
24-hour clock, 106

“about face, position of,” 87

Advanced Individual Training (AIT), 120

Air Force basic training, 8, 46, 49, 100, 132-133; Zero week, 47; Pre-Deployment Phase, 48; Deployment Phase, 50; Post-Deployment Phase, 51; Airman’s Coin Ceremony, 52; graduation, 52; Core Values, 97-99

Airman’s Coin Ceremony, 52

Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB), 135

Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES), 10, 124

Army basic training, 8, 133; reception, 40; Red Phase, 41-43; White Phase, 43; Blue Phase, 45; Core Values, 96

Army Physical Fitness Test, 29-30, 41, 45Article 15, 46, 94

“at ease, position of,” 86

“attention, position of,” 83

bank account, 41, 60

Basic Expeditionary Airman Skills Training (BEAST), 50-51

basic training, 29-30, 36, 39, 62, 67, 76, 120; surviving, 1; Army, 39, 133; reception, 40; meals, 71; “How to” sections, 79; saluting, 80; marching, 83; make your bunk, 88; inspections, 92-93; study guide, 103; financial matters, 109-110; what to bring, 109-110; Power of Attorney, 110; what not to bring, 113; common “Do Not’s,” 115; tips for success, 123-124; hair length, 126; shaving, 126; expect the worst, 127; luggage, 127; start off with your left foot, 127-128; weapon, 127; Air Force, 132-133; differences between branches of service, 132; Marines, 132; Coast Guard, 133; Navy, 133; HOOAH, 134

battle buddy, 61-62, 93-94

boots, 76

Bowman, Spc. John, 68

Bradley, Gen. Omar N., 7

bunk, making your, 88-89

Burke, Spc. James, 68

Caesar, Julius, 63

calves, 13

cardiovascular system, 33

cell phones, 125

chaplain activities, 59

chest, 23

Churchill, Winston S., 61, 67

citizenship, highest calling of, 144

Class A uniform, 112

Coast Guard, 9, 55, 58, 133; Recruit Training Company, 56; Assignment Date Card, 57; Core Values, 57; firefighting equipment, 57; pugil sticks, 57

command of execution, 83

common “Do Not’s,” 115

Company Commanders, Coast Guard, 2

contraband, 113

core values, 46, 96

“cover,” 81, 116

Crucible, 53-55 debit card, 41

Delayed Enlistment Program, 135

Department of Homeland Security, 55

direct deposit, 60

donkey kicks, 34

dressing, 75

Drill and Ceremonies, 42

Drill Instructors, Marines, 2

Drill Sergeants, 34; test you, 1; training instructor, 1; win their respect, 1; to prepare you, 2; never personal, 3; love to degrade hotshot recruits, 4; understanding, 5; how to gain respect from, 6; you should demonstrate pride, 6; recycle, 7; don’t fall behind in a run, 17-18; your ability to handle stress, 41; weapons training, 43; meeting them, 60; battle buddy, 61-62; gas chamber, 64-65; reception, 67-70; meals, 73; dressing, 75-76; time, 75-76; boots, 76; uniforms, 76; wall locker, 77; saluting, 80; “cover,” 81; how to march, 82; marching, 84; making your bunk, 88-89; avoid negative attention from, 91; like motivation and confidence, 91; listening, 91; never show frustration to, 92; study guide, 95; do not call “Sir” or “Ma’am,” 116; doing their job, 117-118, 143; interview with, 118; Seno, SFC Jason, 118; negative attention from, 119; UCMJ, 119; Drill Sergeant’s course, 120; physically and mentally train yourself, 120-121; three things a recruit needs to know, 120-121; shaving, 126; always carry you rifle, 127; not allowed to hit you, 131; will know if you are prepared, 143

Einstein, Albert, 109, 129

Eisenhower, Gen. Dwight D., 35, 75, 117

End of Cycle Training test (EOCT), 45-46

endurance day, 19-20

evaluation chart, 19

exercising, 35; curl-ups, 54; push-up, 54, 69-70, 91; running and swimming, 54; sit-reaches, 54; physical fitness test, 55; pugil sticks, 57; donkey kicks, 68; mountain climber, 68; flutterkick, 69

field training exercise (FTX), 45

final fitness test, 51

financial matters, 109-110

Fitness test, Air Force, 8; Army, 8; Coast Guard, 9; Marines, 8; Navy, 8; tips to maximize, 29-30

floor buffer, 123

flutterkick, 31

Form 1199 (direct deposit), 111

Forming (aka receiving), 52

Fort Benning, Georgia, 70

Fort Jackson, South Carolina, 69

Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, 68

Fort McClellan, Alabama, 68-69

frustration, 92

Gas Chamber, 48-50, 55, 63-65

GI Bill, 47

Graham, Spec. Troy, 70

groin stretch, 11-12

hamstrings, 12

heart rate, 16

Heimlich maneuver, 72

Hendrix, Spec. Dawn, 69

HOOAH, 134

“How to” sections, 79-80

inspections, 92-93

jump rope, 16

jumping jacks, 30

kneeling diamond push-up, 24

Ladd, Sgt. Kerry, 69

“left face, position of,” 86

leg spreaders, 32

Lincoln, Abraham, 59

listening, 91

lockers, 75, 124

locks, 124

M-16 rifle, 42, 44, 48, 54, 116

M-9 pistol, 55

marching, 82, 84; command of execution, 83; position of attention, 83; preparatory command, 83; parade rest, 84; at ease, 86; left face, 86; rest, 86; stand at ease, 86; about face, 87; right face, 87

Marines, 8, 132; Combat Conditioning, 52; Combat Water Survival, 52; Core Values, 52-53, 101; Forming, 52; in-processing, 52; Martial Arts Program, 52; recruit training, 52, 132; battalion inspection, 53; Crucible, 53; Emblem Ceremony, 53; final practical examination, 53; Marksmanship, 53; physical fitness test, 53

Meal, Ready-to-Eat, 89-90

meals, 71-73

MEPS documents, 111

Military Occupational Specialties (MOS), 135-136

military press, 30

military time, 106-108, 124

Military Training Instructors, Air Force, 2

Mokros, SSgt. Misty, 69

mountain climber, 33-34

muscles, 12, 21

Navy, 8, 54; Recruit Division

Commander, 54; Smurf, 54; Core Values, 101-102; basic training, 133

nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC), 63

overhead claps, 31-32

“parade rest, position of,” 84-85

Patton, Gen. George S., 79, 123

pedometer, 17

phone cards, 125

Phonetic Alphabet, 104-105

physical training, 35, 67, 71, 95; cardiovascular, 7; muscle building, 7, 12; running, 9, 14-18, 20; shoes, 9-10; stretching, 10, 17, 26; groin stretch, 11-12; quadriceps, 11; hamstrings, 12; calves, 13; jump rope, 16; sprint day, 18; endurance day, 19; evaluation chart, 19; push-up, 21-22; triceps, 22; chest, 23; kneeling diamond push-up, 23-24; push-up, 21-23; shoulders, 23, 25; sit-up, 25-27, 29; torso extension stretch, 26; upper half crunches, 28-29; jumping jacks, 30; military press, 30; pull-up, 30; flutterkick, 31; overhead claps, 31-32; leg spreaders, 32; planks, 32; mountain climber, 33-34; ski-jumper, 33; donkey kicks,

planks, 32

Power of Attorney, 110

Pre-Deployment Phase, 48

preparatory command, 83

pugil sticks, 57

pull-up, 30

push-up, 21-23, 25

quadriceps, 11

rank structure, 95

reception center, 40, 59-60, 67-70, 72-73, 113

Recruit Division Commander, Navy, 2

recycle, 7

Red Cross function, 59

religious services, 94

“rest, position of,” 86

resume, add diacrit, 139-142

“right face, position of,” 87

running, 9, 14-18, 20

running shoes, 9 saluting, 79-80, 116

S-A-N-D-W-I-C-H, 72

schedule, 39

Seno, SFC Jason, 118

sexual harassment, 46

shoes, 112

shoulders, 23

Sig Sauer P229 DAK, 57

sit-up, 25-27, 29

ski jumper, 33

sleep schedule, 36

smoking, 35

Smurf, 54

sprint day, 18-20

“stand at ease, position of,” 86

Stevenson, Robert Louis, 1

stress, how to relieve, 94

stretching exercise, 11, 17

Study Guide, 95, 103

Survival Pack, 113

torso extension stretch, 26

“Total failure” phase, 45

triceps, 22

Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), 60, 119

uniforms, 76

upper half crunches, 28-29

wall locker, 77

water, 72

weapons training, 42-44, 48

what not to bring to basic, 113

what to bring to basic, 109-110

“white powder” myth, 129-130