.
When using the pole–zero cancellation technique, we assume that the numerator of the controller is factored and the controller now has the form,
By choosing the zero of the controller equal to the pole of the model
), we canceled the pole in the model with the zero in the controller. The net effect of this is that the relationship
is simplified into
the closed-loop transfer function between the reference signal and the output
Note that the free parameters in (3.52) are and
, respectively, and its denominator is a second order polynomial. The design becomes identical to the case when we designed the PI controller using pole assignment technique. Thus, by choosing the desired closed-loop characteristic polynomial as
with and
, and equating the desired closed-loop characteristic polynomial with the denominator of (3.52), we obtain the polynomial equation,
By comparing both sides of (3.54), the free parameters are determined as
With the parameters, the PID controller is re-constructed with the information as
Its actual parameters are expressed using (3.49) as
As the system becomes more complicated, a derivative filter needs to be used as part of the PID controller design to give an extra degree of freedom in the solution of the controller parameters. This is important in eliminating the approximation introduced by choosing a filter time constant in the implementation stage, hence enhancing the robustness of the PID control system.
The general form of PID controller is defined by the transfer function
where is a parameter that needs to be utilized as part of the derivative filter. However, the industrial control systems are often defined in terms of the PID controller parameters,
, and a filter time constant
. 1
Thus, we need to find PID controller parameters that lead to a completely identical configuration between the controller defined by (3.62) and an industrial PID controller. With this in mind, we will choose the PID controller parameters such that
is identical to the PID controller in (3.62). The problem is solved using reverse engineering by expressing (3.63) as
which should be exactly equal to (3.62). By comparing these two expressions, we obtain,
We solve the PID controller parameters using these four linear equations and their values are,
The following example will examine the effect of pole–zero cancellation on reference following and disturbance rejection.
When the plant is underdamped, the pole–zero cancellation technique we used before will be avoided for the reason that the plant pole that was canceled in the design will re-appear in the closed-loop system for input disturbance rejection.
We assume that the PID controller has the form,
and the second order model has the form,
Without pole–zero cancellation, the open-loop transfer function is
The closed-loop transfer function is
Note that the denominator of the closed-loop transfer function is a fourth order polynomial and there are four unknown controller parameters to be determined in the design. Thus, the desired closed-loop characteristic polynomial must be a fourth order polynomial with all zeros on the left half of the complex plane. For instance, we can assume that
has the form,
where the dominant poles are (
or 1), and
. For simplicity, the desired closed-loop characteristic polynomial
is denoted as
. To assign the closed-loop poles to the desired locations, we solve the Diophantine equation,
By multiplication and collecting terms, we find the exact quantity on the left-hand side of (3.120), which is equal to its right-hand side:
By comparing both sides of (3.121), a set of linear equations is formed,
This set of linear equations is expressed in matrix and vector form for convenience of solution,
where we assume that the square matrix (called the Sylvester matrix) is invertible.
The resonant controller, different from the PI or PID controller, incorporates the factor in the denominator of the controller. With the embedded mode, the closed-loop feedback control system is designed to be stable, and at the steady-state the output of the control system will completely track the sinusoidal signal and/or reject a sinusoidal disturbance signal that contains the frequency
without any steady-state errors (see Section 2.5.3).
Consider a first order transfer function that is used to describe the dynamics of an AC motor with the form,
where the input is the torque current and the output is velocity. The task is to design a controller to reject a sinusoidal disturbance with frequency
). Pole-assignment controller design will be used here.
For the first order system, the controller structure is chosen as
Here, the denominator of the controller is second order (), the numerator is also chosen to be second order to allow proportional control action. This choice leads to three unknown coefficients
, and
to be determined. The actual closed-loop characteristic polynomial is
This is a third order polynomial. Therefore, the desired closed- loop characteristic polynomial should be third order and the number of desired closed-loop poles should be 3 accordingly. For instance, we can assume that the desired closed-loop characteristic polynomial has the form (
where the dominant poles are (
or 0.707), and
. For simplicity, the desired closed-loop characteristic polynomial
is denoted as
With the pole assignment controller design technique, we let the actual closed-loop characteristic polynomial equal the desired closed-loop characteristic polynomial, which leads to,
This equation 3.137 is called the Diophantine equation. By substituting the expressions of ,
, and
into (3.137), the Diophantine equation is written as
In order for the left-hand side of the equation to be equal to the right-hand side of the equation, we have the following linear equations:
Solving these linear equations gives the coefficients of the controller as
To show that the output of the closed-loop control system will follow a sinusoidal signal with frequency , we calculate the closed-loop feedback error signal
in relation to the sinusoidal reference signal
. Here, the control signal is
and the output signal is
Noting that , by substituting this into (3.146), we obtain
The relationship between the reference signal and the output signal
where we have used the Diophantine equation 3.137. When the reference signal , its Laplace transform is
. From (3.148), we have the Laplace transform of the feedback error signal,
where we have canceled the factor . Since the denominator of (3.149) contains all zeros on the left half of the complex plane, by applying final value theorem, we obtain
Because and
, we conclude that the output
will converge to the reference signal
To show that the closed-loop control system will completely reject a sinusoidal disturbance, we will find the relationship between the input disturbance and the output. Here, the transfer function between the input disturbance and the output
Assume that the disturbance signal is a sinusoidal signal with unknown amplitude
, and it has the Laplace transform
. Thus, the output in response to the input disturbance
The zeros of the denominator are all on the left half of the complex plane as the parameters ,
, or 1 and
. Thus, by applying final value theorem, we obtain
Therefore, the output in response to the input disturbance
is zero at the steady-state. This means that the input disturbance
will be completely rejected by the closed- loop feedback control system.
With the resonant controller, as shown in Section 2.5.3, the complementary sensitivity function is required to satisfy at the frequency
. Thus, this indicates that the bandwidth of the closed-loop resonant control system is to be greater than
, at least. If
is large, from the analysis given in Chapter 2, this implies in general that a resonant control system requires a better mathematical model for robustness and better sensors for noise attenuation.
Figure 3.10 Sinusoidal input disturbance rejection (Example 3.10).
Feed forward control is widely used in combination with either PID or resonant controllers. The starting point for feedforward compensation is that the feedforward variables used are either directly measured or estimated. Their effect is captured at the control signal from which it can be subtracted. It has various forms; however, the basic idea remains the same.
Assume that the output of a dynamic system is described by the Laplace transform:
where is the Laplace transform of the control signal and
is the disturbance that is measured and used in the feedforward compensation. To introduce feedforward compensation, (3.175) is re-written as
where an intermediate control signal is defined as
Based on (3.176), a PID controller is designed using the transfer function
to generate the intermediate control signal
from which the effect of the disturbance
is subtracted. This explicitly leads to the actual control signal
to be expressed as
Figure 3.11 Block diagram of the feedback and feedforward control system.
Clearly, the assumption is that the transfer function is stable and realizable in addition to
being measured. Figure 3.11 illustrates the feedback and feedforward control system. As an example, if we assume that
are represented by the following first order plus delay transfer functions:
then the control signal is expressed as
Because the time delay of the disturbance model is larger than the time delay of the plant model, the transfer function is realizable, hence the feedforward compensation can be implemented for the application.
To illustrate how to use a feedforward controller in conjunction with a PID controller, we will examine the PID control system design for a three springs and double mass system.
A three springs and double mass system Tongue (2002) is illustrated in Figure 3.12. In this figure, the two blocks are with mass and
, and there are two spring constants
for the right and left springs,
for the middle spring. The manipulated variables are the two applied forces
and the output variables are the distances of the mass block movement
corresponding to block one and
corresponding to block two.
Figure 3.12 Three springs and double mass system.
We consider the simplified spring force where
is the distance of the mass movement, and apply Newton's law 2 to the first block to obtain the following equation:
where the first term represents the first external force, the second and third terms represent the forces from spring 1 and spring 2, respectively. The right-hand side of (3.178) is the multiplication of the mass and acceleration of block 1. Similarly, by applying Newton's law to the second block, we obtain
where the first term represents the second external force, and the second and the third terms are the forces generated from spring 3 and spring 2. The right-hand side of (3.179) is the multiplication of mass and acceleration of block 2.
To have a clear view of the dynamics, we re-write (3.178) and (3.179) as
We have two second order systems for the three springs and double mass system. Additionally, there are interactions between the two systems.
As in Tongue (2002), the physical parameters are kg,
. As an exercise, the parameter is varied to
The PID controller with filter is designed based on the transfer function model (3.182) using the MATLAB program PIDplace.m (see Tutorial 3.2). The term is considered as disturbance. Two pairs of complex poles are used in the pole assignment PID controller design. With damping coefficient
, the parameter
is used as a performance tuning parameter. Because of the interactions between the two outputs, the closed-loop dynamics from the first mass block are more complex. As a result, there is a minimum
required for the stabilization of the closed-loop system. Through simulation studies, this minimum
is approximately five times the natural frequency of the original system. This behavior is similar to that of controlling unstable systems where a minimum controller gain is required for robustness of the feedback system.
By selecting and
for the two pairs of complex poles, the program PIDplace.m calculates the PID controller parameters as
In the first simulation, we assume for
. However, because the second mass is connected to the first mass, the output
is not zero. With sampling interval
(s), a step reference signal with amplitude 0.1 is added to the closed-loop control. Figure 3.13(a) shows the control signal used to move the first mass from the origin to 0.1 m and Figure 3.13(b) shows the output signal. It is clearly seen from Figure 3.13(a) that the second mass generates a sinusoidal disturbance and the feedback control signal tries to compensate it. The effect of the sinusoidal disturbance is hardly noticeable. Another simulation scenario is presented. Assume that there is a constant negative force acting on the second mass block, which is
. Additionally, the control signal
is constrained to positive values (
). Figure 3.14 shows the closed-loop responses for the three springs and double mass system with
. The control signal (see Figure 3.14(a)) still tries to reduce the effect of the disturbance, however because of its larger amplitude, the effect of the disturbance can be seen from the output response (see Figure 3.14(b)).
Figure 3.13 Closed-loop responses for three springs and double mass system with (Example 3.11). (a) Control signal. (b) Output signal.
Figure 3.14 Closed-loop responses for three springs and double mass system with (Example 3.11). (a) Control signal. (b) Output signal.
This chapter has discussed one of the most widely used control system design methods for PID and resonant controllers. The central ideas behind the pole-assignment controller design are to specify the desired closed-loop performance via the locations of the closed-loop poles and to match the desired closed-loop poles with the actual closed-loop poles by finding the solutions of a polynomial equation. These methods are conceptually and computationally simple, and the design methodology can be extended to various controller structures and models. The other important aspects are summarized as follows.
In the design, the desired closed-loop characteristic polynomial is selected as with
and choosing the natural frequency parameter
. Compare the proportional controller gain
and the integral time constant
for the three choices of the bandwidth. What are your observations?
where all the desired closed-loop desired closed-loop polynomial is chosen to be , where
where we assume that .
design a controller with the structure
where all three desired closed-loop poles are chosen to be . Convert this controller into an ideal PID controller that has the structure
so to find the proportional gain
, integral time constant
and the derivative time
. Use final value theorem to show that for a step reference signal with amplitude
, the closed-loop output response is
. The following three systems are used in this exercise.
design a resonant controller with the structure
where all three desired closed-loop poles are chosen to be . Supposing that the reference signal is a sinusoidal signal
, show that as
, the feedback error
. The following three systems are used in this exercise.
design a resonant controller plus integral action with the structure
where all four desired closed-loop poles are chosen to be . Supposing that the reference signal is a sinusoidal signal
, show that as
, the feedback error
. The following three systems are used in this exercise.
where the input is the voltage and the output is the position of the arm on x-axis.
Write a Simulink simulation program to evaluate the closed-loop system performance for reference following of the sinusoidal signal where the sampling interval .
where and