Closed-loop Performance and Stability

2.1 Introduction

Because feedback control can cause a closed-loop system to become unstable, ensuring closed-loop stability is paramount in control system design. In Section 2.2, we will discuss closed-loop stability by examining the locations of closed-loop poles and the applications of the Routh–Hurwitz stability criterion. In Section 2.3, the Nyquist stability criterion is presented based on a frequency response analysis, which leads to conclusions of closed-loop stability by examining the frequency response of the loop transfer functions, particularly convenient for analysis of systems with time delay.

To understand the roles of external signals playing in a feedback control system, Section 2.4 introduces control system structures with different degrees of freedom, which are related to the topic of reducing overshoot in reference response discussed in Chapter 1. Also in this section, the sensitivity functions are introduced in relation to various external signals in the closed-loop system. In Sections 2.5 and 2.6, we will examine the key issues existed in a feedback control system that are related to reference following, disturbance rejection, and noise attenuation from the angles of sensitivity analysis. The final section of this chapter will discuss the robust stability using frequency response analysis. Many examples presented in this chapter use PID controllers designed with the tuning rules given in Chapter 1.

2.2 Routh–Hurwitz Stability Criterion

Feedback control can cause a system to become unstable. Ensuring closed-loop stability is the most important aspect in control system design. Therefore, for every control system designed, its closed-loop stability is required to be checked as the top priority.

For linear time invariant systems, there are two main categories of methods that have been widely used to check closed-loop stability. The first type is based on the direct computation of the poles of the closed-loop transfer function. We call them the closed-loop poles. If all the closed-loop poles have negative real parts, namely with all poles strictly on the left half of the complex plane, then the closed-loop system is stable. If there are one or more poles on the right half of the complex plane, having a positive real component, then the closed-loop system is unstable. If there are one or more poles with real part equal to zero, namely on the imaginary axis of the complex plane, we call this type of system marginally stable. The second type is based on the open-loop transfer function that includes the plant transfer function, sensor and actuator transfer functions, and the controller transfer function. The Nyquist stability criterion is one of the most widely used methods that is based on the open-loop frequency response analysis.

2.2.1 Determining Closed-loop Poles

The first step in the computation of closed-loop poles is to calculate the closed-loop transfer function. Once the closed-loop transfer function is determined, then the MATLAB function roots.m is used to find the zeros of the denominator of the closed-loop transfer function, which are the poles of the closed-loop transfer function.

Note that in the computation of the closed-loop transfer function, the sensor and actuator dynamics will be considered in addition to the controller transfer function.

2.2.2 Routh–Hurwitz Stability Criterion

It would not be a straightforward task if we had to calculate the closed-loop poles using pencil and paper for a third order system and above. The Routh–Hurwitz stability criterion was introduced in the development of control systems early on so that their closed-loop stability could be determined using pencil and paper. Without involving complex computation, using the Routh–Hurwitz stability criterion enables us to determine whether there are any closed-loop poles on the right half of the complex plane and how many of them there are. This simple calculation is performed using the coefficients of the denominator of the closed-loop transfer function.

Table 2.1 Routh–Hurwitz table.

images images images images
images images images images
sn−2 r2,1 r2,2 r2,3
sn−3 r3,1 r3,2 r3,3
s2 rn−2,1 rn−2,2
s rn−1,1
s0 rn,1

In general, for the denominator of the closed-loop transfer function with the polynomial


we use its coefficients to form the first two rows of the Routh–Hurwitz table (see Table 2.1), and based on the first two rows complete the rest of the elements in the table. The first element in the third row is


where it is seen that we used the nearest two previous rows to form the determinant scaled by the factor images. The second element in the third row is


which is the same scaling but with the replacement of the next column in the determinant. With the same pattern,


For the fourth row, we will use the elements in the nearest two rows (second and third rows) with the same pattern, where


The remainder of the elements are expressed in a general form as


where images.

The elements in the first column of the Routh–Hurwitz table will determine whether the closed-loop system is stable. The number of roots of the polynomial images with real part greater than zero is equal to the number of sign changes in the first column of the Routh–Hurwitz table. Simply, if the first coefficient images in images is positive, then closed-loop stability will follow if all elements in the first column are positive.

Note that, in the calculation of the table, if an element in the first column becomes zero, then the calculation continues by replacing the zero element with a variable images. The remainder of the elements will be expressed in the function of images. Closed-loop stability will be determined by examining the coefficients in the first row using images.

If the coefficients of the closed-loop transfer function are constant and known, the closed-loop poles are simply calculated using the MATLAB function roots.m, as illustrated in Example 2.1. However, the Routh–Hurwitz stability criterion is very effective in determining closed-loop stability when some of the controller or process parameters have uncertainties.

2.2.3 Food for Thought

  1. For a given system, when the closed-loop poles are found to be images, images and images, what kind of behavior do you expect the closed-loop output response to be?
  2. When the closed-loop poles are found to be images, what kind of output response do you expect?
  3. Why do the complex poles always appear in a complex conjugate form?
  4. Can we determine closed-loop stability if one of the coefficients in the leading column of Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion is zero?
  5. Can we apply Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion to systems with time delay?

2.3 Nyquist Stability Criterion

The Nyquist stability criterion is one of the most widely used tools in analyzing closed-loop stability. Using MATLAB graphic tools, the Nyquist diagram is very easy to produce by calculating the frequency response of the loop transfer function. The gain margin, phase margin and delay margin provide valuable insight into closed-loop stability with respect to parameter variations.

2.3.1 Nyquist Diagram

The Nyquist stability criterion uses the frequency response of an open-loop system, including the plant, the sensors and the actuator, to determine closed-loop stability. Here, the open-loop system images is expressed as


where images represents the system dynamics including the plant dynamics, the actuator dynamics, and the sensor dynamics, and images represents the controller transfer function. More specifically, it is a graphic approach using real and imaginary values of the frequency response images where images is that of the loop transfer function. The benefit of being a graphic approach lies in the intuition as well as both quantitative and qualitative measures.

As an illustration, the Nyquist loci of a PI controlled system that has a stable open-loop transfer function with time delay is shown in Figure 2.2, where the following loop transfer function is used:

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 2.2 Nyquist plot with a unit circle for illustration of gain margin and phase margin. Solid line: Nyquist loci; dashed lines: pointers for the gain margin and phase margin.

We can specify the frequency vector images and use the MATLAB function freqs.m to calculate the frequency response of the open-loop transfer function. The time delay component images is computed first using the MATLAB exponential function and multiplied by the frequency response of the rest of the open-loop transfer functions. Tutorial 2.1 shows the MATLAB program for the Nyquist plot.

The Nyquist criterion states that a feedback control system with single input and single output is stable if and only if, for the frequency response of the loop transfer function images, number of counter clockwise encirclements of the images point is equal to the number of poles of this loop transfer function with positive real parts. Note that this criterion presents both necessary and sufficient conditions for closed-loop stability using its open-loop transfer function. There are two comments related as below.

  1. For the majority of PID controlled systems, this loop transfer function does not contain any poles that have positive real parts. Thus, for closed-loop stability of these classes of systems, the Nyquist stability criterion simply becomes that the frequency response should not encircle the images point on the complex plane.
  2. Because it uses the frequency response, closed-loop stability for systems with time delay will be examined without approximation. This is one of the most important advantages for using Nyquist loci to analyze control systems.

There are several quantitative, yet intuitive measurements that can be derived from the Nyquist loci. These quantities, termed gain margin, phase margin, and delay margin, are frequently used to assess the performance of the designed control system using the frequency information and safe-guard the closed-loop system against future model uncertainties. Gain Margin

Gain margin is a quantity that is used to measure how much variation in gain the feedback control system could sustain before it became unstable. As illustrated in Figure 2.2, the gain margin is defined as images, where images is the distance between the origin of the complex plane and the point that images intersects the real axis (see the vertical dashed line in Figure 2.2). This means that if the loop gain were to exceed images, then the closed-loop system would become unstable. The parameter images can be easily determined from the Nyquist loci. Using the following MATLAB command:


a cross hair appears on the Nyquist plot. By overlaying the center of the cross hair on the point that the Nyquist curve intersects the real axis, we obtain the coordinates as images and images. The distance is images. Therefore, the gain margin is determined as images. This means that if we were to increase the loop gain to three times the original value, then the closed-loop system would become unstable. We can associate this gain margin with the variations in the steady-state gain of the plant, the sensor, the actuator, or the controller gain images. It is the net effect of all the combined variations of gains. Phase Margin

To identify the phase margin, we first draw a unit circle with its origin located at the origin of the complex plane, as shown in Figure 2.2, and a straight dashed line that connects the point when the circle intersects the Nyquist loci with the origin of the complex plane. The phase margin images is the angle between the negative real axis and the dashed line. Clearly, it is the additional phase lag that could be associated with images before the closed-loop system became unstable. The phase margin images can be calculated using the following MATLAB function ginput.m. When using the following MATLAB function:


a cross hair appears. Overlaying the center of the cross hair on the point that the unit circle intersects the Nyquist loci, we obtain the coordinates of images and images for that point. From Figure 2.2, the coordinates are images and images. Then the phase margin images is computed as

equation Delay Margin

Although the phase margin images represents how much additional phase lag can be added to the feedback control system before it becomes unstable, it does not directly convey the size of maximum time delay that can be added to the system. To determine the maximum time delay that can be tolerated, we let


where images is the delay margin or the maximum delay to be tolerated and images is the frequency when the unit circle intersects with the Nyquist loci. This yields


Clearly, a larger images would lead to a smaller delay margin given the same phase margin images. Thus, the frequency images is an important parameter. To determine the frequency images, we will plot images, as shown in Figure 2.3. Using the function ginput.m, we identify the intersecting point of the dashed line with the solid line in Figure 2.3 that has the coordinates images and images. Thus, images images. From the parameter images and the phase margin images, we calculate the delay margin as

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 2.3 Magnitude of images (solid line) together with dashed line to determine images.


This means that the associated delay, which can be added to the system before it becomes unstable, is 0.0314 s.

2.3.2 Rework of Tuning Rules based PID Controllers

2.3.3 Food for Thought

  1. What would happen to a closed-loop system if its gain margin is equal to 1?
  2. Would you say that the Nyquist diagram is an effective means to check the performance of the PID controller designed when using the tuning rules?
  3. What would you do if the gain margin of the control system designed is too small?
  4. How would you be able to increase the phase margin of a control system?

2.4 Control System Structures and Sensitivity Functions

This section introduces control system structures with one and two degrees of freedom, which are related to the PID controller realization to reduce the overshoot in reference response discussed in Chapter 1. The external signals such as reference signal, disturbance signals and measurement noise are important in the analysis of control system performance. This section discusses these signals in relationships with the sensitivity functions.

2.4.1 One Degree of Freedom Control System Structure

A feedback control system of a one degree of freedom structure is represented by the block diagram, shown in Figure 2.8, where images is the reference signal, images is the output, and images is the control signal. There is also an output disturbance in the system, denoted as images. For simplicity, the transfer function images includes the plant dynamics, actuator dynamics, and sensor dynamics.

The Laplace transform of the error signal images is expressed as


Therefore, the error signal is expressed as


Then, the output of the control system is


and the control signal is


Assuming that images is zero, the transfer function between the reference signal and the plant output is


and the transfer function between the reference signal and the control signal is

Block diagram depicting One degree of freedom control system structure.

Figure 2.8 One degree of freedom control system structure.

Similarly, by assuming images, we derive the transfer functions between the output disturbance and the output, and the output disturbance and the control signal:


The properties of these closed-loop transfer functions are directly related to the closed-loop performance, determining the behavior of the output signal and the control signal in relation to reference signal images and the output disturbance images. In this controller structure, once the controller images is selected, all four closed-loop transfer functions are fixed; only one degree of freedom is available to influence the output response images to the reference signal images and to the disturbance images. This is called one degree of freedom design.

2.4.2 Two Degrees of Freedom Design

A two degrees of freedom control system is shown in Figure 2.9. In this structure, an extra component images is placed after the reference signal images, which will be used in the design. images denotes the output disturbance, images denotes the input disturbance, images denotes the measurement noise. How does this structure offer two degrees of freedom in the design? For this, with the assumption that images and images, we calculate the output response images in relation to the reference signal images and the output disturbance images,


From this, we have the two transfer functions


Transfer function images provides one more degree of freedom to shape the output response to the reference signal images. This extra degree of freedom plus the original one degree of freedom gives the two degrees of freedom in the design. If the control system is configured as a, then we can shape, independently, the output response to the reference signal and to the disturbance.

Block diagram depicting Two degrees of freedom control system structure.

Figure 2.9 Two degrees of freedom control system structure.

Block diagram depicting Two degrees of freedom PI control system structure.

Figure 2.10 Two degrees of freedom PI control system structure, where images and images. Two degrees of freedom implementation of PI controllers

From Example 1.3, the IP controller structure illustrated in Figure 1.7 is in fact a two degrees of freedom implementation of a PI controller with a reference filter images, where the reference filter is images, which is illustrated in Figure 2.10. One may argue that the choices of proportional controller gain images and the integral time constant images have cemented the characteristics of disturbance rejection; however, the value of images has provided an extra degree of freedom to influence reference response. The advantage of using the IP controller is that the implementation procedure is simpler, because there is no need for the implementation of reference signal filter. In the general framework of two degrees of freedom controller implementation, images may also be designed carefully to achieve desired effect of reference response.

2.4.3 Sensitivity Functions in Feedback Control

To understand the sensitivity functions and their roles in feedback control, we examine the block diagram of a closed-loop feedback control system illustrated in Figure 2.9.

Based on the block diagram, we calculate the feedback error of the closed-loop system firstly as

By re-arranging (2.19), the closed-loop feedback error is

Note that the feedback error is relation to the output via,

By substituting (2.21) into (2.20), we obtain the expression of the closed-loop output images as

Also, from the feedback error (2.20), we calculate the closed-loop control signal as

Based on these relationships, the following sensitivity functions are defined.

  • Sensitivity function:
  • Complementary sensitivity function:
  • Input disturbance sensitivity function:
  • Control sensitivity function:

The sensitivity functions are related to each other in the following ways.

  • The sensitivity plus complementary sensitivity is equal to one:
  • The input disturbance sensitivity is related to sensitivity:
  • The control sensitivity is related to sensitivity:

With the sensitivity functions, we re-write the output of the closed-loop system (2.22) as

and the control signal (2.23) as


From these relationships, we can see that:

  1. The complementary sensitivity function images represents the effect of both reference signal and measurement noise on the output.
  2. The sensitivity images represents the effect of output disturbance on the output.
  3. The input sensitivity images represents the effect of input disturbance on the output.

2.4.4 Food for Thought

  1. In the two-degrees-of-freedom control system structure, must the reference filter images be stable?
  2. In many applications, instead of designing the reference filter, it is simpler to design the reference signal by deploying a ramp signal between two constant references. Assuming that at time images, the reference signal images, we would like the reference signal to be increased to 3 in a duration of 10 seconds. What does this reference signal look on a piece of paper? If you would like to duplicate this signal using the reference filter images, what would you do?
  3. Can you think of a reason why we would use the IP controller instead of using the two-degrees-of- freedom approach when we need to overcome the reference overshoot problem in PID control systems?
  4. If the IP controller you designed still resulted in overshoot in reference response, what would you do?
  5. With respect to PID control, by examining the closed-loop transfer function (1.40) in Example 1.4, which reference filter would you use to reduce the overshoot in the closed-loop step response caused by the derivation control?

2.5 Reference Following and Disturbance Rejection

Aside from stabilization of unstable systems, the two most important purposes that a feedback control system serves are reference following and disturbance rejection. In this section, we will discuss these two topics in relation to the complementary sensitivity images and the sensitivity function images. Their effects on the output will be measured and analyzed in the frequency domain. One caution is that closed-loop stability is a pre-requisite for the sensitivity analysis to be valid.

2.5.1 Closed-loop Bandwidth

For simplicity, we assume that images to begin the discussion. From (2.27), the complementary sensitivity images represents the effect of reference following on the output and the sensitivity images represents the effect of disturbance rejection. Intuitively, for a control system designed with good reference following properties, we would like to see the complementary sensitivity images so that the output images for some designated frequencies, where images is the frequency response of the reference signal. On the contrary, for disturbance rejection, intuitively, we would like the magnitude of the sensitivity function images so that the output images for some frequencies contained in the output disturbance signal images or the input disturbance signal images. As from (2.24), the sum of images and images is equal to one. Two observations follow immediately.

  1. If at a given frequency images, then images.
  2. Similarly, if images is large, then images is small.

This basically says that the control objectives for reference tracking or disturbance rejection using feedback can be achieved using the same qualitative and quantitative measure of either complementary sensitivity function images or sensitivity function images because images. The implication is that if a feedback control system has a good tracking performance for a reference signal, then it will also have a good disturbance rejection for the disturbance signals that have the identical frequency characteristics. In other words, the reference following and disturbance rejection in feedback control share the same goals in the design without conflicting.

We can also examine the reference tracking from feedback error analysis to reach the same conclusions as above. Consider a unit negative feedback control system with the reference pre-compensation images. The feedback error signal images is simply computed as


It is seen here that, for the reference tracking, the feedback error is directly related to the sensitivity function images. Therefore, if images is small over some frequency band, then the feedback control system will yield, on the same frequency band, better reference tracking as well as disturbance rejection performance. This re-iterates that the control system design objectives for reference following and disturbance rejection share the same characteristics over either the complementary sensitivity or the sensitivity function.

One of the qualitative measures in sensitivity analysis is the characterization of closed-loop bandwidth images. The parameter bandwidth images is a frequency parameter either in the unit of Hertz (Hz) or images, which corresponds to the frequency when the complementary sensitivity function has the following value:


As illustrated in Figure 2.11, the magnitude of a complementary sensitivity function images is intersected with a dash-dotted horizontal line with a value of images, where the vertical dash-dotted line leads to the bandwidth of images. As demonstrated in Section 2.3, one can easily use the MATLAB ginput.m function to identify the bandwidth from the plot of the complementary sensitivity function by putting the hair cross line at the point when the dash-dotted line intersects the magnitude of complementary sensitivity. For reference following, the bandwidth images is interpreted as if the frequencies of the reference signal fall between 0 and images, then the output signal will have the capacity to closely duplicate this reference signal. For disturbance rejection, because images is small between 0 and images, if the frequencies of a disturbance signal fall into this range, then the output will have the capacity to suppress the disturbance.

Having said that minimization of the effect of disturbance will certainly lead to maximizing tracking performance of the same type of reference signals, in engineering applications there might be additional constraints on the reference tracking such as output overshoot of the reference signal. The two degrees of freedom control system implementation provides an additional means in an open-loop manner to shape the reference tracking properties by selecting the stable reference filter images.

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 2.11 Complementary sensitivity function with bandwidth illustration. Key: solid line: images; dash-dotted lines: illustration of bandwidth.

One exception to the shared common ground of disturbance rejection and reference following is the scenario when there is pole-zero cancellation in the controller structure. Pole-zero cancellation is a commonly used technique for control system design because it simplifies the controller parameter solutions. Assuming that the controller transfer function is images and the model transfer function is images from Figure 2.9, with images, the output response to the reference signal is


and to the input disturbance is


Note that in the complementary sensitivity function images, images and images appear in pairs. Therefore, the poles or zeros that have been canceled in the design will disappear from the complementary sensitivity function, meaning that they will not affect the closed-loop performance of reference tracking. However, in the input disturbance sensitivity function images, images and images appear in pairs only for the denominator. Thus, if a pole from the system transfer function images is canceled in the controller design, it will re-appear as the same pole in the input disturbance sensitivity function because images does not appear in the numerator. This means that if a system pole is canceled in the controller structure, a fast reference following response does not automatically imply a fast input disturbance rejection, depending on the location of the canceled pole. A detailed study of pole-zero cancellation on the effect of disturbance rejection is given in Example 3.7.

2.5.2 Reference Following and Disturbance Rejection with PID Controllers

PID controllers are the most widely used controllers in engineering applications. Their successful applications are aligned with the most commonly encountered reference signals and disturbance signals. The reference signals for PID controller applications are a step signal or a series of step signals. For instance, if we want to regulate a room temperature to imagesC from the current temperature of imagesC, then the reference signal is a step signal with amplitude of imagesC. In other words, the output of a PID control system is regulated to a constant value. Note that the Laplace transform of a unit step signal is images with the magnitude of frequency response images, which is infinity at images. Hence, for the output to follow a step reference signal perfectly, the complementary sensitivity function images at the zero frequency. This automatically implies that the sensitivity function images, which is required for tracking the step reference signal and rejecting a disturbance with its frequency contents concentrated at the zero frequency.

Now, on a back envelope calculation, if the plant model does not contain a zero at images, the integrator contained in a PID controller will simultaneously yield images and images because the integrator in the controller creates an infinite gain for the loop transfer function images at images. The sensitivity function images contains a zero at images as long as the plant model images does not contain a zero at images.

Because the majority of the control systems are designed to track a constant reference signal or regulate the output to a constant value, additionally, the most disturbances occurred in the process control applications are rich in the low frequency region, the PID controllers are adequate for the commonly encountered applications.

2.5.3 Reference Following and Disturbance Rejection with Resonant Controllers

In the applications of control systems to power electronics, aerospace, and mechanical engineering, it is often required for the output of the closed-loop control system to track sinusoidal reference signal or to reject a sinusoidal disturbance. In these applications, we assume that the sinusoidal reference signal is images with known parameters. However, for disturbance rejection, the disturbance signal is expressed as images, where the frequency images is known but the amplitude of the disturbance images is unknown.

Note that the Laplace transform of the reference sinusoidal signal with frequency images is


with frequency response


Thus, as images, images.

From the sensitivity analysis, in order for the feedback control system to have a good tracking performance for the sinusoidal reference signal, we need the complementary sensitivity function images at images. Similarly, to reject the sinusoidal disturbance signal with unknown amplitude, we need to have the sensitivity function images at images. In order to achieve these characteristics for the feedback control system, a quick calculation indicates that the feedback controller is required to embed the mode images into its structure, assuming that the plant does not contain a pair of complex zeros at images. In the literature, this type of controller is called either resonant controller or repetitive controller because of the periodic nature of the external signals.

We consider the case that images is a multi-frequency periodic signal, defined as images where the frequencies images images images, and images are given. In order to track this multi-frequency periodic signal using a feedback controller, the complementary sensitivity function is required to satisfy images at the frequencies images. As a result, the sensitivity function automatically satisfies images at the frequencies images. Therefore, the controller designed for following the multi-frequency periodic reference signal will also reject a periodic disturbance with the same frequencies. The controller is required to embed the following components


into its structure in order to achieve images or images at the frequencies images. Here we need to assume that the plant does not have complex zeros at the corresponding frequencies.

In Section 3.5, pole-assignment controller design techniques will be introduced for the design of resonant controller. In Section 5.4, a resonant controller will be designed using a disturbance estimation technique together with anti-windup implementation. This disturbance estimation based design technique is extended to a multi-frequency sinusoidal reference/disturbance signal in Section 5.5.

2.5.4 Food for Thought

  1. If the disturbance rejection is too slow, taking a long time for the output response to recover, would you decrease the closed-loop bandwidth?
  2. For a PID controlled system with images, images and images, if the bandwidth images were too small, would you increase images?
  3. For the IMC-PID tuning rules (see Section 1.4.1), the original tuning-rules (Equation (1.47)) will lead to a slow response to input disturbance. Can you explain this using the characteristics of the input sensitivity function?
  4. Why is the two-degrees-of-freedom PID controller implementation important in the context of reference following and disturbance rejection?
  5. In many applications, rejecting load disturbance is the primary objective of the control systems. Load disturbance is often modelled as a constant input disturbance. To avoid a large disruption to the system when switching on a load is paramount. How can we design such a load profile so that it can be switched gradually?

2.6 Disturbance Rejection and Noise Attenuation

Both noise and disturbance co-exist in a physical system. A good closed-loop performance requires minimization of the effects of both disturbance and noise.

2.6.1 Conflict between Disturbance Rejection and Noise Attenuation

For minimization of the effects of both input and output disturbances, we make the magnitude of the output in frequency response


as small as possible. For minimization of the measurement noise, we make the magnitude of the output in frequency response


as small as possible, indicating that there is a conflict between disturbance rejection and noise attenuation.

We cannot alter the disturbances and noise because they already existed in the system. Thus, what we do is to make:

  • the magnitude of sensitivity images (images) small for disturbance rejection;
  • the magnitude of complementary sensitivity images (images) small for noise attenuation.

These are the basic design principles for control systems. However, noting that the relationship between the sensitivity and complementary sensitivity is constrained by


which says that we cannot make both images and images small over the same frequency bands. In other words, if the disturbance is minimized in a given frequency region where images is small, then inevitably the measurement noise is not attenuated in the same frequency region where images is large. So how are we going to design a closed-loop control system that will minimize the effects of disturbance and the measurement noise?

Note that the disturbances existing in the system correspond to slow movement of the variables or slow changes, therefore the frequency contents of the disturbance term images are concentrated in the low frequency region. In contrast, the measurement noise corresponds to fast movement of the variables or fast and frequent changes of the variables, therefore the frequency contents of the measurement noise images are concentrated in the higher frequency region. This means that we can achieve disturbance rejection by choosing the sensitivity function images at the low frequency region, which implies images at the low frequency region, because images. This is not too bad for noise attenuation because images is small in the low frequency region. At the high frequency region, to avoid the amplification of measurement noise, we choose images, which implies images. This is not too bad for disturbance rejection because images is small in the high frequency region. In short, to achieve a trade-off relationship between disturbance rejection and noise attenuation, a closed-loop bandwidth images should be carefully selected.

2.6.2 PID Controller for Disturbance Rejection and Noise Attenuation

Two examples are given in this section to illustrate the relationship between disturbance rejection and noise attenuation when using a PID controller.

A derivative filter plays an important role in noise attenuation for a PID controlled system because the derivative action will amplify the measurement noise. The following example is used to show its significance in the presence of measurement noise in conjunction with the choice of sampling interval in the implementation.

2.6.3 Food for Thought

  1. Would you increase the bandwidth of the closed-loop control system if a low quality sensor is used in the measurement device and the measurement noise is severe?
  2. When using a resonant controller, if the frequency images embedded into the controller is large, would you expect that the measurement noise will be amplified more than that with a PID controller?
  3. In the implementation of PID controller, if the measurement noise is severe, would you decrease the derivative filter time constant?
  4. Would you prefer to use a PI controller instead of a PID controller if the noise is severe?

2.7 Robust Stability and Robust Performance

Robust stability and robust performance are two important issues for a control engineer to consider when a feedback control system is designed and to be implemented. The phrase “robust control” is used to imply that the control system designed can withstand the uncertainties caused by the discrepancies between the model used for the controller design and the actual plant model.

2.7.1 Modeling Errors

Many of us, as a control engineers, have experienced a feedback control system designed using the correct methodologies and the closed-loop simulation has yielded satisfactory performance; however, the control system failed to produce stable closed-loop operation when it was implemented. More than often, the key reason behind the discrepancy between what is desired and what is reality is the existence of modeling errors between the model used for the control system design and the behavior of the actual system at specific operation conditions.

There are a few factors causing the existence of modeling errors in control system design depending on how the mathematical model is derived. In electrical engineering applications, such as electrical machine control and power converter control, the mathematical models are derived from physical laws using current and voltage (see Wang et al. (2015)). Similarly physical laws are used to derive the mathematical models for electro-mechanical systems such as unmanned aerial vehicles (see Chapter 10), and ball and plate balancing systems (see Chapter 6). The mathematical models derived using physical laws are referred mechanistical models, which are often in the form of nonlinear differential equations (see Chapter 6). The modeling errors for the electrical systems and the electro-mechanical systems are often caused by an inaccurate measurement of the physical parameters and the variations of the operating conditions.

In chemical process control applications, due to the lack of clearly defined physical laws or the complexities of the physical systems, the mathematical models are commonly obtained by directly conducting identification experiments on the plant and estimating a transfer function model based on the input and output measurement data (see the fired heater system (Ralhan and Badgwell (2000)) in Section 1.5.2). The mathematical models derived using the identification experiments (see Chapter 9) are referred empirical models. The modeling errors for the chemical process control applications are often caused by restricted identification experimental conditions including small input signal amplitude, corruptions of large measurement noise and disturbances, model estimation errors, as well as variations of operating conditions.

Furthermore, when using a restricted controller structure such as a PID controller, the mathematical models could be too complex for the design of a simple controller. Thus, model order reduction is required, which leads to another source of modeling errors. In the context of control system design, there is an unknown transfer function denoted by images, which accurately describes the linear time invariant system at a given operating condition. However, for the various reasons discussed above, this images is seldom available to us. Instead, a transfer function model images is obtained from linearization (see Chapter 6) or from identification experiments and used in the control system design. This leads to the conceptual description of modeling errors that consist of the following forms in the literature:


where images is called the additive modeling error and images is called the multiplicative modeling error. We assume that the modeling errors are stable.

Except that in the case of model order reduction for PID controller design, images is assumed unknown, thus the exact descriptions of images and images may not be available. However, in robust control, it is often that the bounds on the frequency responses are used to quantify the impact of the modeling errors, for images,

In a simplified case, the modeling error bound may be chosen as a constant, which produces a conservative measure for the modeling errors.

2.7.2 Robust Stability

Robust stability for a control system is quantified and analyzed in the frequency domain in terms of the additive and multiplicative modeling errors defined, with its origin from the Nyquist stability criterion introduced in Section 2.3. The purpose is to assess closed-loop stability when the controller images is applied to the unknown system images.

To start, we consider that the open-loop system images is stable and assume the following conditions are satisfied.

  • The controller images is designed to stabilize the model images with all closed-loop poles strictly on the left half of the complex plane.
  • The modeling errors, either additive or multiplicative, are stable.

Then, from the Nyquist stability criterion, the necessary and sufficient condition for closed-loop stability when the controller images is applied to the unknown system images is that the frequency response of the loop transfer function images will not encircle the images point on the complex plane. This is translated into the following inequality:

for all images. Because images is unknown, in Equation 2.41 it is replaced by the model images and the additive modeling error images, leading to


which is


Now, since the controller images is designed to stabilize the model images, the Nyquist loci of images will not encircle the images point, it ensures that


for all images.

Therefore, the inequality (2.41) is satisfied if


Or, more conservatively, for all images,


This leads to the robust stability condition in the frequency domain as

for all images. This robust stability condition is a sufficient condition, which ensures the Nyquist loci of the images not to encircle the images point through the representation of additive modeling error.

The robust stability condition (2.44) can also be written in terms of the multiplicative modeling error images by noting that


leading to


With the multiplicative modeling error, the robust stability condition is expressed in relation to the complementary sensitivity function images.

With the frequency response bound defined as images in (2.39), the robust stability condition becomes:

for all images. Alternatively, with the multiplicative modeling error bound images defined in (2.40), it has the following representation:

for all images.

The first robust stability condition (2.46) is expressed in terms of the control sensitivity function whilst the second stability condition (2.47) is expressed in terms of the complementary sensitivity function, which is directly related to the closed-loop control performance specifications.

The robust stability condition (2.47) says that if the multiplicative modeling error images is larger than 1 at a given frequency images, then images needs to be less than 1 to ensure closed-loop stability. Conversely, if images is large at a certain frequency region, then a small modeling error is required in the same region to ensure closed-loop stability. Clearly, if the controller contains an integrator, then images, which indicates that images in order to guarantee closed-loop stability. Similarly, for the resonant controller that has embedded a sinusoidal mode at images, images, leading to the condition that images in order to guarantee robust closed-loop stability.

In summary, the existence of modeling error gives an additional constraint on the complementary sensitivity function. This constraint is translated into the selection of the desired closed-loop bandwidth as demonstrated in the following case study.

2.7.3 Case Study: Robust Control of Polymer Reactor

Note that many of the empirical tuning rules for PID controllers do not have a performance tuning parameter to adjust the desired closed-loop performance in order to account for the modeling errors. This is the biggest limitation for the empirical PID controller tuning rules. For the IMC-PID controller, the desired closed-loop bandwidth is selected by adjusting the desired closed-loop time constant images.

2.7.4 Food for Thought

  1. If we neglected a time delay images in the design, what would be the multiplicative modelling error?
  2. If the Padula and Visioli PID controller tuning rules produced an unstable closed-loop system, would you try to reduce the proportional control gain images or increase the integral time constant images?
  3. Is it correct to say that the modelling error limits the closed-loop bandwidth?
  4. Is it correct to say that in general we need a model with higher accuracy for a higher demand in the closed-loop performance for disturbance rejection and reference following?

2.8 Summary

In this chapter, we have presented the commonly used tools for closed-loop stability and performance analysis. Understanding the relationships between the closed-loop poles, closed-loop stability, and performance is crucial in control system design and analysis. In the later chapters, we will discuss model based controller design methods that specifically use the locations of the desired closed-loop poles as performance specification. The important aspects discussed in this chapter are:

  • If the closed-loop transfer function is known with constant coefficients, then the closed-loop poles can be simply determined by finding the solutions of the characteristic equation. Numerically, this is achieved using MATLAB function root.m for the denominator of the transfer function.
  • The Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion explicitly determines whether a closed-loop system is stable by examining the coefficients of the closed-loop characteristic polynomial. This is particularly useful when we need to determine the effect of the variation of a parameter on the closed-loop system.
  • Nyquist stability criterion is based on the frequency response of the open-loop transfer function that includes the system, the controller, the actuator and the sensor. It involves the presentation of the frequency response graphically with real and imaginary parts (a two dimensional plot), revealing the important quantities such as gain margin, phase margin and delay margin. Because it is based on the frequency domain, time delay in the system can be easily captured.
  • Sensitivity analysis based on the frequency domain is fundamental to the understanding of the characteristics of closed-loop control systems. In the context of sensitivity analysis, the parameter called closed-loop bandwidth is defined.
  • Understanding the closed-loop performance in terms of disturbance rejection and reference following is based on the frequency response of the sensitivity function and complementary sensitivity function. Because the relationship between the complementary sensitivity function and sensitivity function is captured by:
    the performance requirements are consistent in the sense that a closed-loop system that has a fast reference following will also have a fast disturbance rejection.
  • Understanding the closed-loop performance in terms of disturbance rejection (or reference following) and measurement noise attenuation is also based on the frequency response of the sensitivity function and complementary sensitivity function. However, the relationship
    captures the fundamental trade-off between disturbance rejection and measurement noise attenuation. There is a conflict between the two requirements, meaning that a fast disturbance rejection in a closed-loop control system will inevitably lead to the amplification of measurement noise. The existence of measurement noise limits the closed-loop control performance in terms of disturbance rejection and reference following.
  • Modelling errors are often present in the PID control system design. Because of their existence, there is a difference in the closed-loop performance between what is desired and what is actually achieved. Their effects on the closed-loop performance are analyzed and quantified in the frequency domain using the errors and the complementary sensitivity function. Furthermore, the Nyquist stability criterion provides an effective means to access the information about gain margin, phase margin and delay margin, which are important to assess the impact of modelling errors on closed-loop stability.

2.9 Further Reading

  1. Text books in control engineering include, Franklin et al. (1998), Franklin et al. (1991), Ogata (2002), Golnaraghi and Kuo (2010), Goodwin et al. (2000) and Astrom and Murray (2008).
  2. Disturbance rejection, reference following and robustness are discussed in Garpinger et al. (2014), in Alcántara et al. (2013). Two-degrees-of-freedom PID controller design is proposed in Gorez (2003) and Yukitomo et al. (2004), Araki and Taguchi (2003). Load disturbance rejection with consideration on robustness of closed-loop system is proposed in Panagopoulos et al. (2002). Effect of noise for tuning the controller parameters is discussed in Fertik (1975).
  3. The Ziegler-Nichols step response method is revisited from the point of view of robust loop shaping in Åström and Hägglund (2004).
  4. Tuning of PID controllers based on gain and phase margin specifications was proposed in Ho et al. (1995), Ho and Xu (1998), Ho et al. (2000). The Ziegler-Nichols, and Cohen-Coon tuning formulas that optimize for load disturbance response are analyzed in Ho et al. (1996) for gain margin and phase margin. Gain and phase margins are used in selecting PID controller parameters with consideration of robustness and closed-loop performance in Ho et al. (1998).
  5. Disturbance rejection for the modified IMC tuning rules is specifically addressed in Skogestad (2006). Robustness of IMC is discussed in Morari and Zafiriou (1989). Further discussions of tuning guidelines and robustness for IMC can be found in Vilanova (2008).


  1. 2.1 In Example 2.3, three PI controllers (see Table 2.3) were found using tuning-rules together with analysis of Nyquist diagram for the following continuous-time system:
    1. Evaluate the closed-loop step response of the three PI control systems in one-degree-of-freedom using a Simulink simulation.
    2. Evaluate the closed-loop step response of the PI control systems in two-degrees-of-freedom where the reference filter is selected as images, and compare the output responses with the simulation results presented in Figure 2.7.
  2. 2.2 In Example 1.8, Padula and Visioli tuning rules were used to find PID controller for the following system

    where images, images, images.

    1. Find the closed-loop transfer function between images and images with the control signal images defined as

      Simulate the closed-loop unit step response for this one-degree-of-freedom control system with sampling interval images (sec).

    2. Find the closed-loop transfer function between images and images with the control signal images defined as

      Simulate the closed-loop step response for this IPD control system and compare the results with the ones from the one-degree-of-freedom controller structure.

    3. Observing from the closed-loop transfer functions, what reference filter should be chosen if the remainder of the overshoot from the IPD implementation were to be eliminated? Verify the results using the selected reference filter.
  3. 2.3 Use Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion to determine the range of the proportional controller images that will stabilize the systems with the following transfer functions.
    1. images
    2. images
    3. images
    4. images
  4. 2.4 Use Routh-Hurwitz criterion to determine the range of the integral time constant images that will produce a stable closed-loop system for the plant with transfer function images. Here we assume that the proportional gain images.
  5. 2.5 Consider a system with the following transfer function:
    1. Assuming that the integral time constant images, form the closed-loop characteristic equation in terms of the proportional control images, and numerically determine the variations of closed-loop poles with respect to images (images). This numerical procedure leads to root-locus analysis of the PI control system with respect to the variations of images.
    2. Alternatively, we can use MATLAB function ‘rlocus.m’ for the root-locus analysis with the loop transfer function:
    3. From the root-locus analysis, determine the range of the proportional gain images that will produce a stable closed-loop system.
    4. What are your observations on the closed-loop pole variations with respect to the proportional gain images from the root-locus analysis?
  6. 2.6 This Problem is an extension to Example 2.7. Because the reactor's transfer function model has 8 stable zeros, it is difficult to design a PID controller using the PID tuning rules without desired closed-loop performance adjustment.
    1. Use Padula and Visioli PID controller tuning rules based on the first order plus delay model shown in (2.49) to find two sets of PID controller parameters for images and images (see Table 1.5).
    2. Plot the Nyquist diagrams for both PID controlled systems using the original reactor model (2.48) and verify if the closed-loop systems are stable.
    3. Based on the Nyquist diagrams, propose what we would do to improve the gain margin and phase margin for the two PID controlled systems, and modify the PID controller parameters accordingly.
    4. Simulate the closed-loop step response for both systems based on the original reactor model (2.48) using the modified PID controllers.
  7. 2.7 One of the simple and yet effective approaches to model order reduction is to neglect the small time constant images in the transfer function model:

    in order to obtain a first order plus delay model.

    1. Determine the multiplicative modelling error images when the approximate model is taken as images.
    2. Calculate images for images and compare their magnitudes in a diagram. What are your observations?
    3. Use Padula and Visioli PID controller tuning rules (images) based on the first order plus delay model to find two sets of PID controller parameters.
    4. Calculate the complementary sensitivity function images for the PID controller.
    5. Determine the closed-loop robust stability using the relationship

      for all images. Is the closed-loop system stable for images?

    6. Compare the closed-loop step responses, which are simulated based on the original second order plus delay model for images and images with sampling interval images and derivative filter time constant equal to images. What are your observations?
  8. 2.8 The original IMC-PI tuning rules are given for a first order plus delay system:

    where images is the desired closed-loop time constant and

    1. Find the complementary sensitivity function images, the input disturbance sensitivity function images for the IMC-PI controlled system. What are your observations in terms of the poles of the sensitivity functions?
    2. For a system with images, images, images, calculate images and images for images. Will images change with respect to images? If so, what are the bandwidth parameters? Will images change with respect to images?
    3. Simulate the closed-loop step response for the two PI controlled systems with sampling interval images. Does images affect the closed-loop step response speed?
    4. Simulate the closed-loop input disturbance response for the two PI controlled systems, where the disturbance is a constant with magnitude of 3. Does images affect the closed-loop disturbance rejection?
    5. What if the disturbance occurred at the output, would images make a difference on the disturbance rejection? Verify your intuition with the closed-loop simulation of output disturbance.