
2.1 Framework of analysis
3.1 Layered analyses
9.1 QCA Venn diagram (outcome: positive attitude change), all observations
1.1 Map of Mindanao and Ambon
6.1 Fieldwork sites in Cotabato
6.2 Fieldwork sites in Ambon
3.1 Controlled case selection
3.2 Survey location and number of interviews
6.1 Bangsamoro identity statement
6.2 Attitudes towards the Bangsamoro Basic Law
6.3 Religious and state actors in Mindanao
6.4 Christian attitudes in Ambon towards members of other religious groups prior to participation in church-based projects
6.5 Christian attitudes in Cotabato towards members of other religious groups prior to participation in church-based projects
6.6 Muslim attitudes in Ambon towards members of other religious groups prior to participation in church-based projects
6.7 Christian attitudes in Cotabato towards members of other religious groups after participation in church-based projects
6.8 Muslim attitudes in Cotabato towards members of other religious groups after participation in church-based projects
6.9 Muslim attitudes in Ambon towards members of other religious groups after participation in church-based projects
7.1 Attitudinal outcomes across treatment and control villages
7.2 Correlation of CBA participation with ethnic/religious tolerance
7.3 Correlation of CBA participation with secular/pluralist norms and faith perceptions
8.1 Multivariate regression results (sub-district data)
9.1 QCA truth table (outcome: positive attitude change), all observations
9.2 QCA results for the outcome “attitude improvement”
9.3 QCA results for non-outcome “attitude improvement”