1 The Philosophy and Psychology of Hallucination: An Introduction
2 Introduction to the Chapters
3 The Hallucinating Brain: Neurobiological Insights into the Nature of Hallucinations
5 Thinking Aloud about Mental Voices
6 The Neuropsychology of Visual Hallucinations in Parkinson’s Disease and the Continuum Hypothesis
II Philosophy: Reflections on Disjunctivism
8 The Multidisjunctive Conception of Hallucination
9 Experience and Introspection
10 Explanation in Good and Bad Experiential Cases
11 Silencing the Argument from Hallucination
12 Naive Realism and Hallucinations
13 Externalism and the Gappy Content of Hallucination
14 The Failure of Disjunctivism to Deal with “Philosophers’ Hallucinations”
III Philosophy: The Nature of Experience
15 Hearing and Hallucinating Silence
16 Hallucination, Mental Representation, and the Presentational Character