Disturbance Observer- Based PID and Resonant Controller

5.1 Introduction

In Chapter 1 to Chapter 4, we discussed PID control systems with explicit functions of proportional control, integral control, and derivative control. Because integral control embeds a marginally stable mode in the controller structure, which could cause the problem of integrator windup when the control signal reaches its saturation limits, the PID control system implementation requires modification to overcome this problem. Similar implementation problems to a worse degree are faced by the resonant controllers.

This chapter examines the PID controller design and resonant controller design from a different angle to the previous chapters. It introduces the integral mode and resonant modes through disturbance estimation. By doing so, the design becomes simpler, and more importantly, the implementations of the PID and resonant controllers flow naturally from the designs with anti-windup mechanisms. This development is particularly significant for resonant controllers because simplicity in the implementation with anti-windup mechanisms is paramount for practical applications.

5.2 Disturbance observer-Based PI Controller

This section introduces the idea of disturbance estimation that leads to an equivalent PI control system. The mathematical model used in this section is a first order model. For systems with higher order transfer functions, approximation is required.

5.2.1 Estimation of Disturbance with Control

We assume that there is a constant input disturbance images, which is unknown. So the differential equation used to describe a first order system is given by

where images and images are model coefficients, and images and images are the input and output variables. Figure 5.1 illustrates the mathematical model to be used for the estimator based PI controller design.

Because of the assumption that images is a constant, we have

Image described by caption and surrounding text.

Figure 5.1 Block diagram of the system for a disturbance observer-based PI controller.

We would like to specify two desired closed-loop poles images and images where images. In the proposed design, the choice of images influences predominantly the proportional gain images and images predominantly the integral gain images. Choice of Proportional Controller images

The choice of images is straightforward. Firstly, we define:

Then (5.1) becomes


Together with proportional control


we obtain the closed-loop system:


Equating the actual closed-loop pole images to the desired closed-loop pole images, we find the proportional gain images as

(5.6)equation Compensation of Steady-state Error

We know that proportional control will lead to a closed-loop system with steady-state error for a constant reference signal or a disturbance signal. For overcoming the steady-state error, we need integral action incorporated into the control system. Here, we will estimate the steady-state error and then compensate it in the control signal. For this purpose, we extract the disturbance information from (5.1) leading to

One might attempt to directly calculate the unknown disturbance images using (5.7) and compensate for it in the control signal. However, it can be easily verified that such an approach fails to produce the control signal required because of uncertainties in the model parameters and other imperfections in practical applications. We will estimate the disturbance signal images with compensation on the error.

Let images denote the estimated disturbance signal. The error, between what is given and what is to be estimated, is described by,


With the gain images weighted on the error images, together with the assumption images, we construct the estimation images as

This is the so-called observer-equation. We will choose the gain images such that the error images converges to zero.

Note that


then, the parameter images is chosen such that images. This then leads to



For any given initial condition images and images, the estimation error images as images. The convergence rate is dependent on the parameter images. The larger images is, the faster the error will converge to zero.

Now, to calculate the control signal with compensation on the steady-state error, the unknown disturbance images in (5.3) is replaced by the estimated images from (5.9), leading to the control signal calculated as The closed-loop poles

To verify indeed that the closed-loop poles for the control system are images and images, substituting (5.12) into (5.1) gives


where images. Together with (5.11), the closed-loop system equation is written as


Because images is an upper triangular matrix, the closed-loop poles (or eigenvalues) are simply calculated as the solution of the characteristic equation:


where images is the identity matrix with dimensions images, equal to images and images. Implementation procedure

Because the estimation equation 5.9 contains the derivative of the output signal images, direct discretization requires information of images at sampling time images, which is not available to us.

Let us define a variable images as

Then, substituting this variable into the estimation equation 5.9 yields

If the reference signal images, then both (5.15) and (5.16) are modified by replacing images with images. Furthermore, if the control signal images reaches its saturation limit, this saturation information is updated in the estimation of the disturbance images via (5.16). Figure 5.2 illustrates the block diagram of the control system using disturbance observer. For discretizaton, at sampling time images, the derivative images is approximated using the first order approximation as


Then, it follows that


The calculation procedure for control signal is summarized as follows. Choose initial condition for images at the beginning of the closed-loop operation. This could be selected to be zero if no other information is available. With the reference signal images and output signal images available at sampling time images, the control signal images is calculated recursively. The control signal is limited between images and images.

  1. Calculate the estimated disturbance signal at sample images as
  2. Calculate the control signal using the following equation
    Image described by caption and surrounding text.

    Figure 5.2 Block diagram of the control system using a disturbance observer.

  3. Implement the control signal saturation:
  4. Update the estimation of disturbance images for the next sampling instant as
  5. Send the control signal images for implementation. When the next sampling period arrives, the new measurement of the output is taken and the computation is repeated from step 1.

5.2.2 Equivalence to PI controller

In order to calculate the equivalent PI controller, the Laplace transform of images is expressed as


where images, and the Laplace transform images is

The Laplace transform of the control signal images becomes


which is


Thus, the equivalent PI controller is revealed as


The PI controller parameters are


where images and images. We can verify that the closed-loop poles are at images and images, which was the design specification.

Block diagram depicting Transfer function realization of the estimator based PI controller.

Figure 5.3 Transfer function realization of the estimator based PI controller and images is the saturation limiter.

Defining the coefficients images and images and the saturation limiter images, Figure 5.3 shows the transfer function realization of the PI controller with anti-windup mechanism, which calculates the control signal images based on the reference signal images and the output signal images.

5.2.3 MATLAB Tutorial for Implementation of a PI Controller via Estimation

The embedded PI controller via estimation will be used in the simulation studies with the Simulink environment.

5.2.4 Examples for Estimator based PI Controllers

It is apparent that much larger control amplitude is required when images is used for the estimator based PI controller design. In practice, this much larger control amplitude may not be realizable due to the physical limitations of the actuators. An interesting question arises as how the closed-loop response speed will change if the control signal amplitude is limited. The following example illustrates the comparative studies.

Two graphs depicting Time (sec) on the horizontal axis, output and Control on the vertical axis, and curves plotted for 1 to 3.

Figure 5.5 Comparison of closed-loop control performance using an estimator based PI controller with different images values (Example 5.2). (a) Control signal. (b) Output. Key: line (1) images ; line (2) images; and line (3) the limits of the control signal.

Two graphs depicting Time (sec) on the horizontal axis, output and Control on the vertical axis, and curves plotted for 1 to 2.

Figure 5.6 Comparison of closed-loop control performance between the PI controller in velocity form and the disturbance observer-based PI controller (Example 5.3). (a) Control signal. (b) Output. Key: line (1) the PI controller in velocity form; line (2) the disturbance observer-based PI controller.

The above two examples indicate that with the estimator based PI control system, the closed-loop performance limitation is limited by the model uncertainties due to unmodeled dynamics in the system. The performance limitation is reflected by the value of images. The control signal limits can be incorporated into the implementation of the control system with a naturally occurred anti-windup mechanism.

From Section 5.2.2 it is clear that there is an equivalent PI controller with parameters images and images to this estimation based PI controller. The implementation of a PI controller using the velocity form was discussed with anti-windup mechanisms in Section 4.6. Naturally we wonder if these two implementations would lead to different outcomes. The following example compares the outcomes of these two PI controller with anti-windup mechanisms.

5.2.5 Food for Thought

  1. In the design of a disturbance observer-based PI controller, what effect will the desired closed-loop poles images and images have on the closed-loop performance?
  2. If the system has a large modelling error, would you decrease images and images?
  3. If the steady-state values of the control signal and output signal are not zero at the initial time, how would you enter these steady-state values in the disturbance observer-based PI controller implementation?
  4. Is it possible to estimate the disturbance images without compensating it in the control system?
  5. Is the implementation of integrator based on a stable system?

5.3 Disturbance observer-Based PID Controller

To design a PID controller using the estimation based approach, we consider a second order transfer function:

where images and images are the Laplace transforms of the input and output signals. We assume that images. By assuming zero initial conditions, the corresponding differential equation is expressed as


In matrix form, it is expressed as

5.3.1 Proportional Plus Derivative Control

We will first design a proportional plus derivative controller. For this purpose, the feedback control signal images is

Substituting (5.25) into (5.24) leads to the closed-loop equation:


The closed-loop characteristic polynomial is then calculated as


This is clearly a second order polynomial. We can specify a damping coefficient images and choose the parameter images as the closed-loop performance parameter. Alternatively, we could also choose two desired closed-loop poles as images and images where images and images. In any case, to determine the proportional and the derivative controller gain, the actual closed-loop characteristic polynomial is made equal to the desired one, leading to


The solution of this polynomial equation gives the proportional control gain:


and the derivative control gain:


Since it is necessary to use a filter for the derivative action because of measurement noise, a quick way to calculate a first order filter time constant is to find the corresponding gain images, which is


based on (5.25). With this parameter, the derivative filter constant is


where images is often selected. The filtered derivative output signal is expressed as


For many applications, it is preferable to design the PD controller together with derivative filter images to avoid the extra errors introduced from the approximation. A PD controller with filter design is discussed in detail in Section 3.4.1 with the filter constant calculated through the desired closed-loop performance specification.

5.3.2 Adding Integral Action

To add integral action to the PD controller, we assume that there is a constant input disturbance images so we have images. The differential equation model (5.24) is modified to become:

Similar to the PI controller design via estimation, we will write the unknown disturbance term as


Together with the assumption that images, the estimation of images is constructed as

We choose images and determine the estimator's gain images using


Because Equation 5.31 has double derivative and derivative of output signal images, it is not suitable for computational purposes. To this end, we define a new variable


and rewrite Equation 5.31 as function of images:

Assuming that the reference signal is images at the sampling time images and the output signal and its derivative are measured as images, images, with the sampling interval images, with saturation limits images and images, the control signal is calculated using the following steps.

  1. Update the estimated disturbance signal. An initial condition on images will be given as the start up of the control algorithm.
  2. Calculate the control signal
  3. Implement control signal saturation:
  4. Update the disturbance estimator for images:
  5. When the next sample period arrives, repeat the computation at step 1.

Note that in the implementation of the PID controller, the derivative control is on the output only, avoiding producing a spike on the control signal when the reference signal signal images makes a step change. When a filter is used for the derivative signal images, the signal images is replaced by images, which is illustrated in Tutorial 5.2.

5.3.3 Equivalence to a PID Controller

To find the equivalence of the proposed estimation based PID controller to the PID controller expressed in transfer function form, we examine the Laplace transform of the estimation equation 5.31, which is,


where images. Solving for images gives

Note that the Laplace transform of the control signal is expressed as

By substituting (5.34) into (5.35), the Laplace transform of the control signal images is found as


With the negative feedback, the equivalent controller transfer function images is obtained as


Now, it can be verified that the closed-loop polynomial is indeed

where images and images are the numerator and denominator of the transfer function model as given by (5.23). Additionally, it can be verified that the controller transfer function can be written in an equivalent form to a PID controller:

where the parameters images, images, and images are calculated as


Figure 5.7 shows the transfer function realization of the disturbance observer-based PID controller where images is the saturation limiter.

There are several comments related. Firstly, the relationship presented in (5.38) shows that there are three desired closed-loop poles for the PID controller designed. The pair of complex poles located at images with images or 1 is used to determine the parameters images and images, and the pole located at images is used to determine the parameter images. Secondly, the PID controller can be implemented using the estimation of the input disturbance, providing a stable implementation for the integrator. Thirdly, the controller transfer function shown in (5.39) can readily be used for frequency response analysis so that the gain margin, phase margin, and delay margin can be calculated for the controller designed.

Block diagram depicting Transfer function realization of the disturbance observer-based PID controller.

Figure 5.7 Transfer function realization of the disturbance observer-based PID controller.

5.3.4 MATLAB Tutorial on the Implementation of a disturbance observer-based PID Controller

This section presents the MATLAB tutorial for the implementation of disturbance observer-based PID controller. This implementation will contain the anti-windup mechanism when the control signal reaches its maximum or minimum values. The embedded PID controller via estimation will be used in the simulation studies within the Simulink environment.

5.3.5 Examples for Disturbance observer-based PID Controller

5.3.6 Food for Thought

  1. In the design of disturbance observer-based PID controller, how would you modify Equations 5.29–(5.32) to include the derivative filter?
  2. Can you list three physical systems that have second order transfer functions and are suitable for a PD controller application?
  3. How would you propose to include the steady-state values of control signal and output signal in the implementation of the disturbance observer-based PID controller?
  4. Would you consider the possibility of adding the integral action after the PD controller has stabilize the system, which can be achieved subsequently by subtracting the disturbance term?

5.4 Disturbance observer-Based Resonant Controller

This section will investigate resonant controller design and implementation with anti-windup mechanism using the disturbance estimation approach.

5.4.1 Resonant Controller Design

Assume that a dynamic system is described by the differential equation:

where images and images are the coefficients; images and images are the input and output signals; images is the input disturbance signal. In particular, we assume that images is a sinusoidal signal with known frequency images, but unknown amplitude images and phase angle images, which is expressed as


The resonant control law is expressed as


where images is an estimate of the unknown disturbance images.

By choosing the desired closed-loop pole at images and images, the proportional feedback control gain images is calculated as


Now, the next question is how to compute the estimated input sinusoidal disturbance signal images. The derivative of this disturbance signal is


and its second derivative is


Now, we choose images and images. With these choices, the following differential equations are used to describe the sinusoidal disturbance signal:


In order to estimate the disturbance signal images, from (5.44), we obtain


which is the output equation for the estimation. Thus, the estimated variables images and images are constructed as

where images and images are the estimator gains chosen for the design.

The next question is how to choose images and images such that the errors between the estimated and true disturbance signals are ensured to converge to zero as images. For this purpose, we define images and images. It can be verified as an exercise that we have the following error system:


where we have used the following relationship:


Clearly, we can choose the parameters images and images such that the poles (or eigenvalues) of the error system are on the left half of the complex plane, which ensures its stability. The characteristic polynomial for the error system is calculated as


Now, we choose a desired characteristic polynomial for performance specification as images. Then, to make the characteristic polynomial for the error system equal to the desired characteristic polynomial, the coefficients images and images are found as,


In the applications, the damping parameter images is chosen to be 0.707 and the parameter images is adjusted for how fast we would like to see the errors converge to zero.

5.4.2 Resonant Controller Implementation

The calculation of the estimated input disturbance using (5.46) requires the derivative of the output signal images, which is not desirable in the implementation. To overcome the problem, we define a pair of new variables:


Then, from (5.46), the following two equations are obtained:

The control law presented above is a combination of proportional feedback and a disturbance observer. This section will present how this control law can be implemented in a discrete time environment with anti-windup mechanism.

The derivatives in the observer equations 5.49 and (5.50) are first discretized with a sampling interval images leading to their approximations at the sampling time images:


The following algorithm summarizes the computational procedure for the implementation of the resonant controller with anti-windup mechanism.

Assume that the control signal images is limited to images and images, that is


Choosing the initial conditions for images and images, the control signal is calculated iteratively according to the following steps, where images is the reference signal at sampling time images.

  1. Calculate the estimated sinusoidal disturbance images as
  2. Calculate the control signal images as
  3. Implement the saturations on the control signal using
  4. Update the estimated disturbance signals using the following equations:
  5. When the next sampling period arrives, repeat the computation from step 1.

5.4.3 Equivalence to a Resonant Controller

To find the Laplace transfer function of the resonant controller designed using disturbance estimation, we note that the Laplace transform of the control signal has the following expression:

where images is the Laplace transform of the estimated sinusoidal disturbance. It can be verified that the Laplace transform of (5.46) gives


Calculating the matrix inversion and multiplication gives

To find the Laplace transform of the control signal, we will substitute (5.53) into (5.51) and move the term containing images from the left-hand side to the right-hand side of the equation, which gives the expression of the control signal

where images and images.

From (5.54), we find the Laplace transfer function of the resonant controller as

This controller has a pair of complex poles at images.

Block diagram depicting Transfer function realization of a resonant controller with saturation limits.

Figure 5.9 Transfer function realization of a resonant controller with saturation limits.

To verify if the closed-loop poles are indeed at the locations of images and images (images or 0.707), we calculate the closed-loop characteristic polynomial as

where images, images, and images. The closed-loop characteristic polynomial (5.56) leads to the conclusion that the closed-loop poles are at the locations as we specified.

Figure 5.9 shows the transfer function realization of the resonant controller with anti-windup mechanism.

5.4.4 MATLAB Tutorial on Disturbance observer-Based Resonant Controller Implementation

This section presents the MATLAB tutorial for implementation of the disturbance observer-based resonant controller together with the anti-windup mechanism when the control signal reaches its maximum or minimum values. The embedded resonant controller via estimation will be used in the simulation studies within the Simulink environment.

5.4.5 Examples for Disturbance observer-Based Resonant Controllers

The following example is to illustrate the disturbance observer-based resonant controller design.

It is clear that these two approaches in selecting the parameters images and images produced quite different controller parameters although the responses to the reference signal are similar. The question arises as how these two resonant controllers will behave in the presence of periodic disturbances. Clearly, if the disturbance has exactly the same frequency images, then both resonant controllers will achieve the same disturbance rejection at the steady-state operation from the sensitivity analysis in Section 2.5. However, when the actual disturbance frequency is different from images, there is a difference in the control system performance. The next example will compare the closed-loop performance of the two resonant controllers for the purpose of disturbance rejection.

The next example is to illustrate the effectiveness of the anti-windup mechanism contained in the resonant controller.

5.4.6 Food for Thought

  1. Can you list three systems that have first order dynamics and require a resonant control system for disturbance rejection or reference following of a sinusoidal signal?
  2. Is it correct that with the disturbance observer-based resonant controller, the complementary sensitivity function has a magnitude of one at the frequency images where images is the frequency of the sinusoidal reference signal or the disturbance signal?
  3. What do the closed-loop performance parameters images and images represent in the design of disturbance observer-based resonant controller? If there are neglected dynamics in the system, how would you choose them?
  4. What are the key components in the disturbance observer-based-resonant controller that lead to the anti-windup mechanism in its implementation?
  5. Would you say that it is quite straightforward to implement the resonant controller with anti-windup mechanism?

5.5 Multi-frequency Resonant Controller

In many applications, the resonant controller containing a single frequency introduced in Section 5.4 may not be adequate to track the reference signal or reject the disturbance signal that contains multiple frequencies. The framework we used in the single frequency case can be extended to multiple frequencies.

5.5.1 Adding Integral Action to the Resonant Controller

We consider the following first order differential equation as in Section 5.4

where images and images are the coefficients; images and images are the input and output signals; images is the input disturbance signal. Different from the resonant controller design, we assume that images is a combination of a sinusoidal signal with a constant. For this purpose, images is expressed as


where images and images is an unknown constant. The feedback control law is determined as


where images is an estimate of the unknown disturbance images.

With the desired closed-loop pole specified at images and images, the proportional feedback control gain images is given as


Now, we will extend the estimation algorithm presented in Section 5.4 to include the estimation of an unknown constant. Let us choose images and images and images. Note that images as images is a constant. The following differential equations will be used to describe the unknown disturbance images with the additional state images:


In order to estimate the disturbance signal images, from (5.58), we obtain


which is the output equation for the estimation. Thus, the estimated variables images, images, images are expressed as


where images, images and images are the estimator gains chosen for the design.

As in Section 5.4, we will choose the parameters images, images and images such that the poles of the error system are on the left half of the complex plane to ensure the convergence of the estimation errors. Here, the characteristic polynomial for the error system is computed as

where images, images for simplicity in the computation.

There is an analytical expression for the determinant given by (5.61), which leads to analytical solutions for the parameters images, images, and images. We firstly partition the images matrix into a block matrix as




With this partition, the determinant of the block matrix becomes


Note that images is exactly the same as the determinant described in the estimation of the sinusoidal signal in Section 5.4, which is


and the second determinant is


The characteristic polynomial for the closed-loop error system becomes


With the choice of desired characteristic polynomial for the performance specification that consists of a pair of complex poles and a real pole having the following form: images, we find the the coefficients images, images, and images as


The actual gains used in the estimation are then scaled to yield: images for images.

Defining images, images, and images, it can be verified that the implementation equation for the estimated disturbance becomes

where images is the system matrix defined as


images has eigenvalues as the solutions of the characteristic equation:


Hence, the implementation of the estimator using (5.64) is a stable realization.

From the estimated images and images, we obtain


and images.

5.5.2 Adding More Periodic Components

If the system's disturbance or reference signal has more than one pair of periodic components, the disturbance estimator needs to be designed so to include those components.

We assume that the system is described by the differential equation 5.58. As before, images is the input disturbance signal and it is a combination of sinusoidal signals with a constant. For this purpose, images is expressed as


where images, images (images) and images is an unknown constant.

Continuing from the design in Section 5.5.1, we choose images, images, images, images, and images. With the two additional states, the following differential equation is used to describe the input disturbance images:


To estimate the disturbance signal images from the dynamic system (5.58), the disturbance term is written as


The estimated variables images, images, images, images, and images are written as

where images, images, images, images, and images are the estimator gains chosen for the design.

To find the estimator gains, we will consider the pair of matrices, images and images. Because of their higher dimensions, it is no longer easy to work out the analytical solutions of the estimator gains. Instead, we can use MATLAB programs for finding the estimator's gain matrix. For this purpose, we define the images and images matrices as illustrated in (5.66), and we choose five desired closed-loop poles for the error system to ensure the convergence of the estimated variables. The MATLAB program place.m is used to compute the images, images, illustrated as below:


where images contains the five desired closed-loop poles for the error system and gamma is the vector that contains images, images.

5.5.3 Food for Thought

  1. Is it correct that in the design of disturbance observer-based resonant controller for the multi-frequency signal, the complexity of the estimator has increased in order to estimate the multi-frequency disturbance signal?
  2. Would you say that in general a higher accuracy of the model is required for estimating more frequency components?
  3. Can you devise a resonant controller scheme for the multi-frequency control so that you can sequentially enter the periodic component one at a time?

5.6 Summary

We have discussed the PID and resonant controller design from the angle of disturbance estimation. Using the disturbance observer-based approaches, the integral control or the resonant control is introduced through the estimation of an input disturbance with the assumption that the disturbance is a constant for the integral mode or the disturbance is a sinusoidal signal for the resonant mode. The advantages of the proposed approaches include the simplified design for the controller, and perhaps even more importantly a stable controller structure suitable for direct implementation with an anti-windup mechanism in the event of control signal saturation. The other important aspects of the chapter are summarized as follows.

  • For a first order system with constant disturbance, the controller is a proportional control and the estimator is based on a first order model. This is equivalent to a PI controller with proportional and integral gains. The controller gain and estimator gains are selected with independent performance specifications.
  • For a second order system with constant disturbance, the controller has the functions of proportional and derivative control, and the estimator is based on a first order model. This is equivalent to a PID controller with proportional, integral and derivative gains. The closed-loop performance for the controller and the estimator is specified separately through the locations of their closed-loop poles.
  • For the resonant controller design, the system is assumed to have a first order model with input sinusoidal disturbance. The sinusoidal disturbance includes those with a single frequency or a multi-frequency. A proportional controller is used for the control function, and an estimator that embeds the sinusoidal modes is used to estimate the disturbance. This is equivalent to the resonant controller discussed in the previous chapters. Because the disturbance estimation is based on a stable system, the implementation of the proposed approach is numerically sound with a naturally embedded anti-windup mechanism if the control signal reaches its saturation limits.

For systems that have higher order dynamics, to use the design approaches proposed in this chapter, model order reduction is required.

5.7 Further Reading

  1. A book is devoted to disturbance observer-based linear and nonlinear control systems (Li et al. (2014)). A survey is presented in Chen et al. (2016). The same research group has also worked on various topics of disturbance observer in control systems (Li et al. (2012), Yang et al. (2012)).
  2. The early work on motion control using disturbance observer includes Komada et al. (1991). Disturbance observer is used for rigid mechanical systems in Schrijver and van Dijk (2002) and for robotic manipulator in Chen et al. (2000). Controller design for disturbance rejection is proposed using disturbance observer with estimation of frequency in Jia (2009). Stability and robust performance of motion control using disturbance observer is analyzed in Sariyildiz and Ohnishi (2015).
  3. PID control and active disturbance rejection are introduced in Han (2009).
  4. images control is compared with disturbance observer-based control methods in Mita et al. (1998).
  5. Disturbance rejection in dual-stage feed drive control system is discussed in She et al. (2011).
  6. A recent survey is presented for disturbance estimation and attenuation in PMSM drives (Yang et al. (2017)) using the framework of disturbance observer.
  7. The disturbance observer-based resonant controller is used to control a single phase voltage converter with experimental validation in McNabb et al. (2017).


  1. 5.1 Use the disturbance observer-based approach to design and implement a PI controller for the following systems:
    1. Find the approximate first order model images by neglecting the relatively small time constant(s) and small time delay while maintaining the same steady-state gain.
    2. Choose the desired closed-loop pole for the proportional controller images as images where images is the dominant pole for the system while the pole for the estimator is images to obtain the estimator gain images.
    3. Compute the frequency responses of the controller images, the sensitivity function images, the input disturbance sensitivity function images and the complementary sensitivity function images. You can adjust the desired closed-loop poles for the controller and estimator, and observe their effects on the sensitivity functions.
    4. Evaluate the closed-loop stability by using Nyquist diagram. If the closed-loop system is unstable, adjust the controller pole and the estimator pole to achieve stable closed-loop system.
    5. Evaluate the robust stability condition for all images:
    6. What are your observations from the Nyquist diagram and robust stability condition? What can we do to improve the robustness of the closed-loop system?
    7. Build the MATLAB real-time function PIEstim.slx by following Tutorial 5.1 and simulate the closed-loop step response and input disturbance rejection. We choose sampling interval images and set the constraints on the control amplitude to be sufficiently large. A unit step reference signal is used in the simulation studies where a step input disturbance with amplitude of images enters the simulation at half of the simulation time.
    8. Evaluate the effect of constraints on the control signal where the constraint parameters images and images are chosen to be 85 percent of the control signal's maximum amplitude from the previous step.
    9. What are your observations from the constrained control simulations?
  2. 5.2 Use the disturbance observer-based approach to design a PID controller for the following systems:
    1. Choose the desired closed-loop characteristic polynomial for the proportional plus derivative controller as images where images and images, while the pole for the estimator is images to obtain the estimator gain images.
    2. Build the MATLAB real-time function PIDEstim.slx by following Tutorial 5.2 and simulate the closed-loop step response and input disturbance rejection with the sampling interval images where the constraints on the control amplitude are set to be sufficiently large. In the simulations, the derivative filter time constant images. The reference signal is a unit step signal and the input disturbance signal has amplitude of images that enters the simulation at half of the simulation time.
    3. Evaluate the effect of constraints on the control signal where the constraint parameters images and images are chosen to be 85 percent of the control signal's maximum amplitude from the previous step.
    4. What are your observations from the constrained control simulations?
  3. 5.3 Consider the disturbance observer-based PID controller design for the three systems introduced in Problem 5.2. All the other conditions remain the same except designing the Proportional and Derivative controller with filter (see Section 3.4.1), where the filter time constant is considered in the process. The additional pole for the PD controller is chosen to be images.
    1. What are your observations on the PD controller parameters in comparison with those obtained from Problem 5.2?
    2. Repeat the simulation studies with constraints as described in Problem 5.2 and compare the simulation results with those obtained from Problem 5.2. What are your observations?
  4. 5.4 It is ideal to incorporate the derivative filter in the PID controller design and analysis. From Section 5.3, inclusion of the derivative filter images will change the transfer function of the PID controller presented in (5.39). Find the PID controller transfer function

    that is equivalent to the disturbance observer-based PID controller.

  5. 5.5 Equation 5.18 reveals that the disturbance observer-based PI control is equivalent to computing the disturbance transfer function using the input and output signal:

    which is, in essence, the inversion of the plant model together with a first order stable filter with unity steady-state gain for implementation, which is the essential component for disturbance observer-based approach (Li et al. (2014)).

    1. Propose a discretization scheme for the disturbance estimation based on (5.67).
    2. Draw a closed-loop feedback diagram with limits on the control signal amplitude. Does this implementation incorporate the anti-windup mechanism?
  6. 5.6 Equation 5.34 shows that the disturbance observer-based PID controller is equivalent to accessing the disturbance information with the following transfer function form:

    which is the inversion of the plant model with first order filter that has a unity steady-state gain.

    1. Propose a discretization scheme for computing the estimated disturbance based on the transfer function (5.68) with an additional first order filter so to make it realizable.
    2. Draw the closed-loop diagram with control signal constraints.
  7. 5.7 From Problem 5.6, if the plant model has the following transfer function

    where images, images and images have the same sign, meaning a stable zero.

    1. Express the images in terms of the inversion of the new plant model.
    2. Will this stable zero result in slow disturbance rejection if images or if images?
    3. Verify your answer by examining the input disturbance sensitivity function images for both cases.
  8. 5.8 Consider the following systems with the given frequency images for a resonant controller design:
    1. Design the resonant controller based on a first order model images by neglecting either the small time delay or small time constant (s), where the proportional controller pole is selected as images and the desired closed-loop characteristic polynomial for the estimator as images with images.
    2. Calculate the frequency response of the complementary sensitivity function images and the multiplicative modelling error images and check if the robust stability condition, for all images:

      is satisfied. If not, reduce the parameter images until it is satisfied.

    3. Build the MATLAB real-time function ResEstim.slx by following Tutorial 5.3 and simulate the closed-loop response to a sinusoidal reference signal images, where images.
    4. Add a sinusoidal input disturbance images at half of the simulation time and simulate the disturbance rejection of the closed-loop system.
    5. In order to evaluate the anti-windup mechanism, you may choose the control signal limits images and images based on 85 percent of the maximum and minimum of the control signal in transient response.
  9. 5.9 In many applications, tracking of a ramp reference signal is required. The disturbance observer-based resonant controller introduced in Section 5.4 can be modified to track a ramp reference signal by assuming the frequency images. Assume that a given first order system is described by the following transfer function model:
    1. Modify the disturbance observer-based resonant controller to track a ramp input signal;
    2. Find the proportional controller gain images by positioning the desired closed-loop pole at images, and find the estimator gains images and images by choosing the desired closed-loop characteristic polynomial as images, where images and images.
    3. Use final value theorem to show that indeed this disturbance observer-based control system will track a ramp reference signal without steady-state error.
    4. With the reference signal as images, simulate the closed-loop response using the MATLAB real-time function ResEstim.slx where the sampling interval images.
  10. 5.10 Consider the following first order system:

    Design a resonant controller that will follow a reference signal images, and reject an input disturbance images, where all desired closed-loop poles for both the controller and the estimator are positioned at images.

  11. 5.11 One application for the resonant controller is in the area of a single phase AC current regulator. The objective is to accurately track a sinusoidal reference signal with a frequency that matches the power grid.

    The dynamic model for a single phase Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) coupled to a back electromotive force with an inductive-resistive filter network is expressed as


    where images is the output current from the inverter, images is the input variable that is the pulse width modulated (PWM) switched voltage from the VSI, and images is the back EMF voltage that is naturally a sinusoid with a nominal frequency images. The parameter images is the resistance and images is the inductance, associated with the inductive-resistive filter network.

    The control signal images equals to the multiplication of a modulation signal images with the inverter DC link voltage images:


    In the mathematical model of a single phase Voltage Source Inverter as in McNabb et al. (2017), the physical parameters are images, images, images. The back EMF voltage is described by images and images (images).

    1. Design a resonant controller for the single phase Voltage source inverter, where images. The closed-loop performance specifications are considered for the following two cases.
      1. The feedback controller gain images is selected such that the closed-loop control system pole is equal to the open-loop system pole. The parameters for the estimator are images and images.
      2. The feedback controller gain images is selected such that the closed-loop control system pole is twice of the open-loop system pole in magnitude. The parameters for the estimator are images and images.
    2. Compare the sensitivity function images and the complementary sensitivity function images for the two cases. Determine the maximum time delay that the resonant control systems can tolerate. What are our observations? (Hint: the multiplicative modelling error is images for neglected time delay images).
    3. Choosing sampling interval images (sec), simulate the closed-loop response to reference following and disturbance rejection, in which the reference signal is images and the disturbance is images. In the simulation model, the control signal is images for simplification.
    4. Impose the constraints on the amplitude of images, where the maximum and minimum of the control signal are chosen to be 85 percent of the unconstrained control cases in transient responses.
    5. Discuss the closed-loop control performances with respect to the two desired closed-loop performance specifications.