This chapter will present the PID control of multi-rotor unmanned aerial vehicles as case studies. Because of nonlinearities and physical parameter uncertainties, the attitude control systems for an unmanned aerial vehicle are proposed to be PID control systems in a cascade structure and the PID controller parameters are found using the auto-tuners designed in Chapter 9. The auto-tuners are implemented on laboratory test rigs specifically designed for multi-rotor unmanned aerial vehicles and operated on the ground for the safety of the equipment. Experiments are conducted to evaluate the attitude control systems.
This section will discuss the dynamics of a quadrotor and a hexacopter for the PID control system design. We will pay attention to their shared common features and their differences.
To ensure stable flight of a multi-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), its attitude is required to be under feedback control. The attitude of a multi-rotor is captured by the variations of the three Euler angles: roll angle , pitch angle
and yaw angle
. More specifically, the roll angle
defines the rotation about the
body axis, the pitch angle
about the
body axis, and the yaw angle about the
body axis. To maintain stable flight with a multi-rotor UAV, the three Euler angles are required to follow desired reference signals in closed-loop control. The attitude control forms the common ground of PID control methodologies for multi-rotor UAVs. However, the difference comes from the details of the control signal realizations through actuators that are the rotors associated with the UAVs.
From the control system design point of view, the outputs of an attitude control system are clearly the three Euler angles: roll angle , pitch angle
and yaw angle
. One important reason why these three angles are selected as the outputs is that the reference signals to the angles are readily available. For instance, in order to maintain stable flight, the reference signals to the roll angle
and pitch angle
are commonly selected to be zero whilst the yaw angle
is determined by the position of the UAV in the horizontal plane. The questions remain as what the control input signals are and how they are related to the output signals for the attitude control problem.
In order to derive the dynamic models for attitude control, a reference frame is defined. The mathematical models for the multi-rotor unmanned aerial vehicles share the same reference frame leading to the same dynamic models at this common ground. As an example, we examine the derivation of the dynamic models for a quadrotor UAV.
Figure 10.1 shows the framework used to derive a quadrotor dynamics model (Bouabdallah et al. (2004), Corke (2011), Derafa et al. (2006)), which illustrates that the origin of the body frame is in the mass center of the quadrotor UAV and the -axis is upwards.
, and
are the four rotors and
, and
represent the rotors' angular velocities.
In order to obtain an unique solution for the mathematical models, the transformation sequence is assumed to be . The input signals for the quadrotor are the torques
, and
in the
-, and
-axes, respectively. In the same three dimensional space, we define
, and
as their angular velocities and
, and
as the moments of inertia for the three axes in the
, and
directions. The quadrotor UAV is assumed to have a symmetric structure with four arms aligned with the
-axis and
-axis, and as a result there is no interaction between the torques along the three axes. From Euler's equation of motion (Bouabdallah et al. (2004), Corke (2011), Derafa et al. (2006)), the following dynamic equations in the
, and
axes are obtained:
From the control system design point of view, if the multi-rotor UAV carries a payload, the load torque can be projected onto the -,
- and
-axes, denoted by
. These quantities are unknown in general, and are considered as constant disturbances in control system design. With the consideration of load disturbances, we modify the motion equations as
Figure 10.1 Inertial frame and body frame of the quadrotor.
If the payload is aligned with the mass center and is symmetric, the projections of the load torque on the - and
-axes are small.
Now, the relationships between Euler angular velocities and the body frame angular velocities (,
, and
) are described in the following differential equations (Corke (2011)):
The dynamic models (10.2) and (10.3) present mathematical descriptions for the attitude control system design for the quadrotor. Clearly, there are three outputs in the control system, and the manipulated variables or the control signals are the three torques, ,
, and
, along the
, and
The dynamic models for attitude control of a hexacopter are also described by the differential equations 10.2 and (10.3). Because a hexacopter uses six rotors attached to the end of each arm with equal distance from the vehicle's center of gravity, which is illustrated in Figure 10.2, it has better fault-tolerant properties and capability of carrying a larger payload than the quadrotor UAVs.
It is worthwhile emphasizing that the dynamic models (10.1)–(10.3) derived for the quadrotor have not taken the actuators into consideration. The control signals, the torques ,
, and
in the body frame, will be implemented using DC motors. Thus, there will be additional first order or second order models used to capture the DC motor dynamics for the control system design.
In quadrotor control, the torques ,
, and
in the body frame are generated by the differences in rotor thrusts. The upward thrust produced by each rotor is
The total thrust is, hence,
Figure 10.2 Representation of a hexacopter (Ligthart et al. (2017)).
where is the thrust constant determined by air density, the length of the blade, and the blade radius, and
is the
th rotor's angular speed.
When we only consider the attitude control, the altitude of the quadrotor UAV is not controlled and the total thrust is manually set by the operator. Therefore, there will be an independent reference signal to the total thrust
The torques about quadrotor's -axis and
-axis are
where is the distance from the motor to the mass center. The torque applied to each propeller by the motor is opposed by aerodynamic drag, and the total reaction torque about the
-axis is
where is a drag constant determined by the same factors as
To determine the angular velocities for the four DC motors with regard to the control signals ,
, and
, the linear equations 10.4–(10.7) are solved to give the following algebraic equations in the matrix form:
From (10.8), once the manipulated variables ,
, and
are decided by the feedback controllers, the squared velocities,
, and
, of the motors will be uniquely determined.
From the context of feedback control, the squared velocities are translated into the velocity reference signals ,
, and
that will be implemented in a typical DC motor drive, which are equal to the square roots of the components calculated using (10.8).
The DC motor dynamics will affect the closed-loop control performance, which should be included in the quadrotor model and they are approximated by a first-order transfer function:
where is the Laplace transform of the armature voltage
to the
th motor,
is the Laplace transform of the motor velocity,
is the time constant, and
is the steady-state gain for the motor. The armature voltage
is changed by manipulating the duty cycle of the pulse width modulation (PWM) signal of each motor drive, where the relationship between the motor armature voltage and the PWM duty cycle is
where is the PWM signal duty cycle of the
th DC motor drive and
is the battery voltage assumed to be constant. Substituting equation 10.10 into equation 10.9 yields:
which describes the th DC motor dynamics. To achieve the desired speed
without steady-state error, a PI controller is required, which is designed by following the pole-assignment PI controller design method introduced in Chapter 3 with the parameters
. If we select two identical closed-loop poles at
, then the closed-loop control system for the
th DC motor is approximately a second order system with unit gain with the transfer function:
where is the Laplace transform of the velocity reference signal to the DC motor. Because the DC motor control system has a very small time constant, the transfer function (10.12) is approximated using a time delay
with the parameter
determined through actual experiments.
The DC motor control systems are most commonly purchased together with the motors. Thus, for the implementation of the quadrotor control system, the control signals are the desired speed reference signals, ,
, and
to the DC motors and their closed-loop dynamics are modeled by time delay components assuming the PI controllers are used in DC motor control.
Similar to quadrotor control, the torques ,
, and
in the body frame of a hexacopter are generated by the rotor thrusts. The upward thrust produced by each rotor is
The total upward thrust is used to control the translational motion along the -axis and is defined as follows:
where is the thrust constant determined by air density, the length of the blade, and the blade radius, and
is the
th rotor's angular speed.
Let be the distance from the center of gravity to the rotor and
be the drag constant. For the hexacopter, the roll, pitch, and yaw control objectives are achieved by controlling the difference in thrust generated by each rotor, which is defined as:
Equations 10.13, (10.14), (10.15), and (10.16) can be arranged in matrix form as:
which has the simplified expression:
To implement the attitude control system, we need to determine the values of upward thrust ,
. Unlike the quadrotor control case, from (10.17), there is no explicit one-to-one relationship between the actuators and the
, and
In the literature, this was often determined using the pseudo inverse of the matrix , leading to
where denotes the pseudo inverse of matrix
An interesting approach is to borrow the idea from the model predictive control of hexacopter (Ligthart et al. (2017)) to formulate the inversion problem in terms of optimization. We define the following objective function:
where denotes the transpose of
is a positive definite matrix and for most cases, it is selected as a diagonal matrix with all positive elements. The first term in the objective function says that we would like to find the best
vector such that the vector
is matched as close as possible while the second term indicates that we wish the upward thrust vector to be limited with a weighting matrix
. In most cases, we wish all the upward thrusts to have the same consideration, and
is chosen as
, where
is a diagonal matrix with dimension
The minimization of objective function (10.19) leads to the following analytical solution:
Now, the matrix is invertible because of the existence of the weighting matrix
, which is positive definite.
From the , the six upward thrust values
are determined as well as the angular velocities of the six DC motors
These ωi values, , will be used as reference signals
for the motor control systems.
In order to fly a UAV, the closed-loop control of the three Euler angles ,
, and
is necessary. Because of the products of angular velocities in (10.2) and the sinusoidal functions in (10.3), a multi-rotor UAV is a nonlinear system.
In theory, combining (10.2) with (10.3) will lead to three second order nonlinear systems. Therefore, three PID controllers could be adequate for the attitude control applications. However, in practice, a cascade PI or PID controller structure offers a better solution for the following reasons.
Figure 10.3 Attitude control system structure.
Figure 10.3 shows the cascade control system configuration for the attitude control of a multi-rotor UAV where the body frame angular velocities ,
, and
along the
, and
directions are the secondary variables. With this configuration, the secondary system is described by the differential equations given in (10.1), and the primary system is described by (10.3). To control the angular velocities of the multi-rotor UAV, three PI controllers are used to calculate the control signals based on their respective reference signals
, and
. Additionally, there are two PI controllers to control the roll and pitch angles, where their reference signals are
The dynamic models in (10.1) used for the design of secondary controllers are expressed as
where the load disturbances are neglected. Clearly, the secondary plant is integrating systems with gain inversely proportional to their moment of inertia constant.
If one wishes to use feedforward compensation as in Section 3.6 of Chapter 3, the intermediate variables are defined as
With these variables defined, the dynamic models (10.21) for the secondary plant become:
The dynamics from actuators, i.e. the rotors, can be modeled as a time delay with a gain
because their time constants are relatively small in comparison with the dynamics from the secondary plant. In short, the secondary plant in the multi-rotor UAV system is approximated by three integrator with time delay models.
For the problem of attitude control, the nonlinear plant for the three Euler angles is required to be linearized around their operating conditions. To maintain stable flight, the reference signals to the roll and pitch angles ( and
) are chosen to be zero at the steady-state operating conditions while the reference signal to the yaw angle
may change according the position reference signals of the multi-rotor UAV. Thus, the linearization of the nonlinear equations 10.3 at the steady-state operating conditions (
) gives:
With consideration of time delay from the secondary closed-loop system, the primary plant is approximately modeled using an integrator with the time delay model.
Depending on a time delay existing in the system, one may wish to use PID controllers for the secondary or primary plant if closed-loop control performance can be improved with the derivative action.
The dynamic models for the attitude control system are relatively simple with the parameters from the moments of inertia, ,
, and
. However, the parameters associated with the actuators are more complicated if one wishes to measure them accurately. The purpose of using an auto-tuner for the attitude control system is to avoid the time consuming tasks of finding the physical parameters for the secondary and primary plants as well as the actuators. In addition, the dynamics of the closed-loop secondary system are taken into consideration in the primary control system through the application of the cascade auto-tuner.
In order to implement the cascade PI control system with auto-tuner for a multi-rotor UAV, the coefficients ,
are pre-determined so that the reference signals to the rotors in the example of quadrotor UAV are calculated using the equation below:
where ,
, and
are the attitude controller outputs, which are used to generate the desired velocities for the rotors. For a DC motor with a commercial drive, a PI controller is often used for controlling its velocity where the desired the velocity reference signal
, is used for each motor.
A similar approach is adopted for the hexacopter by calculating the desired rotor velocities using (10.18).
The auto-tuning algorithms for an integrator with delay systems were developed in Section 9.7. They are used for tuning both primary and secondary controllers in the multi-rotor UAV applications without modifications. More detailed discussions on auto-tuning of attitude control for multi-rotor UAVs can be found in Chen and Wang (2017) and Poksawat and Wang (2017).
In order to conduct identification experiments in a controlled environment, the quadrotor is fixed on a mechanical stance for the testing on ground in order to ensure safety of the electronics during the testing process. The test rig is shown in Figure 10.4, which was built and used to conduct the relay experiments for identification of the quadrotor's two-axis dynamics. For instance, with the objective to identify the integrator with a delay model for the roll angle, two quadrotor arms along the -axis are fixed on the stand and the quadrotor can only rotate about the
-axis. Furthermore, the test rig is carefully adjusted to make rotating axis aligned with the quadrotor's body frame axis, so that the torque due to weight force is minimized. As the quadrotor platform is very light and the two rotating pivots are very smooth, the friction is negligible in the experiments.
A similar test rig is also built for the hexacopter as shown in Figure 10.5.
The quadrotor consists of five main components: RC transmitter/receiver, IMU sensor board, data logger, microprocessor, and actuators. The RC transmitter/receiver is to send and receive reference signals. The IMU sensor board is to measure the Euler angles and angular velocities. The data logger is to record flight data such as Euler angles and reference signals. The micro-processor is to generate control signals to stabilize the UAV's attitude. The actuators are to generate thrust and torques, which consist of motor drives, DC motors, gearboxes, and blades. The quadrotor's hardware used in the experimental tests is listed in Table 10.1.
Figure 10.4 Quadrotor test-bed.
Figure 10.5 Experimental rig for a hexacopter.
Table 10.1 Quadrotor hardware list.
Function | Model |
DC motor drive | DRV8833 Dual Motor Driver Carrier |
Sensor board | MPU6050 |
Micro processor | STM32F103C8T6 |
RC receiver | WFLY065 |
DC motor | 820 Coreless Motor |
RC transmitter | WFT06X-A |
Data logger | SparkFun OpenLog |
The sampling interval for the secondary, primary controllers and relay test are all set to be 0.01 s, which is the IMU sensor's maximum updating rate. The other physical parameters of the quadrotor are shown in Table 10.2.
The auto-tuning of the cascade PI control system begins at the inner loop. Before the relay control experiment, a proportional controller is selected to stabilize the secondary system. The sensor measurement of velocity,
, contains noise. Thus, a relay amplitude of 0.8 together with a hysteresis level of 0.1 is selected to reflect the measurement noise level. Figure 10.6 shows a segment of the relay feedback control data. From the input signal to the inner-loop, closed-loop control system, the period of the sustained oscillations is identified as
samples, leading to the fundamental frequency in the frequency sampling filter as
(rad). The use of the frequency sampling filter based estimation algorithm gives the inner-loop, closed-loop frequency response as
Table 10.2 Quadrotor parameters.
Parameters | Description | Value | Unit |
![]() |
Moment of inertia about ![]() |
![]() |
kg ![]() |
![]() |
Moment of inertia about ![]() |
![]() |
kg ![]() |
![]() |
Moment of inertia about ![]() |
![]() |
kg ![]() |
![]() |
Thrust constant | ![]() |
N/A |
![]() |
Drag constant | ![]() |
N/A |
![]() |
Quadrotor total mass | 0.145 | kg |
![]() |
Motor to mass center distance | 0.110 | m |
![]() |
Battery voltage | 8.28 | V |
![]() |
Motor's DC gain | 137.6571 | rad ![]() ![]() |
![]() |
Rotor normal speed | 606.2469 | rad ![]() |
![]() |
Motor delay | 0.032 | s |
![]() |
Motor time constant | 0.072 | s |
Figure 10.6 Relay feedback control signals from the inner-loop system: top figure, input signal; bottom figure, output signal.
Converting this discrete-time frequency to continuous time frequency, which is (rad
), together with the knowledge of the proportional controller used in the relay experiment (
), the continuous-time frequency response of the inner-loop plant is calculated as
From this frequency information, an integrator plus delay model is identified as
By choosing the desired closed-loop time constant as three times the estimated delay: (s) and damping coefficient of 1, from the empirical rules shown in Section 8.4.3, the PI controller parameters are found for the inner-loop control system as
. This set of PI controller parameters approximately gives a gain margin of 3 and phase margin of
for the closed-loop system with the integrator plus delay model.
Figure 10.7 shows the closed-loop step response of where the reference signal has a magnitude of 0.5 (rad
). It is seen from this figure that the closed-loop velocity response follows the reference signal without steady-state error, and there is a large overshoot and a slight oscillation. Additionally, there are disturbances and measurement noise in the inner-loop system. For a cascade control system, the inner-loop control system is required to have a fast response speed, which is achieved in the design here.
The second step in auto-tuning the cascade control system is to find the outer-loop controller. For the outer-loop experiment, the proportional controller is used to stabilize the integrator with delay system. The amplitude of the relay is selected to be 0.4 and the hysteresis level
is 0.05 to prevent the relay from random switching. Figure 10.8 shows a segment of the input and output data generated from this relay feedback control of the primary plant under proportional control. The averaged period of the sustained oscillation is
in number of samples, which gives the fundamental frequency in discrete time as
(rad). A frequency sampling filter model is used to estimate the closed-loop frequency response based on the set of input and output data shown in Figure 10.8, yielding to
Figure 10.7 Inner-loop step response in closed-loop control. Dashed line, reference signal; solid line, output.
Figure 10.8 Relay feedback control signals from outer-loop system: top figure, input signal; bottom figure, output signal.
With the proportional controller , the frequency response of the outer-loop system is found at
) as
From this frequency information, the integrator plus delay model for the primary system is calculated as
For a typical cascade control system design, the outer-loop control system should have a slower desired closed-loop response than that of the inner-loop control system. By selecting the desired closed-loop time constant as eight times the delay value: with damping coefficient
which gives gain margin
, and phase margin
(see Section 8.4.3, the PI controller parameters are calculated using the empirical rules:
For comparison purposes, with a faster desired closed-loop time constant and a slower desired closed-loop time constant
, two additional sets of PI controller parameters are calculated as
, and
Figure 10.9 shows the comparative closed-loop responses for the three cases experimentally. It is seen from the comparative results that all three PI controllers lead to stable closed-loop systems. Clearly when , the fastest closed-loop response is obtained. A sequence of step reference changes is applied to the roll angle for a further experimental test, as shown in Figure 10.10, which shows a fast response with an overshoot.
Figure 10.9 Comparative roll angle step response in closed-loop control.
Figure 10.10 Roll angle step response of quadrotor using test rig.
We note that the estimated integrator with delay model for the roll angle given in (10.25) has a gain of 1.54, which is much larger than the expected value of 1 because the secondary closed-loop system should have unit gain under PI control. This could be caused by the existence of the nonlinearity or how the IMU sensor behaves when the roll angle swings with a large amplitude.
A hexacopter is built for experimental testing of the auto-tuner and the cascade attitude control system (Poksawat and Wang (2017)). The flight controller specifications and avionic components are presented in Table 10.3. The physical parameters are presented in Table 10.4.
To validate the proposed strategy, an automatic tuning experiment is performed on the hexacopter and the results are presented here. Firstly, the roll angular rate controller parameters are tuned with the relay test. It is assumed that the airframe is symmetrical, thus the pitch controller parameters are selected to be identical to those obtained in the experiments from the roll axis. For the yaw angular rate loop, the tuning procedure will follow the same approach. The sampling interval is chosen to be 0.006 s.
Table 10.3 Flight controller and avionic components.
Components | Descriptions |
Airframe | Turnigy Talon Hexacopter |
Microprocessor | ATMega2560 |
Inertial measurement unit | MPU6050 |
Electronic speed controllers | Turnigy 25A Speed Controller |
Brushless DC motors | NTM Prop Drive 28-26 235W |
Propellers | 10x4.5 SF Props |
RC receiver | OrangeRX R815X 2.4Ghz receiver |
RC transmitter | Turnigy 9XR PRO transmitter |
Datalogger | CleanFlight Blackbox Datalogger |
Table 10.4 Physical specifications of the hexacopter.
Parameters | Details |
Mass (![]() |
1.61 kg |
Arm length (![]() |
0.3125 m |
Blade radius (![]() |
0.127 m |
Moment of inertia (![]() |
0.2503 kg ![]() |
Moment of inertia (![]() |
0.2914 kg ![]() |
Moment of inertia (![]() |
0.6177 kg ![]() |
Thrust constant (![]() |
![]() |
Torque constant (![]() |
0.0209 |
Figure 10.11 Inner loop relay test result.
For the automatic tuning of the secondary controller, which is the roll angular rate, the proportional gain used in the relay test is chosen as for stabilization of the integral system. The amplitude of the relay reference signal has to be within the operating condition of the hexacopter UAV, thus it is selected as
. The hysteresis is chosen to be
to prevent the relay switching from measurement noise.
A section of the relay feedback experimental data is presented in Figure 10.11. The period of the sustained oscillations is calculated to be , leading to the fundamental frequency in the sampling filter of
The inner loop frequency response is then estimated using frequency sampling filter estimation algorithm as
The continuous time frequency can be calculated as (rad
). From this, the continuous time frequency response of the secondary plant is
The integrator plus time delay transfer function is obtained as
For the hexacopter, we decided to use a PID controller instead of a PI controller because the delay is quite large and the derivative term improves the closed-loop response. In order to achieve fast closed-loop system response, the desired closed-loop time constant is selected to be relatively small. Here, is selected as 1, which leads to an approximate gain margin of 2 and phase margin of
respectively. The controller parameters for the roll angle rate system are then obtained as
, and
from using the empirical rules presented in Section 8.4.3.
Once the inner loop controller is tuned, the outer loop controller's parameters can be selected with the following procedures. Instead of automatic tuning of the primary controller, the mathematical model for the primary plant is approximated by the following integrator with delay system:
Figure 10.12 Attitude control system with approximated inner loop.
where the integrator is from the primary plant (roll angular rate to roll angle) and the time delay is from the approximation of the closed-loop secondary system, where is the closed-loop time constant and
is the time delay from the inner-loop. Figure 10.12 shows the primary control system.
Generally, for a control system with a cascaded loop configuration, the outer loop response time needs to be slower than the inner loop. Hence, the outer loop time constant is chosen to be twice of the time delay, leading to the controller parameters for the angular position loop as , and
An outdoor flight test was conducted to validate the stability of the UAV in real flight against external disturbances such as turbulence (see Figure 10.13). The roll, pitch, and yaw data obtained from the flight test are presented in Figures 10.14, 10.15, and 10.16 respectively. The dashed lines represent the reference signals and the solid lines represent the measured flight data.
It is clearly seen that the hexcopter is able to follow the pilot's commands, due to the fact that the outputs are regulated closely to their references. Furthermore, it is able to hover, roll, pitch, and yaw while maintaining stability.
Figure 10.13 Outdoor flight test.
Figure 10.14 Flight data for roll axis.
Figure 10.15 Flight data for pitch axis.
Figure 10.16 Flight data for yaw axis.
We have discussed PID control of multi-rotor unmanned aerial vehicles in this chapter. Dynamic models for both quadrotor UAV and hexacopter UAV are discussed from the control system design point of view. Cascade control system structures are proposed for both quadrotor and hexacopter UAVs. The auto-tuning algorithms introduced in Chapter 9 are used to find the PID controller parameters for the UAVs on test rigs. The cascade PID control systems are experimentally evaluated through outdoor flight tests.
The other important aspects of the chapter are summarized as follows.
where the moments of inertial constants are (
) and