Normal Sinus Rhythm
At the end of this chapter, the student should be able to:
- After reading the Beginner’s Perspective for this chapter, defend the importance of normal sinus rhythm as being the most important rhythm to understand. (p 118)
- Discuss the concept of the sinus rhythm family; include similarities, differences, and points of origin. (pp 119–120)
- Associate and describe the transmission of the depolarization wave through the heart, the electrical conduction system, and the formation of the ECG complex. (pp 120–125)
- List the events occurring within the PR interval. (p 122)
- Describe the absolute and relative refractory periods and discuss their connection to additional arrhythmia formation. (pp 125, 126)
- List the three main categories of regularity as they pertain to arrhythmias. (p 127)
- Discuss the clinical and diagnostic significance of an irregularly irregular rhythm. (pp 128–129)
- Accurately identify a normal sinus rhythm on a rhythm strip or ECG. (pp 131–135)