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AV Reentry Tachycardia


At the end of this chapter, the student should be able to:

  1. Define the general mechanism behind atrioventricular reentry tachycardia (AVRT). (p 366)
  2. Discuss transmission of the impulse from the atria to the ventricles through an accessory pathway during nontachycardic rates and the formation of “delta” waves. (pp 366367)
  3. Compare the clinical conditions known as the Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) pattern and the WPW syndrome. (p 367)
  4. Define orthodromic AVRT, and discuss the morphologic appearance, the triggering or inciting event, and the creation and maintenance of the reentry circuit. (p 368)
  5. Describe and compare the two different types of AVRT in relation to diagnostic criteria and clinical significance. (pp 368371)
  6. Compare the clinical significance of both orthodromic and antidromic AVRT. (pp 369371)
  7. Define antidromic AVRT and discuss the morphologic appearance, the triggering or inciting event, and the creation and maintenance of the reentry circuit. (pp 370371)
  8. Accurately identify orthodromic and antidromic AVRT on a rhythm strip or ECG. (pp 372374)