A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
Acer circinatum, 50
Acer macrophyllum, 86
Actinemys marmorata, 200
Adiantum pedatum, 170
Admiral Benson (steamboat), 204, 207
adventure bag, 38–41
Coastal Oregon, 88–113
Eastern Oregon, 114–131
Eastern Washington, 254–263
by feature, 19–23
North-Central Washington, 220–253
Northwestern Oregon, 46–87
Oregon, 14–16
Oregon Coast, 154–184
preparing for, 26–45
by season, 24–25
Southern Oregon, 132–153
Southwestern Washington, 184–201
Washington, 17–18
Washington Coast, 202–219
Aesculus hippocastanum, 51
Alnus rubra, 171
Amanita silvicola, 70
American robin, 188
American skunkcabbage, 167
American smokebush, 253
Anaphalis margaritacea, 193
Anas platyrhynchos, 201
Anaxyrus boreas, 105
ancient trees, 20
Anthony, William “Doc”, 127
Anthony Lake
campground close to trailhead, 23
lakes, 19
scavenger hunt, 126–127
summer adventure, 25
Anthopleura xanthogrammica, 163
Antitrichia curtipendula, 233
antler rubs, 249
Anza Borrego Desert, 31
Arbutus menziesii, 140, 153, 219
Arctostaphylos viscida, 153
Ardea herodias, 182
Armillaria ostoyae, 236
arrowleaf balsamroot, 75
Artemisia tridentata, 113
artist’s conk, 167
Asam, Fred, 137
Bagley Lakes
lakes, 19
scavenger hunt, 224–225
summer adventure, 25
Bagley Lakes Dam, 224
Balch Creek, 51
bald eagle, 214
Balsamorhiza sagittata, 75
Barr Creek Falls, 20, 146, 149
Basalt Amphitheater, 86
basalt rock, 112, 136, 137, 196
basin wildrye, 118
BC Falls
campground close to trailhead, 23
scavenger hunt, 122–123
summer adventure, 25
waterfalls, 19
beach fun, 23
Beacon Rock State Campground, 190
Bennington, Virgil B., 262
Bennington Lake
history, 20
lakes, 19
scavenger hunt, 262–263
Benson Beach
adventure, 17, 204–205, 204–207
beach fun, 23
campground close to trailhead, 23
geology, 22
scavenger hunt, 206–207
Betula occidentalis, 249
big sagebrush, 113
birds, 21
Bisporella citrina, 93
black-billed magpie, 96
Blechnum spicant, 241
bluebunch wheatgrass, 101
Bonneville Dam, 191
Borax Hot Springs, 22
fauna, 21
geology, 22
history, 20
scavenger hunt, 130–131
borax vats, 130
Boulder River’s Feature Show Falls
river exploration, 22
scavenger hunt, 244–245
waterfalls, 19
Boulder River Wilderness Area, 244
boulders, 136, 149, 150, 186, 232
Bowman Bay, 217
Bowman Beach, 216–217
Branta canadensis, 201
Bridge of the Gods., 192
Broken Top, 104
brook trout, 105
burnt stumps, 63
Buteo jamaicensis, 87
cafes, 34
Calidris alba, 175
Caloplaca saxicola, 258
Camp Creek, 119
campground close to trailhead, 23
Canada goose, 201
canyon live oak, 145
Cape Disappointment State Park, 203, 204
Carex obnupta, 183
Carmen Reservoir, 92–93
Cascade blueberry, 225
Cascade Mycological Society, 36
Castle Rock, 253
Catherine Creek, 197
Catherine Creek Arch
flora, 20
geology, 22
scavenger hunt, 196–197
spring adventure, 25
cat-tail moss, 67
cedar, 244
Centaurea solstitialis, 119
Centrocercus urophasianus, 258
Cervus elaphus nelsoni, 97
Champa-te (Rattlesnake) Butte, 54
Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus, 174
Chief Joseph Trail Sign, 122
Chimney Rock
campground close to trailhead, 23
geology, 22
scavenger hunt, 100–101
spring adventure, 25
Chinook Pass, 228
Chinook salmon, 145
Chondrilla juncea, 127
Clear Lake, 93
Climacium dendroides, 67
Coastal Oregon, 88–113
coastal woodfern, 178
Coffenbury Lake
campground close to trailhead, 23
lakes, 19
scavenger hunt, 158–159
Coffin Rocks, 219
Columbia desert parsley, 197
Columbia River, 74, 96, 101, 156, 192, 207
compass, 38
concrete pier, 144
Cornus sericea, 58
Cornus unalaschkensis, 245
Cotinus obovatus, 253
Croatlus viridis, 40
Crooked River, 101
Cyanocitta stelleri, 141
Death Valley, 27
Deception Pass, adventure, 17
deer, 249
deer fern, 241
Dendraster excentrus, 175
Dendroica coronata, 189
Denniston, Ken, 35
Dicentra Formosa, 83
difficulty levels, 29–30
digital connections, 43–44
Discover Pass, 33
Doering, Aaron, 8
Douglas, David, 50
Douglas-fir, 20, 50, 55, 71, 137, 167, 182
Dryopteris arguta, 178
dull Oregon grape, 59
Dungeness crab, 207
Eastern Oregon, 114–131
Eastern Washington, 254–263
East Lake, 109
Ebey’s Landing
beach fun, 23
campground close to trailhead, 23
fauna, 21
scavenger hunt, 214–215
Echo Bench, 101
elevation profiles, 28
elk, 249
Elkhorn Mountain Range, 127
Elowah Falls
scavenger hunt, 86–87
waterfalls, 19
Emerita analoga, 175
Engelmann spruce, 127
English holly, 159
English ivy, 189
Epilobium angustifolium, 79
Equisetum, 108
Ericameria nauseosa, 100
Erigeron filifolius, 193
Eurhynchium praelongum, 171
evergreen huckleberry, 158
fairy bonnets, 93
fairy chimney towers, 97
Fall Creek Falls
campground close to trailhead, 23
geology, 22
scavenger hunt, 136–137
waterfalls, 19
winter adventure, 25
fauna, 21
Feature Show Falls, 18, 19, 22, 242, 245
fees, 32–34
Fidalgo Island, 216
Finland, 8
fire, 39
fireweed, 79
first aid kit, 39
fish ladder, 96
flora, 20
Fomitopsis pinicola, 233
forest mushroom, 241
forked tube lichen, 55
Fort Stevens State Park, 156
Franklin Falls
campground close to trailhead, 23
history, 20
scavenger hunt, 240–241
waterfalls, 19
fringecup, 237
Fuller’s teasel, 262
fungi species identification, 35–37
Ganoderma applanatum, 167
Gaultheria shallon, 87
Geological Society of the Oregon Country, 36
Geological Society of Washington, 36
geology, 22
getting there, 31
giant chainfern, 145
giant green anemone, 163
Gibbons Creek Wildlife Art Trail, 198
Glacier Lake, 123
Glass Buttes, 109
glaucous-winged gull, 215
gneiss, 123
Goodman, Thomas, 71
Goodman Creek
river exploration, 22
scavenger hunt, 70–71
waterfalls, 19
Goodman Creek Falls, 71
Google Maps, 31
granite, 126
granite prickly phlox, 113
great blue heron, 182
greater sage-grouse, 258
Great Fire of 1910, 232
Gull Rocks, 219
Gunsight Mountain, 127
Gymnopilus bellulus, 179
Hadley Grove, 190
haircap moss, 92
Haliaeetus leucocephalus, 214
Hamilton Mountain, 192
hanging wing-moss, 233
hardhack, 79
Hardy, Ebenezer, 192
Hardy Creek, 192
Hazel Logging Road, 242
Hedera helix, 189
hemlock, 105
Henline Falls
history, 20
mines, 61
scavenger hunt, 62–63
waterfalls, 19
Heterobasidion annosum, 244
Heybrook, Louis C., 232
Heybrook Lookout
history, 20
scavenger hunt, 232–233
summits and peaks, 22
hike time, 29
history, 20
beach fun, 23
campground close to trailhead, 23
fauna, 21
geology, 22
scavenger hunt, 210–211
honey mushroom, 236
horse chestnut, 51
horsetail, 108
Hot Lake, 130
Hot Springs Beach, 109
Hughes, Catherine, 41
Hug Point
beach fun, 23
caves, 20
geology, 22
history, 20
scavenger hunt, 162–163
hydration, 38
Hygrophorus speciosus, 241
Hylatomus pileatus, 71
Hylocomium splendens, 59
Hypogymnia imshaugii, 55
Ice Cap Creek Campground, 92
Ilex aquifolium, 159
insect protection, 39
insulation, 38
Interagency Pass, 33
Isothecium myosuroides, 67
jasper, 131
Jobs Garden, 137
Juan de Fuca tectonic plate, 210
Juniperus occidentalis, 100, 112
Ko-kwahl-alwoot, 218
Koosah Falls, 92
Krummholz oaks, 75
Lacamas Creek Falls
river exploration, 22
scavenger hunt, 188–189
waterfalls, 19
Lahontan cutthroat trout, 259
Lake Lenore, 259
Lake Lenore Caves
caves, 20
scavenger hunt, 258–259
lakes, 19
lanky moss, 92
larch wax-cap, 241
Larus glaucenscens, 215
“Leave No Trace” ethos, 45
lemon disco fungus, 93
Letharia vulpina, 113
lettuce lichen, 83
Leucocrinum montanum, 97
Leymus cinereus, 118
licorice fern, 70
Linanthus pungens, 113
Little Crater Campground, 108
Lobaria oregana, 83
Lobaria pulmonaria, 63
lollipop loop, 29
Lomatium columbianum, 197
Lookout Point Lake, 71
loop, 29
Lower Hoffer Lake, 125
Lower Table Rock, 152
lower tier lookout, 236
lowland Oregon grape, 193
Lund Park Campground, 65
lungwort lichen, 63
Lupinus lepidus, 67
Lysichiton americanus, 167
Ma, Lina, 36
Macleay Park
history, 20
scavenger hunt, 50–51
Mahonia aquifolium, 193
Mahonia nervosa, 59
Maiden of Deception Pass, 216, 218
Majestic Falls
scavenger hunt, 58–59
spring adventure, 25
waterfalls, 19
mallard, 201
managing agencies, 34
McCord, W.R., 86
McCord Creek, 86
McKenzie, Donald, 90
Meadowlark Trail, 260
Metacarcinus magister, 207
metamorphic rock, 123
Methuselah’s beard lichen, 158
Mill Creek Dam, 262
Mill Creek Falls
campground close to trailhead, 23
geology, 22
scavenger hunt, 148–149
waterfalls, 20
Mimulus guttatus, 109
Mirror Lake
campground close to trailhead, 23
fauna, 21
lakes, 19
scavenger hunt, 78–79
Missoula Ice Age floods, 74
mountain (thinleaf) huckleberry, 229
mountain hemlock, 105
Mount St. Helens, 74
Mt. Baker, 244
Mt. Hood National Forest, 47
mullein, 263
Mycena, 93
Naches Peak
flora, 20
lakes, 19
scavenger hunt, 228–229
summer adventure, 25
summits and peaks, 22
National Forest Recreation Pass, 33
Native Americans, 54, 145, 229, 233, 263
Native Plant Society of Oregon, 36
natural features, 19–23
Nature Conservancy, 119
nature journaling, 41–42
navigation, 38
Nereocystis luetkeana, 211, 218
Newberry Volcano, 108, 109, 112
North-Central Washington, 220–253
Northern inside-out flower, 71
North Head Lighthouse, 204, 207
North Santiam River, 47
Northwestern Oregon, 46–87
Northwest Forest Pass, 33
nutrition, 38
oak burl, 153
Ochotona princeps, 196
ochre sea star, 211
Odocoileus hemionus columbianus, 75
old man’s beard lichen, 55
Old Salmon River Trail
campground close to trailhead, 23
scavenger hunt, 80–83
summer adventure, 25
Old Tumwater Pipeline, adventure, 18
Oncorhynchus clarkii henshawi, 259
Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, 145
Oregon, 14–16
Oregon Badlands
flora, 20
geology, 22
scavenger hunt, 112–113
winter adventure, 25
Oregon Coast, 154–184
Oregon Mycological Society, 36
Oregon oxalis, 167
Oregon State Parks Pass, 33
out and back, 29
Oxalis oregana, 167
Pacific bleeding heart, 83
Pacific Crest Trail white blaze, 228
Pacific lupine, 67
Pacific madrone, 140, 153, 219
Pacific Power and Light elevation marker, 163
Pacific rhododendron, 79
Pacific sand crab, 175
pancake rock, 137
Parker Creek, 125
parking, 32
passes, 32–34
Paulina Lake
campground close to trailhead, 23
geology, 22
scavenger hunt, 108–109
summer adventure, 25
Paulina Peak, 108
pearly everlasting, 193
pedestrian pipeline bridge, 253
Pelton, Lester Allan, 63
Perego, George, 214
Pica hudsonia, 96
Picea engelmannii, 127
Picea sitchensis, 159, 162, 206
Picnic Beach, 182
pileated woodpecker, 71
Pinus monticola, 263
Pinus ponderosa, 149, 197, 248
Pisaster ochraceus, 211
plant species identification, 35–37
Poa secunda, 259
PolarTREC GoNorth!, 8
Pool of the Winds
campground close to trailhead, 23
scavenger hunt, 192–193
spring adventure, 25
waterfalls, 20
Populus balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa, 252, 263
Porella navicularis, 237
Pothole Falls, 188
power-up stops, 36
Pseudoroegneria spicata, 101
Pseudotsuga menziesii, 55, 71, 137, 182
puncheon road, 240
Quercus chrysolepis, 145
Rainie Falls
fall adventure, 25
fauna, 21
river exploration, 22
scavenger hunt, 144–145
waterfalls, 20
Ramaria stricta, 241
red alder, 171
red-belt conk, 233
red firedot lichen, 258
red-tailed hawk, 87
Redtail Lake, 198
red twig dogwood, 58
respect, 44–45
restaurants, 34
restrooms, 32
Rhododendron macrophyllum, 79
Rhus glabra, 66
Rhytidiadelphus loreus, 92
Rialto Beach, 210
river exploration, 22
rockjacks, 119
Rocky Mountain elk, 97
Rogue River Valley, 152
Rosario Head
beach fun, 23
campground close to trailhead, 23
scavenger hunt, 218–219
rose spiraea, 79
Rose Valley Borax Company, 130
rough-skinned newt, 166
Round Lake, 188
Row River, 47
Rowena Plateau
fauna, 21
scavenger hunt, 74–75
spring adventure, 25
summits and peaks, 22
Rowena Pools, 74
Royal Terrace Falls, 58
rubber rabbitbrush, 100
Rubus parviflorus, 189
Rubus spectabilis, 179
rush skeletonweed, 127
Sahalie and Koosah Falls
adventure, 15
campground close to trailhead, 23
fall adventure, 25
waterfalls, 20
Sahalie and Koosah Falls Trail, 11
adventure, 90–92
scavenger hunt, 92–93
salal, 87
salmonberry, 179
Salvenius fontinalus, 105
Sandberg bluegrass, 259
sand dollar, 175
sanderling, 175
Sanderson Island, 144
Sand Lake, 183
sand lily, 97
scarlet sumac, 66
scavenger hunt
adventure, 35
Anthony Lake, 126–127
Bagley Lakes, 224–225
BC Falls, 122–123
Bennington Lake, 262–263
Benson Beach, 206–207
Borax Hot Springs, 130–131
Boulder River’s Feature Show Falls, 244–245
Catherine Creek Arch, 196–197
Chimney Rock, 100–101
Coffenbury Lake, 158–159
Ebey’s Landing, 214–215
Elowah Falls, 86–87
Fall Creek Falls, 136–137
Franklin Falls, 240–241
Goodman Creek, 70–71
Henline Falls, 62–63
Heybrook Lookout, 232–233
Hole-in-the-Wall, 210–211
Hug Point, 162–163
Lacamas Creek Falls, 188–189
Lenore Lake Caves, 258–259
Majestic Falls, 58–59
Mill Creek Falls, 148–149
Mirror Lake, 78–79
Naches Peak, 228–229
Old Salmon River Trail, 80–83
Oregon Badlands, 112–113
Paulina Lake, 108–109
Pool of the Winds, 192–193
Rainie Falls, 144–145
Rosario Head, 218–219
Rowena Plateau, 74–75
Sahalie and Koosah Falls Trail, 92–93
Soapstone Lake, 166–167
Spencer Butte, 54–55
Steelhead Falls, 96–97
Steigerwald Lake, 200–201
Sterling Mine Ditch Tunnel, 140–142
Stone House in Macleay Park, 50–51
Sweet Creek Falls, 178–179
Todd Lake, 104–105
Tumwater Pipeline, 252–253
Twin Falls, 236–237
Umtanum Creek Falls, 248–249
Upper Table Rock, 152–153
Upper Trestle Creek Falls, 66–67
Waxmyrtle Beach, 174–175
Whalen Island, 182–183
Wilson River Falls, 170–171
Zumwalt Prairie, 118–119
sea cave, 162
sea lettuce, 215
sea stars, 21
seep monkeyflower, 109
shelter, 39
shield volcano, 112
Silene spaldingii, 118
Siltcoos River, 172
silver, 123
Silver King Mine power station, 63
Siuslaw River, 178
slender beaked moss, 171
slough sedge, 183
Snoqualmie Pass, 240
Snoqualmie River, 237, 238, 240
snowberry, 122
Soapstone Lake
campground close to trailhead, 23
fauna, 21
lakes, 19
scavenger hunt, 166–167
summer adventure, 25
Soapstone Lake Trail, 9
Sorbus sitchensis, 228
Southern Oregon, 132–153
South Santiam River, 47
Southwestern Washington, 184–201
Spalding’s catchfly, 118
Spencer Butte
geology, 22
respect for nature, 44
scavenger hunt, 54–55
summits and peaks, 22
winter adventure, 25
Spiraea douglasii, 79
split rock, 210
stairstep moss, 59
Steelhead Falls
campground close to trailhead, 23
fall adventure, 25
scavenger hunt, 96–97
Steelhead Falls Campground, 95
steelhead trout, 96
Steen, Enoch, 131
Steigerwald Lake
fauna, 21
lakes, 19
scavenger hunt, 200–201
Steller’s jay, 141
Sterling, James, 138
Sterling Creek, 138
Sterling Mine Ditch Tunnel
fall adventure, 25
history, 20
scavenger hunt, 140–142
Stevens Pass, 253
Stillaguamish River, 245
Stone House in Macleay Park
flora, 20
history, 20
scavenger hunt, 50–51
spring adventure, 25
Stovepipe Wells Campground, 27
Stroud, Les, 38
summits and peaks, 22
sun protection, 39
Sweet Creek Falls
river exploration, 22
scavenger hunt, 178–179
waterfalls, 20
winter adventure, 25
Sylvilagus nuttallii, 131
Symphoricarpos albus, 122
Tamias amoenus, 228
Taricha granulosa, 166
Tellima grandiflora, 237
Thi Mai, Maria, 34
thimbleberry, 189
threadleaf fleabane, 193
Thuja plicata, 82, 137, 159, 179
Thurman Street Bridge, 51
Tillamook Bay, 170
Tipsoo Lake, 228
Todd Lake
fauna, 21
frogs, 21
lakes, 19
scavenger hunt, 104–105
summer adventure, 25
tools, 39
Toxicodendron diversilobum, 40
trail length, 28–29
trail type, 28–29
tree moss, 67
tree ruffle liverwort, 237
Trestle Creek Falls, 44
trillium, 51
Trillium ovatum, 51
Tsuga, 105
Tsuga mertensiana, 105
Tumwater Canyon, 250
Tumwater Pipeline
adventure, 250–252
fall adventure, 25
history, 20
scavenger hunt, 252–253
Turdus migratorius, 188
Twin Falls
fall adventure, 25
scavenger hunt, 236–237
waterfalls, 20
Ulva, 215
Umtanum Creek Falls
river exploration, 22
scavenger hunt, 248–249
waterfalls, 20
Upper Bagley Lake two-arch stone bridge, 225
Upper Hoffer Lake, 125
Upper Table Rock
flora, 20
geology, 22
scavenger hunt, 152–153
spring adventure, 25
summits and peaks, 22
winter adventure, 25
Upper Trestle Creek Falls
campground close to trailhead, 23
scavenger hunt, 66–67
waterfalls, 20
USA Phenology Network, 36
Usnea barbata, 55
Usnea longissima, 158
Vaccinium deliciosum, 225
Vaccinium membranaceum, 229
Vaccinium ovatum, 158
Vancouveria hexandra, 71
velvet plant, 263
Verbascum thapsus, 263
volcanic rock, 149
wagon route, 240
Washington, 17–18
Washington Coast, 202–219
Washington Native Plant Society, 36
Washington State Department of Transportation, 34
Washington State Wilderness Act of 1984, 244
Washington Trails Association, 38, 43
Washougal River, 188
water birch, 249
waterfalls, 19–20
Waterfalls Loop Trail, 90
Waxmyrtle Beach
adventure, 172–174
beach fun, 23
fauna, 21
scavenger hunt, 174–175
Waxmyrtle Trail, 16
Wenas Road, 246
western cordilleran bunchberry, 245
western maidenhair fern, 170
western mountain ash, 228
western pond turtle, 200
western rattlesnakes, 40
western redcedar, 82, 137, 159, 179
western snowy plover, 174
western toad, 105
western white pine, 263
West Summit Trail, 52
Whalen Island
beach fun, 23
campground close to trailhead, 23
scavenger hunt, 182–183
Whidbey Island, 212
white agate, 210
whiteleaf manzanita, 153
white oak, 141
white rot, 244
wildfires, 63
wildflowers, 20
wildlife sightings board, 201
Willamette National Forest, 47
Wilson, Henry W., 170
Wilson River Falls
campground close to trailhead, 23
river exploration, 22
scavenger hunt, 170–171
spring adventure, 25
waterfalls, 20
winter adventure, 25
wolf lichen, 113
Wonderland Trail, 10
wood borer beetles, 200
Woodwardia fimbriata, 145
yellow-pine chipmunks, 228
yellow-rumped warbler, 189
yellow star-thistle, 119
Zumwalt Prairie
fall adventure, 25
fauna, 21
scavenger hunt, 118–119
spring adventure, 25